diff --git a/.github/workflows/main.yml b/.github/workflows/main.yml
index a2f2c25f..c0ebb2d2 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/main.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/main.yml
@@ -14,10 +14,12 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- - name: Setup JDK 1.8
- uses: actions/setup-java@v1
+ - name: Setup JDK 11
+ uses: actions/setup-java@v2
- java-version: 1.8
+ distribution: 'temurin'
+ java-version: '11'
+ cache: 'gradle'
- name: Environment info
run: |
@@ -48,5 +50,3 @@ jobs:
name: openimis-policies-aab-${{github.run_number}}-${{github.sha}}
path: ./app/build/outputs/**/*.aab
diff --git a/.github/workflows/manual.yml b/.github/workflows/manual.yml
index ee6323be..5de822b1 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/manual.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/manual.yml
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ on:
description: Resources folder for icons. Only works with application_id_suffix .cli
required: false
+ cli_assets_dir:
+ description: Asserts folder for images, json files.... Only works with .cli
+ required: false
# Branch is chosen by default in github manual actions
@@ -33,10 +36,12 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- - name: Setup JDK 1.8
- uses: actions/setup-java@v1
+ - name: Setup JDK 11
+ uses: actions/setup-java@v2
- java-version: 1.8
+ distribution: 'temurin'
+ java-version: '11'
+ cache: 'gradle'
- uses: actions/cache@v2
@@ -60,6 +65,7 @@ jobs:
echo app dir ${{ github.event.inputs.app_dir }}
echo CLI_JAVA_DIR "${{ github.event.inputs.cli_java_dir }}"
echo CLI_RES_DIR "${{ github.event.inputs.cli_res_dir }}"
+ echo CLI_ASSETS_DIR "${{ github.event.inputs.cli_assets_dir }}"
echo APPLICATION_ID "${{ github.event.inputs.application_id }}"
- name: build
@@ -71,6 +77,7 @@ jobs:
CLI_APP_DIR: "${{ github.event.inputs.app_dir }}"
CLI_JAVA_DIR: "${{ github.event.inputs.cli_java_dir }}"
CLI_RES_DIR: "${{ github.event.inputs.cli_res_dir }}"
+ CLI_ASSETS_DIR: "${{ github.event.inputs.cli_assets_dir }}"
APPLICATION_ID: "${{ github.event.inputs.application_id }}"
- name: Environment info
@@ -90,5 +97,3 @@ jobs:
# with:
# name: openimis-claims-aab-${{github.run_number}}-${{github.sha}}
# path: ./claimManagement/build/outputs/**/*.aab
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 64246e5f..f9061fb5 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ out/
# Gradle files
# Local configuration file (sdk path, etc)
diff --git a/app/build.gradle b/app/build.gradle
index dfbace7b..e991e41d 100644
--- a/app/build.gradle
+++ b/app/build.gradle
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ import java.time.LocalDateTime
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
+apply plugin: "org.ajoberstar.grgit"
apply from: "$project.rootDir/script-git-version.gradle"
-apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
// Load keystore
def keystorePropertiesFile = file("keystore.properties")
def keystoreProperties = new Properties()
-if ( keystorePropertiesFile.exists() ) {
+if (keystorePropertiesFile.exists()) {
keystoreProperties.load(new FileInputStream(keystorePropertiesFile))
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ static def getDate() {
android {
- compileSdkVersion 30
- buildToolsVersion '30.0.3'
- if ( keystorePropertiesFile.exists() ) {
+ compileSdkVersion 33
+ buildToolsVersion '33.0.0'
+ if (keystorePropertiesFile.exists()) {
signingConfigs {
releaseConfig {
storeFile file(keystoreProperties['storeFile'])
@@ -35,11 +35,10 @@ android {
defaultConfig {
applicationId "org.openimis.imispolicies"
minSdkVersion 19
- targetSdkVersion 30
+ targetSdkVersion 33
versionCode gitVersionCode
versionName gitVersionName
testInstrumentationRunner "android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
- useLibrary('org.apache.http.legacy')
vectorDrawables {
useSupportLibrary = true
@@ -50,14 +49,23 @@ android {
shrinkResources false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'
debuggable = false
- if ( keystorePropertiesFile.exists() ) {
+ if (keystorePropertiesFile.exists()) {
signingConfig signingConfigs.releaseConfig
- buildConfigField "boolean", "LOG", "false"
+ buildConfigField "boolean", "LOGGING_ENABLED", "false"
+ // Refer to https://developer.android.com/reference/android/util/Log for the log level values
+ // Irrelevant if LOGGING_ENABLED = false
+ buildConfigField "int", "CONSOLE_LOG_LEVEL", '8' //Assert
+ buildConfigField "int", "FILE_LOG_LEVEL", '8' //Assert
debug {
debuggable = true
- buildConfigField "boolean", "LOG", "true"
+ buildConfigField "boolean", "LOGGING_ENABLED", "true"
+ // Refer to https://developer.android.com/reference/android/util/Log for the log level values
+ buildConfigField "int", "CONSOLE_LOG_LEVEL", '2' //Verbose
+ buildConfigField "int", "FILE_LOG_LEVEL", '5' //Warn
flavorDimensions 'std'
@@ -68,7 +76,7 @@ android {
buildConfigField "boolean", "SHOW_BULK_CN_MENU", 'false'
buildConfigField "String", "RAR_PASSWORD", '")(#$1HsD"'
buildConfigField "String", "API_VERSION", '"3"'
- buildConfigField "String", "APP_DIR", '"IMIS"'
+ buildConfigField "String", "DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE", '"en"'
resValue "string", "app_name_policies", "Policies"
resValue "string", "ReleaseDateValue", getDate()
@@ -76,43 +84,28 @@ android {
demoProd {
applicationId "org.openimis.imispolicies.demoProd"
buildConfigField "String", "API_BASE_URL", '"https://demo.openimis.org/rest/"'
- buildConfigField "String", "APP_DIR", '"IMIS-DEMOPROD"'
resValue "string", "app_name_policies", "Policies Demo"
dimension = 'std'
demoRelease {
applicationId "org.openimis.imispolicies.demoRelease"
buildConfigField "String", "API_BASE_URL", '"https://release.openimis.org/rest/"'
- buildConfigField "String", "APP_DIR", '"IMIS-DEMORELEASE"'
resValue "string", "app_name_policies", "Policies Release"
+ dimension = 'std'
chfDev {
applicationId "org.openimis.imispolicies.chfdev"
buildConfigField "String", "API_BASE_URL", '"http://chf-dev.swisstph-mis.ch/rest/"'
buildConfigField "boolean", "SHOW_PAYMENT_MENU", 'true'
buildConfigField "boolean", "SHOW_BULK_CN_MENU", 'true'
- buildConfigField "String", "APP_DIR", '"IMIS-CHFDEV"'
+ buildConfigField "String", "DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE", '"en-tz"'
resValue "string", "app_name_policies", "Policies CHF DEV"
dimension = 'std'
- chfProd {
- applicationId "org.openimis.imispolicies.chf"
- buildConfigField "String", "API_BASE_URL", '"http://chf-imis.or.tz/restapi/"'
- buildConfigField "boolean", "SHOW_PAYMENT_MENU", 'false'
- buildConfigField "boolean", "SHOW_BULK_CN_MENU", 'true'
- buildConfigField "String", "APP_DIR", '"IMIS-CHFPROD"'
- resValue "string", "app_name_policies", "Policies CHF"
- dimension = 'std'
- }
mvDev {
applicationId "org.openimis.imispolicies.mv"
buildConfigField "String", "API_BASE_URL", '"http://imis-mv.swisstph-mis.ch/rest/"'
buildConfigField "boolean", "SHOW_PAYMENT_MENU", 'true'
- buildConfigField "String", "APP_DIR", '"IMIS-MVDEV"'
buildConfigField "String", "API_VERSION", '"3"'
resValue "string", "app_name_policies", "Policies MV DEV"
dimension = 'std'
@@ -120,46 +113,33 @@ android {
bephaDev {
applicationId "org.openimis.imispolicies.bepha"
buildConfigField "String", "API_BASE_URL", '""'
- buildConfigField "String", "APP_DIR", '"IMIS-BEPHADEV"'
+ buildConfigField "String", "DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE", '"en-cm"'
resValue "string", "app_name_policies", "Policies BEPHA DEV"
dimension = 'std'
tchadDev {
applicationId "org.openimis.imispolicies.tchadDev"
buildConfigField "String", "API_BASE_URL", '"http://imis-tchad-dev.swisstph-mis.ch/rest/"'
- buildConfigField "String", "APP_DIR", '"IMIS-TCHADDEV"'
resValue "string", "app_name_policies", "Policies TCHAD DEV"
dimension = 'std'
local {
applicationId "org.openimis.imispolicies.local"
buildConfigField "String", "API_BASE_URL", '""'
- buildConfigField "String", "APP_DIR", '"IMIS-LOCAL"'
buildConfigField "boolean", "SHOW_PAYMENT_MENU", 'true'
resValue "string", "app_name_policies", "Policies Local"
dimension = 'std'
versionCode = gitVersionCodeTime
- chfsit {
- applicationId "org.openimis.imispolicies.chfsit"
- buildConfigField "String", "API_BASE_URL", '""'
- buildConfigField "String", "APP_DIR", '"IMIS-CHFSIT"'
- buildConfigField "boolean", "SHOW_PAYMENT_MENU", 'true'
- buildConfigField "boolean", "SHOW_BULK_CN_MENU", 'true'
- resValue "string", "app_name_policies", "Policies CHF SIT"
- }
niger {
- print("Building niger flavour" + "API_BASE_URL" + '"' + (System.getenv("API_BASE_URL") ?: '') + '"')
- print("App name: " + System.getenv("CLI_APP_NAME") ?: "Polices Niger")
applicationId "org.openimis.imispolicies.niger"
buildConfigField "String", "API_BASE_URL", '"' + (System.getenv("API_BASE_URL") ?: '') + '"'
- buildConfigField "String", "APP_DIR", '"' + (System.getenv("CLI_APP_DIR") ?: 'IMIS-POL') + '"'
resValue "string", "app_name_policies", System.getenv("CLI_APP_NAME") ?: "Polices Niger"
+ dimension = 'std'
cli {
applicationIdSuffix System.getenv("APPLICATION_ID") ?: "org.openimis.imispolicies.cli"
buildConfigField "String", "API_BASE_URL", '"' + (System.getenv("API_BASE_URL") ?: '') + '"'
- buildConfigField "String", "APP_DIR", '"' + (System.getenv("CLI_APP_DIR") ?: 'IMIS-CLI') + '"'
resValue "string", "app_name_policies", System.getenv("CLI_APP_NAME") ?: "Policies CLI"
dimension 'std'
@@ -168,74 +148,77 @@ android {
buildConfigField "String", "API_BASE_URL", '"https://formation.cnass-mauritanie.swisstph-mis.ch/rest/"'
buildConfigField "boolean", "SHOW_PAYMENT_MENU", 'false'
buildConfigField "boolean", "SHOW_BULK_CN_MENU", 'false'
- buildConfigField "String", "APP_DIR", '"IMIS-MAURITANIA-TRAIN"'
resValue "string", "app_name_policies", "Policies CNASS TRAIN"
dimension = 'std'
sourceSets {
chfDev.java.srcDir 'src/chf/java'
- chfDev.res.srcDir 'src/chf/res'
- chfProd.java.srcDir 'src/chf/java'
- chfProd.res.srcDir 'src/chf/res'
- chfsit.java.srcDir 'src/chf/java'
- chfsit.res.srcDir 'src/chf/res'
+ chfDev.res.srcDirs = ['src/chf/res', 'src/localeChf/res']
mvDev.java.srcDir 'src/master/java'
- mvDev.res.srcDirs 'src/master/res'
+ mvDev.res.srcDirs = ['src/master/res', 'src/localeMv/res']
local.java.srcDir 'src/master/java'
- local.res.srcDir 'src/master/res'
+ local.res.srcDirs = ['src/master/res', 'src/localeMv/res']
bephaDev.java.srcDir 'src/bepha/java'
- bephaDev.res.srcDir 'src/bepha/res'
+ bephaDev.res.srcDirs = ['src/bepha/res', 'src/localeBepha/res']
niger.java.srcDir 'src/niger/java'
niger.res.srcDir 'src/niger/res'
+ niger.assets.srcDir 'src/niger/assets'
tchadDev.java.srcDir 'src/tchad/java'
tchadDev.res.srcDir 'src/tchad/res'
demoProd.java.srcDir 'src/master/java'
- demoProd.res.srcDir 'src/demoProd/res'
+ demoProd.res.srcDirs = ['src/demoProd/res', 'src/localeMv/res']
demoRelease.java.srcDir 'src/master/java'
- demoRelease.res.srcDir 'src/demoRelease/res'
+ demoRelease.res.srcDirs = ['src/demoRelease/res', 'src/localeMv/res']
cli.java.srcDir System.getenv("CLI_JAVA_DIR") ?: 'src/master/java'
cli.res.srcDir System.getenv("CLI_RES_DIR") ?: 'src/demoProd/res'
+ if (System.getenv("CLI_ASSETS_DIR")) {
+ cli.assets.srcDir System.getenv("CLI_ASSETS_DIR")
+ }
mauritaniaTrain.java.srcDir 'src/master/java'
-// Apply custom flavours
- if(file('custom-flavours.gradle').exists()){
+ // Apply custom flavours
+ if (file('custom-flavours.gradle').exists()) {
apply from: 'custom-flavours.gradle'
compileOptions {
- sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
- targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
+ sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_11
+ targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_11
+ }
+ packagingOptions {
+ resources {
+ excludes += ['META-INF/DEPENDENCIES']
+ }
dependencies {
- implementation fileTree(include: ['*.jar','*.aar'], dir: 'libs')
+ implementation fileTree(include: ['*.jar', '*.aar'], dir: 'libs')
implementation 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:28.0.0'
implementation 'com.android.support:design:28.0.0'
implementation 'com.android.support.constraint:constraint-layout:2.0.4'
- implementation 'com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.5.2'
+ implementation 'com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.71828'
implementation 'commons-io:commons-io:2.11.0'
implementation 'com.android.support:support-v4:28.0.0'
implementation 'com.android.support:recyclerview-v7:28.0.0'
implementation 'org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.12.0'
+ implementation 'org.jetbrains:annotations:15.0'
+ implementation 'cz.msebera.android:httpclient:4.5.8'
androidTestImplementation('com.android.support.test.espresso:espresso-core:2.2.2', {
exclude group: 'com.android.support', module: 'support-annotations'
- testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
- //compile 'com.android.support:support-annotations:27.1.1'
+ testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.13.2'
diff --git a/app/custom-flavours.gradle.dist b/app/custom-flavours.gradle.dist
index 9eae42e4..885e1633 100644
--- a/app/custom-flavours.gradle.dist
+++ b/app/custom-flavours.gradle.dist
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ android {
buildConfigField "String", "API_BASE_URL", [API_BASE_URL]
buildConfigField "boolean", "SHOW_PAYMENT_MENU", [SHOW_PAYMENT_MENU]
buildConfigField "boolean", "SHOW_BULK_CN_MENU", [SHOW_BULK_CN_MENU]
- buildConfigField "String", "APP_DIR", [APP_DIR_NAME]
buildConfigField "String", "API_VERSION", [API_VERSION]
buildConfigField "String", "RAR_PASSWORD", [RAR_PASSWORD]
resValue "string", "app_name_policies", [APP_NAME]
diff --git a/app/src/chf/res/values-sw/strings.xml b/app/src/chf/res/values-sw/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 55a6e6e3..00000000
--- a/app/src/chf/res/values-sw/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
- Fungua kielezi cha uabiri
- Funga kielezi cha uabiri
- mpangilio
- Tafadhali subiri..
