diff --git a/src/bun.js/event_loop.zig b/src/bun.js/event_loop.zig
index 514e8489d09d2d..998da9d243f44d 100644
--- a/src/bun.js/event_loop.zig
+++ b/src/bun.js/event_loop.zig
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ const ReadFileTask = WebCore.Blob.ReadFile.ReadFileTask;
const WriteFileTask = WebCore.Blob.WriteFile.WriteFileTask;
const napi_async_work = JSC.napi.napi_async_work;
const FetchTasklet = Fetch.FetchTasklet;
+const S3HttpSimpleTask = @import("../s3.zig").AWSCredentials.S3HttpSimpleTask;
const JSValue = JSC.JSValue;
const js = JSC.C;
const Waker = bun.Async.Waker;
@@ -407,6 +408,7 @@ const ServerAllConnectionsClosedTask = @import("./api/server.zig").ServerAllConn
// Task.get(ReadFileTask) -> ?ReadFileTask
pub const Task = TaggedPointerUnion(.{
+ S3HttpSimpleTask,
@@ -991,6 +993,10 @@ pub const EventLoop = struct {
var fetch_task: *Fetch.FetchTasklet = task.get(Fetch.FetchTasklet).?;
+ .S3HttpSimpleTask => {
+ var s3_task: *S3HttpSimpleTask = task.get(S3HttpSimpleTask).?;
+ s3_task.onResponse();
+ },
@field(Task.Tag, @typeName(AsyncGlobWalkTask)) => {
var globWalkTask: *AsyncGlobWalkTask = task.get(AsyncGlobWalkTask).?;
diff --git a/src/bun.js/webcore/blob.zig b/src/bun.js/webcore/blob.zig
index 9c1467bf5d8c0d..59781eba20a23b 100644
--- a/src/bun.js/webcore/blob.zig
+++ b/src/bun.js/webcore/blob.zig
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ const default_allocator = bun.default_allocator;
const FeatureFlags = bun.FeatureFlags;
const ArrayBuffer = @import("../base.zig").ArrayBuffer;
const Properties = @import("../base.zig").Properties;
const getAllocator = @import("../base.zig").getAllocator;
const Environment = @import("../../env.zig");
@@ -44,6 +43,7 @@ const Request = JSC.WebCore.Request;
const libuv = bun.windows.libuv;
+const AWS = @import("../../s3.zig").AWSCredentials;
const PathOrBlob = union(enum) {
path: JSC.Node.PathOrFileDescriptor,
blob: Blob,
@@ -147,6 +147,14 @@ pub const Blob = struct {
pub fn doReadFile(this: *Blob, comptime Function: anytype, global: *JSGlobalObject) JSValue {
bloblog("doReadFile", .{});
+ if (this.isS3()) {
+ const WrappedFn = struct {
+ pub fn wrapped(b: *Blob, g: *JSGlobalObject, by: []u8) JSC.JSValue {
+ return JSC.toJSHostValue(g, Function(b, g, by, .clone));
+ }
+ };
+ return S3BlobDownloadTask.init(global, this, WrappedFn.wrapped);
+ }
const Handler = NewReadFileHandler(Function);
@@ -3423,12 +3431,149 @@ pub const Blob = struct {
return JSValue.jsBoolean(bun.isRegularFile(store.data.file.mode) or bun.C.S.ISFIFO(store.data.file.mode));
+ fn isS3(this: *Blob) bool {
+ if (this.store) |store| {
+ if (store.data == .file) {
+ if (store.data.file.pathlike == .path) {
+ const slice = store.data.file.pathlike.path.slice();
+ return strings.startsWith(slice, "s3://");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ const S3BlobDownloadTask = struct {
+ blob: Blob,
+ globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
+ promise: JSC.JSPromise.Strong,
+ poll_ref: bun.Async.KeepAlive = .{},
+ handler: S3ReadHandler,
+ usingnamespace bun.New(S3BlobDownloadTask);
+ pub const S3ReadHandler = *const fn (this: *Blob, globalthis: *JSGlobalObject, raw_bytes: []u8) JSValue;
+ pub fn callHandler(this: *S3BlobDownloadTask, raw_bytes: []u8) JSValue {
+ return this.handler(&this.blob, this.globalThis, raw_bytes);
+ }
+ pub fn onS3DownloadResolved(result: AWS.S3DownloadResult, this: *S3BlobDownloadTask) void {
+ defer this.deinit();
+ switch (result) {
+ .not_found => {
+ const js_err = this.globalThis.createErrorInstance("File not found", .{});
+ js_err.put(this.globalThis, ZigString.static("code"), ZigString.init("FileNotFound").toJS(this.globalThis));
+ this.promise.reject(this.globalThis, js_err);
+ },
+ .success => |response| {
