title |
OpenEthereum CLI Sub-commands |
- Export state
- Export blocks
- Import
- Account new
- Account list
- Account import
- Db kill
- Db reset
- Daemon
- Snapshot
- Restore
- Tools hash
- Signer new-token
Export state from a given --chain (default: foundation) to a file. This command requires the chain to be synced with --fat-db on.
Don't export account code.--no-storage
Don't export account storage.
--at <BLOCK>
Take a snapshot at the given block, which may be an index, hash, or latest. Note that taking snapshots at non-recent blocks will only work with --pruning archive--format <FORMAT>
Export in a given format. FORMAT must be either 'hex' or 'binary'. (default: binary)--max-balance <WEI>
Don't export accounts with a balance greater than specified.--min-balance <WEI>
Don't export accounts with balance less than specified.
openethereum export state ./export-state-file.bin
Export blocks into the given --chain database (default: foundation). This command requires the chain to be synced with --fat-db on.
--format <FORMAT>
Export in a given format. FORMAT must be either 'hex' or 'binary'. (default: binary)--from <BLOCK>
Export from block BLOCK, which may be an index or hash.--to <BLOCK>
Export to (including) block BLOCK, which may be an index, hash or latest.
openethereum export blocks --chain goerli ./export-blocks-goerli.bin
Import blockchain from a file to the given --chain database (default: foundation).
--format <FORMAT>
Import in a given format. FORMAT must be either 'hex' or 'binary'. (default: auto)
Create a new account (and its associated key) for the given --chain (default: foundation).
openethereum --chain goerli account new
Loading config file from users.toml
Please note that password is NOT RECOVERABLE.
Type password:
Repeat password:
List existing accounts of the given --chain (default: foundation).
openethereum --chain goerli account list
Import accounts from JSON UTC keystore files to the specified --chain (default mainnet).
openethereum --chain goerli account list
$ openethereum account import --chain goerli ./keystore-file.json
1 account(s) imported
$ openethereum --chain goerli account list
Clean the database of the given --chain (default: foundation).
openethereum db kill --chain goerli
Database deleted.
Removes <NUM>
latest blocks from the db
openethereum db reset --chain goerli 5
Successfully reset db!
Launch OpenEthereum as a daemon.
openethereum daemon ~/openethereum-daemon.pid --chain goerli
Make a snapshot of the database of the given --chain (default: foundation).
openethereum snapshot ~/goerli.snapshot --chain goerli
--at <BLOCK> Take a snapshot at the given block, which may be an index, hash, or "latest". Note that taking
snapshots at non-recent blocks will only work with --pruning archive
Restore database of the given --chain (default: foundation) from snapshot.
openethereum restore ~/goerli.snapshot --chain goerli
Hash a file using Keccak-256 algorithm.
openethereum tools hash ./some_file_to_hash.zip
Generate new token for the given --chain (default: foundation).
openethereum signer new-token --chain goerli