diff --git a/vos/setup.cfg b/vos/setup.cfg
index 658b6ef4..e30b73d5 100644
--- a/vos/setup.cfg
+++ b/vos/setup.cfg
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ license = AGPLv3
url = https://www.canfar.net/en/docs/storage
edit_on_github = False
github_project = opencadc/vostools
-install_requires = html2text>=2016.5.29 cadcutils>=1.2.1 future aenum
+install_requires = html2text>=2016.5.29 cadcutils>=1.2.6 future aenum
# version should be PEP440 compatible (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0440)
-version = 3.3.4
+version = 3.3.5
@@ -67,3 +67,4 @@ vrmdir = vos.commands.vrmdir:vrmdir
vsync = vos.commands.vsync:vsync
vtag = vos.commands.vtag:vtag
vos-config = vos.vosconfig:vos_config_main
diff --git a/vos/vos/commands/tests/test_vsync.py b/vos/vos/commands/tests/test_vsync.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d422cba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vos/vos/commands/tests/test_vsync.py
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+# # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# ***********************************************************************
+# ****************** CANADIAN ASTRONOMY DATA CENTRE *******************
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+# (c) 2021. (c) 2021.
+# Government of Canada Gouvernement du Canada
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+# . pas le cas, consultez :
+# .
+# $Revision: 4 $
+# ***********************************************************************
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
+ unicode_literals)
+import tempfile
+import os
+import importlib
+import datetime
+import pytest
+import mock
+from mock import Mock
+import hashlib
+from vos.commands.vsync import validate, prepare, build_file_list, execute, \
+ TransferReport, compute_md5
+from cadcutils import exceptions as transfer_exceptions
+from vos.vos import ZERO_MD5
+def module_patch(*args):
+ """
+ Need to use this instead of mock.patch because vsync module has a function
+ vsync defined.
+ Credit: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52324568/how-to-mock-a-
+ function-called-in-a-function-inside-a-module-with-the-same-name
+ :param args:
+ :return:
+ """
+ target = args[0]
+ components = target.split('.')
+ for i in range(len(components), 0, -1):
+ try:
+ # attempt to import the module
+ imported = importlib.import_module('.'.join(components[:i]))
+ # module was imported, let's use it in the patch
+ result = mock.patch(*args)
+ result.getter = lambda: imported
+ result.attribute = '.'.join(components[i:])
+ return result
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ # did not find a module, just return the default mock
+ return mock.patch(*args)
+def test_compute_md5():
+ tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+ assert compute_md5(tmp_file.name) == ZERO_MD5
+ content = b'abc'
+ open(tmp_file.name, 'wb').write(content)
+ md5 = hashlib.md5()
+ md5.update(content)
+ assert compute_md5(tmp_file.name) == md5.hexdigest()
+ # try again to use cache
+ assert compute_md5(tmp_file.name) == md5.hexdigest()
+ # make cache stalled
+ content = b'cba'
+ open(tmp_file.name, 'wb').write(content)
+ md5 = hashlib.md5()
+ md5.update(content)
+ assert compute_md5(tmp_file.name) == md5.hexdigest()
+def test_validate():
+ assert validate('somepath')
+ assert validate('somepath', exclude='.')
+ assert not validate('.hiddenfile', exclude='.')
+ assert not validate('file.fits.tmp', exclude='tmp')
+ assert not validate('file.fits.tmp', exclude='exe,tmp')
+ assert validate('somepath', include='.?me.?')
+ assert not validate('sopath', include='.?me.?')
+ # exclude wins
+ assert not validate('somepath', include='.?me.?', exclude='me')
+ # illegal characters
+ assert not validate('ab[cd')
+def test_prepare():
+ client = Mock()
+ vos_location = 'vos:someservice/somedir'
+ tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+ assert tmp_file, vos_location == prepare(
+ tmp_file.name, vos_location, client)
+ assert not client.mkdir.called
+ tmp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
+ src_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir.name, 'vsyncsrc')
+ os.mkdir(src_dir)
+ assert not prepare(src_dir, vos_location, client)
+ client.mkdir.assert_called_with(vos_location)
+ # simlinks are not synced
+ client.mkdir.reset_mock()
+ link_file = os.path.join(src_dir, 'filelink')
+ os.symlink(tmp_file.name, link_file)
+ assert not prepare(link_file, vos_location, client)