+ const bytes = response.body.list.items;
+ if (this.blob.size == Blob.max_size) {
+ this.blob.size = @truncate(bytes.len);
+ }
+ JSC.AnyPromise.wrap(.{ .normal = this.promise.get() }, this.globalThis, S3BlobDownloadTask.callHandler, .{ this, bytes });
+ },
+ .failure => |err| {
+ const js_err = this.globalThis.createErrorInstance("{s}", .{err.message});
+ js_err.put(this.globalThis, ZigString.static("code"), ZigString.init(err.code).toJS(this.globalThis));
+ this.promise.rejectOnNextTick(this.globalThis, js_err);
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn init(globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject, blob: *Blob, handler: S3BlobDownloadTask.S3ReadHandler) JSValue {
+ blob.store.?.ref();
+ const this = S3BlobDownloadTask.new(.{
+ .globalThis = globalThis,
+ .blob = blob.*,
+ .promise = JSC.JSPromise.Strong.init(globalThis),
+ .handler = handler,
+ });
+ const promise = this.promise.value();
+ const env = this.globalThis.bunVM().bundler.env;
+ const credentials = env.getAWSCredentials();
+ const url = bun.URL.parse(this.blob.store.?.data.file.pathlike.path.slice());
+ this.poll_ref.ref(globalThis.bunVM());
+ if (blob.offset > 0) {
+ const len: ?usize = if (blob.size != Blob.max_size) @intCast(blob.size) else null;
+ const offset: usize = @intCast(blob.offset);
+ credentials.s3DownloadSlice(url.hostname, url.path, offset, len, @ptrCast(&S3BlobDownloadTask.onS3DownloadResolved), this, if (env.getHttpProxy(url)) |proxy| proxy.href else null);
+ } else {
+ credentials.s3Download(url.hostname, url.path, @ptrCast(&S3BlobDownloadTask.onS3DownloadResolved), this, if (env.getHttpProxy(url)) |proxy| proxy.href else null);
+ }
+ return promise;
+ }
+ pub fn deinit(this: *S3BlobDownloadTask) void {
+ this.blob.store.?.deref();
+ this.poll_ref.unrefOnNextTick(this.globalThis.bunVM());
+ this.promise.deinit();
+ this.destroy();
+ }
+ };
+ const S3BlobStatTask = struct {
+ blob: *Blob,
+ globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
+ promise: JSC.JSPromise.Strong,
+ strong_ref: JSC.Strong,
+ poll_ref: bun.Async.KeepAlive = .{},
+ usingnamespace bun.New(S3BlobStatTask);
+ pub fn onS3StatResolved(result: AWS.S3StatResult, this: *S3BlobStatTask) void {
+ defer this.deinit();
+ switch (result) {
+ .not_found => {
+ this.promise.resolve(this.globalThis, .false);
+ },
+ .success => |stat| {
+ if (this.blob.size == Blob.max_size) {
+ this.blob.size = @truncate(stat.size);
+ }
+ this.promise.resolve(this.globalThis, .true);
+ },
+ .failure => |err| {
+ const js_err = this.globalThis.createErrorInstance("{s}", .{err.message});
+ js_err.put(this.globalThis, ZigString.static("code"), ZigString.init(err.code).toJS(this.globalThis));
+ this.promise.rejectOnNextTick(this.globalThis, js_err);
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn init(globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject, blob: *Blob, js_blob: JSValue) JSValue {
+ const this = S3BlobStatTask.new(.{
+ .globalThis = globalThis,
+ .blob = blob,
+ .promise = JSC.JSPromise.Strong.init(globalThis),
+ .strong_ref = JSC.Strong.create(js_blob, globalThis),
+ });
+ const promise = this.promise.value();
+ const env = this.globalThis.bunVM().bundler.env;
+ const credentials = env.getAWSCredentials();
+ const url = bun.URL.parse(this.blob.store.?.data.file.pathlike.path.slice());
+ this.poll_ref.ref(globalThis.bunVM());
+ credentials.s3Stat(url.hostname, url.path, @ptrCast(&S3BlobStatTask.onS3StatResolved), this, if (env.getHttpProxy(url)) |proxy| proxy.href else null);
+ return promise;
+ }
+ pub fn deinit(this: *S3BlobStatTask) void {
+ this.poll_ref.unrefOnNextTick(this.globalThis.bunVM());
+ this.strong_ref.deinit();
+ this.promise.deinit();
+ this.destroy();
+ }
+ };
// This mostly means 'can it be read?'
