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Rodrigo Costa rtccosta
Salesforce Technical Consultant

LavaBox New Zealand

George gdoenlen
You’re driving along a road and you come across a fence blocking your way. What do you do?

Pinnacle 21 Santa Monica, CA

Stephen Reitz ssk42
Senior Software Engineer, Salesforce at Cap1. One of the things that I love the most about Salesforce is that it demonstrates the power of FOSS.

Capital One Washington, D.C.

Argen Turatbek argen-x
Software Developer at CloIT

CloIT Seoul, South Korea

I am Recyc1ops! recyc1ops
ReCyC1oPs hunting for Pollutacorn
Vishal shukla vishalshuklag
A Salesforce enthusiast aspiring to learn and explore more.


Jonathan Gillespie jongpie
Live and learn and refactor

@Salesforce Connecticut

Andy H AndyHaas

Milestone Consulting LLC United States, TX

Heather Allen (Wilcox) hmaw
Full Stack Dev with Interests in Data, the web, ML, AR/VR, tiki culture, watercolors and seeing the science fiction of the future all merge together.

Bay Area, CA

Ismael IC ismaelic


Bobby Bates bobby-bates
Starstuff who codes 🌠                              

A series of tubes

Italo Guerriero itague
Refocusing in progress...

Grimaldi Euromed Spa Napoli