diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 74cf948..35bf789 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -3,13 +3,19 @@
[![Quality Gate Status](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=pagopa_pagopa-receipt-pdf-helpdesk&metric=alert_status)](https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=pagopa_pagopa-receipt-pdf-helpdesk)
Java Azure Functions that exposed the following recover APIs:
+- GetCart
- GetReceipt
- GetReceiptByOrganizationFiscalCodeAndIUV
+- GetReceiptError
+- GetReceiptMessage
+- GetReceiptPdf
- ReceiptToReviewed
- RecoverFailedReceipt
- RecoverFailedReceiptMassive
+- RecoverFailedReceiptScheduled
- RecoverNotNotifiedReceipt
- RecoverNotNotifiedReceiptMassive
+- RecoverNotNotifiedReceiptScheduled
- RegenerateReceiptPdf
@@ -79,42 +85,44 @@ On terminal type:
then replace env variables with correct values
(if there is NO default value, the variable HAS to be defined)
-| `RECEIPTS_STORAGE_CONN_STRING` | Connection string to the Receipt Queue | |
-| `RECEIPT_QUEUE_TOPIC` | Topic name of the Receipt Queue | |
-| `COSMOS_BIZ_EVENT_CONN_STRING` | Connection string to the BizEvent CosmosDB | |
-| `COSMOS_BIZ_EVENT_SERVICE_ENDPOINT` | Endpoint to the BizEvent CosmosDB | |
-| `COSMOS_BIZ_EVENT_DB_NAME` | Database name of the BizEvent database in CosmosDB | |
-| `COSMOS_BIZ_EVENT_CONTAINER_NAME` | Container name of the BizEvent container in CosmosDB | |
-| `COSMOS_RECEIPTS_CONN_STRING` | Connection string to the Receipt CosmosDB | |
-| `COSMOS_RECEIPT_SERVICE_ENDPOINT` | Endpoint to the Receipt CosmosDB | |
-| `COSMOS_RECEIPT_KEY` | Key to the Receipt CosmosDB | |
-| `COSMOS_RECEIPT_DB_NAME` | Database name of the Receipt database in CosmosDB | |
-| `COSMOS_RECEIPT_CONTAINER_NAME` | Container name of the Receipt container in CosmosDB | |
-| `COSMOS_RECEIPT_ERROR_CONTAINER_NAME` | Container name of the Receipt-message-error container in CosmosDB | |
-| `BLOB_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ENDPOINT` | Endpoint to the Receipt Blob Storage | |
-| `BLOB_STORAGE_CONTAINER_NAME` | Container name of the Blob Storage containing the pdf attachments | |
-| `BLOB_STORAGE_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT` | Timeout for the call to retrieve the attachment from the blob storage | 10 |
-| `BLOB_STORAGE_DOWNLOAD_MAX_RETRY` | Max number of retry for the call to retrieve the attachment from the blob storage | 5 |
-| `PDV_TOKENIZER_BASE_PATH` | PDV Tokenizer API base path | "https://api.uat.tokenizer.pdv.pagopa.it/tokenizer/v1" |
-| `PDV_TOKENIZER_SEARCH_TOKEN_ENDPOINT` | PDV Tokenizer API search token endpoint | "/tokens/search" |
-| `PDV_TOKENIZER_FIND_PII_ENDPOINT` | PDV Tokenizer API find pii endpoint | "/tokens/%s/pii" |
-| `PDV_TOKENIZER_CREATE_TOKEN_ENDPOINT` | PDV Tokenizer API create token endpoint | "/tokens" |
-| `PDV_TOKENIZER_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY` | API azure ocp apim subscription key | |
-| `PDV_TOKENIZER_INITIAL_INTERVAL` | PDV Tokenizer initial interval for retry a request that fail with 429 status code | 200 |
-| `PDV_TOKENIZER_MULTIPLIER` | PDV Tokenizer interval multiplier for subsequent request retry | 2.0 |
-| `PDV_TOKENIZER_RANDOMIZATION_FACTOR` | PDV Tokenizer randomization factor for interval retry calculation | 0.6 |
-| `PDV_TOKENIZER_MAX_RETRIES` | PDV Tokenizer max request retry | 3 |
-| `TOKENIZER_APIM_HEADER_KEY` | Tokenizer APIM header key | x-api-key |
+| `RECEIPTS_STORAGE_CONN_STRING` | Connection string to the Receipt Queue | |
+| `RECEIPT_QUEUE_TOPIC` | Topic name of the Receipt Queue | |
+| `COSMOS_BIZ_EVENT_CONN_STRING` | Connection string to the BizEvent CosmosDB | |
+| `COSMOS_BIZ_EVENT_SERVICE_ENDPOINT` | Endpoint to the BizEvent CosmosDB | |
+| `COSMOS_BIZ_EVENT_DB_NAME` | Database name of the BizEvent database in CosmosDB | |
+| `COSMOS_BIZ_EVENT_CONTAINER_NAME` | Container name of the BizEvent container in CosmosDB | |
+| `COSMOS_RECEIPTS_CONN_STRING` | Connection string to the Receipt CosmosDB | |
+| `COSMOS_RECEIPT_SERVICE_ENDPOINT` | Endpoint to the Receipt CosmosDB | |
+| `COSMOS_RECEIPT_KEY` | Key to the Receipt CosmosDB | |
+| `COSMOS_RECEIPT_DB_NAME` | Database name of the Receipt database in CosmosDB | |
+| `COSMOS_RECEIPT_CONTAINER_NAME` | Container name of the Receipt container in CosmosDB | |
+| `COSMOS_RECEIPT_ERROR_CONTAINER_NAME` | Container name of the receipt-message-error container in CosmosDB | |