pub fn getExists(
this: *Blob,
globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
_: *JSC.CallFrame,
+ this_value: JSC.JSValue,
) bun.JSError!JSValue {
+ if (this.isS3()) {
+ return S3BlobStatTask.init(globalThis, this, this_value);
+ }
return JSC.JSPromise.resolvedPromiseValue(globalThis, this.getExistsSync());
@@ -3783,7 +3928,7 @@ pub const Blob = struct {
if (this.store) |store| {
if (store.data == .file) {
// last_modified can be already set during read.
- if (store.data.file.last_modified == JSC.init_timestamp) {
+ if (store.data.file.last_modified == JSC.init_timestamp and !this.isS3()) {
return JSValue.jsNumber(store.data.file.last_modified);
diff --git a/src/bun.js/webcore/response.classes.ts b/src/bun.js/webcore/response.classes.ts
index 157f0abc387b8c..26c89991d7c243 100644
--- a/src/bun.js/webcore/response.classes.ts
+++ b/src/bun.js/webcore/response.classes.ts
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ export default [
slice: { fn: "getSlice", length: 2 },
stream: { fn: "getStream", length: 1 },
formData: { fn: "getFormData" },
- exists: { fn: "getExists", length: 0 },
+ exists: { fn: "getExists", length: 0, passThis: true },
// Non-standard, but consistent!
bytes: { fn: "getBytes" },
diff --git a/src/bun.js/webcore/response.zig b/src/bun.js/webcore/response.zig
index fcb70c3cf0027a..b809bb4fa9a237 100644
--- a/src/bun.js/webcore/response.zig
+++ b/src/bun.js/webcore/response.zig
@@ -2274,6 +2274,7 @@ pub const Fetch = struct {
var signal: ?*JSC.WebCore.AbortSignal = null;
// Custom Hostname
var hostname: ?[]u8 = null;
+ var range: ?[]u8 = null;
var unix_socket_path: ZigString.Slice = ZigString.Slice.empty;
var url_proxy_buffer: []const u8 = "";
@@ -2312,6 +2313,10 @@ pub const Fetch = struct {
hostname = null;
+ if (range) |range_| {
+ bun.default_allocator.free(range_);
+ range = null;
+ }
if (ssl_config) |conf| {
ssl_config = null;
@@ -2929,6 +2934,15 @@ pub const Fetch = struct {
hostname = _hostname.toOwnedSliceZ(allocator) catch bun.outOfMemory();
+ if (url.isS3()) {
+ if (headers_.fastGet(JSC.FetchHeaders.HTTPHeaderName.Range)) |_range| {
+ if (range) |range_| {
+ range = null;
+ allocator.free(range_);
+ }
+ range = _range.toOwnedSliceZ(allocator) catch bun.outOfMemory();
+ }
+ }
break :extract_headers Headers.from(headers_, allocator, .{ .body = body.getAnyBlob() }) catch bun.outOfMemory();
@@ -3228,7 +3242,7 @@ pub const Fetch = struct {
// TODO: should we generate the content hash? presigned never uses content-hash, maybe only if a extra option is passed to avoid the cost
- var result = credentials.s3Request(url.hostname, url.path, method, null) catch |sign_err| {
+ var result = credentials.signRequest(url.hostname, url.path, method, null) catch |sign_err| {
switch (sign_err) {
error.MissingCredentials => {
const err = JSC.toTypeError(.ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE, "missing s3 credentials", .{}, ctx);
@@ -3236,7 +3250,7 @@ pub const Fetch = struct {
return JSPromise.rejectedPromiseValue(globalThis, err);
error.InvalidMethod => {
- const err = JSC.toTypeError(.ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE, "method must be GET, PUT, DELETE when using s3 protocol", .{}, ctx);
+ const err = JSC.toTypeError(.ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE, "method must be GET, PUT, DELETE or HEAD when using s3 protocol", .{}, ctx);
is_error = true;
return JSPromise.rejectedPromiseValue(globalThis, err);
@@ -3274,7 +3288,18 @@ pub const Fetch = struct {
if (headers) |*headers_| {
- headers = Headers.fromPicoHttpHeaders(&result.headers, allocator) catch bun.outOfMemory();
+ if (range) |range_| {
+ var headersWithRange: [5]picohttp.Header = .{
+ result.headers[0],
+ result.headers[1],
+ result.headers[2],
+ result.headers[3],
+ .{ .name = "range", .value = range_ },
+ };
+ headers = Headers.fromPicoHttpHeaders(&headersWithRange, allocator) catch bun.outOfMemory();
+ } else {
+ headers = Headers.fromPicoHttpHeaders(&result.headers, allocator) catch bun.outOfMemory();
+ }
// Only create this after we have validated all the input.
