1.0.0-alpha.30 (2018-07-14)
- core: set prettyName as logger prefix if it is available (f8e7630)
- core: add initial support for custom configuration (3e2edb8)
1.0.0-alpha.29 (2018-07-07)
- core: add handling for empty declarations and fix metadata regression (a7e622a)
- core: throw if a required param is undefined (e43c638)
- core/help: add newlines to option output (3cd1a30)
- core/help: convert (object) type to (any) in help menu (203a163)
- core/help: remove extraneous console log (d3db761)
- core/option: add check to make sure option aliases are of length 1 (d74ffd3)
- core: use enableProdMode to suppress stack traces in production (f30d1d3)
- core/option: add logic to throw error if there are unknown options (e950b47)
- core/param: add error if params are not in the right order (947cd4e)