+ assert not client.mkdir.called
+ # directory exists on the server
+ client.mkdir.reset_mock()
+ client.mkdir.side_effect = transfer_exceptions.AlreadyExistsException
+ tmp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
+ assert not prepare(tmp_dir.name, vos_location, client)
+ client.mkdir.assert_called_with(vos_location)
+def test_build_file_list():
+ def check_list(expected, actual):
+ """
+ checks lists of expected files vs actual. Order is determined by
+ the os.walk function and it's not deterministic so we test just
+ the existence of elements in the list
+ """
+ assert len(actual) == len(expected)
+ for item in expected:
+ assert item in actual
+ tmp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
+ src_dir_name = 'syncsrc'
+ src_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir.name, src_dir_name)
+ os.mkdir(src_dir)
+ # normally name of the src directory is part of this but we keep this
+ # for simplicity
+ vos_root = 'vos:someservice/somepath'
+ def get_vos_path(path, sync_dir):
+ if sync_dir.endswith('/'):
+ base_dir = sync_dir
+ else:
+ base_dir = os.path.dirname(sync_dir)
+ uri_path = os.path.relpath(path, base_dir)
+ return '{}/{}'.format(vos_root, uri_path)
+ check_list([(src_dir, get_vos_path(src_dir, src_dir))],
+ build_file_list([src_dir], vos_root))
+ file1 = 'file1'
+ file1_path = os.path.join(src_dir, file1)
+ open(file1_path, 'w').write('test')
+ expected_list = [(src_dir, get_vos_path(src_dir, src_dir)),
+ (file1_path, get_vos_path(file1_path, src_dir))]
+ check_list(expected_list, build_file_list([src_dir], vos_root))
+ dir1 = 'dir1'
+ dir1_path = os.path.join(src_dir, dir1)
+ os.mkdir(dir1_path)
+ file2 = 'file2'
+ file2_path = os.path.join(dir1_path, file2)
+ open(file2_path, 'w').write('test')
+ dir2 = 'dir2'
+ dir2_path = os.path.join(src_dir, dir2)
+ os.mkdir(dir2_path)
+ # if not recursive we get the same result as the previous test
+ check_list(expected_list, build_file_list([src_dir], vos_root))
+ # now recursive
+ expected_list = \
+ [(src_dir, get_vos_path(src_dir, src_dir)),
+ (dir1_path, get_vos_path(dir1_path, src_dir)),
+ (dir2_path, get_vos_path(dir2_path, src_dir)),
+ (file1_path, get_vos_path(file1_path, src_dir)),
+ (file2_path, get_vos_path(file2_path, src_dir))]
+ check_list(expected_list, build_file_list(
+ [src_dir], vos_root, recursive=True))
+ # repeat but now add "/" at the end of the source. The sync just
+ # the content of the dir and not the dir itself
+ src_dir_content = src_dir + '/'
+ expected_list_content = \
+ [(dir1_path, get_vos_path(dir1_path, src_dir_content)),
+ (dir2_path, get_vos_path(dir2_path, src_dir_content)),
+ (file1_path, get_vos_path(file1_path, src_dir_content)),
+ (file2_path, get_vos_path(file2_path, src_dir_content))]
+ check_list(expected_list_content, build_file_list(
+ [src_dir_content], vos_root, recursive=True))
+ # path='syncsrc' and vos_root='ivo://someservice/somepath' should generate
+ # the same list as path='syncsrc/' and
+ # vos_root='ivo://someservice/somepath/syncsrc' with the exception of
+ # the entry corresponding to the 'syncsrc' directory which is not
+ # generated in the second case (but assumed to already exist on server)
+ expected_list.pop(0)
+ check_list(expected_list, build_file_list(
+ [src_dir_content], '{}/{}'.format(vos_root, src_dir_name),
+ recursive=True))
+ # filtered results
+ expected_list = \
+ [(src_dir, get_vos_path(src_dir, src_dir)),
+ (dir1_path, get_vos_path(dir1_path, src_dir)),
+ (file1_path, get_vos_path(file1_path, src_dir)),
+ (file2_path, get_vos_path(file2_path, src_dir))]
+ check_list(expected_list, build_file_list(
+ [src_dir], vos_root, recursive=True, include="1"))
+ # repeat with no recursive
+ expected_list = \
+ [(src_dir, get_vos_path(src_dir, src_dir)),
+ (file1_path, get_vos_path(file1_path, src_dir))]
+ check_list(expected_list, build_file_list(
+ [src_dir], vos_root, recursive=False, include="1"))
+ # filter with exclude
+ expected_list = \
+ [(src_dir, get_vos_path(src_dir, src_dir)),
+ (dir1_path, get_vos_path(dir1_path, src_dir)),
+ (file1_path, get_vos_path(file1_path, src_dir))]
+ check_list(expected_list, build_file_list(
+ [src_dir], vos_root, recursive=True, exclude="2"))
+ # redo while doubling up the list
+ check_list(expected_list, build_file_list(
+ [src_dir]*2, vos_root, recursive=True, exclude="2"))
+ # sync src_dir + a file
+ expected_list.append((file1_path, '{}/{}'.format(vos_root, file1)))
+ check_list(expected_list, build_file_list(