diff --git a/src/s3.zig b/src/s3.zig
index 72f575373fa683..5de1cac34f4cc3 100644
--- a/src/s3.zig
+++ b/src/s3.zig
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ pub const AWSCredentials = struct {
- pub fn s3Request(this: *const @This(), bucket: []const u8, path: []const u8, method: bun.http.Method, content_hash: ?[]const u8) !SignResult {
+ pub fn signRequest(this: *const @This(), bucket: []const u8, path: []const u8, method: bun.http.Method, content_hash: ?[]const u8) !SignResult {
if (this.accessKeyId.len == 0 or this.secretAccessKey.len == 0) return error.MissingCredentials;
const method_name = switch (method) {
@@ -189,4 +189,296 @@ pub const AWSCredentials = struct {
+ pub const S3StatResult = union(enum) {
+ success: struct {
+ size: usize = 0,
+ /// etag is not owned and need to be copied if used after this callback
+ etag: []const u8 = "",
+ },
+ not_found: void,
+ /// failure error is not owned and need to be copied if used after this callback
+ failure: struct {
+ code: []const u8,
+ message: []const u8,
+ },
+ };
+ pub const S3DownloadResult = union(enum) {
+ success: struct {
+ /// etag is not owned and need to be copied if used after this callback
+ etag: []const u8 = "",
+ /// body is owned and dont need to be copied, but dont forget to free it
+ body: bun.MutableString,
+ },
+ not_found: void,
+ /// failure error is not owned and need to be copied if used after this callback
+ failure: struct {
+ code: []const u8,
+ message: []const u8,
+ },
+ };
+ pub const S3UploadResult = union(enum) {
+ success: void,
+ /// failure error is not owned and need to be copied if used after this callback
+ failure: struct {
+ code: []const u8,
+ message: []const u8,
+ },
+ };
+ pub const S3DeleteResult = union(enum) {
+ success: void,
+ not_found: void,
+ /// failure error is not owned and need to be copied if used after this callback
+ failure: struct {
+ code: []const u8,
+ message: []const u8,
+ },
+ };
+ pub const S3HttpSimpleTask = struct {
+ http: bun.http.AsyncHTTP,
+ vm: *JSC.VirtualMachine,
+ sign_result: SignResult,
+ headers: JSC.WebCore.Headers,
+ callback_context: *anyopaque,
+ callback: Callback,
+ response_buffer: bun.MutableString = .{
+ .allocator = bun.default_allocator,
+ .list = .{
+ .items = &.{},
+ .capacity = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ result: bun.http.HTTPClientResult = .{},
+ concurrent_task: JSC.ConcurrentTask = .{},
+ range: ?[]const u8,
+ usingnamespace bun.New(@This());
+ pub const Callback = union(enum) {
+ stat: *const fn (S3StatResult, *anyopaque) void,
+ download: *const fn (S3DownloadResult, *anyopaque) void,
+ upload: *const fn (S3UploadResult, *anyopaque) void,
+ delete: *const fn (S3DeleteResult, *anyopaque) void,
+ pub fn fail(this: @This(), code: []const u8, message: []const u8, context: *anyopaque) void {
+ switch (this) {
+ inline .upload, .download, .stat, .delete => |callback| callback(.{
+ .failure = .{
+ .code = code,
+ .message = message,
+ },
+ }, context),
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ pub fn deinit(this: *@This()) void {
+ if (this.result.certificate_info) |*certificate| {
+ certificate.deinit(bun.default_allocator);
+ }
+ this.response_buffer.deinit();
+ this.headers.deinit();
+ this.sign_result.deinit();
+ this.http.clearData();
+ if (this.range) |range| {
+ bun.default_allocator.free(range);
+ }
+ if (this.result.metadata) |*metadata| {
