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Fluent Assertions

Roberto Trunfio edited this page Dec 29, 2016 · 8 revisions

Introducing the fluent assertions

Module it.ozimov:java7-hamcrest-matchers and it.ozimov:java8-hamcrest-matchers provide fluent assertions. The class [it.ozimov.cirneco.hamcrest.java7.AssertFluently]( is essentially a builder that wraps the common calls to the methods assertThat and assumeThat from JUnit.

Fluent assertions in action

It is time to provide some examples

import static it.ozimov.cirneco.hamcrest.java7.AssertFluently.*;
import static it.ozimov.cirneco.hamcrest.java7.J7Matchers.not;

import org.junit.Test;

public class UnitTest{

    public void testSomething(){
        String actual = "Test"

                .because("Actual object "\Test\" must not be equal to \"Something\"")


The equivalent code using JUnit is:

public void testSomething(){
  String actual = "Test";

  assertThat("Actual object "\Test\" must not be equal to \"Something\"")
    actual, not("Something"));

When using no "actual" object, but just an expression, it can be used the {@linkplain #withReason(String)}, e.g.

public void testSomething(){
  boolean expression = true;

  because("Expected the expression to be true")

Another option is to check a boolean expression directly like follows

public void testSomething(){
  boolean expression = true;