+ [src_dir, file1_path], vos_root, recursive=True, exclude="2"))
+ # error when the src file does not exist
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ build_file_list([src_dir, 'bogus'], vos_root)
+def test_transfer_report():
+ tr = TransferReport()
+ assert not tr.files_erred
+ assert not tr.files_sent
+ assert not tr.files_skipped
+ assert not tr.bytes_sent
+ assert not tr.bytes_skipped
+def test_execute(get_client):
+ now = datetime.datetime.timestamp(datetime.datetime.now())
+ node = Mock(props={'MD5': 'beef'}, attr={'st_size': 3, 'st_ctime': now})
+ get_node_mock = Mock(return_value=node)
+ client_mock = Mock()
+ client_mock.get_node = get_node_mock
+ get_client.return_value = client_mock
+ tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+ class Options:
+ pass
+ options = Options
+ options.overwrite = True
+ options.ignore_checksum = True
+ options.certfile = None
+ options.token = None
+ options.cache_nodes = False
+ expected_report = TransferReport()
+ expected_report.files_sent = 1
+ assert expected_report == execute(tmp_file.name,
+ 'vos:service/path', options)
+ # put some content in the file
+ open(tmp_file.name, 'w').write('ABC')
+ expected_report.bytes_sent = 3
+ assert expected_report == execute(tmp_file.name,
+ 'vos:service/path', options)
+ # no override, same md5 and older remote time = > no update
+ now = datetime.datetime.timestamp(datetime.datetime.now())
+ node.attr['st_ctime'] = now
+ md5 = compute_md5(tmp_file.name)
+ node.props['MD5'] = md5
+ options.overwrite = False
+ expected_report = TransferReport()
+ expected_report.files_skipped = 1
+ expected_report.bytes_skipped = 3
+ assert expected_report == execute(tmp_file.name,
+ 'vos:service/path', options)
+ # mismatched md5 but ignore checksum => no update
+ node.props['MD5'] = 'beef'
+ assert expected_report == execute(tmp_file.name,
+ 'vos:service/path', options)
+ # mismached md5 and no ignore checksum => update
+ options.ignore_checksum = False
+ expected_report = TransferReport()
+ expected_report.files_sent = 1
+ expected_report.bytes_sent = 3
+ assert expected_report == execute(tmp_file.name,
+ 'vos:service/path', options)
+ # ignore checksum but mismatched size => update
+ options.ignore_checksum = True
+ node.props['MD5'] = md5
+ node.attr['st_size'] = 7
+ assert expected_report == execute(tmp_file.name,
+ 'vos:service/path', options)
+ # stalled remote copy => update
+ node.attr['st_size'] = 3
+ node.attr['st_ctime'] = now - 10000
+ assert expected_report == execute(tmp_file.name,
+ 'vos:service/path', options)
+ # OSErrors on update
+ client_mock.copy.side_effect = OSError('NodeLocked')
+ expected_report = TransferReport()
+ expected_report.files_erred = 1
+ assert expected_report == execute(tmp_file.name,
+ 'vos:service/path', options)
diff --git a/vos/vos/commands/vls.py b/vos/vos/commands/vls.py
index e2985434..d8fc3e94 100755
--- a/vos/vos/commands/vls.py
+++ b/vos/vos/commands/vls.py
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ def vls():
# segregate files from directories
for target in targets:
target_node = client.get_node(target)
- if target.endswith('/') and not opt.long:
+ if not opt.long or target.endswith('/'):
while target_node.islink():
target_node = client.get_node(target_node.target)
if target_node.isdir():
diff --git a/vos/vos/commands/vsync.py b/vos/vos/commands/vsync.py
index 6dbfe462..86a4d124 100755
--- a/vos/vos/commands/vsync.py
+++ b/vos/vos/commands/vsync.py
@@ -3,12 +3,15 @@
import os
import sys
-from multiprocessing import Process, JoinableQueue
from vos.commonparser import CommonParser, set_logging_level_from_args, \
+ URI_DESCRIPTION, exit_on_exception
import logging
import time
import signal
+import threading
+import concurrent.futures
+import re
from vos import vos
from cadcutils import exceptions as transfer_exceptions
from .. import md5_cache
@@ -37,13 +40,265 @@
HOME = os.getenv("HOME", "./")
+global_md5_cache = None
+node_dict = {}
+# placeholder for data local to a thread
+thread_local = threading.local()
+def compute_md5(filename):
+ """"
+ Computes the md5 of a file and caches the value for subsequent calls
+ """
+ md5 = None
+ if global_md5_cache is not None:
+ md5 = global_md5_cache.get(filename)
+ if md5 is None or md5[2] < os.stat(filename).st_mtime:
+ md5 = md5_cache.MD5Cache.compute_md5(filename,
+ block_size=2**19)
+ if global_md5_cache is not None:
+ stat = os.stat(filename)
+ global_md5_cache.update(filename, md5, stat.st_size,
+ stat.st_mtime)
+ else:
+ md5 = md5[0]
+ return md5
