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37 repositories
PublicCode for ColdNAS: Search to Modulate for User Cold-Start Recommendation. WebConf 2023CSSE-DDI
Public[KDD 2024] "Heuristic Learning with Graph Neural Networks: A Unified Framework for Link Prediction"PACIA
PublicPACIA: Parameter-Efficient Adapter for Few-Shot Molecular Property Prediction. IJCAI 2024- Understanding Expressivity of GNN in Rule Learning. ICLR 2024
PublicAccurate and Interpretable Drug-drug Interaction Prediction Enabled by Knowledge Subgraph Learning. Nature Communications (Medicine).- Y. Zhang, Q. Yao, J. Kwok. Bilinear Scoring Function Search for Knowledge Graph Learning. TPAMI 2022
PublicRelation-aware Ensemble Learning for Knowledge Graph Embedding. EMNLP. 2023AdaProp
Public[KDD 2023] AdaProp: Learning Adaptive Propagation for Graph Neural Network based Knowledge Graph ReasoningEmerGNN
PublicEmerging Drug Interaction Prediction Enabled by Flow-based Graph Neural Network with Biomedical Network. Nature Computational Science. 2023.SimpleSTG
PublicCode for "Understanding and Simplifying Architecture Search in Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Networks" accepted by TMLR 20233D-PGT
PublicKDD-23 Automated 3D Pre-Training for Molecular Property PredictionLRGNN
PublicThe released code for the paper: ''Embracing Long-range Dependency in Graph Classification by Stacking Graph Neural Network" in WebConf 2023TREFE
PublicSearching a High Performance Feature Extractor for Text Recognition Network. TPAMI 2022AutoGraph-KDDCup2020
PublicThis is the official repo for hosting datasets and code of AutoGraph challenge at KDD Cup 2020. Paper here:
PublicKnowledge Graph Reasoning with Relational Digraph. WebConf 2022SANE
PublicThe released code for the paper: Search to aggregate neighborhood for graph neural network, in ICDE 2021.PAS-OGB
PublicCIKM 2021: Pooling Architecture Search for Graph ClassificationKGBench
PublicKGTuner: Efficient Hyper-parameter Search for Knowledge Graph Learning" (ACL 2022 long paper)F2GNN
PublicThe released code for the paper: ''Designing the Topology of Graph Neural Networks: A Novel Feature Fusion Perspective" in WebConf 2022AutoML-Tutorial
PublicTutorials about AutoMLPAS
PublicThe released code for the paper: Pooling Architecture Search for Graph Classification, in CIKM 2021.GRAPE
Public archiveAutomorphic Equivalence-aware Graph Neural Network. NeurIPS 2021.TabGNN
Public[KDD 2021, Research Track] DiffMG: Differentiable Meta Graph Search for Heterogeneous Graph Neural NetworksS2S