- Ukurasa unafunguka...
- Mikataba wa CHF
- admin@imis.com
- Nyumbani
- Usajili
- Huisha
- Maoni
- Tuma Taarifa
- Kuhusu
- Funga
- Mkoa
- Wilaya
- Manispaa
- Kijiji/Mataa
- Masikini
- Aina ya uthibitisho
- Namba ya uthibitisho
- Kikundi
- Kabila
- Anwani
- Mbele
- Chagua mkoa
- Chagua Wilaya
- Chagua Manispaa
- Chagua kijiji/mtaa
- Ndiyo
- Hapana
- Hali ya umasikini
- Chagua aina ya uthibitisho
- Chagua aina ya kundi
- Sawa
- Hakikisha umejaza vipengele vyote vyenye alama nyekundu
- Majina mengine
- Jina la ukoo
- Tarehe ya kuzaliwa
- Jinsia
- Hali ya ndoa
- Namba ya mwanachama
- Wilaya anapoishi
- Manispaa ya sasa
- Mtaa/Kijiji anapoishi
- Kitongoji/Mtaa
- Taaluma
- Elimu
- Namba ya simu
- Barua pepe
- Aina ya kitambulisho
- Namba ya kitambulisho
- Wilaya ya FSP
- Ngazi ya FSP
- Kituo cha huduma
- Chagua jinsia
- Me
- Ke
- Nyingine
- Chagua hali ya ndoa
- Ameoa/Ameolewa
- Hajaoa/Hajaolewa
- Mjane/Mgane
- Mtalaka
- Haijulikani
- Chagua hali ya kadi
- Chagua taaluma
- Chagua elimu
- Chagua aina ya kitambulisho
- Chagua ngazi ya kituo
- Zahanati
- Kituo cha afya
- Hospitali
- Chagua kituo
- Hifadhi
- Uhusiano
- Chagua uhusiano
- Familia imehifadhiwa
- Tatizo limetokea wakati wa kuchakata taarifa.
- Tatizo limetokea wakati wa kujaza taarifa
- Tatizo limetokea wakati wa kurekebisha taarifa
- Mwanachama mwenye namba hii ya CHF yupo kwenye mfumo
- Ongeza
- Mpya
- Chagua afisa
- Chagua bidhaa
- chagua mwezi
- Tarehe ya kujiunga
- Bidhaa
- Tarehe ya kulipa
- Tarehe ya kuanza
- Tarehe ya mwisho
- Afisa
- Hali ya mkataba :
- Kiasi cha mkataba :
- Baki :
- Mchango :
- Utambuzi
- Mlipaji
- Tarehe ya malipo
- Aina ya mchango
- Namba ya risiti
- Michango iliyolipwa
- Aina ya malipo
- Chagua mlipaji
- Chagua ngazi
- Malipo ya CHF
- Malipo ya picha
- Chagua aina ya malipo
- Fedha taslimu
- Simu
- Benki
- Namba ya risiti :
- Expired
- Active
- Idle
- Suspended
- Namba ya risiti imejirudia
- Bidhaa imelipiwa. Tafadhali futa malipo kwanza
- Policy imefutwa
- Malipo yamefutwa
- Mwanachama amefutwa
- Huwezi kufuta mkuu wa kaya.
- Familia tayari ina mkataba,tafadhali futa mkataba kwanza
- Mwanachama hajafutika
- Familia imefutika
- Scan
- Jina la mwanachama
- SD kadi imeweka katika hali isiyo sahihi. Weka SD katika hali ya read/write na zima/washa programu tena.
- Mkataba wa CHF unahitaji kadi ya kumbukumbu ya nje ili kuendeshwa. Tafadhali ingiza kadi ya kumbukumbu na uanze tena.
- Prgramu imejifunga
- Tafadhali ingiza CHFID
- CHFID batili
- Tafuta taarifa za mwanachama…
- Pata takwimu za ujumla…
- Pata taarifa za kipindi fulani…
- Mwanachama mwenye CHFID hatambuliki.
- Hakuna taarifa ya kuhuisha iliyopatikana
- Tafadhali washa intaneti yako.
- !Mchakato umeshindikana, Faili or Namba ya msimbo si sahihi.
- Tuma
- Futa hii familia
- Unauhakika unataka kufuta hii familia?
- Namba ya bidhaa
- Inafunguka...
- Taarifa imetumwa kumpyuta kuu.
- Taarifa imekataliwa na kompuyta kuu. Taarifa imehifadhiwa kwenye folda la rejected la simu.
- Taarifa imetumwa kumpyuta kuu. Tafadhali angalia Rejected/Accepted folda kuhakikisha taarifa ulizotuma.
- Tafadhali ingiza namba ya Afisa
- Faili limehifadhiwa kwenye simu.
- Inatuma…
- Hakuna maoni yaliyopatikana
- Unahitaji intaneti kuangalia taarifa.
- Omba taarifa
- Hakuna taarifa iliyopatikana
- Takwimu
- Namba ya dai
- Umewahi kutibiwa kwenye hicho kituo?
- Uliombwa utoe fedha za matibabu kwenye kituo?
- Je, uliandikiwa dawa?
- Ulipata dawa kwenye kituo?
- Umeridhika kiasi gani na huduma uliyopata kwenye kituo? Jaza ulivyoridhika 1–5 (1= Sijaridhika kabisa; 5= Nimeridhika sana)
- Tuma maoni…
- Tuma maoni yote
- Tafadhali ingiza Namba ya Afisa mwandikishaji
- Tafadhali jaza namba ya dai
- Jaza CHFID
- Maswali yote yanatakiwa yajibiwe.
- Tarehe ya mwisho
- Jaza tarehe ya mwisho
- Inaendelea...
- Jaza tarehe ya mwanzo
- Jaza namba ya risiti.
- Jaza namba ya bidhaa
- Ingiza kiasi
- Namba ya risiti imetumika.
- Hakuna faili lililopatikana.
- ya
- Jina
- Umekosea
- Nywila
- Ingiza Nywila ya RAR
- Namba ya Afisa :
- Namba ya Afisa batili
- Ingia
- Imeshindikana kuunganishwa na kompuyta kuu. Huduma imesitishwa.
- Kuna kitu hakijakaa sawa kwenye kompuyta kuu.
- Familia imeshindikana kuingizwa.
- Familia imetumwa
- Familia haina mkuu wa kaya
- Mwanachama mwenye CHFID hii yumo kwenye mfumo
- Risiti namba imetumika
- Risiti namba uliyoingiza imeshatumika
- Imeshindikana kupakua masta data.
- Pakua masta data
- Master data imepakuliwa vizuri
- Futa
- Rekebisha
- Malipo
- Master data haipatikani, unataka kupakua master data..?
- Programu ya uandikishaji
- Toleo
- Jina
- Tarehe ya toleo
- Jumla ya familia
- Jumla ya mwanachama
- Jumla ya mikataba
- Juma ya malipo
- Tuma Usajili
- Tengeneza usajili XML
- Tuma Uhuishaji
- Tuma maoni
- Pakua master data
- Tafadhali subiri..
- Lugha
- Familia
- Ongeza familia mpya
- Familia na wanachama
- Familia na mikataba
- Ingiza/Rekebisha Mwanachama
- Ingiza/Rekebisha mkataba
- michango
- Ingiza/Rekebisha mchango
- je Unahitaji kuachana na Mikatabas CHF?
- Tuma ripoti
- Nenda
- Mwanachama
- Tarehe ya mwisho
- Jina kamili
- Jina la kituo
- Tarehe ya mwanzo na mwisho
- Muda wa kuboresha
- Sitisha
- Imeshindikana kutuma maoni,tafadhali jaribu tena baadae
- Imeshindikana kutuma uhuishaji,tafadhali jaribu tena baadae
- Mkoa wa FSP
- Mkoa wa sasa
- Taarifa imetumwakikamilifu. Tafadhali angalia kwenye jalada la kukubali /kukataa
- Imeshindikana kufuta
- Familia hii ina mkataba kwenye kompyuta kuu, Hivyo imefutwa kwenye sim tu.
- Kiasi cha mkataba na tarehe ya kujiunga :
- Imebadilishwa
- Je tuweke mkataba kuwa hai?]]>
- Mikataba hii imefikia idadi kamili ya wanachama wanaohitajika, wanachama wataongezwa kwenye familia ingawa hawataweza kupata matibabu :
- Piga picha
- Taarifa imehifadhiwa kwenye kitunzio cha simu.
- Taarifa haijatumwa kwenye kompuyta kuu. Imehifadhiwa kwenye kitunzio cha simu.
- Picha zimetumwa.
- Picha zimehifadhiwa kikamilifu.
- Hakuna picha iliyopatikana.
- Tafadhali piga picha
- Tuma picha zote
- Picha zimetumwa kikamilifu
- Hakuna picha iliopatikana
- Tuma picha
- Tafuta
- Rekebisha familia
- Pakua familia
- Marekebisho ya Familia
- Marekebisho ya Wanachama
- Marekebisho ya Mikataba
- Marekebisho ya michango
- CHFID haipo
- CHIFD inahitajika
- Futa ...
- internet inahitajika kufuta taarifa zilizoko mtandaoni
- Tafadhali ingia kwanza kufuta data iliyopo mtandaoni
- Ukifuta mkataba na kiasi kilicholipwa kitafutika
- Ukifuta familia, wanachama, mkataba na fedha zitafutika,
- Futa
- Toka
- Familia tayari ipo kwenye simu
- Kuna toleo jipya la openIMIS sasa
- Bofya hapa kupakua
- Ina hifadhi...
- Tatizo limejitokeza tafadhali hakikisha unamtandao
- Hakuna familia iliyotumwa
- Hakuna taarifa iliyopatikana
- Faili la XML limetengenezwa kikamilifu
- Imeshindikana kutengeneza XML
- Hakauna taarifa iliyopatikana
- Tafadhali Ingiza nambari ya Bima
- bila mkataba/mchango
- bila picha
- Imeshindikana kupakia taarifa.
