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I'm currently majoring in computer engineering at Danang University of Science and Technology (2020 - 2025)

Danang University of Science and Technology Danang, Vietnam

Ahmed Abu Qahf ahmedsomaa
Crafting elegant software—one pixel at a time ✨

Tanta, GH, Egypt

Atreay Kukanur ATREAY
🔗Blockchain enthusiast | 🌐Web3 aficionado | 💡Product Design.

Freelance Mainnet

SimoKovachev SimoWebX
Succesfully learned Junior Programming skills in C# for 3 years. Full stack developer from 0 to hero.
Arpit Chugh Arpitchugh
SDE in love with web

tapInvest Bengaluru

Toby BitOfAByte
Hello there :>.


Ayush is-it-ayush
i have internet access.


Ayush Chugh aayushchugh
Passionate Full Stack developer from India. On the way to master Programming.

freelance Chandigarh, india

AndrewDev AndrewFirePvP7
I'm a code hobbyist and love video games. :)