JSON-RPC/substrate aware reverse proxy in Go.
Project consists of two parts:
proxy - simple reverse proxy supports websocket/http
consumer (optional) - monitors extrinsics (seen by proxy) inclusion to blockchain, provides observability and retry mechanism to resist node failures after transaction was accepted by RPC node but before it was included into block
How it works
actor client
client-->>+sub-proxy: user send JSON-RPC request
alt is extrinsic?
sub-proxy-->redis: save to redis stream
sub-proxy-->>+nodes: proxy forward requests to upstream node
nodes-->>-sub-proxy: upstream response
sub-proxy-->>-client: client response
Note over sub-proxy,client: typical interaction
redis-->sub-consumer: retry/check inclusion
Note over redis,sub-consumer: listen stream in loop
SUB_LISTEN (default ":9944,:9933")
- Comma-separated list of local addresses to listenSUB_HOSTS (default "http+ws://")
- Comma-separated list of upstream urls, each upstream schemes supported: ws, http, http+ws, https, wss, https+wssSUB_UPSTREAM_MAXGAP (default 5)
- Upstream healthness parameters, see "How Proxy choose upstream" section for more detailsSUB_TLS_CERT
- path to TLS/https keypair ifSUB_TLS_*
specified proxy will start in https mode, consider changingSUB_LISTEN
to 443. Disclaimer: although proxy can offload https it is still better to use CDN in production environmentsSUB_LOG_LEVEL (default "trace")
- Will log each rpc request and server-side push possible values: "trace","debug","info","warning","error","fatal","panic"SUB_LOG_PARAMS (default false)
- Toggle JSON frame "params" loggingSUB_LOG_FORMAT (default "text")
- Can be switched to "json"SUB_INSPECT_EXTRINISICS (default false)
- Informs proxy to check incomming requests for extrinsics and post extrinsics to redis streamSUB_INSPECT_METHODS (default author_submitExtrinsic)
- Comma-separated list of RPC methods to inspec extrinsics (does not make sense ifSUB_INSPECT_EXTRINISICS: false
- Redis connection settings (does not make sense ifSUB_INSPECT_EXTRINISICS: false
)SUB_METRICS_LISTEN (default ":8888")
- Separate binding for exposing prometheus metricsSUB_PPROF_ENABLED (default false)
- Enable /debug/pprof/ hadnler onSUB_METRICS_LISTEN
,SUB_THROTTLE_LIMIT (default 6000)
- Rate-limiting parameters ifSUB_THROTTLE_LIMIT
reached requests proxy will queue 26k requests =SUB_THROTTLE_BACKLOG_SIZE - SUB_THROTTLE_LIMIT
requests for 3 minutes maximum after that requests will be dropped and client will get error.SUB_IGNORE_HEALTHCHECKS
- Removes upstream healthchecking logic considering that it's always aliveSUB_DENY_METHODS (default "author_rotateKeys")
- Comma-separated list of methods that proxy must not forward to upstream
Only one load-balancing strategy supported: random
- If
contains DNS records and upstream does not support TLS then hosts will be resolved to IP and future subrequests will be performed against IP, it will continue track DNS changes every 10 seconds. In other case (TLS+DNS name) each new connection IP will be resolved on OS level. - proxy polls
of each upstream to identify status - healthy upstream must meet following conditions:
system_syncState.highestBlock - system_syncState.currentBlock < SUB_UPSTREAM_MAXGAP
system_health.peers > SUB_UPSTREAM_MINPEERS
- if these is no healthy upsteam, then upsteam will be picked from servers that able to handle websocket connection, does not considering block gap and number of peers.
- if there is no server that can handle websocket request then proxy will wait 10 seconds and then retry to pick upstream and finally proxy will giveup and forward request to random server if no apropriate was found.
Tracks extrinsic inclusion and optionally tries to resubmit them, configuration:
- same parameters as for proxy.
Worth mentioning:
- how often consumer should check for extrinsic inclusionSUB_TRY_RESUBMIT
- resubmit extrinsic if it not appeared on-chain so far
- Extendable: code written with middleware pattern, new blockchain can be onboarded implementing healthcheck function
- Rate limiting (set SUB_THROTTLE_LIMIT to nodes max-rpc-connections*number of upstream)
- Decode storage with any http client
curl -s -d '{"id":1, "jsonrpc":"extensions/get-storage/1.0","method":"system.events"}' -v | jq [ { "type": { "module_id": "System", "event_id": "ExtrinsicSuccess" }, "extrinsic_idx": 0, "params": [...] }, { "type": { "module_id": "ParaInclusion", "event_id": "CandidateIncluded" } ...
- Headers
used to identify clients IP can be crafted by maliciuos clients. Please prefer using substrate-rpc-proxy in trusted, dev environments or setup firewall to accept connections only from trusted addresses
Project started in Jan 2023 in P2P.ORG Polkadot SRE Team. Main goal of the project is to provide stable RPC service.
scale.go - Go implementation of scale codec