"name": "foo/bar",
"require": {
- "pact-foundation/composer-downloads-plugin": "^1.0"
+ "pact-foundation/composer-downloads-plugin": "^2.0"
"extra": {
"downloads": {
"examplelib": {
- "url": "https://example.com/file.ext",
+ "url": "https://example.com/new-file.ext",
"path": "files/file.txt"
Because of tracking file has been changed, https://example.com/new-file.ext
will not be downloaded. There will
be an warning on your terminal:
Extra file foo/bar:examplelib has been locally overriden in files/file.txt. To reset it, delete and reinstall.
You need to run one of these commands:
composer reinstall foo/bar
rm vendor/foo/bar/files/file.txt & composer update foo/bar