- imefutwa kikamilifu
- Barua pepe sio sahihi!
- Tatizo limejitokeza kwenye kompuyta kuu, imegoma kuweka data
- Taarifa za malipo za mkataba wako zipo sahihi. Unahitaji kuongeza malipo?
- Malipo yamezidi kiasi kilichopo kwenye mkataba
- Malipo ya gaharama za mkataba bado hazijakamilika, tafadhali changua hatua zifuatazo kuendelea.
- Tafadhali chagua hatua zifuatazo kuendela.]]>
- Ripoti
- Takwmi za ujumla
- Takwimu kwa kipindi fulani
- Idadi ya familia zenye mikataba iliyotumika
- Idadi ya familia zenye mikataba iliyokwisha
- Idadi ya familia zenye mikataba iliyo \'idle\'
- Idadi ya familia zenye mikataba iliyosimamishwa
- Namba ya Mikataba mpya
- Namba ya mikataba iliyohuishwa
- mikataba iliyokwisha muda wake
- Idadi ya mikataba iliyosimamishwa
- Kiasi kilichokusanywa
- Takwimu za leo
- Tengeneza Maoni XML
- Tengeneza Uhuishaji XML
- Mkuu wa kaya ameonekana mara mbili,tafadhali wasiliana na Afisa TEHAMA
- Mikataba mipya isiyo kwenye orodha
- Huisha Mkataba wako
- Jina
- Namba ya dai
- Andika Hapa
- Tafadhali weka jina na nywila yako
- Umefanikiwa kuingia
- Umekosea
- Jumla ya malipo
- Ankara Namba
- Taarifa za mikataba
- Taarifa za Namba za Ankara
- Namba za Ankara
- Taarifa za mikataba
- Taarifa za Namba za Ankara
- Jina la bidhaa:
- Tarehe ya kutuma:
- Tarehe ya kuomba:
- Namba ya bidhaa:
- Majina:
- Huisha
- Namba ya BIma
- Imeombwa Kwa
- Imeombwa Kutoka
- Zimetumwa kwa
- Mpaka
- Zimetumwa kutoka
- Namba ya bidhaa
- Futa
- Zilizoombwa
- Mikataba iliyopatikana
- Kiasi cha mchango
- Mchakato umekamilika
- Tafadhali chagua mkataba/mikataba uliyoomba
- kamilifu
- Huna ruhusa
- Sawa
- Hakuna taarifa iliyochaguliwa kufutwa
- Omba Namba ya Ankara
- Mikataba haijafutwa kwa sababu haikutumwa
- ya
- Maombi yametumwa kikamilifu
- Mkataba huu hauwezi kufutwa kwakuwa bado haujatumwa
- Aina ya malipo
- Omba
- Unataka kuweka faili kwenye database
- Hakuna faili lililowekwa
- Pakia faili:
- Haijakamilika!
- Angalia Kamisheni
- Mwaka
- Kulipwa
- Kagua
- Pata Kamisheni
- Ripoti ya Kamisheni
- Kiasi
- Kamisheni
- Tafuta Mikataba iliyosajiliwa
- Namba za Ankara
- Mapitio
- Mikataba
- Hakuna data
- Tafadhali jaza mwaka
- Taarifa za familia hii zitafutwa kwenye simu tu.
- Malipo ya mwisho.
- Mikataba Iliyosajiliwa
- Mikataba isiyosajiliwa
- Maombi ya Mikataba isiyosajiliwa
- Namba ya simu haijatolewa
- Bidhaa ya bima ya Mikataba iliyochaguliwa sio ya kipekee
- Kiasi cha mchango
- Chagua Tarehe
- Kupata
- Tarehe Kutoka
- Tarehe To
- Tuma SMS
- Imeombwa SMS
- Jumla ya kilingilio kilichobaki
- jumla ya mahudhurio yaliyobaki
- Jumla iliyobaki katika kuonana na daktari
- Jumla iliyobaki katika kujifungua
- Jumla iliyobaki katika kujifungua
- Jumla iliyobaki katika kuzaa kabla
- Kiasi kilichobaki katika kuonana na daktari
- Kiasi kilichobaki katika upasuaji
- Kiasi kilichobaki katika kulazwa
- Kiasi kilichobaki katika kuzaa kabla
- Kiasi kilichobaki cha Kujifungua
- Tafadhali ingia kwanza, kuangalia nambari ya risiti.
- Mpangilio orodha wa IMIS haukuweza kutengenezwa
- Takwimu kwa kipindi fulani
- Lugha ya SMS
- Indhinisha SMS
- Muhtasari wa Malipo
- Pata malipo ya ankara kwa mikataba iliyosajiliwa
- Pata malipo ya ankara kwa mikataba isiyosajiliwa
- Muhtasari wa malipo ya Ankara
- Tafadhali ingia kwanza kupakua uhuishaji
- Chagua wote
- Usichague wote
- Inafanyiwa kazi
- Mazingira magumu
- Chagua mazingira magumu
- Namba za ankara kwa wingi
- namba za ankara zilizopangiwa
- Namba za ankara zisizotumika
- Chukua namba za ankara kwa wingi
- Chukua
- Tafadhali ingia kwanza chukua namba ya ankara
- Hakuna namba ya ankara imebaki kwa bidhaa hii. Tafadhali chukua namba za ankara au toa namba ya ankara kutoka kwa chanzo kingine.
- Namba za Ankara
- Hakuna namba ya ankara iliyowekwa kwenye mkataba huu. Tafadhali chukua namba za ankara au toa namba ya ankara kutoka kwa chanzo kingine.
- Faili la taarifa
- Ufikiaji wa Hifadhi ya Nje
- Ili kufanya kazi kwa usahihi, %1$s inahitaji ufikiaji wa hifadhi ya nje. Tafadhali ruhusu kwa %1$s kwenye skirini inayofuata ili utumie programu.
- Ruhusa
- Kufanya kazi kwa usahihi, %1$s inahitaji ruhusa nyingi. Tafadhali waruhusu kwenye skrini inayofuata ili utumie programu.
- Tafadhali jaza mwezi
- Taarifa za kuhuisha zimepokelewa
- Taarifa za kuhuisha zimeishapokelewa
- Taarifa za kuhuisha zimekataliwa
- Muda wa matazamio umeisha
- Kuna makosa kwenye namba ya malipo
- Hitilafu isiyotarajiwa
- Faili la kuhuisha ni batili
- Namba ya malipo \"%1$s\" haipo kwenye simu,tafadhali hakiki namba kabla ya kuendelea.
diff --git a/app/src/debug/java/org/openimis/imispolicies/tools/Log.java b/app/src/debug/java/org/openimis/imispolicies/tools/Log.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..31313260
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/debug/java/org/openimis/imispolicies/tools/Log.java
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+package org.openimis.imispolicies.tools;
+import android.content.Context;
+import android.net.Uri;
+import android.support.v4.content.FileProvider;
+import org.openimis.imispolicies.AppInformation;
+import org.openimis.imispolicies.BuildConfig;
+import org.openimis.imispolicies.Global;
+import org.openimis.imispolicies.util.FileUtils;
+import org.openimis.imispolicies.util.ZipUtils;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.FileOutputStream;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.OutputStream;
+import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.Locale;
+ * This class is a wrapper for the default android Log class, adding additional functionality while
+ * keeping the android.util.Log api
+ */
+public class Log {
+ public static final boolean isLoggingEnabled = BuildConfig.LOGGING_ENABLED;
+ private static final String logFilePrefix = "log-";
+ private static final String logExportFileName = "logs.zip";
+ private static final String[] levelMapping = {"V", "D", "I", "W", "E", "A"};
+ private static File logFile = null;
+ public static void v(String tag, String msg) {
+ log(tag, msg, android.util.Log.VERBOSE);
+ }
+ public static void v(String tag, String msg, Throwable thr) {
+ log(tag, String.format("%s\n%s", msg, android.util.Log.getStackTraceString(thr)), android.util.Log.VERBOSE);
+ }
+ public static void d(String tag, String msg) {
+ log(tag, msg, android.util.Log.DEBUG);
+ }
+ public static void d(String tag, String msg, Throwable thr) {
+ log(tag, String.format("%s\n%s", msg, android.util.Log.getStackTraceString(thr)), android.util.Log.DEBUG);
+ }
+ public static void i(String tag, String msg) {
+ log(tag, msg, android.util.Log.INFO);
+ }
+ public static void i(String tag, String msg, Throwable thr) {
+ log(tag, String.format("%s\n%s", msg, android.util.Log.getStackTraceString(thr)), android.util.Log.INFO);
+ }
+ public static void w(String tag, String msg) {
+ log(tag, msg, android.util.Log.WARN);
+ }
+ public static void w(String tag, String msg, Throwable thr) {
+ log(tag, String.format("%s\n%s", msg, android.util.Log.getStackTraceString(thr)), android.util.Log.WARN);
+ }
+ public static void e(String tag, String msg) {
+ log(tag, msg, android.util.Log.ERROR);
+ }
+ public static void e(String tag, String msg, Throwable thr) {
+ log(tag, String.format("%s\n%s", msg, android.util.Log.getStackTraceString(thr)), android.util.Log.ERROR);
+ }
+ private static void log(String tag, String msg, int level) {
+ if (level < 2 || level > 7) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Unknown log level: " + level);
+ }
+ if (isLoggingEnabled) {
+ new Thread(() -> {
+ if (level >= BuildConfig.CONSOLE_LOG_LEVEL) {
+ android.util.Log.println(level, tag, msg);
+ }
+ if (level >= BuildConfig.FILE_LOG_LEVEL) {
+ storeLog(tag, msg, level);
+ }
+ }).start();
+ }
+ }
+ public static void zipLogFiles(Context context) {
+ File cacheDir = Global.getContext().getCacheDir();
+ File logsDir = new File(cacheDir, "logs");
+ FileUtils.createDirectoryWithSubdirectories(logsDir);
+ File[] logFiles = logsDir.listFiles((dir, filename) -> filename.startsWith(logFilePrefix));
+ File targetFile = new File(logsDir, logExportFileName);
+ if (logFiles != null) {
+ ArrayList filesToZip = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(logFiles));
+ ZipUtils.zipFiles(filesToZip, targetFile, "");
+ }
+ Uri logExportUri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(Global.getContext(),
+ String.format("%s.fileprovider", BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID),
+ targetFile);
+ Global.getGlobal().sendFile(context, logExportUri, "application/octet-stream");
+ }
+ public static void deleteLogFiles() {
+ File cacheDir = Global.getContext().getCacheDir();
+ File logsDir = new File(cacheDir, "logs");
+ FileUtils.createDirectoryWithSubdirectories(logsDir);
+ File[] logFiles = logsDir.listFiles((dir, filename) -> filename.startsWith(logFilePrefix));
+ if (logFiles != null) {
+ for (File f : logFiles) {
+ f.delete();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private synchronized static void storeLog(String tag, String msg, int level) {
+ Date date = new Date();
+ initializeLogFile(date);
+ try {
+ OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(logFile, true);
+ os.write(buildLogLine(tag, msg, level, date).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
+ os.close();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Writing to log file failed", e);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void initializeLogFile(Date date) {
+ if (logFile == null || !logFile.exists()) {
+ File cacheDir = Global.getContext().getCacheDir();
+ File logsDir = new File(cacheDir, "logs");
+ FileUtils.createDirectoryWithSubdirectories(logsDir);
+ String filename = String.format("%s%s.txt",logFilePrefix, AppInformation.DateTimeInfo.getDefaultFileDatetimeFormatter().format(date));
+ logFile = new File(logsDir, filename);
+ try {
+ if (!logFile.createNewFile())
+ throw new RuntimeException("Log file creation failed");
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static String buildLogLine(String tag, String msg, int level, Date date) {
+ String dateString = AppInformation.DateTimeInfo.getDefaultIsoDatetimeFormatter().format(date);
+ return String.format(Locale.US, "%s %s %s %s\n", dateString, levelMapping[level - 2], tag, msg);
+ }
diff --git a/app/src/bepha/res/values/strings.xml b/app/src/localeBepha/res/values-en-rCM/strings.xml
similarity index 90%
rename from app/src/bepha/res/values/strings.xml
rename to app/src/localeBepha/res/values-en-rCM/strings.xml
index fcf79fc3..4ae7a116 100644
--- a/app/src/bepha/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/localeBepha/res/values-en-rCM/strings.xml
@@ -436,4 +436,45 @@
Unexpected exceptionInvalid renewal fileControl number \"%1$s\" is not present in phone memory. Please confirm that this control number is correct.
+ Do you want to select renewal file to import?
+ RAR Password
+ Save RAR Password
+ Set the default RAR password
+ Default RAR Password
+ Wait %1$s seconds
+ Control number request finished. If the available CN amount does not increase, please try again in %1$s seconds.
+ CN limit reached
+ No control numbers received from the server
+ You cannot receive more control numbers for this product
+ Export all logs:
+ Export logs
+ Do you want to export logs?