+def get_client(certfile, token):
+ """
+ Returns a VOS client instance for each thread. VOS Client uses requests
+ session which is not thread safe hence creating one instance of this class
+ for each thread
+ :param certfile:
+ :param token:
+ :return: vos.Client
+ """
+ if not hasattr(thread_local, "client"):
+ thread_local.client = vos.Client(vospace_certfile=certfile,
+ vospace_token=token)
+ return thread_local.client
+class TransferReport:
+ """
+ Report of a job.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.bytes_sent = 0
+ self.files_sent = 0
+ self.bytes_skipped = 0
+ self.files_skipped = 0
+ self.files_erred = 0
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return (self.bytes_sent == other.bytes_sent) and \
+ (self.files_sent == other.files_sent) and \
+ (self.bytes_skipped == other.bytes_skipped) and \
+ (self.files_skipped == other.files_skipped) and \
+ (self.files_erred == other.files_erred)
+def execute(src, dest, opt):
+ """
+ Transfer a file from source to destination
+ :param src: local path to file to transfer
+ :param dest: vospace location
+ :param opt: command line parameters
+ :return: TransferReport()
+ """
+ result = TransferReport()
+ src_md5 = None
+ stat = os.stat(src)
+ if not opt.ignore_checksum and not opt.overwrite:
+ src_md5 = compute_md5(src)
+ client = get_client(opt.certfile, opt.token)
+ if not opt.overwrite:
+ # Check if the file is the same
+ try:
+ node_info = None
+ if opt.cache_nodes:
+ node_info = global_md5_cache.get(dest)
+ if node_info is None:
+ logging.debug('Getting node info from VOSpace')
+ logging.debug(str(node_dict.keys()))
+ logging.debug(str(dest))
+ node = client.get_node(dest, limit=None)
+ dest_md5 = node.props.get(
+ 'MD5', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e')
+ dest_length = node.attr['st_size']
+ dest_time = node.attr['st_ctime']
+ if opt.cache_nodes:
+ global_md5_cache.update(
+ dest,
+ dest_md5,
+ dest_length,
+ dest_time)
+ else:
+ dest_md5 = node_info[0]
+ dest_length = node_info[1]
+ dest_time = node_info[2]
+ logging.debug('Destination MD5: {}'.format(
+ dest_md5))
+ if ((not opt.ignore_checksum and src_md5 == dest_md5) or
+ (opt.ignore_checksum and
+ dest_time >= stat.st_mtime and
+ dest_length == stat.st_size)):
+ logging.info('skipping: {} matches {}'.format(src, dest))
+ result.files_skipped = 1
+ result.bytes_skipped = dest_length
+ return result
+ except (transfer_exceptions.AlreadyExistsException,
+ transfer_exceptions.NotFoundException):
+ pass
+ logging.info('{} -> {}'.format(src, dest))
+ try:
+ client.copy(src, dest, send_md5=True)
+ node = client.get_node(dest, limit=None)
+ dest_md5 = node.props.get(
+ 'MD5', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e')
+ dest_length = node.attr['st_size']
+ dest_time = node.attr['st_ctime']
+ if opt.cache_nodes:
+ global_md5_cache.update(dest,
+ dest_md5,
+ dest_length,
+ dest_time)
+ result.files_sent += 1
+ result.bytes_sent += stat.st_size
+ return result
+ except (IOError, OSError) as exc:
+ logging.error(
+ 'Error writing {} to server, skipping'.format(src))
+ logging.debug(str(exc))
+ if re.search('NodeLocked', str(exc)) is not None:
+ logging.error(
+ ('Use vlock to unlock the node before syncing '
+ 'to {}').format(dest))
+ result.files_erred += 1
+ return result
+def validate(path, include=None, exclude=None):
+ """
+ Determines whether a directory or filename should be included or not
+ :param path: path to consider
+ :param include: pattern for names to include
+ :param exclude: pattern for names to exclude
+ :return: True if filename is to be included, False otherwise
+ """
+ if re.match(r'^[A-Za-z0-9._\-();:&*$@!+=/]*$', path) is None:
+ logging.error("filename {} contains illegal characters, "
+ "skipping".format(path))
+ return False
+ if include is not None and not re.search(include, path):
+ logging.info("{} not included".format(path))
+ return False
+ if exclude:
+ for thisIgnore in exclude.split(','):
+ if not path.find(thisIgnore) < 0:
+ logging.info("excluding: {}".format(path))
+ return False
+ return True
+def prepare(src, dest, client):
+ """
+ If src is a directory it creates it otherwise prepares the transfer of file
+ :param src: name of local file
+ :param dest: name of location on VOSpace to copy file
+ :param client: vos client to use for operations on the server (mkdir)
+ :return: (src, dest) tuple to be sync if required or None otherwise
+ """
+ # strip down current_destination until we find a part that exists
+ # and then build up the path.
