diff --git a/docs/CONFIGURATION.md b/docs/CONFIGURATION.md
index c8c2a023c..741546a3d 100644
--- a/docs/CONFIGURATION.md
+++ b/docs/CONFIGURATION.md
@@ -666,6 +666,16 @@ The maximum amount of time in seconds to attempt to generate the diff between tw
**YAML configuration key name:** `pact_content_diff_timeout`
**Default:** `15`
+### network_diagram_max_pacticipants
+The maximum number of pacticipants to include in the network diagram. When too many pacticipants are included, the diagram becomes unreadable,
+and at large numbers, the graph will not render due to browser performance issues.
+**YAML configuration key name:** `network_diagram_max_pacticipants`
+**Default:** `150`
+**Allowed values:** A positive integer
## Miscellaneous
diff --git a/docs/configuration.yml b/docs/configuration.yml
index 130135bce..622c02ab2 100644
--- a/docs/configuration.yml
+++ b/docs/configuration.yml
@@ -460,6 +460,12 @@ groups:
The maximum amount of time in seconds to attempt to generate the diff between two pacts before aborting the request. This is required due to performance issues in the underlying diff generation code.
default_value: 15
supported_versions: From 2.99.0
+ network_diagram_max_pacticipants:
+ description: |-
+ The maximum number of pacticipants to include in the network diagram. When too many pacticipants are included, the diagram becomes unreadable,
+ and at large numbers, the graph will not render due to browser performance issues.
+ default_value: 150
+ allowed_values_description: A positive integer
- title: Miscellaneous
diff --git a/lib/pact_broker/api/resources/group.rb b/lib/pact_broker/api/resources/group.rb
index b4dcd61de..d45a99c71 100644
--- a/lib/pact_broker/api/resources/group.rb
+++ b/lib/pact_broker/api/resources/group.rb
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+require "pact_broker/string_refinements"
require "pact_broker/api/resources/base_resource"
require "pact_broker/api/decorators/relationships_csv_decorator"
@@ -5,6 +6,8 @@ module PactBroker
module Api
module Resources
class Group < BaseResource
+ using PactBroker::StringRefinements
def content_types_provided
[["text/csv", :to_csv]]
@@ -32,9 +35,15 @@ def policy_name
def group
- @group ||= group_service.find_group_containing(pacticipant)
+ @group ||= group_service.find_group_containing(pacticipant, max_pacticipants: max_pacticipants)
+ end
+ def max_pacticipants
+ if request.query["maxPacticipants"]&.integer?
+ request.query["maxPacticipants"].to_i
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/pact_broker/config/runtime_configuration.rb b/lib/pact_broker/config/runtime_configuration.rb
index 0f4cbfadd..f28d3365e 100644
--- a/lib/pact_broker/config/runtime_configuration.rb
+++ b/lib/pact_broker/config/runtime_configuration.rb
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ class RuntimeConfiguration < Anyway::Config
allow_dangerous_contract_modification: false,
semver_formats: ["%M.%m.%p%s%d", "%M.%m", "%M"],
seed_example_data: true,
+ network_diagram_max_pacticipants: 150,
features: {}
@@ -107,7 +108,10 @@ def self.getter_and_setter_method_names
config_attributes + config_attributes.collect{ |k| "#{k}=".to_sym } + extra_methods - [:base_url]
- coerce_types(features: COERCE_FEATURES)
+ coerce_types(
+ features: COERCE_FEATURES,
+ network_diagram_max_pacticipants: :integer
+ )
sensitive_values(:database_url, :database_password)
def log_level= log_level
diff --git a/lib/pact_broker/groups/service.rb b/lib/pact_broker/groups/service.rb
index f033382fd..92aed6db8 100644
--- a/lib/pact_broker/groups/service.rb
+++ b/lib/pact_broker/groups/service.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
require "pact_broker/repositories"
-require "pact_broker/relationships/groupify"
+require "pact_broker/domain/index_item"
module PactBroker
module Groups
@@ -8,13 +8,46 @@ module Service
extend PactBroker::Repositories
extend PactBroker::Services
- def find_group_containing pacticipant
- groups.find { | group | group.include_pacticipant? pacticipant }
+ # Returns a list of all the integrations (PactBroker::Domain::IndexItem) that are connected to the given pacticipant.
+ # @param pacticipant [PactBroker::Domain::Pacticipant] the pacticipant for which to return the connected pacticipants
+ # @option max_pacticipants [Integer] the maximum number of pacticipants to return, or nil for no maximum. 40 is about the most applications you can meaningfully show in the circle network diagram.