+ Export canceled. Export file can be found in external cache directory.
+ Clear all logs:
+ Clear logs
+ Do you want to clear logs?
+ Wait
+ Suspend
+ Enforce
+ without a policy
+ without a premium
+ HTTP response: %1$d — %2$s
+ No policies registered.
+ This cheque number already used
+ This cheque number was aborted
+ Could not download cheque numbers data
+ Policy Status: Covered
+ Policy Status: Not Covered
+ Policy Status
+ This cheque number not exist
+ Please add a picture
+ Entry does not exist.
+ Authorization failed.
+ Unknown Error.
+ You are not allowed to take this action.
+ en_CM
+ Language settings
+ Current resource language: %1$s
+ Current system language is not supported. The app will use the default language.
+ Supported languages:\n%1$s
diff --git a/app/src/bepha/res/values-fr/strings.xml b/app/src/localeBepha/res/values-fr-rCM/strings.xml
similarity index 90%
rename from app/src/bepha/res/values-fr/strings.xml
rename to app/src/localeBepha/res/values-fr-rCM/strings.xml
index b62d6ca8..1deddc82 100644
--- a/app/src/bepha/res/values-fr/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/localeBepha/res/values-fr-rCM/strings.xml
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
openIMIS a besoin d\'une carte mémoire externe pour fonctionner. Veuillez insérer la carte mémoire et redémarrer l\'application.Fermeture forcéeVeuillez entrer le numéro d\'assurance
- Invalid Insurance number
+ Numéro d\'assuré invalideObtenir des informations sur l\'assurance...Obtention d\'un aperçu général...Obtention d\'un rapport cumulatif...
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
Suppression échouéeCette famille a été supprimée seulement hors ligne parce qu\'elle a un contrat en ligne.Contrat avec date d\'adhésion :
- \" Modifié \"
+ " Modifié " Voulez-vous activer cet assuré ?]]>Les contrats avec les dates d\'adhésion suivantes ont atteint leur nombre maximum de membres et, par conséquent, cette assurance ne sera pas couverte par ces polices, mais l\'assuré est ajouté à la famille :Acquérir
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
Photos envoyées avec succèsAucune photo trouvéeEnvoyer les photos
- \"Recherche \"
+ "Recherche "Modifier la familleTélécharger la familleFamilles éditées
@@ -436,4 +436,45 @@
Unexpected exceptionInvalid renewal fileControl number \"%1$s\" is not present in phone memory. Please confirm that this control number is correct.
+ Do you want to select renewal file to import?
+ RAR Password
+ Save RAR Password
+ Set the default RAR password
+ Default RAR Password
+ Wait %1$s seconds
+ Control number request finished. If the available CN amount does not increase, please try again in %1$s seconds.
+ CN limit reached
+ No control numbers received from the server
+ You cannot receive more control numbers for this product
+ Export all logs:
+ Export logs
+ Do you want to export logs?
+ Export canceled. Export file can be found in external cache directory.
+ Clear all logs:
+ Clear logs
+ Do you want to clear logs?
+ Wait
+ Suspend
+ Enforce
+ without a policy
+ without a premium
+ HTTP response: %1$d — %2$s
+ No policies registered.
+ This cheque number already used
+ This cheque number was aborted
+ Could not download cheque numbers data
+ Policy Status: Covered
+ Policy Status: Not Covered
+ Policy Status
+ This cheque number not exist
+ Please add a picture
+ Entry does not exist.
+ Authorization failed.
+ Unknown Error.
+ You are not allowed to take this action.
+ fr_CM
+ Language settings
+ Current resource language: %1$s
+ Current system language is not supported. The app will use the default language.
+ Supported languages:\n%1$s
diff --git a/app/src/localeBepha/res/values/strings.xml b/app/src/localeBepha/res/values/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4ae7a116
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/localeBepha/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+ Open navigation drawer
+ Close navigation drawer
+ Settings
+ Please wait
+ Page is loading
+ BEPHA Policies
+ admin@imis.com
+ Home
+ Enrolment
+ Renewal
+ Feedback
+ Sync
+ About
+ Quit
+ Region
+ Diocese
+ Parish
+ Village
+ Poverty Status
+ Confirmation Type
+ Confirmation No.
+ Group Type
+ Ethnicity
+ Permanent Address Details
+ Next
+ Select Region
+ Select Diocese
+ Select Parish
+ Select Village
+ Yes
+ No
+ Select Poverty Status
+ Select confirmation type
+ Select Group type
+ OK
+ Please verify all the required fields marked in red border
+ Adherent number
+ Other Names
+ Last Name
+ Birth Date
+ Gender
+ Marital Status
+ Beneficiary Card
+ Current Diocese
+ Current Parish
+ Current Village
+ Current Address Details
+ Profession
+ Education
+ Phone number
+ Email
+ Identification Type
+ NIC Number
+ Diocese of FSP
+ Level of FSP
+ First Service Point
+ Select Gender
+ Male
+ Female
+ Other
+ Select marital status
+ Married
+ Single
+ Divorced
+ Widowed
+ Not specified
+ Select card status
+ Select profession
+ Select education
+ Select identification type
+ Select HF level
+ Dispensary
+ Health Centre
+ Hospital
+ Select Health facility
+ Save
+ Relationship
+ Select Relationship
+ Household saved successfully
+ Error occurred while processing data
+ Error while inserting data
+ Error while updating data
+ Member with this Adherent number already exists
+ Add
+ New
+ Select Agent
+ Select Product
+ Select Month
+ Enrolment date
+ Product
+ Effective Date
+ Start Date
+ Expire Date
+ Agent
+ Policy Status :
+ Policy Value :
+ Balance :
+ Contribution :
+ Enquire
+ Payer
+ Payment Date
+ Contribution Category
+ Receipt No
+ Contribution Paid
+ Payment Type
+ Select Payer
+ Select Level
+ Contribution and Others
+ Photo Fee
+ Select Payment Type
+ Cash
+ Mobile Phone
+ Bank Transfer
+ Receipt No :
+ Expired
+ Active
+ Idle
+ Suspended
+ Receipt number must be unique
+ Policy has contribution. Please delete contributions first
+ Policy deleted successfully
+ Contribution deleted successfully
+ Adherent deleted successfully
+ You can not delete the head of the Household.
+ Household has policy please delete the policy first
+ Adherent has not deleted
+ Household deleted
+ Scan
+ Adherent Name
+ SD Card is set to read only mode. Please set the mode to read/write and restart the application.
+ BEPHA Policies needs external memory card to run. Please insert memory card and restart the application.
+ Force Close
+ Please enter the Adherent number
+ Invalid Adherent number
+ Getting adherent info…
+ Getting Snap Shots Report…
+ Getting Cumulative Report…
+ Member with this Adherent number does not exist.
+ No renewal found
+ Please check your internet connection.
+ Process Failed, Wrong File or Agent code.
+ Submit
+ Discontinue this policy
+ Do you want to discontinue this policy?
+ Product Code
+ loading
+ Data uploaded on the server successfully.
+ Data is rejected by the server. Data is moved to the rejected folder of the phone.
+ Data has been uploaded successfully. Please check your Rejected/Accepted folders to verify the server response.
+ Please enter Agent code
+ File is saved on external storage.
+ Uploading…
+ No feedback found
+ Internet connection is required to view the statistics.
+ Preview
+ No data found
+ Statistics
+ Claim Code
+ Have you been treated at the facility on the said date?
+ Have you been asked for a payment to the facility or staff?
+ Have drugs been prescribed to you?
+ Did you get drugs from the facility?
+ How satisfied are you with the care you received at the health facility? Rate on a scale 1–5 (1= not satisfied; 5= very satisfied)
+ Uploading feedback…
+ Upload all feedback
+ Please enter Agent Code
+ Please enter Claim ID
+ Please enter the Adherent number
+ All the questions must be answered.
+ End Date
+ Please enter End Date
+ In Progress
+ Please enter Start Date
+ Please enter Receipt No.
+ Please enter product code
+ Please enter amount
+ This receipt number is already used.
+ No file found.
+ Of
+ Login Name
+ Login Failed
+ Password
+ Enter Rar Password
+ Agent Code:
+ Incorrect Agent code
+ Login
+ Unable to connect the server. Operation aborted.
+ Something went wrong on the server.
+ Household could not be inserted.
+ Household uploaded successfully
+ Given household has no HOF
+ Household with this Adherent number already exists
+ Duplicate Adherent number found
+ Duplicate receipt number found
+ Could not download master data.
+ Downloading master data
+ Data downloaded successfully
+ Delete
+ Edit
+ Payment
+ Master data not found, would you like to Download?
+ Enrolment Application
+ Version
+ Name
+ Release Date
+ Total Households
+ Total Adherents
+ Total Policies
+ Total Contributions
+ Upload Enrolments
+ Create Enrolments XML
+ Upload Renewals
+ Upload FeedBacks
+ Download Master Data
+ Please Wait…
+ Language
+ Families
+ Add new Household
+ Household and Adherents
+ Household and Policies
+ Add/Edit Adherent
+ Add/Edit Policy
+ Contributions
+ Add/Edit Contribution
+ Do you want to quit BEPHA Policies?
+ Upload report
+ Go
+ Adherent
+ Date To
+ Full Name
+ Health Facility
+ Date From And To
+ Updated time
+ Cancel
+ Feedback could not be uploaded please, try again later
+ Renewal could not be uploaded please, try again later
+ Region of FSP
+ Current Region
+ Upload successful please check Accepted/Rejected folders
+ Delete Failed
+ This Household has been deleted only offline because it has a policy online.
+ Value of policy with the enrolment date :
+ Changed
+ Do you want to activate this Adherent?]]>
+ Policies with the following enrolment dates have reached to their maximum number of members count and therefore this adherent will not be covered by these policies however the adherent is added to the household :
+ Acquire
+ Data has been saved on the external memory card.
+ Data could not be sent to the server. Saved on the external memory card.
+ Photo uploaded successfully.
+ Photo saved successfully.
+ No images found.
+ Please capture an Image
+ Upload all Images
+ Photos uploaded successfully
+ No photos found
+ Upload Photos
+ Search
+ Modify household
+ Downloading household
+ Edited Households
+ Edited Adherents
+ Edited Policies
+ Edited Contributions
+ Adherent number not found
+ Adherent number required
+ Deleting…
+ Internet connection is required to delete online data.
+ Please login first, to delete online data
+ Deleting policy will also delete premium on it
+ Deleting of household will also Delete all Adherents, Policies and Premiums of this Household
+ Confirm
+ Logout
+ Household already exists in phone
+ New release of BEPHA Policies is now available.
+ Click here to download.
+ Saving…
+ Process has been interrupted. Please check your internet connection.
+ No Household was uploaded
+ No data available
+ XML has been created
+ Failed to create XML
+ No data was created
+ Please Enter the Adherent number
+ without a policy/a contribution
+ without a photo
+ Failed to upload
+ Deleted successfully
+ Invalid Email
+ Something went wrong on the server. Failed to upload data.
+ Price of the policy is covered. Do you still want to add contribution?
+ Contribution exceeds the price of the policy
+ Price of the policy not covered yet. Please select action to perform.
+ Price of the policy not covered yet. Please select action to perform.]]>
+ Reports
+ Snapshot Indicators
+ Cumulative Indicators
+ Number of Families with Active Policies
+ Number of Families with Expired Policies
+ Number of Families with Idle Policies
+ Number of Families with Suspended Polices
+ Number of New Policies
+ Number of renewed Policies
+ Number of Expired Policies
+ Number of Suspended Polices
+ Amount of collected contribution
+ Today\'s Statistics
+ Create Feedback XML
+ Create Renewals XML
+ Double head of household found on server. Please contact your IT manager.
+ Unlisted Renewal Policies
+ Renew Your Policy
+ Username
+ Claim Code
+ Type here
+ Please enter username and password
+ Login Successful
+ Invalid input
+ Total Amount
+ Control Numbers
+ Overview Policies
+ Overview Control Numbers
+ Control Numbers
+ Overview policies
+ Overview control numbers
+ Product Name:
+ Uploaded Date:
+ Requested Date:
+ Product Code:
+ Names:
+ Renewal:
+ ID adherent
+ Requested To
+ Requested From
+ Uploaded To
+ TO
+ Uploaded From
+ Insurance product
+ Clear
+ Requested
+ Number of found policies
+ Amount of contribution
+ Process Complete
+ Please select a policy/policies to request
+ Successfully
+ Not authorized
+ OK
+ No data was selected to delete
+ Get Control Number
+ policies where not deleted because they are not uploaded
+ of
+ Request has been sent successfully
+ This policy can\'t be deleted because it has not been uploaded yet.
+ Type of payment
+ Request
+ Do you want to import .txt file from your DATABASE folder?
+ There are no file explorer clients installed.
+ Load file:
+ Incomplete!