+ if os.path.islink(src):
+ logging.error("{} is a link, skipping".format(src))
+ return
+ if not os.access(src, os.R_OK):
+ logging.error(
+ "Failed to open file {}, skipping".format(src))
+ return
+ if os.path.isdir(src):
+ # make directory but nothing to transfer
+ try:
+ client.mkdir(dest)
+ logging.info("Made directory {}".format(dest))
+ except transfer_exceptions.AlreadyExistsException:
+ # OK, must already have existed, add to list
+ pass
+ return
+ return src, dest
+def build_file_list(paths, vos_root, recursive=False, include=None,
+ exclude=None):
+ """
+ Build a list of files that should be copied into VOSpace
+ :param paths: source paths
+ :param vos_root: directory container on vospace service to sync to
+ :param recursive: True if recursive sync, False otherwise
+ :param include: patterns to include
+ :param exclude: comma separated strings to exclude when occuring in names
+ :return: set of expanded (src, dest) pairs
+ """
+ spinner = ['-', '\\', '|', '/', '-', '\\', '|', '/']
+ count = 0
+ results = [] # order is important to create the directories first
+ vos_root = vos_root.strip('/')
+ for path in paths:
+ content = False
+ if path.endswith('/'):
+ # vsync just the content and not the source dir
+ content = True
+ base_path = os.path.abspath(path)
+ path = path[:-1]
+ else:
+ base_path = os.path.dirname(path)
+ path = os.path.abspath(path)
+ rel_path = os.path.relpath(path, base_path)
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ raise ValueError('{} not found'.format(path))
+ if os.path.isfile(path):
+ results.append((path, '{}/{}'.format(vos_root, rel_path)))
+ continue
+ elif not content:
+ results.append((path, '{}/{}'.format(vos_root, rel_path)))
+ for (root, dirs, filenames) in os.walk(path):
+ if recursive:
+ for this_dirname in dirs:
+ this_dirname = os.path.join(root, this_dirname)
+ rel_dirname = os.path.relpath(this_dirname, base_path)
+ if not validate(rel_dirname, include=include,
+ exclude=exclude):
+ continue
+ results.append((this_dirname, '{}/{}'.format(
+ vos_root, rel_dirname)))
+ for this_filename in filenames:
+ srcfilename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(root,
+ this_filename))
+ rel_name = os.path.relpath(srcfilename, base_path)
+ if not validate(rel_name, include=include, exclude=exclude):
+ continue
+ count += 1
+ logging.info("Building list of files to transfer {}\r".format(
+ spinner[count % len(spinner)]))
+ results.append((srcfilename, '{}/{}'.format(
+ vos_root, rel_name)))
+ if not recursive:
+ break
+ # remove duplicates while maintaining the order
+ return list(dict.fromkeys(results))
def vsync():
- global_md5_cache = None
def signal_handler(h_stream, h_frame):
- logging.debug("{} {}".format(h_stream, h_frame))
- logging.critical("Interrupt\n")
+ logging.debug('{} {}'.format(h_stream, h_frame))
+ logging.critical('Interrupt\n')
# handle interrupts nicely
@@ -84,336 +339,85 @@ def signal_handler(h_stream, h_frame):
parser.error("Maximum of 30 streams exceeded")
if opt.cache_nodes:
+ global global_md5_cache
global_md5_cache = md5_cache.MD5Cache(cache_db=opt.cache_filename)
destination = opt.destination
- client = vos.Client(
- vospace_certfile=opt.certfile, vospace_token=opt.token)
- if not client.is_remote_file(destination):
- parser.error("Only allows sync FROM local copy TO VOSpace")
- # Currently we don't create nodes in sync and we don't sync onto files
- logging.info("Connecting to VOSpace")
- logging.info("Confirming Destination is a directory")
- dest_is_dir = client.isdir(destination)
- queue = JoinableQueue(maxsize=10 * opt.nstreams)
- good_dirs = []
- node_dict = {}
- def compute_md5(this_filename, block_size=None):
- """
- Read through a file and compute that files MD5 checksum.
- :param this_filename: name of the file on disk
- :param block_size: number of bytes to read into memory,
- defaults to 2**19 bytes
- :return: md5 as a hexadecimal string
- """
- block_size = block_size is None and 2 ** 19 or block_size
- return md5_cache.MD5Cache.compute_md5(this_filename,
- block_size=block_size)
- def file_md5(this_filename):
- import os
- md5 = None
- if global_md5_cache is not None:
- md5 = global_md5_cache.get(this_filename)
- if md5 is None or md5[2] < os.stat(this_filename).st_mtime:
- md5 = compute_md5(this_filename)
- if global_md5_cache is not None:
- stat = os.stat(this_filename)
- global_md5_cache.update(this_filename, md5, stat.st_size,
- stat.st_mtime)
+ try:
+ client = vos.Client(
+ vospace_certfile=opt.certfile, vospace_token=opt.token)
+ if not client.is_remote_file(destination):
+ parser.error("Only allows sync FROM local copy TO VOSpace")
+ # Currently we don't create nodes in sync and we don't sync onto files
+ logging.info("Connecting to VOSpace")
+ logging.info("Confirming Destination is a directory")
+ if client.isfile(destination):
+ if len(opt.files) == 1:
+ if os.path.isfile(opt.files):
+ files = [(opt.files, destination)]
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'Cannot sync directory into a remote file')
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'Cannot sync multiple sources into a single remote file')
- md5 = md5[0]
- return md5
- class ThreadCopy(Process):
- def __init__(self, this_queue):
- super(ThreadCopy, self).__init__()
- self.client = vos.Client(
- vospace_certfile=opt.certfile,
- vospace_token=opt.token)
