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wyn wyn
Software developer, ocaml currently. Previously python, dotnet, c++, Fortran.

KaroshiBee UK

skllzrmy skullzarmy
some call me Joe
Shafiul Islam emes3ye
This shall to pass.

Amazon London

Germán Delbianco germanD
VIP baker concierge and clandestine ops // TechRel team @trilitech

Trilitech London

Weng Chan Sombrero-J
loves creating.


Benedikt Hirmer bhr
CTO at vestico, former Photos at Apple

vestico London, UK


Porto, Portugal

Richard Ayotte RichAyotte
Payman / Tezos ꜩ


Felipe Cardozo fraidev
git gud

@infinyon Macaé - Rio de Janeiro

Meng-Ju Kuo rickykuo666
Web Developer at Trilitech
Umut umutkutlu
blockchain developer
Ole vapourismo
Love static typing, functional programming and solving big problems by typing things into a computer.


(ノ ゜Д゜)ノ KAMPAI !