Releases: pHAlkaline/phkapa
PHKAPA 1.4.2
The pHKapa core team is proud to announce the immediate availability of pHKapa 1.4.2
Small "bugfixes" on UI
PHKAPA 1.4.1
The pHKapa core team is proud to announce the immediate availability of pHKapa 1.4.1
Few things has changed
Framework Update
Notification Email Feature is now more stable
Ticket Description added to Search Filter
Warning Fix on ticketId - PlanController.php
PlanController ticketId Warning Bugfix!!
The pHKapa core team is proud to announce the immediate availability of pHKapa 1.4
Many things has changed so this is not a patch but a minor upgrade
Plan is now Plan/Implement
Access Controll is now on a plugin ( ACCESS )
Commentable Plugin Ready
Attachment Plugin Ready
Major Ui Improvement
Major code refactoring
Framework update
Bugfix , access to tickets on Controllers
Auth Messages now correctly displays on main layout views
Bugfix -> Auth Access Denied Messages not showing
The PHKAPA core team is proud to announce the immediate availability of PHKAPA 1.3
Framework update
Install is now a extra plugin
Password and Username now accepts 40-characters , due to compatibility issues on other auth like LDAP OpenLDAP OAuth ... , thanks to Jefflv
Recursive Model bugfixes
Translation Updates
PHKAPA 1.2.2
The PHKAPA core team is proud to announce the immediate availability of PHKAPA 1.2.2
!!!Important BUGFIX on recursive model data!!!
PHKAPA 1.2.1
The PHKAPA core team is proud to announce the immediate availability of PHKAPA 1.2.1
The PHKAPA core team is proud to announce the immediate availability of PHKAPA 1.2
The PHKAPA core team is proud to announce the immediate availability of PHKAPA 1.1