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Rudra Joshi rudrajoshi2481
I am a Pharmacy Graduate & MS in Bioinformatics Student at Rowan University.

Glassboro, New Jersey, USA

Shubham Aggarwal shubh3794
I am a Senior Software Engineer at Amazon labs, an open source enthusiast. Contributor in Cpython. Former member of Computer Society of India

@amzn Bengaluru, India

Mann Patel manncodes
convergence and emergence.

Google | USC Los Angeles

Leonardo Rizzo leonardorizzo
PhD candidate in Network and Data Science at Central European University Researcher at Bocconi University

Lyra Analytics Italy

Golnaz Mesbahi golnazmes
ML-RL Researcher at RLAI lab

University of Alberta Edmonton, Canada

Provost Simon simonprovost
Incoming Visiting Researcher @ NYU | TANDON 🇺🇸 –– Ph.D student @ University of Kent 🎓

@UniversityOfKent London

Annalhq annalhq
machine learning undergrad


Iván Higuera Mendieta ivanhigueram
PhD Student @ Stanford

Stanford, CA

Syeda Aiman Ali SyedaAimanAli
I'm a student focused on pursuing a career in Artificial Intelligence with Python. I'm committed to learning and growing in the field.

Karachi, Pakistan

Suzen Fylke codesue
currently curious about creative coding

Gothenburg, Sweden

Dhruba Patra d1hr2uv
Email : [email protected] May be slow to respond

Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science Kolkata

Bhuvaneshwaran I buvnswrn
A Tech-Enthusiast. Master's in DSAI @ UdS. Research Assistant @ DFKI. Currently, exploring various fields in AI

Universität des Saarlandes Saarbücken, Germany

Narayan Jangid Narayan-21
sharpening my coding chops, come what stack | TS | Py | Go | ML | NLP | DevOps


MH Manuel Haqiqatkhah psyguy
PhD candidate Psychological Processes @UniversiteitUtrecht — "Knowledge crowns those who seek her."

Utrecht University Utrecht, the Netherlands

Shenzhe Zhu ShenzheZhu
CS@UofT | Trustworthy NLP & MLLM Email: cho.zhu[at]

University of Toronto

Ema Suriano EmaSuriano
Passionate Engineer driven by all the Javascript ecosystem. On my spare time I like to write and speak publicly

Revolut Berlin, Germany

Harald M. Ludwig hmludwig
I'm a Research Engineer at the Complexity Science Hub, in Vienna. Did my M.Sc. in AI with Sepp Hochreiter at JKU in Linz, Austria.

Complexity Science Hub Vienna Vienna, Austria

James Ashford JELAshford
Machine Learning Researcher and Data Scientist, formerly PhD student at the University of Oxford in the @SahakyanLab.


robinfit01 robinfit01

none jianshe road part2 number4,si chuan,chengdu

Nikolay Kolev nikolay
A hacker, not a script kiddie. Opinions are my own. Code is all yours. 🇧🇬🇺🇸

@withcodery Irvine, CA, US


DFKI GmbH Bremen, Germany

Saige Rutherford saigerutherford
Creative, curious, and kind. Working to make systems more ethical, accessible, and useful. Utility >> Intelligence.

Donders Institute & UMich Tübingen, Germany

Saiem Gilani saiemgilani
Creator and Maintainer for the @sportsdataverse

@sportsdataverse Tallahassee, FL

Harry sonhanguyen

Melbourne, Australia

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Mohandeep Singh mathephysicist7
📚 Philomath 😮 Extremely curious ☮️ Empathetic & Compassionate ⚛️ Novice Mathematical Physicist
Nicy Scaria nicyscaria
Research Scholar @ IISc, Bengaluru

IISc, Bengaluru Bengaluru, India

Ivan Grubišić Ivan1248
Machine learning and computer vision researcher at University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing

Faculty of electrical engineering and computing, University of Zagreb Croatia

Nouran Mahmoud Khatab nouran-19
A Senior Systems and Biomedical Engineering student at Cairo University.

Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering.

PhD. candidate at @verlab Interests: Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Remote Sensing, IoT

@verlab Brazil

Turgut turgut090
Democratize AI!

The Matrix

Being modest.