+ # @return [PactBroker::Domain::Group]
+ def find_group_containing(pacticipant, max_pacticipants: nil)
+ PactBroker::Domain::Group.new(build_index_items(integrations_connected_to(pacticipant, max_pacticipants)))
- def groups
- Relationships::Groupify.call(index_service.find_all_index_items)
+ def integrations_connected_to(pacticipant, max_pacticipants)
+ PactBroker::Integrations::Integration
+ .eager(:consumer, :provider)
+ .where(id: ids_of_integrations_connected_to(pacticipant, max_pacticipants))
+ .all
+ private_class_method :integrations_connected_to
+ def build_index_items(integrations)
+ integrations.collect do | integration |
+ PactBroker::Domain::IndexItem.new(integration.consumer, integration.provider)
+ end
+ end
+ private_class_method :build_index_items
+ def ids_of_integrations_connected_to(pacticipant, max_pacticipants)
+ integrations = []
+ connected_pacticipants = Set.new([pacticipant.id])
+ new_connected_pacticipants = Set.new([pacticipant.id])
+ loop do
+ new_integrations = PactBroker::Integrations::Integration.including_pacticipant_id(new_connected_pacticipants.to_a).exclude(id: integrations.collect(&:id)).all
+ integrations.concat(new_integrations)
+ pacticipant_ids_for_new_integrations = Set.new(new_integrations.flat_map(&:pacticipant_ids))
+ new_connected_pacticipants = pacticipant_ids_for_new_integrations - connected_pacticipants
+ connected_pacticipants.merge(pacticipant_ids_for_new_integrations)
+ break if new_connected_pacticipants.empty? || (max_pacticipants && connected_pacticipants.size >= max_pacticipants)
+ end
+ integrations.collect(&:id).uniq
+ end
+ private_class_method :ids_of_integrations_connected_to
diff --git a/lib/pact_broker/integrations/integration.rb b/lib/pact_broker/integrations/integration.rb
index 37086009c..9e22e8f2e 100644
--- a/lib/pact_broker/integrations/integration.rb
+++ b/lib/pact_broker/integrations/integration.rb
@@ -75,6 +75,12 @@ class Integration < Sequel::Model(Sequel::Model.db[:integrations].select(:id, :c
+ dataset_module do
+ def including_pacticipant_id(pacticipant_id)
+ where(consumer_id: pacticipant_id).or(provider_id: pacticipant_id)
+ end
+ end
def self.compare_by_last_action_date a, b
if b.latest_pact_or_verification_publication_date && a.latest_pact_or_verification_publication_date
b.latest_pact_or_verification_publication_date <=> a.latest_pact_or_verification_publication_date
@@ -111,6 +117,10 @@ def consumer_name
def provider_name
+ def pacticipant_ids
+ [consumer_id, provider_id]
+ end
diff --git a/lib/pact_broker/relationships/groupify.rb b/lib/pact_broker/relationships/groupify.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f2257698..000000000
--- a/lib/pact_broker/relationships/groupify.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-require "pact_broker/domain/group"
- Splits all index_items up into groups of non-connecting index_items.
-module PactBroker
- module Relationships
- class Groupify
- def self.call index_items
- recurse_groups([], index_items.dup).collect { |group| Domain::Group.new(group) }
- end
- def self.recurse_groups groups, index_item_pool
- if index_item_pool.empty?
- groups
- else
- first, *rest = index_item_pool
- group = [first]
- new_connections = true
- while new_connections
- new_connections = false
- group = rest.inject(group) do |connected, candidate|
- if connected.select { |index_item| index_item.connected?(candidate) }.any?
- new_connections = true
- connected + [candidate]
- else
- connected
- end
- end
- rest = rest - group
- group.uniq
- end
- recurse_groups(groups + [group], index_item_pool - group)
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/pact_broker/string_refinements.rb b/lib/pact_broker/string_refinements.rb
index 1fa549c46..cd27c81c8 100644
--- a/lib/pact_broker/string_refinements.rb
+++ b/lib/pact_broker/string_refinements.rb
@@ -37,6 +37,10 @@ def blank?
refine String do
+ def integer?
