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👋 Hi there! I'm Aman, a Quant Analyst intern at a High Frequency Trading firm.
🔍 I'm actively seeking roles as a Quant Developer or Software Developer, with a focus on low latency and Quant projects.
🚀 My technical skillset includes Rust, C++, Python, and more, and I'm passionate about using these tools to solve complex problems in the software industry.
🌱 Currently, I'm working on building my expertise in the field of Quantitative Finance and expanding my knowledge of advanced algorithms and data structures.
💼 In the past, I have worked as a Google Summer of Code Intern at GNOME Organization and as a Backend Developer for Nametrade.
📄 Please check out my Resume for more information about my experience and skills.
🤝 I'm always open to new opportunities and collaborations, so feel free to reach out to me!
Row 2, Col 1 | Row 2, Col 2 | Row 2, Col 3 | Row 2, Col 4 | Row 2, Col 5 |