+ Check Commission
+ Year
+ Paid
+ Check
+ Get Commissions
+ Commissions Report
+ Amount
+ commissions
+ Search enrolled Policies
+ Search Control Numbers
+ Overviews
+ Policies
+ No data
+ Please fill the year
+ Deleting of Household will also Delete all Adherents, Policies and Premiums of this Household
+ Last Installment
+ Enrolled Policies
+ Not Enrolled Policies
+ Request for Not Enrolled Policies
+ Phone number not provided
+ Insurance products of the selected policies are not unique
+ Amount of contribution
+ Pick Date
+ Get
+ Date From
+ Date To
+ Send SMS
+ Requested SMS
+ TotalAdmissionsLeft
+ TotalVisitsLeft
+ TotalConsultationsLeft
+ TotalSurgeriesLeft
+ TotalDeliveriesLeft
+ TotalAntenatalLeft
+ ConsultationAmountLeft
+ SurgeryAmountLeft
+ HospitalizationAmountLeft
+ AntenatalAmountLeft
+ DeliveryAmountLeft
+ Please login first, to check receipt number.
+ IMIS Directory could not be created.
+ Cumulative Indicators
+ Language Of SMS
+ Approval Of SMS
+ Payment Overview
+ Get payment CN for enrolled policies
+ Get payment CN for not enrolled policies
+ Overview payment CN
+ Please login first, to download renewals.
+ Select All
+ Deselect All
+ Synchronization processing
+ Vulnerability
+ Select Vulnerability
+ Bulk Control Numbers
+ Assigned Control Numbers:
+ Free Control Numbers:
+ Fetch Bulk Control Numbers
+ Fetch
+ Please log in first, to fetch control numbers.
+ No control numbers left for this product. Please fetch control numbers or provide control number from other source.
+ Control Number :
+ No control number assigned to this policy. Please fetch control numbers or provide control number from other source.
+ Master Data
+ External Storage Access
+ To work correctly, %1$s requires external storage access. Please allow it for %1$s in next screen in order to use the application.
+ Permissions
+ To work correctly, %1$s requires multiple permissions. Please allow them in next screen in order to use the application.
+ Please fill the month
+ Renewal accepted
+ Renewal already accepted
+ Renewal rejected
+ Grace period expired
+ Control number error
+ Unexpected exception
+ Invalid renewal file
+ Control number \"%1$s\" is not present in phone memory. Please confirm that this control number is correct.
+ Do you want to select renewal file to import?
+ RAR Password
+ Save RAR Password
+ Set the default RAR password
+ Default RAR Password
+ Wait %1$s seconds
+ Control number request finished. If the available CN amount does not increase, please try again in %1$s seconds.
+ CN limit reached
+ No control numbers received from the server
+ You cannot receive more control numbers for this product
+ Export all logs:
+ Export logs
+ Do you want to export logs?
+ Export canceled. Export file can be found in external cache directory.
+ Clear all logs:
+ Clear logs
+ Do you want to clear logs?
+ Wait
+ Suspend
+ Enforce
+ without a policy
+ without a premium
+ HTTP response: %1$d — %2$s
+ No policies registered.
+ This cheque number already used
+ This cheque number was aborted
+ Could not download cheque numbers data
+ Policy Status: Covered
+ Policy Status: Not Covered
+ Policy Status
+ This cheque number not exist
+ Please add a picture
+ Entry does not exist.
+ Authorization failed.
+ Unknown Error.
+ You are not allowed to take this action.
+ en_CM
+ Language settings
+ Current resource language: %1$s
+ Current system language is not supported. The app will use the default language.
+ Supported languages:\n%1$s
diff --git a/app/src/chf/res/values/strings.xml b/app/src/localeChf/res/values-en-rTZ/strings.xml
similarity index 90%
rename from app/src/chf/res/values/strings.xml
rename to app/src/localeChf/res/values-en-rTZ/strings.xml
index 017cf23e..886901ae 100644
--- a/app/src/chf/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/localeChf/res/values-en-rTZ/strings.xml
@@ -436,4 +436,45 @@
Unexpected exceptionInvalid renewal fileControl number \"%1$s\" is not present in phone memory. Please confirm that this control number is correct.
+ Do you want to select renewal file to import?
+ RAR Password
+ Save RAR Password
+ Set the default RAR password
+ Default RAR Password
+ Wait %1$s seconds
+ Control number request finished. If the available CN amount does not increase, please try again in %1$s seconds.
+ CN limit reached
+ No control numbers received from the server
+ You cannot receive more control numbers for this product
+ Export all logs:
+ Export logs
+ Do you want to export logs?
+ Export canceled. Export file can be found in external cache directory.
+ Clear all logs:
+ Clear logs
+ Do you want to clear logs?
+ Wait
+ Suspend
+ Enforce
+ without a policy
+ without a premium
+ HTTP response: %1$d — %2$s
+ No policies registered.
+ This cheque number already used
+ This cheque number was aborted
+ Could not download cheque numbers data
+ Policy Status: Covered
+ Policy Status: Not Covered
+ Policy Status
+ This cheque number not exist
+ Please add a picture
+ Entry does not exist.
+ Authorization failed.
+ Unknown Error.
+ You are not allowed to take this action.
+ en_TZ
+ Language settings
+ Current resource language: %1$s
+ Current system language is not supported. The app will use the default language.
+ Supported languages:\n%1$s
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-sw/strings.xml b/app/src/localeChf/res/values-sw/strings.xml
similarity index 90%
rename from app/src/main/res/values-sw/strings.xml
rename to app/src/localeChf/res/values-sw/strings.xml
index 55a6e6e3..64e3e991 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-sw/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/localeChf/res/values-sw/strings.xml
@@ -436,4 +436,45 @@
Hitilafu isiyotarajiwaFaili la kuhuisha ni batiliNamba ya malipo \"%1$s\" haipo kwenye simu,tafadhali hakiki namba kabla ya kuendelea.
+ Je unataka kuchagua faili la kuhuisha?
+ Nywila ya RAR
+ Hifadhi Nywila ya RAR
+ Weka Nywila
+ Nywila ya RAR
+ Subiri sekunde %1$s
+ \"Namba za malipo zimekwisha jaribu tena baada ya sekunde %1$s
+ Kikomo cha namba za malipo kimefikiwa
+ Hakuna namba za malipo zilizopokelewa kwenye kompyuta kuu
+ Huwezi pata namba ya malipo kwa bidhaa hizi
+ Export all logs:
+ Export logs
+ Do you want to export logs?
+ Export canceled. Export file can be found in external cache directory.
+ Clear all logs:
+ Clear logs
+ Do you want to clear logs?
+ Wait
+ Suspend
+ Enforce
+ without a policy
+ without a premium
+ HTTP response: %1$d — %2$s
+ No policies registered.
+ This cheque number already used
+ This cheque number was aborted
+ Could not download cheque numbers data
+ Policy Status: Covered
+ Policy Status: Not Covered
+ Policy Status
+ This cheque number not exist
+ Please add a picture
+ Entry does not exist.
+ Authorization failed.
+ Unknown Error.
+ You are not allowed to take this action.
+ sw
+ Language settings
+ Current resource language: %1$s
+ Current system language is not supported. The app will use the default language.
+ Supported languages:\n%1$s
diff --git a/app/src/localeChf/res/values/strings.xml b/app/src/localeChf/res/values/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..886901ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/localeChf/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+ Open navigation drawer
+ Close navigation drawer
+ Settings
+ Please wait
+ Page is loading
+ CHF Policies
+ admin@imis.com
+ Home
+ Enrolment
+ Renewal
+ Feedback
+ Sync
+ About
+ Quit
+ Region
+ District
+ Ward
+ Village
+ Poverty Status
+ Confirmation Type
+ Confirmation No.
+ Group Type
+ Ethnicity
+ Permanent Address Details
+ Next
+ Select Region
+ Select District
+ Select Ward
+ Select Village
+ Yes
+ No
+ Select Poverty Status
+ Select confirmation type
+ Select Group type
+ OK
+ Please verify all the required fields marked in red border
+ CHF number
+ Other Names
+ Last Name
+ Birth Date
+ Gender
+ Marital Status
+ Beneficiary Card
+ Current District
+ Current Ward
+ Current Village
+ Current Address Details
+ Profession
+ Education
+ Phone number
+ Email
+ Identification Type
+ Identification Number
+ District of FSP
+ Level of FSP
+ First Service Point
+ Select Gender
+ Male
+ Female
+ Other
+ Select marital status
+ Married
+ Single
+ Divorced
+ Widowed
+ Not specified
+ Select card status
+ Select profession
+ Select education
+ Select identification type
+ Select HF level
+ Dispensary
+ Health Centre
+ Hospital
+ Select Health facility
+ Save
+ Relationship
+ Select Relationship
+ Family saved successfully
+ Error occurred while processing data
+ Error while inserting data
+ Error while updating data
+ Member with this CHF number already exists
+ Add
+ New
+ Select Enrolment Officer
+ Select Product
+ Select Month
+ Enrolment date
+ Product
+ Effective Date
+ Start Date
+ Expire Date
+ Enrolment Officer
+ Policy Status :
+ Policy Value :
+ Balance :
+ Contribution :
+ Enquire
+ Payer
+ Payment Date
+ Contribution Category
+ Receipt No
+ Contribution Paid
+ Payment Type
+ Select Payer
+ Select Level
+ Contribution and Others
+ Photo Fee
+ Select Payment Type
+ Cash
+ Mobile Phone
+ Bank Transfer
+ Receipt No :
+ Expired
+ Active
+ Idle
+ Suspended
+ Receipt number must be unique
+ Policy has contribution. Please delete contributions first
+ Policy deleted successfully
+ Contribution deleted successfully
+ Insuree deleted successfully
+ You can not delete the head of the family.
+ Family has policy please delete the policy first
+ Insuree has not deleted
+ Family deleted
+ Scan
+ Insuree Name
+ SD Card is set to readonly mode. Please set the mode to read/write and restart the application.
+ CHF Policies needs external memory card to run. Please insert memory card and restart the application.
+ Force Close
+ Please enter the CHF number
+ Invalid CHF number
+ Getting insuree info…
+ Getting Snap Shots Report…
+ Getting Cumulative Report…
+ Member with this CHF number does not exist.
+ No renewal found
+ Please check your internet connection.
+ Process Failed, Wrong File or Enrolment Officer code.
+ Submit
+ Discontinue this policy
+ Do you want to discontinue this policy?
+ Product Code
+ loading
+ Data uploaded on the server successfully.
+ Data is rejected by the server. Data is moved to the rejected folder of the phone.
+ Data has been uploaded successfully. Please check your Rejected/Accepted folders to verify the server response.
+ Please enter Enrolment Officer code
+ File is saved on external storage.
+ Uploading…
+ No feedback found
+ Internet connection is required to view the statistics.
+ Preview
+ No data found
+ Statistics
+ Claim Code
+ Have you been treated at the facility on the said date?
+ Have you been asked for a payment to the facility or staff?
+ Have drugs been prescribed to you?
+ Did you get drugs from the facility?
+ How satisfied are you with the care you received at the health facility? Rate on a scale 1–5 (1= not satisfied; 5= very satisfied)
+ Uploading feedback…
+ Upload all feedback
+ Please enter Enrolment Officer Code
+ Please enter Claim ID
+ Please enter the CHF number
+ All the questions must be answered.
+ End Date
+ Please enter End Date
+ In Progress
+ Please enter Start Date
+ Please enter Receipt No.
+ Please enter product code
+ Please enter amount
+ This receipt number is already used.
+ No file found.
+ Of
+ Login Name
+ Login Failed
+ Password
+ Enter Rar Password
+ Enrolment Officer Code:
+ Incorrect Enrolment Officer code
+ Login
+ Unable to connect the server. Operation aborted.
+ Something went wrong on the server.
+ Family could not be inserted.
+ Family uploaded successfully
+ Given family has no HOF
+ Family with this CHF number already exists
+ Duplicate CHF number found
+ Duplicate receipt number found
+ Could not download master data.
+ Downloading master data
+ Data downloaded successfully
+ Delete
+ Edit
+ Payment
+ Master data not found, would you like to Download?
+ Enrolment Application
+ Version
+ Name
+ Release Date
+ Total Families
+ Total Insurees
+ Total Policies
+ Total Contributions
+ Upload Enrolments
+ Create Enrolments XML
+ Upload Renewals
+ Upload FeedBacks
+ Download Master Data
+ Please Wait…
+ Language
+ Families
+ Add new family
+ Family and Insurees
+ Family and Policies
+ Add/Edit Insuree
+ Add/Edit Policy
+ Contributions
+ Add/Edit Contribution
+ Do you want to quit CHF Policies?