+| `COSMOS_RECEIPT_MESSAGE_CONTAINER_NAME` | Container name of the receipts-io-messages container in CosmosDB | |
+| `COSMOS_RECEIPT_CART_CONTAINER_NAME` | Container name of the cart-for-receipts container in CosmosDB | |
+| `BLOB_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ENDPOINT` | Endpoint to the Receipt Blob Storage | |
+| `BLOB_STORAGE_CONTAINER_NAME` | Container name of the Blob Storage containing the pdf attachments | |
+| `BLOB_STORAGE_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT` | Timeout for the call to retrieve the attachment from the blob storage | 10 |
+| `BLOB_STORAGE_DOWNLOAD_MAX_RETRY` | Max number of retry for the call to retrieve the attachment from the blob storage | 5 |
+| `PDV_TOKENIZER_BASE_PATH` | PDV Tokenizer API base path | "https://api.uat.tokenizer.pdv.pagopa.it/tokenizer/v1" |
+| `PDV_TOKENIZER_SEARCH_TOKEN_ENDPOINT` | PDV Tokenizer API search token endpoint | "/tokens/search" |
+| `PDV_TOKENIZER_FIND_PII_ENDPOINT` | PDV Tokenizer API find pii endpoint | "/tokens/%s/pii" |
+| `PDV_TOKENIZER_CREATE_TOKEN_ENDPOINT` | PDV Tokenizer API create token endpoint | "/tokens" |
+| `PDV_TOKENIZER_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY` | API azure ocp apim subscription key | |
+| `PDV_TOKENIZER_INITIAL_INTERVAL` | PDV Tokenizer initial interval for retry a request that fail with 429 status code | 200 |
+| `PDV_TOKENIZER_MULTIPLIER` | PDV Tokenizer interval multiplier for subsequent request retry | 2.0 |
+| `PDV_TOKENIZER_RANDOMIZATION_FACTOR` | PDV Tokenizer randomization factor for interval retry calculation | 0.6 |
+| `PDV_TOKENIZER_MAX_RETRIES` | PDV Tokenizer max request retry | 3 |
+| `TOKENIZER_APIM_HEADER_KEY` | Tokenizer APIM header key | x-api-key |
| `MAX_DATE_DIFF_MILLIS` | Difference in millis between the current time and the date from witch the
receipts will be fetched in massive recover operation | 360000 |
| `MAX_DATE_DIFF_NOTIFY_MILLIS` | Difference in millis between the current time and the date from witch the
receipts will be fetched in massive recover operation on notification | 360000 |
| `RECOVER_FAILED_CRON` | CRON expression for timer trigger function that recover failed receipt | |
| `TRIGGER_NOTIFY_REC_SCHEDULE` | CRON expression for timer trigger function that recover not notifier receipt | |
| `RECOVER_FAILED_MASSIVE_MAX_DAYS` | Number of days in addition to the current one to executed failed recovery | 0 |
| `RECOVER_NOT_NOTIFIED_MASSIVE_MAX_DAYS` | Number of days in addition to the current one to executed not notified recovery | 0 |
-| `AES_SECRET_KEY` | AES encryption secret key | |
-| `AES_SALT` | AES encryption salt |
+| `AES_SECRET_KEY` | AES encryption secret key | |
+| `AES_SALT` | AES encryption salt |
> to doc details about AZ fn config
> see [here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62669672/azure-functions-what-is-the-purpose-of-having-host-json-and-local-settings-jso)
diff --git a/helm/values-dev.yaml b/helm/values-dev.yaml
index f419a32..0365912 100644
--- a/helm/values-dev.yaml
+++ b/helm/values-dev.yaml
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ microservice-chart:
COSMOS_RECEIPT_ERROR_CONTAINER_NAME: "receipts-message-errors"
PDF_ENGINE_ENDPOINT: "https://api.dev.platform.pagopa.it/shared/pdf-engine/v1/generate-pdf"
BLOB_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ENDPOINT: "https://pagopadweureceiptsfnsa.blob.core.windows.net/"
diff --git a/helm/values-prod.yaml b/helm/values-prod.yaml
index 2facee5..21b5d37 100644
--- a/helm/values-prod.yaml
+++ b/helm/values-prod.yaml
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ microservice-chart:
COSMOS_RECEIPT_ERROR_CONTAINER_NAME: "receipts-message-errors"
PDF_ENGINE_ENDPOINT: "https://api.platform.pagopa.it/shared/pdf-engine/v1/generate-pdf"
BLOB_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ENDPOINT: "https://pagopapweureceiptsfnsa.blob.core.windows.net"
diff --git a/helm/values-uat.yaml b/helm/values-uat.yaml
index b21f2c3..974fffc 100644
--- a/helm/values-uat.yaml
+++ b/helm/values-uat.yaml
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ microservice-chart:
COSMOS_RECEIPT_ERROR_CONTAINER_NAME: "receipts-message-errors"
PDF_ENGINE_ENDPOINT: "https://api.uat.platform.pagopa.it/shared/pdf-engine/v1/generate-pdf"
BLOB_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ENDPOINT: "https://pagopauweureceiptsfnsa.blob.core.windows.net"