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Jun Inamo juninamo
My main field of research is multi-omics analysis to investigate the pathogenesis and establish a preventive strategy for immune-mediated diseases.

University of Colorado Anschutz Campus CO, USA


Nanjing Medical University

Peter ppm1337

Ghent, Belgium

James Ashford JELAshford
Machine Learning Researcher and Data Scientist, formerly PhD student at the University of Oxford in the @SahakyanLab.


Ruth-Moraa Ruth-Moraa
A Bioinformatician | Microbiologist.

Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz Germany

Yanfeng Zhang youngorchuang
Genomics, Epigenetics, Non-coding RNA, Cancer Genetics, Autoimmune Disease, chromatin regulation

University of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, AL

Jiahang Li LspongebobJH
Graph representation learning and its application

PolyU COMP, @AWS Shanghai AI Lab Hong Kong/Shanghai, China

Ward D WardDeb

Freiburg, Germany

Pau Paiz paupaiz
Guatemalan bioinformatician in the making

Gladstone Institutes San Francisco

tomoya-megane tomoya-megane
Omics Data Science / R / Python
Yingshu Li LiYingshu

IGDB Beijing,China

nebula1988 zhangkaicr
MD in Oncology, scientific research interests include real-world research, big data analysis, bioinformatics analysis, and artificial intelligence research.
Shanshan He ShanshanHe-44
Bioinformatician at University of Copenhagen
Tyler R. Sizemore tsizemo2
postdoc fiddling around with insect brains

Yale University not Kansas

Mahboobeh (Mariya) Golchinpour- leili mariyagolchin
PhD Student in Bioinforrmatics ,Lab: Laboratory of Bioinformatics & Computational Genomics (lbcg Lab) , University of Tehran

University of Tehran Iran

Shreyansh Priyadarshi iamspriyadarshi
Researching Computational Oncology

@SML-CompBio India

weipeng WeipengMO
Stay Simple, Stay Naive.

The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University Guangzhou, China

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Erik Nordgren chucknordy
Bioinformatics Data Administrator

University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia


Karolinska Institutet Sweden, Stockholm

Mikhail Dozmorov mdozmorov
Bioinformatician, interested in 3D genomics, cancer, statistics, programming, machine and deep learning
MXC maxiancheng

Shandong province

Moonerss Moonerss

Nanjing Medical University NanJing

Shixiang Wang (王诗翔) ShixiangWang

Central South University Changsha, China

WmMeng1998 vivian1928
KCL AI Master - GXU CS Bachelor
Patrick Laurette patlaurette

Heidelberg, DE / Strasbourg, FR

Angli Xue anglixue
Hi! I am a postdoc scientist at the Garvan-Weizmann Centre for Cellular Genomics, Garvan Institute of Medical Research.

Garvan Institute of Medical Research Sydney

Meijiao Wang wangmeijiao
Field of interest: Computational biology, single cell multiomics, epigenetics, developmental biology, comparative genomics.