+ Upload report
+ Go
+ Insuree
+ Date To
+ Full Name
+ HF Name
+ Date From And To
+ Updated time
+ Cancel
+ Feedback could not be uploaded please, try again later
+ Renewal could not be uploaded please, try again later
+ Region of FSP
+ Current Region
+ Upload successful please check Accepted/Rejected folders
+ Delete Failed
+ This Family has been deleted only offline because it has a policy online.
+ Value of policy with the enrolment date :
+ Changed
+ Do you want to activate this Insuree?]]>
+ Policies with the following enrolment dates have reached to their maximum number of members count and therefore this insuree will not be covered by these policies however the insuree is added to the family :
+ Acquire
+ Data has been saved on the external memory card.
+ Data could not be sent to the server. Saved on the external memory card.
+ Photo uploaded successfully.
+ Photo saved successfully.
+ No images found.
+ Please capture an Image
+ Upload all Images
+ Photos uploaded successfully
+ No photos found
+ Upload Photos
+ Search
+ Modify family
+ Downloading family
+ Edited Families
+ Edited Insurees
+ Edited Policies
+ Edited Contributions
+ CHF number not found
+ CHF number required
+ Deleting…
+ Internet connection is required to delete online data.
+ Please login first, to delete online data
+ Deleting policy will also delete premium on it
+ Deleting of family will also Delete all Insurees, Policies and Premiums of this Family
+ Confirm
+ Logout
+ Family already exists in phone
+ New release of CHF Policies is now available.
+ Click here to download.
+ Saving…
+ Process has been interrupted. Please check your internet connection.
+ No Family was uploaded
+ No data available
+ XML has been created
+ Failed to create XML
+ No data was created
+ Please Enter the CHF number
+ without a policy/a contribution
+ without a photo
+ Failed to upload
+ Deleted successfully
+ Invalid Email
+ Something went wrong on the server. Failed to upload data.
+ Price of the policy is covered. Do you still want to add contribution?
+ Contribution exceeds the price of the policy
+ Price of the policy not covered yet. Please select action to perform.
+ Price of the policy not covered yet. Please select action to perform.]]>
+ Reports
+ Snapshot Indicators
+ Cumulative Indicators
+ Number of Families with Active Policies
+ Number of Families with Expired Policies
+ Number of Families with Idle Policies
+ Number of Families with Suspended Polices
+ Number of New Policies
+ Number of renewed Policies
+ Number of Expired Policies
+ Number of Suspended Polices
+ Amount of collected contribution
+ Today\'s Statistics
+ Create Feedback XML
+ Create Renewals XML
+ Double head of family found on server. Please contact your IT manager.
+ Unlisted Renewal Policies
+ Renew Your Policy
+ Username
+ Claim Code
+ Type here
+ Please enter username and password
+ Login Successful
+ Invalid input
+ Total Amount
+ Control Numbers
+ Overview Policies
+ Overview Control Numbers
+ Control Numbers
+ Overview policies
+ Overview control numbers
+ Product Name:
+ Uploaded Date:
+ Requested Date:
+ Product Code:
+ Names:
+ Renewal:
+ Insurance No.
+ Requested To
+ Requested From
+ Uploaded To
+ TO
+ Uploaded From
+ Insurance product
+ Clear
+ Requested
+ Number of found policies
+ Amount of contribution
+ Process Complete
+ Please select a policy/policies to request
+ Successfully
+ Not authorized
+ OK
+ No data was selected to delete
+ Get Control Number
+ policies where not deleted because they are not uploaded
+ of
+ Request has been sent successfully
+ This policy can\'t be deleted because it has not been uploaded yet.
+ Type of payment
+ Request
+ Do you want to import .txt file from your DATABASE folder?
+ There are no file explorer clients installed.
+ Load file:
+ Incomplete!
+ Check Commission
+ Year
+ Paid
+ Check
+ Get Commissions
+ Commissions Report
+ Amount
+ commissions
+ Search enrolled Policies
+ Search Control Numbers
+ Overviews
+ Policies
+ No data
+ Please fill the year
+ Deleting of family will also Delete all Insurees, Policies and Premiums of this Family
+ Last Installment
+ Enrolled Policies
+ Not Enrolled Policies
+ Request for Not Enrolled Policies
+ Phone number not provided
+ Insurance products of the selected policies are not unique
+ Amount of contribution
+ Pick Date
+ Get
+ Date From
+ Date To
+ Send SMS
+ Requested SMS
+ TotalAdmissionsLeft
+ TotalVisitsLeft
+ TotalConsultationsLeft
+ TotalSurgeriesLeft
+ TotalDeliveriesLeft
+ TotalAntenatalLeft
+ ConsultationAmountLeft
+ SurgeryAmountLeft
+ HospitalizationAmountLeft
+ AntenatalAmountLeft
+ DeliveryAmountLeft
+ Please login first, to check receipt number.
+ IMIS Directory could not be created.
+ Cumulative Indicators
+ Language Of SMS
+ Approval Of SMS
+ Payment Overview
+ Get payment CN for enrolled policies
+ Get payment CN for not enrolled policies
+ Overview payment CN
+ Please login first, to download renewals.
+ Select All
+ Deselect All
+ Synchronization processing
+ Vulnerability
+ Select Vulnerability
+ Bulk Control Numbers
+ Assigned Control Numbers:
+ Free Control Numbers:
+ Fetch Bulk Control Numbers
+ Fetch
+ Please log in first, to fetch control numbers.
+ No control numbers left for this product. Please fetch control numbers or provide control number from other source.
+ Control Number :
+ No control number assigned to this policy. Please fetch control numbers or provide control number from other source.
+ Master Data
+ External Storage Access
+ To work correctly, %1$s requires external storage access. Please allow it for %1$s in next screen in order to use the application.
+ Permissions
+ To work correctly, %1$s requires multiple permissions. Please allow them in next screen in order to use the application.
+ Please fill the month
+ Renewal accepted
+ Renewal already accepted
+ Renewal rejected
+ Grace period expired
+ Control number error
+ Unexpected exception
+ Invalid renewal file
+ Control number \"%1$s\" is not present in phone memory. Please confirm that this control number is correct.
+ Do you want to select renewal file to import?
+ RAR Password
+ Save RAR Password
+ Set the default RAR password
+ Default RAR Password
+ Wait %1$s seconds
+ Control number request finished. If the available CN amount does not increase, please try again in %1$s seconds.
+ CN limit reached
+ No control numbers received from the server
+ You cannot receive more control numbers for this product
+ Export all logs:
+ Export logs
+ Do you want to export logs?
+ Export canceled. Export file can be found in external cache directory.
+ Clear all logs:
+ Clear logs
+ Do you want to clear logs?
+ Wait
+ Suspend
+ Enforce
+ without a policy
+ without a premium
+ HTTP response: %1$d — %2$s
+ No policies registered.
+ This cheque number already used
+ This cheque number was aborted
+ Could not download cheque numbers data
+ Policy Status: Covered
+ Policy Status: Not Covered
+ Policy Status
+ This cheque number not exist
+ Please add a picture
+ Entry does not exist.
+ Authorization failed.
+ Unknown Error.
+ You are not allowed to take this action.
+ en_TZ
+ Language settings
+ Current resource language: %1$s
+ Current system language is not supported. The app will use the default language.
+ Supported languages:\n%1$s
diff --git a/app/src/localeMv/res/values-en/strings.xml b/app/src/localeMv/res/values-en/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d113651
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/localeMv/res/values-en/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+ Open navigation drawer
+ Close navigation drawer
+ Settings
+ Please wait
+ Page is loading
+ openIMIS Policies
+ admin@imis.com
+ Home
+ Enrolment
+ Renewal
+ Feedback
+ Sync
+ About
+ Quit
+ Region
+ District
+ Municipality
+ Village
+ Poverty Status
+ Confirmation Type
+ Confirmation No.
+ Group Type
+ Ethnicity
+ Permanent Address Details
+ Next
+ Select Region
+ Select District
+ Select Municipality
+ Select Village
+ Yes
+ No
+ Select Poverty Status
+ Select confirmation type
+ Select Group type
+ OK
+ Please verify all the required fields marked in red border
+ Insuree number
+ Other Names
+ Last Name
+ Birth Date
+ Gender
+ Marital Status
+ Beneficiary Card
+ Current District
+ Current Municipality
+ Current Village
+ Current Address Details
+ Profession
+ Education
+ Phone number
+ Email
+ Identification Type
+ Identification Number
+ District of FSP
+ Level of FSP
+ First Service Point
+ Select Gender
+ Male
+ Female
+ Other
+ Select marital status
+ Married
+ Single
+ Divorced
+ Widowed
+ Not specified
+ Select card status
+ Select profession
+ Select education
+ Select identification type
+ Select HF level
+ Dispensary
+ Health Centre
+ Hospital
+ Select Health facility
+ Save
+ Relationship
+ Select Relationship
+ Family saved successfully
+ Error occurred while processing data
+ Error while inserting data
+ Error while updating data
+ Member with this Insuree number already exists
+ Add
+ New
+ Select Enrolment Officer
+ Select Product
+ Select Month
+ Enrolment date
+ Product
+ Effective Date
+ Start Date
+ Expire Date
+ Enrolment Officer
+ Policy Status :
+ Policy Value :
+ Balance :
+ Contribution :
+ Enquire
+ Payer
+ Payment Date
+ Contribution Category
+ Receipt No
+ Contribution Paid
+ Payment Type
+ Select Payer
+ Select Level
+ Contribution and Others
+ Photo Fee
+ Select Payment Type
+ Cash
+ Mobile Phone
+ Bank Transfer
+ Receipt No :
+ Expired
+ Active
+ Idle
+ Suspended
+ Receipt number must be unique
+ Policy has contribution. Please delete contributions first
+ Policy deleted successfully
+ Contribution deleted successfully
+ Insuree deleted successfully
+ You can not delete the head of the family.
+ Family has policy please delete the policy first
+ Insuree has not deleted
+ Family deleted
+ Scan
+ Insuree Name
+ SD Card is set to readonly mode. Please set the mode to read/write and restart the application.
+ openIMIS Policies needs external memory card to run. Please insert memory card and restart the application.
+ Force Close
+ Please enter the Insuree number
+ Invalid Insuree number
+ Getting insuree info…
+ Getting Snap Shots Report…
+ Getting Cumulative Report…
+ Member with this Insuree number does not exist.
+ No renewal found
+ Please check your internet connection.
+ Process Failed, Wrong File or Enrolment Officer code.
+ Submit
+ Discontinue this policy
+ Do you want to discontinue this policy?
+ Product Code
+ loading
+ Data uploaded on the server successfully.
+ Data is rejected by the server. Data is moved to the rejected folder of the phone.
+ Data has been uploaded successfully. Please check your Rejected/Accepted folders to verify the server response.
+ Please enter Enrolment Officer code
+ File is saved on external storage.
+ Uploading…
+ No feedback found
+ Internet connection is required to view the statistics.
+ Preview
+ No data found
+ Statistics
+ Claim Code
+ Have you been treated at the facility on the said date?
+ Have you been asked for a payment to the facility or staff?
+ Have drugs been prescribed to you?
+ Did you get drugs from the facility?
+ How satisfied are you with the care you received at the health facility? Rate on a scale 1–5 (1= not satisfied; 5= very satisfied)
+ Uploading feedback…
+ Upload all feedback
+ Please enter Enrolment Officer Code
+ Please enter Claim ID
+ Please enter the Insuree number
+ All the questions must be answered.
+ End Date
+ Please enter End Date
+ In Progress
+ Please enter Start Date
+ Please enter Receipt No.
+ Please enter product code
+ Please enter amount
+ This receipt number is already used.
+ No file found.
+ Of
+ Login Name
+ Login Failed
+ Password
+ Enter Rar Password
+ Enrolment Officer Code:
+ Incorrect Enrolment Officer code
+ Login
+ Unable to connect the server. Operation aborted.
+ Something went wrong on the server.
+ Family could not be inserted.
+ Family uploaded successfully
+ Given family has no HOF
+ Family with this Insuree number already exists
+ Duplicate Insuree number found
+ Duplicate receipt number found
+ Could not download master data.
+ Downloading master data
+ Data downloaded successfully
+ Delete
+ Edit
+ Payment
+ Master data not found, would you like to Download?
+ Enrolment Application
+ Version
+ Name
+ Release Date
+ Total Families
+ Total Insurees
+ Total Policies
+ Total Contributions
+ Upload Enrolments
+ Create Enrolments XML
+ Upload Renewals
+ Upload FeedBacks
+ Download Master Data
+ Please Wait…
+ Language
+ Families
+ Add new family
+ Family and Insurees
+ Family and Policies
+ Add/Edit Insuree
+ Add/Edit Policy
+ Contributions
+ Add/Edit Contribution
+ Do you want to quit openIMIS Policies?
+ Upload report
+ Go
+ Insuree
+ Date To
+ Full Name
+ HF Name
+ Date From And To
+ Updated time
+ Cancel
+ Feedback could not be uploaded please, try again later
+ Renewal could not be uploaded please, try again later
+ Region of FSP
+ Current Region
+ Upload successful please check Accepted/Rejected folders
+ Delete Failed
+ This Family has been deleted only offline because it has a policy online.