+ self =~ /^\d+$/
+ end
def present?
diff --git a/lib/pact_broker/ui/controllers/groups.rb b/lib/pact_broker/ui/controllers/groups.rb
index 6675d231f..13634fcef 100644
--- a/lib/pact_broker/ui/controllers/groups.rb
+++ b/lib/pact_broker/ui/controllers/groups.rb
@@ -30,12 +30,13 @@ def locals(overrides)
pacticipant = pacticipant_service.find_pacticipant_by_name(params[:name])
csv_path: "#{base_url}/groups/#{ERB::Util.url_encode(params[:name])}.csv",
+ max_pacticipants: PactBroker.configuration.network_diagram_max_pacticipants,
pacticipant_name: params[:name],
repository_url: pacticipant&.repository_url,
base_url: base_url,
pacticipant: pacticipant,
details_url: "#{base_url}/pacticipants/#{ERB::Util.url_encode(params[:name])}",
- network_url: "#{base_url}/pacticipants/#{ERB::Util.url_encode(params[:name])}/network"
+ network_url: "#{base_url}/pacticipants/#{ERB::Util.url_encode(params[:name])}/network?maxPacticipants=#{PactBroker.configuration.network_diagram_max_pacticipants}"
diff --git a/lib/pact_broker/ui/views/groups/show.html.erb b/lib/pact_broker/ui/views/groups/show.html.erb
index bf8729cad..51964d70b 100644
--- a/lib/pact_broker/ui/views/groups/show.html.erb
+++ b/lib/pact_broker/ui/views/groups/show.html.erb
@@ -329,8 +329,9 @@ window.onload = function() {
.attr("d","M 10 0 L 10 10 L 0 5 z")
.attr("fill", "#A0A0A0");
+ const maxPacticipants = new URL(location).searchParams.get("maxPacticipants") || <%= max_pacticipants %>;
- d3.text("<%= csv_path %>", "text/csv", function(unparsedData) {
+ d3.text(`<%= csv_path %>?maxPacticipants=${maxPacticipants}`, "text/csv", function(unparsedData) {
var data=d3.csv.parseRows(unparsedData);
pacticipants = parseCSV(data);
pacticipantNameArray = getPacticipantNames(pacticipants);
diff --git a/spec/lib/pact_broker/api/resources/group_spec.rb b/spec/lib/pact_broker/api/resources/group_spec.rb
index 743f2d99c..ac429fe74 100644
--- a/spec/lib/pact_broker/api/resources/group_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/lib/pact_broker/api/resources/group_spec.rb
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ module Resources
allow(decorator).to receive(:to_csv).and_return(csv)
- subject { get "/groups/Some%20Service", "", {"HTTP_X_My_App_Version" => "2"} }
+ subject { get "/groups/Some%20Service", "", { "HTTP_X_My_App_Version" => "2" } }
context "when the pacticipant exists" do
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ module Resources
it "finds the group containing the pacticipant" do
- expect(PactBroker::Groups::Service).to receive(:find_group_containing).with(pacticipant)
+ expect(PactBroker::Groups::Service).to receive(:find_group_containing).with(pacticipant, max_pacticipants: nil)
@@ -56,6 +56,15 @@ module Resources
expect(last_response.body).to eq csv
+ context "when maxPacticipants is specified" do
+ subject { get "/groups/Some%20Service", { "maxPacticipants" => "30" }, { "HTTP_X_My_App_Version" => "2" } }
+ it "finds the group containing the pacticipant" do
+ expect(PactBroker::Groups::Service).to receive(:find_group_containing).with(pacticipant, max_pacticipants: 30)
+ subject
+ end
+ end
context "when the pacticipant does not exist" do
diff --git a/spec/lib/pact_broker/groups/service_spec.rb b/spec/lib/pact_broker/groups/service_spec.rb
index b3bd10aa0..d14b6c097 100644
--- a/spec/lib/pact_broker/groups/service_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/lib/pact_broker/groups/service_spec.rb
@@ -1,52 +1,57 @@
-require "spec_helper"
require "pact_broker/groups/service"
-require "pact_broker/index/service"
module PactBroker
module Groups
describe Service do
describe "#find_group_containing" do
+ before do
+ td.create_consumer("app a")
+ .create_provider("app x")
+ .create_integration
+ .create_consumer("app b")
+ .create_provider("app y")
+ .create_integration
+ .use_consumer("app y")
+ .create_provider("app z")
+ .create_integration
+ .use_consumer("app z")
+ .use_provider("app y")
+ .create_integration
+ end
- let(:consumer_a) { double("consumer a", name: "consumer a", id: 1)}
- let(:consumer_b) { double("consumer b", name: "consumer b", id: 2)}
+ let(:app_a) { td.find_pacticipant("app a") }
+ let(:app_b) { td.find_pacticipant("app b") }
- let(:provider_x) { double("provider x", name: "provider x", id: 3)}
