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Cesar Beneti CesarBeneti
Meteorologist, with experience in weather radar, atmospheric electricity, and nowcasting. A researcher always looking for new challenges and opportunities!

SIMEPAR - Parana Environmental Technology and Monitoring System Curitiba, PR, Brazil

Damian Herrick dtherrick

Booz Allen Hamilton Cary, NC

Mike Borsare mborsare

freelance, formerly @robinpowered @thoughtbot Boston

Samuel Ishimwe Samuel-Ishimwe
Data scientist, Software engineer

Kigali, Rwanda

Tavis Pitt tavewn

Early Warning Network Caloundra, QLD

Ahmed Ahmed-Rahmouni
👋 Front-end developer specializing in fast, responsive websites. Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, TailWind CSS, and React.js. Let’s collaborate
Aidan Timson timmo001
👨‍💻 Full-Stack Software Developer 🤖 Tinkerer 🕹️ Gamer

GoThrift Leicestershire, United Kingdom

Piet pietr26

Lower Saxony, Germany

Alex ACJT123
Fav in Nextjs, Tailwind CSS, Node JS, Graduated from Tunku Abdul Rahman University Management Technology (TARUMT)

[email protected] Malaysia

Brian P. Gouthro gouthro
A Healthcare & IT Project Manager that moonlights as an AI, IoT and SaaS enthusiast developing tools and resources aimed to make life a little easier.


John Shelburne thecatfix
Former sales guy that had zero coding experience who accidentally bought the IP for a ml platform that identifies bond trade opportunities.

CatFix Technology Dallas

George Washington Jr kingjay66
Highly Skilled Event planner and Business man

Washington DC

Houston Haynes houstonhaynes
Engineering leader for operational & analytic systems in media, e-commerce, automotive, finance and healthcare.

SpeakEZ LLC North Carolina USA

Tamas Csizmadia tcsizmadia
World's 2nd worst Java dev.

Precognox Kft Kaposvár, Hungary

Andy andypicke
Data Analysis/Scientist interested in environment and renewable energy. B.S physics, PhD in physical oceanography.

Golden CO

back_end developer with empathise on UI

42 Malaga

Brandon Herrera brandonhxrr
Mobile developer


birrywoo birrywoo

Providence, RI, USA

Matt Eland IntegerMan
AI Specialist & Wizard at Leading EDJE, Microsoft MVP in AI & .NET, Author of "Refactoring with C#" and "Data Science in .NET with Polyglot Notebooks"

Leading EDJE Columbus, OH

Dillon Cutaiar Cutaiar
for beauty

Sorbet 🍧 Dillon, CO

Thaís de Lima thaisdelima
Always building something cool :)

@laqus Belo Horizonte

Vishvesh Pratap Singh Vish221
Life is on the track

Zoho School of Learning Varanasi

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onairx onairx
luv to be in a different way!