+ metadata.deinit(bun.default_allocator);
+ }
+ this.destroy();
+ }
+ fn fail(this: @This()) void {
+ var code: []const u8 = "UnknownError";
+ var message: []const u8 = "an unexpected error has occurred";
+ if (this.result.body) |body| {
+ const bytes = body.list.items;
+ if (bytes.len > 0) {
+ message = bytes[0..];
+ if (strings.indexOf(bytes, "")) |start| {
+ if (strings.indexOf(bytes, "
")) |end| {
+ code = bytes[start + "".len .. end];
+ }
+ }
+ if (strings.indexOf(bytes, "")) |start| {
+ if (strings.indexOf(bytes, "")) |end| {
+ message = bytes[start + "".len .. end];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.callback.fail(code, message, this.callback_context);
+ }
+ pub fn onResponse(this: *@This()) void {
+ defer this.deinit();
+ bun.assert(this.result.metadata != null);
+ const response = this.result.metadata.?.response;
+ switch (this.callback) {
+ .stat => |callback| {
+ switch (response.status_code) {
+ 404 => {
+ callback(.{ .not_found = {} }, this.callback_context);
+ },
+ 200 => {
+ callback(.{
+ .success = .{
+ .etag = response.headers.get("etag") orelse "",
+ .size = if (response.headers.get("content-length")) |content_len| (std.fmt.parseInt(usize, content_len, 10) catch 0) else 0,
+ },
+ }, this.callback_context);
+ },
+ else => {
+ this.fail();
+ },
+ }
+ },
+ .delete => |callback| {
+ switch (response.status_code) {
+ 404 => {
+ callback(.{ .not_found = {} }, this.callback_context);
+ },
+ 200 => {
+ callback(.{ .success = {} }, this.callback_context);
+ },
+ else => {
+ this.fail();
+ },
+ }
+ },
+ .upload => |callback| {
+ switch (response.status_code) {
+ 200 => {
+ callback(.{ .success = {} }, this.callback_context);
+ },
+ else => {
+ this.fail();
+ },
+ }
+ },
+ .download => |callback| {
+ switch (response.status_code) {
+ 404 => {
+ callback(.{ .not_found = {} }, this.callback_context);
+ },
+ 200, 206 => {
+ const body = this.response_buffer;
+ this.response_buffer = .{
+ .allocator = bun.default_allocator,
+ .list = .{
+ .items = &.{},
+ .capacity = 0,
+ },
+ };
+ callback(.{
+ .success = .{
+ .etag = response.headers.get("etag") orelse "",
+ .body = body,
+ },
+ }, this.callback_context);
+ },
+ else => {
+ //error
+ this.fail();
+ },
+ }
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn http_callback(this: *@This(), async_http: *bun.http.AsyncHTTP, result: bun.http.HTTPClientResult) void {
+ const is_done = !result.has_more;
+ this.result = result;
+ this.http = async_http.*;
+ this.http.response_buffer = async_http.response_buffer;
+ if (is_done) {
+ this.vm.eventLoop().enqueueTaskConcurrent(this.concurrent_task.from(this, .manual_deinit));
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ pub fn executeSimpleS3Request(this: *const @This(), bucket: []const u8, path: []const u8, method: bun.http.Method, callback: S3HttpSimpleTask.Callback, callback_context: *anyopaque, proxy_url: ?[]const u8, body: []const u8, range: ?[]const u8) void {
+ var result = this.signRequest(bucket, path, method, null) catch |sign_err| {
+ if (range) |range_| bun.default_allocator.free(range_);
+ return switch (sign_err) {
+ error.MissingCredentials => callback.fail("MissingCredentials", "missing s3 credentials", callback_context),
+ error.InvalidMethod => callback.fail("MissingCredentials", "method must be GET, PUT, DELETE or HEAD when using s3 protocol", callback_context),
