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Harold De Rueda Boado Ruspanera06
Partecipant of the national competition CCIT2024 for the university of Parma🔥
Aaditya Ansh ADItya0367
E-Cell IIT Kharagpur | Tech enthusiast | DSA | C++ | Full Stack | Leetcode @ 250+ | Founder @CODEPECT
samuelevalpertaa samuelevalperta
Computer Engineering student at University of Brescia (UniBs). Curva Nord Brescia. Sometimes I also boxe.
Mattia Crispino matticrispo7
Software Engineer

Sidel Parma

Davide Usberti UsboKirishima
Italian software developer and cybersecurity enthusiast

Parma, Italy

Gregorio Maria Vallé Greva151
Idk.... I like watching movies, eating pizzaaaaaaaaaa and petto di pollo🐔🍗


Nicolò Thei NikoCosmico01
Computer Engineering Student In UNIPR

Liguria, Italy

Davide Gandolfi davgand
Staring intensely at the screen until all works. Writing strange signs in an unknown mystical language to create magic. Modern Warlock.

Betelgeuse V

Murilo Da Silva Muller MullerHub
| Typescript | Node | currently studying C#

Open to work Canguçu/RS