- let(:provider_y) { double("provider y", name: "provider y", id: 4)}
+ let(:app_x) { td.find_pacticipant("app x") }
+ let(:app_y) { td.find_pacticipant("app y") }
+ let(:app_z) { td.find_pacticipant("app z") }
- let(:relationship_1) { Domain::IndexItem.new(consumer_a, provider_x) }
- let(:relationship_2) { Domain::IndexItem.new(consumer_b, provider_y) }
+ let(:relationship_1) { Domain::IndexItem.new(app_a, app_x) }
+ let(:relationship_2) { Domain::IndexItem.new(app_b, app_y) }
+ let(:relationship_3) { Domain::IndexItem.new(app_y, app_z) }
+ let(:relationship_3) { Domain::IndexItem.new(app_z, app_y) }
let(:group_1) { Domain::Group.new(relationship_1) }
- let(:group_2) { Domain::Group.new(relationship_2) }
+ let(:group_2) { Domain::Group.new(relationship_2, relationship_3) }
- let(:relationship_list) { double("relationship list") }
- let(:groups) { [group_1, group_2]}
+ subject { Service.find_group_containing(app_b) }
- subject { Service.find_group_containing(consumer_b) }
- before do
- allow(PactBroker::Index::Service).to receive(:find_index_items).and_return(relationship_list)
- allow(Relationships::Groupify).to receive(:call).and_return(groups)
- end
- it "retrieves a list of the relationships" do
- allow(Index::Service).to receive(:find_index_items)
- subject
+ it "returns the Group containing the given pacticipant" do
+ expect(subject.size).to eq 3
+ expect(subject).to include(have_attributes(consumer_name: "app b", provider_name: "app y"))
+ expect(subject).to include(have_attributes(consumer_name: "app y", provider_name: "app z"))
+ expect(subject).to include(have_attributes(consumer_name: "app z", provider_name: "app y"))
- it "turns the relationships into groups" do
- expect(Relationships::Groupify).to receive(:call).with(relationship_list)
- subject
- end
+ context "when a max_pacticipants is specified" do
+ subject { Service.find_group_containing(app_b, max_pacticipants: 2) }
- it "returns the Group containing the given pacticipant" do
- expect(subject).to be group_2
+ it "stops searching before reaching the end of the group" do
+ expect(subject.size).to eq 1
+ expect(subject).to include(have_attributes(consumer_name: "app b", provider_name: "app y"))
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/spec/lib/pact_broker/relationships/groupify_spec.rb b/spec/lib/pact_broker/relationships/groupify_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 83450e87c..000000000
--- a/spec/lib/pact_broker/relationships/groupify_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-require "spec_helper"
-require "pact_broker/relationships/groupify"
-require "pact_broker/domain/index_item"
-module PactBroker
- module Relationships
- describe Groupify do
- describe ".call" do
- let(:consumer_a) { double("consumer a", id: 1, name: "consumer a") }
- let(:consumer_b) { double("consumer b", id: 2, name: "consumer b") }
- let(:consumer_c) { double("consumer c", id: 3, name: "consumer c") }
- let(:consumer_l) { double("consumer l", id: 4, name: "consumer l") }
- let(:consumer_m) { double("consumer m", id: 5, name: "consumer m") }
- let(:provider_p) { double("provider p", id: 6, name: "provider p") }
- let(:provider_x) { double("provider x", id: 7, name: "provider x") }
- let(:provider_y) { double("provider y", id: 8, name: "provider y") }
- let(:provider_z) { double("provider z", id: 9, name: "provider z") }
- let(:relationship_1) { Domain::IndexItem.new(consumer_a, provider_x) }
- let(:relationship_4) { Domain::IndexItem.new(consumer_a, provider_y) }
- let(:relationship_2) { Domain::IndexItem.new(consumer_b, provider_y) }
- let(:relationship_3) { Domain::IndexItem.new(consumer_c, provider_z) }
- let(:relationship_5) { Domain::IndexItem.new(consumer_l, provider_p) }
- let(:relationship_6) { Domain::IndexItem.new(consumer_m, provider_p) }
- let(:relationships) { [relationship_1, relationship_2, relationship_3, relationship_4, relationship_5, relationship_6] }
- it "separates the relationships into isolated groups" do
- groups = Groupify.call(relationships)
- expect(groups[0]).to eq(Domain::Group.new(relationship_1, relationship_4, relationship_2))
- expect(groups[1]).to eq(Domain::Group.new(relationship_3))
- expect(groups[2]).to eq(Domain::Group.new(relationship_5, relationship_6))
- end
- end
- end
- end