The tkn
Task is a binary to perform operations on Tekton resources using tkn.
Please, consider the usage example below:
kind: PipelineRun
metadata: {}
name: task-tkn
- name: SCRIPT
value: "tkn $@"
- name: ARGS
value: tkn-command-you-want-to-execute
You'll need to replace tkn-command-you-want-to-execute
with tkn CLI arguments based on what operation you want to perform on the Tekton resources.
In case the Container Registry requires authentication, please consider the Tekton Pipelines documentation. In a nutshell, you need to create a Kubernetes Secret describing the following attributes:
kubectl create secret docker-registry imagestreams \
--docker-server="image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000" \
--docker-username="${REGISTRY_USERNAME}" \
Then make sure the Secret is linked with the Service-Account running the TaskRun
Name | Optional | Description |
kubeconfig_dir |
true |
An optional workspace that allows you to provide a .kube/config file for tkn to access the cluster. |
Param | Type | Default | Description |
string |
(required) | tkn CLI script to execute |
array |
(required) | tkn CLI arguments to run |