The JSONPath2 library is available through PyPi so creating a virtual environment to install is what is shown below. Please keep in mind compatibility with the Pacifica Core services.
These installation instructions are intended to work on both Windows, Linux, and Mac platforms. Please keep that in mind when following the instructions.
Please install the appropriate tested version of Python for maximum chance of success.
mkdir ~/.virtualenvs
python -m virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/pacifica
. ~/.virtualenvs/pacifica/bin/activate
pip install jsonpath2
This is done using PowerShell. Please do not use Batch Command.
mkdir "$Env:LOCALAPPDATA\virtualenvs"
python.exe -m virtualenv "$Env:LOCALAPPDATA\virtualenvs\pacifica"
& "$Env:LOCALAPPDATA\virtualenvs\pacifica\Scripts\activate.ps1"
pip install jsonpath2