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Mayur Codur MaydayXVI
Bachelor of I.T & Diploma of Engineering


Maximus HotScotch4321
I'm going to be God of the new world.
LucianZhong lucianzhong


Louise Bilous fruffers
Hi there, I'm Louise. :)


Oliver LizardLad

Australia, Brisbane

Matthew Reynolds MB-Reynolds
Graduate Mechanical Engineer & Computer Science

QUT Brisbane

Life Zero lacie-life
A jellyfish freely

IVPG - Sejong University Seoul, Korea

Kevin kevinspaleta
Currently studying Computer Science and Data analytics at the Queensland University of Technology

Brisbane, Aus

Abdulaziz Alahmadi azoz158
Experienced software/system engineer building innovative solutions to simplify processes. Find me on Github as @azoz1581 & 2nd Github as @azoz158-zz.

Brisbane, Australia | Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Liam Andrews DanishWolf
Arbiter - "Were it so easy"
Tom Fraser TomFraser
Software Engineer for PST&M @ Boeing Defence Australia Bachelor of Engineering (Mechatronics) / Bachelor of IT (Computer Science) @ QUT

Brisbane, Australia

Tiu Kaufusi Ti-ew
Just tinkering brah
Tarang Janawalkar Tarang74
Software Engineer at Audima Labs. Student and Sessional Academic at the Queensland University of Technology.

Queensland University of Technology Brisbane, Australia