+ error.InvalidPath => callback.fail("InvalidPath", "invalid s3 bucket, key combination", callback_context),
+ else => callback.fail("SignError", "failed to retrieve s3 content check your credentials", callback_context),
+ };
+ };
+ const headers = brk: {
+ if (range) |range_| {
+ var headersWithRange: [5]picohttp.Header = .{
+ result.headers[0],
+ result.headers[1],
+ result.headers[2],
+ result.headers[3],
+ .{ .name = "range", .value = range_ },
+ };
+ break :brk JSC.WebCore.Headers.fromPicoHttpHeaders(&headersWithRange, bun.default_allocator) catch bun.outOfMemory();
+ } else {
+ break :brk JSC.WebCore.Headers.fromPicoHttpHeaders(&result.headers, bun.default_allocator) catch bun.outOfMemory();
+ }
+ };
+ const task = S3HttpSimpleTask.new(.{
+ .http = undefined,
+ .sign_result = result,
+ .callback_context = callback_context,
+ .callback = callback,
+ .range = range,
+ .headers = headers,
+ .vm = JSC.VirtualMachine.get(),
+ });
+ const url = bun.URL.parse(result.url);
+ task.http = bun.http.AsyncHTTP.init(
+ bun.default_allocator,
+ method,
+ url,
+ task.headers.entries,
+ task.headers.buf.items,
+ &task.response_buffer,
+ body,
+ bun.http.HTTPClientResult.Callback.New(
+ *S3HttpSimpleTask,
+ S3HttpSimpleTask.http_callback,
+ ).init(task),
+ .follow,
+ .{
+ .http_proxy = if (proxy_url) |proxy| bun.URL.parse(proxy) else null,
+ },
+ );
+ // queue http request
+ bun.http.HTTPThread.init(&.{});
+ var batch = bun.ThreadPool.Batch{};
+ task.http.schedule(bun.default_allocator, &batch);
+ bun.http.http_thread.schedule(batch);
+ }
+ pub fn s3Stat(this: *const @This(), bucket: []const u8, path: []const u8, callback: *const fn (S3StatResult, *anyopaque) void, callback_context: *anyopaque, proxy_url: ?[]const u8) void {
+ this.executeSimpleS3Request(bucket, path, .HEAD, .{ .stat = callback }, callback_context, proxy_url, "", null);
+ }
+ pub fn s3Download(this: *const @This(), bucket: []const u8, path: []const u8, callback: *const fn (S3DownloadResult, *anyopaque) void, callback_context: *anyopaque, proxy_url: ?[]const u8) void {
+ this.executeSimpleS3Request(bucket, path, .GET, .{ .download = callback }, callback_context, proxy_url, "", null);
+ }
+ pub fn s3DownloadSlice(this: *const @This(), bucket: []const u8, path: []const u8, offset: usize, len: ?usize, callback: *const fn (S3DownloadResult, *anyopaque) void, callback_context: *anyopaque, proxy_url: ?[]const u8) void {
+ const range = if (len != null) std.fmt.allocPrint(bun.default_allocator, "bytes={}-{}", .{ offset, offset + len.? }) catch bun.outOfMemory() else std.fmt.allocPrint(bun.default_allocator, "bytes={}-", .{offset}) catch bun.outOfMemory();
+ this.executeSimpleS3Request(bucket, path, .GET, .{ .download = callback }, callback_context, proxy_url, "", range);
+ }
+ pub fn s3Delete(this: *const @This(), bucket: []const u8, path: []const u8, callback: *const fn (S3DeleteResult, *anyopaque) void, callback_context: *anyopaque, proxy_url: ?[]const u8) void {
+ this.executeSimpleS3Request(bucket, path, .DELETE, .{ .delete = callback }, callback_context, proxy_url, "", null);
+ }
+ pub fn s3Upload(this: *const @This(), bucket: []const u8, path: []const u8, content: []const u8, callback: *const fn (S3UploadResult, *anyopaque) void, callback_context: *anyopaque, proxy_url: ?[]const u8) void {
+ this.executeSimpleS3Request(bucket, path, .POST, .{ .upload = callback }, callback_context, proxy_url, content, null);
+ }