- self.queue = this_queue
- self.filesSent = 0
- self.filesSkipped = 0
- self.bytesSent = 0
- self.bytesSkipped = 0
- self.filesErrored = 0
- def run(self):
- while True:
- (current_source, current_destination) = self.queue.get()
- requeue = (current_source, current_destination)
- src_md5 = None
- stat = os.stat(current_source)
- if not opt.ignore_checksum and not opt.overwrite:
- src_md5 = file_md5(current_source)
- if not opt.overwrite:
- # Check if the file is the same
- try:
- node_info = None
- if opt.cache_nodes:
- node_info = global_md5_cache.get(
- current_destination)
- if node_info is None:
- logging.debug("Getting node info from VOSpace")
- logging.debug(str(node_dict.keys()))
- logging.debug(str(current_destination))
- node = self.client.get_node(current_destination,
- limit=None)
- current_destination_md5 = node.props.get(
- 'MD5', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e')
- current_destination_length = node.attr['st_size']
- current_destination_time = node.attr['st_ctime']
- if opt.cache_nodes:
- global_md5_cache.update(
- current_destination,
- current_destination_md5,
- current_destination_length,
- current_destination_time)
- else:
- current_destination_md5 = node_info[0]
- current_destination_length = node_info[1]
- current_destination_time = node_info[2]
- logging.debug("Destination MD5: {}".format(
- current_destination_md5))
- if ((not opt.ignore_checksum and src_md5 ==
- current_destination_md5) or
- (opt.ignore_checksum and
- current_destination_time >= stat.st_mtime and
- current_destination_length == stat.st_size)):
- logging.info("skipping: %s matches %s" % (
- current_source, current_destination))
- self.filesSkipped += 1
- self.bytesSkipped += current_destination_length
- self.queue.task_done()
- continue
- except (transfer_exceptions.AlreadyExistsException,
- transfer_exceptions.NotFoundException):
- pass
- logging.info(
- "%s -> %s" % (current_source, current_destination))
- try:
- self.client.copy(current_source, current_destination,
- send_md5=True)
- node = self.client.get_node(current_destination,
- limit=None)
- current_destination_md5 = node.props.get(
- 'MD5', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e')
- current_destination_length = node.attr['st_size']
- current_destination_time = node.attr['st_ctime']
- if opt.cache_nodes:
- global_md5_cache.update(current_destination,
- current_destination_md5,
- current_destination_length,
- current_destination_time)
- self.filesSent += 1
- self.bytesSent += stat.st_size
- except (IOError, OSError) as exc:
- logging.error(
- "Error writing {} to server, skipping".format(
- current_source))
- logging.error(str(exc))
- import re
- if re.search('NodeLocked', str(exc)) is not None:
- logging.error(
- ("Use vlock to unlock the node before syncing "
- "to {}").format(current_destination))
- try:
- if exc.errno == 104:
- self.queue.put(requeue)
- except Exception as e2:
- logging.error("Error during requeue")
- logging.error(str(e2))
- pass
- self.filesErrored += 1
- pass
- self.queue.task_done()
- def mkdirs(directory):
- """Recursively make all nodes in the path to directory.
- :param directory: str, vospace location of ContainerNode (directory)
- to make
- :return:
- """
- logging.debug("%s %s" % (directory, str(good_dirs)))
- # if we've seen this before skip it.
- if directory in good_dirs:
- return
- # try and make a new directory and return
- # failure indicates we should see if subdirectories exist
- try:
- client.mkdir(directory)
- logging.info("Made directory {}".format(directory))
- good_dirs.append(directory)
- return
- except transfer_exceptions.AlreadyExistsException:
- pass
- # OK, must already have existed, add to list
- good_dirs.append(directory)
- return
- def copy(current_source, current_destination):
- """
- Copy current_source from local file system to current_destination.
- :param current_source: name of local file
- :param current_destination: name of localtion on VOSpace to copy file
- to (includes filename part)
- :return: None
- """
- # strip down current_destination until we find a part that exists
- # and then build up the path.
- if os.path.islink(current_source):
- logging.error("{} is a link, skipping".format(current_source))
- return
- if not os.access(current_source, os.R_OK):
- logging.error(
- "Failed to open file {}, skipping".format(current_source))
- return
- import re
- if re.match(r'^[A-Za-z0-9._\-();:&*$@!+=/]*$', current_source) is None:
- logging.error(
- "filename %s contains illegal characters, skipping" %
- current_source)
- return
- dirname = os.path.dirname(current_destination)
- mkdirs(dirname)
- if opt.include is not None and not re.search(opt.include,
- current_source):
- return
- queue.put((current_source, current_destination), timeout=3600)
- def start_streams(no_streams):
- list_of_streams = []
- for i in range(no_streams):
- logging.info("Launching VOSpace connection stream %d" % i)
- t = ThreadCopy(queue)
- t.daemon = True
- t.start()
- list_of_streams.append(t)
- return list_of_streams
- def build_file_list(base_path, destination_root='', recursive=False,
- ignore=None):
- """Build a list of files that should be copied into VOSpace"""
- spinner = ['-', '\\', '|', '/', '-', '\\', '|', '/']
- count = 0
- for (root, dirs, filenames) in os.walk(base_path):
- for this_dirname in dirs:
- if not recursive:
- continue
- this_dirname = os.path.join(root, this_dirname)
- skip = False
- if ignore is not None:
- for thisIgnore in ignore.split(','):
- if not this_dirname.find(thisIgnore) < 0:
- logging.info("excluding: %s " % this_dirname)
- skip = True
- continue
- if skip:
- continue
- cprefix = os.path.commonprefix((base_path, this_dirname))
- this_dirname = os.path.normpath(
- destination_root + "/" + this_dirname[len(cprefix):])
- mkdirs(this_dirname)
- for thisfilename in filenames:
- srcfilename = os.path.normpath(
- os.path.join(root, thisfilename))
- skip = False
- if ignore is not None:
- for thisIgnore in ignore.split(','):
- if not srcfilename.find(thisIgnore) < 0:
- logging.info("excluding: %s " % srcfilename)
- skip = True
- continue
- if skip:
- continue
- cprefix = os.path.commonprefix((base_path, srcfilename))
- destfilename = os.path.normpath(
- destination_root + "/" + srcfilename[len(cprefix):])
- this_dirname = os.path.dirname(destfilename)
- mkdirs(this_dirname)
- count += 1
- if opt.verbose:
- sys.stderr.write(
- "Building list of files to transfer %s\r" % (
- spinner[count % len(spinner)]))
- copy(srcfilename, destfilename)
- if not recursive:
- return
- return
- streams = start_streams(opt.nstreams)
- # build a complete file list given all the things on the command line
- for filename in opt.files:
- filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
- this_root = destination
- if os.path.isdir(filename):
- if filename[-1] != "/":
- if os.path.basename(filename) != os.path.basename(destination):
- this_root = os.path.join(destination,
- os.path.basename(filename))
- mkdirs(this_root)
- node_dict[this_root] = client.get_node(this_root, limit=None)
- try:
- build_file_list(filename, destination_root=this_root,
- recursive=opt.recursive, ignore=opt.exclude)
- except Exception as e:
- logging.error(str(e))
- logging.error("ignoring error")
- elif os.path.isfile(filename):
- if dest_is_dir:
- this_root = os.path.join(destination,
- os.path.basename(filename))
- copy(filename, this_root)
- else:
- logging.error("%s: No such file or directory." % filename)
- logging.info(
- ("Waiting for transfers to complete "
- r"******** CTRL-\ to interrupt ********"))
- queue.join()
- end_time = time.time()
- bytes_sent = 0
- files_sent = 0
- bytes_skipped = 0
- files_skipped = 0
- files_erred = 0
- for stream in streams:
- bytes_sent += stream.bytesSent
- bytes_skipped += stream.bytesSkipped
- files_sent += stream.filesSent
- files_skipped += stream.filesSkipped
- files_erred += stream.filesErrored
- logging.info("==== TRANSFER REPORT ====")
- if bytes_sent > 0:
- rate = bytes_sent / (end_time - start_time) / 1024.0
- logging.info("Sent %d files (%8.1f kbytes @ %8.3f kBytes/s)" % (
- files_sent, bytes_sent / 1024.0, rate))
- speed_up = (bytes_skipped + bytes_sent) / bytes_sent
- logging.info(
- "Speedup: %f (skipped %d files)" % (speed_up, files_skipped))
- if bytes_sent == 0:
- logging.info("No files needed sending ")
+ files = build_file_list(paths=opt.files,
+ vos_root=destination,
+ recursive=opt.recursive,
+ include=opt.include,
+ exclude=opt.exclude)
+ # build the list of transfers
+ transfers = []
+ for src_path, vos_dest in files:
+ transfer = prepare(src_path, vos_dest, client)
+ if transfer:
+ transfers.append(transfer)
+ # main execution loop
+ futures = []
+ with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=opt.nstreams) \
+ as executor:
+ for file_src, vos_dest in transfers:
+ futures.append(executor.submit(
+ execute, file_src, vos_dest, opt))
- if files_erred > 0:
- "Error transferring %d files, please try again" % files_erred)
+ ("Waiting for transfers to complete "
+ r"******** CTRL-\ to interrupt ********"))
+ end_time = time.time()
+ end_result = TransferReport()
+ for r in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
+ res = r.result()
+ end_result.bytes_sent += res.bytes_sent
+ end_result.bytes_skipped += res.bytes_skipped
+ end_result.files_sent += res.files_sent
+ end_result.files_skipped += res.files_skipped
+ end_result.files_erred += res.files_erred
+ logging.info("==== TRANSFER REPORT ====")
+ if end_result.bytes_sent > 0:
+ rate = end_result.bytes_sent / (end_time - start_time) / 1024.0
+ logging.info("Sent {} files ({} kbytes @ {} kBytes/s)".format(
+ end_result.files_sent,
+ round(end_result.bytes_sent / 1024.0, 2),
+ round(rate, 2)))
+ speed_up = (end_result.bytes_skipped + end_result.bytes_sent) / \
+ end_result.bytes_sent
+ logging.info("Speedup: {} (skipped {} files)".format(
+ speed_up, end_result.files_skipped))
+ if end_result.bytes_sent == 0:
+ logging.info("No files needed sending ")
+ if end_result.files_erred > 0:
+ logging.info(
+ "Error transferring {} files, please try again".format(
+ end_result.files_erred))
+ except Exception as ex:
+ exit_on_exception(ex)
vsync.__doc__ = DESCRIPTION
diff --git a/vos/vos/tests/test_vos.py b/vos/vos/tests/test_vos.py
index e3796bba..97938fa4 100644
--- a/vos/vos/tests/test_vos.py
+++ b/vos/vos/tests/test_vos.py
@@ -790,43 +790,13 @@ def test_mkdir(self):
def test_success_failure_case(self):
with pytest.raises(OSError):
client = Client()
- ignore = client.status('vos:test/node.fits', code='abc')
+ client.status('vos:test/node.fits', code='abc')
class TestNode(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test the vos Node class.
- def test_compute_md5(self):
- pass
- # from vos import vos
- # mock_file = MagicMock(spec=file, wraps=StringIO('a'))
- # foo = mock_file.open()
- # self.assertEqual(foo.read, 'a')
- # # hash = vos.compute_md5('/dev/null')
- # # self.assertEqual(hash, '098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6')
- # import mock
- # my_mock = mock.MagicMock()
- # with mock.patch('__builtin__.open', my_mock):
- # manager = my_mock.return_value.__enter__.return_value
- # manager.read.return_value = 'some data'
- # with open('foo') as h:
- # data = h.read()
- # print data
- # with mock.patch('__builtin__.open') as my_mock:
- # my_mock.return_value.__enter__ = lambda s: s
- # my_mock.return_value.__exit__ = mock.Mock()
- # my_mock.return_value.read.return_value = 'some data'
- # with open('foo') as h:
- # data = h.read()
- # mocked_open = unittest.mock.mock_open(read_data='foo')
- # with unittest.mock.patch('vos.open', mocked_open, create=True):
- # hash = vos.compute_md5('foo')
- # self.assertEqual(hash, '098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6')
def test_node_eq(self):
# None node raises LoookupError
with self.assertRaises(LookupError):
diff --git a/vos/vos/vos.py b/vos/vos/vos.py
index 1d4d4ba4..a6d80775 100644
--- a/vos/vos/vos.py
+++ b/vos/vos/vos.py
@@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ def get_children(self, client, sort, order, limit=500):
current_index = 1
run = False
- with client.nodeCache.watch(yield_node.uri) as childWatch:
+ with nodeCache.watch(yield_node.uri) as childWatch:
yield yield_node
@@ -1353,6 +1353,9 @@ def set_auth(self, vospace_certfile=None, vospace_token=None):
+nodeCache = NodeCache()
class Client(object):
"""The Client object does the work"""
@@ -1426,7 +1429,7 @@ def __init__(self, vospace_certfile=None,
self.protocols = Client.VO_TRANSFER_PROTOCOLS
self.rootNode = root_node
- self.nodeCache = NodeCache()
+ # self.nodeCache = NodeCache()
self.transfer_shortcut = transfer_shortcut
self.secure_get = secure_get
self._endpoints = {}
@@ -1434,7 +1437,6 @@ def __init__(self, vospace_certfile=None,
Client.VOSPACE_CERTFILE or vospace_certfile
self.vospace_token = vospace_token
self.insecure = insecure
- return
def glob(self, pathname):
"""Return a list of paths matching a pathname pattern.
@@ -2052,11 +2054,11 @@ def get_node(self, uri, limit=0, force=False):
logger.debug("Getting node {0}".format(uri))
uri = self.fix_uri(uri)
node = None
- if not force and uri in self.nodeCache:
- node = self.nodeCache[uri]
+ if not force and uri in nodeCache:
+ node = nodeCache[uri]
if node is None:
logger.debug("Getting node {0} from ws".format(uri))
- with self.nodeCache.watch(uri) as watch:
+ with nodeCache.watch(uri) as watch:
# If this is vospace URI then we can request the node info
# using the uri directly, but if this a URL then the metadata
# comes from the HTTP header.
@@ -2110,7 +2112,7 @@ def get_node(self, uri, limit=0, force=False):
for childNode in node.node_list:
- with self.nodeCache.watch(childNode.uri) as childWatch:
+ with nodeCache.watch(childNode.uri) as childWatch:
return node
@@ -2319,7 +2321,7 @@ def link(self, src_uri, link_uri):
if self.isdir(link_uri):
link_uri = os.path.join(link_uri, os.path.basename(src_uri))
- with self.nodeCache.volatile(src_uri), self.nodeCache.volatile(
+ with nodeCache.volatile(src_uri), nodeCache.volatile(
link_node = Node(link_uri, node_type="vos:LinkNode")
ElementTree.SubElement(link_node.node, "target").text = src_uri
@@ -2344,7 +2346,7 @@ def move(self, src_uri, destination_uri):
src_uri = self.fix_uri(src_uri)
destination_uri = self.fix_uri(destination_uri)
- with self.nodeCache.volatile(src_uri), self.nodeCache.volatile(
+ with nodeCache.volatile(src_uri), nodeCache.volatile(
job_url = self.transfer(self.get_endpoints(src_uri).async_transfer,
src_uri, destination_uri, view='move')
@@ -2357,12 +2359,12 @@ def move(self, src_uri, destination_uri):
return self.get_transfer_error(job_url, src_uri)
def _get(self, uri, view="defaultview", cutout=None):
- with self.nodeCache.volatile(uri):
+ with nodeCache.volatile(uri):
return self.transfer(self.get_endpoints(uri).transfer,
uri, "pullFromVoSpace", view, cutout)
def _put(self, uri, content_length=None, md5_checksum=None):
- with self.nodeCache.volatile(uri):
+ with nodeCache.volatile(uri):
return self.transfer(self.get_endpoints(uri).transfer,
uri, "pushToVoSpace", view="defaultview",
@@ -2673,7 +2675,7 @@ def delete(self, uri):
uri = self.fix_uri(uri)
logger.debug("delete {0}".format(uri))
- with self.nodeCache.volatile(uri):
+ with nodeCache.volatile(uri):
url = self.get_node_url(uri, method='GET')
response = self.get_session(uri).delete(url)