+ Value of policy with the enrolment date :
+ Changed
+ Do you want to activate this Insuree?]]>
+ Policies with the following enrolment dates have reached to their maximum number of members count and therefore this insuree will not be covered by these policies however the insuree is added to the family :
+ Acquire
+ Data has been saved on the external memory card.
+ Data could not be sent to the server. Saved on the external memory card.
+ Photo uploaded successfully.
+ Photo saved successfully.
+ No images found.
+ Please capture an Image
+ Upload all Images
+ Photos uploaded successfully
+ No photos found
+ Upload Photos
+ Search
+ Modify family
+ Downloading family
+ Edited Families
+ Edited Insurees
+ Edited Policies
+ Edited Contributions
+ Insuree number not found
+ Insuree number required
+ Deleting…
+ Internet connection is required to delete online data.
+ Please login first, to delete online data
+ Deleting policy will also delete premium on it
+ Deleting of family will also Delete all Insurees, Policies and Premiums of this Family
+ Confirm
+ Logout
+ Family already exists in phone
+ New release of openIMIS Policies is now available.
+ Click here to download.
+ Saving…
+ Process has been interrupted. Please check your internet connection.
+ No Family was uploaded
+ No data available
+ XML has been created
+ Failed to create XML
+ No data was created
+ Please Enter the Insuree number
+ without a policy/a contribution
+ without a photo
+ Failed to upload
+ Deleted successfully
+ Invalid Email
+ Something went wrong on the server. Failed to upload data.
+ Price of the policy is covered. Do you still want to add contribution?
+ Contribution exceeds the price of the policy
+ Price of the policy not covered yet. Please select action to perform.
+ Price of the policy not covered yet. Please select action to perform.]]>
+ Reports
+ Snapshot Indicators
+ Cumulative Indicators
+ Number of Families with Active Policies
+ Number of Families with Expired Policies
+ Number of Families with Idle Policies
+ Number of Families with Suspended Polices
+ Number of New Policies
+ Number of renewed Policies
+ Number of Expired Policies
+ Number of Suspended Polices
+ Amount of collected contribution
+ Today\'s Statistics
+ Create Feedback XML
+ Create Renewals XML
+ Double head of family found on server. Please contact your IT manager.
+ Unlisted Renewal Policies
+ Renew Your Policy
+ Username
+ Claim Code
+ Type here
+ Please enter username and password
+ Login Successful
+ Invalid input
+ Total Amount
+ Control Numbers
+ Overview Policies
+ Overview Control Numbers
+ Control Numbers
+ Overview policies
+ Overview control numbers
+ Product Name:
+ Uploaded Date:
+ Requested Date:
+ Product Code:
+ Names:
+ Renewal:
+ Insurance No.
+ Requested To
+ Requested From
+ Uploaded To
+ TO
+ Uploaded From
+ Insurance product
+ Clear
+ Requested
+ Number of found policies
+ Amount of contribution
+ Process Complete
+ Please select a policy/policies to request
+ Successfully
+ Not authorized
+ OK
+ No data was selected to delete
+ Get Control Number
+ policies where not deleted because they are not uploaded
+ of
+ Request has been sent successfully
+ This policy can\'t be deleted because it has not been uploaded yet.
+ Type of payment
+ Request
+ Do you want to import .txt file from your DATABASE folder?
+ There are no file explorer clients installed.
+ Load file:
+ Incomplete!
+ Check Commission
+ Year
+ Paid
+ Check
+ Get Commissions
+ Commissions Report
+ Amount
+ commissions
+ Search enrolled Policies
+ Search Control Numbers
+ Overviews
+ Policies
+ No data
+ Please fill the year
+ Deleting of family will also Delete all Insurees, Policies and Premiums of this Family
+ Last Installment
+ Enrolled Policies
+ Not Enrolled Policies
+ Request for Not Enrolled Policies
+ Phone number not provided
+ Insurance products of the selected policies are not unique
+ Amount of contribution
+ Pick Date
+ Get
+ Date From
+ Date To
+ Send SMS
+ Requested SMS
+ TotalAdmissionsLeft
+ TotalVisitsLeft
+ TotalConsultationsLeft
+ TotalSurgeriesLeft
+ TotalDeliveriesLeft
+ TotalAntenatalLeft
+ ConsultationAmountLeft
+ SurgeryAmountLeft
+ HospitalizationAmountLeft
+ AntenatalAmountLeft
+ DeliveryAmountLeft
+ Please login first, to check receipt number.
+ IMIS Directory could not be created.
+ Cumulative Indicators
+ Language Of SMS
+ Approval Of SMS
+ Payment Overview
+ Get payment CN for enrolled policies
+ Get payment CN for not enrolled policies
+ Overview payment CN
+ Please login first, to download renewals.
+ Select All
+ Deselect All
+ Synchronization processing
+ Vulnerability
+ Select Vulnerability
+ Bulk Control Numbers
+ Assigned Control Numbers:
+ Free Control Numbers:
+ Fetch Bulk Control Numbers
+ Fetch
+ Please log in first, to fetch control numbers.
+ No control numbers left for this product. Please fetch control numbers or provide control number from other source.
+ Control Number :
+ No control number assigned to this policy. Please fetch control numbers or provide control number from other source.
+ Master Data
+ External Storage Access
+ To work correctly, %1$s requires external storage access. Please allow it for %1$s in next screen in order to use the application.
+ Permissions
+ To work correctly, %1$s requires multiple permissions. Please allow them in next screen in order to use the application.
+ Please fill the month
+ Renewal accepted
+ Renewal already accepted
+ Renewal rejected
+ Grace period expired
+ Control number error
+ Unexpected exception
+ Invalid renewal file
+ Control number \"%1$s\" is not present in phone memory. Please confirm that this control number is correct.
+ Do you want to select renewal file to import?
+ RAR Password
+ Save RAR Password
+ Set the default RAR password
+ Default RAR Password
+ Wait %1$s seconds
+ Control number request finished. If the available CN amount does not increase, please try again in %1$s seconds.
+ CN limit reached
+ No control numbers received from the server
+ You cannot receive more control numbers for this product
+ Export all logs:
+ Export logs
+ Do you want to export logs?
+ Export canceled. Export file can be found in external cache directory.
+ Clear all logs:
+ Clear logs
+ Do you want to clear logs?
+ Wait
+ Suspend
+ Enforce
+ without a policy
+ without a premium
+ HTTP response: %1$d — %2$s
+ No policies registered.
+ This cheque number already used
+ This cheque number was aborted
+ Could not download cheque numbers data
+ Policy Status: Covered
+ Policy Status: Not Covered
+ Policy Status
+ This cheque number not exist
+ Please add a picture
+ Entry does not exist.
+ Authorization failed.
+ Unknown Error.
+ You are not allowed to take this action.
+ en
+ Language settings
+ Current resource language: %1$s
+ Current system language is not supported. The app will use the default language.
+ Supported languages:\n%1$s
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml b/app/src/localeMv/res/values-fr/strings.xml
similarity index 87%
rename from app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml
rename to app/src/localeMv/res/values-fr/strings.xml
index 3575685b..e0675292 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/localeMv/res/values-fr/strings.xml
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
openIMIS a besoin d\'une carte mémoire externe pour fonctionner. Veuillez insérer la carte mémoire et redémarrer l\'application.Fermeture forcéeVeuillez entrer le numéro d\'assurance
- Invalid Insurance number
+ Numéro d\'assuré invalideObtenir des informations sur l\'assurance...Obtention d\'un aperçu général...Obtention d\'un rapport cumulatif...
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
Suppression échouéeCette famille a été supprimée seulement hors ligne parce qu\'elle a un contrat en ligne.Contrat avec date d\'adhésion :
- \" Modifié \"
+ " Modifié " Voulez-vous activer cet assuré ?]]>Les contrats avec les dates d\'adhésion suivantes ont atteint leur nombre maximum de membres et, par conséquent, cette assurance ne sera pas couverte par ces polices, mais l\'assuré est ajouté à la famille :Acquérir
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
Photos téléversées avec succèsAucune photo trouvéeTéléverser les photos
- \"Recherche \"
+ "Recherche "Modifier la familleTélécharger la familleFamilles éditées
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@
Téléversé auauTéléversé du
- Paquet de bénéfice
+ Paquet de bénéficesEffacerDemandéNombre de polices trouvé
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@
- Voulez-vous importer le ficher .txt dans la base de donnée ?
+ Voulez-vous importer le ficher .txt dans la base de données ?Il n\'y a pas d\'application de gestion des fichiers d\'installé.Chargement fichier:Incomplet!
@@ -393,20 +393,20 @@
- ConsultationAmountLeft
- SurgeryAmountLeft
- HospitalizationAmountLeft
- AntenatalAmountLeft
- DeliveryAmountLeft
+ Montant restant consultation
+ Montant restant chirurgie
+ Montant restant hospitalisation
+ Montant restant soin anténatal
+ Montant restant accouchementVeuillez d\'abord vous connecter pour vérifier le numéro de reçu.Le répertoire IMIS n\'a pas pu être créé.Indicateurs cumulatifsLangue des SMSApprobation de SMSAperçu des paiements
- Obtenir le CN de paiement pour les polices inscrites
- Obtenir le CN de paiement pour les polices non inscrites
- Aperçu paiement CN
+ Obtenir le numéro de contrôle de paiement pour les polices inscrites
+ Obtenir le numéro de contrôle de paiement pour les polices non inscrites
+ Aperçu du numéro de contrôle de paiementVeuillez d\'abord vous connecter pour télécharger les renouvellements.Tout sélectionnerTout déselectionner
@@ -428,12 +428,53 @@
AutorisationsPour fonctionner correctement, %1$s nécessite plusieurs autorisations. Veuillez les autoriser dans l\'écran suivant afin d\'utiliser l\'application.Veuillez remplir le mois
- Renewal accepted
- Renewal already accepted
- Renewal rejected
- Grace period expired
- Control number error
+ Demande de renouvellement acceptée
+ Demande de renouvellement déjà acceptée
+ Demande de renouvellement rejetée
+ Période d\'approbation expirée
+ Erreur de numéro de contrôleException inattendueFichier de renouvellements invalideLe numéro de contrôle \"%1$s\" n\'est pas présent dans la mémoire du téléphone. Veuillez confirmer que ce numéro est correct.
+ Voulez-vous sélectionner le fichier de renouvellement à importer?
+ Mot de passe RAR
+ Sauvegarder le mot de passe RAR
+ Définir le mot de passe RAR par défaut
+ Mot de passe RAR par défaut
+ Attendez %1$s secondes
+ La demande de numéro de contrôle (CN) est terminée. Si le montant disponible de CN n\'augmente pas, veuillez réessayer dans %1$s secondes.
+ Limite CN atteinte
+ Aucun numéro de contrôle reçu du serveur
+ Vous ne pouvez pas recevoir plus de numéros de contrôle pour ce produit
+ Export all logs:
+ Export logs
+ Do you want to export logs?
+ Export canceled. Export file can be found in external cache directory.
+ Clear all logs:
+ Clear logs
+ Do you want to clear logs?
+ Wait
+ Suspend
+ Enforce
+ without a policy
+ without a premium
+ HTTP response: %1$d — %2$s
+ No policies registered.
+ This cheque number already used
+ This cheque number was aborted
+ Could not download cheque numbers data
+ Policy Status: Covered
+ Policy Status: Not Covered
+ Policy Status
+ This cheque number not exist
+ Please add a picture
+ Entry does not exist.
+ Authorization failed.
+ Unknown Error.
+ You are not allowed to take this action.
+ fr
+ Language settings
+ Current resource language: %1$s
+ Current system language is not supported. The app will use the default language.
+ Supported languages:\n%1$s
diff --git a/app/src/localeMv/res/values/strings.xml b/app/src/localeMv/res/values/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d113651
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/localeMv/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+ Open navigation drawer
+ Close navigation drawer
+ Settings
+ Please wait
+ Page is loading
+ openIMIS Policies
+ admin@imis.com
+ Home
+ Enrolment
+ Renewal
+ Feedback
+ Sync
+ About
+ Quit
+ Region
+ District
+ Municipality
+ Village
+ Poverty Status
+ Confirmation Type
+ Confirmation No.
+ Group Type
+ Ethnicity
+ Permanent Address Details
+ Next
+ Select Region
+ Select District
+ Select Municipality
+ Select Village
+ Yes
+ No
+ Select Poverty Status
+ Select confirmation type
+ Select Group type
+ OK
+ Please verify all the required fields marked in red border
+ Insuree number
+ Other Names
+ Last Name
+ Birth Date
+ Gender
+ Marital Status
+ Beneficiary Card
+ Current District
+ Current Municipality
+ Current Village
+ Current Address Details
+ Profession
+ Education
+ Phone number
+ Email
+ Identification Type
+ Identification Number
+ District of FSP
+ Level of FSP
+ First Service Point
+ Select Gender
+ Male
+ Female
+ Other
+ Select marital status
+ Married
+ Single
+ Divorced
+ Widowed
+ Not specified
+ Select card status
+ Select profession
+ Select education
+ Select identification type
+ Select HF level
+ Dispensary
+ Health Centre
+ Hospital
+ Select Health facility
+ Save
+ Relationship
+ Select Relationship
+ Family saved successfully
+ Error occurred while processing data
+ Error while inserting data
+ Error while updating data
+ Member with this Insuree number already exists
+ Add
+ New
+ Select Enrolment Officer
+ Select Product
+ Select Month
+ Enrolment date
+ Product
+ Effective Date
+ Start Date
+ Expire Date
+ Enrolment Officer
+ Policy Status :
+ Policy Value :
+ Balance :
+ Contribution :
+ Enquire
+ Payer
+ Payment Date
+ Contribution Category
+ Receipt No
+ Contribution Paid
+ Payment Type
+ Select Payer
+ Select Level
+ Contribution and Others
+ Photo Fee
+ Select Payment Type
+ Cash
+ Mobile Phone
+ Bank Transfer
+ Receipt No :
+ Expired
+ Active
+ Idle
+ Suspended
+ Receipt number must be unique
+ Policy has contribution. Please delete contributions first
+ Policy deleted successfully
+ Contribution deleted successfully
+ Insuree deleted successfully
+ You can not delete the head of the family.
+ Family has policy please delete the policy first
+ Insuree has not deleted
+ Family deleted
+ Scan
+ Insuree Name
+ SD Card is set to readonly mode. Please set the mode to read/write and restart the application.
+ openIMIS Policies needs external memory card to run. Please insert memory card and restart the application.
+ Force Close
+ Please enter the Insuree number
+ Invalid Insuree number
+ Getting insuree info…
+ Getting Snap Shots Report…
+ Getting Cumulative Report…
+ Member with this Insuree number does not exist.
+ No renewal found
+ Please check your internet connection.
+ Process Failed, Wrong File or Enrolment Officer code.
+ Submit
+ Discontinue this policy
+ Do you want to discontinue this policy?
+ Product Code
+ loading
+ Data uploaded on the server successfully.
+ Data is rejected by the server. Data is moved to the rejected folder of the phone.
+ Data has been uploaded successfully. Please check your Rejected/Accepted folders to verify the server response.
+ Please enter Enrolment Officer code
+ File is saved on external storage.
+ Uploading…
+ No feedback found
+ Internet connection is required to view the statistics.
+ Preview
+ No data found
+ Statistics
+ Claim Code
+ Have you been treated at the facility on the said date?
+ Have you been asked for a payment to the facility or staff?
+ Have drugs been prescribed to you?
+ Did you get drugs from the facility?
+ How satisfied are you with the care you received at the health facility? Rate on a scale 1–5 (1= not satisfied; 5= very satisfied)
+ Uploading feedback…
+ Upload all feedback
+ Please enter Enrolment Officer Code
+ Please enter Claim ID
+ Please enter the Insuree number
+ All the questions must be answered.
+ End Date
+ Please enter End Date
+ In Progress
+ Please enter Start Date
+ Please enter Receipt No.
+ Please enter product code
+ Please enter amount
+ This receipt number is already used.
+ No file found.
+ Of
+ Login Name
+ Login Failed
+ Password
+ Enter Rar Password
+ Enrolment Officer Code:
+ Incorrect Enrolment Officer code
+ Login
+ Unable to connect the server. Operation aborted.
+ Something went wrong on the server.
+ Family could not be inserted.
+ Family uploaded successfully
+ Given family has no HOF
+ Family with this Insuree number already exists
+ Duplicate Insuree number found
+ Duplicate receipt number found
+ Could not download master data.
+ Downloading master data
+ Data downloaded successfully
+ Delete
+ Edit
+ Payment
+ Master data not found, would you like to Download?
+ Enrolment Application
+ Version
+ Name
+ Release Date
+ Total Families
+ Total Insurees
+ Total Policies
+ Total Contributions
+ Upload Enrolments
+ Create Enrolments XML
+ Upload Renewals
+ Upload FeedBacks
+ Download Master Data
+ Please Wait…
+ Language
+ Families
+ Add new family
+ Family and Insurees
+ Family and Policies
+ Add/Edit Insuree
+ Add/Edit Policy
+ Contributions
+ Add/Edit Contribution
+ Do you want to quit openIMIS Policies?
+ Upload report
+ Go
+ Insuree
+ Date To
+ Full Name
+ HF Name
+ Date From And To
+ Updated time
+ Cancel
+ Feedback could not be uploaded please, try again later
+ Renewal could not be uploaded please, try again later
+ Region of FSP
+ Current Region
+ Upload successful please check Accepted/Rejected folders
+ Delete Failed
+ This Family has been deleted only offline because it has a policy online.
+ Value of policy with the enrolment date :
+ Changed
+ Do you want to activate this Insuree?]]>
+ Policies with the following enrolment dates have reached to their maximum number of members count and therefore this insuree will not be covered by these policies however the insuree is added to the family :
+ Acquire
+ Data has been saved on the external memory card.
+ Data could not be sent to the server. Saved on the external memory card.
+ Photo uploaded successfully.
+ Photo saved successfully.
+ No images found.
+ Please capture an Image
+ Upload all Images
+ Photos uploaded successfully
+ No photos found
+ Upload Photos
+ Search
+ Modify family
+ Downloading family
+ Edited Families
+ Edited Insurees
+ Edited Policies
+ Edited Contributions
+ Insuree number not found
+ Insuree number required
+ Deleting…
+ Internet connection is required to delete online data.
+ Please login first, to delete online data
+ Deleting policy will also delete premium on it
+ Deleting of family will also Delete all Insurees, Policies and Premiums of this Family
+ Confirm
+ Logout
+ Family already exists in phone
+ New release of openIMIS Policies is now available.
+ Click here to download.
+ Saving…
+ Process has been interrupted. Please check your internet connection.
+ No Family was uploaded
+ No data available
+ XML has been created
+ Failed to create XML
+ No data was created
+ Please Enter the Insuree number
+ without a policy/a contribution
+ without a photo
+ Failed to upload
+ Deleted successfully
+ Invalid Email
+ Something went wrong on the server. Failed to upload data.
+ Price of the policy is covered. Do you still want to add contribution?
+ Contribution exceeds the price of the policy
+ Price of the policy not covered yet. Please select action to perform.
+ Price of the policy not covered yet. Please select action to perform.]]>
+ Reports
+ Snapshot Indicators
+ Cumulative Indicators
+ Number of Families with Active Policies
+ Number of Families with Expired Policies
+ Number of Families with Idle Policies
+ Number of Families with Suspended Polices
+ Number of New Policies
+ Number of renewed Policies
+ Number of Expired Policies
+ Number of Suspended Polices
+ Amount of collected contribution
+ Today\'s Statistics
+ Create Feedback XML
+ Create Renewals XML
+ Double head of family found on server. Please contact your IT manager.
+ Unlisted Renewal Policies
+ Renew Your Policy
+ Username
+ Claim Code
+ Type here
+ Please enter username and password
+ Login Successful
+ Invalid input
+ Total Amount
+ Control Numbers
+ Overview Policies
+ Overview Control Numbers
+ Control Numbers
+ Overview policies
+ Overview control numbers
+ Product Name:
+ Uploaded Date:
+ Requested Date:
+ Product Code:
+ Names:
+ Renewal:
+ Insurance No.
+ Requested To
+ Requested From
+ Uploaded To
+ TO
+ Uploaded From
+ Insurance product
+ Clear
+ Requested
+ Number of found policies
+ Amount of contribution
+ Process Complete
+ Please select a policy/policies to request
+ Successfully
+ Not authorized
+ OK
+ No data was selected to delete
+ Get Control Number
+ policies where not deleted because they are not uploaded
+ of
+ Request has been sent successfully
+ This policy can\'t be deleted because it has not been uploaded yet.
+ Type of payment
+ Request
+ Do you want to import .txt file from your DATABASE folder?
+ There are no file explorer clients installed.
+ Load file:
+ Incomplete!
+ Check Commission
+ Year
+ Paid
+ Check
+ Get Commissions
+ Commissions Report
+ Amount
+ commissions
+ Search enrolled Policies
+ Search Control Numbers
+ Overviews
+ Policies
+ No data
+ Please fill the year
+ Deleting of family will also Delete all Insurees, Policies and Premiums of this Family
+ Last Installment
+ Enrolled Policies
+ Not Enrolled Policies
+ Request for Not Enrolled Policies
+ Phone number not provided
+ Insurance products of the selected policies are not unique
+ Amount of contribution
+ Pick Date
+ Get
+ Date From
+ Date To
+ Send SMS
+ Requested SMS
+ TotalAdmissionsLeft
+ TotalVisitsLeft
+ TotalConsultationsLeft
+ TotalSurgeriesLeft
+ TotalDeliveriesLeft
+ TotalAntenatalLeft
+ ConsultationAmountLeft
+ SurgeryAmountLeft
+ HospitalizationAmountLeft
+ AntenatalAmountLeft
+ DeliveryAmountLeft
+ Please login first, to check receipt number.
+ IMIS Directory could not be created.
+ Cumulative Indicators
+ Language Of SMS
+ Approval Of SMS
+ Payment Overview
+ Get payment CN for enrolled policies
+ Get payment CN for not enrolled policies
+ Overview payment CN
+ Please login first, to download renewals.
+ Select All
+ Deselect All
+ Synchronization processing
+ Vulnerability
+ Select Vulnerability
+ Bulk Control Numbers
+ Assigned Control Numbers:
+ Free Control Numbers:
+ Fetch Bulk Control Numbers
+ Fetch
+ Please log in first, to fetch control numbers.
+ No control numbers left for this product. Please fetch control numbers or provide control number from other source.
+ Control Number :
+ No control number assigned to this policy. Please fetch control numbers or provide control number from other source.
+ Master Data
+ External Storage Access
+ To work correctly, %1$s requires external storage access. Please allow it for %1$s in next screen in order to use the application.
+ Permissions
+ To work correctly, %1$s requires multiple permissions. Please allow them in next screen in order to use the application.
+ Please fill the month
+ Renewal accepted
+ Renewal already accepted
+ Renewal rejected
+ Grace period expired
+ Control number error
+ Unexpected exception
+ Invalid renewal file
+ Control number \"%1$s\" is not present in phone memory. Please confirm that this control number is correct.
+ Do you want to select renewal file to import?
+ RAR Password
+ Save RAR Password
+ Set the default RAR password
+ Default RAR Password
+ Wait %1$s seconds
+ Control number request finished. If the available CN amount does not increase, please try again in %1$s seconds.
+ CN limit reached
+ No control numbers received from the server
+ You cannot receive more control numbers for this product
+ Export all logs:
+ Export logs
+ Do you want to export logs?
+ Export canceled. Export file can be found in external cache directory.
+ Clear all logs:
+ Clear logs
+ Do you want to clear logs?
+ Wait
+ Suspend
+ Enforce
+ without a policy
+ without a premium
+ HTTP response: %1$d — %2$s
+ No policies registered.
+ This cheque number already used
+ This cheque number was aborted
+ Could not download cheque numbers data
+ Policy Status: Covered
+ Policy Status: Not Covered
+ Policy Status
+ This cheque number not exist
+ Please add a picture
+ Entry does not exist.
+ Authorization failed.
+ Unknown Error.
+ You are not allowed to take this action.
+ en
+ Language settings
+ Current resource language: %1$s
+ Current system language is not supported. The app will use the default language.
+ Supported languages:\n%1$s
diff --git a/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml b/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
index 106fe306..56cb49d2 100644
--- a/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
@@ -14,13 +14,17 @@
@@ -80,10 +81,8 @@
android:screenOrientation="portrait" />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/assets/JSON/default_ints.json b/app/src/main/assets/JSON/default_ints.json
index e2e62eff..165ba47d 100644
--- a/app/src/main/assets/JSON/default_ints.json
+++ b/app/src/main/assets/JSON/default_ints.json
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"image_width_limit": 400,
+ "image_height_limit": 400,
"image_jpeg_quality": 40,
- "image_height_limit": 400
+ "min_cn_request_interval": 60
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/assets/JSON/hflevels.json b/app/src/main/assets/JSON/hflevels.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..747adb80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/assets/JSON/hflevels.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ {"code":"D", "string": "Dispensary"},
+ {"code":"C", "string": "HealthCentre"},
+ {"code":"H", "string": "Hospital"}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/assets/pages/About.html b/app/src/main/assets/pages/About.html
index 26e07984..29fbaf86 100644
--- a/app/src/main/assets/pages/About.html
+++ b/app/src/main/assets/pages/About.html
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@