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Rajendarreddy Jagapathi rajendarreddyj
Sr Software Engineer/Java Developer

Lakeville, MN

Stijn Dejongh stijn-dejongh
Stijn Dejongh is a software developer, architect, and coach. He has been working in the software industry for over a decade.

@sddevelopment-be Belgium

Gionata Boccalini gion86
Passionate about micro electronics and automatic machinery!

Marchesini Group Bologna

Madhu C.S. madhusudancs
Builder, passionate and deeply care about infrastructure software (cluster management/distributed systems, operating systems, networks, compilers). Coffee->Code
Luis Rocha lerocha

San Francisco, California

從休閒產業轉職的junior後端軟體工程師。 個性認真、積極、負責,擅長溝通協調, 興趣是滑雪、羽球、健身。 期許自己在軟體工程的領域不斷學習成長,越來越強。


Shawn Conn ShawnConn
Web/Data DevOps Engineer & Consultant. Brains for Hire.

@Luciditi Seattle, WA

Paul Whelan whelanp

@sentenial Kildare, Ireland

a lot of bad code.
Kenneth LeFebvre kenlefeb

Northeastern Ohio, USA

Liam McLaughlin liamandaidan
I am a software developer that is always aspiring to learn new things.

Showpass Calgary, AB

Christian Ledermann cleder

Oomnitza Tuam, Ireland

Xavier Capdevila xcapdevila
I'm passionate about my work and I love learning new methodologies, patterns and technologies.


David Colebatch dcolebatch
Chief Migration Hacker at @tidalmigrations | Helping organizations migrate to AWS, Azure and Google.

@tidalmigrations Toronto

David L. Day davidlday
Writer. Coder. Thinker. Perhaps an overthinker.
Andre Piantino piantino
Software Engineer in TJSC, with 20 years of experience in Web development.

Florianópolis -SC / Brasil

Adam Birem adambir

@praxedo Paris, France

Jeremy Tymes jtymes
I'm a cloud architect/SRE at Gordon Food Service supporting our ordering platform.

@GordonFoodService Grand Rapids, MI

Jędrzej Wojtkowiak jedrik94

Poznan, Greater Poland, Poland

Maziz MazizEsa
Someone who bricked a motherboard after flashing the wrong rom because of trying to OC an Intel Celeron from 400mhz to beyond 600mhz in 7th grade.
Vadim Sofin sovadim
Software Engineer

The Earth

Yuki Sasaki yusasak1
Lead Engineer at Hitachi Solutions, Ltd. | Driving development and optimizing maintenance efficiency for business applications with OSS.

Hitachi Solutions, Ltd. Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan.

Niels de Bruin nielsdebruin
One does not simply write a Bio.


Kim lutje Spelberg spelbergit

Spelberg IT Groningen, The Netherlands