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pod/test-opensearch-helm-dashboards-7f498c4684-lld2g 1/1 Running 0 12m
pod/test-opensearch-helm-master-0 0/1 PodInitializing 0 12m
pod/test-opensearch-helm-master-1 0/1 PodInitializing 0 12m
pod/test-opensearch-helm-master-2 0/1 PodInitializing 0 12m
service/test-opensearch-helm-dashboards ClusterIP <none> 5601/TCP 12m
service/test-opensearch-helm-master ClusterIP <none> 9200/TCP,9300/TCP 12m
service/test-opensearch-helm-master-headless ClusterIP None <none> 9200/TCP,9300/TCP 12m
deployment.apps/test-opensearch-helm-dashboards 1/1 1 1 12m
replicaset.apps/test-opensearch-helm-dashboards-7f498c4684 1 1 1 12m
statefulset.apps/test-opensearch-helm-master 0/3 12m
As you can see above, master nodes for OpenSearch Cluster doesn't start as a pod.
I am suspicious of the number 27, because the number of kubernetes nodes is exactly 27.
The available resource of CPU & Memory of each k8s worker node is enough yet.
The logs from each pod(pod/test-opensearch-helm-master-0) are like:
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Warning FailedScheduling 12m default-scheduler 0/27 nodes are available: 27 pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims.
Warning FailedScheduling 12m default-scheduler 0/27 nodes are available: 27 pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims.
Normal Scheduled 12m default-scheduler Successfully assigned test-opensearch-helm/test-opensearch-helm-master-2 to ick8ssrep01w003
Normal Pulling 12m kubelet Pulling image ""
Normal Pulled 12m kubelet Successfully pulled image "" in 136.527586ms
Normal Created 12m kubelet Created container fsgroup-volume
Normal Started 12m kubelet Started container fsgroup-volume
Normal Pulled 12m kubelet Container image "" already present on machine
Normal Created 12m kubelet Created container opensearch
Normal Started 12m kubelet Started container opensearch
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
I've tried to run OpenSearch and its dashboard using Helm Chart (v 2.1.0).
clusterName: "test-opensearch-helm"nodeGroup: "master"# The service that non master groups will try to connect to when joining the cluster# This should be set to clusterName + "-" + nodeGroup for your master groupmasterService: "test-opensearch-helm-master"# OpenSearch roles that will be applied to this nodeGroup# These will be set as environment variable "node.roles". E.g. node.roles=master,ingest,data,remote_cluster_clientroles:
- master
- ingest
- data
- remote_cluster_client# - mlreplicas: 3majorVersion: "2"global:
# Set if you want to change the default docker registry, e.g. a private one.dockerRegistry: ""# Allows you to add any config files in {{ .Values.opensearchHome }}/configopensearchHome: /usr/share/opensearch# such as opensearch.yml and log4j2.propertiesconfig:
# Values must be YAML literal style scalar / YAML multiline string.# <filename>: |# <formatted-value(s)>opensearch.yml: | test-opensearch-helm # Bind to all interfaces because we don't know what IP address Docker will assign to us. plugins: security: ssl: transport: pemcert_filepath: /usr/share/opensearch/config/certs/opens.pem pemkey_filepath: /usr/share/opensearch/config/certs/opens-key.pem pemtrustedcas_filepath: /usr/share/opensearch/config/certs/root-ca.pem enforce_hostname_verification: false http: enabled: false pemcert_filepath: /usr/share/opensearch/config/certs/opens.pem pemkey_filepath: /usr/share/opensearch/config/certs/opens-key.pem pemtrustedcas_filepath: /usr/share/opensearch/config/certs/root-ca.pem allow_unsafe_democertificates: true allow_default_init_securityindex: true authcz: admin_dn: - CN=kirk,OU=client,O=client,L=test,C=de audit.type: internal_opensearch enable_snapshot_restore_privilege: true check_snapshot_restore_write_privileges: true restapi: roles_enabled: ["all_access", "security_rest_api_access"] system_indices: enabled: true indices: [ ".opendistro-alerting-config", ".opendistro-alerting-alert*", ".opendistro-anomaly-results*", ".opendistro-anomaly-detector*", ".opendistro-anomaly-checkpoints", ".opendistro-anomaly-detection-state", ".opendistro-reports-*", ".opendistro-notifications-*", ".opendistro-notebooks", ".opendistro-asynchronous-search-response*", ]# Extra environment variables to append to this nodeGroup# This will be appended to the current 'env:' key. You can use any of the kubernetes env# syntax hereextraEnvs:
name: opens-credentialskey: password
name: opens-credentialskey: username
- name: DISABLE_INSTALL_DEMO_CONFIGvalue: "true"# Allows you to load environment variables from kubernetes secret or config mapenvFrom: []# - secretRef:# name: env-secret# - configMapRef:# name: config-map# A list of secrets and their paths to mount inside the pod# This is useful for mounting certificates for security and for mounting# the X-Pack licensesecretMounts:
- name: opensearch-certsecretName: opensearch-certpath: /usr/share/opensearch/config/certsdefaultMode: 0755hostAliases: []# - ip: ""# hostnames:# - "foo.local"# - "bar.local"image:
repository: ""# override image tag, which is .Chart.AppVersion by defaulttag: "2.0.1"pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"podAnnotations: {}# es-cluster# additionals labelslabels: {}opensearchJavaOpts: " -Xms8g -Xmx8g -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -Xlog:gc+heap+coops=info"resources:
cpu: "0.1"memory: "16Gi"limits:
cpu: "4"memory: "16Gi"initResources:
cpu: "200m"memory: "50Mi"requests:
cpu: "200m"memory: "50Mi"sidecarResources: {}networkHost: ""rbac:
create: trueserviceAccountAnnotations: {}serviceAccountName: ""podSecurityPolicy:
create: truename: ""spec:
privileged: truefsGroup:
rule: RunAsAnyrunAsUser:
rule: RunAsAnyseLinux:
rule: RunAsAnysupplementalGroups:
rule: RunAsAnyvolumes:
- secret
- configMap
- persistentVolumeClaim
- emptyDirpersistence:
enabled: true# Set to false to disable the `fsgroup-volume` initContainer that will update permissions on the persistent disk.enableInitChown: true# override image, which is busybox by defaultimage: ""# override image tag, which is latest by default# imageTag:labels:
# Add default labels for the volumeClaimTemplate of the StatefulSetenabled: false# OpenSearch Persistent Volume Storage Class# If defined, storageClassName: <storageClass># If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning# If undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClassName spec is# set, choosing the default provisioner. (gp2 on AWS, standard on# GKE, AWS & OpenStack)#storageClass: "sc-nfs-app-retain"accessModes:
- ReadWriteOncesize: 50Giannotations: {}extraVolumes: []# - name: extras# emptyDir: {}extraVolumeMounts: []# - name: extras# mountPath: /usr/share/extras# readOnly: trueextraContainers: []# - name: do-something# image: busybox# command: ['do', 'something']extraInitContainers: []# - name: do-somethings# image: busybox# command: ['do', 'something']# This is the PriorityClass settings as defined in# ""# By default this will make sure two pods don't end up on the same node# Changing this to a region would allow you to spread pods across regionsantiAffinityTopologyKey: ""# Hard means that by default pods will only be scheduled if there are enough nodes for them# and that they will never end up on the same node. Setting this to soft will do this "best effort"antiAffinity: "soft"# This is the node affinity settings as defined in# {}# This is the pod topology spread constraints# []# The default is to deploy all pods serially. By setting this to parallel all pods are started at# the same time when bootstrapping the clusterpodManagementPolicy: "Parallel"# The environment variables injected by service links are not used, but can lead to slow OpenSearch boot times when# there are many services in the current namespace.# If you experience slow pod startups you probably want to set this to `false`.enableServiceLinks: trueprotocol: httphttpPort: 9200transportPort: 9300service:
labels: {}labelsHeadless: {}headless:
annotations: {}type: ClusterIPnodePort: ""annotations: {}httpPortName: httptransportPortName: transportloadBalancerIP: ""loadBalancerSourceRanges: []externalTrafficPolicy: ""updateStrategy: RollingUpdate# This is the max unavailable setting for the pod disruption budget# The default value of 1 will make sure that kubernetes won't allow more than 1# of your pods to be unavailable during maintenancemaxUnavailable: 1podSecurityContext:
fsGroup: 1000runAsUser: 1000securityContext:
- ALL# readOnlyRootFilesystem: truerunAsNonRoot: truerunAsUser: 1000securityConfig:
enabled: truepath: "/usr/share/opensearch/plugins/opensearch-security/securityconfig"actionGroupsSecret:
# The following option simplifies securityConfig by using a single secret and# specifying the config files as keys in the secret instead of creating# different secrets for for each config file.# Note that this is an alternative to the individual secret configuration# above and shouldn't be used if the above secrets are used.config:
# There are multiple ways to define the configuration here:# * If you define anything under data, the chart will automatically create# a secret and mount it.# * If you define securityConfigSecret, the chart will assume this secret is# created externally and mount it.# * It is an error to define both data and securityConfigSecret.securityConfigSecret: ""dataComplete: truedata: {}# config.yml: |-# internal_users.yml: |-# roles.yml: |-# roles_mapping.yml: |-# action_groups.yml: |-# tenants.yml: |-# How long to wait for opensearch to stop gracefullyterminationGracePeriod: 120sysctlVmMaxMapCount: 262144readinessProbe:
failureThreshold: 3initialDelaySeconds: 10periodSeconds: 60successThreshold: 3timeoutSeconds: 60## Use an alternate scheduler.## ref: ""imagePullSecrets: []nodeSelector:
worker: "true"tolerations: []# Enabling this will publically expose your OpenSearch instance.# Only enable this if you have security enabled on your clusteringress:
enabled: true# For Kubernetes >= 1.18 you should specify the ingress-controller via the field ingressClassName# See nginxannotations: {}# nginx# "true"path: /hosts:
- []# - secretName: chart-example-tls# hosts:# - chart-example.localnameOverride: ""fullnameOverride: ""masterTerminationFix: falselifecycle:
# preStop:# exec:# command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "echo Hello from the postStart handler > /usr/share/message"]# postStart:# exec:# command:# - bash# - -c# - |# #!/bin/bash# # Add a template to adjust number of shards/replicas1# TEMPLATE_NAME=my_template# INDEX_PATTERN="logstash-*"# SHARD_COUNT=8# REPLICA_COUNT=1# ES_URL=http://localhost:9200# while [[ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}\n' $ES_URL)" != "200" ]]; do sleep 1; done# curl -XPUT "$ES_URL/_template/$TEMPLATE_NAME" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{"index_patterns":['\""$INDEX_PATTERN"\"'],"settings":{"number_of_shards":'$SHARD_COUNT',"number_of_replicas":'$REPLICA_COUNT'}}'postStart:
- bash
- -c
- | #!/bin/bash # Add a template to adjust number of shards/replicas1 ES_URL=http://admin:admin12~!@localhost:9200 while [[ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}\n' $ES_URL)" != "200" ]]; do sleep 1; done # _index_template logs-template-app curl -XPUT "$ES_URL/_index_template/logs-template-app" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "index_patterns": [ "app_*", "sys_*" ], "data_stream": { "timestamp_field": { "name": "logTime" } }, "priority": 200, "template": { "settings": { "number_of_shards": 1, "number_of_replicas": 1 } } }' # _index_policy logs-policy-app curl -XDELETE "$ES_URL/_plugins/_ism/policies/logs-policy-app" curl -XPUT "$ES_URL/_plugins/_ism/policies/logs-policy-app" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d ' { "policy" : { "description" : "A app log of the policy", "default_state" : "hot", "states" : [ { "name" : "hot", "actions" : [ { "retry" : { "count" : 3, "backoff" : "exponential", "delay" : "1m" }, "rollover" : { "min_index_age" : "3m" } } ], "transitions" : [ { "state_name" : "warm", "conditions" : { "min_index_age" : "3m" } } ] }, { "name" : "warm", "actions" : [ { "retry" : { "count" : 3, "backoff" : "exponential", "delay" : "1m" }, "read_only" : { } } ], "transitions" : [ { "state_name" : "delete", "conditions" : { "min_rollover_age" : "3m" } } ] }, { "name" : "delete", "actions" : [ { "retry" : { "count" : 3, "backoff" : "exponential", "delay" : "1m" }, "delete" : { } } ], "transitions" : [ ] } ], "ism_template" : [ { "index_patterns" : [ "app_*", "sys_*" ], "priority" : 0 } ] } } 'keystore: []# To add secrets to the keystore:# - secretName: opensearch-encryption-keynetworkPolicy:
create: false## Enable creation of NetworkPolicy resources. Only Ingress traffic is filtered for now.## In order for a Pod to access OpenSearch, it needs to have the following label:## {{ template "uname" . }}-client: "true"## Example for default configuration to access HTTP port:## opensearch-master-http-client: "true"## Example for default configuration to access transport port:## opensearch-master-transport-client: "true"http:
enabled: false# Deprecated# please use the above podSecurityContext.fsGroup insteadfsGroup: ""## Set optimal sysctl's. This requires privilege. Can be disabled if## the system has already been preconfigured. (Ex: Also see:
enabled: false## Enable to add 3rd Party / Custom plugins not offered in the default OpenSearch image.plugins:
enabled: falseinstallList: []# - example-fake-plugin# -- Array of extra K8s manifests to deployextraObjects: []
Host/Environment (please complete the following information):
Helm Version: 2.1.0
Kubernetes Version: 1.20.7
Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
@Divyaasm Hi,
I deployed with Helm Chart for OpenSearch (version: 2.1.0) and using the image for OpenSearch itself(version: 2.0.1) as below:
repository: ""# override image tag, which is .Chart.AppVersion by defaulttag: "2.0.1"pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
Describe the bug
As you can see above, master nodes for OpenSearch Cluster doesn't start as a pod.
I am suspicious of the number 27, because the number of kubernetes nodes is exactly 27.
The available resource of CPU & Memory of each k8s worker node is enough yet.
The logs from each pod(
) are like:To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
I've tried to run OpenSearch and its dashboard using Helm Chart (v 2.1.0).
Host/Environment (please complete the following information):
Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: