diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 3bfc5364f236..1d200943bd8b 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,10 +9,17 @@ Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not ```{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md) :class: warning -**Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. +**Average Smoothing or Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ``` -## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) +## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) + +- Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) +- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). + +- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) + +## 2. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) **Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** @@ -36,13 +43,6 @@ A patched Dexcom G7 app (DiaKEM) gives access to the Dexcom G7 data. This is not - If AAPS does not receive any values, switch to another BG source and then back to 'BYODA' to invoke the query for approving data exchange between AAPS and BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - -- Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) -- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - -- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) - ## 3. xDrip+ (companion mode) - Download and install xDrip+: [xDrip](https://github.com/NightscoutFoundation/xDrip) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md index 6cd240f78dee..169f73cad3f6 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md @@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ Use this option only if your CGM data is being properly smoothed by your collect ## Suggestions to use smoothing -| | Exponential | Průměr | Žádný | -| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:--------:|:-----------:| -| G5 and G6 | | If noisy | Recommended | -| G7 | Recommended | | | -| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | -| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | +| | Exponential | Průměr | Žádný | +| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:---------:|:-----------:| +| G5 and G6 | If noisy | | Recommended | +| G7 | If noisy | If stable | | +| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | +| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | ### Dexcom sensors diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Getting-Started/Phones.md b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Getting-Started/Phones.md index bebfd19d6f03..cd7f1bcfb2e1 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Getting-Started/Phones.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Getting-Started/Phones.md @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # Telefony -The current version of **AAPS** requires an Android smartphone with Google Android 9.0 or above. So if you are thinking about a new phone, Android 9 is recommended at a minimum but optimally choose Android 13 or 14. - -For older Android versions, older **AAPS** versions are available see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. +As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject. +Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). - [List of tested phones](../CompatiblePhones/ListOfTestedPhones.md) - [Jelly Pro Settings](../CompatiblePhones/Jelly.md) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md index dd1bc7767c89..83a6e7b911a1 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md @@ -209,7 +209,8 @@ Cílem této dokumentace je snížení potřebné technické odbornosti na absol ### Chytré telefony #### AAPS a Android verze -The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. Pokud zvažujete nákup nového telefonu (od 2024), je doporučována verze Android 13. Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons, however for users unable to use a device with Android 9.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions like [Android 8](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/ and [Android 7](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/2.6.2), remain available from previous releases (check the release notes for legacy versions). + +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred.
As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject.
Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). #### Výběr modelu smartphone Přesný model, který kupujete, závisí na požadovaných funkcích. You can find on the [Phones page](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) recommendations and user feedback about working setups. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md index 82569a12d627..dfdfff92d8f0 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md @@ -17,272 +17,9 @@ První tři jsou většinou vhodné pro pečovatele/rodiče, ale chytré hodinky 5. Příklady odlišných plánů léčby pro děti různého věku můžete nalézt v oddíle ["soubory"](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/files/) ve Facebookové skupině **AAPS**. 6. Jaký je váš nouzový plán pro případy, kdy vzdálená kontrola nefunguje (_např._ problémy se sítí nebo ztráta konektivity bluetooth)? Vždy zvažujte, co se stane s **AAPS** ve chvíli, kdy nemůžete odeslat příkazy. **AAPS** přepíše v pumpě nastavení bazálů, ISF a ICR aktuálními hodnotami profilu. Vždy používejte pouze dočasné přepnutí profilu (tzn. s nastavenou dobou trvání) pokud přepínáte na silnější inzulínový profil, pro případ že by došlo k přeručení spojení. Tak se po vypršení nastaveného času vrátí nastavení pumpy k původnímu profilu. -(RemoteControl-sms-commands)= ## 1) SMS příkazy -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note - -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md). - -``` - -**AAPS** můžete vzdáleně ovládat pomocí textových zpráv (SMS) pomocí funkce známé jako **SMS příkazy**. SMS příkazy mohou být odesílány na **AAPS** z _jakéhokoli_ typu telefonu (iPhone/Android). - -**SMS příkazy jsou opravdu užitečné:** -1. Pro běžné dálkové ovládání - -2. Ke vzdálenému podávání bolusového inzulínu - -3. V místech, kde máte špatné připojení k internetu, textové zprávy projdou, zatímco data/internetová konektivita jsou omezené. To je velmi užitečné při cestách do odlehlých oblastí (např. kempování, lyžování). - -4. Pokud došlo dočasnému výpadku vašich dalších způsobů vzdáleného ovládání (Nightscout/AAPSClient) - -### Zabezpečení SMS příkazů -Když v **AAPS** povolíte **SMS komunikátor**, vezměte do úvahy, že telefon, který má povoleno posílat příkazy, může být ukraden nebo použit jinou osobou. Vždy zamykejte svůj telefon alespoň pomocí PINu. Rozhodně doporučujeme biometrický zámek a/nebo silné heslo a ujistěte se, že nejde o stejné heslo jako vaše APK Master heslo (heslo které používáte pro změnu nastavení **AAPS**). Povolte SMS příkazy pro druhé telefonní číslo i v případě, že vzdáleně pracuje pouze jeden pečovatel/sledující. Potom můžete druhé telefonní číslo použít k dočasnému vypnutí SMS komunikátoru (příkazem **"SMS stop"**) pokud dojde ke kompromitaci primárního telefonu. Versions of **AAPS** 2.7 and newer also use an [Authenticator app](#authentication-or-not)). - -### Různé typy SMS příkazů -V následující **tabulce SMS příkazů** jsou všechny dostupné SMS příkazy. Jsou uvedené _Příklady hodnot_, které pomáhají problematice porozumnět. Příkazy mají stejný rozsah možných hodnot (cíle, procento profilu atd.) jako aplikace AAPS. Níže uvedené příkazy byly seřazené podle toho, jak pravděpodobně jsou používány. První dvě tabulky by měly obsahovat většinu SMS příkazů, které potřebujete s plnou smyčkou. - -### Tabulky SMS příkazů - -![SMS_command_table_1](../images/remote-control-02.png) - -![SMS_command_table_2](../images/remote-control-03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_3](../images/remote_control_and_following/SMS_command_table_3_Loop_03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_4](../images/remote-control-05.png) - -(authentication-or-not)= -### Autentizace ano nebo ne? - -Ve výše uvedené tabulce si můžete všimnout, že na některé SMS příkazy je reakce okamžitá, jiné vyžadují ověření/autentizaci pomocí bezpečnostního kódu z další aplikace a zadání PIN (viz níže uvedený odkaz). Jednoduchý dotaz jako **bg** (zaslání aktuální hodnoty glikémie) je rychlý na napsání, nevyžaduje ověření, a vrátí **AAPS** tuto stavovou informaci: - -![image](../images/remote-control-06.png) - -Přikazy, které vyžadují vyšší bezpečnost, vyžadují zadání bezpečnostního kódu, např.: - -![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) - -### Jak nastavit SMS příkazy - -Celkově proces probíhá takto: - -**1) Stáhněte si authentikátor (telefon pečovatele)** - -**2) Zkontrolujte nastavení telefonu (telefon AAPS)** - -**3) Synchronizace data a času (pečovatelův a AAPS telefon)** - -**4) Nastavení AAPS (telefon APPS)** - -**5) Otestování SMS příkazů (pečovatelům a AAPS telefon)** - -### Pojďme na to! - -1) **Stáhněte si autentizátor**: Na telefonu pečovatele stáhněte (z App Store nebo Google play) a nainstalujte některý z tohoto seznamu autentizačních aplikací: - -[**Authy**](https://authy.com/download/) - -[**Google Authenticator - Android / iOS**](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2&pli=1) - -[**LastPass Authenticator**](https://www.lastpass.com/solutions/authentication) - -[**FreeOTP Authenticator**](https://freeotp.github.io/) - -Tyto autentizační aplikace vytvářejí časově omezené, šestimístné heslo, podobně jako aplikace pro mobilní bankovnictví nebo nakupování. Můžete použít libovolnou autentizační aplikaci, která podporuje tokeny RFC 6238 TOTP. Microsoft Authenticator se s AAPS nefunguje. - -2) **Zkontrolujte nastavení telefonu:** V nastavení **AAPS** telefonu jděte do Aplikace > AndroidAPS > Oprávnění > SMS > Povolit SMS - -![image](../images/remote-control-08.png) - -3) **Synchronizace data a času:** V telefonu **AAPS** a telefonu pečovatele zkontrolujte, zda jsou datum a čas synchronizovány. Jak přesně toto nastavíte zavisí na zařízení, které používáte. Možná budete muset vyzkoušet různá nastavení. - -Příklad (pro Samsung S23): Nastavení – obecná správa – datum a čas – automatické nastavení data a času - -Některé možnosti mohou být neaktivní z důvodu potřeby oprávnění správce přes rodinný účet, pokud byl telefon nastaven jako dětský. Toto nastavení data a času je na telefonu pečovatele/rodiče nazváno „nastavit automaticky“. Pokud si nejste jistí, žemáte zařízení synchronizovaná, nedělejte si starosti. Můžete nastavit SMS příkazy a následně vyřešit problémy (pokud je to nutné, požádejte o pomoc). - -4) **Nastavení AAPS:** - -i) Nyní, když je nastavení telefonů zkontrolované, v **AAPS** aplikaci použijte hamburger menu na levé straně a otevřete Konfiguraci: - -![image](../images/remote-control-09.png) - -ii) Povolte "SMS komunikátor" zaškrtnutím políčka, pak klikněte na "ozubené kolečko" a tím otevřete obrazovku nastavení SMS komunikátoru: - -![image](../images/remote-control-10.png) - -_Poznámka: Jako alternativu ke Konfiguraci můžete také použít novou kartu „SMS komunikátor“ v horní části obrazovky AAPS, poté klikněte na ahmburger menu v pravé části a tak otevřete obrazovku nastavení SMS komunikátoru._ - -iii) Na obrazovce nastavení povolte "Povolit vzdálené příkazy přes SMS": - -![image](../images/remote-control-11.png) - -iv) Zadejte telefonní číslo(a) pečovatele. Zadejte kód země a vynechte první "0" u telefonního čísla, jak je uvedeno v těchto příkladech: - -Telefon Spojeného království: +447976304596 - -Telefon USA: +11234567890 - -Telefon Francie: +33612344567 - -_atp._ - -Dejte pozor na to, že „+“ před číslem může nebo nemusí být požadováno na základě vaší polohy. Abyste to zjistili, pošlete vzorový text, který se zobrazí v přijatém formátu na kartě SMS komunikátoru. - -Chcete-li přidat více než jedno telefonní číslo, oddělte je středníky BEZ MEZER mezi čísly (to je kriticky důležité!). Stiskněte „OK“: - - -![image](../images/remote-control-12.png) - -v) Vyberte PIN kód, který vy (a všichni ostatní pečovatelé) budete používat na konci ověřovacího kódu při odeslání SMS příkazu. - -Požadavky na PIN jsou: - -•3 až 6 číslic - -• různé číslice (_, tj._ 1111 nebo 1224) - -• bez následujících čísel (_, tj._ 1234) - -![image](../images/remote-control-13.png) - -vi) Na obrazovce nastavení vyberte "Nastavení autentizátoru" - -● Postupujte krok za krokem podle instrukcí na obrazovce. - -● Otevřete nainstalovanou ověřovací aplikaci na _pečovatelském telefonu_ a nechte přidat nové připojení. - -● Použijte telefon pečovatele k naskenování QR kódu poskytnutého **AAPS**, když budete vyzváni. - -● Otestujte jednorázové heslo z autentizační aplikace na telefonu pečovatele, po němž následuje váš PIN. - -Příklad: - -Jednorázové heslo z autentizační aplikace je 457051 - -Váš povinný PIN je 2401 - -Ověřovací kód: 4570512401 - -Pokud je zadán správný kód, červený text „WRONG PIN“ se automaticky změní na zelený „OK“. Proces je nyní dokončen, po zadání kódu nemáte žádné potvrzovací tlačítko „OK“: - - -![image](../images/remote-control-14.png) - -Nyní byste měli mít nastaveny SMS příkazy. - -### První kroky při užívání SMS příkazů - -1) Chcete-li zkontrolovat, že jste všechno nastavili správně, otestujte spojení zasláním „bg“ jako SMS zprávy z telefonu pečovatele do AAPS telefonu. Odpověď by se měla podobat té, která je zde zobrazena: - -![image](../images/remote-control-15.png) - -2) Nyní vyzkoušejte SMS příkaz, který vyžaduje autentifikátor. Chcete-li to udělat, pošlete z telefonu pečovatele text s požadovaným příkazem na **AAPS** telefon (_např._ ‚target hypo‘). Telefon pečovatele obdrží text zpět, vyzve vás k zadání **šestimístného ověřovacího hesla** z autentizační aplikace, následované dalším tajným kódem **PIN** známým pouze pečovateli/sledujícímu (celkem deset číslic, za předpokladu, že váš PIN je pouze 4 místný). - -Viz příklad níže, SMS příkaz „target hypo“ nastaví dočasný cíl: - -● V tomto příkladu je váš PIN 1289 - -Jednorázové heslo z autentizační aplikace je 274127 - -● Po výzvě odešlete 2741271289 - -Příkazy musí být zadány v angličtině. Odpověď by měla přijít ve vašem místním jazyce. Když budete zkoušet odeslat SMS příkaz poprvé, testujte to, když máte po ruce AAPS telefon, abyste viděli, jak všechno funguje: - -![image](../images/remote-control-16.png) - -Na telefon pečovatele přijde SMS odpověď od **AAPS** jako potvrzení, že byl vzdálený SMS příkaz úspěšně proveden. Existuje několik možných důvodů, pokud příkaz nebyl úspěšný: - -● Nastavení SMS příkazů není úplné/správné - -● Odeslali jste příkaz v nesprávném formátu (jako “disconnect pump 45” místo “pump disconnect 45”) - -● Použili jste nesprávný nebo prošlý ověřovací kód (je obvykle dobré počkat několik sekund na nový kód, pokud má platnost aktuálního kódu zrovna vypršet) - -● Kód + PIN byl v pořádku, ale došlo ke zpoždění v doručení SMS, podle čehož AAPS vypočetl, že ověřovací kód vypršel - -● Telefon AAPS je mimo dosah/kontakt s pumpou - -● Systém je již zaneprázdněn podáváním bolusu - -Pokud je váš příkaz úspěšný, obdržíte odpověď s potvrzením. Pokud se vyskytne problém, obdržíte chybovou zprávu. - -Obecné chyby jsou uvedeny v následujících příkladech: - -![image](../images/remote-control-17.png) - -### Dodatečné bezpečnostní poznámky k SMS příkazům - -Výchozí minimální prodleva mezi bolusovými příkazy je 15 minut. Z bezpečnostních důvodů musíte přidat alespoň dvě autorizovaná telefonní čísla ke zkrácení tohoto limitu. Pokud se pokusíte znovu o vzdálený bolus do 15 minut od předchozího bolusu, obdržíte odpověď: „Vzdálený bolus není k dispozici. Zkuste to později.”. - -Pokud chcete telefonu pečovatele odebrat právo posílat SMS příkazy, použijte v AAPS nouzové tlačítko „RESET AUTHENTICATORS“ (viz snímek obrazovky nastavení výše, odkaz) nebo poslat SMS příkaz „SMS stop“. Resetováním autentizačních aplikací zneplatníte VŠECHNY telefony pečovatelů. Budete je muset nastavit znovu. - -### Posílání bolusů k jídlu prostřednictvím SMS příkazů - -Vzdálené posílání bolusů inzulínu může být provedeno _pouze_ prostřednictvím **SMS příkazů**, nelze to provést pomocí Nightscout nebo AAPSClienta. Naopak sacharidy mohou být zadány kteroukoli z těchto 4 metod. Ale není možné odesílat sacharidy i inzulínové příkazy v jedné SMS zprávě. Tyto příkazy musí být zaslány odděleně: - -1) Poslání bolusu (_např._"bolus 2" přikáže podat bolus 2 jednotek inzulínu) pomocí SMS příkazů je ekvivalenem použití ikony "injekční stříkačky" v **AAPS**. 2) Odeslání sacharidů (_např._ “carbs 20” oznámí 20 g sacharidů). To je ekvivalentem použití ikony "sacharidy" v **AAPS**. - -Abyste se vyhnuli hypoglykémii, je lepší začít opatrně podáváním **menšího množství inzulínu** než je podle vašeho inzulíno sacharidového poměru potřeba, protože nezohledňujete současnou hladinu glukézy nebo trend. - -**Pořadí, ve kterém odesíláte tyto příkazy, je důležité**. Pokud oznamujete velké množství sacharidů libovolnou cestou a máte povoleno SMB, **AAPS** může okamžitě reagovat podáním částečného bolusu inzulínu. Takže pokud se pak pokusíte odeslat bolus _po_ oznámení sacharidů, můžete dostat frustrující zprávu o povinné prodlevě mezi bolusy a pak musíte zkontrolovat, co bylo podáno jako SMB. Případně pokud si neuvědomíte, že jsou SMB doručovány a vámi poslaný následný bolus je úspěšný, na jídlo může být dodáno celkově příliš mnoho inzulínu. Z tohoto důvodu, pokud potřebujete posílat bolusy vzdáleně, je nutné vždy odeslat bolus _před_ oznámením sacharidů. Pokud vám to vyhovuje, můžete využívat kombinaci Nightscoutu nebo AAPSClienta s SMS příkazy. Sacharidy mohou být bez jakékoli autentizace oznámeny prostřednictvím Nighscoutu (viz instrukce níže v pododdíle) a tedy rychleji než prostřednictvím SMS příkazů. - -### Řešení problémů s SMS příkazy a FAQ - -#### Q: Co _nemůžeme_ dělat s SMS příkazy? - -1) **Nemůžeme _dočasně_ přepnout profil** (například nastavit „profil na cvičení“ po dobu 60 minut), ale můžete natrvalo přepnout na „profil na cvičení“. Dočasná změna profilu může být provedena prostřednictvím Nightscoutu nebo AAPSClienta. - -2) **Nemůžete zrušit automatizaci** nebo **nastavit uživatelem definované cíle**, ale existují jiná řešení: Například: Představte si, že normální cíl profilu je 5.5. V AAPS máte nastavenou automatizaci, která vždy mezi 2:30 a 3:30 odpoledne nastaví z důvodu tělocviku ve škole vyšší cíl na 7.0 mmol/L a podmínkou spuštění tohoto pravidla je, že "neexistuje dočasný cíl". Tento týden vám bylo na poslední chvíli oznámano, že tělocvik byl zrušen a místo něj se jde na pizzu. Vaše dítě už je ale ve škole s AAPS telefonem. Pokud automatizace spustí cíl 7.0 a vy ho zrušíte (na AAPS telefonu nebo vzdáleně), podmínky pro automatizační pravidlo jsou pořád platné a **AAPS** jednoduše nastaví vysoký cíl za minutu znovu. - -**Pokud máte přístup k AAPS telefonu**, můžete automatizaci vypnout nebo upravit, nebo, pokud nechcete automatizaci měnit, můžete jednoduše nastavit dočasný cíl na 5.6 na 60 min na záložce Akce nebo stisknutím tlačítka Cíl. To zabrání automatizaci v novém spuštění vysokého cíle 7.0. - -**Pokud nemáte přístup k AAPS telefonu**, SMS příkaz můžu být využit pro náhradní řešení: například odesláním příkazu "target meal" nastavíte cíl 5.0 na 45 minut (ostatní výchozí cíle jsou nastavené na 8.0, protože se používají na aktivitu nebo hypoglykémii). Nicméně SMS příkazem nemůžete zadat _konkrétní_ cílovou hodnotu (5.6 na 60 minut, například). Na to byste potřebovali **AAPSClient** nebo Nightscout. - -#### Q: Co se stane, když změním názor na příkaz, který jsem právě odeslal? - -**AAPS** doručí pouze poslení příkaz. Takže pokud napíšete "bolus 1,5" a potom, bez autentizace pošlete nový příkaz "bolus 1", Aaps bude ignorovat předchozí 1,5. **AAPS** vždy odešle telefonu pečovatele potvrzení, jaký SMS příkaz přišel, než vás vyzve k zadání ověřovacího kódu, stejně jako potvrzení po akci. - -#### Q: Proč jsem nedostal odpověď na SMS příkaz? - -Může jít o jeden z těchto důvodů: - -1) Zpráva se nedostala do telefonu (problémy se sítí). 2) **AAPS** stále zpracovává požadavek (_např._ bolus, který může nějakou dobu trvat, v závislosti na rychlosti bolusu). 3) AAPS telefon nemá dobré bluetooth spojení s pumpou, když je příkaz přijal, a příkaz tedy selhal (tato situace obvykle nastaví alarm na AAPS telefonu). - -#### Q: Jak mohu zastavit příkaz, který už byl ověřený? - -Nemůžete. Nicméně můžete zrušit bolus odeslaný pomocí SMS na samotném **AAPS** telefonu, jednoduše jeho zrušením v popup okně pro podávání, pokud jste dostatečně rychlí. Mnoho příkazů (vyjma poslání bolusu a zadání sacharidů) může být snadno vráceno nebo mohou být provedeny kroky ke zmínění dopadů případné chyby. - -V případě chybně poslaného bolusu nebo oznámení sacharidů můžete stále podniknout opatření. Na příklad, pokud jste oznámili 20g sacharidů ale dítě snědlo pouze 10g a vy (nebo pečovatel na místě) nemůžete smazat ošetření přímo v **AAPS** telefonu, můžete nastavit vysoký dočasný cíl nebo nastavit slabší profil a tím zajistit, že se **AAPS** bude chovat méně agresivně. - -#### Q: Proč dostávám více SMS se stejnou zprávou? - -Pokud obdržíte opakovaně stejnou zprávu (_např._ o přepnutí profilu), mohlo se stát, že jste omylem vytvořili smyčku s ostatními aplikacemi. Například xDrip+. Pokud je to tak, ujistěte se prosím, že xDrip+ (nebo jakákoliv jiná aplikace) nenahrává ošetření přímo do NightScout. - -#### Q: Právě jsem nastavil SMS příkazy a nyní dostávám příliš mnoho textových zpráv. Mohu snížit jejich frekvenci nebo je zastavit? - -Použití SMS příkazů může generovat spoustu automatizovaných zpráv z AAPS telefonu do telefonu pečovatele. Budete také dostávat zprávy, na příklad "bazální profil aktualizován", pokud na to máte nastavenou v **AAPS** automatizaci. Může být užitečné mít nastavený neomezený počet odeslaných SMS na účtu vašeho AAPS telefonu (a na všech telefonech pečovatelů) pokud bude přicházet velké množství zpráv, případně deaktivovat oznámení o došlé SMS, alarmy a vibrace na telefonech. Není možné mít zapnuté SMS příkazy a zároveň nedostávat tyto stavové zprávy. Z toho důvodu můžete chtít nastavit alternativní způsob komunikace přímo s vaším dítětem (pokud je dostatečně staré), mimo SMS. Běžně používané aplikace pro komunikaci pečovatelů zahrnují Whatsapp, Lime a Facebook messenger. - -#### Q: Proč SMS příkazy nefungují na telefonech Samsung? - -Po aktualizaci telefonu Galaxy S10 bylo hlášeno, že SMS příkazy přestaly fungovat. Lze to vyřešit vypnutím možnosti "odesílat zprávy jako konverzace". - - -![image](../images/remote-control-18.png) - -#### Q: Jak mohu vyřešit problémy s aplikací Android Messages? - -Pokud máte problémy s posíláním nebo přijímáním SMS příkazů v aplikaci Android Message, zakažte end-to-end šifrování jak na telefonu péčovatele, tak na AAPS telefonu: - -● Otevřete patřičnou SMS konverzaci ve zprávách - -● Vyberte možnosti (elipsu) v pravém horním rohu - -● vyberte "Podrobnosti" - -● Aktivujte "Posílat pouze SMS a MMS zprávy" +See the dedicated [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md) page. (aapsclient)= ## 2) AAPSClient @@ -695,11 +432,11 @@ Click side "plug-in" socket in the app, in order to upload Wear OS.apk onto the Posledním krokem je konfigurace **AAPS** na telefonu, který bude komunikovat s "**AAPS** Wear“ na hodinkách. Proveďte to povolením Wear pluginu v konfiguraci: -● Přejděte do aplikace **AAPS** na telefonu +* Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone -● Vyberte > v levém hamburger menu záložku Konfigurace +* Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab -● Zaškrtněte Wear pod Obecné +* Tick for Wear selection under General ![image](../images/ae6d75a1-1829-4d2e-b0dc-153e31e4a466.png) @@ -727,27 +464,27 @@ Once you have setup **AAPS** on your watch, extensive details about the smartwat Na hodinkách je možné spustit následující funkce: -● nastavit dočasný cíl +* set a temporary target -● použít bolusovou kalkulačku (nastavení kalkulátoru můžete upravit v nastaveni v telefonu) +* use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) -● zadávat eSacharidy +* administer eCarbs -● podávat bolus (inzulín + sacharidy) +* administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) -● měnit nastavení hodinek +* watch settings -● stav +* status -● zkontrolovat stav pumpy +* check pump status -● kontrolovat stav smyčky +* check loop status -● kontrolovat a měnit profil, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = posun času + procentní změna) +* check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) -● zobrazit TDD (celková denní dávka = bolus + bazál za den) +* show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) -● Vzdálené podání dávky, kdy pečovatel a dítě s T1D jsou na různých místech (což je možné pro hodinky **AAPS** a telefon **AAPS**, pokud jsou obě zařízení připojená k Wifi síti) +* Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) #### Komunikace mezi pečovateli a hodinkami pomocí jiných aplikací (jako Whatsapp) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md index 2617f07a847c..b04e311fe9d8 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md @@ -1,194 +1,337 @@ # SMS příkazy -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note +```{contents} Table of contents +:depth: 2 +``` -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](#RemoteControl-sms-commands)). +Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following **AAPS** etc. can be done on [**AAPSClient** app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. Boluses, however, can't be given through **AAPSClient**, but you can use SMS commands. If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use **AAPSClient** app, there are additional SMS commands available. -``` +**SMS commands are really useful:** +1. For routine remote control + +2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin + +3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). + +4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working ## Bezpečnost především -. -- AAPS umožňuje vládat telefon vašeho dítěte na dálku prostřednictvím textových zpráv. Pokud povolíte SMS komunikátor, vždy pamatujte na to, že telefon nastavený k vydávání vzdálených příkazů, může být ukraden. Proto vždy chraňte telefon alespoň pomocí kódu PIN. Doporučuje se zvolit si silné heslo nebo biometrické údaje. -- Additionally it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. So you can use second number to [temporary disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets lost or stolen. -- AAPS vás bude textovou zprávou informovat, že byl poslaný příkaz (bolus, změna profilu apod.) úspěšně vykonán. Je proto vhodné nastavit, aby byly potvrzovací zprávy odesílány alespoň na dvě různá telefonní čísla pro případ, že by došlo ke zcizení jednoho z rodičovských telefonů. -- **Pokud jste zadali bolus prostřednictvím SMS příkazů, musíte přes Nightscout (AAPSClient, webovou stránku...) zadat odpovídající množství sacharidů!** Jestliže to neuděláte, bude IOB kalkulováno oproti nízkému COB. Případný korekční bolus pak nemusí být vydán, protože AAPS předpokládá, že máte příliš mnoho aktivního inzulínu. -- Od AAPS verze 2.7 musí být kvůli zvýšení bezpečnosti při posílání SMS použita autentizační aplikace s časově omezeným jednorázovým heslem. + +If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to export **AAPS** settings). + +Additionally, it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. This way, you can use the second number to [disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets compromised. + +The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” + +AAPS vás bude textovou zprávou informovat, že byl poslaný příkaz (bolus, změna profilu apod.) úspěšně vykonán. Je proto vhodné nastavit, aby byly potvrzovací zprávy odesílány alespoň na dvě různá telefonní čísla pro případ, že by došlo ke zcizení jednoho z rodičovských telefonů. + +**If you bolus through SMS Commands, you must enter carbs separately (second SMS, AAPSClient, Nightscout...)!** If you fail to do so, the IOB would be correct with too low COB, potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as **AAPS** assumes that you have too much active insulin. + +For the sensitive commands, an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety. + +If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “[Reset Authenticators](#sms-commands-authenticator-setup)” in **AAPS** or send the SMS command “[SMS stop](#SMSCommands-other)”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. ## Nastavení SMS příkazů -![Nastavení SMS příkazů](../images/SMSCommandsSetup.png) +```{contents} The overall process is as follows +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -- Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following AAPS etc. can be done on [AAPSClient app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. -- Bolusy přes Nightscout nepošlete. Můžete to ale provést pomocí SMS příkazů. -- Používáte-li ke sledování iPhone, nemůžete použít AAPSClient. Pak máte k dispozici pouze SMS příkazy. -- Ve vašem Android telefonu přejděte do jeho systémového nastavení, následně do Aplikace > AndroidAPS > Oprávnění a povolte SMS +### Nastavení Autentikátoru -(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= -### Schválená telefonní čísla +Dvoufaktorové ověření se používá ke zvýšení bezpečnosti. + +On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install an Authenticator app. Oblíbené bezplatné aplikace jsou: + - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) + - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) + - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) + - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) + +These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. -- V AAPS přejděte do **Nastavení > SMS komunikátor** a zadejte telefonní číslo (čísla), ze kterých umožníte přijímat příkazy SMS (čísla oddělená středníkem – např. +6412345678;+6412345679) +### Check phone settings -- Dejte pozor na to, že „+“ před číslem může nebo nemusí být požadováno na základě vaší polohy. Abyste to zjistili, pošlete vzorový text, který se zobrazí v přijatém formátu na kartě SMS komunikátoru. +On your phone, go to **Apps > AAPS > Permissions**. Make sure **SMS** and **Phone** are allowed. -- Povolte možnost 'Povolit posílání příkazů přes SMS'. +![image](../images/remote-control-08.png) -- Chcete-li nastavit více než jedno číslo: +### Date and time synching - - Zadejte pouze jedno číslo. +Na obou telefonech musí být synchronizovaný čas. Nejlepší způsob je synchronizovat čas automaticky prostřednictvím sítě. Časové rozdíly mohou vést k problémům s ověřováním. - - Ujistěte se, že první číslo funguje – zasláním SMS příkazu a jeho potvrzením. +On both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific device, you may need to try out different settings. - - Přidejte další číslo(a) oddělené středníkem, bez mezery. +Example (for Samsung S23): **Settings > General management > Date and time**: make sure that **Automatic date and time** is checked. - ![SMS příkazy – nastavení více čísel](../images/SMSCommandsSetupSpace2.png) +Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterward if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). -### Minut mezi příkazy pro bolus +### AAPS settings + +Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the [Config Builder](../SettingUpAaps/ConfigBuilder.md) to enable the **SMS Communicator** module. + +Go to the Preferences for SMS Communicator. + +Enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: + +![image](../images/remote-control-11.png) + +(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= +#### Allowed phone numbers + +Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: +* UK phone number: +447976304596 +* US phone number: +11234567890 +* FR phone number: +33612344567 +* _etc._ + +Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. + +If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with **NO space between numbers** (this is critical!). Select “OK”: + +![image](../images/remote-control-12.png) + +#### Minut mezi příkazy pro bolus - Můžete nastavit minimální dobu, která musí uběhnout mezi dvěma po sobě jdoucími příkazy k poslání bolusu přes SMS. - Z bezpečnostních důvodů musíte k úpravě této hodnoty přidat alespoň dvě autorizovaná telefonní čísla. -### Dodatečný povinný kód PIN na konci tokenu +#### Additional mandatory PIN at token end -- Z bezpečnostních důvodů musí být kód odpovědi ukončen kódem PIN. +For safety reasons, the reply code must be followed by a PIN. Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. -- Pravidla pro PIN: +PIN requirements are: - - 3 až 6 číslic - - nesmí obsahovat stejné číslice (tj. 1111) - - nesmí obsahovat posloupnost (tj. 1234) +* 3 až 6 číslic +* not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) +* not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) -### Nastavení Autentikátoru +![image](../images/remote-control-13.png) -- Dvoufaktorové ověření se používá ke zvýšení bezpečnosti. +(sms-commands-authenticator-setup)= +#### Nastavení Autentikátoru -- Můžete použít libovolnou aplikaci Authenticator, která podporuje tokeny RFC 6238 TOTP. Oblíbené bezplatné aplikace jsou: +* Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. +* Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_, set up a new connection and +* Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. +* Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) - - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) - - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) - - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) +Příklad: +* The token from the authenticator app is 457051 +* Your mandatory PIN is 2401 +* Code to check: 4570512401 + +If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. **There is no button you can press!** The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: + +![image](../images/remote-control-14.png) -- Do sledovacího mobilu si nainstalujte vybraný autentikátor a naskenujte v něm QR kod, který se zobrazuje v AAPS. +You should now be set up with SMS commands. -- Otestujte jednorázové heslo zadáním tokenu zobrazeného ve vaší ověřovací aplikaci a kódu PIN, který jste si nastavili v AAPS. Příklad: +Use button "Authenticator setup > Reset Authenticators" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (Resetováním autentikátorů způsobíte, že VŠECHNY používané autentikátory budou neplatné. You will need to set them up again.) - - Váš povinný PIN je 2020 - - TOTP token z autentizační aplikace je 457051 - - Zadejte 4570512020 +## SMS commands usage -- Je-li zadání správné, změní se **automaticky** červený text „WRONG PIN“ na zelené „OK“. **Není třeba stisknout žádné tlačítko!** +### First steps using SMS commands -- Na obou telefonech musí být synchronizovaný čas. Nejlepší způsob je synchronizovat čas automaticky prostřednictvím sítě. Časové rozdíly mohou vést k problémům s ověřováním. +1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the **AAPS** phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: -- Chcete-li odebrat všechny autentikátory, stiskněte tlačítko „RESETOVAT AUTENTIKÁTORY“. (Resetováním autentikátorů způsobíte, že VŠECHNY používané autentikátory budou neplatné. Budete je muset nastavit znovu.) +![image](../images/remote-control-15.png) -## Použití SMS příkazů +If you don't receive any response, check the [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) section below. -- Send a SMS to the phone with AAPS running from your approved phone number(s) using any of the [commands](#commands) below. +2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator, _e.g._ “target hypo”. The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by the additional secret **PIN** known only by caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). -- Mobil s AAPS odpoví pro potvrzení požadovaného stavu nebo příkazu. +When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the **AAPS** phone, to see how it works: -- Pokud je to požadováno, potvrďte příkaz odesláním kódu. Příklad: +![image](../images/remote-control-16.png) - - Váš povinný PIN je 2020 - - TOTP token z autentizační aplikace je 457051 - - Zadejte 4570512020 +The caregiver’s phone will receive an SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. + +If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. See [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) below for common errors. **Tip**:: Jestliže budete posílat větší množství SMS, je výhodné mít na obou mobilech SMS paušál. +### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands + +Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: + +1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. + +To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. + +**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or **AAPSClient** with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions subsection below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. + (SMSCommands-commands)= ## Příkazy -Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). +```{contents} List of command groups +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -![Příklad SMS příkazů](../images/SMSCommands.png) +Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). The commands are not case-sensitive, you can use lower or upper case. -### Smyčka +![Příklad SMS příkazů](../images/SMSCommands.png) -- LOOP STOP/DISABLE \* Odpověď: Smyčka byla zakázána +The **SMS Commands Tables** below show all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the **AAPS** app itself. -- LOOP START/ENABLE \* Odpověď: Smyčka byla povolena +(authentication-or-not)= +### Authentication or not? -- LOOP STATUS +Some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require strong **authentication** through the Authenticator app. A simple enquiry like “**BG**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn't need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - - Odpověď záleží na aktuálním stavu +![image](../images/remote-control-06.png) - - Smyčka je zakázána - - Smyčka je povolena - - Pozastavena (10 minut) +Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: -- LOOP SUSPEND 20 \* Odpověď: Smyčka pozastavena na 20 minut +![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) -- LOOP RESUME \* Odpověď: Smyčka obnovena +The *Auth* column in the tables below, indicates whether such a strong authentication is required for each command. -- LOOP CLOSED \* Odpověď: Aktuální stav smyčky: Smyčka uzavřena +### CGM data -- LOOP LGS \* Odpověď: Aktuální stav smyčky: Pozastavení při nízké glykémii +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BG | No | Returns: last BG, delta, IOB (bolus and basal), COB
*Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U)* | +| CAL 5.6/90 | Yes | Will calibrate the CGM with a value of 5.6/90
(use the value appropriate to your glucose units)
Works only if properly set-up in **AAPS**.
*Calibration sent* | -### CGM data +### Pump -- BG \* Odpověď: poslední BG: 5.6 před 4min Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Bazál: 0.10U) -- CAL 5.6 \* Odpověď: Pro odeslání kalibrace 5.6 odpověz kódem z aplikace Authenticator pro User následováno kódem PIN \* Odpověď po obdržení správného kódu: Kalibrace odeslána (**Pokud je nainstalován xDrip. Příjem kalibrací musí být v xDrip+ povolen.**) +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| PUMPA | No | Last conn: 1 min ago
Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min
IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 | +| PUMP DISCONNECT *30* | Yes | To disconnect pump for *30* minutes | +| PUMP CONNECT | Yes | Pump reconnected | ### Bazál -- BASAL STOP/CANCEL \* Odpověď: Pro zastavení dočasného bazálu odpověz pomocí SMS s kódem z aplikace Authenticator pro User následováno kódem PIN -- BASAL 0.3 \* Odpověď: Pro spuštění bazálu 0.3U/h odpověz pomocí SMS s kódem z aplikace Authenticator pro User následováno kódem PIN -- BASAL 0.3 20 \* Odpověď: Pro spuštění bazálu 0.3U/h na 20 min odpověz pomocí SMS s kódem z aplikace Authenticator pro User následováno kódem PIN -- BASAL 30% \* Odpověď: Pro spuštění bazálu 30% na 30 minut odpověz pomocí SMS s kódem z aplikace Authenticator pro User následováno kódem PIN -- BASAL 30% 50 \* Odpověď: Pro spuštění bazálu 30% na 50 minut odpověz pomocí SMS s kódem z aplikace Authenticator pro User následováno kódem PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | -------------------------------- | +| BASAL 0.3 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min | +| BASAL 0.3 20 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min | +| BASAL 30% | Yes | To start basal 30% for 30 min | +| BASAL 30% 50 | Yes | To start basal 30% for 50 min | +| BASAL STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop temp basal | + + +### Smyčka + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| LOOP STATUS | No | Response depends on actual status:
- *Loop is disabled* if the loop is disabled or LGS
- *Loop is enabled* if the loop is closed or open
- *Suspended (10 min)* if the loop is disconnected or suspended | +| LOOP STOP/DISABLE | Yes | The pump will revert to the pre-programmed basal rate.
*Loop has been disabled* | +| LOOP START/ENABLE | Yes | *Loop has been enabled* | +| LOOP SUSPEND 20 | Yes | *Loop suspended for 20 minutes* | +| LOOP RESUME | Yes | *Loop resumed* | +| LOOP CLOSED | Yes | *Current loop mode: Closed Loop* | +| LOOP LGS | Yes | *Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend* | ### Bolus -Vzdálený bolus není povolen do 15 minut (tato hodnota je upravitelná pouze v případě, že jsou přidána 2 telefonní čísla) po posledním bolusu nebo vzdálených příkazech! Odpověď závisí na době, která uplynula od posledního podání bolusu. +Vzdálený bolus není povolen do 15 minut (tato hodnota je upravitelná pouze v případě, že jsou přidána 2 telefonní čísla) po posledním bolusu nebo vzdálených příkazech! In this case, the response would be *Remote bolus not available. Try again later.* This response is also sent when the pump is currently delivering a bolus. -- BOLUS 1.2 \* Odpověď A: Pro vydání bolusu 1,2 U odpověz kódem z aplikace Authenticator pro User následováno kódem PIN \* Odpověď B: Vzdálený bolus není k dispozici. Zkuste to později. -- BOLUS 0.60 MEAL \* Zadáte-li volitelný parametr MEAL, nastaví se dočasný cíl PŘED JÍDLEM (výchozí hodnoty jsou: 90 mg/dL, 5,0 mmol/l na 45 minut). \* Odpověď A: Pro vydání bolusu 0,60 U odpověz kódem z aplikace Authenticator pro User následováno kódem PIN \* Odpověď B: Vzdálený bolus není k dispozici. -- CARBS 5 \* Odpověď: Pro zapsání 5g v 12:45/5:35PM odpověz pomocí SMS s kódem z aplikace Authenticator pro User následováno kódem PIN -- CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM \* Odpověď: Pro zapsání 5g v 17:35/5:35PM odpověz pomocí SMS s kódem z aplikace Authenticator pro User následováno kódem PIN -- EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL \* Odpověď: Pro zastaveni rozšířeného bolusu odpověz pomocí SMS s kódem z aplikace Authenticator pro User následováno kódem PIN -- EXTENDED 2 120 \* Odpověď: Pro spuštění prodlouženého bolusu 2U na 120 min odpověz pomocí SMS s kódem z aplikace Authenticator pro User následováno kódem PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BOLUS 1.2 | Yes | | +| BOLUS 0.60 MEAL | Yes | Delivers the specified 0.60U bolus
**and** sets the [Eating Soon TempTarget](#TempTargets-eating-soon-temp-target) | +| CARBS 5 | Yes | To enter 5g, without a bolus | +| CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM | Yes | To enter 5g at 17:35.
The acceptable time format depends
on the time setting (12h/24h) on the phone. | +| EXTENDED 2 120 | Yes | To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min.
Only for [compatible pumps](#screens-action-tab). | +| EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop extended bolus | ### Profile -- PROFILE STATUS Odpověď: Profile1 -- PROFILE LIST \* Odpověď : 1.\`Profile1\` 2.\`Profile2\` -- PROFILE 1 \* Odpověď: Pro přepnutí profilu na Profil1 100% odpověz pomocí SMS s kódem z aplikace Authenticator pro User následováno kódem PIN -- PROFILE 2 30 \* Odpověď: Pro přepnutí profilu na Profil2 30% odpověz pomocí SMS s kódem z aplikace Authenticator pro User následováno kódem PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| PROFILE STATUS | No | Current profile and percentage | +| PROFILE LIST | No | The current list of profiles in **AAPS**, e.g.:
1. Profile1
2. Profile2 | +| PROFILE 1 | Yes | To switch profile to profile 1 in the list.
Use the numbers as returned by the **PROFILE LIST**,
not the profile names as you saved them | +| PROFILE 2 30 | Yes | To switch profile to Profile2 30% | + +### Temporary Targets + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------- | +| TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | Yes | To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | +| TARGET STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To cancel Temp Target | + (SMSCommands-other)= ### Jiné -- TREATMENTS REFRESH \* Odpověď: Obnovit ošetření z NS -- NSCLIENT RESTART \* Odpověď: RESTART NSCLIENTA ODESLÁN -- PUMP \* Odpověď: Posl. spojení: před 1 min Doč. bazál: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min IOB: 0.5U Zás: 34U Baterie: 100 -- PUMP CONNECT \* Odpověď: Pumpa znovu připojena -- PUMP DISCONNECT *30* \* Odpověď: Pro odpojení pumpy na *30* minut odpověz pomocí SMS s kódem z aplikace Authenticator pro User následováno kódem PIN -- SMS DISABLE/STOP \* Odpověď: Pro vypnutí vzdálené SMS služby odpověz pomocí SMS s kódem Any. Mějte na paměti, že ji budete moci opětovně reaktivovat pouze z hlavního smartphonu s AAPS. -- TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO \* Odpověď: Pro nastaveni dočasneho cíle PŘED JÍDLEM/AKTIVITA/HYPO odpověz pomocí SMS s kódem z aplikace Authenticator pro User následováno kódem PIN -- TARGET STOP/CANCEL \* Odpověď: Pro zrušení dočasného bazálu odpověz pomocí SMS s kódem z aplikace Authenticator pro User následováno kódem PIN -- HELP \* Odpověď: BG, LOOP, TREATMENTS, ..... -- HELP BOLUS \* Odpoveď: BOLUS 1.2 BOLUS 1.2 MEAL +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------ | ---- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| TREATMENTS REFRESH | No | Refresh treatments from NS | +| NSCLIENT RESTART | No | Useful if you notice a communication problem
with Nightscout or **AAPSClient** | +| SMS DISABLE/STOP | No | To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any.
Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly
from the **AAPS** master smartphone only. | +| HELP | No | Returns all functions available for interrogation:
Send further ***HELP ***FUNCTION****** command to list
all options available in this section. | +| HELP BOLUS | | *BOLUS 1.2
BOLUS 1.2 MEAL* | (SMSCommands-troubleshooting)= -## Troubleshooting +## Troubleshooting and FAQ -### Duplicitní SMS +```{contents} List of questions and issues +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -Pokud obdržíte opakovaně stejnou zprávu (např. přepnutí profilu), pravděpodobně jste vytvořili zacyklení s ostatními aplikacemi. Například xDrip+. Pokud je to tak, ujistěte se prosím, že xDrip+ (nebo jakákoliv jiná aplikace) nenahrává ošetření do NS. +### What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? -Je-li tato jiná aplikace nainstalovaná na více telefonech, deaktivujte upload u všech instancí. +1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting "profile exercise" for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. + +2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the **AAPS** phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation, and you cancel it (on the **AAPS** phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. -### Nefunkční SMS příkazy na telefonech Samsung +**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. -Po aktualizaci telefonu Galaxy S10 bylo hlášeno, že SMS příkazy přestaly fungovat. Lze to vyřešit vypnutím možnosti „odesílat zprávy jako konverzace“. +**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. + +### What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? + +**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. + +### Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? + +It could be for one of these reasons: + +1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The **AAPS** phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the **AAPS** phone). + +### No response whatsoever for SMS commands + +On the caregiver phone and/or **AAPS** phone, try disabling the following options : +* **Send as chat message** ![Zakázat SMS jako chat zprávu](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) +* If using Android Messages App or Google Messages App, disable RCS messaging: + - Otevřete příslušnou SMS konverzaci v aplikaci Zprávy + - Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner + - Vyberte „Podrobnosti“ + - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" ![Disable RCS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableRCS.png) + +### Errors carrying out commands + +There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: + +* SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct +* You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) +* You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) +* The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led **AAPS** to calculate that the authenticator code had expired +* The **AAPS** phone is out of range/contact with the pump +* The system is already busy delivering a bolus + +Common errors are shown in the examples below: + +![image](../images/remote-control-17.png) + +### How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? + +You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. + +For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. + +### Duplicitní SMS + +If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. Například xDrip+. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. + +Je-li tato jiná aplikace nainstalovaná na více telefonech, deaktivujte upload u všech instancí. -![Zakázat SMS jako chat zprávu](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) -### Aplikace Zprávy (Google Messages) pro Android +### I am getting far too many text messages from SMS Commands. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? -Pokud máte problémy s posíláním nebo přijímáním SMS příkazů v aplikaci Zprávy pro Android (Messages od Googlu), zakažte koncové šifrování jak na telefonu péčovatele, tak na telefonu dítěte. - - Otevřete příslušnou SMS konverzaci v aplikaci Zprávy - - Klepněte na tři tečky v pravém horním rohu - - Vyberte „Podrobnosti“ - - Aktivujte „Posílat pouze SMS a MMS zprávy“ +Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the **AAPS** phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your **AAPS** phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/SMSdisableRCS.png b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/SMSdisableRCS.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..86ce50229c39 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/SMSdisableRCS.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/remote-control-07.png b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/remote-control-07.png index f39574e5ad4b..f0174d83b06b 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/remote-control-07.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/remote-control-07.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/remote-control-08.png b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/remote-control-08.png index e96c345b2698..a26373899bba 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/remote-control-08.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/remote-control-08.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/de/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 841b909ed93c..b5602751bbd5 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/de/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,10 +9,17 @@ Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not ```{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md) :class: warning -**Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. +**Average Smoothing or Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ``` -## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) +## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) + +- Folge den Anweisungen: [xDrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) +- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). + +- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) + +## 2. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) **Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** @@ -36,13 +43,6 @@ A patched Dexcom G7 app (DiaKEM) gives access to the Dexcom G7 data. This is not - Sollte AAPS keine Werte empfangen, wechsel auf eine andere BZ-Quelle und dann wieder zurück auf 'BYODA'. Damit löst Du Berechtigungsabfrage zum Datenaustausch zwischen AAPS und BYODA aus. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - -- Folge den Anweisungen: [xDrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) -- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - -- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) - ## 3. xDrip+ (Companion Mode) - Lade xDrip+ herunter und installiere es: [xDrip](https://github.com/NightscoutFoundation/xDrip) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md b/docs/CROWDIN/de/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md index 7a630e5195d8..93a9fbc10878 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/de/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md @@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ Use this option only if your CGM data is being properly smoothed by your collect ## Vorschläge zur Verwendung des Glättens -| | Exponentiell | Durchschnitt | Keine | -| ------------------------ |:------------:|:---------------:|:---------:| -| G5 und G6 | | Wenn verrauscht | Empfohlen | -| G7 | Empfohlen | | | -| Libre 1 oder Juggluco | Empfohlen | | | -| Libre 2 und 3 von xDrip+ | | | Empfohlen | +| | Exponentiell | Durchschnitt | Keine | +| ------------------------ |:---------------:|:------------:|:---------:| +| G5 und G6 | Wenn verrauscht | | Empfohlen | +| G7 | Wenn verrauscht | If stable | | +| Libre 1 oder Juggluco | Empfohlen | | | +| Libre 2 und 3 von xDrip+ | | | Empfohlen | ### Dexcom sensors diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/Getting-Started/Phones.md b/docs/CROWDIN/de/Getting-Started/Phones.md index b014129dfebe..44b2f7b54f0f 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/de/Getting-Started/Phones.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/Getting-Started/Phones.md @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # Smartphones -The current version of **AAPS** requires an Android smartphone with Google Android 9.0 or above. So if you are thinking about a new phone, Android 9 is recommended at a minimum but optimally choose Android 13 or 14. - -For older Android versions, older **AAPS** versions are available see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. +As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject. +Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). - [Liste von getesteten Smartphones](../CompatiblePhones/ListOfTestedPhones.md) - [Jelly Pro Einstellungen](../CompatiblePhones/Jelly.md) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/de/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md index 47fc1ce16f10..c29198c4ad66 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/de/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md @@ -209,7 +209,8 @@ Diese Dokumentation möchte die notwendige technische Expertise auf ein absolute ### Smartphones #### AAPS und Android-Versionen -Die aktuelle **AAPS**-Version (3.2) setzt ein Android Smartphone mit Google **Android 9.0 oder höher** voraus. Wenn Du aktuell darüber nachdenkst Dir ein neues Smartphone zuzulegen, wäre Android 13 (Stand: Juli 2024) zu bevorzugen. Aus Sicherheitsgründen wird Dir dringend empfohlen Deine **AAPS**-Version immer auf dem letzten Stand zu halten bzw. zu bringen. Wenn Dein Smartphone kein Android 9.0 oder höher haben sollte, steht Dir eine ältere **AAPS**-Version zur Verfügung, die mit [Android 8](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/ und [Android 7](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/2.6.2) kompatibel ist. (Du findest diese Vorversionen in den Release Notes dieses Dokumentes). + +Die aktuelle **AAPS**-Version (3.2) setzt ein Android Smartphone mit Google **Android 9.0 oder höher** voraus. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred.
As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject.
Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). #### Smartphone-Modell wählen Welches genaue Modell Du kaufen solltest, hängt von den gewünschten Funktionen ab. You can find on the [Phones page](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) recommendations and user feedback about working setups. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md b/docs/CROWDIN/de/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md index d6a398d2594b..588ed069c682 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/de/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md @@ -17,272 +17,9 @@ Die ersten drei sind meist für Pflegende/Eltern geeignet, und Smartwatches sind 5. Beispiele für schulische Therapiepläne für Kinder unterschiedlicher Altersstufen sind unter ["Dateien“](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/files/) auf der **AAPS** Facebook-Seite hinterlegt. 6. Wie sieht der Notfallplan aus, wenn die Fernsteuerung nicht funktionieren sollte (_d.h._ Netzwerkprobleme auftreten oder die Bluetooth-Verbindung verloren geht)? Denke immer daran, was mit **AAPS** passieren wird, wenn Du plötzlich keine neuen Befehle senden kannst. **AAPS** überschreibt die Basalrate, den ISF und das ICR mit den aktuellen Profilwerten. Falls Deine Remote-Verbindung unterbrochen wird, ist es ist besser temporäre Profilwechsel (_d.h._ mit einer beschränkten Dauer) genutzt zu haben, als auf ein dauerhaftes stärkeres Insulinprofil geschwechselt zu sein. Wenn Die eingegebene Zeitspanne abgelaufen ist, wird die Pumpe auf das Original-Profil zurückfallen. -(RemoteControl-sms-commands)= ## 1) SMS-Befehle -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note - -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md). - -``` - -**AAPS** kann über die Funktion der **SMS-Befehle** 'remote' gesteuert werden. SMS-Befehle können durch _jedes_ Smartphone (iPhone/Android) an **AAPS** gesendet werden. - -**SMS-Befehle sind wirklich hilfreich:** -1. Für die tägliche Remote-Steuerung - -2. Wenn Du einen Bolus remote abgeben möchtest - -3. In einer Gegend mit schwachem Internet-Empfang, in der Textnachrichten durchkommen, aber der übrige Empfang eingeschränkt ist. Dies hilft besonders in entlegenen Gebieten (z.B. beim Camping oder dem Skifahren. - -4. Wenn die anderen Methoden der Remote-Steuerung (Nightscout/AAPSClient) vorübergehend nicht funktionieren - -### Sicherheit der SMS-Befehle -Wenn Du **SMS-Befehle** in **AAPS**freischaltest, behalte im Kopf, dass das Smartphone, dass SMS-Befehle versenden soll auch gestohlen werden kann und/oder von jemand anderem verwendet werden kann. Sichere Dein Smartphone mindestens mit einer PIN. Ein starkes Passwort und/oder eine biometrische Sicherung werden dringend empfohlen. Wichtig ist, dass das Smartphone-Passwort sich vom APK Master-Passwort (das Passwort, das benötigt wird, um die **AAPS** Einstellungen zu ändern) unterscheidet. Eine zweite Rufnummer muss für SMS-Befehle aktiviert sein, auch wenn es nur einen Follower/Betreuenden gibt. Wenn das Smartphone des hauptsächlich Betreuenden/Elternteils kompromitiert wurde, kann die zweite Rufnummer (mit dem Befehl **SMS STOP**) dazu genutzt werden, die SMS-Kommunikation vorübergehend zu deaktivieren. Versions of **AAPS** 2.7 and newer also use an [Authenticator app](#authentication-or-not)). - -### Unterschiedliche SMS-Befehle -Die **Tabelle der SMS-Befehle** unten zeigt alle möglichen SMS-Befehle. Um die Nutzung noch verständlicher zu machen, sind auch _Beispiele_ enthalten. Die Gültigkeitsbereiche der Befehle (Zielwerte, Prozentsätze der Profile etc.) sind mit denen der AAPS-App identisch. Die Befehle sind nach Nutzungshäufigkeit sortiert aufgelistet, wobei die ersten beiden Tabellen das Gros der fürs Loopen benötigten SMS-Befehle enthalten. - -### Tabelle der SMS-Befehle - -![SMS_command_table_1](../images/remote-control-02.png) - -![](../images/remote-control-03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_3](../images/remote_control_and_following/SMS_command_table_3_Loop_03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_4](../images/remote-control-05.png) - -(authentication-or-not)= -### Authentifizieren oder nicht? - -Du wirst in der oberen Tabelle bemerkt haben, dass einige SMS-Befehle eine sofortige Antwort haben und andere eine **Authentifizierung** mit einem Sicherheitscode aus einer weiteren App und einer PIN brauchen. (Details dazu findest Du hinter dem Link unten). Eine einfache Abfrage wie “**BG**”, die den aktuellen Glukosewert abfragt, ist schnell eingetippt und braucht nicht authentifiziert zu werden. Sie gibt die unten gezeigte **AAPS**-Statusinformation zurück: - -![grafik](../images/remote-control-06.png) - -Befehle, die kritischer sind und daher zusätzlich abgesichert werden, benötigen einen weiteren einzugebenden Code, wie zum Beispiel: - -![](../images/remote-control-07.png) - -### Wie man SMS-Befehle einrichtet - -Der Gesamtprozess sieht wie folgt aus: - -**1) Lade eine Authentifikator-App herunter (Eltern- oder Betreuenden-Smartphone)** - -**2) Überprüfe die Smartphone-Einstellungen (AAPS Smartphone)** - -**3) Datum und Uhrzeit synchronisieren (Eltern- und AAPS-Smartphone)** - -**4) AAPS-Einstellungen (AAPS-Smartphone)** - -**5) Testen, ob SMS-Befehlen funktionieren (Eltern- und AAPS-Smartphone)** - -### Los gehts! - -1) **Lade eine Authentifikator-App** herunter: Lade (aus dem App Store oder Google Play) auf das Eltern-Smartphone eine Authentifikator App Deiner Wahl aus der Liste herunter und installiere diese: - -[**Authy**](https://authy.com/download/) - -[**Google Authenticator - Android / iOS**](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2&pli=1) - -[**LastPass Authenticator**](https://www.lastpass.com/solutions/authentication) - -[**FreeOTP Authenticator**](https://freeotp.github.io/) - -Diese Authenticator-Apps erzeugen einen zeitlich begrenzten, 6-stelligen Code als Einmalkennwort, ähnlich dem des mobilen Bankings oder Online-Shoppings. Du kannst jede Authentifizierungs-App, die RFC 6238 TOTP-Token unterstützt, verwenden. Der Microsoft Authenticator funktioniert nicht. - -2) **Überprüfe die Smartphone-Einstellungen:** Öffne auf dem **AAPS**-Smartphone Einstellungen > Apps > AAPS > Berechtigungen > SMS > Zulassen - -![grafik](../images/remote-control-08.png) - -3) **Datum und Uhrzeit synchronisieren:** Überprüfe sowohl auf dem **AAPS**-, als auch auf dem Eltern-Smartphone, dass das Datum und die Uhrzeit synchron sind. Wie Du das genau machen kannst, hängt vom jeweiligen Smartphone ab. Du musst möglicherweise verschiedene Einstellungen ausprobieren. - -Beispiel (Samsung S23): Einstellungen - Allgemeine Verwaltung - Datum und Uhrzeit - Datum und Uhrzeit automatisch stellen - -Einige Optionen können ausgegraut sein, wenn das Smartphone als Kinder-Smartphone aufgesetzt ist, und daher einen Administrator des Familienkontos benötigt. Diese Datums- und Zeiteinstellung wird auf einem (Eltern-) iPhone „automatisch“ gesetzt. Wenn Du Dir nicht sicher bist, ob beide Smartphones synchronisiert sind, ist das nicht schlimm. Wenn es deswegen zu Problemen kommen sollte, kannst Du das auch nach dem Einrichten der SMS-Befehle lösen (Bitte um Hilfe, wenn Du sie benötigen solltest). Sie sich nicht sicher sind, ob Sie die Telefone synchronisiert haben, machen Sie sich keine Sorgen, Sie können die SMS-Befehle einrichten und danach beheben, falls es zu Problemen zu führen scheint (fragen Sie bei Bedarf um Hilfe). - -4) **AAPS-Einstellungen:** - -i) Jetzt, wo Deine Smartphone-Einstellungen geprüft sind, gehe in der **AAPS**-App auf das linke Hamburger Menü und tippe auf KONFIGURATION: - -![grafik](../images/remote-control-09.png) - -ii) Aktiviere den "SMS-Kommunikator“ durch Markieren des Kästchens, und tippe dann auf das "Zahnrad", um zu den SMS-Kommunikator-Einstellungen zu gelangen: - -![grafik](../images/remote-control-10.png) - -_Hinweis - Ein anderer Weg zu den SMS-Kommunikator-Einstellungen führt über das 3-Punkte-Menü oben rechts._ - -iii) Aktivieren in den Einstellungen die Option "Erlaube Fernsteuerung per SMS": - -![grafik](../images/remote-control-11.png) - -iv) Gebe die Rufnummer des/der Eltern-Smartphone(s) ein. Stelle die Landesvorwahl wie im Beispiel unten gezeigt und entferne die erste „0“ der Vorwahl (internationales Format): - -UK Telefonnummer: +447976304596 - -US-Telefonnummer: +11234567890 - -DE Telefonnummer: +491721234567 - -_etc._ - -Bitte beachte, dass je nach Deinem Standort ein vorangestelltes "+" erforderlich sein kann. Um das herauszufinden kannst Du eine Testnachricht senden und auf dem SMS-Kommunikator-Tab nachschauen, welches Format die Telefonnummer hat. - -Möchtest Du mehr als eine Rufnummer hinterlegen, müssen diese durch ein Semikolon und OHNE Leerzeichen (das ist wichtig!) getrennt werden. Wähle "OK": - - -![grafik](../images/remote-control-12.png) - -v) Wähle eine PIN aus, die Du (und alle Betreuenden) beim Senden eines SMS-Befehls am Ende des Authentifizierungscodes anhängst. - -Anforderungen an die PIN sind: - -•3 bis 6 Ziffern - -•unterschiedliche Ziffern (_d.h._ 1111 oder 1224) - -•keine aufsteigenden Reihen (_d.h._ 1234) - -![grafik](../images/remote-control-13.png) - -vi) Wähle "Konfiguration der Authenticator App" in den SMS-Kommunikator-Einstellungen aus - -● Folge den Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm. - -● Öffne die auf dem _Eltern-/Betreuenden-Smartphone_ installierte Authenticator App und füge ein neues Konto bzw. eine neue Verbindung hinzu - -● Scanne den von **AAPS** angezeigten QR-Code mit dem Eltern-/Betreuenden-Smartphone, wenn Du dazu aufgefordert wirst. - -● Teste das Einmal-Passcode (Deine PIN am Ende ergänzen) der Authenticator App auf dem Eltern-/Betreuenden-Smartphone: - -Beispiel: - -Der von der Authenticator angezeigte Einmal-Passcode ist 457051 - -Deine zwingend erforderliche PIN ist 2401 - -Der zu testende Code ist damit: 4570512401 - -Wenn der Eingabe richtig ist, ändert sich der rote Text „FALSCHE PIN“ automatisch in ein grünes „OK“. Der Prozess ist damit abgeschlossen, es gibt keine "OK"-Taste, der nach der Eingabe des Codes gedrückt werden muss: - - -![grafik](../images/remote-control-14.png) - -Es ist nun alles für die Nutzung der SMS-Befehle eingerichtet. - -### Erste Schritte bei der Nutzung der SMS-Befehle - -1) Um zu überprüfen, ob alles richtig eingerichtet ist, teste die Verbindung, indem Du „bg“ als SMS-Nachricht vom Eltern-Smartphone an das AAPS-Smartphone schickst. Die Rückmeldung sollte in etwa so aussehen: - -![grafik](../images/remote-control-15.png) - -2) Probiere nun einen SMS-Befehl aus, der den Authentifikator erfordert. Sende dazu eine SMS vom Eltern-Smartphone an das **AAPS**-Smartphone (_z. B._ „target hypo“). Du wirst auf dem Eltern-Smartphonen nun dazu aufgefordert den **6-stelligen Authenticator Code** aus der Authenticator App ergänzt um die geheime **PIN**, die nur den Eltern/Followern bekannt sein darf, einzugeben (10 Stellen insgesamt, davon 6 Stellen Passcode und 4 Stellen PIN, bei einer vierstelligen PIN). - -Das Beispiel unten zeigt den SMS-Befehl "target hypo", um ein temporäres Ziel HYPO zu setzen: - -● In diesem Beispiel ist Deine PIN 1289 - -Der von der Authenticator angezeigte Einmal-Passcode ist 274127 - -● Sende 2741271289, wenn Du dazu aufgefordert wirst - -Die Befehle müssen in Englisch gesendet werden. Die Antwort sollte in Deiner Landessprache erfolgen. Wenn Du das allererste Mal einen SMS-Befehl schicken möchtest, schaue, dass das AAPS-Smartphone neben Dir liegt, sodass Du auf beiden Geräten nachverfolgen kannst was passiert: - -![grafik](../images/remote-control-16.png) - -Das Eltern-/Betreuenden-Smartphone wird eine SMS von **AAPS** erhalten, die bestätigt, dass der SMS-Befehl erfolgreich remote ausgeführt wurde. Es gibt verschiedene Gründe, warum der Befehl möglicherweise nicht erfolgreich war: - -● Die Einrichtung der SMS-Befehle ist nicht vollständig/korrekt - -● Der Befehl wurde im falschen Format geschickt (z. B. „disconnect pump 45" anstelle von "pump disconnect 45") - -● Du hast eine falschen oder abgelaufenen Authenticator Code genutzt (es hat sich bewährt einige Sekunden auf einen neuen Code zu warten, wenn der andere nur noch kurz gültig sein sollte) - -● Der Code + PIN waren richtig, aber die SMS-Kommunikation ist verzögert, sodass AAPS angenommen hat, dass der Code abgelaufen ist - -● Das AAPS-Smartphone hat keine Verbindung zur Pumpe - -● Es läuft zeitgleich eine Bolusabgabe - -Wenn Dein SMS-Befehl erfolgreich ausgeführt ist, wird Dir das durch eine Antwort-SMS bestätigt. Du wirst eine Fehlermeldung erhalten, wenn ein Problem aufgetreten sein sollte. - -Die Beispiele zeigen häufiger auftretende Fehler: - -![grafik](../images/remote-control-17.png) - -### Zusätzliche Sicherheitshinweise zu SMS-Befehlen - -Der voreingestellte Mindestabstand zwischen zwei Bolus-Befehlen beträgt 15 Minuten. Aus Sicherheitsgründen musst Du mindestens zwei berechtigte Rufnummern hinterlegt haben, um diesen Wert verändern zu können. Wenn Du versuchst innerhalb von 15 Minuten einen weiteren Bolus remote abzugeben, erhältst Du die Fehlermeldung "Bolusabgabe aus der Ferne nicht möglich. Versuch es später erneut.” - -Wenn Du einem Betreuenden-Smartphone die Berechtigung zum Senden von SMS-Befehlen entziehen möchtest, sende den SMS-Befehl "SMS stop" oder tippe auf "AUTHENTIFIKATOREN ZURÜCKSETZEN" (s. Screenshot der SMS-Kommunikator-Einstellungen oben, LINK). Durch das Zurücksetzen der Authentifikatoren werden ALLE Eltern-/Betreuenden-Smartphones ungültig. Diese müssen anschließend neu eingerichtet werden. - -### Mahlzeitenbolus über SMS-Befehle abgegeben - -Ein Remote-Bolus kann _ausschließlich_ durch **SMS-Befehle** abgegeben werden. Er kann nicht über Nightscout oder den AAPSClient ausgelöst werden. Kohlenhydrate jedoch, können auf allen drei Wegen angekündigt werden. Bolus-Befehle und Kohlenhydrate können nicht in einer gemeinsamen SMS gesendet werden. Diese Befehle müssen wie folgt gesendet werden: - -1) Den Bolus über einen SMS-Befehl (_z. B. _“bolus 2” für einen Bolus von 2 IE) auszulösen verhält sich genauso, als ob das "Spritze"-Symbol in **AAPS** genutzt werden würde. 2) Sende die Kohlenhydrate (_z. B._ “carbs 20” wird 20g Kohlenhydrate ankündigen). Das verhält sich genauso, als ob das "Kohlenhydrate"-Symbol in **AAPS** genutzt werden würde. - -Um Hypos zu vermeiden, solltest Du zu Beginn **weniger Insulin** bolen, als es Dein Mahlzeitenfaktor vorgeben würde. Das wird gemacht, da in der Regel weder der aktuelle Glukosewert noch der aktuelle Glukosetrend berücksichtigt sind. - -**Die Reihenfolge, in der Du die SMS sendest, ist wichtig**. Wenn Du eine große Kohlenhydratmenge (egal auf welchem Weg) ankündigst und SMB aktiviert sind, wird **AAPS** sofort darauf mit einem (Teil)-Bolus reagieren. Wenn Du _nach_ der Ankündigung der Kohlenhydrate, dann versuchst einen Bolus abzugeben, wirst Du eine frustrierende Verzögerung erfahren und eine "Bolusabgabe läuft"-Meldung erhalten. Du wirst dann überprüfen müssen, wie viel Insulin bereits als SMB abgegeben wurde. Oder wenn Dir gar nicht auffällt, dass SMBs abgegeben wurden und Dein eigener Bolus ebenfalls durchgelaufen ist und damit insgesamt zu viel Insulin für die Mahlzeit gebolt wurde. Deshalb schicke, beim remote bolen einer Mahlzeit, den Bolus immer _vor_ der Kohlenhydratankündigung. Wenn Du magst, kannst Du Nightscout, AAPSClient und SMS-Befehle miteinander kombinieren. Kohlenhydrate können ohne Authentifizierung über Nightscout angekündigt werden (siehe Anleitung weiter unten) und sind daher schneller als SMS-Befehle. - -### Problembehandlung von SMS-Befehlen und FAQ - -#### F: Was kann mit SMS-Befehlen _nicht_ gemacht werden? - -1) Ein **zeitlich begrenzter Profilwechsel_ (z. B. ein "Trainings-Profil" für 60 Minuten setzen) ist _nicht über SMS-Befehle möglich**. Ein dauerhafter Profilwechsel auf ein "Trainings-Profil" ist allerdings möglich. Temporäre Profilwechsel können stattdessen über Nightscout oder den AAPSClient erfolgen. - -2) **Automatisierungen** abgebrochen werden oder **benutzerdefinierte Ziele** können nicht gesetzt werden. Es gibt aber vergleichbare Lösungen: Stell' Dir beispielsweise vor, dass in Deinen normalen Profil das Glukoseziel 5.5 bzw. 100 sei. Du hast in AAPS eine Automatisierung erstellt, die in der Nacht zwischen 2:30h und 3:30h wegen des Sportunterrichts ein hohes Ziel von 7.0 bzw. 126 setzt, wenn "temporäres Ziel nicht vorhanden" als Bedingung zutrifft. Dein Kind ist mit dem AAPS-Smartphone bereits in der Schule und in dieser Woche wird der Sportunterricht kurzfristig abgesagt und durch eine Pizza-Party ersetzt. Wenn das hohe temporäre Ziel von 7.0 bzw 126 durch die Automatisierung gesetzt wurde und Du dieses Ziel (am AAPS-Smartphone oder remote) abbrichst, ist die Bedingung weiterhin erfüllt und **AAPS** wird einfach in der nächsten Minute das hohe temporäre Ziel erneut setzen. - -**Wenn Du Zugriff auf das AAPS Smartphone hättest**, könntest Du die Automatisierung deaktivieren/anpassenoder wenn Du das nicht machen möchtest, kannst Du einfach für 60 Minuten ein neues temporäres Ziel von 5.6 (bzw. 100 mg/dl) im Reiter AKTIONEN oder durch langes Drücken auf den Ziele-Button. Dadurch wird die Automatisierung daran gehindert, ein hohes Ziel von 7.0 (bzw. 126 mg/dl) zu setzen. - -**Wenn Du keinen Zugriff auf das AAPS-Telefon hast**, kannst Du mit SMS-Befehlen eine ähnliche Lösung erreichen: Mit dem Befehl "target meal" kannst Du beispielsweise ein Ziel von 5.0 für 45 Minuten setzen (andere voreingestellte Ziele sind Aktivität 8.0 ( bzw. 144 mg/dl) oder Hypo, siehe Tabelle). Mit SMS-Befehlen kannst Du allerdings keinen _selbstdefinierten_ Zielwert angeben (z. B. von 5.6 für 60 Minuten), dazu brauchst Du den **AAPSClient** oder Nightscout. - -#### F: Was passiert, wenn ich es mir nach dem Senden eines Befehls anders überlege? - -**AAPS** führt nur den letzten (aktuellen) Befehl aus. Wenn Du also "bolus 1.5" eingibst und dann ohne Authentifizierung einen neuen Befehl „bolus 1“ hinterherschickst, wird der vorherige Befehl (bolus 1.5) ignoriert. **AAPS** sendet dem Eltern-/Betreuenden-Smartphone zunächst immer eine Antwort zur Bestätigung des auszuführenden Befehls, bevor Du dazu aufgefordert wirst, den Authentifizierungscode einzugeben. Danach wird eine Antwort zur ausgeführten Aktion geschickt. - -#### F: Warum habe ich keine Antwort auf einen SMS-Befehl erhalten? - -Es könnte aus einem dieser Gründe sein: - -1) Die Nachricht hat es nicht bis zum AAPS-Smartphone geschafft (Netzwerk-Probleme). 2) **AAPS** verarbeitet noch eine Anfrage (_z. B._ einen Bolus, der je nach Insulinmenge einige Zeit zur Abgabe benötigt). 3) Das AAPS-Smartphone hat beim Empfang des Befehls eine schwache Bluetooth-Verbindung zur Pumpe und das Kommando konnte nicht ausgeführt werden (dies löst normalerweise einen Alarm auf dem AAPS-Smartphone aus). - -#### F: Wie kann ich einen Befehl stoppen, nachdem er bereits authentifiziert wurde? - -Er kann nicht gestoppt werden. Du kannst allerdings eine Bolusgabe, die per SMS geschickt wurde direkt auf dem **AAPS**-Smartphone abbrechen, indem Du im Bolus-Popup auf "Abbrechen" tippst. Dazu musst Du aber schnell sein. Viele Befehle (abgesehen von Bolus- und Kohlenhydrat-Ankündigungen) können entweder leicht rückgängig gemacht werden oder deren ungewollte Auswirkungen können abgemildert werden. - -Bei Fehlern beim Bolen und Kohlenydrat-Ankündigungen, kannst Du trotzdem handeln. Wenn Du beispielsweise 20 g Kohlenhydrate angekündigt hast, aber Dein Kind isst nur 10 g und Du (oder ein verfügbarer Betreuer) kann die "Behandlung" nicht direkt auf dem **AAPS**-Smartphone löschen, kannst Du ein hohes temporäres Ziel oder ein reduziertes Profil setzen, um **AAPS** weniger aggressiv arbeiten zu lassen. - -#### F. Warum erhalte ich auf meinen SMS-Befehl mehrere Antwort-Nachrichten? - -Wenn Du Antworten mehrfach erhältst (_z. B._ auf einen Profilwechsel), hast Du möglicherweise versehentlich einen Zirkelbezug mit anderen Apps erzeugt. Das könnte zum Beispiel xDrip+ sein. Falls dies der Fall ist, stelle sicher, dass xDrip+ (oder eine andere App) keine Behandlungsdaten zu Nightscout hochlädt. - -#### F. Ich habe gerade die SMS-Befehle eingerichtet und bekomme jetzt viel zu viele SMS-Nachrichten. Kann ich die Häufigkeit reduzieren oder stoppen? - -Die Nutzung der SMS-Befehle kann viele automatisierte Nachrichten vom AAPS-Smartphone auf das Smartphone der Eltern/Betreuenden auslösen. Du wirst auch Nachrichten für aktive **AAPS**-Automatisierungen (z. B. “Basal-Profil in der Pumpe aktualisiert”) erhalten. Eine SMS-Flat für den Handyvertrag des AAPS-Smartphones und des Eltern-/Betreuenden-Smartphones wird sehr empfohlen, wenn viele SMS verschickt werden. Es kann auch hilfreich sein, SMS-Benachrichtigungen, Alarme und Vibrationen auf allen Smartphones zu deaktivieren. SMS-Befehle können nur mit den entsprechenden bestätigenden SMS genutzt werden. Falls Du direkt mit Deinem Kind (wenn es alt genug ist) kommunizieren möchtest, solltest Du etwas anderes als SMS dazu nutzen. **AAPS**-Elterrn/Betreuende nutzen daher häufig andere Kommunikations-Apps wie WhatsApp, Lime, Telegram und den Facebook-Messenger. - -#### F. Warum funktionieren SMS-Befehle auf meinem Samsung-Smartphone nicht? - -Es gab Hinweise, dass nach einem Update des Samsung Galaxy S10 die SMS-Befehle nicht mehr funktioniert haben. Dies konnte durch Abschalten der Option 'als Chat Message senden' behoben werden. - - -![grafik](../images/remote-control-18.png) - -#### F. Wie kann ich Probleme mit Android Nachrichten App beheben? - -Wenn Du Probleme beim Senden oder Empfangen der SMS mit der Android Nachrichten App haben solltest, deaktiviere die Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung sowohl auf dem Smartphone des Kindes, als auch auf dem 'Follower'-Smartphone: - -● Öffne den entsprechenden SMS-Nachrichtenverlauf - -● Klicke auf die drei Punkte in der oberen rechten Ecke - -Wähle DETAILS aus - -Aktiviere NUR ALS SMS/MMS SENDEN +See the dedicated [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md) page. (aapsclient)= ## 2) AAPSClient @@ -696,11 +433,11 @@ Click side "plug-in" socket in the app, in order to upload Wear OS.apk onto the Der letzte Schritt ist es, **AAPS** auf dem Smartphone so einzurichten, dass es mit "**AAPS** Wear“ auf der Smartwatch interagiert. Aktiviere dazu das Wear-Plugin in der KONFIGURATION: -● Gehe zur **AAPS** App auf dem Smartphone +* Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone -● Wähle > Konfiguration im linken Hamburger Reiter +* Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab -● Markiere unter dem Punkt Allgemein, Wear für die Auswahl der Wear-Optionen +* Tick for Wear selection under General ![grafik](../images/ae6d75a1-1829-4d2e-b0dc-153e31e4a466.png) @@ -728,27 +465,27 @@ Once you have setup **AAPS** on your watch, extensive details about the smartwat Als kurze Übersicht: Die folgenden Funktionen können von der Smartwatch aus gestartet werden: -● temporäres Ziel setzen +* set a temporary target -Bolusrechner verwenden (welche Variablen bei der Berechnung berücksichtigt werden, lässt sich in den Einstellungen auf dem Smartphone festlegen) +* use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) -● eCarbs (verzögerte Kohlenhydrate) eintragen +* administer eCarbs -● Bolus (Insulin + Kohlenhydrate) abgeben +* administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) -● Smartwatch-Einstellungen +* watch settings -● Status +* status -● Pumpenstatus überprüfen +* check pump status -● Loop-Status überprüfen +* check loop status -● Profil prüfen und ändern, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = Zeitverschiebung + Prozentsatz) +* check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) -● TDD (Total Daily Dose = Bolus + Basal pro Tag) anzeigen +* show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) -● Remote-Bolus, wenn Kind und betreuende Person an verschiedenen Orten sind (dies ist möglich, wenn die **AAPS**-Smartwatch und das **AAPS**-Smartphone mit einem WLAN verbunden sind) +* Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) #### Kommunikation eines Betreuenden zur Smartwatch über andere Apps (wie WhatsApp) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md b/docs/CROWDIN/de/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md index 24b1cd2cef47..3654c31dc153 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/de/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md @@ -1,194 +1,337 @@ # SMS-Befehle -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note +```{contents} Table of contents +:depth: 2 +``` -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](#RemoteControl-sms-commands)). +Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following **AAPS** etc. can be done on [**AAPSClient** app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. Boluses, however, can't be given through **AAPSClient**, but you can use SMS commands. If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use **AAPSClient** app, there are additional SMS commands available. -``` +**SMS commands are really useful:** +1. For routine remote control + +2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin + +3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). + +4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working ## Sicherheitshinweise -. -- AAPS (z.B. auf dem Smartphone eines Kindes) kann über SMS-Befehle 'remote' gesteuert werden. Wenn Du diesen SMS-Kommunikator aktivierst, denke immer daran, dass das Telefon, das für Remote-Befehle eingerichtet ist, gestohlen werden kann. Schütze dieses mit einem zumindest mit einem sicheren PIN-Code. Es wird ein starkes Passwort oder biometrischer Schutz empfohlen. -- Additionally it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. So you can use second number to [temporary disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets lost or stolen. -- Wenn das Remote-Kommando (z.B. Bolusabgabe oder Profilwechsel) abgeschlossen ist, wird dies mit einer entsprechenden SMS von AAPS bestätigt. Es ist ratsam, dies so einzustellen, dass Bestätigungstexte an mindestens zwei verschiedene Telefonnummern gesendet werden, falls eines der Empfangstelefone gestohlen wird. -- **Wenn Du einen Bolus über SMS-Kommandos abgibst, musst Du die Kohlenhydrate über Nightscout (NSClient, Webseite...) eingeben!** Wenn Du das unterlässt, ist zwar das aktive Insulin (IOB) korrekt, aber die COB sind zu gering. Dies kann dazu führen, dass notwendige Korrekturboli nicht abgegeben werden, da AAPS davon ausgeht, dass Du zu viel aktives Insulin hast. -- Seit AAPS Version 2.7 muss eine Authentifizierungs-App mit einem zeitbasierten Einmalpasswort verwendet werden, um die Sicherheit bei der Verwendung von SMS-Kommandos zu erhöhen. + +If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to export **AAPS** settings). + +Additionally, it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. This way, you can use the second number to [disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets compromised. + +The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” + +Wenn das Remote-Kommando (z.B. Bolusabgabe oder Profilwechsel) abgeschlossen ist, wird dies mit einer entsprechenden SMS von AAPS bestätigt. Es ist ratsam, dies so einzustellen, dass Bestätigungstexte an mindestens zwei verschiedene Telefonnummern gesendet werden, falls eines der Empfangstelefone gestohlen wird. + +**If you bolus through SMS Commands, you must enter carbs separately (second SMS, AAPSClient, Nightscout...)!** If you fail to do so, the IOB would be correct with too low COB, potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as **AAPS** assumes that you have too much active insulin. + +For the sensitive commands, an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety. + +If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “[Reset Authenticators](#sms-commands-authenticator-setup)” in **AAPS** or send the SMS command “[SMS stop](#SMSCommands-other)”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. ## SMS-Kommandos einrichten -![SMS Commands Setup](../images/SMSCommandsSetup.png) +```{contents} The overall process is as follows +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -- Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following AAPS etc. can be done on [AAPSClient app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. -- Boli können nicht über Nightscout abgegeben werden, aber Du kannst dafür SMS-Kommandos verwenden. -- Falls Du als Follower ein iPhone verwendest und daher die AAPSClient-App nicht nutzen kannst, gibt es weitere SMS-Kommandos. -- Gehe dazu in den Systemeinstellungen deines Android-Telefons zu Apps > AndroidAPS > Berechtigungen und aktiviere dort SMS. +### Konfiguration der Authenticator App -(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= -### Erlaubte Telefonnummern +Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung wird zur Verbesserung der Sicherheit verwendet. + +On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install an Authenticator app. Beliebte kostenlose Apps sind: + - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) + - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) + - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) + - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) + +These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. -- In AAPS gehst Du zu **Einstellungen > SMS-Kommunikator** und trägst die Telefonnummer(n) ein, die dazu berechtigt werden soll(en), Kommandos an AAPS zu senden. Mehrere Nummern werden dabei durch Semikolon ohne Leerzeichen getrennt (z.B. +6412345678;+6412345679) +### Check phone settings -- Bitte beachte, dass je nach Deinem Standort ein vorangestelltes "+" erforderlich sein kann. Um das herauszufinden kannst Du eine Testnachricht senden und auf dem SMS-Kommunikator-Tab nachschauen, welches Format die Telefonnummer hat. +On your phone, go to **Apps > AAPS > Permissions**. Make sure **SMS** and **Phone** are allowed. -- Aktiviere 'Erlaube Fernsteuerung per SMS zulassen'. +![grafik](../images/remote-control-08.png) -- Wenn Du mehr als eine Nummer verwenden möchtest: +### Date and time synching - - Gib nur eine der Telefonnummern ein. +Die Zeit auf beiden Telefonen muss synchron sein. Am einfachsten erfolgt dies direkt über das Mobilfunknetz. Zeitunterschiede können zu Authentifizierungsproblemen führen. - - Führe ein SMS-Kommando aus um sicher zu stellen, dass die Kommandos mit dieser Telefonnummer funktionieren. +On both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific device, you may need to try out different settings. - - Gib die zusätzliche(n) Telefonnummer(n) getrennt durch Semikolon ohne Leerzeichen ein. +Example (for Samsung S23): **Settings > General management > Date and time**: make sure that **Automatic date and time** is checked. - ![SMS-Kommandos Setup mehrerer Nummern](../images/SMSCommandsSetupSpace2.png) +Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterward if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). -### Minuten zwischen Bolus-Kommandos +### AAPS settings + +Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the [Config Builder](../SettingUpAaps/ConfigBuilder.md) to enable the **SMS Communicator** module. + +Go to the Preferences for SMS Communicator. + +Enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: + +![grafik](../images/remote-control-11.png) + +(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= +#### Allowed phone numbers + +Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: +* UK phone number: +447976304596 +* US phone number: +11234567890 +* FR phone number: +33612344567 +* _etc._ + +Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. + +If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with **NO space between numbers** (this is critical!). Select “OK”: + +![grafik](../images/remote-control-12.png) + +#### Minuten zwischen Bolus-Kommandos - Du kannst den minimalen Zeitabstand zwischen zwei über SMS durchgeführte Boli definieren. - Aus Sicherheitsgründen musst Du mindestens zwei erlaubte Telefonnummern hinzufügen, um diesen Wert zu bearbeiten. -### Zusätzliche obligatorische PIN am Token-Ende +#### Additional mandatory PIN at token end -- Aus Sicherheitsgründen muss dem Antwortcode eine PIN folgen. +For safety reasons, the reply code must be followed by a PIN. Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. -- PIN-Regeln: +PIN requirements are: - - 3 bis 6 Ziffern - - nicht dieselben Ziffern (z.B. 1111) - - keine Ziffernfolge (z.B. 1234) +* 3 bis 6 Ziffern +* not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) +* not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) -### Konfiguration der Authenticator App +![grafik](../images/remote-control-13.png) -- Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung wird zur Verbesserung der Sicherheit verwendet. +(sms-commands-authenticator-setup)= +#### Konfiguration der Authenticator App -- Du kannst jede Authentifizierungs-App, die RFC 6238 TOTP-Token unterstützt, verwenden. Beliebte kostenlose Apps sind: +* Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. +* Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_, set up a new connection and +* Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. +* Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) - - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) - - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) - - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) +Beispiel: +* The token from the authenticator app is 457051 +* Your mandatory PIN is 2401 +* Code to check: 4570512401 + +If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. **There is no button you can press!** The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: + +![grafik](../images/remote-control-14.png) -- Installiere die Authentifizierungs-App Deiner Wahl auf Deinem Follower-Smartphone und scanne den in AAPS angezeigten QR-Code. +You should now be set up with SMS commands. -- Teste das Einmal-Passwort, indem Du den in Deiner Authentifizierungs-App angezeigte Token und die PIN, die Du gerade in AAPS eingerichtet hast, eingibst. Beispiel: +Use button "Authenticator setup > Reset Authenticators" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (Durch das Zurücksetzen des Authentikators werden ALLE erteilten Berechtigungen ungültig. You will need to set them up again.) - - Deine zwingend erforderliche PIN ist 2020 - - TOTP Token von der Authentifizierungs-App ist 457051 - - Trage 4570512020 ein +## SMS commands usage -- Der rote Text "WRONG PIN" ändert sich **automatisch** in den grünen Text "OK", wenn das Einmal-Passwort korrekt ist. **Es gibt keine Taste, die Du drücken kannst!** +### First steps using SMS commands -- Die Zeit auf beiden Telefonen muss synchron sein. Am einfachsten erfolgt dies direkt über das Mobilfunknetz. Zeitunterschiede können zu Authentifizierungsproblemen führen. +1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the **AAPS** phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: -- Verwende die Schaltfläche "AUTHENTIKATORS ZURÜCKSETZEN", wenn Du bereits eingerichtete Berechtigungen entfernen möchten. (Durch das Zurücksetzen des Authentikators werden ALLE erteilten Berechtigungen ungültig. Du musst sie alle neu einrichten.) +![grafik](../images/remote-control-15.png) -## SMS-Kommandos verwenden +If you don't receive any response, check the [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) section below. -- Send a SMS to the phone with AAPS running from your approved phone number(s) using any of the [commands](#commands) below. +2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator, _e.g._ “target hypo”. The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by the additional secret **PIN** known only by caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). -- Das AAPS-Smartphone wird antworten, um sich die Durchführung des übermittelten Kommandos bestätigen zu lassen oder um den angeforderten Status zu übermitteln. +When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the **AAPS** phone, to see how it works: -- Bestätige falls erforderlich die Durchführung des übermittelten Kommandos, indem Du den angegebenen Code zurücksendest. Beispiel: +![grafik](../images/remote-control-16.png) - - Deine zwingend erforderliche PIN ist 2020 - - TOTP Token von der Authentifizierungs-App ist 457051 - - Trage 4570512020 ein +The caregiver’s phone will receive an SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. + +If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. See [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) below for common errors. **Hinweis**: Eine SMS-Flat auf beiden Telefonen kann nützlich sein, da u.U. viele SMS hin und her gesandt werden. +### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands + +Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: + +1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. + +To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. + +**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or **AAPSClient** with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions subsection below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. + (SMSCommands-commands)= ## Kommandos -Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). +```{contents} List of command groups +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) +Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). The commands are not case-sensitive, you can use lower or upper case. -### Loop +![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) -- LOOP STOP/DISABLE \* Antwort: Loop wurde deaktiviert. +The **SMS Commands Tables** below show all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the **AAPS** app itself. -- LOOP START/ENABLE \* Antwort: Loop wurde aktiviert +(authentication-or-not)= +### Authentication or not? -- LOOP-STATUS +Some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require strong **authentication** through the Authenticator app. A simple enquiry like “**BG**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn't need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - - Antwort hängt vom aktuellen Status ab +![grafik](../images/remote-control-06.png) - - Loop ist deaktiviert. - - Loop ist aktiviert. - - Pausiert (%1$d min) +Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: -- LOOP SUSPEND 20 \* Antwort: Loop unterbrochen für 20 Minuten +![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) -- LOOP RESUME \* Antwort: Loop wurde fortgesetzt +The *Auth* column in the tables below, indicates whether such a strong authentication is required for each command. -- LOOP CLOSED \* Antwort: Aktueller Loop-Modus: Closed Loop +### CGM-Daten -- LOOP LGS \* Antwort: Aktueller Loop-Modus: Unterbrechung bei niedrigem BZ (LGS) +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BG | No | Returns: last BG, delta, IOB (bolus and basal), COB
*Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U)* | +| CAL 5.6/90 | Yes | Will calibrate the CGM with a value of 5.6/90
(use the value appropriate to your glucose units)
Works only if properly set-up in **AAPS**.
*Calibration sent* | -### CGM-Daten +### Pump -- BG \* Antwort: Letzter BZ: 5.6 4min her, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U) -- CAL 5.6 \* Antwort: Um die Kalibrierung 5.6 zu senden, antworte mit dem Code der Authenticator-App gefolgt von Deinem PIN. \* Antwort, nachdem der korrekte Code von AAPS empfangen wurde: Kalibrierung gesendet (**Falls xDrip installiert ist. In xDrip+ muss "Kalibrierungen akzeptieren" aktiviert sein.**) +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| PUMPE | No | Last conn: 1 min ago
Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min
IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 | +| PUMP DISCONNECT *30* | Yes | To disconnect pump for *30* minutes | +| PUMP CONNECT | Yes | Pump reconnected | ### Basal -- BASAL STOP/CANCEL \* Antwort: Antworte mit dem Code der Authenticator-App gefolgt von Deinem PIN, um die temporäre Basalrate zu beenden. -- BASAL 0.3 \* Antwort: Um eine Basalrate von 0.3IE/h für 30 Minuten zu setzen, antworte mit dem Code der Authenticator-App gefolgt von Deinem PIN. -- BASAL 0.3 20 Antwort: Um eine Basalrate von 0.3IE/h für 20 Minuten zu setzen, antworte mit dem Code der Authenticator-App gefolgt von Deinem PIN. -- BASAL 30% \* Antwort: Um die Basalrate von 30% für 30 Minuten zu setzen, antworte mit dem Code der Authenticator-App gefolgt von Deinem PIN. -- BASAL 30% 50 \* Antwort: Um die Basalrate von 30% für 50 Minuten zu setzen, antworte mit dem Code der Authenticator-App gefolgt von Deinem PIN. +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | -------------------------------- | +| BASAL 0.3 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min | +| BASAL 0.3 20 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min | +| BASAL 30% | Yes | To start basal 30% for 30 min | +| BASAL 30% 50 | Yes | To start basal 30% for 50 min | +| BASAL STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop temp basal | + + +### Loop + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| LOOP-STATUS | No | Response depends on actual status:
- *Loop is disabled* if the loop is disabled or LGS
- *Loop is enabled* if the loop is closed or open
- *Suspended (10 min)* if the loop is disconnected or suspended | +| LOOP STOP/DISABLE | Yes | The pump will revert to the pre-programmed basal rate.
*Loop has been disabled* | +| LOOP START/ENABLE | Yes | *Loop has been enabled* | +| LOOP SUSPEND 20 | Yes | *Loop suspended for 20 minutes* | +| LOOP RESUME | Yes | *Loop resumed* | +| LOOP CLOSED | Yes | *Current loop mode: Closed Loop* | +| LOOP LGS | Yes | *Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend* | ### Bolus -Ein Bolus via SMS ist innerhalb von 15 Minuten nach der letzten Bolusgabe in AAPS oder nach dem letzten SMS-Kommando nicht möglich. Den Wert kannst Du nur anpassen, wenn mind. zwei Rufnummern eingetragen sind. Die Antwort hängt daher davon ab, wann der letzte Bolus abgegeben wurde. +Ein Bolus via SMS ist innerhalb von 15 Minuten nach der letzten Bolusgabe in AAPS oder nach dem letzten SMS-Kommando nicht möglich. Den Wert kannst Du nur anpassen, wenn mind. zwei Rufnummern eingetragen sind. In this case, the response would be *Remote bolus not available. Try again later.* This response is also sent when the pump is currently delivering a bolus. -- BOLUS 1.2 \* Antwort A: Um einen Bolus von 1,2 IE abzugeben, antworte mit dem Code der Authenticator-App gefolgt von Deinem PIN. \* Antwort B: Bolusabgabe aus der Ferne nicht verfügbar. Versuch es später nochmal. -- BOLUS 0.60 MEAL \* Mit dem optionalen Parameter MEAL wird ein Mahlzeiten TT gesetzt (Standardwerte sind 90 mg/dL / 5.0 mmol/L für 45 Minuten). \* Antwort A: Um einen Bolus von 0,6 IE abzugeben, antworte mit dem Code der Authenticator-App gefolgt von Deinem PIN. -- CARBS 5 \* Antwort: Um 5g Kohlenhydrate um 12:45 einzugeben, antworte mit dem Code der Authenticator-App gefolgt von Deinem PIN. -- CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM \* Antwort: Um 5g Kohlenhydrate um 17:35 einzugeben, antworte mit dem Code der Authenticator-App gefolgt von Deinem PIN. -- EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL \* Antwort: Antworte mit dem Code der Authenticator-App gefolgt von Deinem PIN, um den erweiterten Bolus zu beenden. -- EXTENDED 2 120 \* Antwort: Um den erweiterten Bolus 2 IE für 120 Minuten abzugeben, antworte mit dem Code der Authenticator-App gefolgt von Deinem PIN. +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BOLUS 1.2 | Yes | | +| BOLUS 0.60 MEAL | Yes | Delivers the specified 0.60U bolus
**and** sets the [Eating Soon TempTarget](#TempTargets-eating-soon-temp-target) | +| CARBS 5 | Yes | To enter 5g, without a bolus | +| CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM | Yes | To enter 5g at 17:35.
The acceptable time format depends
on the time setting (12h/24h) on the phone. | +| EXTENDED 2 120 | Yes | To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min.
Only for [compatible pumps](#screens-action-tab). | +| EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop extended bolus | ### Profile -- PROFILE STATUS \* Antwort: Profil1 -- PROFILE LIST \* Antwort: 1. \` Profil1 \` 2. \` Profil2 \` -- PROFILE 1 \* Antwort: Um zum Profil 1 mit 100% zu wechseln, antworte mit dem Code der Authenticator-App gefolgt von Deinem PIN. -- PROFILE 2 30 \* Antwort: Um zum Profil 2 mit 30% zu wechseln, antworte mit dem Code der Authenticator-App gefolgt von Deinem PIN. +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| PROFILE STATUS | No | Current profile and percentage | +| PROFILE LIST | No | The current list of profiles in **AAPS**, e.g.:
1. Profile1
2. Profile2 | +| PROFILE 1 | Yes | To switch profile to profile 1 in the list.
Use the numbers as returned by the **PROFILE LIST**,
not the profile names as you saved them | +| PROFILE 2 30 | Yes | To switch profile to Profile2 30% | + +### Temporary Targets + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------- | +| TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | Yes | To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | +| TARGET STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To cancel Temp Target | + (SMSCommands-other)= ### Andere -- TREATMENTS REFRESH \* Antwort: Behandlungen von NS aktualisieren -- NSCLIENT RESTART \* Antwort: NSCLIENT RESTART SENT -- PUMP \* Antwort: Letzte Verbindung: vor 1 Min. Temp: 0.00E/h @11:38 5/30min IOB: 0.5E Reserv: 34E Batt: 100 -- PUMP CONNECT \* Antwort: Pumpe erneut verbunden -- PUMP DISCONNECT *30* \* Um die Pumpe für *30* Minuten zu trennen, antworte mit dem Code der Authenticator-App gefolgt von Deinem PIN. -- SMS DISABLE/STOP \* Antwort: Um den SMS Remote Service zu deaktivieren, antworte mit dem Code Any. Beachte, dass Du die Fernsteuerung nur am AAPS Master-Smartphone wieder aktivieren kannst. -- TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO \* Antwort: Um ein MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO TT zu setzen, antworte mit dem Code der Authenticator-App gefolgt von Deinem PIN. -- TARGET STOP/CANCEL \* Antwort: Um das temporäre Ziel zu stoppen, antworte mit dem Code der Authenticator-App gefolgt von Deinem PIN. -- HELP \* Antwort: BG, LOOP, TREATMENTS, ..... -- HELP BOLUS \* Antwort: BOLUS 1.2 BOLUS 1.2 MEAL +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------ | ---- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| TREATMENTS REFRESH | No | Refresh treatments from NS | +| NSCLIENT RESTART | No | Useful if you notice a communication problem
with Nightscout or **AAPSClient** | +| SMS DISABLE/STOP | No | To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any.
Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly
from the **AAPS** master smartphone only. | +| HELP | No | Returns all functions available for interrogation:
Send further ***HELP ***FUNCTION****** command to list
all options available in this section. | +| HELP BOLUS | | *BOLUS 1.2
BOLUS 1.2 MEAL* | (SMSCommands-troubleshooting)= -## Troubleshooting +## Troubleshooting and FAQ -### Mehrfach-SMS +```{contents} List of questions and issues +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -Wenn Du die gleiche SMS immer und immer wieder empfängst (z.B. Profilwechsel), hast Du wahrscheinlich eine Endlosschleife mit einer anderen App eingerichtet. Das könnte zum Beispiel xDrip+ sein. Falls dies der Fall ist, stelle sicher, dass xDrip+ (oder eine andere App, die mit Nightscout verbunden ist), keine Behandlungsdaten hochlädt. +### What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? -Wenn die andere App auf mehreren Smartphones installiert ist, musst Du den Upload auf allen deaktivieren. +1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting "profile exercise" for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. + +2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the **AAPS** phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation, and you cancel it (on the **AAPS** phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. -### SMS-Kommandos funktionieren nicht auf Samsung-Smartphones +**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. -Es gab einen Hinweis, dass nach einem Update die SMS Kommandos auf einem Galaxy S10 nicht mehr funktioniert haben. Dies konnte durch Abschalten der Option 'als Chat Message senden' behoben werden. +**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. + +### What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? + +**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. + +### Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? + +It could be for one of these reasons: + +1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The **AAPS** phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the **AAPS** phone). + +### No response whatsoever for SMS commands + +On the caregiver phone and/or **AAPS** phone, try disabling the following options : +* **Send as chat message** ![SMS als Chatnachricht deaktivieren](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) +* If using Android Messages App or Google Messages App, disable RCS messaging: + - Öffne den entsprechenden SMS-Nachrichtenverlauf + - Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner + - Wähle DETAILS aus + - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" ![Disable RCS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableRCS.png) + +### Errors carrying out commands + +There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: + +* SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct +* You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) +* You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) +* The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led **AAPS** to calculate that the authenticator code had expired +* The **AAPS** phone is out of range/contact with the pump +* The system is already busy delivering a bolus + +Common errors are shown in the examples below: + +![grafik](../images/remote-control-17.png) + +### How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? + +You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. + +For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. + +### Mehrfach-SMS + +If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. Das könnte zum Beispiel xDrip+ sein. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. + +Wenn die andere App auf mehreren Smartphones installiert ist, musst Du den Upload auf allen deaktivieren. -![SMS als Chatnachricht deaktivieren](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) -### Android Nachrichten App +### I am getting far too many text messages from SMS Commands. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? -Wenn Du Probleme beim Senden oder Empfangen der SMS mit der Android Nachrichten App haben solltest, deaktiviere die Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung sowohl auf dem Smartphone des Kindes, als auch auf dem 'Follower'-Smartphone. - - Öffne den entsprechenden SMS-Nachrichtenverlauf - - Klicke auf die drei Punkte in der oberen rechten Ecke - - Wähle DETAILS aus - - Aktiviere NUR ALS SMS/MMS SENDEN +Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the **AAPS** phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your **AAPS** phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/KidsMonitoring.png b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/KidsMonitoring.png index da04a0647dd1..a3628b5c4f85 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/KidsMonitoring.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/KidsMonitoring.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/SMSdisableRCS.png b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/SMSdisableRCS.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..86ce50229c39 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/SMSdisableRCS.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/remote-control-07.png b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/remote-control-07.png index f39574e5ad4b..f0174d83b06b 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/remote-control-07.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/remote-control-07.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/remote-control-08.png b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/remote-control-08.png index e96c345b2698..a26373899bba 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/remote-control-08.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/remote-control-08.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/el/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 84dc3e95dcf0..527124818fd2 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/el/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,10 +9,17 @@ Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not ```{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md) :class: warning -**Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. +**Average Smoothing or Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ``` -## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) +## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) + +- Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) +- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). + +- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) + +## 2. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) **Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** @@ -36,13 +43,6 @@ A patched Dexcom G7 app (DiaKEM) gives access to the Dexcom G7 data. This is not - If AAPS does not receive any values, switch to another BG source and then back to 'BYODA' to invoke the query for approving data exchange between AAPS and BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - -- Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) -- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - -- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) - ## 3. xDrip+ (companion mode) - Download and install xDrip+: [xDrip](https://github.com/NightscoutFoundation/xDrip) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md b/docs/CROWDIN/el/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md index daacdd2b4a6f..a4eb25975eba 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/el/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md @@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ Use this option only if your CGM data is being properly smoothed by your collect ## Suggestions to use smoothing -| | Exponential | Average | None | -| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:--------:|:-----------:| -| G5 and G6 | | If noisy | Recommended | -| G7 | Recommended | | | -| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | -| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | +| | Exponential | Average | None | +| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:---------:|:-----------:| +| G5 and G6 | If noisy | | Recommended | +| G7 | If noisy | If stable | | +| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | +| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | ### Dexcom sensors diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/Getting-Started/Phones.md b/docs/CROWDIN/el/Getting-Started/Phones.md index 1a5d10ac056c..db67d55c358e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/el/Getting-Started/Phones.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/Getting-Started/Phones.md @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # Τηλέφωνα -The current version of **AAPS** requires an Android smartphone with Google Android 9.0 or above. So if you are thinking about a new phone, Android 9 is recommended at a minimum but optimally choose Android 13 or 14. - -For older Android versions, older **AAPS** versions are available see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. +As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject. +Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). - [List of tested phones](../CompatiblePhones/ListOfTestedPhones.md) - [Jelly Pro Settings](../CompatiblePhones/Jelly.md) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/el/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md index a17efebc0108..96eb3ac26627 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/el/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md @@ -209,7 +209,8 @@ This documentation aims to reduce the technical expertise required to an absolut ### Smartphones #### AAPS and Android Versions -The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons, however for users unable to use a device with Android 9.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions like [Android 8](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/ and [Android 7](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/2.6.2), remain available from previous releases (check the release notes for legacy versions). + +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred.
As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject.
Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). #### Smartphone model choice The exact model you buy depends on the desired function(s). You can find on the [Phones page](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) recommendations and user feedback about working setups. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md b/docs/CROWDIN/el/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md index 7c849b6e0ca6..f55003d0e50f 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/el/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md @@ -17,272 +17,9 @@ The first three are mostly appropriate for carers/parents, but smartwatches are 5. Examples for school care plans for children of different ages can be found in the [“files section”](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/files/) of the **AAPS** Facebook page. 6. What is your emergency plan for when remote control does not work (_i.e._ network problems or lost bluetooth connection)? Always consider what will happen with **AAPS** if you suddenly can’t send a new command. **AAPS** overwrites the pump basal, ISF and ICR with the current profile values. Only use temporary profile switches (_i.e._ with a set time duration) if switching to a stronger insulin profile, in case your remote connection is disrupted. Then the pump will revert to the original profile when the time expires. -(RemoteControl-sms-commands)= ## 1) SMS Commands -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note - -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md). - -``` - -You can control **AAPS** remotely via text (SMS) message through a feature known as **SMS Commands**. SMS commands can be sent to **AAPS** by _any_ type of phone (iPhone/Android). - -**SMS commands are really useful:** -1. For routine remote control - -2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin - -3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). - -4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working - -### SMS command safety -If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to change **AAPS** settings) . A second phone number must be enabled for SMS commands to work, even if you only have one primary caregiver/follower. You can then use the second number to temporarily disable SMS communicator (with the command **“SMS stop”**) if your main caregiver/parent phone is compromised. Versions of **AAPS** 2.7 and newer also use an [Authenticator app](#authentication-or-not)). - -### Different types of SMS commands -The **SMS Commands Table** below shows all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the AAPS app itself. The commands below have been listed by how commonly used they are likely to be, the first two tables should have most of the SMS commands you need with full looping. - -### SMS commands tables - -![SMS_command_table_1](../images/remote-control-02.png) - -![SMS_command_table_2](../images/remote-control-03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_3](../images/remote_control_and_following/SMS_command_table_3_Loop_03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_4](../images/remote-control-05.png) - -(authentication-or-not)= -### Authentication or not? - -You may notice from the table above that some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require **authenticating** with a security code from an additional app and a PIN (see below (link for more detail). A simple enquiry like “**bg**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn’t need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - -![image](../images/remote-control-06.png) - -Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: - -![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) - -### How to set up SMS commands - -The overall process is as follows: - -**1) Download an authenticator (caregiver phone)** - -**2) Check phone settings (AAPS phone)** - -**3) Date and time synching (caregiver and AAPS phone)** - -**4) AAPS settings (APPS phone)** - -**5) Testing SMS commands works (caregiver and AAPS phone)** - -### Let's get started! - -1) **Download an authenticator**: On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install one authenticator of your choice from the list below: - -[**Authy**](https://authy.com/download/) - -[**Google Authenticator - Android / iOS**](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2&pli=1) - -[**LastPass Authenticator**](https://www.lastpass.com/solutions/authentication) - -[**FreeOTP Authenticator**](https://freeotp.github.io/) - -These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. - -2) **Check phone settings:** In the **AAPS** phone settings go to Apps > AndroidAPS > Permissions > SMS > Allow SMS - -![image](../images/remote-control-08.png) - -3) **Date and time synching:** In both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific handsets, you may need to try out different settings. - -Example (for Samsung S23 handset): Settings – general management – date and time- automatic date and time - -Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterwards if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). - -4) **AAPS settings:** - -i) Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the left hand hamburger menu to navigate to Config Builder: - -![image](../images/remote-control-09.png) - -ii) Enable “SMS communicator” by checking the boxes, then click the “cog” to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen: - -![image](../images/remote-control-10.png) - -_Note - as an alternative route to Config Builder, you can also use the new “SMS Communicator tab” at the top of the AAPS screen, then right click on the custom right hand hamburger menu for that page, to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen._ - -iii) On the preferences screen enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: - -![image](../images/remote-control-11.png) - -iv) Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: - -UK phone number: +447976304596 - -US phone number: +11234567890 - -FR phone number: +33612344567 - -_etc._ - -Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. - -If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with NO space between numbers (this is critical!). Select “OK”: - - -![image](../images/remote-control-12.png) - -v) Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. - -PIN requirements are: - -•3 to 6 digits - -•not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) - -•not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) - -![image](../images/remote-control-13.png) - -vi) On the preferences screen select “Authenticator setup” - -● Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. - -● Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_ set up a new connection and - -● Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. - -● Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - -Παράδειγμα: - -The token from the authenticator app is 457051 - -Your mandatory PIN is 2401 - -Code to check: 4570512401 - -If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: - - -![image](../images/remote-control-14.png) - -You should now be set up with SMS commands. - -### First steps using SMS commands - -1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the AAPS phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: - -![image](../images/remote-control-15.png) - -2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator. To do this, send a text from the caregiver’s phone with the required command to the**AAPS** phone (_e.g._ “target hypo”). The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by an additional secret **PIN** known only to caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). - -This example is shown below, with the SMS command “target hypo” to set a hypo temp target: - -● In this example, your PIN is 1289 - -● Code from your authenticator app is 274127 - -● When prompted, text 2741271289 - -Commands must be sent in English. The response should be in your local language. When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the AAPS phone, to see how it works: - -![image](../images/remote-control-16.png) - -The caregiver’s phone will receive a SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: - -● SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct - -● You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) - -● You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) - -● The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led AAPS to calculate that the authenticator code had expired - -● The AAPS phone is out of range/contact with the pump - -● The system is already busy delivering a bolus - -If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. - -Common errors are shown in the examples below: - -![image](../images/remote-control-17.png) - -### Additional safety notes on SMS commands - -The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” - -If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “RESET AUTHENTICATORS” in AAPS (see preferences screenshot above, link) or send the SMS command “SMS stop”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. - -### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands - -Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: - -1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. - -To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. - -**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or AAPSClient with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions sub section below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. - -### SMS commands troubleshooting and FAQ - -#### Q: What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? - -1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting “profile exercise“ for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. - -2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the AAPS phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation and you cancel it (on the AAPS phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. - -**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. - -**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. - -#### Q: What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? - -**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. - -#### Q: Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? - -It could be for one of these reasons: - -1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The AAPS phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the AAPS phone). - -#### Q: How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? - -You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. - -For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. - -#### Q. Why am I getting multiple SMS texts of the same message? - -If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. - -#### Q. I’ve just set up SMS commands and I am now getting far too many text messages. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? - -Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the AAPS phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your AAPS phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. - -#### Q. Why are SMS commands not working on my Samsung phone? - -There was a report of SMS commands stopping after an update on a Samsung Galaxy S10 phone. This was solved by disabling ‘send as chat message’. - - -![image](../images/remote-control-18.png) - -#### Q. How can I fix issues with the Android Messages App? - -If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app, disable end-to-end encryption on both caregiver and dependent’s phones: - -● Open the specific SMS conversation in Messages - -● Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner - -● select “Details” - -● Activate “Only send SMS and MMS messages” +See the dedicated [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md) page. (aapsclient)= ## 2) AAPSClient @@ -696,11 +433,11 @@ Click side "plug-in" socket in the app, in order to upload Wear OS.apk onto the The final step is to configure **AAPS** on the phone to interact with **AAPS** Wear” on the watch. To do this, enable the Wear plugin in Config Builder: -● Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone +* Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone -● Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab +* Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab -● Tick for Wear selection under General +* Tick for Wear selection under General ![image](../images/ae6d75a1-1829-4d2e-b0dc-153e31e4a466.png) @@ -728,27 +465,27 @@ Once you have setup **AAPS** on your watch, extensive details about the smartwat As a brief overview, the following functions can be triggered from the smartwatch: -● set a temporary target +* set a temporary target -● use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) +* use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) -● administer eCarbs +* administer eCarbs -● administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) +* administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) -● watch settings +* watch settings -● status +* status -● check pump status +* check pump status -● check loop status +* check loop status -● check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) +* check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) -● show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) +* show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) -● Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) +* Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) #### Communication from caregivers to the watch using other apps (like Whatsapp) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md b/docs/CROWDIN/el/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md index 1c4d18ca640f..abd9d9868196 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/el/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md @@ -1,194 +1,337 @@ # Εντολές SMS -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note +```{contents} Table of contents +:depth: 2 +``` -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](#RemoteControl-sms-commands)). +Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following **AAPS** etc. can be done on [**AAPSClient** app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. Boluses, however, can't be given through **AAPSClient**, but you can use SMS commands. If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use **AAPSClient** app, there are additional SMS commands available. -``` +**SMS commands are really useful:** +1. For routine remote control + +2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin + +3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). + +4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working ## Πρώτα η ασφάλεια -. -- Το AAPS σας επιτρέπει να ελέγχετε εξ αποστάσεως το τηλέφωνο ενός παιδιού μέσω ενός μηνύματος SMS. Αν ενεργοποιήσετε αυτό την επικοινωνία με SMS, θυμηθείτε πάντα ότι το τηλέφωνο που έχει ρυθμιστεί για να δώσει απομακρυσμένες εντολές μπορεί να κλαπεί. Συνεπώς, πάντα να το προστατεύετε τουλάχιστον από ένα κωδικό PIN. Συνιστάται ένας ισχυρός κωδικός πρόσβασης ή βιομετρικά στοιχεία για πρόσβαση. -- Additionally it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. So you can use second number to [temporary disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets lost or stolen. -- Το AndroidAPS θα σας ενημερώσει επίσης με μήνυμα κειμένου , εάν έχουν πραγματοποιηθεί οι απομακρυσμένες εντολές σας, όπως μια γευματική δόση ή μια αλλαγή προφίλ. Συνιστάται να το ρυθμίσετε έτσι ώστε τα κείμενα επιβεβαίωσης να αποστέλλονται σε τουλάχιστον δύο διαφορετικούς αριθμούς τηλεφώνου σε περίπτωση κλοπής ενός από τα τηλέφωνα λήψης. -- **If you bolus through SMS Commands you must enter carbs through Nightscout (AAPSClient, Website...)!** If you fail to do so IOB would be correct with too low COB potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as AAPS assumes that you have too much active insulin. -- Από την έκδοση AndroidAPS 2.7 και μετά, πρέπει να χρησιμοποιείται μια εφαρμογή ελέγχου ταυτότητας με ένα κωδικό μιας χρήσης με πρόσβαση περιορισμένου χρόνου προκειμένου να αυξηθεί η ασφάλεια κατά τη χρήση των εντολών με μηνύματα. + +If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to export **AAPS** settings). + +Additionally, it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. This way, you can use the second number to [disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets compromised. + +The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” + +Το AndroidAPS θα σας ενημερώσει επίσης με μήνυμα κειμένου , εάν έχουν πραγματοποιηθεί οι απομακρυσμένες εντολές σας, όπως μια γευματική δόση ή μια αλλαγή προφίλ. Συνιστάται να το ρυθμίσετε έτσι ώστε τα κείμενα επιβεβαίωσης να αποστέλλονται σε τουλάχιστον δύο διαφορετικούς αριθμούς τηλεφώνου σε περίπτωση κλοπής ενός από τα τηλέφωνα λήψης. + +**If you bolus through SMS Commands, you must enter carbs separately (second SMS, AAPSClient, Nightscout...)!** If you fail to do so, the IOB would be correct with too low COB, potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as **AAPS** assumes that you have too much active insulin. + +For the sensitive commands, an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety. + +If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “[Reset Authenticators](#sms-commands-authenticator-setup)” in **AAPS** or send the SMS command “[SMS stop](#SMSCommands-other)”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. ## Ρύθμιση εντολών μηνυμάτων (SMS commands) -![SMS Commands Setup](../images/SMSCommandsSetup.png) +```{contents} The overall process is as follows +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -- Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following AAPS etc. can be done on [AAPSClient app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. -- Δεν μπορείτε να χορηγήσετε δόση ινσουλίνης μέσω του Nightscout, αλλά μπορείτε μέσω μηνυμάτων SMS. -- If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use AAPSClient app, there are additional SMS commands available. -- Στις ρυθμίσεις του android τηλεφώνου σας, επιλέξτε Εφαρμογές> AndroidAPS> Άδειες και ενεργοποιήστε τα μηνύματα SMS +### Ρύθμιση ελέγχου ταυτότητας -(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= -### Εξουσιοδοτημένα τηλεφωνικά νούμερα +Χρησιμοποιείται ο έλεγχος ταυτότητας δύο παραγόντων (2FA) προκειμένου να βελτιωθεί η ασφάλεια. + +On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install an Authenticator app. Δημοφιλείς δωρεάν εφαρμογές είναι οι: + - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) + - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) + - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) + - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) + +These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. -- Στο AndroidAPS μεταβείτε στην επιλογή **Προτιμήσεις> Επικοινωνία με SMS ** και εισαγάγετε τον/τους αριθμό/αριθμούς τηλεφώνου από τους οποίους θα επιτρέπεται να δέχονται εντολές με μηνύματα SMS (διαχωρισμένους με ερωτηματικά - π.χ. +306952441211;+306925542211) +### Check phone settings -- Note that the "+" in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. +On your phone, go to **Apps > AAPS > Permissions**. Make sure **SMS** and **Phone** are allowed. -- Ενεργοποιήστε το "Να επιτρέπονται απομακρυσμένες εντολές μέσω μηνυμάτων SMS(Allow remote commands via SMS)". +![image](../images/remote-control-08.png) -- Αν θέλετε να χρησιμοποιήσετε πάνω από έναν αριθμό: +### Date and time synching - - Εισάγετε μόνο έναν αριθμό. +Η ώρα και στα δύο τηλέφωνα πρέπει να είναι συγχρονισμένη. Η καλύτερη λύση είναι να ορίζεται αυτόματα από το διαδίκτυο. Οι διαφορές ώρας μπορεί να οδηγήσουν σε προβλήματα επαλήθευσης ταυτότητας. - - Ενεργοποιήστε τη λειτουργία αυτού του αριθμού στέλνοντας και επιβεβαιώνοντας μια εντολή μέσω μηνύματος SMS. +On both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific device, you may need to try out different settings. - - Εισάγετε επιπλέον τηλεφωνικό/ούς αριθμό/ούς διαχωρισμένους με ελληνικό ερωτηματικό, χωρίς κενό. +Example (for Samsung S23): **Settings > General management > Date and time**: make sure that **Automatic date and time** is checked. - ![SMS Commands Setup multiple numbers](../images/SMSCommandsSetupSpace2.png) +Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterward if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). -### Λεπτά μεταξύ εντολών bolus +### AAPS settings + +Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the [Config Builder](../SettingUpAaps/ConfigBuilder.md) to enable the **SMS Communicator** module. + +Go to the Preferences for SMS Communicator. + +Enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: + +![image](../images/remote-control-11.png) + +(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= +#### Allowed phone numbers + +Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: +* UK phone number: +447976304596 +* US phone number: +11234567890 +* FR phone number: +33612344567 +* _etc._ + +Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. + +If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with **NO space between numbers** (this is critical!). Select “OK”: + +![image](../images/remote-control-12.png) + +#### Λεπτά μεταξύ εντολών bolus - Μπορείτε να προσδιορίσετε την ελάχιστη χρονική διαφορά ανάμεσα σε δύο δόσεις ινσουλίνης που χορηγούνται μέσω μηνυμάτων. - Για λόγους ασφαλείας πρέπει να προσθέσετε τουλάχιστον δύο εξουσιοδοτημένους τηλεφωνικούς αριθμούς για να επεξεργαστείτε αυτή την μεταβλητή. -### Επιπλέον, είναι υποχρεωτικό το PIN στο τέλος του token +#### Additional mandatory PIN at token end -- Για λόγους ασφαλείας ο κωδικός απάντησης πρέπει να ακολουθείται από ένα PIN. +For safety reasons, the reply code must be followed by a PIN. Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. -- Κανόνες για το PIN: +PIN requirements are: - - 3 με 6 ψηφία - - όχι ίδια ψηφία (π.χ. 1111) - - όχι ψηφία σε σειρά (π.χ. 1234) +* 3 με 6 ψηφία +* not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) +* not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) -### Ρύθμιση ελέγχου ταυτότητας +![image](../images/remote-control-13.png) -- Χρησιμοποιείται ο έλεγχος ταυτότητας δύο παραγόντων (2FA) προκειμένου να βελτιωθεί η ασφάλεια. +(sms-commands-authenticator-setup)= +#### Ρύθμιση ελέγχου ταυτότητας -- Μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε οποιαδήποτε εφαρμογή ελέγχου ταυτότητας (Authenticator app) που υποστηρίζει RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. Δημοφιλείς δωρεάν εφαρμογές είναι οι: +* Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. +* Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_, set up a new connection and +* Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. +* Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) - - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) - - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) - - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) +Παράδειγμα: +* The token from the authenticator app is 457051 +* Your mandatory PIN is 2401 +* Code to check: 4570512401 + +If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. **There is no button you can press!** The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: + +![image](../images/remote-control-14.png) -- Εγκαταστήστε την εφαρμογή ελέγχου ταυτότητας που επιλέξατε , στο τηλέφωνο σας που λειτουργεί ως ακόλουθος , και σκανάρετε τον κώδικα QR που εμφανίζεται στο AAPS. +You should now be set up with SMS commands. -- Δοκιμάστε τον κωδικό μιας χρήσης εισάγοντας το token που εμφανίζεται στην εφαρμογή ελέγχου ταυτότητας και το PIN που μόλις ρυθμίσατε στο AAPS. Παράδειγμα: +Use button "Authenticator setup > Reset Authenticators" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (Με την επαναφορά του ελέγχου ταυτότητας ακυρώνετε ΟΛΟΥΣ τους προβλεπόμενους ελέγχους ταυτότητας. You will need to set them up again.) - - Το υποχρεωτικό σας PIN είναι 2020 - - Το TOTP token από την εφαρμογή ελέγχου ταυτότητας είναι το 457051 - - Εισάγετε το νούμερο 4570512020 +## SMS commands usage -- Το κόκκινο μήνυμα "ΛΑΘΟΣ ΚΩΔΙΚΟΣ" θα αλλάξει **αυτόματα** σε ένα πράσινο "ΟΚ" αν η καταχώριση είναι σωστή. **Δεν υπάρχει κανένα κουμπί που να μπορείτε να πατήσετε!** +### First steps using SMS commands -- Η ώρα και στα δύο τηλέφωνα πρέπει να είναι συγχρονισμένη. Η καλύτερη λύση είναι να ορίζεται αυτόματα από το διαδίκτυο. Οι διαφορές ώρας μπορεί να οδηγήσουν σε προβλήματα επαλήθευσης ταυτότητας. +1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the **AAPS** phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: -- Χρησιμοποιήστε το κουμπί "ΕΠΑΝΑΦΟΡΑ ΕΛΕΓΧΟΥ ΤΑΥΟΤΗΤΑΣ" ("RESET AUTHENTICATORS") αν θέλετε να αφαιρέσετε τους προβλεπόμενους ελέγχους ταυτότητας. (Με την επαναφορά του ελέγχου ταυτότητας ακυρώνετε ΟΛΟΥΣ τους προβλεπόμενους ελέγχους ταυτότητας. Θα χρειαστεί να τους ξαναρυθμίσετε) +![image](../images/remote-control-15.png) -## Χρήση εντολών μηνυμάτων SMS +If you don't receive any response, check the [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) section below. -- Send a SMS to the phone with AAPS running from your approved phone number(s) using any of the [commands](#commands) below. +2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator, _e.g._ “target hypo”. The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by the additional secret **PIN** known only by caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). -- Το τηλέφωνο με το AAPS θα ανταποκριθεί επιβεβαιώνοντας την επιτυχία της εντολής ή της κατάστασης που ζητήθηκε. +When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the **AAPS** phone, to see how it works: -- Επιβεβαιώστε την εντολή στέλνοντας τον κωδικό όπου είναι απαραίτητο. Παράδειγμα: +![image](../images/remote-control-16.png) - - Το υποχρεωτικό σας PIN είναι 2020 - - Το TOTP token από την εφαρμογή ελέγχου ταυτότητας είναι το 457051 - - Εισάγετε το νούμερο 4570512020 +The caregiver’s phone will receive an SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. + +If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. See [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) below for common errors. **Συμβουλή**: Μπορεί να είναι χρήσιμο να διαθέτετε απεριόριστα μηνύματα στο συμβόλαιο του τηλεφώνου σας (για κάθε τηλέφωνο που χρησιμοποιείτε) αν στέλνετε πολλά μηνύματα. +### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands + +Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: + +1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. + +To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. + +**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or **AAPSClient** with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions subsection below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. + (SMSCommands-commands)= ## Εντολές -Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). +```{contents} List of command groups +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) +Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). The commands are not case-sensitive, you can use lower or upper case. -### Κύκλωμα +![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) -- LOOP STOP/DISABLE \* Απάντηση: Το κύκλωμα έχει απενεργοποιηθεί +The **SMS Commands Tables** below show all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the **AAPS** app itself. -- LOOP START/ENABLE \* Response: Το κύκλωμα έχει ενεργοποιηθεί +(authentication-or-not)= +### Authentication or not? -- LOOP STATUS +Some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require strong **authentication** through the Authenticator app. A simple enquiry like “**BG**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn't need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - - Η απάντηση εξαρτάται από την κατάσταση τη δεδομένη στιγμή +![image](../images/remote-control-06.png) - - Κύκλωμα απενεργοποιημένο - - Κύκλωμα ενεργοποιημένο - - Αναστολή (10 λεπτά) +Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: -- LOOP SUSPEND 20 \* Απάντηση: Κύκλωμα σε αναστολή για 20 λεπτά +![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) -- LOOP RESUME \* Απάντηση: Επανέναρξη κυκλώματος +The *Auth* column in the tables below, indicates whether such a strong authentication is required for each command. -- LOOP CLOSED \* Response: Current loop mode: Closed Loop +### Δεδομένα CGM -- LOOP LGS \* Response: Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BG | No | Returns: last BG, delta, IOB (bolus and basal), COB
*Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U)* | +| CAL 5.6/90 | Yes | Will calibrate the CGM with a value of 5.6/90
(use the value appropriate to your glucose units)
Works only if properly set-up in **AAPS**.
*Calibration sent* | -### Δεδομένα CGM +### Pump -- BG \* Απάντηση: Τελευταία τιμή γλυκόζης: BG: 105 πριν 4 λεπτά, Delta: -6 mg/dl, Ενεργή ινσουλίνη: 0.20U (Δόση ινσουλίνης: 0.10U Bασική ινσουλίνη: 0.10U) -- CAL 105 \* Απάντηση: Για να στείλετε την τιμή βαθμονόμησης 105 απαντήστε με κωδικό από την εφαρμογή για έλεγχο ταυτότητας του χρήστη, ακολουθούμενη από PIN \* Απάντηση μετά από λήψη σωστού κωδικού: Η βαθμονόμηση στάλθηκε (**Αν το xDrip είναι εγκατεστημένο. Η αποδοχή των βαθμονομήσεων πρέπει να έχει ενεργοποιηθεί στο xDrip + **) +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| ΑΝΤΛΙΑ | No | Last conn: 1 min ago
Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min
IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 | +| PUMP DISCONNECT *30* | Yes | To disconnect pump for *30* minutes | +| PUMP CONNECT | Yes | Pump reconnected | ### Βασικός Ρυθμός -- BASAL STOP/CANCEL \* Απάντηση: Για να σταματήσετε τον προσωρινό ρυθμό απαντήστε με κωδικό από την εφαρμογή ελέγχου ταυτότητας για τον Χρήστη, ακολουθούμενο από PIN -- BASAL 0.3 \* Απάντηση: Για έναρξη βασικού ρυθμού 0.3U/h για 30 λεπτά απαντήστε με κωδικό από την εφαρμογή ελέγχου ταυτότητας για Χρήστη, ακολουθούμενο από PIN -- BASAL 0.3 \* Απάντηση: Για έναρξη βασικού ρυθμού 0.3U/h για 30 λεπτά απαντήστε με κωδικό από την εφαρμογή ελέγχου ταυτότητας για το χρήστη, ακολουθούμενο από PIN -- BASAL 30% \* Απάντηση: Για έναρξη βασικού ρυθμού 30% για 30 λεπτά απαντήστε με κωδικό από την εφαρμογή ελέγχου ταυτότητας για το χρήστη, ακολουθούμενο από PIN -- BASAL 30% 50 \* Απάντηση: Για έναρξη βασικού ρυθμού 30% για 50 λεπτά απαντήστε με κωδικό από την εφαρμογή ελέγχου ταυτότητας για το χρήστη, ακολουθούμενο από PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | -------------------------------- | +| BASAL 0.3 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min | +| BASAL 0.3 20 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min | +| BASAL 30% | Yes | To start basal 30% for 30 min | +| BASAL 30% 50 | Yes | To start basal 30% for 50 min | +| BASAL STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop temp basal | + + +### Κύκλωμα + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| LOOP STATUS | No | Response depends on actual status:
- *Loop is disabled* if the loop is disabled or LGS
- *Loop is enabled* if the loop is closed or open
- *Suspended (10 min)* if the loop is disconnected or suspended | +| LOOP STOP/DISABLE | Yes | The pump will revert to the pre-programmed basal rate.
*Loop has been disabled* | +| LOOP START/ENABLE | Yes | *Loop has been enabled* | +| LOOP SUSPEND 20 | Yes | *Loop suspended for 20 minutes* | +| LOOP RESUME | Yes | *Loop resumed* | +| LOOP CLOSED | Yes | *Current loop mode: Closed Loop* | +| LOOP LGS | Yes | *Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend* | ### Δόση ινσουλίνης -Η απομακρυσμένη δόση ινσουλίνης δεν επιτρέπεται εντός 15 λεπτών (η τιμή αυτή είναι επεξεργάσιμη μόνο αν προστεθούν 2 τηλεφωνικοί αριθμοί) μετά την τελευταία εντολή για δόση ινσουλίνης ή τις απομακρυσμένες εντολές δόσης ινσουλίνης! Ως εκ τούτου, η απάντηση εξαρτάται από το χρόνο που δόθηκε η τελευταία δόση ινσουλίνης. +Η απομακρυσμένη δόση ινσουλίνης δεν επιτρέπεται εντός 15 λεπτών (η τιμή αυτή είναι επεξεργάσιμη μόνο αν προστεθούν 2 τηλεφωνικοί αριθμοί) μετά την τελευταία εντολή για δόση ινσουλίνης ή τις απομακρυσμένες εντολές δόσης ινσουλίνης! In this case, the response would be *Remote bolus not available. Try again later.* This response is also sent when the pump is currently delivering a bolus. -- BOLUS 1.2 \* Απάντηση A: Για να δοθεί δόση ινσουλίνης 1.2U απαντήστε με κωδικό από την εφαρμογή Ελέγχου Ταυτότητας για το Χρήστη, ακολουθούμενο από PIN \* Απάντηση B: Η απομακρυσμένη δόση ινσουλίνης δεν είναι διαθέσιμη. Προσπαθήστε ξανά αργότερα. -- BOLUS 0.60 MEAL \* Εάν καθορίσετε την προαιρετική παράμετρο ΓΕΥΜΑ (MEAL), αυτό ορίζει τον προσωρινό στόχο ΓΕΥΜΑ (MEAL) (οι προεπιλεγμένες τιμές είναι: 90 mg/dL ή 5.0 mmol/l για 45 λεπτά). \* Απάντηση A: Για να δοθεί δόση ινσουλίνης 060. U απαντήστε με κωδικό από την εφαρμογή Ελέγχου Ταυτότητας για το Χρήστη, ακολουθούμενο από PIN \* Απάντηση B: Η απομακρυσμένη δόση ινσουλίνης δεν είναι διαθέσιμη. -- CARBS 5 \* Απάντηση: Για να εισάγετε 5g στις 12:45 απαντήστε με κωδικό από την εφαρμογή ελέγχου ταυτότητας για το Χρήστη, ακολουθούμενο από PIN -- CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM \* Απάντηση: Για να εισάγετε 5g στις 17:35 απαντήστε με κωδικό από την εφαρμογή ελέγχου ταυτότητας για το Χρήστη, ακολουθούμενο από PIN -- EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL \* Απάντηση: Για να σταματήσετε την εκτεταμένη δόση ινσουλίνης απαντήστε με κωδικό από την εφαρμογή ελέγχου ταυτότητας για το Χρήστη, ακολουθούμενο από PIN -- EXTENDED 2 120 \* Απάντηση: Για να ξεκινήσετε εκτεταμένη δόση ινσουλίνης 2U για 120 λεπτά απαντήστε με κωδικό από την εφαρμογή ελέγχου ταυτότητας για το Χρήστη, ακολουθούμενο από PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BOLUS 1.2 | Yes | | +| BOLUS 0.60 MEAL | Yes | Delivers the specified 0.60U bolus
**and** sets the [Eating Soon TempTarget](#TempTargets-eating-soon-temp-target) | +| CARBS 5 | Yes | To enter 5g, without a bolus | +| CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM | Yes | To enter 5g at 17:35.
The acceptable time format depends
on the time setting (12h/24h) on the phone. | +| EXTENDED 2 120 | Yes | To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min.
Only for [compatible pumps](#screens-action-tab). | +| EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop extended bolus | ### Profile -- PROFILE STATUS \* Απάντηση: Προφίλ1 -- PROFILE LIST \* Απάντηση: 1.\`Προφίλ1\` 2.\`Προφίλ2\` -- PROFILE 1 \* Απάντηση: Για αλλαγή προφίλ σε Προφίλ1 100% απαντήστε με κωδικό από την εφαρμογή ελέγχου ταυτότητας για το Χρήστη, ακολουθούμενο από PIN -- PROFILE 2 30 \* Απάντηση: Για αλλαγή προφίλ σε Profile2 30% απαντήστε με κωδικό από την εφαρμογή ελέγχου ταυτότητας για το Χρήστη, ακολουθούμενο από PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| PROFILE STATUS | No | Current profile and percentage | +| PROFILE LIST | No | The current list of profiles in **AAPS**, e.g.:
1. Profile1
2. Profile2 | +| PROFILE 1 | Yes | To switch profile to profile 1 in the list.
Use the numbers as returned by the **PROFILE LIST**,
not the profile names as you saved them | +| PROFILE 2 30 | Yes | To switch profile to Profile2 30% | + +### Temporary Targets + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------- | +| TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | Yes | To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | +| TARGET STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To cancel Temp Target | + (SMSCommands-other)= ### Άλλο -- TREATMENTS REFRESH \* Απάντηση: Ανανέωση θεραπευτικών χειρισμών από το NS -- NSClient RESTART \* Response: NSCLIENT RESTART SENT -- PUMP \* Απάντηση: Τελευταία σύνδεση: πριν από 1 λεπτό Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min Ενεργή Ινσουλίνη: 0.5U Υπόλοιπο Ρεζερβουάρ: 34U Μπαταρία: 100 -- PUMP CONNECT \* Απάντηση: Η αντλία επανασυνδέθηκε -- PUMP DISCONNECT *30* \* Απάντηση: Για να αποσυνδέσετε την αντλία για *30* λεπτά απαντήστε με κωδικό από την εφαρμογή ελέγχου ταυτότητας για το Χρήστη, ακολουθούμενο από PIN -- SMS DISABLE/STOP \* Απάντηση: Για να απενεργοποιήσετε την Απομακρυσμένη Υπηρεσία SMS απαντήστε με κωδικό Any. Λάβετε υπόψη ότι θα μπορείτε να το επανενεργοποιήσετε μόνο απευθείας από το κυρίως (master) smartphone με AAPS. -- TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO \* Απάντηση: Για να ρυθμίσετε τον Προσωρινό Στόχο ΓΕΥΜΑ/ ΔΡΑΣΤΗΡΙΟΤΗΤΑ/ ΥΠΟΓΛΥΚΑΙΜΙΑ (MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO) απαντήστε με τον κωδικό από την εφαρμογή ελέγχου ταυτότητας του Χρήστη, ακολουθούμενο από το PIN -- TARGET STOP/CANCEL \* Απάντηση: Για να ακυρώσετε τον Προσωρινό Στόχο απαντήστε με κωδικό από την εφαρμογή ελέγχου ταυτότητας για το Χρήστη, ακολουθούμενο από το PΙΝ -- HELP \* Απάντηση: ΓΛΥΚΟΖΗ ΑΙΜΑΤΟΣ (BG), ΚΥΚΛΩΜΑ (LOOP,) ΘΕΡΑΠΕΥΤΙΚΟΙ ΧΕΙΡΙΣΜΟΙ (TREATMENTS), ..... -- HELP BOLUS \* Απάντηση: Δόση ινσουλίνης 1.2 Δόση ινσουλίνης 1.2 Γεύμα +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------ | ---- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| TREATMENTS REFRESH | No | Refresh treatments from NS | +| NSCLIENT RESTART | No | Useful if you notice a communication problem
with Nightscout or **AAPSClient** | +| SMS DISABLE/STOP | No | To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any.
Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly
from the **AAPS** master smartphone only. | +| HELP | No | Returns all functions available for interrogation:
Send further ***HELP ***FUNCTION****** command to list
all options available in this section. | +| HELP BOLUS | | *BOLUS 1.2
BOLUS 1.2 MEAL* | (SMSCommands-troubleshooting)= -## Troubleshooting +## Troubleshooting and FAQ -### Πολλαπλά SMS +```{contents} List of questions and issues +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -If you receive the same message over and over again (i.e. profile switch) you will probably have set up a circle with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please make sure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NS. +### What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? -If the other app is installed on multiple phones make sure to deactivate upload on all of them. +1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting "profile exercise" for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. + +2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the **AAPS** phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation, and you cancel it (on the **AAPS** phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. -### SMS commands not working on Samsung phones +**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. -There was a report on SMS commands stopping after an update on Galaxy S10 phone. Could be solved by disabling 'send as chat message'. +**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. + +### What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? + +**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. + +### Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? + +It could be for one of these reasons: + +1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The **AAPS** phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the **AAPS** phone). + +### No response whatsoever for SMS commands + +On the caregiver phone and/or **AAPS** phone, try disabling the following options : +* **Send as chat message** ![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) +* If using Android Messages App or Google Messages App, disable RCS messaging: + - open the specific SMS conversation in Messages + - Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner + - select "Details" + - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" ![Disable RCS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableRCS.png) + +### Errors carrying out commands + +There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: + +* SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct +* You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) +* You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) +* The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led **AAPS** to calculate that the authenticator code had expired +* The **AAPS** phone is out of range/contact with the pump +* The system is already busy delivering a bolus + +Common errors are shown in the examples below: + +![image](../images/remote-control-17.png) + +### How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? + +You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. + +For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. + +### Πολλαπλά SMS + +If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. + +If the other app is installed on multiple phones make sure to deactivate upload on all of them. -![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) -### Android Messages App +### I am getting far too many text messages from SMS Commands. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? -If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app disable end-to-end ecryption on both caregiver and child's phones. - - open the specific SMS conversation in Messages - - Select the options ellipisis in the top right corner - - select "Details" - - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" +Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the **AAPS** phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your **AAPS** phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/KidsMonitoring.png b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/KidsMonitoring.png index da04a0647dd1..a3628b5c4f85 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/KidsMonitoring.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/KidsMonitoring.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/SMSdisableRCS.png b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/SMSdisableRCS.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..86ce50229c39 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/SMSdisableRCS.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/remote-control-07.png b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/remote-control-07.png index f39574e5ad4b..f0174d83b06b 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/remote-control-07.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/remote-control-07.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/remote-control-08.png b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/remote-control-08.png index e96c345b2698..a26373899bba 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/remote-control-08.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/remote-control-08.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/es/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 767083dd2418..71e91f5202b3 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/es/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,10 +9,17 @@ Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not ```{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md) :class: warning -**Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. +**Average Smoothing or Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ``` -## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) +## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) + +- Sigue las instrucciones aquí: [xDrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) +- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). + +- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) + +## 2. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) **Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** @@ -36,13 +43,6 @@ A patched Dexcom G7 app (DiaKEM) gives access to the Dexcom G7 data. This is not - If AAPS does not receive any values, switch to another BG source and then back to 'BYODA' to invoke the query for approving data exchange between AAPS and BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - -- Sigue las instrucciones aquí: [xDrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) -- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - -- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) - ## 3. xDrip+ (companion mode) - Download and install xDrip+: [xDrip](https://github.com/NightscoutFoundation/xDrip) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md b/docs/CROWDIN/es/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md index 5c666042b2ba..b8d41ccc2ffd 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/es/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md @@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ Use this option only if your CGM data is being properly smoothed by your collect ## Suggestions to use smoothing -| | Exponential | Average | None | -| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:--------:|:-----------:| -| G5 and G6 | | If noisy | Recommended | -| G7 | Recommended | | | -| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | -| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | +| | Exponential | Average | None | +| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:---------:|:-----------:| +| G5 and G6 | If noisy | | Recommended | +| G7 | If noisy | If stable | | +| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | +| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | ### Dexcom sensors diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/Getting-Started/Phones.md b/docs/CROWDIN/es/Getting-Started/Phones.md index d2de908c6b67..2a976c7ccfb7 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/es/Getting-Started/Phones.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/Getting-Started/Phones.md @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # Teléfonos -The current version of **AAPS** requires an Android smartphone with Google Android 9.0 or above. So if you are thinking about a new phone, Android 9 is recommended at a minimum but optimally choose Android 13 or 14. - -For older Android versions, older **AAPS** versions are available see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. +As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject. +Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). - [List of tested phones](../CompatiblePhones/ListOfTestedPhones.md) - [Jelly Pro Settings](../CompatiblePhones/Jelly.md) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/es/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md index 10c58cb88dce..255b3bbd3586 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/es/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md @@ -209,7 +209,8 @@ This documentation aims to reduce the technical expertise required to an absolut ### Smartphones #### AAPS and Android Versions -The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons, however for users unable to use a device with Android 9.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions like [Android 8](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/ and [Android 7](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/2.6.2), remain available from previous releases (check the release notes for legacy versions). + +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred.
As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject.
Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). #### Smartphone model choice The exact model you buy depends on the desired function(s). You can find on the [Phones page](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) recommendations and user feedback about working setups. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md b/docs/CROWDIN/es/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md index 37a038ba8252..ceecf27db88c 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/es/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md @@ -17,272 +17,9 @@ The first three are mostly appropriate for carers/parents, but smartwatches are 5. Examples for school care plans for children of different ages can be found in the [“files section”](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/files/) of the **AAPS** Facebook page. 6. What is your emergency plan for when remote control does not work (_i.e._ network problems or lost bluetooth connection)? Always consider what will happen with **AAPS** if you suddenly can’t send a new command. **AAPS** overwrites the pump basal, ISF and ICR with the current profile values. Only use temporary profile switches (_i.e._ with a set time duration) if switching to a stronger insulin profile, in case your remote connection is disrupted. Then the pump will revert to the original profile when the time expires. -(RemoteControl-sms-commands)= ## 1) SMS Commands -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note - -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md). - -``` - -You can control **AAPS** remotely via text (SMS) message through a feature known as **SMS Commands**. SMS commands can be sent to **AAPS** by _any_ type of phone (iPhone/Android). - -**SMS commands are really useful:** -1. For routine remote control - -2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin - -3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). - -4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working - -### SMS command safety -If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to change **AAPS** settings) . A second phone number must be enabled for SMS commands to work, even if you only have one primary caregiver/follower. You can then use the second number to temporarily disable SMS communicator (with the command **“SMS stop”**) if your main caregiver/parent phone is compromised. Versions of **AAPS** 2.7 and newer also use an [Authenticator app](#authentication-or-not)). - -### Different types of SMS commands -The **SMS Commands Table** below shows all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the AAPS app itself. The commands below have been listed by how commonly used they are likely to be, the first two tables should have most of the SMS commands you need with full looping. - -### SMS commands tables - -![SMS_command_table_1](../images/remote-control-02.png) - -![SMS_command_table_2](../images/remote-control-03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_3](../images/remote_control_and_following/SMS_command_table_3_Loop_03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_4](../images/remote-control-05.png) - -(authentication-or-not)= -### Authentication or not? - -You may notice from the table above that some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require **authenticating** with a security code from an additional app and a PIN (see below (link for more detail). A simple enquiry like “**bg**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn’t need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - -![imagen](../images/remote-control-06.png) - -Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: - -![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) - -### How to set up SMS commands - -The overall process is as follows: - -**1) Download an authenticator (caregiver phone)** - -**2) Check phone settings (AAPS phone)** - -**3) Date and time synching (caregiver and AAPS phone)** - -**4) AAPS settings (APPS phone)** - -**5) Testing SMS commands works (caregiver and AAPS phone)** - -### Let's get started! - -1) **Download an authenticator**: On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install one authenticator of your choice from the list below: - -[**Authy**](https://authy.com/download/) - -[**Google Authenticator - Android / iOS**](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2&pli=1) - -[**LastPass Authenticator**](https://www.lastpass.com/solutions/authentication) - -[**FreeOTP Authenticator**](https://freeotp.github.io/) - -These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. - -2) **Check phone settings:** In the **AAPS** phone settings go to Apps > AndroidAPS > Permissions > SMS > Allow SMS - -![imagen](../images/remote-control-08.png) - -3) **Date and time synching:** In both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific handsets, you may need to try out different settings. - -Example (for Samsung S23 handset): Settings – general management – date and time- automatic date and time - -Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterwards if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). - -4) **AAPS settings:** - -i) Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the left hand hamburger menu to navigate to Config Builder: - -![imagen](../images/remote-control-09.png) - -ii) Enable “SMS communicator” by checking the boxes, then click the “cog” to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen: - -![imagen](../images/remote-control-10.png) - -_Note - as an alternative route to Config Builder, you can also use the new “SMS Communicator tab” at the top of the AAPS screen, then right click on the custom right hand hamburger menu for that page, to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen._ - -iii) On the preferences screen enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: - -![imagen](../images/remote-control-11.png) - -iv) Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: - -UK phone number: +447976304596 - -US phone number: +11234567890 - -FR phone number: +33612344567 - -_etc._ - -Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. - -If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with NO space between numbers (this is critical!). Select “OK”: - - -![imagen](../images/remote-control-12.png) - -v) Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. - -PIN requirements are: - -•3 to 6 digits - -•not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) - -•not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) - -![imagen](../images/remote-control-13.png) - -vi) On the preferences screen select “Authenticator setup” - -● Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. - -● Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_ set up a new connection and - -● Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. - -● Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - -Example: - -The token from the authenticator app is 457051 - -Your mandatory PIN is 2401 - -Code to check: 4570512401 - -If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: - - -![imagen](../images/remote-control-14.png) - -You should now be set up with SMS commands. - -### First steps using SMS commands - -1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the AAPS phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: - -![imagen](../images/remote-control-15.png) - -2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator. To do this, send a text from the caregiver’s phone with the required command to the**AAPS** phone (_e.g._ “target hypo”). The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by an additional secret **PIN** known only to caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). - -This example is shown below, with the SMS command “target hypo” to set a hypo temp target: - -● In this example, your PIN is 1289 - -● Code from your authenticator app is 274127 - -● When prompted, text 2741271289 - -Commands must be sent in English. The response should be in your local language. When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the AAPS phone, to see how it works: - -![imagen](../images/remote-control-16.png) - -The caregiver’s phone will receive a SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: - -● SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct - -● You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) - -● You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) - -● The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led AAPS to calculate that the authenticator code had expired - -● The AAPS phone is out of range/contact with the pump - -● The system is already busy delivering a bolus - -If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. - -Common errors are shown in the examples below: - -![imagen](../images/remote-control-17.png) - -### Additional safety notes on SMS commands - -The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” - -If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “RESET AUTHENTICATORS” in AAPS (see preferences screenshot above, link) or send the SMS command “SMS stop”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. - -### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands - -Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: - -1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. - -To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. - -**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or AAPSClient with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions sub section below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. - -### SMS commands troubleshooting and FAQ - -#### Q: What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? - -1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting “profile exercise“ for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. - -2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the AAPS phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation and you cancel it (on the AAPS phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. - -**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. - -**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. - -#### Q: What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? - -**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. - -#### Q: Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? - -It could be for one of these reasons: - -1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The AAPS phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the AAPS phone). - -#### Q: How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? - -You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. - -For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. - -#### Q. Why am I getting multiple SMS texts of the same message? - -If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. Podría ser con xDrip+, por ejemplo. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. - -#### Q. I’ve just set up SMS commands and I am now getting far too many text messages. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? - -Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the AAPS phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your AAPS phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. - -#### Q. Why are SMS commands not working on my Samsung phone? - -There was a report of SMS commands stopping after an update on a Samsung Galaxy S10 phone. This was solved by disabling ‘send as chat message’. - - -![imagen](../images/remote-control-18.png) - -#### Q. How can I fix issues with the Android Messages App? - -If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app, disable end-to-end encryption on both caregiver and dependent’s phones: - -● Open the specific SMS conversation in Messages - -● Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner - -● select “Details” - -● Activate “Only send SMS and MMS messages” +See the dedicated [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md) page. (aapsclient)= ## 2) AAPSClient @@ -696,11 +433,11 @@ Click side "plug-in" socket in the app, in order to upload Wear OS.apk onto the The final step is to configure **AAPS** on the phone to interact with **AAPS** Wear” on the watch. To do this, enable the Wear plugin in Config Builder: -● Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone +* Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone -● Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab +* Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab -● Tick for Wear selection under General +* Tick for Wear selection under General ![imagen](../images/ae6d75a1-1829-4d2e-b0dc-153e31e4a466.png) @@ -728,27 +465,27 @@ Once you have setup **AAPS** on your watch, extensive details about the smartwat As a brief overview, the following functions can be triggered from the smartwatch: -● set a temporary target +* set a temporary target -● use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) +* use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) -● administer eCarbs +* administer eCarbs -● administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) +* administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) -● watch settings +* watch settings -● status +* status -● check pump status +* check pump status -● check loop status +* check loop status -● check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) +* check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) -● show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) +* show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) -● Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) +* Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) #### Communication from caregivers to the watch using other apps (like Whatsapp) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md b/docs/CROWDIN/es/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md index 0cedf158a432..c7705636b382 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/es/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md @@ -1,194 +1,337 @@ # Comandos SMS -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note +```{contents} Table of contents +:depth: 2 +``` -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](#RemoteControl-sms-commands)). +Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following **AAPS** etc. can be done on [**AAPSClient** app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. Boluses, however, can't be given through **AAPSClient**, but you can use SMS commands. If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use **AAPSClient** app, there are additional SMS commands available. -``` +**SMS commands are really useful:** +1. For routine remote control + +2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin + +3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). + +4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working ## La seguridad primero -. -- AndroidAPS te permite controlar el teléfono de un niño de forma remota mediante mensajes de texto. Si activas esta función "SMS Communicator", recuerda siempre que el teléfono configurado para dar comandos remotos podría ser robado. Por lo que protege siempre el móvil con código PIN. Se recomienda usar una contraseña compleja o usar datos biométricos. -- Additionally it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. So you can use second number to [temporary disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets lost or stolen. -- AndroidAPS también te avisará por mensaje de texto si tus comandos remotos, tales como bolos o cambios de perfil, se han llevado a cabo. Es aconsejable, por seguridad, configurar esta función para que los textos de confirmación se envíen al menos a dos números de teléfono diferentes, así si falla (o ha sido robado) uno, quedará el otro. -- **Si administras una dosis de insulina a través de comandos SMS, debes ingresar los carbohidratos a través de Nightscout (AAPSClient, sitio web...)** Si no lo haces, la cantidad de insulina activa en el organismo (IOB) podría ser incorrecta, lo que potencialmente llevaría a no realizar una corrección adecuada, ya que AAPS asumiría que tienes demasiada insulina activa. -- Desde la versión 2.7 de AndroidAPS se debe utilizar una aplicación de autenticación por contraseña de un sólo uso, para mejorar la seguridad al usar la opción de comandos SMS. + +If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to export **AAPS** settings). + +Additionally, it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. This way, you can use the second number to [disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets compromised. + +The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” + +AndroidAPS también te avisará por mensaje de texto si tus comandos remotos, tales como bolos o cambios de perfil, se han llevado a cabo. Es aconsejable, por seguridad, configurar esta función para que los textos de confirmación se envíen al menos a dos números de teléfono diferentes, así si falla (o ha sido robado) uno, quedará el otro. + +**If you bolus through SMS Commands, you must enter carbs separately (second SMS, AAPSClient, Nightscout...)!** If you fail to do so, the IOB would be correct with too low COB, potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as **AAPS** assumes that you have too much active insulin. + +For the sensitive commands, an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety. + +If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “[Reset Authenticators](#sms-commands-authenticator-setup)” in **AAPS** or send the SMS command “[SMS stop](#SMSCommands-other)”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. ## Configurar comandos SMS -![SMS Commands Setup](../images/SMSCommandsSetup.png) +```{contents} The overall process is as follows +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -- Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following AAPS etc. can be done on [AAPSClient app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. -- Los bolos no pueden poner mediante Nightscout, pero se pueden usar los comandos SMS. -- Si utilizas un iPhone como seguidor y, por lo tanto, no puedes usar la aplicación AAPSClient, hay comandos SMS adicionales disponibles. -- En los ajustes de tu teléfono Android, ve a aplicaciones > AAPS > Permisos y activa el de SMS +### Configuración de la aplicación de autenticación -(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= -### Números de teléfono permitidos +Se utiliza una doble autenticación, para mejorar la seguridad. + +On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install an Authenticator app. Las aplicaciones más comunes gratuitas son las siguientes: + - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) + - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) + - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) + - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) + +These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. -- En AndroidAPS ir a Tabla de configuraciones > Comunicador SMS \*\* y añadir el número(s) de teléfono que deseas habilitar para enviar comandos SMS (separados por punto y coma - p.ej. +3412345678;+3412345679) +### Check phone settings -- Ten en cuenta que el signo "+" delante del número puede o no ser necesario según tu ubicación. Para determinarlo, envía un texto de muestra que muestre el formato recibido en la pestaña de Comunicador de SMS. +On your phone, go to **Apps > AAPS > Permissions**. Make sure **SMS** and **Phone** are allowed. -- Habilitar 'Permitir comandos remotos vía SMS'. +![imagen](../images/remote-control-08.png) -- Si quieres utilizar más de un número: +### Date and time synching - - Añade sólo un número. +La hora en ambos teléfonos tiene que estar sincronizada. La mejor práctica es configurarla de forma automática desde la red. Las diferencias de tiempo pueden causar problemas de autenticación. - - Asegúrate de que ese número funciona enviando y confirmando comandos SMS. +On both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific device, you may need to try out different settings. - - Añade número/os adicionales separados por punto y coma, sin espacios. +Example (for Samsung S23): **Settings > General management > Date and time**: make sure that **Automatic date and time** is checked. - ![SMS Commands Setup multiple numbers](../images/SMSCommandsSetupSpace2.png) +Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterward if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). -### Minutos entre los comandos de bolos +### AAPS settings + +Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the [Config Builder](../SettingUpAaps/ConfigBuilder.md) to enable the **SMS Communicator** module. + +Go to the Preferences for SMS Communicator. + +Enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: + +![imagen](../images/remote-control-11.png) + +(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= +#### Allowed phone numbers + +Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: +* UK phone number: +447976304596 +* US phone number: +11234567890 +* FR phone number: +33612344567 +* _etc._ + +Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. + +If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with **NO space between numbers** (this is critical!). Select “OK”: + +![imagen](../images/remote-control-12.png) + +#### Minutos entre los comandos de bolos - Puedes definir un retraso mínimo entre dos bolos enviados mediante SMS. - Por razones de seguridad, hay que añadir al menos dos números de teléfono autorizados para editar este valor. -### Es obligatorio añadir el PIN al final del token +#### Additional mandatory PIN at token end -- Por razones de seguridad, el código de respuesta tiene que ir seguido de un PIN. +For safety reasons, the reply code must be followed by a PIN. Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. -- Reglas del PIN: +PIN requirements are: - - De 3 a 6 dígitos - - No puede ser los mismos dígitos (p.ej. 1111) - - No pueden ser números consecutivos (p.ej. 1234) +* De 3 a 6 dígitos +* not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) +* not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) -### Configuración de la aplicación de autenticación +![imagen](../images/remote-control-13.png) -- Se utiliza una doble autenticación, para mejorar la seguridad. +(sms-commands-authenticator-setup)= +#### Configuración de la aplicación de autenticación -- Puedes utilizar cualquier aplicación de autenticación que soporte tokens RFC 6238 TOTP. Las aplicaciones más comunes gratuitas son las siguientes: +* Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. +* Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_, set up a new connection and +* Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. +* Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) - - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) - - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) - - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) +Example: +* The token from the authenticator app is 457051 +* Your mandatory PIN is 2401 +* Code to check: 4570512401 + +If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. **There is no button you can press!** The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: + +![imagen](../images/remote-control-14.png) -- Instala en tu teléfono la aplicación de autenticación preferida y escanea el código QR mostrado en AAPS. +You should now be set up with SMS commands. -- Prueba la contraseña de un solo uso introduciendo el token mostrado en tu aplicación de autenticación y el PIN que has configurado en AAPS. Example: +Use button "Authenticator setup > Reset Authenticators" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (Al restablecer el autenticador se invalidan TODOS los autenticadores ya aprovisionados. You will need to set them up again.) - - El PIN obligatorio es 2020 - - El token generado por la aplicación de autenticación TOTP es 457051 - - Añade 4570512020 +## SMS commands usage -- El texto rojo "PIN INCORRECTO" cambiará **automáticamente** a verde "OK" si lo has añadido correctamente. **¡No hay que pulsar ningún botón!** +### First steps using SMS commands -- La hora en ambos teléfonos tiene que estar sincronizada. La mejor práctica es configurarla de forma automática desde la red. Las diferencias de tiempo pueden causar problemas de autenticación. +1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the **AAPS** phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: -- Usa el botón "REINICIAR AUTENTICADORES" si quieres eliminar los autenticadores aprovisionados. (Al restablecer el autenticador se invalidan TODOS los autenticadores ya aprovisionados. Tendrás que volver a configurarlos) +![imagen](../images/remote-control-15.png) -## Uso de comandos SMS +If you don't receive any response, check the [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) section below. -- Send a SMS to the phone with AAPS running from your approved phone number(s) using any of the [commands](#commands) below. +2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator, _e.g._ “target hypo”. The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by the additional secret **PIN** known only by caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). -- El teléfono que ejecuta AAPS responderá para confirmar el éxito del comando o del estado solicitado. +When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the **AAPS** phone, to see how it works: -- Confirma el comando enviando el código donde sea necesario. Example: +![imagen](../images/remote-control-16.png) - - El PIN obligatorio es 2020 - - El token generado por la aplicación de autenticación TOTP es 457051 - - Añade 4570512020 +The caregiver’s phone will receive an SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. + +If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. See [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) below for common errors. **Sugerencia**: Puede ser útil tener SMS ilimitados en tu plan de teléfono (para cada teléfono utilizado), si se van a enviar muchos SMS. +### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands + +Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: + +1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. + +To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. + +**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or **AAPSClient** with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions subsection below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. + (SMSCommands-commands)= ## Comandos -Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). +```{contents} List of command groups +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) +Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). The commands are not case-sensitive, you can use lower or upper case. -### Loop +![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) -- LOOP STOP/DISABLE \* Respuesta: El lazo ha sido desactivado +The **SMS Commands Tables** below show all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the **AAPS** app itself. -- LOOP START/ENABLE \* Respuesta: El lazo ha sido activado +(authentication-or-not)= +### Authentication or not? -- LOOP STATUS +Some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require strong **authentication** through the Authenticator app. A simple enquiry like “**BG**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn't need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - - La respuesta depende del estado actual +![imagen](../images/remote-control-06.png) - - El lazo está desactivado - - El lazo está activado - - Suspendido (10 min) +Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: -- LOOP SUSPEND 20 \* Respuesta: El lazo se ha suspendido durante 20 minutos +![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) -- LOOP RESUME \* Respuesta: El lazo se ha reanudado +The *Auth* column in the tables below, indicates whether such a strong authentication is required for each command. -- LOOP CLOSED \* Response: Current loop mode: Closed Loop +### Datos del MCG -- LOOP LGS \* Response: Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BG | No | Returns: last BG, delta, IOB (bolus and basal), COB
*Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U)* | +| CAL 5.6/90 | Yes | Will calibrate the CGM with a value of 5.6/90
(use the value appropriate to your glucose units)
Works only if properly set-up in **AAPS**.
*Calibration sent* | -### Datos del MCG +### Pump -- BG \* Respuesta: Última BG: 5.6 hace 4min, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolo: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U) -- CAL 5.6 \* Respuesta: Para enviar la calibración 5.6, responde con el código de la aplicación Authenticator para el Usuario seguido del PIN. \* Respuesta después de recibir el código correcto: Calibración enviada (** Si xDrip está instalado. Debe habilitarse la aceptación de calibraciones en xDrip+**) +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BOMBA | No | Last conn: 1 min ago
Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min
IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 | +| PUMP DISCONNECT *30* | Yes | To disconnect pump for *30* minutes | +| PUMP CONNECT | Yes | Pump reconnected | ### Basal -- BASAL STOP/CANCEL \* Respuesta: Para detener la basal temporal, responde con el código de la aplicación de autenticación del usuario seguido del PIN -- BASAL 0.3 \* Respuesta: Para iniciar basal de 0,3U/h durante 30 minutos, responda con el código de la aplicación de autenticación del usuario seguido del PIN -- BASAL 0.3 20 \* Respuesta: Para iniciar basal de 0,3U/h durante 20 minutos, responda con el código de la aplicación de autenticación del usuario seguido del PIN -- BASAL 30% \* Respuesta: Para iniciar basal al 30% durante 30 minutos, responda con el código de la aplicación de autenticación del usuario seguido del PIN -- BASAL 30% 50 \* Respuesta: Para iniciar basal al 30% durante 50 minutos, responda con el código de la aplicación de autenticación del usuario seguido del PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | -------------------------------- | +| BASAL 0.3 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min | +| BASAL 0.3 20 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min | +| BASAL 30% | Yes | To start basal 30% for 30 min | +| BASAL 30% 50 | Yes | To start basal 30% for 50 min | +| BASAL STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop temp basal | + + +### Loop + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| LOOP STATUS | No | Response depends on actual status:
- *Loop is disabled* if the loop is disabled or LGS
- *Loop is enabled* if the loop is closed or open
- *Suspended (10 min)* if the loop is disconnected or suspended | +| LOOP STOP/DISABLE | Yes | The pump will revert to the pre-programmed basal rate.
*Loop has been disabled* | +| LOOP START/ENABLE | Yes | *Loop has been enabled* | +| LOOP SUSPEND 20 | Yes | *Loop suspended for 20 minutes* | +| LOOP RESUME | Yes | *Loop resumed* | +| LOOP CLOSED | Yes | *Current loop mode: Closed Loop* | +| LOOP LGS | Yes | *Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend* | ### Bolo -No se permite el bolo remoto en los próximos 15 minutos (este valor sólo es editable si se han agregado 2 números de teléfono) después del último comando de bolo o comandos remotos. Por lo tanto, la respuesta depende del momento en que se administró el último bolo. +No se permite el bolo remoto en los próximos 15 minutos (este valor sólo es editable si se han agregado 2 números de teléfono) después del último comando de bolo o comandos remotos. In this case, the response would be *Remote bolus not available. Try again later.* This response is also sent when the pump is currently delivering a bolus. -- BOLUS 1.2 \* Respuesta A: Para administrar un bolo de 1.2U, responda con el código de la aplicación de autenticación del usuario seguido del PIN. \* Respuesta B: Bolo remoto no disponible. Inténtelo de nuevo más tarde. -- BOLUS 0,60 MEAL \* Si especifica el parámetro opcional MEAL, esto establece el Objetivo Temporal para COMIDA (los valores predeterminados son: 90 mg/dL, 5.0 mmol/l durante 45 minutos). \* Respuesta A: Para administrar un bolo para la comida de 0,60U, responda con el código de la aplicación de autenticación del usuario seguido del PIN \* Respuesta B: Bolos remotos no disponibles. -- CARBS 5 \* Respuesta: Para ingresar 5 gramos a las 12:45, responda con el código de la aplicación de autenticación del usuario seguido del PIN -- CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM \* Respuesta: Para ingresar 5 gramos a las 17:35, responda con el código de la aplicación de autenticación del usuario seguido del PIN -- EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL \* Respuesta: Para detener el bolo extendido, responda con el código de la aplicación de autenticación del usuario seguido del PIN -- EXTENDED 2 120 \* Respuesta: Para iniciar un bolo extendido de 2U durante 120 minutos, responda con el código de la aplicación de autenticación del usuario seguido del PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BOLUS 1.2 | Yes | | +| BOLUS 0.60 MEAL | Yes | Delivers the specified 0.60U bolus
**and** sets the [Eating Soon TempTarget](#TempTargets-eating-soon-temp-target) | +| CARBS 5 | Yes | To enter 5g, without a bolus | +| CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM | Yes | To enter 5g at 17:35.
The acceptable time format depends
on the time setting (12h/24h) on the phone. | +| EXTENDED 2 120 | Yes | To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min.
Only for [compatible pumps](#screens-action-tab). | +| EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop extended bolus | ### Profile -- PROFILE STATUS \* Respuesta: Perfil1 -- PROFILE LIST \* Respuesta: 1.\`Perfil1\` 2.\`Perfil2\` -- PERFIL 1 \* Respuesta: Para cambiar al perfil Perfil1 al 100%, responda con el código de la aplicación de autenticación del usuario seguido del PIN -- PROFILE 2 30 \* Respuesta: Para cambiar al perfil Perfil2 al 30%, responda con el código de la aplicación de autenticación del usuario seguido del PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| PROFILE STATUS | No | Current profile and percentage | +| PROFILE LIST | No | The current list of profiles in **AAPS**, e.g.:
1. Profile1
2. Profile2 | +| PROFILE 1 | Yes | To switch profile to profile 1 in the list.
Use the numbers as returned by the **PROFILE LIST**,
not the profile names as you saved them | +| PROFILE 2 30 | Yes | To switch profile to Profile2 30% | + +### Temporary Targets + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------- | +| TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | Yes | To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | +| TARGET STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To cancel Temp Target | + (SMSCommands-other)= ### Otros -- TREATMENTS REFRESH \* Respuesta: Actualizar tratamientos desde NS -- NSClient RESTART \* Response: NSCLIENT RESTART SENT -- PUMP \* Respuesta: Última conexión: hace 1 minuto. Temp: 0,00U/h @11:38. 5/30 min. IOB: 0,5 U. Reservorio: 34 U. Batería: 100% -- PUMP CONNECT \* Respuesta: Bomba reconectada -- PUMP DISCONNECT *30* \* Respuesta: Para desconectar la bomba durante *30* minutos, responda con el código de la aplicación de autenticación del usuario seguido del PIN -- SMS DISABLE/STOP \* Respuesta: Para desactivar el Servicio Remoto de SMS, responda con el código "Any". Recuerda que solo podrás activarlo de nuevo desde el teléfono principal de AAPS. -- TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO \* Respuesta: Para configurar el Objetivo Temporal COMIDA/ACTIVIDAD/HIPO, responde con el código de la aplicación de autenticación del usuario seguido del PIN -- TARGET STOP/CANCEL \* Respuesta: Para cancelar el Objetivo Temporal, responde con el código de la aplicación de autenticación del usuario seguido del PIN -- HELP \* Respuesta: Glucemia, Lazo, Tratamientos, ... -- HELP BOLUS \* Respuesta: BOLO 1.2, BOLO 1.2 COMIDA +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------ | ---- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| TREATMENTS REFRESH | No | Refresh treatments from NS | +| NSCLIENT RESTART | No | Useful if you notice a communication problem
with Nightscout or **AAPSClient** | +| SMS DISABLE/STOP | No | To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any.
Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly
from the **AAPS** master smartphone only. | +| HELP | No | Returns all functions available for interrogation:
Send further ***HELP ***FUNCTION****** command to list
all options available in this section. | +| HELP BOLUS | | *BOLUS 1.2
BOLUS 1.2 MEAL* | (SMSCommands-troubleshooting)= -## Troubleshooting +## Troubleshooting and FAQ -### Múltiples SMS +```{contents} List of questions and issues +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -Si recibes el mismo mensaje una y otra vez (por ejemplo, cambio de perfil), es probable que hayas configurado un bucle con otras aplicaciones. Podría ser con xDrip+, por ejemplo. Si es así, asegúrate de que xDrip+ (u cualquier otra aplicación) no esté subiendo tratamientos a NS. +### What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? -Si la otra aplicación está instalada en varios teléfonos, asegúrate de desactivar la subida de datos en todos ellos. +1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting "profile exercise" for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. + +2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the **AAPS** phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation, and you cancel it (on the **AAPS** phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. -### Los comandos SMS no funcionan en teléfonos Samsung +**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. -Hubo un informe sobre comandos SMS que dejaron de funcionar después de una actualización en el teléfono Galaxy S10. Podría resolverse desactivando 'Enviar como mensaje de chat'. +**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. + +### What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? + +**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. + +### Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? + +It could be for one of these reasons: + +1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The **AAPS** phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the **AAPS** phone). + +### No response whatsoever for SMS commands + +On the caregiver phone and/or **AAPS** phone, try disabling the following options : +* **Send as chat message** ![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) +* If using Android Messages App or Google Messages App, disable RCS messaging: + - Abre la conversación SMS específica en la aplicación Mensajes + - Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner + - Selecciona 'Detalles' + - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" ![Disable RCS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableRCS.png) + +### Errors carrying out commands + +There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: + +* SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct +* You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) +* You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) +* The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led **AAPS** to calculate that the authenticator code had expired +* The **AAPS** phone is out of range/contact with the pump +* The system is already busy delivering a bolus + +Common errors are shown in the examples below: + +![imagen](../images/remote-control-17.png) + +### How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? + +You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. + +For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. + +### Múltiples SMS + +If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. Podría ser con xDrip+, por ejemplo. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. + +Si la otra aplicación está instalada en varios teléfonos, asegúrate de desactivar la subida de datos en todos ellos. -![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) -### Aplicación Mensajes de Android +### I am getting far too many text messages from SMS Commands. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? -Si tienes problemas para enviar o recibir comandos SMS con la aplicación Mensajes de Android, desactiva el cifrado de extremo a extremo en los teléfonos tanto del cuidador como del niño. - - Abre la conversación SMS específica en la aplicación Mensajes - - Selecciona los tres puntos (opciones de menú) en la esquina superior derecha - - Selecciona 'Detalles' - - Activa 'Solo enviar mensajes SMS y MMS' +Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the **AAPS** phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your **AAPS** phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/KidsMonitoring.png b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/KidsMonitoring.png index da04a0647dd1..a3628b5c4f85 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/KidsMonitoring.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/KidsMonitoring.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/SMSdisableRCS.png b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/SMSdisableRCS.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..86ce50229c39 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/SMSdisableRCS.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/remote-control-07.png b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/remote-control-07.png index f39574e5ad4b..f0174d83b06b 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/remote-control-07.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/remote-control-07.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/remote-control-08.png b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/remote-control-08.png index e96c345b2698..a26373899bba 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/remote-control-08.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/remote-control-08.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 073b5914454a..72eedf33a86c 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,10 +9,17 @@ Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not ```{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md) :class: warning -**Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. +**Average Smoothing or Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ``` -## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) +## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) + +- Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) +- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). + +- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) + +## 2. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) **Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** @@ -36,13 +43,6 @@ A patched Dexcom G7 app (DiaKEM) gives access to the Dexcom G7 data. This is not - If AAPS does not receive any values, switch to another BG source and then back to 'BYODA' to invoke the query for approving data exchange between AAPS and BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - -- Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) -- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - -- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) - ## 3. xDrip+ (companion mode) - Download and install xDrip+: [xDrip](https://github.com/NightscoutFoundation/xDrip) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md index 9da42bd4708a..637f1c6e10ef 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md @@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ Use this option only if your CGM data is being properly smoothed by your collect ## Suggestions to use smoothing -| | Exponential | Average | None | -| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:--------:|:-----------:| -| G5 and G6 | | If noisy | Recommended | -| G7 | Recommended | | | -| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | -| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | +| | Exponential | Average | None | +| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:---------:|:-----------:| +| G5 and G6 | If noisy | | Recommended | +| G7 | If noisy | If stable | | +| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | +| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | ### Dexcom sensors diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Getting-Started/Phones.md b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Getting-Started/Phones.md index c71d352dbda7..dff15fc44864 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Getting-Started/Phones.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Getting-Started/Phones.md @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # Téléphones -The current version of **AAPS** requires an Android smartphone with Google Android 9.0 or above. So if you are thinking about a new phone, Android 9 is recommended at a minimum but optimally choose Android 13 or 14. - -For older Android versions, older **AAPS** versions are available see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. +As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject. +Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). - [Liste des téléphones testés](../CompatiblePhones/ListOfTestedPhones.md) - [Paramètres Jelly Pro](../CompatiblePhones/Jelly.md) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md index 725784255bb3..9fa73b768112 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md @@ -209,7 +209,8 @@ Cette documentation a pour but de réduire autant que faire se peut l'expertise ### Smartphones #### AAPS et versions Android -La version actuelle d'**AAPS** (3.2) nécessite un smartphone Android avec Google **Android 9.0 ou supérieur**. Si vous pensez à acheter un nouveau téléphone (à compter de juillet 2024), préférez la version Android 13. Les utilisateurs sont fortement encouragés à mettre à jour **AAPS** à chaque nouvelle version pour des raisons de sécurité. Cependant pour les utilisateurs qui ne disposent pas d'un appareil avec Android 9 ou supérieur, des versions d'**AAPS** compatibles avec des versions plus anciennes d'Android, comme [Android 8](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/ et [Android 7](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/2.6.2), restent disponibles (vérifiez les notes de version de ces anciennes versions). + +La version actuelle d'**AAPS** (3.2) nécessite un smartphone Android avec Google **Android 9.0 ou supérieur**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred.
As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject.
Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). #### Choix du modèle de smartphone Vous choisirez un modèle précis en fonction de la/des fonction(s) que vous recherchez. You can find on the [Phones page](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) recommendations and user feedback about working setups. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md index 8665f0c1f8c7..e985e588d4ea 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md @@ -17,272 +17,9 @@ The first three are mostly appropriate for carers/parents, but smartwatches are 5. Examples for school care plans for children of different ages can be found in the [“files section”](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/files/) of the **AAPS** Facebook page. 6. What is your emergency plan for when remote control does not work (_i.e._ network problems or lost bluetooth connection)? Always consider what will happen with **AAPS** if you suddenly can’t send a new command. **AAPS** overwrites the pump basal, ISF and ICR with the current profile values. Only use temporary profile switches (_i.e._ with a set time duration) if switching to a stronger insulin profile, in case your remote connection is disrupted. Then the pump will revert to the original profile when the time expires. -(RemoteControl-sms-commands)= ## 1) SMS Commands -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note - -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md). - -``` - -You can control **AAPS** remotely via text (SMS) message through a feature known as **SMS Commands**. SMS commands can be sent to **AAPS** by _any_ type of phone (iPhone/Android). - -**SMS commands are really useful:** -1. For routine remote control - -2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin - -3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). - -4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working - -### SMS command safety -If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to change **AAPS** settings) . A second phone number must be enabled for SMS commands to work, even if you only have one primary caregiver/follower. You can then use the second number to temporarily disable SMS communicator (with the command **“SMS stop”**) if your main caregiver/parent phone is compromised. Versions of **AAPS** 2.7 and newer also use an [Authenticator app](#authentication-or-not)). - -### Different types of SMS commands -The **SMS Commands Table** below shows all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the AAPS app itself. The commands below have been listed by how commonly used they are likely to be, the first two tables should have most of the SMS commands you need with full looping. - -### SMS commands tables - -![SMS_command_table_1](../images/remote-control-02.png) - -![SMS_command_table_2](../images/remote-control-03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_3](../images/remote_control_and_following/SMS_command_table_3_Loop_03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_4](../images/remote-control-05.png) - -(authentication-or-not)= -### Authentication or not? - -You may notice from the table above that some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require **authenticating** with a security code from an additional app and a PIN (see below (link for more detail). A simple enquiry like “**bg**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn’t need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - -![image](../images/remote-control-06.png) - -Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: - -![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) - -### How to set up SMS commands - -The overall process is as follows: - -**1) Download an authenticator (caregiver phone)** - -**2) Check phone settings (AAPS phone)** - -**3) Date and time synching (caregiver and AAPS phone)** - -**4) AAPS settings (APPS phone)** - -**5) Testing SMS commands works (caregiver and AAPS phone)** - -### Let's get started! - -1) **Download an authenticator**: On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install one authenticator of your choice from the list below: - -[**Authy**](https://authy.com/download/) - -[**Google Authenticator - Android / iOS**](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2&pli=1) - -[**LastPass Authenticator**](https://www.lastpass.com/solutions/authentication) - -[**FreeOTP Authenticator**](https://freeotp.github.io/) - -These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. - -2) **Check phone settings:** In the **AAPS** phone settings go to Apps > AndroidAPS > Permissions > SMS > Allow SMS - -![image](../images/remote-control-08.png) - -3) **Date and time synching:** In both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific handsets, you may need to try out different settings. - -Example (for Samsung S23 handset): Settings – general management – date and time- automatic date and time - -Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterwards if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). - -4) **AAPS settings:** - -i) Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the left hand hamburger menu to navigate to Config Builder: - -![image](../images/remote-control-09.png) - -ii) Enable “SMS communicator” by checking the boxes, then click the “cog” to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen: - -![image](../images/remote-control-10.png) - -_Note - as an alternative route to Config Builder, you can also use the new “SMS Communicator tab” at the top of the AAPS screen, then right click on the custom right hand hamburger menu for that page, to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen._ - -iii) On the preferences screen enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: - -![image](../images/remote-control-11.png) - -iv) Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: - -UK phone number: +447976304596 - -US phone number: +11234567890 - -FR phone number: +33612344567 - -_etc._ - -Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. - -If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with NO space between numbers (this is critical!). Select “OK”: - - -![image](../images/remote-control-12.png) - -v) Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. - -PIN requirements are: - -•3 to 6 digits - -•not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) - -•not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) - -![image](../images/remote-control-13.png) - -vi) On the preferences screen select “Authenticator setup” - -● Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. - -● Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_ set up a new connection and - -● Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. - -● Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - -Par exemple : - -The token from the authenticator app is 457051 - -Your mandatory PIN is 2401 - -Code to check: 4570512401 - -If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: - - -![image](../images/remote-control-14.png) - -You should now be set up with SMS commands. - -### First steps using SMS commands - -1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the AAPS phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: - -![image](../images/remote-control-15.png) - -2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator. To do this, send a text from the caregiver’s phone with the required command to the**AAPS** phone (_e.g._ “target hypo”). The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by an additional secret **PIN** known only to caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). - -This example is shown below, with the SMS command “target hypo” to set a hypo temp target: - -● In this example, your PIN is 1289 - -● Code from your authenticator app is 274127 - -● When prompted, text 2741271289 - -Commands must be sent in English. The response should be in your local language. When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the AAPS phone, to see how it works: - -![image](../images/remote-control-16.png) - -The caregiver’s phone will receive a SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: - -● SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct - -● You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) - -● You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) - -● The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led AAPS to calculate that the authenticator code had expired - -● The AAPS phone is out of range/contact with the pump - -● The system is already busy delivering a bolus - -If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. - -Common errors are shown in the examples below: - -![image](../images/remote-control-17.png) - -### Additional safety notes on SMS commands - -The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” - -If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “RESET AUTHENTICATORS” in AAPS (see preferences screenshot above, link) or send the SMS command “SMS stop”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. - -### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands - -Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: - -1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. - -To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. - -**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or AAPSClient with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions sub section below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. - -### SMS commands troubleshooting and FAQ - -#### Q: What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? - -1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting “profile exercise“ for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. - -2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the AAPS phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation and you cancel it (on the AAPS phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. - -**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. - -**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. - -#### Q: What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? - -**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. - -#### Q: Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? - -It could be for one of these reasons: - -1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The AAPS phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the AAPS phone). - -#### Q: How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? - -You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. - -For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. - -#### Q. Why am I getting multiple SMS texts of the same message? - -If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. Cela peut être xDrip+, par exemple. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. - -#### Q. I’ve just set up SMS commands and I am now getting far too many text messages. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? - -Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the AAPS phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your AAPS phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. - -#### Q. Why are SMS commands not working on my Samsung phone? - -There was a report of SMS commands stopping after an update on a Samsung Galaxy S10 phone. This was solved by disabling ‘send as chat message’. - - -![image](../images/remote-control-18.png) - -#### Q. How can I fix issues with the Android Messages App? - -If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app, disable end-to-end encryption on both caregiver and dependent’s phones: - -● Open the specific SMS conversation in Messages - -● Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner - -● select “Details” - -● Activate “Only send SMS and MMS messages” +See the dedicated [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md) page. (aapsclient)= ## 2) AAPSClient @@ -696,11 +433,11 @@ Click side "plug-in" socket in the app, in order to upload Wear OS.apk onto the The final step is to configure **AAPS** on the phone to interact with **AAPS** Wear” on the watch. To do this, enable the Wear plugin in Config Builder: -● Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone +* Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone -● Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab +* Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab -● Tick for Wear selection under General +* Tick for Wear selection under General ![image](../images/ae6d75a1-1829-4d2e-b0dc-153e31e4a466.png) @@ -728,27 +465,27 @@ Once you have setup **AAPS** on your watch, extensive details about the smartwat As a brief overview, the following functions can be triggered from the smartwatch: -● set a temporary target +* set a temporary target -● use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) +* use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) -● administer eCarbs +* administer eCarbs -● administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) +* administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) -● watch settings +* watch settings -● status +* status -● check pump status +* check pump status -● check loop status +* check loop status -● check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) +* check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) -● show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) +* show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) -● Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) +* Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) #### Communication from caregivers to the watch using other apps (like Whatsapp) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md index 443a0c568ed4..2c9ac3dfebf2 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md @@ -1,194 +1,337 @@ # Commandes SMS -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note +```{contents} Table of contents +:depth: 2 +``` -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](#RemoteControl-sms-commands)). +Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following **AAPS** etc. can be done on [**AAPSClient** app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. Boluses, however, can't be given through **AAPSClient**, but you can use SMS commands. If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use **AAPSClient** app, there are additional SMS commands available. -``` +**SMS commands are really useful:** +1. For routine remote control + +2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin + +3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). + +4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working ## La sécurité avant tout -. -- AAPS vous permet de controler le téléphone d’un enfant à distance via un SMS. Si vous activez le Communicateur SMS, rappelez-vous toujours que le téléphone configuré pour donner des commandes distantes pourrait être volé. Donc, toujours le protéger au minimum par un code PIN. Un mot de passe robuste ou une identification biométrique sont recommandés. -- Additionally it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. So you can use second number to [temporary disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets lost or stolen. -- AAPS vous informera également par SMS si vos commandes à distance, comme un bolus ou un changement de profil, ont été effectuées. Il est conseillé de le configurer de sorte que les SMS de confirmation soient envoyés à au moins deux numéros de téléphone différents au cas où l'un des téléphones destinataires serait volé. -- **Si vous effectuez un bolus à l'aide des commandes SMS, vous devez entrer les glucides dans Nightscout (AAPSClient, site Web...)!** Si vous ne le faites pas, l'IA sera correct avec des GA trop faibles, ce qui pourrait conduire à ne pas effectuer de bolus de correction car AAPS supposera que vous avez trop d'insuline active. -- Depuis AndroidAPS version 2.7, une application d'authentification avec un mot de passe à usage unique basé sur l'heure doit être utilisée pour augmenter la sécurité lors de l'utilisation des commandes SMS. + +If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to export **AAPS** settings). + +Additionally, it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. This way, you can use the second number to [disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets compromised. + +The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” + +AAPS vous informera également par SMS si vos commandes à distance, comme un bolus ou un changement de profil, ont été effectuées. Il est conseillé de le configurer de sorte que les SMS de confirmation soient envoyés à au moins deux numéros de téléphone différents au cas où l'un des téléphones destinataires serait volé. + +**If you bolus through SMS Commands, you must enter carbs separately (second SMS, AAPSClient, Nightscout...)!** If you fail to do so, the IOB would be correct with too low COB, potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as **AAPS** assumes that you have too much active insulin. + +For the sensitive commands, an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety. + +If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “[Reset Authenticators](#sms-commands-authenticator-setup)” in **AAPS** or send the SMS command “[SMS stop](#SMSCommands-other)”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. ## Paramétrer les commandes SMS -![Paramétrage des commandes SMS](../images/SMSCommandsSetup.png) +```{contents} The overall process is as follows +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -- Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following AAPS etc. can be done on [AAPSClient app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. -- Les bolus ne peuvent pas être donnés à partir de Nightscout, mais vous pouvez utiliser des commandes SMS. -- Si vous utilisez un iPhone comme suiveur (follower) et ne pouvez donc pas utiliser AAPSClient il y a des commandes SMS supplémentaires disponibles. -- Dans les paramètres de votre téléphone android allez dans Applications > AndroidAPS > Autorisations et activez SMS +### Configuration de l'Authentificateur -(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= -### Numéros de tél autorisés +L'authentification à deux facteurs est utilisée pour améliorer la sécurité. + +On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install an Authenticator app. Les applications gratuites populaires sont : + - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) + - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) + - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) + - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) + +These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. -- Dans AndroidAPS, allez dans **Préférences > Communicateur SMS** et entrez le(s) numéro(s) de téléphone que vous autoriserez pour les commandes SMS (séparés par des points-virgules, par ex. +33123456789;+33123456798). +### Check phone settings -- Notez que le "+" devant le numéro peut être nécessaire ou non en fonction de votre localisation. Pour déterminer cela, envoyez un exemple de texte qui montrera le format reçu dans l'onglet Communicator SMS. +On your phone, go to **Apps > AAPS > Permissions**. Make sure **SMS** and **Phone** are allowed. -- Activez 'Autoriser les commandes distantes par SMS'. +![image](../images/remote-control-08.png) -- Si vous voulez utiliser plus d'un numéro : +### Date and time synching - - Entrez seulement un numéro. +L'heure des deux téléphones doit être synchronisée. Les mieux est de définir l'heure automatiquement à partir du réseau. Les différences d'heures peuvent entraîner des problèmes d'authentification. - - Vérifiez le bon fonctionnement de ce numéro unique en envoyant et en confirmant une commande SMS. +On both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific device, you may need to try out different settings. - - Entrez le(s) numéro(s) supplémentaire(s) séparé(s) par un point-virgule, pas d'espace. +Example (for Samsung S23): **Settings > General management > Date and time**: make sure that **Automatic date and time** is checked. - ![Commandes SMS Configurer plusieurs numéros](../images/SMSCommandsSetupSpace2.png) +Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterward if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). -### Délai entre les commandes bolus +### AAPS settings + +Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the [Config Builder](../SettingUpAaps/ConfigBuilder.md) to enable the **SMS Communicator** module. + +Go to the Preferences for SMS Communicator. + +Enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: + +![image](../images/remote-control-11.png) + +(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= +#### Allowed phone numbers + +Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: +* UK phone number: +447976304596 +* US phone number: +11234567890 +* FR phone number: +33612344567 +* _etc._ + +Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. + +If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with **NO space between numbers** (this is critical!). Select “OK”: + +![image](../images/remote-control-12.png) + +#### Délai entre les commandes bolus - Vous pouvez définir un délai minimum entre deux bolus envoyés par SMS. - Pour des raisons de sécurité, vous devez ajouter au moins deux numéros de téléphone autorisés pour modifier cette valeur. -### Code PIN obligatoire à la fin de l'OTP +#### Additional mandatory PIN at token end -- Pour des raisons de sécurité, le code de réponse doit être suivi d'un code PIN. +For safety reasons, the reply code must be followed by a PIN. Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. -- Règles du code PIN : +PIN requirements are: - - 3 à 6 chiffres - - ne pas utiliser les mêmes chiffres (par ex. 1111) - - ne pas utiliser des chiffres qui se suivent (par ex. 1234) +* 3 à 6 chiffres +* not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) +* not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) -### Configuration de l'Authentificateur +![image](../images/remote-control-13.png) -- L'authentification à deux facteurs est utilisée pour améliorer la sécurité. +(sms-commands-authenticator-setup)= +#### Configuration de l'Authentificateur -- Vous pouvez utiliser n'importe quelle application d'authentification qui prend en charge les jetons TOTP RFC 6238. Les applications gratuites populaires sont : +* Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. +* Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_, set up a new connection and +* Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. +* Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) - - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) - - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) - - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) +Par exemple : +* The token from the authenticator app is 457051 +* Your mandatory PIN is 2401 +* Code to check: 4570512401 + +If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. **There is no button you can press!** The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: + +![image](../images/remote-control-14.png) -- Installez l'application d'authentification de votre choix sur votre téléphone follower et scannez le QR code affiché dans AAPS. +You should now be set up with SMS commands. -- Testez le mot de passe à usage unique en entrant le jeton affiché dans votre application d'authentification et le code PIN que vous venez de configurer dans AAPS. Par exemple : +Use button "Authenticator setup > Reset Authenticators" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (En réinitialisant l'authentificateur, vous rendez TOUS les authentificateurs déjà configurés non valides. You will need to set them up again.) - - Votre code PIN obligatoire est 2020 - - Le jeton TOTP de l'application d'authentification est 457051 - - Entrez 4570512020 +## SMS commands usage -- Le texte rouge "WRONG PIN" changera **automatiquement** en vert "OK" si l'entrée est correcte. **Il n'y a aucun bouton à appuyer !** +### First steps using SMS commands -- L'heure des deux téléphones doit être synchronisée. Les mieux est de définir l'heure automatiquement à partir du réseau. Les différences d'heures peuvent entraîner des problèmes d'authentification. +1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the **AAPS** phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: -- Utilisez le bouton "RESET AUTHENTICATORS" si vous voulez supprimer les autorisations effectuées. (En réinitialisant l'authentificateur, vous rendez TOUS les authentificateurs déjà configurés non valides. Vous devrez les configurer à nouveau) +![image](../images/remote-control-15.png) -## Utiliser les commandes SMS +If you don't receive any response, check the [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) section below. -- Send a SMS to the phone with AAPS running from your approved phone number(s) using any of the [commands](#commands) below. +2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator, _e.g._ “target hypo”. The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by the additional secret **PIN** known only by caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). -- Le téléphone AAPS répondra pour confirmer le succès de la commande ou du statut demandé. +When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the **AAPS** phone, to see how it works: -- Confirmez la commande en envoyant le code si nécessaire. Par exemple : +![image](../images/remote-control-16.png) - - Votre code PIN obligatoire est 2020 - - Le jeton TOTP de l'application d'authentification est 457051 - - Entrez 4570512020 +The caregiver’s phone will receive an SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. + +If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. See [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) below for common errors. **Astuce** : Il peut être utile d'avoir un forfait SMS illimité (pour chaque téléphone utilisé) si beaucoup de SMS sont envoyés. +### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands + +Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: + +1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. + +To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. + +**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or **AAPSClient** with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions subsection below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. + (SMSCommands-commands)= ## Commandes -Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). +```{contents} List of command groups +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -![Example de commandes SMS](../images/SMSCommands.png) +Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). The commands are not case-sensitive, you can use lower or upper case. -### Boucle +![Example de commandes SMS](../images/SMSCommands.png) -- LOOP STOP/DISABLE \* Réponse : La boucle a été désactivée +The **SMS Commands Tables** below show all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the **AAPS** app itself. -- LOOP START/ENABLE \* Réponse : La boucle a été activée +(authentication-or-not)= +### Authentication or not? -- LOOP STATUS +Some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require strong **authentication** through the Authenticator app. A simple enquiry like “**BG**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn't need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - - La réponse dépend du statut réel +![image](../images/remote-control-06.png) - - La Boucle est désactivée - - La Boucle est activée - - Suspendu (10 min) +Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: -- LOOP SUSPEND 20 \* Réponse : Suspendu (20 min) +![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) -- LOOP RESUME \* Réponse : Boucle relancée +The *Auth* column in the tables below, indicates whether such a strong authentication is required for each command. -- LOOP CLOSED \* Réponse: Current loop mode: Closed Loop +### Données MGC -- LOOP LGS \* Réponse: Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BG | No | Returns: last BG, delta, IOB (bolus and basal), COB
*Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U)* | +| CAL 5.6/90 | Yes | Will calibrate the CGM with a value of 5.6/90
(use the value appropriate to your glucose units)
Works only if properly set-up in **AAPS**.
*Calibration sent* | -### Données MGC +### Pump -- Gly \* Réponse: Dernière G: 5,6 il y a 4 min, Delta: 2 mmol, IA: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U) -- CAL 5.6 \* Réponse : Pour envoyer la calibration 5.6, renvoyez le code depuis l'application Authenticator pour l'utilisateur suivie du code PIN \* Réponse après réception du code correct : Étalonnage envoyé. La réception doit être activée dans xDrip. (**Si xDrip est installé. L'acceptation des calibrations doit être activée dans xDrip+**) +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| POMPE | No | Last conn: 1 min ago
Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min
IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 | +| PUMP DISCONNECT *30* | Yes | To disconnect pump for *30* minutes | +| PUMP CONNECT | Yes | Pump reconnected | ### Basal -- BASAL STOP/CANCEL \* Réponse : Pour arrêter la basal temp, renvoyez le code depuis l'application Authenticator pour l'utilisateur suivie du code PIN -- BASAL 0.3 \* Réponse : Pour démarrer la basal de 0,3 U/h pendant 30 min, renvoyez le code depuis l'application Authenticator pour l'utilisateur suivie du code PIN -- BASAL 0.3 20 \* Réponse : Pour démarrer la basal de 0,3 U/h pendant 20 min, renvoyez le code depuis l'application Authenticator pour l'utilisateur suivie du code PIN -- BASAL 30% \* Réponse : Pour démarrer la Basal 30% pendant 30 min, renvoyez le code depuis l'application Authenticator pour l'utilisateur suivie du code PIN -- BASAL 30% 50 \* Réponse : Pour démarrer la Basal 30% pendant 50 min, renvoyez le code depuis l'application Authenticator pour l'utilisateur suivie du code PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | -------------------------------- | +| BASAL 0.3 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min | +| BASAL 0.3 20 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min | +| BASAL 30% | Yes | To start basal 30% for 30 min | +| BASAL 30% 50 | Yes | To start basal 30% for 50 min | +| BASAL STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop temp basal | + + +### Boucle + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| LOOP STATUS | No | Response depends on actual status:
- *Loop is disabled* if the loop is disabled or LGS
- *Loop is enabled* if the loop is closed or open
- *Suspended (10 min)* if the loop is disconnected or suspended | +| LOOP STOP/DISABLE | Yes | The pump will revert to the pre-programmed basal rate.
*Loop has been disabled* | +| LOOP START/ENABLE | Yes | *Loop has been enabled* | +| LOOP SUSPEND 20 | Yes | *Loop suspended for 20 minutes* | +| LOOP RESUME | Yes | *Loop resumed* | +| LOOP CLOSED | Yes | *Current loop mode: Closed Loop* | +| LOOP LGS | Yes | *Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend* | ### Bolus -Un bolus à distance n'est pas possible dans les 15 minutes suivant le dernier bolus dans AAPS ou à distance (vous ne pouvez ajuster la durée que si au moins 2 numéros de téléphone sont entrés) ! La réponse dépend donc du moment où le dernier bolus a été administré. +Un bolus à distance n'est pas possible dans les 15 minutes suivant le dernier bolus dans AAPS ou à distance (vous ne pouvez ajuster la durée que si au moins 2 numéros de téléphone sont entrés) ! In this case, the response would be *Remote bolus not available. Try again later.* This response is also sent when the pump is currently delivering a bolus. -- BOLUS 1.2 \* Réponse A : Pour injecter le bolus de 1,2 U, renvoyez le code depuis l'application Authenticator pour l'utilisateur suivie du code PIN \* Réponse B : Bolus à distance non disponible. Réessayez plus tard. -- BOLUS 0.60 MEAL \* Si vous spécifiez le paramètre optionnel REPAS, cela définit la Cible Temporaire Repas Imminent (valeur par défaut : 90 mg/dL, 5,0 mmol/l pour 45 min). \* Réponse A: Pour injecter le bolus repas de 0,60 U, renvoyez le code depuis l'application Authenticator pour l'utilisateur suivie du code PIN \* Réponse B : Bolus à distance non disponible. -- CARBS 5 \* Réponse : Pour entrer 5g à 12:45, renvoyez le code depuis l'application Authenticator pour l'utilisateur suivie du code PIN -- CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM \* Réponse : Pour entrer 5g à 17:35, renvoyez le code depuis l'application Authenticator pour l'utilisateur suivie du code PIN -- EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL \* Réponse : Pour arrêter le bolus étendu, renvoyez le code depuis l'application Authenticator pour l'utilisateur suivie du code PIN -- EXTENDED 2 120 \* Réponse : Pour démarrer le bolus étendu de 2U pendant 120 min, renvoyez le code depuis l'application Authenticator pour l'utilisateur suivie du code PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BOLUS 1.2 | Yes | | +| BOLUS 0.60 MEAL | Yes | Delivers the specified 0.60U bolus
**and** sets the [Eating Soon TempTarget](#TempTargets-eating-soon-temp-target) | +| CARBS 5 | Yes | To enter 5g, without a bolus | +| CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM | Yes | To enter 5g at 17:35.
The acceptable time format depends
on the time setting (12h/24h) on the phone. | +| EXTENDED 2 120 | Yes | To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min.
Only for [compatible pumps](#screens-action-tab). | +| EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop extended bolus | ### Profile -- PROFILE STATUS \* Réponse: Profil1 -- PROFILE LIST \* Réponse : 1.\`Profil1\` 2.\`Profil2\` -- PROFILE 1 \* Réponse : Pour changer le profil vers Profile1 100%, renvoyez le code depuis l'application Authenticator pour l'utilisateur suivie du code PIN -- PROFILE 2 30 \* Réponse : Pour changer le profil vers Profile2 30%, renvoyez le code depuis l'application Authenticator pour l'utilisateur suivie du code PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| PROFILE STATUS | No | Current profile and percentage | +| PROFILE LIST | No | The current list of profiles in **AAPS**, e.g.:
1. Profile1
2. Profile2 | +| PROFILE 1 | Yes | To switch profile to profile 1 in the list.
Use the numbers as returned by the **PROFILE LIST**,
not the profile names as you saved them | +| PROFILE 2 30 | Yes | To switch profile to Profile2 30% | + +### Temporary Targets + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------- | +| TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | Yes | To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | +| TARGET STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To cancel Temp Target | + (SMSCommands-other)= ### Autres -- TREATMENTS REFRESH \* Réponse : Actualiser les données depuis NS -- NSClient RESTART \* Réponse: NSCLIENT RESTART SENT -- POMPE \* Réponse : Dernière conn : il y a 1 min Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min IA: 0.5U Réserv: 34U Batt.: 100 -- PUMP CONNECT \* Réponse : Pompe reconnectée -- PUMP DISCONNECT *30* \* Réponse : Pour déconnecter la pompe pendant *30* min, renvoyez le code depuis l'application Authenticator pour l'utilisateur suivie du code PIN -- SMS DISABLE/STOP \* Réponse : Pour désactiver les commandes à distance SMS renvoyer le code Any. Gardez à l'esprit que vous ne pourrez le réactiver que directement à partir de l'application AAPS du smartphone maitre. -- TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO \* Réponse : Pour définir la cible temp MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO, renvoyez le code depuis l'application Authenticator pour l'utilisateur suivie du code PIN -- TARGET STOP/CANCEL \* Réponse : Pour annuler la cible temp, renvoyez le code depuis l'application Authenticator pour l'utilisateur suivie du code PIN -- HELP \* Réponse : BG, LOOP, TREATMENTS, ..... -- HELP BOLUS \* Réponse : BOLUS 1.2 BOLUS 1.2 MEAL +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------ | ---- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| TREATMENTS REFRESH | No | Refresh treatments from NS | +| NSCLIENT RESTART | No | Useful if you notice a communication problem
with Nightscout or **AAPSClient** | +| SMS DISABLE/STOP | No | To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any.
Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly
from the **AAPS** master smartphone only. | +| HELP | No | Returns all functions available for interrogation:
Send further ***HELP ***FUNCTION****** command to list
all options available in this section. | +| HELP BOLUS | | *BOLUS 1.2
BOLUS 1.2 MEAL* | (SMSCommands-troubleshooting)= -## Troubleshooting +## Troubleshooting and FAQ -### SMS multiples +```{contents} List of questions and issues +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -Si vous recevez toujours le même message (par ex. changement de profil) vous avez probablement mis en place une boucle infinie avec d'autres applications. Cela peut être xDrip+, par exemple. Si c'est le cas, assurez-vous que xDrip+ (ou toute autre application) ne télécharge pas les traitements dans NS. +### What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? -Si l'autre application est installée sur plusieurs téléphones assurez-vous de désactiver le téléchargement NS sur chacun d'eux. +1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting "profile exercise" for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. + +2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the **AAPS** phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation, and you cancel it (on the **AAPS** phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. -### Les commandes SMS ne fonctionnent pas sur les téléphones Samsung +**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. -Il y a eu un signalement sur les commandes SMS s'arrêtant après une mise à jour sur le téléphone Galaxy S10. Peut être résolu en désactivant 'envoyer en tant que message chat'. +**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. + +### What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? + +**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. + +### Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? + +It could be for one of these reasons: + +1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The **AAPS** phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the **AAPS** phone). + +### No response whatsoever for SMS commands + +On the caregiver phone and/or **AAPS** phone, try disabling the following options : +* **Send as chat message** ![Désactiver SMS en tant que message chat](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) +* If using Android Messages App or Google Messages App, disable RCS messaging: + - ouvrir la conversation SMS spécifique dans les Messages + - Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner + - sélectionnez "Détails" + - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" ![Disable RCS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableRCS.png) + +### Errors carrying out commands + +There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: + +* SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct +* You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) +* You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) +* The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led **AAPS** to calculate that the authenticator code had expired +* The **AAPS** phone is out of range/contact with the pump +* The system is already busy delivering a bolus + +Common errors are shown in the examples below: + +![image](../images/remote-control-17.png) + +### How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? + +You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. + +For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. + +### SMS multiples + +If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. Cela peut être xDrip+, par exemple. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. + +Si l'autre application est installée sur plusieurs téléphones assurez-vous de désactiver le téléchargement NS sur chacun d'eux. -![Désactiver SMS en tant que message chat](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) -### Application de messages Android +### I am getting far too many text messages from SMS Commands. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? -Si vous rencontrez des problèmes pour envoyer ou recevoir des commandes par SMS avec l'application Messages Android, désactivez le cryptage de bout en bout à la fois sur les téléphones des soignants et des enfants. - - ouvrir la conversation SMS spécifique dans les Messages - - Sélectionner les paramètres dans le coin supérieur droit - - sélectionnez "Détails" - - Activer "Envoyer uniquement les SMS et les MMS" +Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the **AAPS** phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your **AAPS** phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/KidsMonitoring.png b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/KidsMonitoring.png index da04a0647dd1..a3628b5c4f85 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/KidsMonitoring.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/KidsMonitoring.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/SMSdisableRCS.png b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/SMSdisableRCS.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..86ce50229c39 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/SMSdisableRCS.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/remote-control-07.png b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/remote-control-07.png index f39574e5ad4b..f0174d83b06b 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/remote-control-07.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/remote-control-07.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/remote-control-08.png b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/remote-control-08.png index e96c345b2698..a26373899bba 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/remote-control-08.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/remote-control-08.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/he/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 67433f3dccf8..9e5e8a30418a 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/he/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,10 +9,17 @@ Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not ```{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md) :class: warning -**Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. +**Average Smoothing or Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ``` -## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) +## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) + +- עקבו אחר ההוראות כאן: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) +- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). + +- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) + +## 2. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) **Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** @@ -36,13 +43,6 @@ A patched Dexcom G7 app (DiaKEM) gives access to the Dexcom G7 data. This is not - אם ב-AAPS לא מתקבלים ערכים, החליפו למקור ערכי סוכר אחרים ואז חזרו ל'BYODA' כדי לגרום ל-AAPS לחפש נתונים מ-BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - -- עקבו אחר ההוראות כאן: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) -- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - -- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) - ## 3. xDrip+ (מצב מלווה) - הורידו והתקינו את [xDrip](https://github.com/NightscoutFoundation/xDrip). diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md b/docs/CROWDIN/he/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md index d1fe8ab96644..96fd2799e0ca 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/he/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md @@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ Use this option only if your CGM data is being properly smoothed by your collect ## Suggestions to use smoothing -| | Exponential | Average | None | -| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:--------:|:-----------:| -| G5 and G6 | | If noisy | Recommended | -| G7 | Recommended | | | -| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | -| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | +| | Exponential | Average | None | +| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:---------:|:-----------:| +| G5 and G6 | If noisy | | Recommended | +| G7 | If noisy | If stable | | +| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | +| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | ### Dexcom sensors diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/Getting-Started/Phones.md b/docs/CROWDIN/he/Getting-Started/Phones.md index f7e250ed8dc6..b0d525b80352 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/he/Getting-Started/Phones.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/Getting-Started/Phones.md @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # טלפונים -The current version of **AAPS** requires an Android smartphone with Google Android 9.0 or above. So if you are thinking about a new phone, Android 9 is recommended at a minimum but optimally choose Android 13 or 14. - -For older Android versions, older **AAPS** versions are available see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. +As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject. +Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). - [רשימת טלפונים שנבדקו](../CompatiblePhones/ListOfTestedPhones.md) - [הגדרות Jelly Pro](../CompatiblePhones/Jelly.md) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/he/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md index f5514f9008ec..f84c1925c955 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/he/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md @@ -209,7 +209,8 @@ This documentation aims to reduce the technical expertise required to an absolut ### Smartphones #### AAPS and Android Versions -The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons, however for users unable to use a device with Android 9.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions like [Android 8](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/ and [Android 7](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/2.6.2), remain available from previous releases (check the release notes for legacy versions). + +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred.
As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject.
Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). #### Smartphone model choice The exact model you buy depends on the desired function(s). You can find on the [Phones page](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) recommendations and user feedback about working setups. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md b/docs/CROWDIN/he/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md index 263554cb3ffe..32bb9936367f 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/he/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md @@ -17,272 +17,9 @@ The first three are mostly appropriate for carers/parents, but smartwatches are 5. Examples for school care plans for children of different ages can be found in the [“files section”](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/files/) of the **AAPS** Facebook page. 6. What is your emergency plan for when remote control does not work (_i.e._ network problems or lost bluetooth connection)? Always consider what will happen with **AAPS** if you suddenly can’t send a new command. **AAPS** overwrites the pump basal, ISF and ICR with the current profile values. Only use temporary profile switches (_i.e._ with a set time duration) if switching to a stronger insulin profile, in case your remote connection is disrupted. Then the pump will revert to the original profile when the time expires. -(RemoteControl-sms-commands)= ## 1) SMS Commands -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note - -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md). - -``` - -You can control **AAPS** remotely via text (SMS) message through a feature known as **SMS Commands**. SMS commands can be sent to **AAPS** by _any_ type of phone (iPhone/Android). - -**SMS commands are really useful:** -1. For routine remote control - -2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin - -3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). - -4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working - -### SMS command safety -If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to change **AAPS** settings) . A second phone number must be enabled for SMS commands to work, even if you only have one primary caregiver/follower. You can then use the second number to temporarily disable SMS communicator (with the command **“SMS stop”**) if your main caregiver/parent phone is compromised. Versions of **AAPS** 2.7 and newer also use an [Authenticator app](#authentication-or-not)). - -### Different types of SMS commands -The **SMS Commands Table** below shows all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the AAPS app itself. The commands below have been listed by how commonly used they are likely to be, the first two tables should have most of the SMS commands you need with full looping. - -### SMS commands tables - -![SMS_command_table_1](../images/remote-control-02.png) - -![SMS_command_table_2](../images/remote-control-03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_3](../images/remote_control_and_following/SMS_command_table_3_Loop_03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_4](../images/remote-control-05.png) - -(authentication-or-not)= -### Authentication or not? - -You may notice from the table above that some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require **authenticating** with a security code from an additional app and a PIN (see below (link for more detail). A simple enquiry like “**bg**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn’t need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - -![image](../images/remote-control-06.png) - -Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: - -![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) - -### How to set up SMS commands - -The overall process is as follows: - -**1) Download an authenticator (caregiver phone)** - -**2) Check phone settings (AAPS phone)** - -**3) Date and time synching (caregiver and AAPS phone)** - -**4) AAPS settings (APPS phone)** - -**5) Testing SMS commands works (caregiver and AAPS phone)** - -### Let's get started! - -1) **Download an authenticator**: On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install one authenticator of your choice from the list below: - -[**Authy**](https://authy.com/download/) - -[**Google Authenticator - Android / iOS**](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2&pli=1) - -[**LastPass Authenticator**](https://www.lastpass.com/solutions/authentication) - -[**FreeOTP Authenticator**](https://freeotp.github.io/) - -These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. - -2) **Check phone settings:** In the **AAPS** phone settings go to Apps > AndroidAPS > Permissions > SMS > Allow SMS - -![image](../images/remote-control-08.png) - -3) **Date and time synching:** In both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific handsets, you may need to try out different settings. - -Example (for Samsung S23 handset): Settings – general management – date and time- automatic date and time - -Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterwards if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). - -4) **AAPS settings:** - -i) Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the left hand hamburger menu to navigate to Config Builder: - -![image](../images/remote-control-09.png) - -ii) Enable “SMS communicator” by checking the boxes, then click the “cog” to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen: - -![image](../images/remote-control-10.png) - -_Note - as an alternative route to Config Builder, you can also use the new “SMS Communicator tab” at the top of the AAPS screen, then right click on the custom right hand hamburger menu for that page, to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen._ - -iii) On the preferences screen enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: - -![image](../images/remote-control-11.png) - -iv) Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: - -UK phone number: +447976304596 - -US phone number: +11234567890 - -FR phone number: +33612344567 - -_etc._ - -Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. - -If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with NO space between numbers (this is critical!). Select “OK”: - - -![image](../images/remote-control-12.png) - -v) Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. - -PIN requirements are: - -•3 to 6 digits - -•not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) - -•not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) - -![image](../images/remote-control-13.png) - -vi) On the preferences screen select “Authenticator setup” - -● Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. - -● Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_ set up a new connection and - -● Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. - -● Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - -לדוגמה: - -The token from the authenticator app is 457051 - -Your mandatory PIN is 2401 - -Code to check: 4570512401 - -If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: - - -![image](../images/remote-control-14.png) - -You should now be set up with SMS commands. - -### First steps using SMS commands - -1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the AAPS phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: - -![image](../images/remote-control-15.png) - -2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator. To do this, send a text from the caregiver’s phone with the required command to the**AAPS** phone (_e.g._ “target hypo”). The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by an additional secret **PIN** known only to caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). - -This example is shown below, with the SMS command “target hypo” to set a hypo temp target: - -● In this example, your PIN is 1289 - -● Code from your authenticator app is 274127 - -● When prompted, text 2741271289 - -Commands must be sent in English. The response should be in your local language. When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the AAPS phone, to see how it works: - -![image](../images/remote-control-16.png) - -The caregiver’s phone will receive a SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: - -● SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct - -● You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) - -● You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) - -● The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led AAPS to calculate that the authenticator code had expired - -● The AAPS phone is out of range/contact with the pump - -● The system is already busy delivering a bolus - -If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. - -Common errors are shown in the examples below: - -![image](../images/remote-control-17.png) - -### Additional safety notes on SMS commands - -The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” - -If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “RESET AUTHENTICATORS” in AAPS (see preferences screenshot above, link) or send the SMS command “SMS stop”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. - -### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands - -Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: - -1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. - -To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. - -**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or AAPSClient with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions sub section below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. - -### SMS commands troubleshooting and FAQ - -#### Q: What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? - -1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting “profile exercise“ for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. - -2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the AAPS phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation and you cancel it (on the AAPS phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. - -**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. - -**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. - -#### Q: What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? - -**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. - -#### Q: Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? - -It could be for one of these reasons: - -1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The AAPS phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the AAPS phone). - -#### Q: How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? - -You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. - -For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. - -#### Q. Why am I getting multiple SMS texts of the same message? - -If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. - -#### Q. I’ve just set up SMS commands and I am now getting far too many text messages. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? - -Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the AAPS phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your AAPS phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. - -#### Q. Why are SMS commands not working on my Samsung phone? - -There was a report of SMS commands stopping after an update on a Samsung Galaxy S10 phone. This was solved by disabling ‘send as chat message’. - - -![image](../images/remote-control-18.png) - -#### Q. How can I fix issues with the Android Messages App? - -If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app, disable end-to-end encryption on both caregiver and dependent’s phones: - -● Open the specific SMS conversation in Messages - -● Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner - -● select “Details” - -● Activate “Only send SMS and MMS messages” +See the dedicated [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md) page. (aapsclient)= ## 2) AAPSClient @@ -696,11 +433,11 @@ Click side "plug-in" socket in the app, in order to upload Wear OS.apk onto the The final step is to configure **AAPS** on the phone to interact with **AAPS** Wear” on the watch. To do this, enable the Wear plugin in Config Builder: -● Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone +* Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone -● Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab +* Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab -● Tick for Wear selection under General +* Tick for Wear selection under General ![image](../images/ae6d75a1-1829-4d2e-b0dc-153e31e4a466.png) @@ -728,27 +465,27 @@ Once you have setup **AAPS** on your watch, extensive details about the smartwat As a brief overview, the following functions can be triggered from the smartwatch: -● set a temporary target +* set a temporary target -● use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) +* use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) -● administer eCarbs +* administer eCarbs -● administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) +* administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) -● watch settings +* watch settings -● status +* status -● check pump status +* check pump status -● check loop status +* check loop status -● check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) +* check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) -● show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) +* show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) -● Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) +* Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) #### Communication from caregivers to the watch using other apps (like Whatsapp) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md b/docs/CROWDIN/he/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md index 9ecec752b09c..07422dfa1158 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/he/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md @@ -1,194 +1,337 @@ # SMS Commands -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note +```{contents} Table of contents +:depth: 2 +``` -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](#RemoteControl-sms-commands)). +Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following **AAPS** etc. can be done on [**AAPSClient** app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. Boluses, however, can't be given through **AAPSClient**, but you can use SMS commands. If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use **AAPSClient** app, there are additional SMS commands available. -``` +**SMS commands are really useful:** +1. For routine remote control + +2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin + +3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). + +4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working ## Safety First -. -- AAPS allows you to control a child's phone remotely via text message. If you enable this SMS Communicator, always remember that the phone set up to give remote commands could be stolen. So always protect it at least by a PIN code. A strong password or biometrics are recommended. -- Additionally it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. So you can use second number to [temporary disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets lost or stolen. -- AAPS will also inform you by text message if your remote commands, such as a bolus or a profile change, have been carried out. It is advisable to set this up so that confirmation texts are sent to at least two different phone numbers in case one of the receiving phones is stolen. -- **If you bolus through SMS Commands you must enter carbs through Nightscout (AAPSClient, Website...)!** If you fail to do so IOB would be correct with too low COB potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as AAPS assumes that you have too much active insulin. -- As of AAPS version 2.7 an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety when using SMS commands. + +If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to export **AAPS** settings). + +Additionally, it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. This way, you can use the second number to [disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets compromised. + +The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” + +AAPS will also inform you by text message if your remote commands, such as a bolus or a profile change, have been carried out. It is advisable to set this up so that confirmation texts are sent to at least two different phone numbers in case one of the receiving phones is stolen. + +**If you bolus through SMS Commands, you must enter carbs separately (second SMS, AAPSClient, Nightscout...)!** If you fail to do so, the IOB would be correct with too low COB, potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as **AAPS** assumes that you have too much active insulin. + +For the sensitive commands, an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety. + +If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “[Reset Authenticators](#sms-commands-authenticator-setup)” in **AAPS** or send the SMS command “[SMS stop](#SMSCommands-other)”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. ## Setup SMS commands -![SMS Commands Setup](../images/SMSCommandsSetup.png) +```{contents} The overall process is as follows +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -- Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following AAPS etc. can be done on [AAPSClient app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. -- Boluses can't be given through Nightscout, but you can use SMS commands. -- If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use AAPSClient app, there are additional SMS commands available. -- In your android phone setting go to Applications > AndroidAPS > Permissions and enable SMS +### Authenticator setup -(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= -### Authorized phone numbers +Two-factor authentication is used to improve safety. + +On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install an Authenticator app. Popular free apps are: + - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) + - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) + - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) + - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) + +These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. -- In AAPS go to **Preferences > SMS Communicator** and enter the phone number(s) that you will allow SMS commands to come from (separated by semicolons - i.e. +6412345678;+6412345679) +### Check phone settings -- Note that the "+" in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. +On your phone, go to **Apps > AAPS > Permissions**. Make sure **SMS** and **Phone** are allowed. -- Enable 'Allow remote commands via SMS'. +![image](../images/remote-control-08.png) -- If you want to use more than one number: +### Date and time synching - - Enter just one number. +The time on both phones must be synchronized. Best practice is set automatically from network. Time differences might lead to authentication problems. - - Make that single number work by sending and confirming a SMS command. +On both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific device, you may need to try out different settings. - - Enter additional number(s) separated by semicolon, no space. +Example (for Samsung S23): **Settings > General management > Date and time**: make sure that **Automatic date and time** is checked. - ![SMS Commands Setup multiple numbers](../images/SMSCommandsSetupSpace2.png) +Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterward if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). -### Minutes between bolus commands +### AAPS settings + +Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the [Config Builder](../SettingUpAaps/ConfigBuilder.md) to enable the **SMS Communicator** module. + +Go to the Preferences for SMS Communicator. + +Enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: + +![image](../images/remote-control-11.png) + +(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= +#### Allowed phone numbers + +Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: +* UK phone number: +447976304596 +* US phone number: +11234567890 +* FR phone number: +33612344567 +* _etc._ + +Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. + +If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with **NO space between numbers** (this is critical!). Select “OK”: + +![image](../images/remote-control-12.png) + +#### Minutes between bolus commands - You can define the minimum delay between two boluses issued via SMS. - For safety reasons you have to add at least two authorized phone numbers to edit this value. -### Additionally mandatory PIN at token end +#### Additional mandatory PIN at token end -- For safety reasons the reply code must be followed by a PIN. +For safety reasons, the reply code must be followed by a PIN. Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. -- PIN rules: +PIN requirements are: - - 3 to 6 digits - - not same digits (i.e. 1111) - - not in a row (i.e. 1234) +* 3 to 6 digits +* not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) +* not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) -### Authenticator setup +![image](../images/remote-control-13.png) -- Two-factor authentication is used to improve safety. +(sms-commands-authenticator-setup)= +#### Authenticator setup -- You can use any Authenticator app that supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. Popular free apps are: +* Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. +* Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_, set up a new connection and +* Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. +* Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) - - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) - - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) - - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) +לדוגמה: +* The token from the authenticator app is 457051 +* Your mandatory PIN is 2401 +* Code to check: 4570512401 + +If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. **There is no button you can press!** The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: + +![image](../images/remote-control-14.png) -- Install the authenticator app of your choice on your follower phone and scan the QR code shown in AAPS. +You should now be set up with SMS commands. -- Test the one-time password by entering the token shown in your authenticator app and the PIN you just setup in AAPS. לדוגמה: +Use button "Authenticator setup > Reset Authenticators" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (By resetting authenticator you make ALL already provisioned authenticators invalid. You will need to set them up again.) - - Your mandatory PIN is 2020 - - TOTP token from the authenticator app is 457051 - - Enter 4570512020 +## SMS commands usage -- The red text "WRONG PIN" will change **automatically** to a green "OK" if the entry is correct. **There is no button you can press!** +### First steps using SMS commands -- The time on both phones must be synchronized. Best practice is set automatically from network. Time differences might lead to authentication problems. +1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the **AAPS** phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: -- Use button "RESET AUTHENTICATORS" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (By resetting authenticator you make ALL already provisioned authenticators invalid. You will need to set them up again) +![image](../images/remote-control-15.png) -## Use SMS commands +If you don't receive any response, check the [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) section below. -- Send a SMS to the phone with AAPS running from your approved phone number(s) using any of the [commands](#commands) below. +2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator, _e.g._ “target hypo”. The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by the additional secret **PIN** known only by caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). -- The AAPS phone will respond to confirm success of command or status requested. +When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the **AAPS** phone, to see how it works: -- Confirm command by sending the code where necessary. לדוגמה: +![image](../images/remote-control-16.png) - - Your mandatory PIN is 2020 - - TOTP token from the authenticator app is 457051 - - Enter 4570512020 +The caregiver’s phone will receive an SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. + +If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. See [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) below for common errors. **Hint**: It can be useful to have unlimited SMS on your phone plan (for each phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent. +### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands + +Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: + +1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. + +To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. + +**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or **AAPSClient** with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions subsection below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. + (SMSCommands-commands)= ## Commands -Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). +```{contents} List of command groups +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) +Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). The commands are not case-sensitive, you can use lower or upper case. -### לולאה +![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) -- LOOP STOP/DISABLE \* Response: Loop has been disabled +The **SMS Commands Tables** below show all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the **AAPS** app itself. -- LOOP START/ENABLE \* Response: Loop has been enabled +(authentication-or-not)= +### Authentication or not? -- LOOP STATUS +Some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require strong **authentication** through the Authenticator app. A simple enquiry like “**BG**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn't need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - - Response depends on actual status +![image](../images/remote-control-06.png) - - Loop is disabled - - Loop is enabled - - Suspended (10 min) +Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: -- LOOP SUSPEND 20 \* Response: Loop suspended for 20 minutes +![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) -- LOOP RESUME \* Response: Loop resumed +The *Auth* column in the tables below, indicates whether such a strong authentication is required for each command. -- LOOP CLOSED \* Response: Current loop mode: Closed Loop +### CGM data -- LOOP LGS \* Response: Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BG | No | Returns: last BG, delta, IOB (bolus and basal), COB
*Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U)* | +| CAL 5.6/90 | Yes | Will calibrate the CGM with a value of 5.6/90
(use the value appropriate to your glucose units)
Works only if properly set-up in **AAPS**.
*Calibration sent* | -### CGM data +### Pump -- BG \* Response: Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U) -- CAL 5.6 \* Response: To send calibration 5.6 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response after correct code was received: Calibration sent (**If xDrip is installed. Accepting calibrations must be enabled in xDrip+**) +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| PUMP | No | Last conn: 1 min ago
Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min
IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 | +| PUMP DISCONNECT *30* | Yes | To disconnect pump for *30* minutes | +| PUMP CONNECT | Yes | Pump reconnected | ### Basal -- BASAL STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To stop temp basal reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 0.3 \* Response: To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 0.3 20 \* Response: To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 30% \* Response: To start basal 30% for 30 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 30% 50 \* Response: To start basal 30% for 50 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | -------------------------------- | +| BASAL 0.3 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min | +| BASAL 0.3 20 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min | +| BASAL 30% | Yes | To start basal 30% for 30 min | +| BASAL 30% 50 | Yes | To start basal 30% for 50 min | +| BASAL STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop temp basal | + + +### לולאה + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| LOOP STATUS | No | Response depends on actual status:
- *Loop is disabled* if the loop is disabled or LGS
- *Loop is enabled* if the loop is closed or open
- *Suspended (10 min)* if the loop is disconnected or suspended | +| LOOP STOP/DISABLE | Yes | The pump will revert to the pre-programmed basal rate.
*Loop has been disabled* | +| LOOP START/ENABLE | Yes | *Loop has been enabled* | +| LOOP SUSPEND 20 | Yes | *Loop suspended for 20 minutes* | +| LOOP RESUME | Yes | *Loop resumed* | +| LOOP CLOSED | Yes | *Current loop mode: Closed Loop* | +| LOOP LGS | Yes | *Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend* | ### Bolus -Remote bolus is not allowed within 15 min (this value is editable only if 2 phone numbers added) after last bolus command or remote commands! Therefore the response depends on the time that the last bolus was given. +Remote bolus is not allowed within 15 min (this value is editable only if 2 phone numbers added) after last bolus command or remote commands! In this case, the response would be *Remote bolus not available. Try again later.* This response is also sent when the pump is currently delivering a bolus. -- BOLUS 1.2 \* Response A: To deliver bolus 1.2U reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response B: Remote bolus not available. Try again later. -- BOLUS 0.60 MEAL \* If you specify the optional parameter MEAL, this sets the Temp Target MEAL (default values are: 90 mg/dL, 5.0 mmol/l for 45 mins). \* Response A: To deliver meal bolus 0.60U reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response B: Remote bolus not available. -- CARBS 5 \* Response: To enter 5g at 12:45 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM \* Response: To enter 5g at 17:35 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To stop extended bolus reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- EXTENDED 2 120 \* Response: To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BOLUS 1.2 | Yes | | +| BOLUS 0.60 MEAL | Yes | Delivers the specified 0.60U bolus
**and** sets the [Eating Soon TempTarget](#TempTargets-eating-soon-temp-target) | +| CARBS 5 | Yes | To enter 5g, without a bolus | +| CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM | Yes | To enter 5g at 17:35.
The acceptable time format depends
on the time setting (12h/24h) on the phone. | +| EXTENDED 2 120 | Yes | To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min.
Only for [compatible pumps](#screens-action-tab). | +| EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop extended bolus | ### Profile -- PROFILE STATUS \* Response: Profile1 -- PROFILE LIST \* Response: 1.\`Profile1\` 2.\`Profile2\` -- PROFILE 1 \* Response: To switch profile to Profile1 100% reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- PROFILE 2 30 \* Response: To switch profile to Profile2 30% reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| PROFILE STATUS | No | Current profile and percentage | +| PROFILE LIST | No | The current list of profiles in **AAPS**, e.g.:
1. Profile1
2. Profile2 | +| PROFILE 1 | Yes | To switch profile to profile 1 in the list.
Use the numbers as returned by the **PROFILE LIST**,
not the profile names as you saved them | +| PROFILE 2 30 | Yes | To switch profile to Profile2 30% | + +### Temporary Targets + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------- | +| TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | Yes | To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | +| TARGET STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To cancel Temp Target | + (SMSCommands-other)= ### אחר -- TREATMENTS REFRESH \* Response: Refresh treatments from NS -- NSClient RESTART \* Response: NSCLIENT RESTART SENT -- PUMP \* Response: Last conn: 1 min ago Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 -- PUMP CONNECT \* Response: Pump reconnected -- PUMP DISCONNECT *30* \* Response: To disconnect pump for *30* minutes reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- SMS DISABLE/STOP \* Response: To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any. Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly from the AAPS master smartphone only. -- TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO \* Response: To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- TARGET STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To cancel Temp Target reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- HELP \* Response: BG, LOOP, TREATMENTS, ..... -- HELP BOLUS \* Response: BOLUS 1.2 BOLUS 1.2 MEAL +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------ | ---- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| TREATMENTS REFRESH | No | Refresh treatments from NS | +| NSCLIENT RESTART | No | Useful if you notice a communication problem
with Nightscout or **AAPSClient** | +| SMS DISABLE/STOP | No | To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any.
Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly
from the **AAPS** master smartphone only. | +| HELP | No | Returns all functions available for interrogation:
Send further ***HELP ***FUNCTION****** command to list
all options available in this section. | +| HELP BOLUS | | *BOLUS 1.2
BOLUS 1.2 MEAL* | (SMSCommands-troubleshooting)= -## Troubleshooting +## Troubleshooting and FAQ -### Multiple SMS +```{contents} List of questions and issues +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -If you receive the same message over and over again (i.e. profile switch) you will probably have set up a circle with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please make sure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NS. +### What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? -If the other app is installed on multiple phones make sure to deactivate upload on all of them. +1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting "profile exercise" for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. + +2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the **AAPS** phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation, and you cancel it (on the **AAPS** phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. -### SMS commands not working on Samsung phones +**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. -There was a report on SMS commands stopping after an update on Galaxy S10 phone. Could be solved by disabling 'send as chat message'. +**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. + +### What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? + +**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. + +### Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? + +It could be for one of these reasons: + +1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The **AAPS** phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the **AAPS** phone). + +### No response whatsoever for SMS commands + +On the caregiver phone and/or **AAPS** phone, try disabling the following options : +* **Send as chat message** ![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) +* If using Android Messages App or Google Messages App, disable RCS messaging: + - open the specific SMS conversation in Messages + - Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner + - select "Details" + - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" ![Disable RCS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableRCS.png) + +### Errors carrying out commands + +There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: + +* SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct +* You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) +* You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) +* The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led **AAPS** to calculate that the authenticator code had expired +* The **AAPS** phone is out of range/contact with the pump +* The system is already busy delivering a bolus + +Common errors are shown in the examples below: + +![image](../images/remote-control-17.png) + +### How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? + +You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. + +For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. + +### Multiple SMS + +If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. + +If the other app is installed on multiple phones make sure to deactivate upload on all of them. -![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) -### Android Messages App +### I am getting far too many text messages from SMS Commands. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? -If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app disable end-to-end ecryption on both caregiver and child's phones. - - open the specific SMS conversation in Messages - - Select the options ellipisis in the top right corner - - select "Details" - - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" +Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the **AAPS** phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your **AAPS** phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/KidsMonitoring.png b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/KidsMonitoring.png index da04a0647dd1..a3628b5c4f85 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/KidsMonitoring.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/KidsMonitoring.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/SMSdisableRCS.png b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/SMSdisableRCS.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..86ce50229c39 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/SMSdisableRCS.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/remote-control-07.png b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/remote-control-07.png index f39574e5ad4b..f0174d83b06b 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/remote-control-07.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/remote-control-07.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/remote-control-08.png b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/remote-control-08.png index e96c345b2698..a26373899bba 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/remote-control-08.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/remote-control-08.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 84dc3e95dcf0..527124818fd2 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,10 +9,17 @@ Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not ```{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md) :class: warning -**Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. +**Average Smoothing or Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ``` -## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) +## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) + +- Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) +- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). + +- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) + +## 2. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) **Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** @@ -36,13 +43,6 @@ A patched Dexcom G7 app (DiaKEM) gives access to the Dexcom G7 data. This is not - If AAPS does not receive any values, switch to another BG source and then back to 'BYODA' to invoke the query for approving data exchange between AAPS and BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - -- Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) -- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - -- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) - ## 3. xDrip+ (companion mode) - Download and install xDrip+: [xDrip](https://github.com/NightscoutFoundation/xDrip) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md index af87e79541c9..2ea0dfa44bfd 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md @@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ Use this option only if your CGM data is being properly smoothed by your collect ## Suggestions to use smoothing -| | Exponential | Average | None | -| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:--------:|:-----------:| -| G5 and G6 | | If noisy | Recommended | -| G7 | Recommended | | | -| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | -| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | +| | Exponential | Average | None | +| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:---------:|:-----------:| +| G5 and G6 | If noisy | | Recommended | +| G7 | If noisy | If stable | | +| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | +| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | ### Dexcom sensors diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Getting-Started/Phones.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Getting-Started/Phones.md index 55e6c634dcab..793a7d02251d 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Getting-Started/Phones.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Getting-Started/Phones.md @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # 스마트폰 -The current version of **AAPS** requires an Android smartphone with Google Android 9.0 or above. So if you are thinking about a new phone, Android 9 is recommended at a minimum but optimally choose Android 13 or 14. - -For older Android versions, older **AAPS** versions are available see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. +As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject. +Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). - [List of tested phones](../CompatiblePhones/ListOfTestedPhones.md) - [Jelly Pro Settings](../CompatiblePhones/Jelly.md) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md index 3c607028cc27..d0b486caa57f 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md @@ -209,7 +209,8 @@ This documentation aims to reduce the technical expertise required to an absolut ### Smartphones #### AAPS and Android Versions -The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons, however for users unable to use a device with Android 9.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions like [Android 8](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/ and [Android 7](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/2.6.2), remain available from previous releases (check the release notes for legacy versions). + +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred.
As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject.
Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). #### Smartphone model choice The exact model you buy depends on the desired function(s). You can find on the [Phones page](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) recommendations and user feedback about working setups. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md index b78d79f0dca9..9c949e62fb4a 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md @@ -17,272 +17,9 @@ The first three are mostly appropriate for carers/parents, but smartwatches are 5. Examples for school care plans for children of different ages can be found in the [“files section”](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/files/) of the **AAPS** Facebook page. 6. What is your emergency plan for when remote control does not work (_i.e._ network problems or lost bluetooth connection)? Always consider what will happen with **AAPS** if you suddenly can’t send a new command. **AAPS** overwrites the pump basal, ISF and ICR with the current profile values. Only use temporary profile switches (_i.e._ with a set time duration) if switching to a stronger insulin profile, in case your remote connection is disrupted. Then the pump will revert to the original profile when the time expires. -(RemoteControl-sms-commands)= ## 1) SMS Commands -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note - -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md). - -``` - -You can control **AAPS** remotely via text (SMS) message through a feature known as **SMS Commands**. SMS commands can be sent to **AAPS** by _any_ type of phone (iPhone/Android). - -**SMS commands are really useful:** -1. For routine remote control - -2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin - -3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). - -4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working - -### SMS command safety -If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to change **AAPS** settings) . A second phone number must be enabled for SMS commands to work, even if you only have one primary caregiver/follower. You can then use the second number to temporarily disable SMS communicator (with the command **“SMS stop”**) if your main caregiver/parent phone is compromised. Versions of **AAPS** 2.7 and newer also use an [Authenticator app](#authentication-or-not)). - -### Different types of SMS commands -The **SMS Commands Table** below shows all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the AAPS app itself. The commands below have been listed by how commonly used they are likely to be, the first two tables should have most of the SMS commands you need with full looping. - -### SMS commands tables - -![SMS_command_table_1](../images/remote-control-02.png) - -![SMS_command_table_2](../images/remote-control-03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_3](../images/remote_control_and_following/SMS_command_table_3_Loop_03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_4](../images/remote-control-05.png) - -(authentication-or-not)= -### Authentication or not? - -You may notice from the table above that some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require **authenticating** with a security code from an additional app and a PIN (see below (link for more detail). A simple enquiry like “**bg**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn’t need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - -![image](../images/remote-control-06.png) - -Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: - -![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) - -### How to set up SMS commands - -The overall process is as follows: - -**1) Download an authenticator (caregiver phone)** - -**2) Check phone settings (AAPS phone)** - -**3) Date and time synching (caregiver and AAPS phone)** - -**4) AAPS settings (APPS phone)** - -**5) Testing SMS commands works (caregiver and AAPS phone)** - -### Let's get started! - -1) **Download an authenticator**: On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install one authenticator of your choice from the list below: - -[**Authy**](https://authy.com/download/) - -[**Google Authenticator - Android / iOS**](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2&pli=1) - -[**LastPass Authenticator**](https://www.lastpass.com/solutions/authentication) - -[**FreeOTP Authenticator**](https://freeotp.github.io/) - -These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. - -2) **Check phone settings:** In the **AAPS** phone settings go to Apps > AndroidAPS > Permissions > SMS > Allow SMS - -![image](../images/remote-control-08.png) - -3) **Date and time synching:** In both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific handsets, you may need to try out different settings. - -Example (for Samsung S23 handset): Settings – general management – date and time- automatic date and time - -Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterwards if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). - -4) **AAPS settings:** - -i) Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the left hand hamburger menu to navigate to Config Builder: - -![image](../images/remote-control-09.png) - -ii) Enable “SMS communicator” by checking the boxes, then click the “cog” to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen: - -![image](../images/remote-control-10.png) - -_Note - as an alternative route to Config Builder, you can also use the new “SMS Communicator tab” at the top of the AAPS screen, then right click on the custom right hand hamburger menu for that page, to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen._ - -iii) On the preferences screen enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: - -![image](../images/remote-control-11.png) - -iv) Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: - -UK phone number: +447976304596 - -US phone number: +11234567890 - -FR phone number: +33612344567 - -_etc._ - -Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. - -If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with NO space between numbers (this is critical!). Select “OK”: - - -![image](../images/remote-control-12.png) - -v) Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. - -PIN requirements are: - -•3 to 6 digits - -•not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) - -•not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) - -![image](../images/remote-control-13.png) - -vi) On the preferences screen select “Authenticator setup” - -● Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. - -● Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_ set up a new connection and - -● Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. - -● Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - -Example: - -The token from the authenticator app is 457051 - -Your mandatory PIN is 2401 - -Code to check: 4570512401 - -If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: - - -![image](../images/remote-control-14.png) - -You should now be set up with SMS commands. - -### First steps using SMS commands - -1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the AAPS phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: - -![image](../images/remote-control-15.png) - -2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator. To do this, send a text from the caregiver’s phone with the required command to the**AAPS** phone (_e.g._ “target hypo”). The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by an additional secret **PIN** known only to caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). - -This example is shown below, with the SMS command “target hypo” to set a hypo temp target: - -● In this example, your PIN is 1289 - -● Code from your authenticator app is 274127 - -● When prompted, text 2741271289 - -Commands must be sent in English. The response should be in your local language. When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the AAPS phone, to see how it works: - -![image](../images/remote-control-16.png) - -The caregiver’s phone will receive a SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: - -● SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct - -● You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) - -● You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) - -● The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led AAPS to calculate that the authenticator code had expired - -● The AAPS phone is out of range/contact with the pump - -● The system is already busy delivering a bolus - -If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. - -Common errors are shown in the examples below: - -![image](../images/remote-control-17.png) - -### Additional safety notes on SMS commands - -The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” - -If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “RESET AUTHENTICATORS” in AAPS (see preferences screenshot above, link) or send the SMS command “SMS stop”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. - -### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands - -Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: - -1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. - -To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. - -**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or AAPSClient with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions sub section below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. - -### SMS commands troubleshooting and FAQ - -#### Q: What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? - -1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting “profile exercise“ for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. - -2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the AAPS phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation and you cancel it (on the AAPS phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. - -**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. - -**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. - -#### Q: What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? - -**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. - -#### Q: Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? - -It could be for one of these reasons: - -1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The AAPS phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the AAPS phone). - -#### Q: How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? - -You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. - -For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. - -#### Q. Why am I getting multiple SMS texts of the same message? - -If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. - -#### Q. I’ve just set up SMS commands and I am now getting far too many text messages. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? - -Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the AAPS phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your AAPS phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. - -#### Q. Why are SMS commands not working on my Samsung phone? - -There was a report of SMS commands stopping after an update on a Samsung Galaxy S10 phone. This was solved by disabling ‘send as chat message’. - - -![image](../images/remote-control-18.png) - -#### Q. How can I fix issues with the Android Messages App? - -If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app, disable end-to-end encryption on both caregiver and dependent’s phones: - -● Open the specific SMS conversation in Messages - -● Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner - -● select “Details” - -● Activate “Only send SMS and MMS messages” +See the dedicated [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md) page. (aapsclient)= ## 2) AAPSClient @@ -696,11 +433,11 @@ Click side "plug-in" socket in the app, in order to upload Wear OS.apk onto the The final step is to configure **AAPS** on the phone to interact with **AAPS** Wear” on the watch. To do this, enable the Wear plugin in Config Builder: -● Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone +* Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone -● Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab +* Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab -● Tick for Wear selection under General +* Tick for Wear selection under General ![image](../images/ae6d75a1-1829-4d2e-b0dc-153e31e4a466.png) @@ -728,27 +465,27 @@ Once you have setup **AAPS** on your watch, extensive details about the smartwat As a brief overview, the following functions can be triggered from the smartwatch: -● set a temporary target +* set a temporary target -● use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) +* use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) -● administer eCarbs +* administer eCarbs -● administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) +* administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) -● watch settings +* watch settings -● status +* status -● check pump status +* check pump status -● check loop status +* check loop status -● check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) +* check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) -● show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) +* show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) -● Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) +* Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) #### Communication from caregivers to the watch using other apps (like Whatsapp) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md index 203012772409..79dad78d15a3 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md @@ -1,194 +1,337 @@ # SMS Commands -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note +```{contents} Table of contents +:depth: 2 +``` -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](#RemoteControl-sms-commands)). +Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following **AAPS** etc. can be done on [**AAPSClient** app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. Boluses, however, can't be given through **AAPSClient**, but you can use SMS commands. If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use **AAPSClient** app, there are additional SMS commands available. -``` +**SMS commands are really useful:** +1. For routine remote control + +2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin + +3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). + +4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working ## Safety First -. -- AAPS allows you to control a child's phone remotely via text message. SMS 통신기를 활성화 했다면, 원격 명령어를 사용하기 위해 설정된 폰(부모폰)을 도난 맞을 수도 있다는 사실에 항상 유념하셔야 합니다. 따라서 최소한 PIN 코드 이상의 보안으로 폰을 보호하십시오. A strong password or biometrics are recommended. -- Additionally it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. So you can use second number to [temporary disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets lost or stolen. -- AAPS will also inform you by text message if your remote commands, such as a bolus or a profile change, have been carried out. 수신 폰 중 하나가 도난 당할 경우를 대비하여, 적어도 2개 이상의 다른 폰에 확인 문자 메시지가 전송되도록 설정하는 것을 권장합니다. -- **If you bolus through SMS Commands you must enter carbs through Nightscout (AAPSClient, Website...)!** If you fail to do so IOB would be correct with too low COB potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as AAPS assumes that you have too much active insulin. -- As of AAPS version 2.7 an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety when using SMS commands. + +If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to export **AAPS** settings). + +Additionally, it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. This way, you can use the second number to [disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets compromised. + +The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” + +AAPS will also inform you by text message if your remote commands, such as a bolus or a profile change, have been carried out. 수신 폰 중 하나가 도난 당할 경우를 대비하여, 적어도 2개 이상의 다른 폰에 확인 문자 메시지가 전송되도록 설정하는 것을 권장합니다. + +**If you bolus through SMS Commands, you must enter carbs separately (second SMS, AAPSClient, Nightscout...)!** If you fail to do so, the IOB would be correct with too low COB, potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as **AAPS** assumes that you have too much active insulin. + +For the sensitive commands, an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety. + +If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “[Reset Authenticators](#sms-commands-authenticator-setup)” in **AAPS** or send the SMS command “[SMS stop](#SMSCommands-other)”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. ## Setup SMS commands -![SMS Commands Setup](../images/SMSCommandsSetup.png) +```{contents} The overall process is as follows +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -- Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following AAPS etc. can be done on [AAPSClient app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. -- Boluses can't be given through Nightscout, but you can use SMS commands. -- If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use AAPSClient app, there are additional SMS commands available. -- In your android phone setting go to Applications > AndroidAPS > Permissions and enable SMS +### Authenticator setup -(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= -### Authorized phone numbers +Two-factor authentication is used to improve safety. + +On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install an Authenticator app. Popular free apps are: + - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) + - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) + - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) + - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) + +These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. -- In AAPS go to **Preferences > SMS Communicator** and enter the phone number(s) that you will allow SMS commands to come from (separated by semicolons - i.e. +6412345678;+6412345679) +### Check phone settings -- Note that the "+" in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. +On your phone, go to **Apps > AAPS > Permissions**. Make sure **SMS** and **Phone** are allowed. -- Enable 'Allow remote commands via SMS'. +![image](../images/remote-control-08.png) -- If you want to use more than one number: +### Date and time synching - - Enter just one number. +The time on both phones must be synchronized. Best practice is set automatically from network. Time differences might lead to authentication problems. - - Make that single number work by sending and confirming a SMS command. +On both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific device, you may need to try out different settings. - - Enter additional number(s) separated by semicolon, no space. +Example (for Samsung S23): **Settings > General management > Date and time**: make sure that **Automatic date and time** is checked. - ![SMS Commands Setup multiple numbers](../images/SMSCommandsSetupSpace2.png) +Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterward if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). -### Minutes between bolus commands +### AAPS settings + +Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the [Config Builder](../SettingUpAaps/ConfigBuilder.md) to enable the **SMS Communicator** module. + +Go to the Preferences for SMS Communicator. + +Enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: + +![image](../images/remote-control-11.png) + +(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= +#### Allowed phone numbers + +Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: +* UK phone number: +447976304596 +* US phone number: +11234567890 +* FR phone number: +33612344567 +* _etc._ + +Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. + +If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with **NO space between numbers** (this is critical!). Select “OK”: + +![image](../images/remote-control-12.png) + +#### Minutes between bolus commands - You can define the minimum delay between two boluses issued via SMS. - For safety reasons you have to add at least two authorized phone numbers to edit this value. -### Additionally mandatory PIN at token end +#### Additional mandatory PIN at token end -- For safety reasons the reply code must be followed by a PIN. +For safety reasons, the reply code must be followed by a PIN. Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. -- PIN rules: +PIN requirements are: - - 3 to 6 digits - - not same digits (i.e. 1111) - - not in a row (i.e. 1234) +* 3 to 6 digits +* not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) +* not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) -### Authenticator setup +![image](../images/remote-control-13.png) -- Two-factor authentication is used to improve safety. +(sms-commands-authenticator-setup)= +#### Authenticator setup -- You can use any Authenticator app that supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. Popular free apps are: +* Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. +* Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_, set up a new connection and +* Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. +* Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) - - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) - - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) - - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) +Example: +* The token from the authenticator app is 457051 +* Your mandatory PIN is 2401 +* Code to check: 4570512401 + +If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. **There is no button you can press!** The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: + +![image](../images/remote-control-14.png) -- Install the authenticator app of your choice on your follower phone and scan the QR code shown in AAPS. +You should now be set up with SMS commands. -- Test the one-time password by entering the token shown in your authenticator app and the PIN you just setup in AAPS. Example: +Use button "Authenticator setup > Reset Authenticators" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (By resetting authenticator you make ALL already provisioned authenticators invalid. You will need to set them up again.) - - Your mandatory PIN is 2020 - - TOTP token from the authenticator app is 457051 - - Enter 4570512020 +## SMS commands usage -- The red text "WRONG PIN" will change **automatically** to a green "OK" if the entry is correct. **There is no button you can press!** +### First steps using SMS commands -- The time on both phones must be synchronized. Best practice is set automatically from network. Time differences might lead to authentication problems. +1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the **AAPS** phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: -- Use button "RESET AUTHENTICATORS" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (By resetting authenticator you make ALL already provisioned authenticators invalid. You will need to set them up again) +![image](../images/remote-control-15.png) -## Use SMS commands +If you don't receive any response, check the [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) section below. -- Send a SMS to the phone with AAPS running from your approved phone number(s) using any of the [commands](#commands) below. +2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator, _e.g._ “target hypo”. The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by the additional secret **PIN** known only by caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). -- The AAPS phone will respond to confirm success of command or status requested. +When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the **AAPS** phone, to see how it works: -- Confirm command by sending the code where necessary. Example: +![image](../images/remote-control-16.png) - - Your mandatory PIN is 2020 - - TOTP token from the authenticator app is 457051 - - Enter 4570512020 +The caregiver’s phone will receive an SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. + +If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. See [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) below for common errors. **Hint**: It can be useful to have unlimited SMS on your phone plan (for each phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent. +### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands + +Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: + +1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. + +To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. + +**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or **AAPSClient** with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions subsection below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. + (SMSCommands-commands)= ## Commands -Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). +```{contents} List of command groups +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) +Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). The commands are not case-sensitive, you can use lower or upper case. -### Loop +![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) -- LOOP STOP/DISABLE \* Response: Loop has been disabled +The **SMS Commands Tables** below show all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the **AAPS** app itself. -- LOOP START/ENABLE \* Response: Loop has been enabled +(authentication-or-not)= +### Authentication or not? -- LOOP STATUS +Some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require strong **authentication** through the Authenticator app. A simple enquiry like “**BG**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn't need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - - Response depends on actual status +![image](../images/remote-control-06.png) - - Loop is disabled - - Loop is enabled - - Suspended (10 min) +Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: -- LOOP SUSPEND 20 \* Response: Loop suspended for 20 minutes +![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) -- LOOP RESUME \* Response: Loop resumed +The *Auth* column in the tables below, indicates whether such a strong authentication is required for each command. -- LOOP CLOSED \* Response: Current loop mode: Closed Loop +### CGM data -- LOOP LGS \* Response: Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BG | No | Returns: last BG, delta, IOB (bolus and basal), COB
*Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U)* | +| CAL 5.6/90 | Yes | Will calibrate the CGM with a value of 5.6/90
(use the value appropriate to your glucose units)
Works only if properly set-up in **AAPS**.
*Calibration sent* | -### CGM data +### Pump -- BG \* Response: Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U) -- CAL 5.6 \* Response: To send calibration 5.6 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response after correct code was received: Calibration sent (**If xDrip is installed. Accepting calibrations must be enabled in xDrip+**) +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| PUMP | No | Last conn: 1 min ago
Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min
IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 | +| PUMP DISCONNECT *30* | Yes | To disconnect pump for *30* minutes | +| PUMP CONNECT | Yes | Pump reconnected | ### Basal -- BASAL STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To stop temp basal reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 0.3 \* Response: To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 0.3 20 \* Response: To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 30% \* Response: To start basal 30% for 30 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 30% 50 \* Response: To start basal 30% for 50 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | -------------------------------- | +| BASAL 0.3 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min | +| BASAL 0.3 20 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min | +| BASAL 30% | Yes | To start basal 30% for 30 min | +| BASAL 30% 50 | Yes | To start basal 30% for 50 min | +| BASAL STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop temp basal | + + +### Loop + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| LOOP STATUS | No | Response depends on actual status:
- *Loop is disabled* if the loop is disabled or LGS
- *Loop is enabled* if the loop is closed or open
- *Suspended (10 min)* if the loop is disconnected or suspended | +| LOOP STOP/DISABLE | Yes | The pump will revert to the pre-programmed basal rate.
*Loop has been disabled* | +| LOOP START/ENABLE | Yes | *Loop has been enabled* | +| LOOP SUSPEND 20 | Yes | *Loop suspended for 20 minutes* | +| LOOP RESUME | Yes | *Loop resumed* | +| LOOP CLOSED | Yes | *Current loop mode: Closed Loop* | +| LOOP LGS | Yes | *Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend* | ### Bolus -Remote bolus is not allowed within 15 min (this value is editable only if 2 phone numbers added) after last bolus command or remote commands! Therefore the response depends on the time that the last bolus was given. +Remote bolus is not allowed within 15 min (this value is editable only if 2 phone numbers added) after last bolus command or remote commands! In this case, the response would be *Remote bolus not available. Try again later.* This response is also sent when the pump is currently delivering a bolus. -- BOLUS 1.2 \* Response A: To deliver bolus 1.2U reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response B: Remote bolus not available. Try again later. -- BOLUS 0.60 MEAL \* If you specify the optional parameter MEAL, this sets the Temp Target MEAL (default values are: 90 mg/dL, 5.0 mmol/l for 45 mins). \* Response A: To deliver meal bolus 0.60U reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response B: Remote bolus not available. -- CARBS 5 \* Response: To enter 5g at 12:45 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM \* Response: To enter 5g at 17:35 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To stop extended bolus reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- EXTENDED 2 120 \* Response: To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BOLUS 1.2 | Yes | | +| BOLUS 0.60 MEAL | Yes | Delivers the specified 0.60U bolus
**and** sets the [Eating Soon TempTarget](#TempTargets-eating-soon-temp-target) | +| CARBS 5 | Yes | To enter 5g, without a bolus | +| CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM | Yes | To enter 5g at 17:35.
The acceptable time format depends
on the time setting (12h/24h) on the phone. | +| EXTENDED 2 120 | Yes | To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min.
Only for [compatible pumps](#screens-action-tab). | +| EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop extended bolus | ### Profile -- PROFILE STATUS \* Response: Profile1 -- PROFILE LIST \* Response: 1.\`Profile1\` 2.\`Profile2\` -- PROFILE 1 \* Response: To switch profile to Profile1 100% reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- PROFILE 2 30 \* Response: To switch profile to Profile2 30% reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| PROFILE STATUS | No | Current profile and percentage | +| PROFILE LIST | No | The current list of profiles in **AAPS**, e.g.:
1. Profile1
2. Profile2 | +| PROFILE 1 | Yes | To switch profile to profile 1 in the list.
Use the numbers as returned by the **PROFILE LIST**,
not the profile names as you saved them | +| PROFILE 2 30 | Yes | To switch profile to Profile2 30% | + +### Temporary Targets + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------- | +| TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | Yes | To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | +| TARGET STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To cancel Temp Target | + (SMSCommands-other)= ### 기타 -- TREATMENTS REFRESH \* Response: Refresh treatments from NS -- NSClient RESTART \* Response: NSCLIENT RESTART SENT -- PUMP \* Response: Last conn: 1 min ago Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 -- PUMP CONNECT \* Response: Pump reconnected -- PUMP DISCONNECT *30* \* Response: To disconnect pump for *30* minutes reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- SMS DISABLE/STOP \* Response: To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any. Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly from the AAPS master smartphone only. -- TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO \* Response: To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- TARGET STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To cancel Temp Target reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- HELP \* Response: BG, LOOP, TREATMENTS, ..... -- HELP BOLUS \* Response: BOLUS 1.2 BOLUS 1.2 MEAL +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------ | ---- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| TREATMENTS REFRESH | No | Refresh treatments from NS | +| NSCLIENT RESTART | No | Useful if you notice a communication problem
with Nightscout or **AAPSClient** | +| SMS DISABLE/STOP | No | To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any.
Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly
from the **AAPS** master smartphone only. | +| HELP | No | Returns all functions available for interrogation:
Send further ***HELP ***FUNCTION****** command to list
all options available in this section. | +| HELP BOLUS | | *BOLUS 1.2
BOLUS 1.2 MEAL* | (SMSCommands-troubleshooting)= -## Troubleshooting +## Troubleshooting and FAQ -### Multiple SMS +```{contents} List of questions and issues +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -If you receive the same message over and over again (i.e. profile switch) you will probably have set up a circle with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please make sure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NS. +### What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? -If the other app is installed on multiple phones make sure to deactivate upload on all of them. +1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting "profile exercise" for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. + +2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the **AAPS** phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation, and you cancel it (on the **AAPS** phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. -### SMS commands not working on Samsung phones +**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. -There was a report on SMS commands stopping after an update on Galaxy S10 phone. Could be solved by disabling 'send as chat message'. +**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. + +### What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? + +**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. + +### Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? + +It could be for one of these reasons: + +1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The **AAPS** phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the **AAPS** phone). + +### No response whatsoever for SMS commands + +On the caregiver phone and/or **AAPS** phone, try disabling the following options : +* **Send as chat message** ![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) +* If using Android Messages App or Google Messages App, disable RCS messaging: + - open the specific SMS conversation in Messages + - Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner + - select "Details" + - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" ![Disable RCS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableRCS.png) + +### Errors carrying out commands + +There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: + +* SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct +* You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) +* You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) +* The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led **AAPS** to calculate that the authenticator code had expired +* The **AAPS** phone is out of range/contact with the pump +* The system is already busy delivering a bolus + +Common errors are shown in the examples below: + +![image](../images/remote-control-17.png) + +### How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? + +You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. + +For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. + +### Multiple SMS + +If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. + +If the other app is installed on multiple phones make sure to deactivate upload on all of them. -![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) -### Android Messages App +### I am getting far too many text messages from SMS Commands. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? -If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app disable end-to-end ecryption on both caregiver and child's phones. - - open the specific SMS conversation in Messages - - Select the options ellipisis in the top right corner - - select "Details" - - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" +Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the **AAPS** phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your **AAPS** phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/KidsMonitoring.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/KidsMonitoring.png index da04a0647dd1..a3628b5c4f85 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/KidsMonitoring.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/KidsMonitoring.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/SMSdisableRCS.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/SMSdisableRCS.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..86ce50229c39 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/SMSdisableRCS.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/remote-control-07.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/remote-control-07.png index f39574e5ad4b..f0174d83b06b 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/remote-control-07.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/remote-control-07.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/remote-control-08.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/remote-control-08.png index e96c345b2698..a26373899bba 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/remote-control-08.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/remote-control-08.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 84dc3e95dcf0..527124818fd2 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,10 +9,17 @@ Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not ```{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md) :class: warning -**Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. +**Average Smoothing or Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ``` -## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) +## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) + +- Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) +- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). + +- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) + +## 2. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) **Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** @@ -36,13 +43,6 @@ A patched Dexcom G7 app (DiaKEM) gives access to the Dexcom G7 data. This is not - If AAPS does not receive any values, switch to another BG source and then back to 'BYODA' to invoke the query for approving data exchange between AAPS and BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - -- Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) -- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - -- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) - ## 3. xDrip+ (companion mode) - Download and install xDrip+: [xDrip](https://github.com/NightscoutFoundation/xDrip) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md index 3b358b0b6bd2..bf143f61873d 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md @@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ Use this option only if your CGM data is being properly smoothed by your collect ## Suggestions to use smoothing -| | Exponential | Average | None | -| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:--------:|:-----------:| -| G5 and G6 | | If noisy | Recommended | -| G7 | Recommended | | | -| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | -| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | +| | Exponential | Average | None | +| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:---------:|:-----------:| +| G5 and G6 | If noisy | | Recommended | +| G7 | If noisy | If stable | | +| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | +| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | ### Dexcom sensors diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Getting-Started/Phones.md b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Getting-Started/Phones.md index 77036c2e0bf4..3827cac0d588 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Getting-Started/Phones.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Getting-Started/Phones.md @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # Telefonai -The current version of **AAPS** requires an Android smartphone with Google Android 9.0 or above. So if you are thinking about a new phone, Android 9 is recommended at a minimum but optimally choose Android 13 or 14. - -For older Android versions, older **AAPS** versions are available see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. +As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject. +Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). - [List of tested phones](../CompatiblePhones/ListOfTestedPhones.md) - [Jelly Pro Settings](../CompatiblePhones/Jelly.md) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md index 7a943b7897c8..8669f7142704 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md @@ -209,7 +209,8 @@ This documentation aims to reduce the technical expertise required to an absolut ### Smartphones #### AAPS and Android Versions -The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons, however for users unable to use a device with Android 9.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions like [Android 8](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/ and [Android 7](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/2.6.2), remain available from previous releases (check the release notes for legacy versions). + +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred.
As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject.
Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). #### Smartphone model choice The exact model you buy depends on the desired function(s). You can find on the [Phones page](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) recommendations and user feedback about working setups. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md index b78d79f0dca9..9c949e62fb4a 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md @@ -17,272 +17,9 @@ The first three are mostly appropriate for carers/parents, but smartwatches are 5. Examples for school care plans for children of different ages can be found in the [“files section”](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/files/) of the **AAPS** Facebook page. 6. What is your emergency plan for when remote control does not work (_i.e._ network problems or lost bluetooth connection)? Always consider what will happen with **AAPS** if you suddenly can’t send a new command. **AAPS** overwrites the pump basal, ISF and ICR with the current profile values. Only use temporary profile switches (_i.e._ with a set time duration) if switching to a stronger insulin profile, in case your remote connection is disrupted. Then the pump will revert to the original profile when the time expires. -(RemoteControl-sms-commands)= ## 1) SMS Commands -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note - -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md). - -``` - -You can control **AAPS** remotely via text (SMS) message through a feature known as **SMS Commands**. SMS commands can be sent to **AAPS** by _any_ type of phone (iPhone/Android). - -**SMS commands are really useful:** -1. For routine remote control - -2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin - -3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). - -4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working - -### SMS command safety -If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to change **AAPS** settings) . A second phone number must be enabled for SMS commands to work, even if you only have one primary caregiver/follower. You can then use the second number to temporarily disable SMS communicator (with the command **“SMS stop”**) if your main caregiver/parent phone is compromised. Versions of **AAPS** 2.7 and newer also use an [Authenticator app](#authentication-or-not)). - -### Different types of SMS commands -The **SMS Commands Table** below shows all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the AAPS app itself. The commands below have been listed by how commonly used they are likely to be, the first two tables should have most of the SMS commands you need with full looping. - -### SMS commands tables - -![SMS_command_table_1](../images/remote-control-02.png) - -![SMS_command_table_2](../images/remote-control-03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_3](../images/remote_control_and_following/SMS_command_table_3_Loop_03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_4](../images/remote-control-05.png) - -(authentication-or-not)= -### Authentication or not? - -You may notice from the table above that some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require **authenticating** with a security code from an additional app and a PIN (see below (link for more detail). A simple enquiry like “**bg**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn’t need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - -![image](../images/remote-control-06.png) - -Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: - -![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) - -### How to set up SMS commands - -The overall process is as follows: - -**1) Download an authenticator (caregiver phone)** - -**2) Check phone settings (AAPS phone)** - -**3) Date and time synching (caregiver and AAPS phone)** - -**4) AAPS settings (APPS phone)** - -**5) Testing SMS commands works (caregiver and AAPS phone)** - -### Let's get started! - -1) **Download an authenticator**: On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install one authenticator of your choice from the list below: - -[**Authy**](https://authy.com/download/) - -[**Google Authenticator - Android / iOS**](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2&pli=1) - -[**LastPass Authenticator**](https://www.lastpass.com/solutions/authentication) - -[**FreeOTP Authenticator**](https://freeotp.github.io/) - -These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. - -2) **Check phone settings:** In the **AAPS** phone settings go to Apps > AndroidAPS > Permissions > SMS > Allow SMS - -![image](../images/remote-control-08.png) - -3) **Date and time synching:** In both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific handsets, you may need to try out different settings. - -Example (for Samsung S23 handset): Settings – general management – date and time- automatic date and time - -Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterwards if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). - -4) **AAPS settings:** - -i) Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the left hand hamburger menu to navigate to Config Builder: - -![image](../images/remote-control-09.png) - -ii) Enable “SMS communicator” by checking the boxes, then click the “cog” to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen: - -![image](../images/remote-control-10.png) - -_Note - as an alternative route to Config Builder, you can also use the new “SMS Communicator tab” at the top of the AAPS screen, then right click on the custom right hand hamburger menu for that page, to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen._ - -iii) On the preferences screen enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: - -![image](../images/remote-control-11.png) - -iv) Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: - -UK phone number: +447976304596 - -US phone number: +11234567890 - -FR phone number: +33612344567 - -_etc._ - -Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. - -If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with NO space between numbers (this is critical!). Select “OK”: - - -![image](../images/remote-control-12.png) - -v) Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. - -PIN requirements are: - -•3 to 6 digits - -•not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) - -•not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) - -![image](../images/remote-control-13.png) - -vi) On the preferences screen select “Authenticator setup” - -● Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. - -● Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_ set up a new connection and - -● Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. - -● Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - -Example: - -The token from the authenticator app is 457051 - -Your mandatory PIN is 2401 - -Code to check: 4570512401 - -If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: - - -![image](../images/remote-control-14.png) - -You should now be set up with SMS commands. - -### First steps using SMS commands - -1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the AAPS phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: - -![image](../images/remote-control-15.png) - -2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator. To do this, send a text from the caregiver’s phone with the required command to the**AAPS** phone (_e.g._ “target hypo”). The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by an additional secret **PIN** known only to caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). - -This example is shown below, with the SMS command “target hypo” to set a hypo temp target: - -● In this example, your PIN is 1289 - -● Code from your authenticator app is 274127 - -● When prompted, text 2741271289 - -Commands must be sent in English. The response should be in your local language. When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the AAPS phone, to see how it works: - -![image](../images/remote-control-16.png) - -The caregiver’s phone will receive a SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: - -● SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct - -● You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) - -● You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) - -● The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led AAPS to calculate that the authenticator code had expired - -● The AAPS phone is out of range/contact with the pump - -● The system is already busy delivering a bolus - -If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. - -Common errors are shown in the examples below: - -![image](../images/remote-control-17.png) - -### Additional safety notes on SMS commands - -The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” - -If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “RESET AUTHENTICATORS” in AAPS (see preferences screenshot above, link) or send the SMS command “SMS stop”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. - -### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands - -Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: - -1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. - -To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. - -**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or AAPSClient with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions sub section below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. - -### SMS commands troubleshooting and FAQ - -#### Q: What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? - -1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting “profile exercise“ for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. - -2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the AAPS phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation and you cancel it (on the AAPS phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. - -**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. - -**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. - -#### Q: What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? - -**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. - -#### Q: Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? - -It could be for one of these reasons: - -1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The AAPS phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the AAPS phone). - -#### Q: How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? - -You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. - -For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. - -#### Q. Why am I getting multiple SMS texts of the same message? - -If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. - -#### Q. I’ve just set up SMS commands and I am now getting far too many text messages. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? - -Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the AAPS phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your AAPS phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. - -#### Q. Why are SMS commands not working on my Samsung phone? - -There was a report of SMS commands stopping after an update on a Samsung Galaxy S10 phone. This was solved by disabling ‘send as chat message’. - - -![image](../images/remote-control-18.png) - -#### Q. How can I fix issues with the Android Messages App? - -If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app, disable end-to-end encryption on both caregiver and dependent’s phones: - -● Open the specific SMS conversation in Messages - -● Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner - -● select “Details” - -● Activate “Only send SMS and MMS messages” +See the dedicated [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md) page. (aapsclient)= ## 2) AAPSClient @@ -696,11 +433,11 @@ Click side "plug-in" socket in the app, in order to upload Wear OS.apk onto the The final step is to configure **AAPS** on the phone to interact with **AAPS** Wear” on the watch. To do this, enable the Wear plugin in Config Builder: -● Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone +* Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone -● Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab +* Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab -● Tick for Wear selection under General +* Tick for Wear selection under General ![image](../images/ae6d75a1-1829-4d2e-b0dc-153e31e4a466.png) @@ -728,27 +465,27 @@ Once you have setup **AAPS** on your watch, extensive details about the smartwat As a brief overview, the following functions can be triggered from the smartwatch: -● set a temporary target +* set a temporary target -● use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) +* use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) -● administer eCarbs +* administer eCarbs -● administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) +* administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) -● watch settings +* watch settings -● status +* status -● check pump status +* check pump status -● check loop status +* check loop status -● check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) +* check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) -● show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) +* show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) -● Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) +* Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) #### Communication from caregivers to the watch using other apps (like Whatsapp) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md index cfc67223816b..458a388f567e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md @@ -1,194 +1,337 @@ # SMS Commands -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note +```{contents} Table of contents +:depth: 2 +``` -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](#RemoteControl-sms-commands)). +Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following **AAPS** etc. can be done on [**AAPSClient** app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. Boluses, however, can't be given through **AAPSClient**, but you can use SMS commands. If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use **AAPSClient** app, there are additional SMS commands available. -``` +**SMS commands are really useful:** +1. For routine remote control + +2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin + +3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). + +4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working ## Safety First -. -- AAPS allows you to control a child's phone remotely via text message. Jei įgalinate šį SMS komunikatorių, visada prisiminkite, kad telefonas, duodantis nuotolinio valdymo komandas, gali būti pavogtas. Todėl visada jį apsaugokite bent PIN kodu. A strong password or biometrics are recommended. -- Additionally it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. So you can use second number to [temporary disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets lost or stolen. -- AAPS will also inform you by text message if your remote commands, such as a bolus or a profile change, have been carried out. Patartina tai nustatyti taip, kad patvirtinimo tekstai būtų siunčiami bent dviem skirtingais telefono numeriais, jei pavogtas vienas iš priimančių telefonų. -- **If you bolus through SMS Commands you must enter carbs through Nightscout (AAPSClient, Website...)!** If you fail to do so IOB would be correct with too low COB potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as AAPS assumes that you have too much active insulin. -- As of AAPS version 2.7 an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety when using SMS commands. + +If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to export **AAPS** settings). + +Additionally, it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. This way, you can use the second number to [disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets compromised. + +The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” + +AAPS will also inform you by text message if your remote commands, such as a bolus or a profile change, have been carried out. Patartina tai nustatyti taip, kad patvirtinimo tekstai būtų siunčiami bent dviem skirtingais telefono numeriais, jei pavogtas vienas iš priimančių telefonų. + +**If you bolus through SMS Commands, you must enter carbs separately (second SMS, AAPSClient, Nightscout...)!** If you fail to do so, the IOB would be correct with too low COB, potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as **AAPS** assumes that you have too much active insulin. + +For the sensitive commands, an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety. + +If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “[Reset Authenticators](#sms-commands-authenticator-setup)” in **AAPS** or send the SMS command “[SMS stop](#SMSCommands-other)”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. ## Setup SMS commands -![SMS Commands Setup](../images/SMSCommandsSetup.png) +```{contents} The overall process is as follows +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -- Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following AAPS etc. can be done on [AAPSClient app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. -- Boluses can't be given through Nightscout, but you can use SMS commands. -- If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use AAPSClient app, there are additional SMS commands available. -- In your android phone setting go to Applications > AndroidAPS > Permissions and enable SMS +### Authenticator setup -(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= -### Authorized phone numbers +Two-factor authentication is used to improve safety. + +On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install an Authenticator app. Popular free apps are: + - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) + - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) + - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) + - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) + +These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. -- In AAPS go to **Preferences > SMS Communicator** and enter the phone number(s) that you will allow SMS commands to come from (separated by semicolons - i.e. +6412345678;+6412345679) +### Check phone settings -- Note that the "+" in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. +On your phone, go to **Apps > AAPS > Permissions**. Make sure **SMS** and **Phone** are allowed. -- Enable 'Allow remote commands via SMS'. +![image](../images/remote-control-08.png) -- If you want to use more than one number: +### Date and time synching - - Enter just one number. +The time on both phones must be synchronized. Best practice is set automatically from network. Time differences might lead to authentication problems. - - Make that single number work by sending and confirming a SMS command. +On both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific device, you may need to try out different settings. - - Enter additional number(s) separated by semicolon, no space. +Example (for Samsung S23): **Settings > General management > Date and time**: make sure that **Automatic date and time** is checked. - ![SMS Commands Setup multiple numbers](../images/SMSCommandsSetupSpace2.png) +Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterward if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). -### Minutes between bolus commands +### AAPS settings + +Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the [Config Builder](../SettingUpAaps/ConfigBuilder.md) to enable the **SMS Communicator** module. + +Go to the Preferences for SMS Communicator. + +Enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: + +![image](../images/remote-control-11.png) + +(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= +#### Allowed phone numbers + +Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: +* UK phone number: +447976304596 +* US phone number: +11234567890 +* FR phone number: +33612344567 +* _etc._ + +Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. + +If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with **NO space between numbers** (this is critical!). Select “OK”: + +![image](../images/remote-control-12.png) + +#### Minutes between bolus commands - You can define the minimum delay between two boluses issued via SMS. - For safety reasons you have to add at least two authorized phone numbers to edit this value. -### Additionally mandatory PIN at token end +#### Additional mandatory PIN at token end -- For safety reasons the reply code must be followed by a PIN. +For safety reasons, the reply code must be followed by a PIN. Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. -- PIN rules: +PIN requirements are: - - 3 to 6 digits - - not same digits (i.e. 1111) - - not in a row (i.e. 1234) +* 3 to 6 digits +* not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) +* not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) -### Authenticator setup +![image](../images/remote-control-13.png) -- Two-factor authentication is used to improve safety. +(sms-commands-authenticator-setup)= +#### Authenticator setup -- You can use any Authenticator app that supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. Popular free apps are: +* Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. +* Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_, set up a new connection and +* Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. +* Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) - - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) - - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) - - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) +Example: +* The token from the authenticator app is 457051 +* Your mandatory PIN is 2401 +* Code to check: 4570512401 + +If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. **There is no button you can press!** The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: + +![image](../images/remote-control-14.png) -- Install the authenticator app of your choice on your follower phone and scan the QR code shown in AAPS. +You should now be set up with SMS commands. -- Test the one-time password by entering the token shown in your authenticator app and the PIN you just setup in AAPS. Example: +Use button "Authenticator setup > Reset Authenticators" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (By resetting authenticator you make ALL already provisioned authenticators invalid. You will need to set them up again.) - - Your mandatory PIN is 2020 - - TOTP token from the authenticator app is 457051 - - Enter 4570512020 +## SMS commands usage -- The red text "WRONG PIN" will change **automatically** to a green "OK" if the entry is correct. **There is no button you can press!** +### First steps using SMS commands -- The time on both phones must be synchronized. Best practice is set automatically from network. Time differences might lead to authentication problems. +1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the **AAPS** phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: -- Use button "RESET AUTHENTICATORS" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (By resetting authenticator you make ALL already provisioned authenticators invalid. You will need to set them up again) +![image](../images/remote-control-15.png) -## Use SMS commands +If you don't receive any response, check the [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) section below. -- Send a SMS to the phone with AAPS running from your approved phone number(s) using any of the [commands](#commands) below. +2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator, _e.g._ “target hypo”. The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by the additional secret **PIN** known only by caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). -- The AAPS phone will respond to confirm success of command or status requested. +When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the **AAPS** phone, to see how it works: -- Confirm command by sending the code where necessary. Example: +![image](../images/remote-control-16.png) - - Your mandatory PIN is 2020 - - TOTP token from the authenticator app is 457051 - - Enter 4570512020 +The caregiver’s phone will receive an SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. + +If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. See [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) below for common errors. **Hint**: It can be useful to have unlimited SMS on your phone plan (for each phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent. +### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands + +Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: + +1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. + +To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. + +**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or **AAPSClient** with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions subsection below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. + (SMSCommands-commands)= ## Commands -Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). +```{contents} List of command groups +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) +Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). The commands are not case-sensitive, you can use lower or upper case. -### Ciklas +![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) -- LOOP STOP/DISABLE \* Response: Loop has been disabled +The **SMS Commands Tables** below show all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the **AAPS** app itself. -- LOOP START/ENABLE \* Response: Loop has been enabled +(authentication-or-not)= +### Authentication or not? -- LOOP STATUS +Some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require strong **authentication** through the Authenticator app. A simple enquiry like “**BG**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn't need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - - Response depends on actual status +![image](../images/remote-control-06.png) - - Loop is disabled - - Loop is enabled - - Suspended (10 min) +Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: -- LOOP SUSPEND 20 \* Response: Loop suspended for 20 minutes +![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) -- LOOP RESUME \* Response: Loop resumed +The *Auth* column in the tables below, indicates whether such a strong authentication is required for each command. -- LOOP CLOSED \* Response: Current loop mode: Closed Loop +### CGM data -- LOOP LGS \* Response: Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BG | No | Returns: last BG, delta, IOB (bolus and basal), COB
*Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U)* | +| CAL 5.6/90 | Yes | Will calibrate the CGM with a value of 5.6/90
(use the value appropriate to your glucose units)
Works only if properly set-up in **AAPS**.
*Calibration sent* | -### CGM data +### Pump -- BG \* Response: Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U) -- CAL 5.6 \* Response: To send calibration 5.6 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response after correct code was received: Calibration sent (**If xDrip is installed. Accepting calibrations must be enabled in xDrip+**) +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| PUMP | No | Last conn: 1 min ago
Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min
IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 | +| PUMP DISCONNECT *30* | Yes | To disconnect pump for *30* minutes | +| PUMP CONNECT | Yes | Pump reconnected | ### Basal -- BASAL STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To stop temp basal reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 0.3 \* Response: To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 0.3 20 \* Response: To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 30% \* Response: To start basal 30% for 30 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 30% 50 \* Response: To start basal 30% for 50 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | -------------------------------- | +| BASAL 0.3 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min | +| BASAL 0.3 20 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min | +| BASAL 30% | Yes | To start basal 30% for 30 min | +| BASAL 30% 50 | Yes | To start basal 30% for 50 min | +| BASAL STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop temp basal | + + +### Ciklas + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| LOOP STATUS | No | Response depends on actual status:
- *Loop is disabled* if the loop is disabled or LGS
- *Loop is enabled* if the loop is closed or open
- *Suspended (10 min)* if the loop is disconnected or suspended | +| LOOP STOP/DISABLE | Yes | The pump will revert to the pre-programmed basal rate.
*Loop has been disabled* | +| LOOP START/ENABLE | Yes | *Loop has been enabled* | +| LOOP SUSPEND 20 | Yes | *Loop suspended for 20 minutes* | +| LOOP RESUME | Yes | *Loop resumed* | +| LOOP CLOSED | Yes | *Current loop mode: Closed Loop* | +| LOOP LGS | Yes | *Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend* | ### Bolus -Remote bolus is not allowed within 15 min (this value is editable only if 2 phone numbers added) after last bolus command or remote commands! Therefore the response depends on the time that the last bolus was given. +Remote bolus is not allowed within 15 min (this value is editable only if 2 phone numbers added) after last bolus command or remote commands! In this case, the response would be *Remote bolus not available. Try again later.* This response is also sent when the pump is currently delivering a bolus. -- BOLUS 1.2 \* Response A: To deliver bolus 1.2U reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response B: Remote bolus not available. Try again later. -- BOLUS 0.60 MEAL \* If you specify the optional parameter MEAL, this sets the Temp Target MEAL (default values are: 90 mg/dL, 5.0 mmol/l for 45 mins). \* Response A: To deliver meal bolus 0.60U reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response B: Remote bolus not available. -- CARBS 5 \* Response: To enter 5g at 12:45 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM \* Response: To enter 5g at 17:35 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To stop extended bolus reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- EXTENDED 2 120 \* Response: To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BOLUS 1.2 | Yes | | +| BOLUS 0.60 MEAL | Yes | Delivers the specified 0.60U bolus
**and** sets the [Eating Soon TempTarget](#TempTargets-eating-soon-temp-target) | +| CARBS 5 | Yes | To enter 5g, without a bolus | +| CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM | Yes | To enter 5g at 17:35.
The acceptable time format depends
on the time setting (12h/24h) on the phone. | +| EXTENDED 2 120 | Yes | To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min.
Only for [compatible pumps](#screens-action-tab). | +| EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop extended bolus | ### Profile -- PROFILE STATUS \* Response: Profile1 -- PROFILE LIST \* Response: 1.\`Profile1\` 2.\`Profile2\` -- PROFILE 1 \* Response: To switch profile to Profile1 100% reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- PROFILE 2 30 \* Response: To switch profile to Profile2 30% reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| PROFILE STATUS | No | Current profile and percentage | +| PROFILE LIST | No | The current list of profiles in **AAPS**, e.g.:
1. Profile1
2. Profile2 | +| PROFILE 1 | Yes | To switch profile to profile 1 in the list.
Use the numbers as returned by the **PROFILE LIST**,
not the profile names as you saved them | +| PROFILE 2 30 | Yes | To switch profile to Profile2 30% | + +### Temporary Targets + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------- | +| TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | Yes | To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | +| TARGET STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To cancel Temp Target | + (SMSCommands-other)= ### Kiti -- TREATMENTS REFRESH \* Response: Refresh treatments from NS -- NSClient RESTART \* Response: NSCLIENT RESTART SENT -- PUMP \* Response: Last conn: 1 min ago Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 -- PUMP CONNECT \* Response: Pump reconnected -- PUMP DISCONNECT *30* \* Response: To disconnect pump for *30* minutes reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- SMS DISABLE/STOP \* Response: To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any. Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly from the AAPS master smartphone only. -- TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO \* Response: To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- TARGET STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To cancel Temp Target reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- HELP \* Response: BG, LOOP, TREATMENTS, ..... -- HELP BOLUS \* Response: BOLUS 1.2 BOLUS 1.2 MEAL +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------ | ---- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| TREATMENTS REFRESH | No | Refresh treatments from NS | +| NSCLIENT RESTART | No | Useful if you notice a communication problem
with Nightscout or **AAPSClient** | +| SMS DISABLE/STOP | No | To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any.
Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly
from the **AAPS** master smartphone only. | +| HELP | No | Returns all functions available for interrogation:
Send further ***HELP ***FUNCTION****** command to list
all options available in this section. | +| HELP BOLUS | | *BOLUS 1.2
BOLUS 1.2 MEAL* | (SMSCommands-troubleshooting)= -## Troubleshooting +## Troubleshooting and FAQ -### Multiple SMS +```{contents} List of questions and issues +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -If you receive the same message over and over again (i.e. profile switch) you will probably have set up a circle with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please make sure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NS. +### What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? -If the other app is installed on multiple phones make sure to deactivate upload on all of them. +1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting "profile exercise" for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. + +2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the **AAPS** phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation, and you cancel it (on the **AAPS** phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. -### SMS commands not working on Samsung phones +**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. -There was a report on SMS commands stopping after an update on Galaxy S10 phone. Could be solved by disabling 'send as chat message'. +**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. + +### What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? + +**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. + +### Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? + +It could be for one of these reasons: + +1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The **AAPS** phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the **AAPS** phone). + +### No response whatsoever for SMS commands + +On the caregiver phone and/or **AAPS** phone, try disabling the following options : +* **Send as chat message** ![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) +* If using Android Messages App or Google Messages App, disable RCS messaging: + - open the specific SMS conversation in Messages + - Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner + - select "Details" + - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" ![Disable RCS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableRCS.png) + +### Errors carrying out commands + +There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: + +* SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct +* You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) +* You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) +* The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led **AAPS** to calculate that the authenticator code had expired +* The **AAPS** phone is out of range/contact with the pump +* The system is already busy delivering a bolus + +Common errors are shown in the examples below: + +![image](../images/remote-control-17.png) + +### How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? + +You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. + +For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. + +### Multiple SMS + +If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. + +If the other app is installed on multiple phones make sure to deactivate upload on all of them. -![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) -### Android Messages App +### I am getting far too many text messages from SMS Commands. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? -If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app disable end-to-end ecryption on both caregiver and child's phones. - - open the specific SMS conversation in Messages - - Select the options ellipisis in the top right corner - - select "Details" - - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" +Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the **AAPS** phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your **AAPS** phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/KidsMonitoring.png b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/KidsMonitoring.png index da04a0647dd1..a3628b5c4f85 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/KidsMonitoring.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/KidsMonitoring.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/SMSdisableRCS.png b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/SMSdisableRCS.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..86ce50229c39 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/SMSdisableRCS.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/remote-control-07.png b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/remote-control-07.png index f39574e5ad4b..f0174d83b06b 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/remote-control-07.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/remote-control-07.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/remote-control-08.png b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/remote-control-08.png index e96c345b2698..a26373899bba 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/remote-control-08.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/remote-control-08.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 84dc3e95dcf0..527124818fd2 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,10 +9,17 @@ Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not ```{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md) :class: warning -**Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. +**Average Smoothing or Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ``` -## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) +## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) + +- Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) +- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). + +- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) + +## 2. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) **Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** @@ -36,13 +43,6 @@ A patched Dexcom G7 app (DiaKEM) gives access to the Dexcom G7 data. This is not - If AAPS does not receive any values, switch to another BG source and then back to 'BYODA' to invoke the query for approving data exchange between AAPS and BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - -- Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) -- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - -- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) - ## 3. xDrip+ (companion mode) - Download and install xDrip+: [xDrip](https://github.com/NightscoutFoundation/xDrip) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md index af0fad35a9c2..6713ac4aba4d 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md @@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ Use this option only if your CGM data is being properly smoothed by your collect ## Suggestions to use smoothing -| | Exponential | Average | None | -| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:--------:|:-----------:| -| G5 and G6 | | If noisy | Recommended | -| G7 | Recommended | | | -| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | -| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | +| | Exponential | Average | None | +| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:---------:|:-----------:| +| G5 and G6 | If noisy | | Recommended | +| G7 | If noisy | If stable | | +| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | +| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | ### Dexcom sensors diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Getting-Started/Phones.md b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Getting-Started/Phones.md index cb1f470afa1d..97d1c7e166aa 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Getting-Started/Phones.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Getting-Started/Phones.md @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # Telefoons -The current version of **AAPS** requires an Android smartphone with Google Android 9.0 or above. So if you are thinking about a new phone, Android 9 is recommended at a minimum but optimally choose Android 13 or 14. - -For older Android versions, older **AAPS** versions are available see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. +As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject. +Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). - [List of tested phones](../CompatiblePhones/ListOfTestedPhones.md) - [Jelly Pro Settings](../CompatiblePhones/Jelly.md) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md index 6d054b59dd2b..61cc0e4d77a2 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md @@ -209,7 +209,8 @@ This documentation aims to reduce the technical expertise required to an absolut ### Smartphones #### AAPS and Android Versions -The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons, however for users unable to use a device with Android 9.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions like [Android 8](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/ and [Android 7](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/2.6.2), remain available from previous releases (check the release notes for legacy versions). + +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred.
As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject.
Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). #### Smartphone model choice The exact model you buy depends on the desired function(s). You can find on the [Phones page](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) recommendations and user feedback about working setups. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md index b78d79f0dca9..9c949e62fb4a 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md @@ -17,272 +17,9 @@ The first three are mostly appropriate for carers/parents, but smartwatches are 5. Examples for school care plans for children of different ages can be found in the [“files section”](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/files/) of the **AAPS** Facebook page. 6. What is your emergency plan for when remote control does not work (_i.e._ network problems or lost bluetooth connection)? Always consider what will happen with **AAPS** if you suddenly can’t send a new command. **AAPS** overwrites the pump basal, ISF and ICR with the current profile values. Only use temporary profile switches (_i.e._ with a set time duration) if switching to a stronger insulin profile, in case your remote connection is disrupted. Then the pump will revert to the original profile when the time expires. -(RemoteControl-sms-commands)= ## 1) SMS Commands -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note - -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md). - -``` - -You can control **AAPS** remotely via text (SMS) message through a feature known as **SMS Commands**. SMS commands can be sent to **AAPS** by _any_ type of phone (iPhone/Android). - -**SMS commands are really useful:** -1. For routine remote control - -2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin - -3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). - -4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working - -### SMS command safety -If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to change **AAPS** settings) . A second phone number must be enabled for SMS commands to work, even if you only have one primary caregiver/follower. You can then use the second number to temporarily disable SMS communicator (with the command **“SMS stop”**) if your main caregiver/parent phone is compromised. Versions of **AAPS** 2.7 and newer also use an [Authenticator app](#authentication-or-not)). - -### Different types of SMS commands -The **SMS Commands Table** below shows all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the AAPS app itself. The commands below have been listed by how commonly used they are likely to be, the first two tables should have most of the SMS commands you need with full looping. - -### SMS commands tables - -![SMS_command_table_1](../images/remote-control-02.png) - -![SMS_command_table_2](../images/remote-control-03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_3](../images/remote_control_and_following/SMS_command_table_3_Loop_03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_4](../images/remote-control-05.png) - -(authentication-or-not)= -### Authentication or not? - -You may notice from the table above that some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require **authenticating** with a security code from an additional app and a PIN (see below (link for more detail). A simple enquiry like “**bg**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn’t need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - -![image](../images/remote-control-06.png) - -Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: - -![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) - -### How to set up SMS commands - -The overall process is as follows: - -**1) Download an authenticator (caregiver phone)** - -**2) Check phone settings (AAPS phone)** - -**3) Date and time synching (caregiver and AAPS phone)** - -**4) AAPS settings (APPS phone)** - -**5) Testing SMS commands works (caregiver and AAPS phone)** - -### Let's get started! - -1) **Download an authenticator**: On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install one authenticator of your choice from the list below: - -[**Authy**](https://authy.com/download/) - -[**Google Authenticator - Android / iOS**](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2&pli=1) - -[**LastPass Authenticator**](https://www.lastpass.com/solutions/authentication) - -[**FreeOTP Authenticator**](https://freeotp.github.io/) - -These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. - -2) **Check phone settings:** In the **AAPS** phone settings go to Apps > AndroidAPS > Permissions > SMS > Allow SMS - -![image](../images/remote-control-08.png) - -3) **Date and time synching:** In both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific handsets, you may need to try out different settings. - -Example (for Samsung S23 handset): Settings – general management – date and time- automatic date and time - -Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterwards if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). - -4) **AAPS settings:** - -i) Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the left hand hamburger menu to navigate to Config Builder: - -![image](../images/remote-control-09.png) - -ii) Enable “SMS communicator” by checking the boxes, then click the “cog” to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen: - -![image](../images/remote-control-10.png) - -_Note - as an alternative route to Config Builder, you can also use the new “SMS Communicator tab” at the top of the AAPS screen, then right click on the custom right hand hamburger menu for that page, to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen._ - -iii) On the preferences screen enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: - -![image](../images/remote-control-11.png) - -iv) Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: - -UK phone number: +447976304596 - -US phone number: +11234567890 - -FR phone number: +33612344567 - -_etc._ - -Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. - -If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with NO space between numbers (this is critical!). Select “OK”: - - -![image](../images/remote-control-12.png) - -v) Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. - -PIN requirements are: - -•3 to 6 digits - -•not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) - -•not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) - -![image](../images/remote-control-13.png) - -vi) On the preferences screen select “Authenticator setup” - -● Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. - -● Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_ set up a new connection and - -● Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. - -● Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - -Example: - -The token from the authenticator app is 457051 - -Your mandatory PIN is 2401 - -Code to check: 4570512401 - -If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: - - -![image](../images/remote-control-14.png) - -You should now be set up with SMS commands. - -### First steps using SMS commands - -1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the AAPS phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: - -![image](../images/remote-control-15.png) - -2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator. To do this, send a text from the caregiver’s phone with the required command to the**AAPS** phone (_e.g._ “target hypo”). The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by an additional secret **PIN** known only to caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). - -This example is shown below, with the SMS command “target hypo” to set a hypo temp target: - -● In this example, your PIN is 1289 - -● Code from your authenticator app is 274127 - -● When prompted, text 2741271289 - -Commands must be sent in English. The response should be in your local language. When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the AAPS phone, to see how it works: - -![image](../images/remote-control-16.png) - -The caregiver’s phone will receive a SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: - -● SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct - -● You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) - -● You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) - -● The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led AAPS to calculate that the authenticator code had expired - -● The AAPS phone is out of range/contact with the pump - -● The system is already busy delivering a bolus - -If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. - -Common errors are shown in the examples below: - -![image](../images/remote-control-17.png) - -### Additional safety notes on SMS commands - -The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” - -If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “RESET AUTHENTICATORS” in AAPS (see preferences screenshot above, link) or send the SMS command “SMS stop”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. - -### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands - -Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: - -1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. - -To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. - -**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or AAPSClient with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions sub section below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. - -### SMS commands troubleshooting and FAQ - -#### Q: What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? - -1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting “profile exercise“ for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. - -2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the AAPS phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation and you cancel it (on the AAPS phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. - -**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. - -**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. - -#### Q: What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? - -**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. - -#### Q: Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? - -It could be for one of these reasons: - -1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The AAPS phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the AAPS phone). - -#### Q: How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? - -You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. - -For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. - -#### Q. Why am I getting multiple SMS texts of the same message? - -If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. - -#### Q. I’ve just set up SMS commands and I am now getting far too many text messages. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? - -Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the AAPS phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your AAPS phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. - -#### Q. Why are SMS commands not working on my Samsung phone? - -There was a report of SMS commands stopping after an update on a Samsung Galaxy S10 phone. This was solved by disabling ‘send as chat message’. - - -![image](../images/remote-control-18.png) - -#### Q. How can I fix issues with the Android Messages App? - -If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app, disable end-to-end encryption on both caregiver and dependent’s phones: - -● Open the specific SMS conversation in Messages - -● Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner - -● select “Details” - -● Activate “Only send SMS and MMS messages” +See the dedicated [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md) page. (aapsclient)= ## 2) AAPSClient @@ -696,11 +433,11 @@ Click side "plug-in" socket in the app, in order to upload Wear OS.apk onto the The final step is to configure **AAPS** on the phone to interact with **AAPS** Wear” on the watch. To do this, enable the Wear plugin in Config Builder: -● Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone +* Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone -● Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab +* Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab -● Tick for Wear selection under General +* Tick for Wear selection under General ![image](../images/ae6d75a1-1829-4d2e-b0dc-153e31e4a466.png) @@ -728,27 +465,27 @@ Once you have setup **AAPS** on your watch, extensive details about the smartwat As a brief overview, the following functions can be triggered from the smartwatch: -● set a temporary target +* set a temporary target -● use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) +* use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) -● administer eCarbs +* administer eCarbs -● administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) +* administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) -● watch settings +* watch settings -● status +* status -● check pump status +* check pump status -● check loop status +* check loop status -● check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) +* check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) -● show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) +* show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) -● Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) +* Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) #### Communication from caregivers to the watch using other apps (like Whatsapp) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md index a57e3e44e92c..d4298a2f1232 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md @@ -1,194 +1,337 @@ # SMS Commands -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note +```{contents} Table of contents +:depth: 2 +``` -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](#RemoteControl-sms-commands)). +Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following **AAPS** etc. can be done on [**AAPSClient** app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. Boluses, however, can't be given through **AAPSClient**, but you can use SMS commands. If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use **AAPSClient** app, there are additional SMS commands available. -``` +**SMS commands are really useful:** +1. For routine remote control + +2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin + +3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). + +4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working ## Safety First -. -- AAPS allows you to control a child's phone remotely via text message. Bedenk wel, dat de telefoon die is ingesteld om externe commando's te geven, kan worden gestolen. Beveilig die telefoon dus goed, met op z'n minst een pincode. A strong password or biometrics are recommended. -- Additionally it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. So you can use second number to [temporary disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets lost or stolen. -- AAPS will also inform you by text message if your remote commands, such as a bolus or a profile change, have been carried out. Het wordt aangeraden om ten minste 2 telefoonnummers te koppelen in de SMS communicator instellingen. Mocht één van de gekoppelde telefoons worden gestolen, dan zul je deze bevestigings-SMS'jes evengoed nog op het tweede telefoonnummer binnenkrijgen. -- **If you bolus through SMS Commands you must enter carbs through Nightscout (AAPSClient, Website...)!** If you fail to do so IOB would be correct with too low COB potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as AAPS assumes that you have too much active insulin. -- As of AAPS version 2.7 an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety when using SMS commands. + +If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to export **AAPS** settings). + +Additionally, it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. This way, you can use the second number to [disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets compromised. + +The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” + +AAPS will also inform you by text message if your remote commands, such as a bolus or a profile change, have been carried out. Het wordt aangeraden om ten minste 2 telefoonnummers te koppelen in de SMS communicator instellingen. Mocht één van de gekoppelde telefoons worden gestolen, dan zul je deze bevestigings-SMS'jes evengoed nog op het tweede telefoonnummer binnenkrijgen. + +**If you bolus through SMS Commands, you must enter carbs separately (second SMS, AAPSClient, Nightscout...)!** If you fail to do so, the IOB would be correct with too low COB, potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as **AAPS** assumes that you have too much active insulin. + +For the sensitive commands, an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety. + +If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “[Reset Authenticators](#sms-commands-authenticator-setup)” in **AAPS** or send the SMS command “[SMS stop](#SMSCommands-other)”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. ## Setup SMS commands -![SMS Commands Setup](../images/SMSCommandsSetup.png) +```{contents} The overall process is as follows +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -- Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following AAPS etc. can be done on [AAPSClient app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. -- Boluses can't be given through Nightscout, but you can use SMS commands. -- If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use AAPSClient app, there are additional SMS commands available. -- In your android phone setting go to Applications > AndroidAPS > Permissions and enable SMS +### Authenticator setup -(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= -### Authorized phone numbers +Two-factor authentication is used to improve safety. + +On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install an Authenticator app. Popular free apps are: + - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) + - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) + - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) + - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) + +These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. -- In AAPS go to **Preferences > SMS Communicator** and enter the phone number(s) that you will allow SMS commands to come from (separated by semicolons - i.e. +6412345678;+6412345679) +### Check phone settings -- Note that the "+" in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. +On your phone, go to **Apps > AAPS > Permissions**. Make sure **SMS** and **Phone** are allowed. -- Enable 'Allow remote commands via SMS'. +![image](../images/remote-control-08.png) -- If you want to use more than one number: +### Date and time synching - - Enter just one number. +The time on both phones must be synchronized. Best practice is set automatically from network. Time differences might lead to authentication problems. - - Make that single number work by sending and confirming a SMS command. +On both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific device, you may need to try out different settings. - - Enter additional number(s) separated by semicolon, no space. +Example (for Samsung S23): **Settings > General management > Date and time**: make sure that **Automatic date and time** is checked. - ![SMS Commands Setup multiple numbers](../images/SMSCommandsSetupSpace2.png) +Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterward if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). -### Minutes between bolus commands +### AAPS settings + +Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the [Config Builder](../SettingUpAaps/ConfigBuilder.md) to enable the **SMS Communicator** module. + +Go to the Preferences for SMS Communicator. + +Enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: + +![image](../images/remote-control-11.png) + +(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= +#### Allowed phone numbers + +Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: +* UK phone number: +447976304596 +* US phone number: +11234567890 +* FR phone number: +33612344567 +* _etc._ + +Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. + +If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with **NO space between numbers** (this is critical!). Select “OK”: + +![image](../images/remote-control-12.png) + +#### Minutes between bolus commands - You can define the minimum delay between two boluses issued via SMS. - For safety reasons you have to add at least two authorized phone numbers to edit this value. -### Additionally mandatory PIN at token end +#### Additional mandatory PIN at token end -- For safety reasons the reply code must be followed by a PIN. +For safety reasons, the reply code must be followed by a PIN. Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. -- PIN rules: +PIN requirements are: - - 3 to 6 digits - - not same digits (i.e. 1111) - - not in a row (i.e. 1234) +* 3 to 6 digits +* not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) +* not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) -### Authenticator setup +![image](../images/remote-control-13.png) -- Two-factor authentication is used to improve safety. +(sms-commands-authenticator-setup)= +#### Authenticator setup -- You can use any Authenticator app that supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. Popular free apps are: +* Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. +* Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_, set up a new connection and +* Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. +* Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) - - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) - - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) - - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) +Example: +* The token from the authenticator app is 457051 +* Your mandatory PIN is 2401 +* Code to check: 4570512401 + +If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. **There is no button you can press!** The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: + +![image](../images/remote-control-14.png) -- Install the authenticator app of your choice on your follower phone and scan the QR code shown in AAPS. +You should now be set up with SMS commands. -- Test the one-time password by entering the token shown in your authenticator app and the PIN you just setup in AAPS. Example: +Use button "Authenticator setup > Reset Authenticators" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (By resetting authenticator you make ALL already provisioned authenticators invalid. You will need to set them up again.) - - Your mandatory PIN is 2020 - - TOTP token from the authenticator app is 457051 - - Enter 4570512020 +## SMS commands usage -- The red text "WRONG PIN" will change **automatically** to a green "OK" if the entry is correct. **There is no button you can press!** +### First steps using SMS commands -- The time on both phones must be synchronized. Best practice is set automatically from network. Time differences might lead to authentication problems. +1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the **AAPS** phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: -- Use button "RESET AUTHENTICATORS" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (By resetting authenticator you make ALL already provisioned authenticators invalid. You will need to set them up again) +![image](../images/remote-control-15.png) -## Use SMS commands +If you don't receive any response, check the [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) section below. -- Send a SMS to the phone with AAPS running from your approved phone number(s) using any of the [commands](#commands) below. +2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator, _e.g._ “target hypo”. The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by the additional secret **PIN** known only by caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). -- The AAPS phone will respond to confirm success of command or status requested. +When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the **AAPS** phone, to see how it works: -- Confirm command by sending the code where necessary. Example: +![image](../images/remote-control-16.png) - - Your mandatory PIN is 2020 - - TOTP token from the authenticator app is 457051 - - Enter 4570512020 +The caregiver’s phone will receive an SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. + +If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. See [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) below for common errors. **Hint**: It can be useful to have unlimited SMS on your phone plan (for each phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent. +### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands + +Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: + +1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. + +To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. + +**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or **AAPSClient** with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions subsection below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. + (SMSCommands-commands)= ## Commands -Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). +```{contents} List of command groups +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) +Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). The commands are not case-sensitive, you can use lower or upper case. -### Loop +![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) -- LOOP STOP/DISABLE \* Response: Loop has been disabled +The **SMS Commands Tables** below show all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the **AAPS** app itself. -- LOOP START/ENABLE \* Response: Loop has been enabled +(authentication-or-not)= +### Authentication or not? -- LOOP STATUS +Some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require strong **authentication** through the Authenticator app. A simple enquiry like “**BG**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn't need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - - Response depends on actual status +![image](../images/remote-control-06.png) - - Loop is disabled - - Loop is enabled - - Suspended (10 min) +Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: -- LOOP SUSPEND 20 \* Response: Loop suspended for 20 minutes +![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) -- LOOP RESUME \* Response: Loop resumed +The *Auth* column in the tables below, indicates whether such a strong authentication is required for each command. -- LOOP CLOSED \* Response: Current loop mode: Closed Loop +### CGM data -- LOOP LGS \* Response: Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BG | No | Returns: last BG, delta, IOB (bolus and basal), COB
*Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U)* | +| CAL 5.6/90 | Yes | Will calibrate the CGM with a value of 5.6/90
(use the value appropriate to your glucose units)
Works only if properly set-up in **AAPS**.
*Calibration sent* | -### CGM data +### Pump -- BG \* Response: Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U) -- CAL 5.6 \* Response: To send calibration 5.6 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response after correct code was received: Calibration sent (**If xDrip is installed. Accepting calibrations must be enabled in xDrip+**) +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| PUMP | No | Last conn: 1 min ago
Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min
IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 | +| PUMP DISCONNECT *30* | Yes | To disconnect pump for *30* minutes | +| PUMP CONNECT | Yes | Pump reconnected | ### Basal -- BASAL STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To stop temp basal reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 0.3 \* Response: To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 0.3 20 \* Response: To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 30% \* Response: To start basal 30% for 30 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 30% 50 \* Response: To start basal 30% for 50 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | -------------------------------- | +| BASAL 0.3 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min | +| BASAL 0.3 20 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min | +| BASAL 30% | Yes | To start basal 30% for 30 min | +| BASAL 30% 50 | Yes | To start basal 30% for 50 min | +| BASAL STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop temp basal | + + +### Loop + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| LOOP STATUS | No | Response depends on actual status:
- *Loop is disabled* if the loop is disabled or LGS
- *Loop is enabled* if the loop is closed or open
- *Suspended (10 min)* if the loop is disconnected or suspended | +| LOOP STOP/DISABLE | Yes | The pump will revert to the pre-programmed basal rate.
*Loop has been disabled* | +| LOOP START/ENABLE | Yes | *Loop has been enabled* | +| LOOP SUSPEND 20 | Yes | *Loop suspended for 20 minutes* | +| LOOP RESUME | Yes | *Loop resumed* | +| LOOP CLOSED | Yes | *Current loop mode: Closed Loop* | +| LOOP LGS | Yes | *Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend* | ### Bolus -Remote bolus is not allowed within 15 min (this value is editable only if 2 phone numbers added) after last bolus command or remote commands! Therefore the response depends on the time that the last bolus was given. +Remote bolus is not allowed within 15 min (this value is editable only if 2 phone numbers added) after last bolus command or remote commands! In this case, the response would be *Remote bolus not available. Try again later.* This response is also sent when the pump is currently delivering a bolus. -- BOLUS 1.2 \* Response A: To deliver bolus 1.2U reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response B: Remote bolus not available. Try again later. -- BOLUS 0.60 MEAL \* If you specify the optional parameter MEAL, this sets the Temp Target MEAL (default values are: 90 mg/dL, 5.0 mmol/l for 45 mins). \* Response A: To deliver meal bolus 0.60U reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response B: Remote bolus not available. -- CARBS 5 \* Response: To enter 5g at 12:45 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM \* Response: To enter 5g at 17:35 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To stop extended bolus reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- EXTENDED 2 120 \* Response: To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BOLUS 1.2 | Yes | | +| BOLUS 0.60 MEAL | Yes | Delivers the specified 0.60U bolus
**and** sets the [Eating Soon TempTarget](#TempTargets-eating-soon-temp-target) | +| CARBS 5 | Yes | To enter 5g, without a bolus | +| CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM | Yes | To enter 5g at 17:35.
The acceptable time format depends
on the time setting (12h/24h) on the phone. | +| EXTENDED 2 120 | Yes | To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min.
Only for [compatible pumps](#screens-action-tab). | +| EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop extended bolus | ### Profile -- PROFILE STATUS \* Response: Profile1 -- PROFILE LIST \* Response: 1.\`Profile1\` 2.\`Profile2\` -- PROFILE 1 \* Response: To switch profile to Profile1 100% reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- PROFILE 2 30 \* Response: To switch profile to Profile2 30% reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| PROFILE STATUS | No | Current profile and percentage | +| PROFILE LIST | No | The current list of profiles in **AAPS**, e.g.:
1. Profile1
2. Profile2 | +| PROFILE 1 | Yes | To switch profile to profile 1 in the list.
Use the numbers as returned by the **PROFILE LIST**,
not the profile names as you saved them | +| PROFILE 2 30 | Yes | To switch profile to Profile2 30% | + +### Temporary Targets + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------- | +| TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | Yes | To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | +| TARGET STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To cancel Temp Target | + (SMSCommands-other)= ### Andere -- TREATMENTS REFRESH \* Response: Refresh treatments from NS -- NSClient RESTART \* Response: NSCLIENT RESTART SENT -- PUMP \* Response: Last conn: 1 min ago Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 -- PUMP CONNECT \* Response: Pump reconnected -- PUMP DISCONNECT *30* \* Response: To disconnect pump for *30* minutes reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- SMS DISABLE/STOP \* Response: To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any. Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly from the AAPS master smartphone only. -- TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO \* Response: To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- TARGET STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To cancel Temp Target reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- HELP \* Response: BG, LOOP, TREATMENTS, ..... -- HELP BOLUS \* Response: BOLUS 1.2 BOLUS 1.2 MEAL +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------ | ---- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| TREATMENTS REFRESH | No | Refresh treatments from NS | +| NSCLIENT RESTART | No | Useful if you notice a communication problem
with Nightscout or **AAPSClient** | +| SMS DISABLE/STOP | No | To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any.
Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly
from the **AAPS** master smartphone only. | +| HELP | No | Returns all functions available for interrogation:
Send further ***HELP ***FUNCTION****** command to list
all options available in this section. | +| HELP BOLUS | | *BOLUS 1.2
BOLUS 1.2 MEAL* | (SMSCommands-troubleshooting)= -## Troubleshooting +## Troubleshooting and FAQ -### Multiple SMS +```{contents} List of questions and issues +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -If you receive the same message over and over again (i.e. profile switch) you will probably have set up a circle with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please make sure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NS. +### What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? -If the other app is installed on multiple phones make sure to deactivate upload on all of them. +1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting "profile exercise" for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. + +2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the **AAPS** phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation, and you cancel it (on the **AAPS** phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. -### SMS commands not working on Samsung phones +**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. -There was a report on SMS commands stopping after an update on Galaxy S10 phone. Could be solved by disabling 'send as chat message'. +**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. + +### What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? + +**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. + +### Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? + +It could be for one of these reasons: + +1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The **AAPS** phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the **AAPS** phone). + +### No response whatsoever for SMS commands + +On the caregiver phone and/or **AAPS** phone, try disabling the following options : +* **Send as chat message** ![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) +* If using Android Messages App or Google Messages App, disable RCS messaging: + - open the specific SMS conversation in Messages + - Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner + - select "Details" + - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" ![Disable RCS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableRCS.png) + +### Errors carrying out commands + +There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: + +* SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct +* You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) +* You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) +* The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led **AAPS** to calculate that the authenticator code had expired +* The **AAPS** phone is out of range/contact with the pump +* The system is already busy delivering a bolus + +Common errors are shown in the examples below: + +![image](../images/remote-control-17.png) + +### How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? + +You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. + +For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. + +### Multiple SMS + +If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. + +If the other app is installed on multiple phones make sure to deactivate upload on all of them. -![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) -### Android Messages App +### I am getting far too many text messages from SMS Commands. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? -If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app disable end-to-end ecryption on both caregiver and child's phones. - - open the specific SMS conversation in Messages - - Select the options ellipisis in the top right corner - - select "Details" - - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" +Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the **AAPS** phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your **AAPS** phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/KidsMonitoring.png b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/KidsMonitoring.png index da04a0647dd1..a3628b5c4f85 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/KidsMonitoring.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/KidsMonitoring.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/SMSdisableRCS.png b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/SMSdisableRCS.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..86ce50229c39 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/SMSdisableRCS.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/remote-control-07.png b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/remote-control-07.png index f39574e5ad4b..f0174d83b06b 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/remote-control-07.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/remote-control-07.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/remote-control-08.png b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/remote-control-08.png index e96c345b2698..a26373899bba 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/remote-control-08.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/remote-control-08.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 84dc3e95dcf0..527124818fd2 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,10 +9,17 @@ Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not ```{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md) :class: warning -**Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. +**Average Smoothing or Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ``` -## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) +## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) + +- Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) +- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). + +- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) + +## 2. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) **Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** @@ -36,13 +43,6 @@ A patched Dexcom G7 app (DiaKEM) gives access to the Dexcom G7 data. This is not - If AAPS does not receive any values, switch to another BG source and then back to 'BYODA' to invoke the query for approving data exchange between AAPS and BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - -- Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) -- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - -- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) - ## 3. xDrip+ (companion mode) - Download and install xDrip+: [xDrip](https://github.com/NightscoutFoundation/xDrip) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md index c3df691fe1bc..5fe41332bcb0 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md @@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ Use this option only if your CGM data is being properly smoothed by your collect ## Suggestions to use smoothing -| | Exponential | Average | None | -| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:--------:|:-----------:| -| G5 and G6 | | If noisy | Recommended | -| G7 | Recommended | | | -| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | -| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | +| | Exponential | Average | None | +| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:---------:|:-----------:| +| G5 and G6 | If noisy | | Recommended | +| G7 | If noisy | If stable | | +| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | +| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | ### Dexcom sensors diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Getting-Started/Phones.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Getting-Started/Phones.md index b501e621221f..b5460cc8acae 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Getting-Started/Phones.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Getting-Started/Phones.md @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # Phones -The current version of **AAPS** requires an Android smartphone with Google Android 9.0 or above. So if you are thinking about a new phone, Android 9 is recommended at a minimum but optimally choose Android 13 or 14. - -For older Android versions, older **AAPS** versions are available see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. +As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject. +Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). - [List of tested phones](../CompatiblePhones/ListOfTestedPhones.md) - [Jelly Pro Settings](../CompatiblePhones/Jelly.md) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md index 3c607028cc27..d0b486caa57f 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md @@ -209,7 +209,8 @@ This documentation aims to reduce the technical expertise required to an absolut ### Smartphones #### AAPS and Android Versions -The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons, however for users unable to use a device with Android 9.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions like [Android 8](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/ and [Android 7](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/2.6.2), remain available from previous releases (check the release notes for legacy versions). + +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred.
As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject.
Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). #### Smartphone model choice The exact model you buy depends on the desired function(s). You can find on the [Phones page](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) recommendations and user feedback about working setups. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md index b78d79f0dca9..9c949e62fb4a 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md @@ -17,272 +17,9 @@ The first three are mostly appropriate for carers/parents, but smartwatches are 5. Examples for school care plans for children of different ages can be found in the [“files section”](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/files/) of the **AAPS** Facebook page. 6. What is your emergency plan for when remote control does not work (_i.e._ network problems or lost bluetooth connection)? Always consider what will happen with **AAPS** if you suddenly can’t send a new command. **AAPS** overwrites the pump basal, ISF and ICR with the current profile values. Only use temporary profile switches (_i.e._ with a set time duration) if switching to a stronger insulin profile, in case your remote connection is disrupted. Then the pump will revert to the original profile when the time expires. -(RemoteControl-sms-commands)= ## 1) SMS Commands -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note - -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md). - -``` - -You can control **AAPS** remotely via text (SMS) message through a feature known as **SMS Commands**. SMS commands can be sent to **AAPS** by _any_ type of phone (iPhone/Android). - -**SMS commands are really useful:** -1. For routine remote control - -2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin - -3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). - -4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working - -### SMS command safety -If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to change **AAPS** settings) . A second phone number must be enabled for SMS commands to work, even if you only have one primary caregiver/follower. You can then use the second number to temporarily disable SMS communicator (with the command **“SMS stop”**) if your main caregiver/parent phone is compromised. Versions of **AAPS** 2.7 and newer also use an [Authenticator app](#authentication-or-not)). - -### Different types of SMS commands -The **SMS Commands Table** below shows all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the AAPS app itself. The commands below have been listed by how commonly used they are likely to be, the first two tables should have most of the SMS commands you need with full looping. - -### SMS commands tables - -![SMS_command_table_1](../images/remote-control-02.png) - -![SMS_command_table_2](../images/remote-control-03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_3](../images/remote_control_and_following/SMS_command_table_3_Loop_03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_4](../images/remote-control-05.png) - -(authentication-or-not)= -### Authentication or not? - -You may notice from the table above that some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require **authenticating** with a security code from an additional app and a PIN (see below (link for more detail). A simple enquiry like “**bg**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn’t need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - -![image](../images/remote-control-06.png) - -Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: - -![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) - -### How to set up SMS commands - -The overall process is as follows: - -**1) Download an authenticator (caregiver phone)** - -**2) Check phone settings (AAPS phone)** - -**3) Date and time synching (caregiver and AAPS phone)** - -**4) AAPS settings (APPS phone)** - -**5) Testing SMS commands works (caregiver and AAPS phone)** - -### Let's get started! - -1) **Download an authenticator**: On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install one authenticator of your choice from the list below: - -[**Authy**](https://authy.com/download/) - -[**Google Authenticator - Android / iOS**](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2&pli=1) - -[**LastPass Authenticator**](https://www.lastpass.com/solutions/authentication) - -[**FreeOTP Authenticator**](https://freeotp.github.io/) - -These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. - -2) **Check phone settings:** In the **AAPS** phone settings go to Apps > AndroidAPS > Permissions > SMS > Allow SMS - -![image](../images/remote-control-08.png) - -3) **Date and time synching:** In both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific handsets, you may need to try out different settings. - -Example (for Samsung S23 handset): Settings – general management – date and time- automatic date and time - -Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterwards if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). - -4) **AAPS settings:** - -i) Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the left hand hamburger menu to navigate to Config Builder: - -![image](../images/remote-control-09.png) - -ii) Enable “SMS communicator” by checking the boxes, then click the “cog” to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen: - -![image](../images/remote-control-10.png) - -_Note - as an alternative route to Config Builder, you can also use the new “SMS Communicator tab” at the top of the AAPS screen, then right click on the custom right hand hamburger menu for that page, to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen._ - -iii) On the preferences screen enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: - -![image](../images/remote-control-11.png) - -iv) Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: - -UK phone number: +447976304596 - -US phone number: +11234567890 - -FR phone number: +33612344567 - -_etc._ - -Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. - -If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with NO space between numbers (this is critical!). Select “OK”: - - -![image](../images/remote-control-12.png) - -v) Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. - -PIN requirements are: - -•3 to 6 digits - -•not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) - -•not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) - -![image](../images/remote-control-13.png) - -vi) On the preferences screen select “Authenticator setup” - -● Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. - -● Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_ set up a new connection and - -● Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. - -● Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - -Example: - -The token from the authenticator app is 457051 - -Your mandatory PIN is 2401 - -Code to check: 4570512401 - -If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: - - -![image](../images/remote-control-14.png) - -You should now be set up with SMS commands. - -### First steps using SMS commands - -1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the AAPS phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: - -![image](../images/remote-control-15.png) - -2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator. To do this, send a text from the caregiver’s phone with the required command to the**AAPS** phone (_e.g._ “target hypo”). The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by an additional secret **PIN** known only to caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). - -This example is shown below, with the SMS command “target hypo” to set a hypo temp target: - -● In this example, your PIN is 1289 - -● Code from your authenticator app is 274127 - -● When prompted, text 2741271289 - -Commands must be sent in English. The response should be in your local language. When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the AAPS phone, to see how it works: - -![image](../images/remote-control-16.png) - -The caregiver’s phone will receive a SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: - -● SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct - -● You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) - -● You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) - -● The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led AAPS to calculate that the authenticator code had expired - -● The AAPS phone is out of range/contact with the pump - -● The system is already busy delivering a bolus - -If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. - -Common errors are shown in the examples below: - -![image](../images/remote-control-17.png) - -### Additional safety notes on SMS commands - -The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” - -If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “RESET AUTHENTICATORS” in AAPS (see preferences screenshot above, link) or send the SMS command “SMS stop”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. - -### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands - -Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: - -1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. - -To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. - -**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or AAPSClient with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions sub section below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. - -### SMS commands troubleshooting and FAQ - -#### Q: What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? - -1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting “profile exercise“ for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. - -2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the AAPS phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation and you cancel it (on the AAPS phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. - -**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. - -**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. - -#### Q: What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? - -**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. - -#### Q: Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? - -It could be for one of these reasons: - -1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The AAPS phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the AAPS phone). - -#### Q: How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? - -You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. - -For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. - -#### Q. Why am I getting multiple SMS texts of the same message? - -If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. - -#### Q. I’ve just set up SMS commands and I am now getting far too many text messages. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? - -Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the AAPS phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your AAPS phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. - -#### Q. Why are SMS commands not working on my Samsung phone? - -There was a report of SMS commands stopping after an update on a Samsung Galaxy S10 phone. This was solved by disabling ‘send as chat message’. - - -![image](../images/remote-control-18.png) - -#### Q. How can I fix issues with the Android Messages App? - -If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app, disable end-to-end encryption on both caregiver and dependent’s phones: - -● Open the specific SMS conversation in Messages - -● Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner - -● select “Details” - -● Activate “Only send SMS and MMS messages” +See the dedicated [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md) page. (aapsclient)= ## 2) AAPSClient @@ -696,11 +433,11 @@ Click side "plug-in" socket in the app, in order to upload Wear OS.apk onto the The final step is to configure **AAPS** on the phone to interact with **AAPS** Wear” on the watch. To do this, enable the Wear plugin in Config Builder: -● Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone +* Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone -● Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab +* Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab -● Tick for Wear selection under General +* Tick for Wear selection under General ![image](../images/ae6d75a1-1829-4d2e-b0dc-153e31e4a466.png) @@ -728,27 +465,27 @@ Once you have setup **AAPS** on your watch, extensive details about the smartwat As a brief overview, the following functions can be triggered from the smartwatch: -● set a temporary target +* set a temporary target -● use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) +* use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) -● administer eCarbs +* administer eCarbs -● administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) +* administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) -● watch settings +* watch settings -● status +* status -● check pump status +* check pump status -● check loop status +* check loop status -● check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) +* check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) -● show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) +* show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) -● Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) +* Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) #### Communication from caregivers to the watch using other apps (like Whatsapp) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md index 6f14c34f281f..5f8aff9def14 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md @@ -1,194 +1,337 @@ # SMS Commands -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note +```{contents} Table of contents +:depth: 2 +``` -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](#RemoteControl-sms-commands)). +Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following **AAPS** etc. can be done on [**AAPSClient** app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. Boluses, however, can't be given through **AAPSClient**, but you can use SMS commands. If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use **AAPSClient** app, there are additional SMS commands available. -``` +**SMS commands are really useful:** +1. For routine remote control + +2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin + +3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). + +4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working ## Safety First -. -- AAPS allows you to control a child's phone remotely via text message. If you enable this SMS Communicator, always remember that the phone set up to give remote commands could be stolen. So always protect it at least by a PIN code. A strong password or biometrics are recommended. -- Additionally it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. So you can use second number to [temporary disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets lost or stolen. -- AAPS will also inform you by text message if your remote commands, such as a bolus or a profile change, have been carried out. It is advisable to set this up so that confirmation texts are sent to at least two different phone numbers in case one of the receiving phones is stolen. -- **If you bolus through SMS Commands you must enter carbs through Nightscout (AAPSClient, Website...)!** If you fail to do so IOB would be correct with too low COB potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as AAPS assumes that you have too much active insulin. -- As of AAPS version 2.7 an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety when using SMS commands. + +If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to export **AAPS** settings). + +Additionally, it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. This way, you can use the second number to [disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets compromised. + +The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” + +AAPS will also inform you by text message if your remote commands, such as a bolus or a profile change, have been carried out. It is advisable to set this up so that confirmation texts are sent to at least two different phone numbers in case one of the receiving phones is stolen. + +**If you bolus through SMS Commands, you must enter carbs separately (second SMS, AAPSClient, Nightscout...)!** If you fail to do so, the IOB would be correct with too low COB, potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as **AAPS** assumes that you have too much active insulin. + +For the sensitive commands, an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety. + +If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “[Reset Authenticators](#sms-commands-authenticator-setup)” in **AAPS** or send the SMS command “[SMS stop](#SMSCommands-other)”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. ## Setup SMS commands -![SMS Commands Setup](../images/SMSCommandsSetup.png) +```{contents} The overall process is as follows +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -- Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following AAPS etc. can be done on [AAPSClient app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. -- Boluses can't be given through Nightscout, but you can use SMS commands. -- If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use AAPSClient app, there are additional SMS commands available. -- In your android phone setting go to Applications > AndroidAPS > Permissions and enable SMS +### Authenticator setup -(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= -### Authorized phone numbers +Two-factor authentication is used to improve safety. + +On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install an Authenticator app. Popular free apps are: + - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) + - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) + - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) + - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) + +These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. -- In AAPS go to **Preferences > SMS Communicator** and enter the phone number(s) that you will allow SMS commands to come from (separated by semicolons - i.e. +6412345678;+6412345679) +### Check phone settings -- Note that the "+" in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. +On your phone, go to **Apps > AAPS > Permissions**. Make sure **SMS** and **Phone** are allowed. -- Enable 'Allow remote commands via SMS'. +![image](../images/remote-control-08.png) -- If you want to use more than one number: +### Date and time synching - - Enter just one number. +The time on both phones must be synchronized. Best practice is set automatically from network. Time differences might lead to authentication problems. - - Make that single number work by sending and confirming a SMS command. +On both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific device, you may need to try out different settings. - - Enter additional number(s) separated by semicolon, no space. +Example (for Samsung S23): **Settings > General management > Date and time**: make sure that **Automatic date and time** is checked. - ![SMS Commands Setup multiple numbers](../images/SMSCommandsSetupSpace2.png) +Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterward if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). -### Minutes between bolus commands +### AAPS settings + +Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the [Config Builder](../SettingUpAaps/ConfigBuilder.md) to enable the **SMS Communicator** module. + +Go to the Preferences for SMS Communicator. + +Enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: + +![image](../images/remote-control-11.png) + +(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= +#### Allowed phone numbers + +Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: +* UK phone number: +447976304596 +* US phone number: +11234567890 +* FR phone number: +33612344567 +* _etc._ + +Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. + +If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with **NO space between numbers** (this is critical!). Select “OK”: + +![image](../images/remote-control-12.png) + +#### Minutes between bolus commands - You can define the minimum delay between two boluses issued via SMS. - For safety reasons you have to add at least two authorized phone numbers to edit this value. -### Additionally mandatory PIN at token end +#### Additional mandatory PIN at token end -- For safety reasons the reply code must be followed by a PIN. +For safety reasons, the reply code must be followed by a PIN. Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. -- PIN rules: +PIN requirements are: - - 3 to 6 digits - - not same digits (i.e. 1111) - - not in a row (i.e. 1234) +* 3 to 6 digits +* not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) +* not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) -### Authenticator setup +![image](../images/remote-control-13.png) -- Two-factor authentication is used to improve safety. +(sms-commands-authenticator-setup)= +#### Authenticator setup -- You can use any Authenticator app that supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. Popular free apps are: +* Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. +* Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_, set up a new connection and +* Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. +* Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) - - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) - - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) - - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) +Example: +* The token from the authenticator app is 457051 +* Your mandatory PIN is 2401 +* Code to check: 4570512401 + +If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. **There is no button you can press!** The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: + +![image](../images/remote-control-14.png) -- Install the authenticator app of your choice on your follower phone and scan the QR code shown in AAPS. +You should now be set up with SMS commands. -- Test the one-time password by entering the token shown in your authenticator app and the PIN you just setup in AAPS. Example: +Use button "Authenticator setup > Reset Authenticators" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (By resetting authenticator you make ALL already provisioned authenticators invalid. You will need to set them up again.) - - Your mandatory PIN is 2020 - - TOTP token from the authenticator app is 457051 - - Enter 4570512020 +## SMS commands usage -- The red text "WRONG PIN" will change **automatically** to a green "OK" if the entry is correct. **There is no button you can press!** +### First steps using SMS commands -- The time on both phones must be synchronized. Best practice is set automatically from network. Time differences might lead to authentication problems. +1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the **AAPS** phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: -- Use button "RESET AUTHENTICATORS" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (By resetting authenticator you make ALL already provisioned authenticators invalid. You will need to set them up again) +![image](../images/remote-control-15.png) -## Use SMS commands +If you don't receive any response, check the [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) section below. -- Send a SMS to the phone with AAPS running from your approved phone number(s) using any of the [commands](#commands) below. +2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator, _e.g._ “target hypo”. The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by the additional secret **PIN** known only by caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). -- The AAPS phone will respond to confirm success of command or status requested. +When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the **AAPS** phone, to see how it works: -- Confirm command by sending the code where necessary. Example: +![image](../images/remote-control-16.png) - - Your mandatory PIN is 2020 - - TOTP token from the authenticator app is 457051 - - Enter 4570512020 +The caregiver’s phone will receive an SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. + +If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. See [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) below for common errors. **Hint**: It can be useful to have unlimited SMS on your phone plan (for each phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent. +### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands + +Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: + +1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. + +To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. + +**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or **AAPSClient** with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions subsection below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. + (SMSCommands-commands)= ## Commands -Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). +```{contents} List of command groups +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) +Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). The commands are not case-sensitive, you can use lower or upper case. -### Loop +![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) -- LOOP STOP/DISABLE \* Response: Loop has been disabled +The **SMS Commands Tables** below show all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the **AAPS** app itself. -- LOOP START/ENABLE \* Response: Loop has been enabled +(authentication-or-not)= +### Authentication or not? -- LOOP STATUS +Some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require strong **authentication** through the Authenticator app. A simple enquiry like “**BG**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn't need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - - Response depends on actual status +![image](../images/remote-control-06.png) - - Loop is disabled - - Loop is enabled - - Suspended (10 min) +Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: -- LOOP SUSPEND 20 \* Response: Loop suspended for 20 minutes +![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) -- LOOP RESUME \* Response: Loop resumed +The *Auth* column in the tables below, indicates whether such a strong authentication is required for each command. -- LOOP CLOSED \* Response: Current loop mode: Closed Loop +### CGM data -- LOOP LGS \* Response: Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BG | No | Returns: last BG, delta, IOB (bolus and basal), COB
*Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U)* | +| CAL 5.6/90 | Yes | Will calibrate the CGM with a value of 5.6/90
(use the value appropriate to your glucose units)
Works only if properly set-up in **AAPS**.
*Calibration sent* | -### CGM data +### Pump -- BG \* Response: Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U) -- CAL 5.6 \* Response: To send calibration 5.6 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response after correct code was received: Calibration sent (**If xDrip is installed. Accepting calibrations must be enabled in xDrip+**) +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| PUMP | No | Last conn: 1 min ago
Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min
IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 | +| PUMP DISCONNECT *30* | Yes | To disconnect pump for *30* minutes | +| PUMP CONNECT | Yes | Pump reconnected | ### Basal -- BASAL STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To stop temp basal reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 0.3 \* Response: To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 0.3 20 \* Response: To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 30% \* Response: To start basal 30% for 30 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 30% 50 \* Response: To start basal 30% for 50 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | -------------------------------- | +| BASAL 0.3 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min | +| BASAL 0.3 20 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min | +| BASAL 30% | Yes | To start basal 30% for 30 min | +| BASAL 30% 50 | Yes | To start basal 30% for 50 min | +| BASAL STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop temp basal | + + +### Loop + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| LOOP STATUS | No | Response depends on actual status:
- *Loop is disabled* if the loop is disabled or LGS
- *Loop is enabled* if the loop is closed or open
- *Suspended (10 min)* if the loop is disconnected or suspended | +| LOOP STOP/DISABLE | Yes | The pump will revert to the pre-programmed basal rate.
*Loop has been disabled* | +| LOOP START/ENABLE | Yes | *Loop has been enabled* | +| LOOP SUSPEND 20 | Yes | *Loop suspended for 20 minutes* | +| LOOP RESUME | Yes | *Loop resumed* | +| LOOP CLOSED | Yes | *Current loop mode: Closed Loop* | +| LOOP LGS | Yes | *Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend* | ### Bolus -Remote bolus is not allowed within 15 min (this value is editable only if 2 phone numbers added) after last bolus command or remote commands! Therefore the response depends on the time that the last bolus was given. +Remote bolus is not allowed within 15 min (this value is editable only if 2 phone numbers added) after last bolus command or remote commands! In this case, the response would be *Remote bolus not available. Try again later.* This response is also sent when the pump is currently delivering a bolus. -- BOLUS 1.2 \* Response A: To deliver bolus 1.2U reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response B: Remote bolus not available. Try again later. -- BOLUS 0.60 MEAL \* If you specify the optional parameter MEAL, this sets the Temp Target MEAL (default values are: 90 mg/dL, 5.0 mmol/l for 45 mins). \* Response A: To deliver meal bolus 0.60U reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response B: Remote bolus not available. -- CARBS 5 \* Response: To enter 5g at 12:45 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM \* Response: To enter 5g at 17:35 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To stop extended bolus reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- EXTENDED 2 120 \* Response: To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BOLUS 1.2 | Yes | | +| BOLUS 0.60 MEAL | Yes | Delivers the specified 0.60U bolus
**and** sets the [Eating Soon TempTarget](#TempTargets-eating-soon-temp-target) | +| CARBS 5 | Yes | To enter 5g, without a bolus | +| CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM | Yes | To enter 5g at 17:35.
The acceptable time format depends
on the time setting (12h/24h) on the phone. | +| EXTENDED 2 120 | Yes | To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min.
Only for [compatible pumps](#screens-action-tab). | +| EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop extended bolus | ### Profile -- PROFILE STATUS \* Response: Profile1 -- PROFILE LIST \* Response: 1.\`Profile1\` 2.\`Profile2\` -- PROFILE 1 \* Response: To switch profile to Profile1 100% reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- PROFILE 2 30 \* Response: To switch profile to Profile2 30% reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| PROFILE STATUS | No | Current profile and percentage | +| PROFILE LIST | No | The current list of profiles in **AAPS**, e.g.:
1. Profile1
2. Profile2 | +| PROFILE 1 | Yes | To switch profile to profile 1 in the list.
Use the numbers as returned by the **PROFILE LIST**,
not the profile names as you saved them | +| PROFILE 2 30 | Yes | To switch profile to Profile2 30% | + +### Temporary Targets + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------- | +| TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | Yes | To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | +| TARGET STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To cancel Temp Target | + (SMSCommands-other)= ### Other -- TREATMENTS REFRESH \* Response: Refresh treatments from NS -- NSClient RESTART \* Response: NSCLIENT RESTART SENT -- PUMP \* Response: Last conn: 1 min ago Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 -- PUMP CONNECT \* Response: Pump reconnected -- PUMP DISCONNECT *30* \* Response: To disconnect pump for *30* minutes reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- SMS DISABLE/STOP \* Response: To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any. Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly from the AAPS master smartphone only. -- TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO \* Response: To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- TARGET STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To cancel Temp Target reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- HELP \* Response: BG, LOOP, TREATMENTS, ..... -- HELP BOLUS \* Response: BOLUS 1.2 BOLUS 1.2 MEAL +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------ | ---- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| TREATMENTS REFRESH | No | Refresh treatments from NS | +| NSCLIENT RESTART | No | Useful if you notice a communication problem
with Nightscout or **AAPSClient** | +| SMS DISABLE/STOP | No | To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any.
Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly
from the **AAPS** master smartphone only. | +| HELP | No | Returns all functions available for interrogation:
Send further ***HELP ***FUNCTION****** command to list
all options available in this section. | +| HELP BOLUS | | *BOLUS 1.2
BOLUS 1.2 MEAL* | (SMSCommands-troubleshooting)= -## Troubleshooting +## Troubleshooting and FAQ -### Multiple SMS +```{contents} List of questions and issues +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -If you receive the same message over and over again (i.e. profile switch) you will probably have set up a circle with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please make sure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NS. +### What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? -If the other app is installed on multiple phones make sure to deactivate upload on all of them. +1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting "profile exercise" for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. + +2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the **AAPS** phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation, and you cancel it (on the **AAPS** phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. -### SMS commands not working on Samsung phones +**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. -There was a report on SMS commands stopping after an update on Galaxy S10 phone. Could be solved by disabling 'send as chat message'. +**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. + +### What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? + +**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. + +### Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? + +It could be for one of these reasons: + +1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The **AAPS** phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the **AAPS** phone). + +### No response whatsoever for SMS commands + +On the caregiver phone and/or **AAPS** phone, try disabling the following options : +* **Send as chat message** ![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) +* If using Android Messages App or Google Messages App, disable RCS messaging: + - open the specific SMS conversation in Messages + - Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner + - select "Details" + - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" ![Disable RCS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableRCS.png) + +### Errors carrying out commands + +There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: + +* SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct +* You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) +* You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) +* The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led **AAPS** to calculate that the authenticator code had expired +* The **AAPS** phone is out of range/contact with the pump +* The system is already busy delivering a bolus + +Common errors are shown in the examples below: + +![image](../images/remote-control-17.png) + +### How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? + +You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. + +For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. + +### Multiple SMS + +If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. + +If the other app is installed on multiple phones make sure to deactivate upload on all of them. -![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) -### Android Messages App +### I am getting far too many text messages from SMS Commands. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? -If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app disable end-to-end ecryption on both caregiver and child's phones. - - open the specific SMS conversation in Messages - - Select the options ellipisis in the top right corner - - select "Details" - - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" +Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the **AAPS** phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your **AAPS** phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/KidsMonitoring.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/KidsMonitoring.png index da04a0647dd1..a3628b5c4f85 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/KidsMonitoring.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/KidsMonitoring.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/SMSdisableRCS.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/SMSdisableRCS.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..86ce50229c39 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/SMSdisableRCS.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/remote-control-07.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/remote-control-07.png index f39574e5ad4b..f0174d83b06b 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/remote-control-07.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/remote-control-07.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/remote-control-08.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/remote-control-08.png index e96c345b2698..a26373899bba 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/remote-control-08.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/remote-control-08.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 84dc3e95dcf0..527124818fd2 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,10 +9,17 @@ Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not ```{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md) :class: warning -**Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. +**Average Smoothing or Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ``` -## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) +## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) + +- Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) +- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). + +- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) + +## 2. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) **Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** @@ -36,13 +43,6 @@ A patched Dexcom G7 app (DiaKEM) gives access to the Dexcom G7 data. This is not - If AAPS does not receive any values, switch to another BG source and then back to 'BYODA' to invoke the query for approving data exchange between AAPS and BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - -- Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) -- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - -- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) - ## 3. xDrip+ (companion mode) - Download and install xDrip+: [xDrip](https://github.com/NightscoutFoundation/xDrip) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md index 7f9c4c6c8a33..18272d967cc4 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md @@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ Use this option only if your CGM data is being properly smoothed by your collect ## Suggestions to use smoothing -| | Exponential | Average | None | -| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:--------:|:-----------:| -| G5 and G6 | | If noisy | Recommended | -| G7 | Recommended | | | -| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | -| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | +| | Exponential | Average | None | +| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:---------:|:-----------:| +| G5 and G6 | If noisy | | Recommended | +| G7 | If noisy | If stable | | +| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | +| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | ### Dexcom sensors diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Getting-Started/Phones.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Getting-Started/Phones.md index bebfd19d6f03..cd7f1bcfb2e1 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Getting-Started/Phones.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Getting-Started/Phones.md @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # Telefony -The current version of **AAPS** requires an Android smartphone with Google Android 9.0 or above. So if you are thinking about a new phone, Android 9 is recommended at a minimum but optimally choose Android 13 or 14. - -For older Android versions, older **AAPS** versions are available see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. +As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject. +Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). - [List of tested phones](../CompatiblePhones/ListOfTestedPhones.md) - [Jelly Pro Settings](../CompatiblePhones/Jelly.md) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md index 3c607028cc27..d0b486caa57f 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md @@ -209,7 +209,8 @@ This documentation aims to reduce the technical expertise required to an absolut ### Smartphones #### AAPS and Android Versions -The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons, however for users unable to use a device with Android 9.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions like [Android 8](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/ and [Android 7](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/2.6.2), remain available from previous releases (check the release notes for legacy versions). + +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred.
As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject.
Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). #### Smartphone model choice The exact model you buy depends on the desired function(s). You can find on the [Phones page](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) recommendations and user feedback about working setups. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md index b78d79f0dca9..9c949e62fb4a 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md @@ -17,272 +17,9 @@ The first three are mostly appropriate for carers/parents, but smartwatches are 5. Examples for school care plans for children of different ages can be found in the [“files section”](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/files/) of the **AAPS** Facebook page. 6. What is your emergency plan for when remote control does not work (_i.e._ network problems or lost bluetooth connection)? Always consider what will happen with **AAPS** if you suddenly can’t send a new command. **AAPS** overwrites the pump basal, ISF and ICR with the current profile values. Only use temporary profile switches (_i.e._ with a set time duration) if switching to a stronger insulin profile, in case your remote connection is disrupted. Then the pump will revert to the original profile when the time expires. -(RemoteControl-sms-commands)= ## 1) SMS Commands -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note - -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md). - -``` - -You can control **AAPS** remotely via text (SMS) message through a feature known as **SMS Commands**. SMS commands can be sent to **AAPS** by _any_ type of phone (iPhone/Android). - -**SMS commands are really useful:** -1. For routine remote control - -2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin - -3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). - -4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working - -### SMS command safety -If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to change **AAPS** settings) . A second phone number must be enabled for SMS commands to work, even if you only have one primary caregiver/follower. You can then use the second number to temporarily disable SMS communicator (with the command **“SMS stop”**) if your main caregiver/parent phone is compromised. Versions of **AAPS** 2.7 and newer also use an [Authenticator app](#authentication-or-not)). - -### Different types of SMS commands -The **SMS Commands Table** below shows all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the AAPS app itself. The commands below have been listed by how commonly used they are likely to be, the first two tables should have most of the SMS commands you need with full looping. - -### SMS commands tables - -![SMS_command_table_1](../images/remote-control-02.png) - -![SMS_command_table_2](../images/remote-control-03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_3](../images/remote_control_and_following/SMS_command_table_3_Loop_03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_4](../images/remote-control-05.png) - -(authentication-or-not)= -### Authentication or not? - -You may notice from the table above that some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require **authenticating** with a security code from an additional app and a PIN (see below (link for more detail). A simple enquiry like “**bg**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn’t need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - -![image](../images/remote-control-06.png) - -Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: - -![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) - -### How to set up SMS commands - -The overall process is as follows: - -**1) Download an authenticator (caregiver phone)** - -**2) Check phone settings (AAPS phone)** - -**3) Date and time synching (caregiver and AAPS phone)** - -**4) AAPS settings (APPS phone)** - -**5) Testing SMS commands works (caregiver and AAPS phone)** - -### Let's get started! - -1) **Download an authenticator**: On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install one authenticator of your choice from the list below: - -[**Authy**](https://authy.com/download/) - -[**Google Authenticator - Android / iOS**](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2&pli=1) - -[**LastPass Authenticator**](https://www.lastpass.com/solutions/authentication) - -[**FreeOTP Authenticator**](https://freeotp.github.io/) - -These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. - -2) **Check phone settings:** In the **AAPS** phone settings go to Apps > AndroidAPS > Permissions > SMS > Allow SMS - -![image](../images/remote-control-08.png) - -3) **Date and time synching:** In both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific handsets, you may need to try out different settings. - -Example (for Samsung S23 handset): Settings – general management – date and time- automatic date and time - -Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterwards if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). - -4) **AAPS settings:** - -i) Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the left hand hamburger menu to navigate to Config Builder: - -![image](../images/remote-control-09.png) - -ii) Enable “SMS communicator” by checking the boxes, then click the “cog” to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen: - -![image](../images/remote-control-10.png) - -_Note - as an alternative route to Config Builder, you can also use the new “SMS Communicator tab” at the top of the AAPS screen, then right click on the custom right hand hamburger menu for that page, to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen._ - -iii) On the preferences screen enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: - -![image](../images/remote-control-11.png) - -iv) Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: - -UK phone number: +447976304596 - -US phone number: +11234567890 - -FR phone number: +33612344567 - -_etc._ - -Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. - -If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with NO space between numbers (this is critical!). Select “OK”: - - -![image](../images/remote-control-12.png) - -v) Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. - -PIN requirements are: - -•3 to 6 digits - -•not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) - -•not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) - -![image](../images/remote-control-13.png) - -vi) On the preferences screen select “Authenticator setup” - -● Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. - -● Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_ set up a new connection and - -● Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. - -● Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - -Example: - -The token from the authenticator app is 457051 - -Your mandatory PIN is 2401 - -Code to check: 4570512401 - -If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: - - -![image](../images/remote-control-14.png) - -You should now be set up with SMS commands. - -### First steps using SMS commands - -1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the AAPS phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: - -![image](../images/remote-control-15.png) - -2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator. To do this, send a text from the caregiver’s phone with the required command to the**AAPS** phone (_e.g._ “target hypo”). The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by an additional secret **PIN** known only to caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). - -This example is shown below, with the SMS command “target hypo” to set a hypo temp target: - -● In this example, your PIN is 1289 - -● Code from your authenticator app is 274127 - -● When prompted, text 2741271289 - -Commands must be sent in English. The response should be in your local language. When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the AAPS phone, to see how it works: - -![image](../images/remote-control-16.png) - -The caregiver’s phone will receive a SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: - -● SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct - -● You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) - -● You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) - -● The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led AAPS to calculate that the authenticator code had expired - -● The AAPS phone is out of range/contact with the pump - -● The system is already busy delivering a bolus - -If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. - -Common errors are shown in the examples below: - -![image](../images/remote-control-17.png) - -### Additional safety notes on SMS commands - -The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” - -If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “RESET AUTHENTICATORS” in AAPS (see preferences screenshot above, link) or send the SMS command “SMS stop”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. - -### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands - -Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: - -1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. - -To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. - -**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or AAPSClient with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions sub section below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. - -### SMS commands troubleshooting and FAQ - -#### Q: What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? - -1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting “profile exercise“ for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. - -2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the AAPS phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation and you cancel it (on the AAPS phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. - -**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. - -**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. - -#### Q: What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? - -**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. - -#### Q: Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? - -It could be for one of these reasons: - -1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The AAPS phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the AAPS phone). - -#### Q: How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? - -You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. - -For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. - -#### Q. Why am I getting multiple SMS texts of the same message? - -If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. - -#### Q. I’ve just set up SMS commands and I am now getting far too many text messages. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? - -Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the AAPS phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your AAPS phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. - -#### Q. Why are SMS commands not working on my Samsung phone? - -There was a report of SMS commands stopping after an update on a Samsung Galaxy S10 phone. This was solved by disabling ‘send as chat message’. - - -![image](../images/remote-control-18.png) - -#### Q. How can I fix issues with the Android Messages App? - -If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app, disable end-to-end encryption on both caregiver and dependent’s phones: - -● Open the specific SMS conversation in Messages - -● Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner - -● select “Details” - -● Activate “Only send SMS and MMS messages” +See the dedicated [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md) page. (aapsclient)= ## 2) AAPSClient @@ -696,11 +433,11 @@ Click side "plug-in" socket in the app, in order to upload Wear OS.apk onto the The final step is to configure **AAPS** on the phone to interact with **AAPS** Wear” on the watch. To do this, enable the Wear plugin in Config Builder: -● Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone +* Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone -● Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab +* Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab -● Tick for Wear selection under General +* Tick for Wear selection under General ![image](../images/ae6d75a1-1829-4d2e-b0dc-153e31e4a466.png) @@ -728,27 +465,27 @@ Once you have setup **AAPS** on your watch, extensive details about the smartwat As a brief overview, the following functions can be triggered from the smartwatch: -● set a temporary target +* set a temporary target -● use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) +* use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) -● administer eCarbs +* administer eCarbs -● administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) +* administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) -● watch settings +* watch settings -● status +* status -● check pump status +* check pump status -● check loop status +* check loop status -● check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) +* check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) -● show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) +* show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) -● Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) +* Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) #### Communication from caregivers to the watch using other apps (like Whatsapp) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md index 6b1b5e672009..281cd3d3dac1 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md @@ -1,194 +1,337 @@ # SMS Commands -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note +```{contents} Table of contents +:depth: 2 +``` -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](#RemoteControl-sms-commands)). +Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following **AAPS** etc. can be done on [**AAPSClient** app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. Boluses, however, can't be given through **AAPSClient**, but you can use SMS commands. If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use **AAPSClient** app, there are additional SMS commands available. -``` +**SMS commands are really useful:** +1. For routine remote control + +2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin + +3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). + +4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working ## Safety First -. -- AAPS allows you to control a child's phone remotely via text message. Jeśli włączysz ten komunikator SMS, zawsze pamiętaj, że telefon skonfigurowany do wydawania poleceń zdalnych może zostać skradziony. Dlatego zawsze chroń go przynajmniej kodem PIN. A strong password or biometrics are recommended. -- Additionally it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. So you can use second number to [temporary disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets lost or stolen. -- AAPS will also inform you by text message if your remote commands, such as a bolus or a profile change, have been carried out. Zaleca się takie ustawienie funkcji sterowania pompą poprzez sms, aby teksty potwierdzające były wysyłane na co najmniej dwa różne numery telefonów, w przypadku kradzieży jednego z telefonów odbierających drugi telefon odbierze informację o zmianach. -- **If you bolus through SMS Commands you must enter carbs through Nightscout (AAPSClient, Website...)!** If you fail to do so IOB would be correct with too low COB potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as AAPS assumes that you have too much active insulin. -- As of AAPS version 2.7 an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety when using SMS commands. + +If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to export **AAPS** settings). + +Additionally, it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. This way, you can use the second number to [disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets compromised. + +The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” + +AAPS will also inform you by text message if your remote commands, such as a bolus or a profile change, have been carried out. Zaleca się takie ustawienie funkcji sterowania pompą poprzez sms, aby teksty potwierdzające były wysyłane na co najmniej dwa różne numery telefonów, w przypadku kradzieży jednego z telefonów odbierających drugi telefon odbierze informację o zmianach. + +**If you bolus through SMS Commands, you must enter carbs separately (second SMS, AAPSClient, Nightscout...)!** If you fail to do so, the IOB would be correct with too low COB, potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as **AAPS** assumes that you have too much active insulin. + +For the sensitive commands, an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety. + +If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “[Reset Authenticators](#sms-commands-authenticator-setup)” in **AAPS** or send the SMS command “[SMS stop](#SMSCommands-other)”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. ## Setup SMS commands -![SMS Commands Setup](../images/SMSCommandsSetup.png) +```{contents} The overall process is as follows +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -- Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following AAPS etc. can be done on [AAPSClient app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. -- Boluses can't be given through Nightscout, but you can use SMS commands. -- If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use AAPSClient app, there are additional SMS commands available. -- In your android phone setting go to Applications > AndroidAPS > Permissions and enable SMS +### Authenticator setup -(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= -### Authorized phone numbers +Two-factor authentication is used to improve safety. + +On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install an Authenticator app. Popular free apps are: + - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) + - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) + - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) + - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) + +These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. -- In AAPS go to **Preferences > SMS Communicator** and enter the phone number(s) that you will allow SMS commands to come from (separated by semicolons - i.e. +6412345678;+6412345679) +### Check phone settings -- Note that the "+" in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. +On your phone, go to **Apps > AAPS > Permissions**. Make sure **SMS** and **Phone** are allowed. -- Enable 'Allow remote commands via SMS'. +![image](../images/remote-control-08.png) -- If you want to use more than one number: +### Date and time synching - - Enter just one number. +The time on both phones must be synchronized. Best practice is set automatically from network. Time differences might lead to authentication problems. - - Make that single number work by sending and confirming a SMS command. +On both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific device, you may need to try out different settings. - - Enter additional number(s) separated by semicolon, no space. +Example (for Samsung S23): **Settings > General management > Date and time**: make sure that **Automatic date and time** is checked. - ![SMS Commands Setup multiple numbers](../images/SMSCommandsSetupSpace2.png) +Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterward if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). -### Minutes between bolus commands +### AAPS settings + +Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the [Config Builder](../SettingUpAaps/ConfigBuilder.md) to enable the **SMS Communicator** module. + +Go to the Preferences for SMS Communicator. + +Enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: + +![image](../images/remote-control-11.png) + +(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= +#### Allowed phone numbers + +Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: +* UK phone number: +447976304596 +* US phone number: +11234567890 +* FR phone number: +33612344567 +* _etc._ + +Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. + +If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with **NO space between numbers** (this is critical!). Select “OK”: + +![image](../images/remote-control-12.png) + +#### Minutes between bolus commands - You can define the minimum delay between two boluses issued via SMS. - For safety reasons you have to add at least two authorized phone numbers to edit this value. -### Additionally mandatory PIN at token end +#### Additional mandatory PIN at token end -- For safety reasons the reply code must be followed by a PIN. +For safety reasons, the reply code must be followed by a PIN. Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. -- PIN rules: +PIN requirements are: - - 3 to 6 digits - - not same digits (i.e. 1111) - - not in a row (i.e. 1234) +* 3 to 6 digits +* not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) +* not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) -### Authenticator setup +![image](../images/remote-control-13.png) -- Two-factor authentication is used to improve safety. +(sms-commands-authenticator-setup)= +#### Authenticator setup -- You can use any Authenticator app that supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. Popular free apps are: +* Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. +* Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_, set up a new connection and +* Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. +* Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) - - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) - - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) - - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) +Example: +* The token from the authenticator app is 457051 +* Your mandatory PIN is 2401 +* Code to check: 4570512401 + +If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. **There is no button you can press!** The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: + +![image](../images/remote-control-14.png) -- Install the authenticator app of your choice on your follower phone and scan the QR code shown in AAPS. +You should now be set up with SMS commands. -- Test the one-time password by entering the token shown in your authenticator app and the PIN you just setup in AAPS. Example: +Use button "Authenticator setup > Reset Authenticators" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (By resetting authenticator you make ALL already provisioned authenticators invalid. You will need to set them up again.) - - Your mandatory PIN is 2020 - - TOTP token from the authenticator app is 457051 - - Enter 4570512020 +## SMS commands usage -- The red text "WRONG PIN" will change **automatically** to a green "OK" if the entry is correct. **There is no button you can press!** +### First steps using SMS commands -- The time on both phones must be synchronized. Best practice is set automatically from network. Time differences might lead to authentication problems. +1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the **AAPS** phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: -- Use button "RESET AUTHENTICATORS" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (By resetting authenticator you make ALL already provisioned authenticators invalid. You will need to set them up again) +![image](../images/remote-control-15.png) -## Use SMS commands +If you don't receive any response, check the [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) section below. -- Send a SMS to the phone with AAPS running from your approved phone number(s) using any of the [commands](#commands) below. +2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator, _e.g._ “target hypo”. The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by the additional secret **PIN** known only by caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). -- The AAPS phone will respond to confirm success of command or status requested. +When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the **AAPS** phone, to see how it works: -- Confirm command by sending the code where necessary. Example: +![image](../images/remote-control-16.png) - - Your mandatory PIN is 2020 - - TOTP token from the authenticator app is 457051 - - Enter 4570512020 +The caregiver’s phone will receive an SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. + +If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. See [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) below for common errors. **Hint**: It can be useful to have unlimited SMS on your phone plan (for each phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent. +### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands + +Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: + +1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. + +To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. + +**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or **AAPSClient** with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions subsection below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. + (SMSCommands-commands)= ## Commands -Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). +```{contents} List of command groups +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) +Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). The commands are not case-sensitive, you can use lower or upper case. -### Loop +![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) -- LOOP STOP/DISABLE \* Response: Loop has been disabled +The **SMS Commands Tables** below show all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the **AAPS** app itself. -- LOOP START/ENABLE \* Response: Loop has been enabled +(authentication-or-not)= +### Authentication or not? -- LOOP STATUS +Some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require strong **authentication** through the Authenticator app. A simple enquiry like “**BG**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn't need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - - Response depends on actual status +![image](../images/remote-control-06.png) - - Loop is disabled - - Loop is enabled - - Suspended (10 min) +Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: -- LOOP SUSPEND 20 \* Response: Loop suspended for 20 minutes +![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) -- LOOP RESUME \* Response: Loop resumed +The *Auth* column in the tables below, indicates whether such a strong authentication is required for each command. -- LOOP CLOSED \* Response: Current loop mode: Closed Loop +### CGM data -- LOOP LGS \* Response: Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BG | No | Returns: last BG, delta, IOB (bolus and basal), COB
*Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U)* | +| CAL 5.6/90 | Yes | Will calibrate the CGM with a value of 5.6/90
(use the value appropriate to your glucose units)
Works only if properly set-up in **AAPS**.
*Calibration sent* | -### CGM data +### Pump -- BG \* Response: Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U) -- CAL 5.6 \* Response: To send calibration 5.6 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response after correct code was received: Calibration sent (**If xDrip is installed. Accepting calibrations must be enabled in xDrip+**) +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| PUMP | No | Last conn: 1 min ago
Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min
IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 | +| PUMP DISCONNECT *30* | Yes | To disconnect pump for *30* minutes | +| PUMP CONNECT | Yes | Pump reconnected | ### Basal -- BASAL STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To stop temp basal reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 0.3 \* Response: To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 0.3 20 \* Response: To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 30% \* Response: To start basal 30% for 30 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 30% 50 \* Response: To start basal 30% for 50 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | -------------------------------- | +| BASAL 0.3 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min | +| BASAL 0.3 20 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min | +| BASAL 30% | Yes | To start basal 30% for 30 min | +| BASAL 30% 50 | Yes | To start basal 30% for 50 min | +| BASAL STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop temp basal | + + +### Loop + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| LOOP STATUS | No | Response depends on actual status:
- *Loop is disabled* if the loop is disabled or LGS
- *Loop is enabled* if the loop is closed or open
- *Suspended (10 min)* if the loop is disconnected or suspended | +| LOOP STOP/DISABLE | Yes | The pump will revert to the pre-programmed basal rate.
*Loop has been disabled* | +| LOOP START/ENABLE | Yes | *Loop has been enabled* | +| LOOP SUSPEND 20 | Yes | *Loop suspended for 20 minutes* | +| LOOP RESUME | Yes | *Loop resumed* | +| LOOP CLOSED | Yes | *Current loop mode: Closed Loop* | +| LOOP LGS | Yes | *Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend* | ### Bolus -Remote bolus is not allowed within 15 min (this value is editable only if 2 phone numbers added) after last bolus command or remote commands! Therefore the response depends on the time that the last bolus was given. +Remote bolus is not allowed within 15 min (this value is editable only if 2 phone numbers added) after last bolus command or remote commands! In this case, the response would be *Remote bolus not available. Try again later.* This response is also sent when the pump is currently delivering a bolus. -- BOLUS 1.2 \* Response A: To deliver bolus 1.2U reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response B: Remote bolus not available. Try again later. -- BOLUS 0.60 MEAL \* If you specify the optional parameter MEAL, this sets the Temp Target MEAL (default values are: 90 mg/dL, 5.0 mmol/l for 45 mins). \* Response A: To deliver meal bolus 0.60U reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response B: Remote bolus not available. -- CARBS 5 \* Response: To enter 5g at 12:45 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM \* Response: To enter 5g at 17:35 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To stop extended bolus reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- EXTENDED 2 120 \* Response: To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BOLUS 1.2 | Yes | | +| BOLUS 0.60 MEAL | Yes | Delivers the specified 0.60U bolus
**and** sets the [Eating Soon TempTarget](#TempTargets-eating-soon-temp-target) | +| CARBS 5 | Yes | To enter 5g, without a bolus | +| CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM | Yes | To enter 5g at 17:35.
The acceptable time format depends
on the time setting (12h/24h) on the phone. | +| EXTENDED 2 120 | Yes | To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min.
Only for [compatible pumps](#screens-action-tab). | +| EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop extended bolus | ### Profile -- PROFILE STATUS \* Response: Profile1 -- PROFILE LIST \* Response: 1.\`Profile1\` 2.\`Profile2\` -- PROFILE 1 \* Response: To switch profile to Profile1 100% reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- PROFILE 2 30 \* Response: To switch profile to Profile2 30% reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| PROFILE STATUS | No | Current profile and percentage | +| PROFILE LIST | No | The current list of profiles in **AAPS**, e.g.:
1. Profile1
2. Profile2 | +| PROFILE 1 | Yes | To switch profile to profile 1 in the list.
Use the numbers as returned by the **PROFILE LIST**,
not the profile names as you saved them | +| PROFILE 2 30 | Yes | To switch profile to Profile2 30% | + +### Temporary Targets + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------- | +| TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | Yes | To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | +| TARGET STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To cancel Temp Target | + (SMSCommands-other)= ### Other -- TREATMENTS REFRESH \* Response: Refresh treatments from NS -- NSClient RESTART \* Response: NSCLIENT RESTART SENT -- PUMP \* Response: Last conn: 1 min ago Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 -- PUMP CONNECT \* Response: Pump reconnected -- PUMP DISCONNECT *30* \* Response: To disconnect pump for *30* minutes reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- SMS DISABLE/STOP \* Response: To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any. Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly from the AAPS master smartphone only. -- TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO \* Response: To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- TARGET STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To cancel Temp Target reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- HELP \* Response: BG, LOOP, TREATMENTS, ..... -- HELP BOLUS \* Response: BOLUS 1.2 BOLUS 1.2 MEAL +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------ | ---- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| TREATMENTS REFRESH | No | Refresh treatments from NS | +| NSCLIENT RESTART | No | Useful if you notice a communication problem
with Nightscout or **AAPSClient** | +| SMS DISABLE/STOP | No | To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any.
Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly
from the **AAPS** master smartphone only. | +| HELP | No | Returns all functions available for interrogation:
Send further ***HELP ***FUNCTION****** command to list
all options available in this section. | +| HELP BOLUS | | *BOLUS 1.2
BOLUS 1.2 MEAL* | (SMSCommands-troubleshooting)= -## Troubleshooting +## Troubleshooting and FAQ -### Multiple SMS +```{contents} List of questions and issues +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -If you receive the same message over and over again (i.e. profile switch) you will probably have set up a circle with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please make sure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NS. +### What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? -If the other app is installed on multiple phones make sure to deactivate upload on all of them. +1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting "profile exercise" for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. + +2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the **AAPS** phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation, and you cancel it (on the **AAPS** phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. -### SMS commands not working on Samsung phones +**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. -There was a report on SMS commands stopping after an update on Galaxy S10 phone. Could be solved by disabling 'send as chat message'. +**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. + +### What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? + +**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. + +### Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? + +It could be for one of these reasons: + +1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The **AAPS** phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the **AAPS** phone). + +### No response whatsoever for SMS commands + +On the caregiver phone and/or **AAPS** phone, try disabling the following options : +* **Send as chat message** ![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) +* If using Android Messages App or Google Messages App, disable RCS messaging: + - open the specific SMS conversation in Messages + - Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner + - select "Details" + - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" ![Disable RCS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableRCS.png) + +### Errors carrying out commands + +There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: + +* SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct +* You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) +* You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) +* The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led **AAPS** to calculate that the authenticator code had expired +* The **AAPS** phone is out of range/contact with the pump +* The system is already busy delivering a bolus + +Common errors are shown in the examples below: + +![image](../images/remote-control-17.png) + +### How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? + +You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. + +For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. + +### Multiple SMS + +If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. + +If the other app is installed on multiple phones make sure to deactivate upload on all of them. -![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) -### Android Messages App +### I am getting far too many text messages from SMS Commands. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? -If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app disable end-to-end ecryption on both caregiver and child's phones. - - open the specific SMS conversation in Messages - - Select the options ellipisis in the top right corner - - select "Details" - - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" +Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the **AAPS** phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your **AAPS** phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/KidsMonitoring.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/KidsMonitoring.png index da04a0647dd1..a3628b5c4f85 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/KidsMonitoring.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/KidsMonitoring.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/SMSdisableRCS.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/SMSdisableRCS.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..86ce50229c39 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/SMSdisableRCS.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/remote-control-07.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/remote-control-07.png index f39574e5ad4b..f0174d83b06b 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/remote-control-07.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/remote-control-07.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/remote-control-08.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/remote-control-08.png index e96c345b2698..a26373899bba 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/remote-control-08.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/remote-control-08.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 84dc3e95dcf0..527124818fd2 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,10 +9,17 @@ Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not ```{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md) :class: warning -**Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. +**Average Smoothing or Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ``` -## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) +## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) + +- Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) +- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). + +- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) + +## 2. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) **Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** @@ -36,13 +43,6 @@ A patched Dexcom G7 app (DiaKEM) gives access to the Dexcom G7 data. This is not - If AAPS does not receive any values, switch to another BG source and then back to 'BYODA' to invoke the query for approving data exchange between AAPS and BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - -- Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) -- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - -- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) - ## 3. xDrip+ (companion mode) - Download and install xDrip+: [xDrip](https://github.com/NightscoutFoundation/xDrip) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md index c3df691fe1bc..5fe41332bcb0 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md @@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ Use this option only if your CGM data is being properly smoothed by your collect ## Suggestions to use smoothing -| | Exponential | Average | None | -| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:--------:|:-----------:| -| G5 and G6 | | If noisy | Recommended | -| G7 | Recommended | | | -| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | -| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | +| | Exponential | Average | None | +| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:---------:|:-----------:| +| G5 and G6 | If noisy | | Recommended | +| G7 | If noisy | If stable | | +| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | +| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | ### Dexcom sensors diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Getting-Started/Phones.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Getting-Started/Phones.md index 6a8a341215df..8709cca9f0e1 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Getting-Started/Phones.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Getting-Started/Phones.md @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # Telefones -The current version of **AAPS** requires an Android smartphone with Google Android 9.0 or above. So if you are thinking about a new phone, Android 9 is recommended at a minimum but optimally choose Android 13 or 14. - -For older Android versions, older **AAPS** versions are available see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. +As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject. +Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). - [List of tested phones](../CompatiblePhones/ListOfTestedPhones.md) - [Jelly Pro Settings](../CompatiblePhones/Jelly.md) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md index e20da6d28cf0..1229e11b73f2 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md @@ -209,7 +209,8 @@ This documentation aims to reduce the technical expertise required to an absolut ### Smartphones #### AAPS and Android Versions -The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons, however for users unable to use a device with Android 9.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions like [Android 8](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/ and [Android 7](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/2.6.2), remain available from previous releases (check the release notes for legacy versions). + +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred.
As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject.
Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). #### Smartphone model choice The exact model you buy depends on the desired function(s). You can find on the [Phones page](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) recommendations and user feedback about working setups. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md index b78d79f0dca9..9c949e62fb4a 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md @@ -17,272 +17,9 @@ The first three are mostly appropriate for carers/parents, but smartwatches are 5. Examples for school care plans for children of different ages can be found in the [“files section”](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/files/) of the **AAPS** Facebook page. 6. What is your emergency plan for when remote control does not work (_i.e._ network problems or lost bluetooth connection)? Always consider what will happen with **AAPS** if you suddenly can’t send a new command. **AAPS** overwrites the pump basal, ISF and ICR with the current profile values. Only use temporary profile switches (_i.e._ with a set time duration) if switching to a stronger insulin profile, in case your remote connection is disrupted. Then the pump will revert to the original profile when the time expires. -(RemoteControl-sms-commands)= ## 1) SMS Commands -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note - -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md). - -``` - -You can control **AAPS** remotely via text (SMS) message through a feature known as **SMS Commands**. SMS commands can be sent to **AAPS** by _any_ type of phone (iPhone/Android). - -**SMS commands are really useful:** -1. For routine remote control - -2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin - -3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). - -4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working - -### SMS command safety -If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to change **AAPS** settings) . A second phone number must be enabled for SMS commands to work, even if you only have one primary caregiver/follower. You can then use the second number to temporarily disable SMS communicator (with the command **“SMS stop”**) if your main caregiver/parent phone is compromised. Versions of **AAPS** 2.7 and newer also use an [Authenticator app](#authentication-or-not)). - -### Different types of SMS commands -The **SMS Commands Table** below shows all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the AAPS app itself. The commands below have been listed by how commonly used they are likely to be, the first two tables should have most of the SMS commands you need with full looping. - -### SMS commands tables - -![SMS_command_table_1](../images/remote-control-02.png) - -![SMS_command_table_2](../images/remote-control-03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_3](../images/remote_control_and_following/SMS_command_table_3_Loop_03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_4](../images/remote-control-05.png) - -(authentication-or-not)= -### Authentication or not? - -You may notice from the table above that some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require **authenticating** with a security code from an additional app and a PIN (see below (link for more detail). A simple enquiry like “**bg**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn’t need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - -![image](../images/remote-control-06.png) - -Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: - -![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) - -### How to set up SMS commands - -The overall process is as follows: - -**1) Download an authenticator (caregiver phone)** - -**2) Check phone settings (AAPS phone)** - -**3) Date and time synching (caregiver and AAPS phone)** - -**4) AAPS settings (APPS phone)** - -**5) Testing SMS commands works (caregiver and AAPS phone)** - -### Let's get started! - -1) **Download an authenticator**: On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install one authenticator of your choice from the list below: - -[**Authy**](https://authy.com/download/) - -[**Google Authenticator - Android / iOS**](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2&pli=1) - -[**LastPass Authenticator**](https://www.lastpass.com/solutions/authentication) - -[**FreeOTP Authenticator**](https://freeotp.github.io/) - -These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. - -2) **Check phone settings:** In the **AAPS** phone settings go to Apps > AndroidAPS > Permissions > SMS > Allow SMS - -![image](../images/remote-control-08.png) - -3) **Date and time synching:** In both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific handsets, you may need to try out different settings. - -Example (for Samsung S23 handset): Settings – general management – date and time- automatic date and time - -Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterwards if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). - -4) **AAPS settings:** - -i) Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the left hand hamburger menu to navigate to Config Builder: - -![image](../images/remote-control-09.png) - -ii) Enable “SMS communicator” by checking the boxes, then click the “cog” to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen: - -![image](../images/remote-control-10.png) - -_Note - as an alternative route to Config Builder, you can also use the new “SMS Communicator tab” at the top of the AAPS screen, then right click on the custom right hand hamburger menu for that page, to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen._ - -iii) On the preferences screen enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: - -![image](../images/remote-control-11.png) - -iv) Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: - -UK phone number: +447976304596 - -US phone number: +11234567890 - -FR phone number: +33612344567 - -_etc._ - -Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. - -If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with NO space between numbers (this is critical!). Select “OK”: - - -![image](../images/remote-control-12.png) - -v) Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. - -PIN requirements are: - -•3 to 6 digits - -•not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) - -•not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) - -![image](../images/remote-control-13.png) - -vi) On the preferences screen select “Authenticator setup” - -● Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. - -● Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_ set up a new connection and - -● Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. - -● Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - -Example: - -The token from the authenticator app is 457051 - -Your mandatory PIN is 2401 - -Code to check: 4570512401 - -If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: - - -![image](../images/remote-control-14.png) - -You should now be set up with SMS commands. - -### First steps using SMS commands - -1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the AAPS phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: - -![image](../images/remote-control-15.png) - -2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator. To do this, send a text from the caregiver’s phone with the required command to the**AAPS** phone (_e.g._ “target hypo”). The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by an additional secret **PIN** known only to caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). - -This example is shown below, with the SMS command “target hypo” to set a hypo temp target: - -● In this example, your PIN is 1289 - -● Code from your authenticator app is 274127 - -● When prompted, text 2741271289 - -Commands must be sent in English. The response should be in your local language. When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the AAPS phone, to see how it works: - -![image](../images/remote-control-16.png) - -The caregiver’s phone will receive a SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: - -● SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct - -● You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) - -● You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) - -● The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led AAPS to calculate that the authenticator code had expired - -● The AAPS phone is out of range/contact with the pump - -● The system is already busy delivering a bolus - -If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. - -Common errors are shown in the examples below: - -![image](../images/remote-control-17.png) - -### Additional safety notes on SMS commands - -The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” - -If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “RESET AUTHENTICATORS” in AAPS (see preferences screenshot above, link) or send the SMS command “SMS stop”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. - -### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands - -Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: - -1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. - -To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. - -**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or AAPSClient with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions sub section below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. - -### SMS commands troubleshooting and FAQ - -#### Q: What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? - -1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting “profile exercise“ for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. - -2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the AAPS phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation and you cancel it (on the AAPS phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. - -**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. - -**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. - -#### Q: What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? - -**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. - -#### Q: Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? - -It could be for one of these reasons: - -1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The AAPS phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the AAPS phone). - -#### Q: How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? - -You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. - -For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. - -#### Q. Why am I getting multiple SMS texts of the same message? - -If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. - -#### Q. I’ve just set up SMS commands and I am now getting far too many text messages. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? - -Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the AAPS phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your AAPS phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. - -#### Q. Why are SMS commands not working on my Samsung phone? - -There was a report of SMS commands stopping after an update on a Samsung Galaxy S10 phone. This was solved by disabling ‘send as chat message’. - - -![image](../images/remote-control-18.png) - -#### Q. How can I fix issues with the Android Messages App? - -If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app, disable end-to-end encryption on both caregiver and dependent’s phones: - -● Open the specific SMS conversation in Messages - -● Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner - -● select “Details” - -● Activate “Only send SMS and MMS messages” +See the dedicated [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md) page. (aapsclient)= ## 2) AAPSClient @@ -696,11 +433,11 @@ Click side "plug-in" socket in the app, in order to upload Wear OS.apk onto the The final step is to configure **AAPS** on the phone to interact with **AAPS** Wear” on the watch. To do this, enable the Wear plugin in Config Builder: -● Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone +* Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone -● Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab +* Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab -● Tick for Wear selection under General +* Tick for Wear selection under General ![image](../images/ae6d75a1-1829-4d2e-b0dc-153e31e4a466.png) @@ -728,27 +465,27 @@ Once you have setup **AAPS** on your watch, extensive details about the smartwat As a brief overview, the following functions can be triggered from the smartwatch: -● set a temporary target +* set a temporary target -● use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) +* use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) -● administer eCarbs +* administer eCarbs -● administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) +* administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) -● watch settings +* watch settings -● status +* status -● check pump status +* check pump status -● check loop status +* check loop status -● check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) +* check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) -● show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) +* show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) -● Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) +* Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) #### Communication from caregivers to the watch using other apps (like Whatsapp) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md index 57cc07e5fafa..a56332acfba4 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md @@ -1,194 +1,337 @@ # SMS Commands -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note +```{contents} Table of contents +:depth: 2 +``` -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](#RemoteControl-sms-commands)). +Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following **AAPS** etc. can be done on [**AAPSClient** app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. Boluses, however, can't be given through **AAPSClient**, but you can use SMS commands. If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use **AAPSClient** app, there are additional SMS commands available. -``` +**SMS commands are really useful:** +1. For routine remote control + +2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin + +3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). + +4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working ## Safety First -. -- AAPS allows you to control a child's phone remotely via text message. Se os comandos por SMS estiverem ativos, lembre-se sempre de que o telemóvel configurado para estes comandos remotos pode ser roubado. Então, proteja-o sempre, pelo menos, através de um código PIN. A strong password or biometrics are recommended. -- Additionally it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. So you can use second number to [temporary disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets lost or stolen. -- AAPS will also inform you by text message if your remote commands, such as a bolus or a profile change, have been carried out. Ao configurar é aconselhável que as mensagens de confirmação sejam enviados para, pelo menos, dois números de telefone distintos, para o caso de um dos telefones ser roubado. -- **If you bolus through SMS Commands you must enter carbs through Nightscout (AAPSClient, Website...)!** If you fail to do so IOB would be correct with too low COB potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as AAPS assumes that you have too much active insulin. -- As of AAPS version 2.7 an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety when using SMS commands. + +If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to export **AAPS** settings). + +Additionally, it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. This way, you can use the second number to [disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets compromised. + +The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” + +AAPS will also inform you by text message if your remote commands, such as a bolus or a profile change, have been carried out. Ao configurar é aconselhável que as mensagens de confirmação sejam enviados para, pelo menos, dois números de telefone distintos, para o caso de um dos telefones ser roubado. + +**If you bolus through SMS Commands, you must enter carbs separately (second SMS, AAPSClient, Nightscout...)!** If you fail to do so, the IOB would be correct with too low COB, potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as **AAPS** assumes that you have too much active insulin. + +For the sensitive commands, an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety. + +If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “[Reset Authenticators](#sms-commands-authenticator-setup)” in **AAPS** or send the SMS command “[SMS stop](#SMSCommands-other)”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. ## Setup SMS commands -![SMS Commands Setup](../images/SMSCommandsSetup.png) +```{contents} The overall process is as follows +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -- Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following AAPS etc. can be done on [AAPSClient app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. -- Boluses can't be given through Nightscout, but you can use SMS commands. -- If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use AAPSClient app, there are additional SMS commands available. -- In your android phone setting go to Applications > AndroidAPS > Permissions and enable SMS +### Authenticator setup -(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= -### Authorized phone numbers +Two-factor authentication is used to improve safety. + +On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install an Authenticator app. Popular free apps are: + - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) + - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) + - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) + - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) + +These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. -- In AAPS go to **Preferences > SMS Communicator** and enter the phone number(s) that you will allow SMS commands to come from (separated by semicolons - i.e. +6412345678;+6412345679) +### Check phone settings -- Note that the "+" in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. +On your phone, go to **Apps > AAPS > Permissions**. Make sure **SMS** and **Phone** are allowed. -- Enable 'Allow remote commands via SMS'. +![image](../images/remote-control-08.png) -- If you want to use more than one number: +### Date and time synching - - Enter just one number. +The time on both phones must be synchronized. Best practice is set automatically from network. Time differences might lead to authentication problems. - - Make that single number work by sending and confirming a SMS command. +On both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific device, you may need to try out different settings. - - Enter additional number(s) separated by semicolon, no space. +Example (for Samsung S23): **Settings > General management > Date and time**: make sure that **Automatic date and time** is checked. - ![SMS Commands Setup multiple numbers](../images/SMSCommandsSetupSpace2.png) +Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterward if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). -### Minutes between bolus commands +### AAPS settings + +Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the [Config Builder](../SettingUpAaps/ConfigBuilder.md) to enable the **SMS Communicator** module. + +Go to the Preferences for SMS Communicator. + +Enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: + +![image](../images/remote-control-11.png) + +(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= +#### Allowed phone numbers + +Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: +* UK phone number: +447976304596 +* US phone number: +11234567890 +* FR phone number: +33612344567 +* _etc._ + +Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. + +If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with **NO space between numbers** (this is critical!). Select “OK”: + +![image](../images/remote-control-12.png) + +#### Minutes between bolus commands - You can define the minimum delay between two boluses issued via SMS. - For safety reasons you have to add at least two authorized phone numbers to edit this value. -### Additionally mandatory PIN at token end +#### Additional mandatory PIN at token end -- For safety reasons the reply code must be followed by a PIN. +For safety reasons, the reply code must be followed by a PIN. Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. -- PIN rules: +PIN requirements are: - - 3 to 6 digits - - not same digits (i.e. 1111) - - not in a row (i.e. 1234) +* 3 to 6 digits +* not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) +* not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) -### Authenticator setup +![image](../images/remote-control-13.png) -- Two-factor authentication is used to improve safety. +(sms-commands-authenticator-setup)= +#### Authenticator setup -- You can use any Authenticator app that supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. Popular free apps are: +* Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. +* Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_, set up a new connection and +* Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. +* Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) - - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) - - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) - - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) +Example: +* The token from the authenticator app is 457051 +* Your mandatory PIN is 2401 +* Code to check: 4570512401 + +If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. **There is no button you can press!** The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: + +![image](../images/remote-control-14.png) -- Install the authenticator app of your choice on your follower phone and scan the QR code shown in AAPS. +You should now be set up with SMS commands. -- Test the one-time password by entering the token shown in your authenticator app and the PIN you just setup in AAPS. Example: +Use button "Authenticator setup > Reset Authenticators" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (By resetting authenticator you make ALL already provisioned authenticators invalid. You will need to set them up again.) - - Your mandatory PIN is 2020 - - TOTP token from the authenticator app is 457051 - - Enter 4570512020 +## SMS commands usage -- The red text "WRONG PIN" will change **automatically** to a green "OK" if the entry is correct. **There is no button you can press!** +### First steps using SMS commands -- The time on both phones must be synchronized. Best practice is set automatically from network. Time differences might lead to authentication problems. +1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the **AAPS** phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: -- Use button "RESET AUTHENTICATORS" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (By resetting authenticator you make ALL already provisioned authenticators invalid. You will need to set them up again) +![image](../images/remote-control-15.png) -## Use SMS commands +If you don't receive any response, check the [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) section below. -- Send a SMS to the phone with AAPS running from your approved phone number(s) using any of the [commands](#commands) below. +2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator, _e.g._ “target hypo”. The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by the additional secret **PIN** known only by caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). -- The AAPS phone will respond to confirm success of command or status requested. +When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the **AAPS** phone, to see how it works: -- Confirm command by sending the code where necessary. Example: +![image](../images/remote-control-16.png) - - Your mandatory PIN is 2020 - - TOTP token from the authenticator app is 457051 - - Enter 4570512020 +The caregiver’s phone will receive an SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. + +If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. See [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) below for common errors. **Hint**: It can be useful to have unlimited SMS on your phone plan (for each phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent. +### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands + +Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: + +1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. + +To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. + +**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or **AAPSClient** with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions subsection below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. + (SMSCommands-commands)= ## Commands -Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). +```{contents} List of command groups +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) +Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). The commands are not case-sensitive, you can use lower or upper case. -### Loop +![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) -- LOOP STOP/DISABLE \* Response: Loop has been disabled +The **SMS Commands Tables** below show all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the **AAPS** app itself. -- LOOP START/ENABLE \* Response: Loop has been enabled +(authentication-or-not)= +### Authentication or not? -- LOOP STATUS +Some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require strong **authentication** through the Authenticator app. A simple enquiry like “**BG**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn't need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - - Response depends on actual status +![image](../images/remote-control-06.png) - - Loop is disabled - - Loop is enabled - - Suspended (10 min) +Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: -- LOOP SUSPEND 20 \* Response: Loop suspended for 20 minutes +![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) -- LOOP RESUME \* Response: Loop resumed +The *Auth* column in the tables below, indicates whether such a strong authentication is required for each command. -- LOOP CLOSED \* Response: Current loop mode: Closed Loop +### CGM data -- LOOP LGS \* Response: Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BG | No | Returns: last BG, delta, IOB (bolus and basal), COB
*Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U)* | +| CAL 5.6/90 | Yes | Will calibrate the CGM with a value of 5.6/90
(use the value appropriate to your glucose units)
Works only if properly set-up in **AAPS**.
*Calibration sent* | -### CGM data +### Pump -- BG \* Response: Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U) -- CAL 5.6 \* Response: To send calibration 5.6 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response after correct code was received: Calibration sent (**If xDrip is installed. Accepting calibrations must be enabled in xDrip+**) +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| PUMP | No | Last conn: 1 min ago
Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min
IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 | +| PUMP DISCONNECT *30* | Yes | To disconnect pump for *30* minutes | +| PUMP CONNECT | Yes | Pump reconnected | ### Basal -- BASAL STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To stop temp basal reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 0.3 \* Response: To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 0.3 20 \* Response: To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 30% \* Response: To start basal 30% for 30 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 30% 50 \* Response: To start basal 30% for 50 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | -------------------------------- | +| BASAL 0.3 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min | +| BASAL 0.3 20 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min | +| BASAL 30% | Yes | To start basal 30% for 30 min | +| BASAL 30% 50 | Yes | To start basal 30% for 50 min | +| BASAL STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop temp basal | + + +### Loop + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| LOOP STATUS | No | Response depends on actual status:
- *Loop is disabled* if the loop is disabled or LGS
- *Loop is enabled* if the loop is closed or open
- *Suspended (10 min)* if the loop is disconnected or suspended | +| LOOP STOP/DISABLE | Yes | The pump will revert to the pre-programmed basal rate.
*Loop has been disabled* | +| LOOP START/ENABLE | Yes | *Loop has been enabled* | +| LOOP SUSPEND 20 | Yes | *Loop suspended for 20 minutes* | +| LOOP RESUME | Yes | *Loop resumed* | +| LOOP CLOSED | Yes | *Current loop mode: Closed Loop* | +| LOOP LGS | Yes | *Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend* | ### Bolus -Remote bolus is not allowed within 15 min (this value is editable only if 2 phone numbers added) after last bolus command or remote commands! Therefore the response depends on the time that the last bolus was given. +Remote bolus is not allowed within 15 min (this value is editable only if 2 phone numbers added) after last bolus command or remote commands! In this case, the response would be *Remote bolus not available. Try again later.* This response is also sent when the pump is currently delivering a bolus. -- BOLUS 1.2 \* Response A: To deliver bolus 1.2U reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response B: Remote bolus not available. Try again later. -- BOLUS 0.60 MEAL \* If you specify the optional parameter MEAL, this sets the Temp Target MEAL (default values are: 90 mg/dL, 5.0 mmol/l for 45 mins). \* Response A: To deliver meal bolus 0.60U reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response B: Remote bolus not available. -- CARBS 5 \* Response: To enter 5g at 12:45 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM \* Response: To enter 5g at 17:35 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To stop extended bolus reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- EXTENDED 2 120 \* Response: To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BOLUS 1.2 | Yes | | +| BOLUS 0.60 MEAL | Yes | Delivers the specified 0.60U bolus
**and** sets the [Eating Soon TempTarget](#TempTargets-eating-soon-temp-target) | +| CARBS 5 | Yes | To enter 5g, without a bolus | +| CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM | Yes | To enter 5g at 17:35.
The acceptable time format depends
on the time setting (12h/24h) on the phone. | +| EXTENDED 2 120 | Yes | To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min.
Only for [compatible pumps](#screens-action-tab). | +| EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop extended bolus | ### Profile -- PROFILE STATUS \* Response: Profile1 -- PROFILE LIST \* Response: 1.\`Profile1\` 2.\`Profile2\` -- PROFILE 1 \* Response: To switch profile to Profile1 100% reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- PROFILE 2 30 \* Response: To switch profile to Profile2 30% reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| PROFILE STATUS | No | Current profile and percentage | +| PROFILE LIST | No | The current list of profiles in **AAPS**, e.g.:
1. Profile1
2. Profile2 | +| PROFILE 1 | Yes | To switch profile to profile 1 in the list.
Use the numbers as returned by the **PROFILE LIST**,
not the profile names as you saved them | +| PROFILE 2 30 | Yes | To switch profile to Profile2 30% | + +### Temporary Targets + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------- | +| TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | Yes | To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | +| TARGET STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To cancel Temp Target | + (SMSCommands-other)= ### Outro -- TREATMENTS REFRESH \* Response: Refresh treatments from NS -- NSClient RESTART \* Response: NSCLIENT RESTART SENT -- PUMP \* Response: Last conn: 1 min ago Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 -- PUMP CONNECT \* Response: Pump reconnected -- PUMP DISCONNECT *30* \* Response: To disconnect pump for *30* minutes reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- SMS DISABLE/STOP \* Response: To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any. Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly from the AAPS master smartphone only. -- TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO \* Response: To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- TARGET STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To cancel Temp Target reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- HELP \* Response: BG, LOOP, TREATMENTS, ..... -- HELP BOLUS \* Response: BOLUS 1.2 BOLUS 1.2 MEAL +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------ | ---- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| TREATMENTS REFRESH | No | Refresh treatments from NS | +| NSCLIENT RESTART | No | Useful if you notice a communication problem
with Nightscout or **AAPSClient** | +| SMS DISABLE/STOP | No | To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any.
Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly
from the **AAPS** master smartphone only. | +| HELP | No | Returns all functions available for interrogation:
Send further ***HELP ***FUNCTION****** command to list
all options available in this section. | +| HELP BOLUS | | *BOLUS 1.2
BOLUS 1.2 MEAL* | (SMSCommands-troubleshooting)= -## Troubleshooting +## Troubleshooting and FAQ -### Multiple SMS +```{contents} List of questions and issues +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -If you receive the same message over and over again (i.e. profile switch) you will probably have set up a circle with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please make sure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NS. +### What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? -If the other app is installed on multiple phones make sure to deactivate upload on all of them. +1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting "profile exercise" for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. + +2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the **AAPS** phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation, and you cancel it (on the **AAPS** phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. -### SMS commands not working on Samsung phones +**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. -There was a report on SMS commands stopping after an update on Galaxy S10 phone. Could be solved by disabling 'send as chat message'. +**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. + +### What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? + +**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. + +### Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? + +It could be for one of these reasons: + +1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The **AAPS** phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the **AAPS** phone). + +### No response whatsoever for SMS commands + +On the caregiver phone and/or **AAPS** phone, try disabling the following options : +* **Send as chat message** ![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) +* If using Android Messages App or Google Messages App, disable RCS messaging: + - open the specific SMS conversation in Messages + - Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner + - select "Details" + - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" ![Disable RCS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableRCS.png) + +### Errors carrying out commands + +There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: + +* SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct +* You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) +* You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) +* The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led **AAPS** to calculate that the authenticator code had expired +* The **AAPS** phone is out of range/contact with the pump +* The system is already busy delivering a bolus + +Common errors are shown in the examples below: + +![image](../images/remote-control-17.png) + +### How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? + +You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. + +For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. + +### Multiple SMS + +If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. + +If the other app is installed on multiple phones make sure to deactivate upload on all of them. -![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) -### Android Messages App +### I am getting far too many text messages from SMS Commands. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? -If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app disable end-to-end ecryption on both caregiver and child's phones. - - open the specific SMS conversation in Messages - - Select the options ellipisis in the top right corner - - select "Details" - - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" +Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the **AAPS** phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your **AAPS** phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/KidsMonitoring.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/KidsMonitoring.png index da04a0647dd1..a3628b5c4f85 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/KidsMonitoring.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/KidsMonitoring.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/SMSdisableRCS.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/SMSdisableRCS.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..86ce50229c39 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/SMSdisableRCS.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/remote-control-07.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/remote-control-07.png index f39574e5ad4b..f0174d83b06b 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/remote-control-07.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/remote-control-07.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/remote-control-08.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/remote-control-08.png index e96c345b2698..a26373899bba 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/remote-control-08.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/remote-control-08.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 84dc3e95dcf0..527124818fd2 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,10 +9,17 @@ Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not ```{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md) :class: warning -**Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. +**Average Smoothing or Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ``` -## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) +## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) + +- Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) +- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). + +- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) + +## 2. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) **Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** @@ -36,13 +43,6 @@ A patched Dexcom G7 app (DiaKEM) gives access to the Dexcom G7 data. This is not - If AAPS does not receive any values, switch to another BG source and then back to 'BYODA' to invoke the query for approving data exchange between AAPS and BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - -- Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) -- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - -- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) - ## 3. xDrip+ (companion mode) - Download and install xDrip+: [xDrip](https://github.com/NightscoutFoundation/xDrip) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md index c3df691fe1bc..5fe41332bcb0 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md @@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ Use this option only if your CGM data is being properly smoothed by your collect ## Suggestions to use smoothing -| | Exponential | Average | None | -| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:--------:|:-----------:| -| G5 and G6 | | If noisy | Recommended | -| G7 | Recommended | | | -| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | -| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | +| | Exponential | Average | None | +| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:---------:|:-----------:| +| G5 and G6 | If noisy | | Recommended | +| G7 | If noisy | If stable | | +| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | +| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | ### Dexcom sensors diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/Getting-Started/Phones.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/Getting-Started/Phones.md index 29b336b11d09..0d67a928688d 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/Getting-Started/Phones.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/Getting-Started/Phones.md @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # Telefoane -The current version of **AAPS** requires an Android smartphone with Google Android 9.0 or above. So if you are thinking about a new phone, Android 9 is recommended at a minimum but optimally choose Android 13 or 14. - -For older Android versions, older **AAPS** versions are available see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. +As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject. +Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). - [List of tested phones](../CompatiblePhones/ListOfTestedPhones.md) - [Jelly Pro Settings](../CompatiblePhones/Jelly.md) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md index 3c607028cc27..d0b486caa57f 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md @@ -209,7 +209,8 @@ This documentation aims to reduce the technical expertise required to an absolut ### Smartphones #### AAPS and Android Versions -The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons, however for users unable to use a device with Android 9.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions like [Android 8](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/ and [Android 7](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/2.6.2), remain available from previous releases (check the release notes for legacy versions). + +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred.
As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject.
Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). #### Smartphone model choice The exact model you buy depends on the desired function(s). You can find on the [Phones page](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) recommendations and user feedback about working setups. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md index b78d79f0dca9..9c949e62fb4a 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md @@ -17,272 +17,9 @@ The first three are mostly appropriate for carers/parents, but smartwatches are 5. Examples for school care plans for children of different ages can be found in the [“files section”](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/files/) of the **AAPS** Facebook page. 6. What is your emergency plan for when remote control does not work (_i.e._ network problems or lost bluetooth connection)? Always consider what will happen with **AAPS** if you suddenly can’t send a new command. **AAPS** overwrites the pump basal, ISF and ICR with the current profile values. Only use temporary profile switches (_i.e._ with a set time duration) if switching to a stronger insulin profile, in case your remote connection is disrupted. Then the pump will revert to the original profile when the time expires. -(RemoteControl-sms-commands)= ## 1) SMS Commands -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note - -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md). - -``` - -You can control **AAPS** remotely via text (SMS) message through a feature known as **SMS Commands**. SMS commands can be sent to **AAPS** by _any_ type of phone (iPhone/Android). - -**SMS commands are really useful:** -1. For routine remote control - -2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin - -3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). - -4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working - -### SMS command safety -If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to change **AAPS** settings) . A second phone number must be enabled for SMS commands to work, even if you only have one primary caregiver/follower. You can then use the second number to temporarily disable SMS communicator (with the command **“SMS stop”**) if your main caregiver/parent phone is compromised. Versions of **AAPS** 2.7 and newer also use an [Authenticator app](#authentication-or-not)). - -### Different types of SMS commands -The **SMS Commands Table** below shows all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the AAPS app itself. The commands below have been listed by how commonly used they are likely to be, the first two tables should have most of the SMS commands you need with full looping. - -### SMS commands tables - -![SMS_command_table_1](../images/remote-control-02.png) - -![SMS_command_table_2](../images/remote-control-03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_3](../images/remote_control_and_following/SMS_command_table_3_Loop_03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_4](../images/remote-control-05.png) - -(authentication-or-not)= -### Authentication or not? - -You may notice from the table above that some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require **authenticating** with a security code from an additional app and a PIN (see below (link for more detail). A simple enquiry like “**bg**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn’t need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - -![image](../images/remote-control-06.png) - -Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: - -![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) - -### How to set up SMS commands - -The overall process is as follows: - -**1) Download an authenticator (caregiver phone)** - -**2) Check phone settings (AAPS phone)** - -**3) Date and time synching (caregiver and AAPS phone)** - -**4) AAPS settings (APPS phone)** - -**5) Testing SMS commands works (caregiver and AAPS phone)** - -### Let's get started! - -1) **Download an authenticator**: On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install one authenticator of your choice from the list below: - -[**Authy**](https://authy.com/download/) - -[**Google Authenticator - Android / iOS**](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2&pli=1) - -[**LastPass Authenticator**](https://www.lastpass.com/solutions/authentication) - -[**FreeOTP Authenticator**](https://freeotp.github.io/) - -These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. - -2) **Check phone settings:** In the **AAPS** phone settings go to Apps > AndroidAPS > Permissions > SMS > Allow SMS - -![image](../images/remote-control-08.png) - -3) **Date and time synching:** In both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific handsets, you may need to try out different settings. - -Example (for Samsung S23 handset): Settings – general management – date and time- automatic date and time - -Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterwards if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). - -4) **AAPS settings:** - -i) Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the left hand hamburger menu to navigate to Config Builder: - -![image](../images/remote-control-09.png) - -ii) Enable “SMS communicator” by checking the boxes, then click the “cog” to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen: - -![image](../images/remote-control-10.png) - -_Note - as an alternative route to Config Builder, you can also use the new “SMS Communicator tab” at the top of the AAPS screen, then right click on the custom right hand hamburger menu for that page, to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen._ - -iii) On the preferences screen enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: - -![image](../images/remote-control-11.png) - -iv) Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: - -UK phone number: +447976304596 - -US phone number: +11234567890 - -FR phone number: +33612344567 - -_etc._ - -Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. - -If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with NO space between numbers (this is critical!). Select “OK”: - - -![image](../images/remote-control-12.png) - -v) Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. - -PIN requirements are: - -•3 to 6 digits - -•not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) - -•not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) - -![image](../images/remote-control-13.png) - -vi) On the preferences screen select “Authenticator setup” - -● Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. - -● Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_ set up a new connection and - -● Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. - -● Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - -Example: - -The token from the authenticator app is 457051 - -Your mandatory PIN is 2401 - -Code to check: 4570512401 - -If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: - - -![image](../images/remote-control-14.png) - -You should now be set up with SMS commands. - -### First steps using SMS commands - -1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the AAPS phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: - -![image](../images/remote-control-15.png) - -2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator. To do this, send a text from the caregiver’s phone with the required command to the**AAPS** phone (_e.g._ “target hypo”). The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by an additional secret **PIN** known only to caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). - -This example is shown below, with the SMS command “target hypo” to set a hypo temp target: - -● In this example, your PIN is 1289 - -● Code from your authenticator app is 274127 - -● When prompted, text 2741271289 - -Commands must be sent in English. The response should be in your local language. When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the AAPS phone, to see how it works: - -![image](../images/remote-control-16.png) - -The caregiver’s phone will receive a SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: - -● SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct - -● You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) - -● You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) - -● The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led AAPS to calculate that the authenticator code had expired - -● The AAPS phone is out of range/contact with the pump - -● The system is already busy delivering a bolus - -If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. - -Common errors are shown in the examples below: - -![image](../images/remote-control-17.png) - -### Additional safety notes on SMS commands - -The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” - -If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “RESET AUTHENTICATORS” in AAPS (see preferences screenshot above, link) or send the SMS command “SMS stop”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. - -### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands - -Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: - -1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. - -To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. - -**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or AAPSClient with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions sub section below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. - -### SMS commands troubleshooting and FAQ - -#### Q: What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? - -1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting “profile exercise“ for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. - -2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the AAPS phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation and you cancel it (on the AAPS phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. - -**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. - -**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. - -#### Q: What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? - -**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. - -#### Q: Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? - -It could be for one of these reasons: - -1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The AAPS phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the AAPS phone). - -#### Q: How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? - -You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. - -For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. - -#### Q. Why am I getting multiple SMS texts of the same message? - -If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. - -#### Q. I’ve just set up SMS commands and I am now getting far too many text messages. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? - -Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the AAPS phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your AAPS phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. - -#### Q. Why are SMS commands not working on my Samsung phone? - -There was a report of SMS commands stopping after an update on a Samsung Galaxy S10 phone. This was solved by disabling ‘send as chat message’. - - -![image](../images/remote-control-18.png) - -#### Q. How can I fix issues with the Android Messages App? - -If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app, disable end-to-end encryption on both caregiver and dependent’s phones: - -● Open the specific SMS conversation in Messages - -● Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner - -● select “Details” - -● Activate “Only send SMS and MMS messages” +See the dedicated [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md) page. (aapsclient)= ## 2) AAPSClient @@ -696,11 +433,11 @@ Click side "plug-in" socket in the app, in order to upload Wear OS.apk onto the The final step is to configure **AAPS** on the phone to interact with **AAPS** Wear” on the watch. To do this, enable the Wear plugin in Config Builder: -● Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone +* Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone -● Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab +* Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab -● Tick for Wear selection under General +* Tick for Wear selection under General ![image](../images/ae6d75a1-1829-4d2e-b0dc-153e31e4a466.png) @@ -728,27 +465,27 @@ Once you have setup **AAPS** on your watch, extensive details about the smartwat As a brief overview, the following functions can be triggered from the smartwatch: -● set a temporary target +* set a temporary target -● use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) +* use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) -● administer eCarbs +* administer eCarbs -● administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) +* administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) -● watch settings +* watch settings -● status +* status -● check pump status +* check pump status -● check loop status +* check loop status -● check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) +* check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) -● show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) +* show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) -● Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) +* Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) #### Communication from caregivers to the watch using other apps (like Whatsapp) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md index 44a6336e1ef4..48bee43fb1a4 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md @@ -1,194 +1,337 @@ # SMS Commands -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note +```{contents} Table of contents +:depth: 2 +``` -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](#RemoteControl-sms-commands)). +Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following **AAPS** etc. can be done on [**AAPSClient** app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. Boluses, however, can't be given through **AAPSClient**, but you can use SMS commands. If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use **AAPSClient** app, there are additional SMS commands available. -``` +**SMS commands are really useful:** +1. For routine remote control + +2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin + +3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). + +4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working ## Safety First -. -- AAPS allows you to control a child's phone remotely via text message. If you enable this SMS Communicator, always remember that the phone set up to give remote commands could be stolen. So always protect it at least by a PIN code. A strong password or biometrics are recommended. -- Additionally it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. So you can use second number to [temporary disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets lost or stolen. -- AAPS will also inform you by text message if your remote commands, such as a bolus or a profile change, have been carried out. It is advisable to set this up so that confirmation texts are sent to at least two different phone numbers in case one of the receiving phones is stolen. -- **If you bolus through SMS Commands you must enter carbs through Nightscout (AAPSClient, Website...)!** If you fail to do so IOB would be correct with too low COB potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as AAPS assumes that you have too much active insulin. -- As of AAPS version 2.7 an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety when using SMS commands. + +If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to export **AAPS** settings). + +Additionally, it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. This way, you can use the second number to [disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets compromised. + +The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” + +AAPS will also inform you by text message if your remote commands, such as a bolus or a profile change, have been carried out. It is advisable to set this up so that confirmation texts are sent to at least two different phone numbers in case one of the receiving phones is stolen. + +**If you bolus through SMS Commands, you must enter carbs separately (second SMS, AAPSClient, Nightscout...)!** If you fail to do so, the IOB would be correct with too low COB, potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as **AAPS** assumes that you have too much active insulin. + +For the sensitive commands, an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety. + +If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “[Reset Authenticators](#sms-commands-authenticator-setup)” in **AAPS** or send the SMS command “[SMS stop](#SMSCommands-other)”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. ## Setup SMS commands -![SMS Commands Setup](../images/SMSCommandsSetup.png) +```{contents} The overall process is as follows +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -- Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following AAPS etc. can be done on [AAPSClient app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. -- Boluses can't be given through Nightscout, but you can use SMS commands. -- If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use AAPSClient app, there are additional SMS commands available. -- In your android phone setting go to Applications > AndroidAPS > Permissions and enable SMS +### Authenticator setup -(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= -### Authorized phone numbers +Two-factor authentication is used to improve safety. + +On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install an Authenticator app. Popular free apps are: + - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) + - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) + - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) + - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) + +These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. -- In AAPS go to **Preferences > SMS Communicator** and enter the phone number(s) that you will allow SMS commands to come from (separated by semicolons - i.e. +6412345678;+6412345679) +### Check phone settings -- Note that the "+" in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. +On your phone, go to **Apps > AAPS > Permissions**. Make sure **SMS** and **Phone** are allowed. -- Enable 'Allow remote commands via SMS'. +![image](../images/remote-control-08.png) -- If you want to use more than one number: +### Date and time synching - - Enter just one number. +The time on both phones must be synchronized. Best practice is set automatically from network. Time differences might lead to authentication problems. - - Make that single number work by sending and confirming a SMS command. +On both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific device, you may need to try out different settings. - - Enter additional number(s) separated by semicolon, no space. +Example (for Samsung S23): **Settings > General management > Date and time**: make sure that **Automatic date and time** is checked. - ![SMS Commands Setup multiple numbers](../images/SMSCommandsSetupSpace2.png) +Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterward if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). -### Minutes between bolus commands +### AAPS settings + +Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the [Config Builder](../SettingUpAaps/ConfigBuilder.md) to enable the **SMS Communicator** module. + +Go to the Preferences for SMS Communicator. + +Enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: + +![image](../images/remote-control-11.png) + +(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= +#### Allowed phone numbers + +Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: +* UK phone number: +447976304596 +* US phone number: +11234567890 +* FR phone number: +33612344567 +* _etc._ + +Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. + +If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with **NO space between numbers** (this is critical!). Select “OK”: + +![image](../images/remote-control-12.png) + +#### Minutes between bolus commands - You can define the minimum delay between two boluses issued via SMS. - For safety reasons you have to add at least two authorized phone numbers to edit this value. -### Additionally mandatory PIN at token end +#### Additional mandatory PIN at token end -- For safety reasons the reply code must be followed by a PIN. +For safety reasons, the reply code must be followed by a PIN. Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. -- PIN rules: +PIN requirements are: - - 3 to 6 digits - - not same digits (i.e. 1111) - - not in a row (i.e. 1234) +* 3 to 6 digits +* not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) +* not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) -### Authenticator setup +![image](../images/remote-control-13.png) -- Two-factor authentication is used to improve safety. +(sms-commands-authenticator-setup)= +#### Authenticator setup -- You can use any Authenticator app that supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. Popular free apps are: +* Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. +* Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_, set up a new connection and +* Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. +* Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) - - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) - - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) - - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) +Example: +* The token from the authenticator app is 457051 +* Your mandatory PIN is 2401 +* Code to check: 4570512401 + +If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. **There is no button you can press!** The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: + +![image](../images/remote-control-14.png) -- Install the authenticator app of your choice on your follower phone and scan the QR code shown in AAPS. +You should now be set up with SMS commands. -- Test the one-time password by entering the token shown in your authenticator app and the PIN you just setup in AAPS. Example: +Use button "Authenticator setup > Reset Authenticators" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (By resetting authenticator you make ALL already provisioned authenticators invalid. You will need to set them up again.) - - Your mandatory PIN is 2020 - - TOTP token from the authenticator app is 457051 - - Enter 4570512020 +## SMS commands usage -- The red text "WRONG PIN" will change **automatically** to a green "OK" if the entry is correct. **There is no button you can press!** +### First steps using SMS commands -- The time on both phones must be synchronized. Best practice is set automatically from network. Time differences might lead to authentication problems. +1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the **AAPS** phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: -- Use button "RESET AUTHENTICATORS" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (By resetting authenticator you make ALL already provisioned authenticators invalid. You will need to set them up again) +![image](../images/remote-control-15.png) -## Use SMS commands +If you don't receive any response, check the [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) section below. -- Send a SMS to the phone with AAPS running from your approved phone number(s) using any of the [commands](#commands) below. +2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator, _e.g._ “target hypo”. The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by the additional secret **PIN** known only by caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). -- The AAPS phone will respond to confirm success of command or status requested. +When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the **AAPS** phone, to see how it works: -- Confirm command by sending the code where necessary. Example: +![image](../images/remote-control-16.png) - - Your mandatory PIN is 2020 - - TOTP token from the authenticator app is 457051 - - Enter 4570512020 +The caregiver’s phone will receive an SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. + +If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. See [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) below for common errors. **Hint**: It can be useful to have unlimited SMS on your phone plan (for each phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent. +### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands + +Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: + +1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. + +To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. + +**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or **AAPSClient** with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions subsection below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. + (SMSCommands-commands)= ## Commands -Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). +```{contents} List of command groups +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) +Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). The commands are not case-sensitive, you can use lower or upper case. -### Buclă +![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) -- LOOP STOP/DISABLE \* Response: Loop has been disabled +The **SMS Commands Tables** below show all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the **AAPS** app itself. -- LOOP START/ENABLE \* Response: Loop has been enabled +(authentication-or-not)= +### Authentication or not? -- LOOP STATUS +Some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require strong **authentication** through the Authenticator app. A simple enquiry like “**BG**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn't need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - - Response depends on actual status +![image](../images/remote-control-06.png) - - Loop is disabled - - Loop is enabled - - Suspended (10 min) +Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: -- LOOP SUSPEND 20 \* Response: Loop suspended for 20 minutes +![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) -- LOOP RESUME \* Response: Loop resumed +The *Auth* column in the tables below, indicates whether such a strong authentication is required for each command. -- LOOP CLOSED \* Response: Current loop mode: Closed Loop +### CGM data -- LOOP LGS \* Response: Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BG | No | Returns: last BG, delta, IOB (bolus and basal), COB
*Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U)* | +| CAL 5.6/90 | Yes | Will calibrate the CGM with a value of 5.6/90
(use the value appropriate to your glucose units)
Works only if properly set-up in **AAPS**.
*Calibration sent* | -### CGM data +### Pump -- BG \* Response: Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U) -- CAL 5.6 \* Response: To send calibration 5.6 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response after correct code was received: Calibration sent (**If xDrip is installed. Accepting calibrations must be enabled in xDrip+**) +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| PUMP | No | Last conn: 1 min ago
Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min
IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 | +| PUMP DISCONNECT *30* | Yes | To disconnect pump for *30* minutes | +| PUMP CONNECT | Yes | Pump reconnected | ### Basal -- BASAL STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To stop temp basal reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 0.3 \* Response: To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 0.3 20 \* Response: To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 30% \* Response: To start basal 30% for 30 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 30% 50 \* Response: To start basal 30% for 50 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | -------------------------------- | +| BASAL 0.3 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min | +| BASAL 0.3 20 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min | +| BASAL 30% | Yes | To start basal 30% for 30 min | +| BASAL 30% 50 | Yes | To start basal 30% for 50 min | +| BASAL STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop temp basal | + + +### Buclă + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| LOOP STATUS | No | Response depends on actual status:
- *Loop is disabled* if the loop is disabled or LGS
- *Loop is enabled* if the loop is closed or open
- *Suspended (10 min)* if the loop is disconnected or suspended | +| LOOP STOP/DISABLE | Yes | The pump will revert to the pre-programmed basal rate.
*Loop has been disabled* | +| LOOP START/ENABLE | Yes | *Loop has been enabled* | +| LOOP SUSPEND 20 | Yes | *Loop suspended for 20 minutes* | +| LOOP RESUME | Yes | *Loop resumed* | +| LOOP CLOSED | Yes | *Current loop mode: Closed Loop* | +| LOOP LGS | Yes | *Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend* | ### Bolus -Remote bolus is not allowed within 15 min (this value is editable only if 2 phone numbers added) after last bolus command or remote commands! Therefore the response depends on the time that the last bolus was given. +Remote bolus is not allowed within 15 min (this value is editable only if 2 phone numbers added) after last bolus command or remote commands! In this case, the response would be *Remote bolus not available. Try again later.* This response is also sent when the pump is currently delivering a bolus. -- BOLUS 1.2 \* Response A: To deliver bolus 1.2U reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response B: Remote bolus not available. Try again later. -- BOLUS 0.60 MEAL \* If you specify the optional parameter MEAL, this sets the Temp Target MEAL (default values are: 90 mg/dL, 5.0 mmol/l for 45 mins). \* Response A: To deliver meal bolus 0.60U reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response B: Remote bolus not available. -- CARBS 5 \* Response: To enter 5g at 12:45 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM \* Response: To enter 5g at 17:35 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To stop extended bolus reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- EXTENDED 2 120 \* Response: To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BOLUS 1.2 | Yes | | +| BOLUS 0.60 MEAL | Yes | Delivers the specified 0.60U bolus
**and** sets the [Eating Soon TempTarget](#TempTargets-eating-soon-temp-target) | +| CARBS 5 | Yes | To enter 5g, without a bolus | +| CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM | Yes | To enter 5g at 17:35.
The acceptable time format depends
on the time setting (12h/24h) on the phone. | +| EXTENDED 2 120 | Yes | To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min.
Only for [compatible pumps](#screens-action-tab). | +| EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop extended bolus | ### Profile -- PROFILE STATUS \* Response: Profile1 -- PROFILE LIST \* Response: 1.\`Profile1\` 2.\`Profile2\` -- PROFILE 1 \* Response: To switch profile to Profile1 100% reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- PROFILE 2 30 \* Response: To switch profile to Profile2 30% reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| PROFILE STATUS | No | Current profile and percentage | +| PROFILE LIST | No | The current list of profiles in **AAPS**, e.g.:
1. Profile1
2. Profile2 | +| PROFILE 1 | Yes | To switch profile to profile 1 in the list.
Use the numbers as returned by the **PROFILE LIST**,
not the profile names as you saved them | +| PROFILE 2 30 | Yes | To switch profile to Profile2 30% | + +### Temporary Targets + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------- | +| TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | Yes | To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | +| TARGET STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To cancel Temp Target | + (SMSCommands-other)= ### Altele -- TREATMENTS REFRESH \* Response: Refresh treatments from NS -- NSClient RESTART \* Response: NSCLIENT RESTART SENT -- PUMP \* Response: Last conn: 1 min ago Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 -- PUMP CONNECT \* Response: Pump reconnected -- PUMP DISCONNECT *30* \* Response: To disconnect pump for *30* minutes reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- SMS DISABLE/STOP \* Response: To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any. Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly from the AAPS master smartphone only. -- TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO \* Response: To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- TARGET STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To cancel Temp Target reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- HELP \* Response: BG, LOOP, TREATMENTS, ..... -- HELP BOLUS \* Response: BOLUS 1.2 BOLUS 1.2 MEAL +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------ | ---- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| TREATMENTS REFRESH | No | Refresh treatments from NS | +| NSCLIENT RESTART | No | Useful if you notice a communication problem
with Nightscout or **AAPSClient** | +| SMS DISABLE/STOP | No | To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any.
Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly
from the **AAPS** master smartphone only. | +| HELP | No | Returns all functions available for interrogation:
Send further ***HELP ***FUNCTION****** command to list
all options available in this section. | +| HELP BOLUS | | *BOLUS 1.2
BOLUS 1.2 MEAL* | (SMSCommands-troubleshooting)= -## Troubleshooting +## Troubleshooting and FAQ -### Multiple SMS +```{contents} List of questions and issues +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -If you receive the same message over and over again (i.e. profile switch) you will probably have set up a circle with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please make sure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NS. +### What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? -If the other app is installed on multiple phones make sure to deactivate upload on all of them. +1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting "profile exercise" for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. + +2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the **AAPS** phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation, and you cancel it (on the **AAPS** phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. -### SMS commands not working on Samsung phones +**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. -There was a report on SMS commands stopping after an update on Galaxy S10 phone. Could be solved by disabling 'send as chat message'. +**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. + +### What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? + +**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. + +### Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? + +It could be for one of these reasons: + +1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The **AAPS** phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the **AAPS** phone). + +### No response whatsoever for SMS commands + +On the caregiver phone and/or **AAPS** phone, try disabling the following options : +* **Send as chat message** ![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) +* If using Android Messages App or Google Messages App, disable RCS messaging: + - open the specific SMS conversation in Messages + - Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner + - select "Details" + - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" ![Disable RCS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableRCS.png) + +### Errors carrying out commands + +There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: + +* SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct +* You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) +* You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) +* The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led **AAPS** to calculate that the authenticator code had expired +* The **AAPS** phone is out of range/contact with the pump +* The system is already busy delivering a bolus + +Common errors are shown in the examples below: + +![image](../images/remote-control-17.png) + +### How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? + +You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. + +For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. + +### Multiple SMS + +If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. + +If the other app is installed on multiple phones make sure to deactivate upload on all of them. -![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) -### Android Messages App +### I am getting far too many text messages from SMS Commands. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? -If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app disable end-to-end ecryption on both caregiver and child's phones. - - open the specific SMS conversation in Messages - - Select the options ellipisis in the top right corner - - select "Details" - - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" +Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the **AAPS** phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your **AAPS** phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/KidsMonitoring.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/KidsMonitoring.png index da04a0647dd1..a3628b5c4f85 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/KidsMonitoring.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/KidsMonitoring.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/SMSdisableRCS.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/SMSdisableRCS.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..86ce50229c39 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/SMSdisableRCS.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/remote-control-07.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/remote-control-07.png index f39574e5ad4b..f0174d83b06b 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/remote-control-07.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/remote-control-07.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/remote-control-08.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/remote-control-08.png index e96c345b2698..a26373899bba 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/remote-control-08.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/remote-control-08.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/AdvancedOptions/FullClosedLoop.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/AdvancedOptions/FullClosedLoop.md index f1840c0cf570..78912e6e52eb 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/AdvancedOptions/FullClosedLoop.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/AdvancedOptions/FullClosedLoop.md @@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ - Обратите внимание, что **UAM** также можно включить в гибридном замкнутом цикле, и в этом случае алгоритм лучше справляется с неправильно указанным количеством углеводов. -- Существует мнение, что для еды с особенно высоким содержанием углеводов или для людей с определенными привычками в еде или перепадами чувствительности нужнее или даже необходимее режим с небольшими предварительными болюсами на еду. По сути, это будет гибридный замкнутый цикл без ввода информации об углеводах и, следовательно, один из вариантов гибридного замкнутого цикла (HCL). Мы считаем режим без болюсов, вводимых пациентом, **автономным замкнутым циклом**, или контуром, настройка которого позволит убрать все «бесполезные» кнопки в нижней части главного экрана AAPS. +- Существует мнение, что для еды с особенно высоким содержанием углеводов или для людей с определенными привычками в еде или перепадами чувствительности нужнее или даже необходимее режим с небольшими предварительными болюсами на еду. По сути, это гибридный замкнутый цикл без ввода информации об углеводах и, следовательно, один из вариантов гибридного замкнутого цикла (HCL). Мы считаем режим без болюсов, вводимых пациентом, **автономным замкнутым циклом**, или контуром, настройка которого позволит убрать все «бесполезные» кнопки в нижней части главного экрана AAPS. ### Чего ожидать? -В 2022/23 году было проведено и опубликовано первое медицинское исследование, показавшее, что пациенты с СД 1 типа могут достичь неплохой компенсации с помощью AAPS в режиме саморегулирующегося замкнутого цикла: +В 2022/23 году было проведено и опубликовано первое медицинское исследование, показавшее, что пациенты с СД 1 типа могут достичь неплохой компенсации с помощью AAPS в режиме саморегулирующегося (автономного) замкнутого цикла: -> 16 adolescents with T1D (HbA1c range 43-75), and duration of diabetes of 9-15 years underwent three distinct 3-day periods of camp living, while using a modified and locked version of AAPS **Results:** The glycemia was controlled by the system 95% time of the study and the proportion of time below 3.9 mmol/L did not exceed 1% over the whole study period (0.72%). Сценарий гибридного зц HCL дал значительно более высокий процент времени ниже 3 ммоль/л (HCL 1,05% против MA 0,0% против самодостаточного замкнутого цикла FCL 0,0%; Р = 0,05). **Между сценариями в процентах времени между 3,9 и 10 ммоль/л** (HCL 83,3% против МА 79,85% против **FCL 81,03%**, Р = 0,58), не наблюдалось различий, что соответствует средней гликемии (HCL 6,65 ммоль/л против МА 7,34 ммоль/л против FCL 7,05 ммоль/л, Р = 0,28). В средней дневной дозе инсулина или в ежедневном потреблении углеводов различий не наблюдалось. За период исследования никаких серьезных неблагоприятных событий не происходило. **Выводы:** Наше пилотное исследование показало, что **самодостаточный замкнутый цикл FCL может быть реалистичным способом лечения** для людей с диабетом 1го типа. +> Шестнадцати испытуемым подросткам с диабетом 1 типа ((HbA1c в диапазоне 43-75) и продолжительностью заболевания в 9-15 лет пришлось пережить по три трехдневных периода пребывания в лагере, используя модифицированную заблокированную версию AAPS **Результат:** Гликемия контролировалась системой на протяжении 95% времени исследования, а время, когда гликемия опускалась ниже 3,9 ммоль/л не превышала 1% за весь период исследования (0,72%). Сценарий гибридного зц HCL дал значительно более высокий процент времени ниже 3 ммоль/л (HCL 1,05% против MA 0,0% и против автономного замкнутого цикла FCL 0,0%; Р = 0,05). **Между сценариями в процентах времени между 3,9 и 10 ммоль/л** (HCL 83,3% против МА 79,85% против **FCL 81,03%**, Р = 0,58), не наблюдалось различий, что соответствует средней гликемии (HCL 6,65 ммоль/л против МА 7,34 ммоль/л против FCL 7,05 ммоль/л, Р = 0,28). В средней дневной дозе инсулина или в ежедневном потреблении углеводов различий не наблюдалось. За период исследования никаких серьезных неблагоприятных событий не происходило. **Выводы:** Наше пилотное исследование показало, что **автономный замкнутый контур FCL вполне может применяться в качестве реалистичного способа лечения** для людей с диабетом 1го типа. Источник: @@ -28,15 +28,15 @@ Чтобы получить ожидаемое снижение ручного контроля, для начала необходимо: -- соответствовать всем предварительным требованиям для самодостаточного замкнутого цикла FCL +- соответствовать всем предварительным требованиям для автономного замкнутого цикла FCL - настроить несколько вариантов правил в меню Автоматизация - пройти этапы обучения и конфигурирования, научиться управлять настройками, особенно в меню Автоматизация. Приведенные ниже рекомендации помогут вам в этом процессе. -### Общие соображения, почему стоит (или не стоит) переходить от гибридного к самодостаточному замкнутому циклу +### Общие соображения, почему стоит (или не стоит) переходить от гибридного к автономному замкнутому циклу -Самодостаточный замкнутый цикл подходит **не ** **всем**: +Автономный замкнутый цикл подходит **не ** **всем**: -- Некоторые пользователи самодостаточного замкнутого цикла, применяющие Автоматизацию, достигают около 90% времени в целевом диапазоне TIR (70-180 / 3,8-10) и HbA1c ниже 6%, но, возможно вы предпочитаете более тонкий контроль. Примечательно, что **снижение показателей, превышающих 140 мг/дл (7,7 ммоль/л) при приёме быстрых углеводов **, вероятно, требует предварительного введения болюса. +- Некоторые пользователи атономного замкнутого цикла, применяющие Автоматизацию, достигают около 90% времени в целевом диапазоне TIR (70-180 / 3,8-10) и HbA1c ниже 6%, но, возможно, вам предпочтительнее более тонкий контроль. Примечательно, что **снижение показателей, превышающих 140 мг/дл (7,7 ммоль/л) при приёме быстрых углеводов **, вероятно, требует предварительного введения болюса. - Вы готовы к сознательной персонализированной настройке системы? Персонализация настроек может оказаться сложной задачей. Это определенно не для вас, если вы уже утомлены настройкой базальной дозы и ISF. Но соотнесите это с тем, что вы можете избавиться от ежедневного подсчёта углеводов. В результате внимательного изучения настроек своей петли вы получите более глубокие знания. - В то время как управление приемом пищи становится очень простым, управление при **физических нагрузках** сложнее, особенно если учесть, что многие ограничивают перекусы при занятии спортом в целях контроля веса. - К сожалению, существуют дополнительные трудности с самодостаточным замкнутым циклом у **детей** (см. следующий раздел, требования для самодостаточного замкнутого цикла) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 43f6b2844ed2..ed65860906e4 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,10 +9,17 @@ Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not ```{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md) :class: warning -**Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. +**Average Smoothing or Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ``` -## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) +## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) + +- Следуйте инструкциям здесь: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) +- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). + +- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) + +## 2. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) **Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** @@ -36,13 +43,6 @@ A patched Dexcom G7 app (DiaKEM) gives access to the Dexcom G7 data. This is not - Если AAPS не получает данных ГК, переключитесь на другой источник ГК, а затем снова на 'BYODA'. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - -- Следуйте инструкциям здесь: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) -- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - -- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) - ## 3. xdrip+ (режим спутника) - Скачайте и установите xDrip+: [xDrip](https://github.com/NightscoutFoundation/xDrip) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md index 14f00ca20ead..8e4a5872012e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md @@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ Use this option only if your CGM data is being properly smoothed by your collect ## Предложения использовать сглаживание -| | Экспоненциальное | Среднее | Отсутствует | -| --------------------- |:----------------:|:---------------------:|:-------------:| -| G5 и G6 | | При зашумлении данных | Рекомендуемое | -| G7 | Рекомендуемое | | | -| Libre 1 или Juggluco | Рекомендуемое | | | -| Libre 2 и 3 от xDrip+ | | | Рекомендуемое | +| | Экспоненциальное | Среднее | Отсутствует | +| --------------------- |:---------------------:|:---------:|:-------------:| +| G5 и G6 | При зашумлении данных | | Рекомендуемое | +| G7 | При зашумлении данных | If stable | | +| Libre 1 или Juggluco | Рекомендуемое | | | +| Libre 2 и 3 от xDrip+ | | | Рекомендуемое | ### Dexcom sensors diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Getting-Started/Phones.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Getting-Started/Phones.md index d08abfaedfd1..6d3c584f8d7e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Getting-Started/Phones.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Getting-Started/Phones.md @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # Телефоны -The current version of **AAPS** requires an Android smartphone with Google Android 9.0 or above. So if you are thinking about a new phone, Android 9 is recommended at a minimum but optimally choose Android 13 or 14. - -For older Android versions, older **AAPS** versions are available see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. +As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject. +Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). - [Список проверенных телефонов](../CompatiblePhones/ListOfTestedPhones.md) - [Настройки Jelly Pro](../CompatiblePhones/Jelly.md) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md index d29313faa1af..1bec383ebf61 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md @@ -209,7 +209,8 @@ In addition to the medical warnings in the [safety section](#safety-first) there ### Смартфоны #### AAPS и версии Android -The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons, however for users unable to use a device with Android 9.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions like [Android 8](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/ and [Android 7](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/2.6.2), remain available from previous releases (check the release notes for legacy versions). + +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred.
As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject.
Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). #### Выбор модели смартфона Модель, которую вы покупаете, зависит от желаемых функций. You can find on the [Phones page](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) recommendations and user feedback about working setups. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md index 81acd1b9e841..7100662f63f3 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md @@ -17,272 +17,9 @@ 5. Примеры организации устройств в школе для детей разных возрастов можно найти в разделен [“файлы”](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/files/) на странице **AAPS** в Facebook. 6. Какие ваши действия на случай, когда удаленное управление не работает (_например_, возникли проблемы с интернетом или потерялся сигнал bluetooth)? Всегда учитывайте, что может произойти с **AAPS**, если вы внезапно потеряете возможность отправить новую команду. **AAPS** перезапишет значения базы, ФЧИ и УК, указанные в помпе, значениями из текущего профиля. Если вы устанавливаете более агрессивный профиль - всегда делайте его временным (_т.е._ указывайте длительность действия профиля) на случай, если удаленное управление станет недоступным. Помпа вернется к стандартному профилю по истечении указанного времени. -(RemoteControl-sms-commands)= ## 1) SMS Commands -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note - -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md). - -``` - -Существует возможность удаленно управлять **AAPS** с помощью текстового (SMS) сообщения на основе **SMS-команд**. Команды SMS можно отправлять на **AAPS** с _любого_ типа телефона (iPhone|Android). - -**SMS-команды очень полезны:** -1. Для обычного дистанционного управления - -2. Для дистанционного введения инсулина - -3. На территориях с плохо работающим интернетом, где могут проходить текстовые сообщения, а прием данных/интернет ограничен. Полезно при путешествиях в отдаленные районы ( в походах, на лыжных базах и т.п.). - -4. Если другие методы дистанционного управления (Nightscout/AAPSClient) временно не работают - -### Безопасность SMS-команд -При включении **SMS коммуникатора** в **AAPS**, учитывайте, что телефон, который настроен для подачи удаленных команд, может быть украден и/или использован кем-то еще. Всегда блокируйте телефон PIN-кодом. Рекомендуются надежные пароли и/или биометрические замки, отличные от мастер-пароля (пароль, который требуется для изменения настроек **AAPS**). Для корректной работы SMS команд в настройках должен быть активирован второй номер телефона, даже если у вас только один основной опекун/фоллоуэр. Второй номер может понадобиться чтобы временно отключить SMS-коммуникатор (командой **«SMS stop»**), если главный телефон попал в чужие руки. Versions of **AAPS** 2.7 and newer also use an [Authenticator app](#authentication-or-not)). - -### Различные типы SMS команд -В нижеприведенной таблице команд **SMS** представлены все возможные SMS-команды. Для облегчения понимания приводятся _Примерные значения_. Команды имеют такой же диапазон возможных значений (цели, процентный профиль и т. д.), который разрешен в самом приложении AAPS. Команды в таблицах перечислены в том порядке, в котором обычно используются; первые две таблицы содержат большую часть команд SMS для AAPS. - -### Таблицы SMS команд - -![SMS_command_table_1](../images/remote-control-02.png) - -![SMS_command_table_2](../images/remote-control-03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_3](../images/remote_control_and_following/SMS_command_table_3_Loop_03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_4](../images/remote-control-05.png) - -(аутентификатор-или нет.)= -### Нужна ли аутентификация? - -Из приведенной таблицы видно, что некоторые команды SMS дают немедленный ответ, а другие требуют **аутентификации** по коду безопасности из дополнительного приложения и PIN-коду (см. подробнее ниже). Простой запрос, например «**bg**» (запрашивает обновление ГК) быстро вводится, не требует аутентификации и возвращает информацию о статусе **AAPS** - см. ниже: - -![изображение](../images/remote-control-06.png) - -Команды, которым требуется больше безопасности, требуют ввести код, например: - -![SMS-аутентифицирована](../images/remote-control-07.png) - -### Как настроить SMS-команды - -Общий процесс выглядит так: - -**1) Скачиваем аутентификатор (на телефон родителя/опекуна)** - -**2) Проверяем настройки телефона (телефон с AAPS)** - -**3) Синхронизируем дату и время (телефон родителя и телефон AAPS)** - -**4) Настройки AAPS (телефон APPS)** - -**5) Проверяем работу команд SMS (телефон родителя и AAPS)** - -### Приступим! - -1) **Скачиваем аутентификатор**: На смартфоне родителя скачиваем (из App store или Google play) и установливаем один из аутентификаторов на выбор из списка ниже: - -[**Приложение Authy**](https://authy.com/download/) - -[**Аутентификатор Google - Android / iOS**](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2&pli=1) - -[**LastPass Authenticator**](https://www.lastpass.com/solutions/authentication) - -[**FreeOTP Authenticator**](https://freeotp.github.io/) - -Эти приложения содержат ограниченный по времени одноразовый 6-значный пароль. Можно использовать любое приложение Authenticator, которое поддерживает маркеры TOTP RFC 6238. Microsoft Authenticator не работает. - -2) **Проверьте настройки телефона:** В настройках телефона **AAPS** перейдите к приложениям > AAPS > Разрешения > SMS > Разрешить SMS - -![изображение](../images/remote-control-08.png) - -3) **Синхронизация дат и времени:** В телефоне с **AAPS** и телефоне опекуна, проверьте синхронизацию даты и времени. Как именно вы это делаете, зависит от конкретных моделей телефонов, возможно придется попробовать различные настройки. - -Пример (для смартфона Samsung S23): Настройки – общее управление дата и время - автоматическая дата и время - -Некоторые опции могут быть недоступны (затенены) из-за настроек семейной учетной записи ребенка. Эта настройка даты и времени называется «автоматически» на iPhone опекуна/родителя. Если вы не уверены, синхронизированы ли телефоны, не волнуйтесь, это можно настроить в дальнейшем. - -4) **Настройки AAPS:** - -i) После проверки настроек телефона, в самом приложении **AAPS**, через левое верхнее меню перейдите в Конфигуратор: - -![изображение](../images/remote-control-09.png) - -ii) Включите «SMS-коммуникатор», установив флажок, затем нажмите «шестеренку» и получите доступ к экрану настройки SMS-коммуникатора: - -![изображение](../images/remote-control-10.png) - -_Примечание. В качестве альтернативного пути к Конфигуратору можно также использовать новую вкладку «SMS-коммуникатор» в верхней части окна AAPS, затем щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по контекстному меню справа для этой страницы, чтобы перейти к настройкам SMS коммуникатора._ - -iii) На экране настроек включите «разрешить удаленные команды с помощью SMS»: - -![изображение](../images/remote-control-11.png) - -iv) Введите номер телефона опекуна/родителя. Включите код страны и исключите первый "0" номера телефона, как показано на примерах: - -Номер телефона великобритании: +447976304596 - -Номер телефона сша: +11234567890 - -Номер телефона франции: +33612344567 - -_и т. д._ - -Обратите внимание, что «+» перед номером может быть обязательным или не потребуется в зависимости от вашего местоположения. Для определения этого отправьте тестовое сообщение, которое будет отображать полученный формат на вкладке SMS Communicator. - -Если у вас более одного номера телефона, разделите их точкой с запятой БЕЗ пробела между цифрами (это критично!). Выберите "OK": - - -![изображение](../images/remote-control-12.png) - -v) Выберите PIN-код, который вы (и другие опекуны) будут использовать в конце кода аутентификатора при отправке SMS-команды. - -Требования к PIN-коду: - -•от 3 до 6 цифр - -•не одинаковые цифры (_напр._ 1111 или 1224) - -•не последовательные цифры (_напр._ 1234) - -![изображение](../images/remote-control-13.png) - -vi) На экране настроек выберите «Настройка Аутентификации» - -● Следуйте пошаговым инструкциям на экране. - -● Откройте установленное приложение-аутентификатор на телефоне _опекуна_ создайте новое соединение и - -● Телефоном опекуна сканируйте QR-код от **AAPS**, при подсказке. - -● Проверьте одноразовый код доступа от аутентификатора на телефоне опекуна, за которым следует ваш PIN: - -Пример: - -Маркер из приложения идентификации-457051 - -Ваш обязательный PIN-код 2401 - -Код для проверки: 4570512401 - -Если запись правильна, красный текст «WRONG PIN» автоматически изменится на «OK». Процесс завершен, нет кнопки "OK", которую нужно нажать после ввода кода: - - -![изображение](../images/remote-control-14.png) - -Теперь все готово для работы с помощью SMS-команд. - -### Первые шаги работы с помощью SMS команд - -1) Чтобы проверить правильность настройки, отправьте «bg» в качестве SMS-сообщения с телефона опекуна на телефон AAPS. Вы должны получить ответ, похожий на этот: - -![изображение](../images/remote-control-15.png) - -2) Теперь попробуйте команду SMS, которая требует аутентификатора. Для этого с телефона опекуна отправьте смс с нужной командой на телефон с **AAPS** (_напр._ "target hypo" (цель гипо)). Телефон опекуна получит смс с предложением ввести пароль аутентификации **с шестизначными цифрами** из приложения-аутентификатора, с последующим секретным **PIN-кодом** известным только родителям/опекунам (строка из десяти цифр в общей сложности, при условии, что ваш PIN-код состоит из 4х цифр). - -Ниже показан пример с командой SMS «target hypo», чтобы установить временную цель гипо: - -● В этом примере ваш PIN-код 1289 - -Маркер из приложения идентификации-274127 - -● При появлении запроса отправьте текст 2741271289 - -Команды отправляются на английском языке. Ответ на локальном языке. Когда будете отправлть команду в первый раз, держите оба телефона при себе, чтобы убедиться, что все работает: - -![изображение](../images/remote-control-16.png) - -Телефон опекуна получит SMS от **AAPS** в подтверждение успешного выполнения команды от SMS. Существует несколько возможных причин, по которым команда не проходит: - -● Настройка SMS-команд не завершена/не корректна - -● Отправлена команда в некорректном формате (например, “disconnect pump 45” вместо “pump disconnect 45”) - -● Использован неправильный или просроченный код аутентификации (обычно лучше подождать несколько секунд чтобы получить свежий код, если истекает срок действующего) - -● Код подтверждения+PIN-код в порядке, но возникла задержка в отправке/прибытии SMS, что заставило AAPS вычислить истекший код аутентификации - -● Телефон AAPS вне диапазона/контакта с помпой - -● Система уже занята вводом болюса - -Если ваша команда успешна, вы получите ответ-подтверждение. Если возникла проблема, вы получите сообщение об ошибке. - -Распространенные ошибки приведены в примерах ниже: - -![изображение](../images/remote-control-17.png) - -### Дополнительные примечания о безопасности в SMS-командах - -Минимальная задержка между командами на болюс по умолчанию составляет 15 минут. Из соображений безопасности следует добавить хотя бы два авторизованных номера телефона для уменьшения этого значения. Если вы дистанционно пытаетесь повторно ввестиь болюс в течение 15 минут после предыдущего, вы получите ответ “Дистанционный болюс невозможен. Повторите позже” - -Если вы хотите прекратить возможность отправлять SMS команды с телефона опекуна, используйте экстренную кнопку “RESET AUTHENTICATORS” в AAPS (см. настройки выше, ссылка) или отправьте SMS-команду “SMS stop”. Сбросив аутентификаторы, вы делаете ВСЕ телефоны опекунов недействительными. Вам придется их снова настроить. - -### Передача SMS-команд о болюсах на еду - -Дистанционное введение болюсов _может быть сделано только_ с помощью **SMS команд**, оно не может осуществляться через NightScout или AAPSClient. Однако углеводы могут быть внесены любым из трех методов. В одном SMS-сообщении невозможно отправить углеводы и инсулин. Эти команды должны отправляться отдельно следующим образом: - -1) Отправьте команду на болюс (_например_"bolus2",которая инициирует введение 2 единиц) при помощи SMS, что эквивалентно нажатию на иконку "шприца" в **AAPS**. 2) Отправьте SMS об углеводах (_напр._ “carbs 20” внесет 20 г углеводов). Это эквивалентно использованию иконки “углеводы” в **AAPS**. - -To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. - -**Порядок отправки этих команд важен.**. Если любым методом внести запись о значительном количестве углеводов при активированнной функции SMB, **AAPS** может моментально отреагировать, введя часть болюса. Поэтому если _после_ этого отправить команду на болюс, может возникнуть задержка с выполнением и появится сообщение "вводится болюс", после которого придется проверять количество инсулина, введенного в виде микроболюса. Или, если вы не обнаружили SMB, а ваш собственный болюс также введен успешно, может оказаться, что на еду отправлено слишком много инсулина. Поэтому, если дистанционно отправлять команду на болюсы, следует всегда вводить болюс _перед_ внесением записи об углеводах. Если предпочитаете, можно использовать сочетание Nightscout или AAPSClient с командами SMS. Запись об углеводах вносится в Nightscout без проверки подлинности (см. раздел инструкций ниже), и поэтому происходит быстрее чем SMS-команды. - -### Ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы по SMS-командам и устранение неполадок - -#### В: Что _не может быть_ выполнено при помощи команд SMS? - -**Невозможно переключиться на _временный_ профиль (т. е. нельзя например установить профиль "нагрузка" на 60 мин.), но можно просто переключить профиль на неопределенное время. Временные профили можно устанавливать через Nightscout или AAPSClient.

- -2) **Нельзя отменить автоматизацию** или **задать определенные пользователем цели**, но есть другие решения: представьте себе обычную цель профиля 5.5. В AAPS установлена автоматизация всегда устанавливать высокую цель 7.0 между 14.30 и 15.00 из-за урока физкультуры в школе, а условием срабатывания автоматизации является "отсутствие врем. целей". На этой неделе незадолго до занятий вам сообщили о замене урока физкультуры на ланч с пиццей, но ваш ребенок уже в школе с телефоном AAPS. Если высокая временная цель 7.0 запускается автоматизацией, а вы ее отменили (на телефоне AAPS или удаленно), то условия для автоматизации все равно соблюдены, и **AAPS** просто установит высокую цель еще раз, минутой позже. - -**Если у вас есть доступ к телефону AAPS**, вы можете отключить/изменить автоматизацию, или, если вы не хотите этого делать, вы можете просто установить новую временную цель 5.6 на 60 минут на вкладке Действия или нажав на кнопку Цель. Это помешало бы автоматизации устанавить высокую цель 7.0. - -**Если же у вас нет доступа телефону с AAPS** SMS команда может приблизительно исправить ситуацию: например, с помощью команды «target meal (ожидаемый прием пищи) установить цель 5.0 на 45 минут (другие цели по умолчанию 8.0 для нагрузки или гипо, см. таблицу). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. - -#### В: Что произойдет, если я передумаю отдавать команду, которую только что отправил? - -**AAPS** выполняет только самую свежую команду. Поэтому, если вы отправили «bolus 1.5», а затем, не аутентифицируясь, новую команду «bolus 1», то она проигнорирует предыдущую команду 1.5. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. - -#### Q: Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? - -It could be for one of these reasons: - -1) Сообщение не попало на телефон (проблемы с сетью). 2) **AAPS** все еще обрабатывает запрос (_напр._ болюс, который отнимает некоторое время в зависимости от скорости обмена). 3) Телефон AAPS не имеет хорошего соединения Bluetooth с помпой при получении команды, и ему не удается выполнить команду (обычно это вызывает оповещение на телефоне AAPS). - -#### Q: How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? - -You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. - -По поводу ошибок в болюсах и записях об углеводах, также можно принять меры. Например, внесена запись о 20 г углеводов, но ваш ребенок съел только 10 г, и нет возможности удалить ее непосредственно в телефоне **AAPS**, вы можете установить высокую временную цель или понизить % профиля, чтобы снизить агрессивность **AAPS**. - -#### В. Почему я получаю несколько SMS одного сообщения? - -Если же вы неоднократно получаете одно и то же сообщение (_напр._ переключатель профиля) возможно случайно возникло закольцовывание с другими приложениями. Например, с xDrip+. Если это так, убедитесь, что xDrip+ (или любое другое приложение) не загружает данные терапии в NS. - -#### В. Я только что настроил команды SMS, и теперь получаю слишком много текстовых сообщений. Можно уменьшить их частоту или остановить? - -Использование SMS команд может генерировать много автоматических сообщений на телефон опекуна. Также могут приходить сообщения типа “basal profile in pump updated” (базальный профиль на помпе обновлен), если в **AAPS** настроена автоматизация. Полезно иметь тарифный план с неограниченным количеством SMS на телефоне AAPS (и на телефонах опекунов), а также отключить уведомления, оповещения или вибрации на SMS. Невозможно пользоваться SMS-командами и не получать эти сообщения. В связи с этим, альтернативный способ общения с ребенком (если он достаточно взрослый) может оказаться более предпочтительным. Альтернативные приложения для коммуникаций с опекунами **AAPS** включают Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, и Facebook Messenger. - -#### В. Почему команды SMS не работают на моем телефоне Samsung? - -Были сообщения об остановке работы SMS команд после обновления на телефоне Galaxy S10. Решается путем отключения опции "отправлять SMS как сообщения чата". - - -![изображение](../images/remote-control-18.png) - -#### В. Как исправить проблемы с приложением Android Messages? - -Если у вас возникают проблемы с отправкой или получением SMS-команд в приложении Android Messages, отключите сквозное шифрование как на телефоне опекуна, так и на детском телефоне: - -● Откройте конкретный SMS-диалог в приложении Messages - -● Выберите параметры в правом верхнем углу - -● выберите "Подробности” - -● Активируйте опцию "Отправлять только SMS и MMS” +See the dedicated [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md) page. (клиентaaps)= ## 2) AAPSClient @@ -696,11 +433,11 @@ Click side "plug-in" socket in the app, in order to upload Wear OS.apk onto the Последним шагом является настройка **AAPS** на телефоне для работы с **AAPS** Wear на часах. Для этого включите плагин Wear в Конфигураторе настроек: -● Перейдите в приложение **AAPS** на телефоне +* Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone -● Выберите > Конфигуратор в левой вкладке +* Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab -● Выберите «Wear» в разделе Синхронизация Конфигуратора +* Tick for Wear selection under General ![изображение](../images/ae6d75a1-1829-4d2e-b0dc-153e31e4a466.png) @@ -728,27 +465,27 @@ Once you have setup **AAPS** on your watch, extensive details about the smartwat As a brief overview, the following functions can be triggered from the smartwatch: -● set a temporary target +* set a temporary target -● use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) +* use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) -● administer eCarbs +* administer eCarbs -● administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) +* administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) -● watch settings +* watch settings -● status +* status -● check pump status +* check pump status -● check loop status +* check loop status -● check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) +* check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) -● show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) +* show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) -● Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) +* Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) #### Communication from caregivers to the watch using other apps (like Whatsapp) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md index e3855f2b1baf..88f105702ebc 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md @@ -1,194 +1,337 @@ # SMS команды -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note +```{contents} Table of contents +:depth: 2 +``` -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](#RemoteControl-sms-commands)). +Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following **AAPS** etc. can be done on [**AAPSClient** app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. Boluses, however, can't be given through **AAPSClient**, but you can use SMS commands. If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use **AAPSClient** app, there are additional SMS commands available. -``` +**SMS commands are really useful:** +1. For routine remote control + +2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin + +3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). + +4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working ## Безопасность прежде всего -. -- AndroidAPS позволяет вам контролировать телефон ребенка удаленно посредством текстовых сообщений (смс). Если смс-коммуникатор активирован, не забывайте, что телефон, настроенный на подачу удаленных команд, может быть украден. Поэтому всегда защищайте смартфон хотя бы ПИН-кодом. Рекомендуется использовать надежный пароль или биометрические данные. -- Additionally it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. So you can use second number to [temporary disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets lost or stolen. -- AndroidAPS также сообщит вам текстовым сообщением, выполнены ли ваши удаленные команды, такие как болюс или изменения профиля. Рекомендуется сделать такую настройку, чтобы подтверждающие тексты направлялись по меньшей мере на два разных телефона на тот случай, если один из них украден. -- **Если вы подаете болюс через SMS-команды необходимо вводить углеводы через Nightscout (AAPSClient, сайт...)**Если вы этого не сделаете, AAPS будет считать, что активных углеводов COB слишком мало и, вероятно, не будет подавать корректировочный болюс, полагая, что у вас много активного инсулина. -- Начиная с версии AndroidAPS 2.7 при использовании SMS-команд необходимо использовать приложение-аутентификатор с одноразовым паролем. + +If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to export **AAPS** settings). + +Additionally, it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. This way, you can use the second number to [disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets compromised. + +The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” + +AndroidAPS также сообщит вам текстовым сообщением, выполнены ли ваши удаленные команды, такие как болюс или изменения профиля. Рекомендуется сделать такую настройку, чтобы подтверждающие тексты направлялись по меньшей мере на два разных телефона на тот случай, если один из них украден. + +**If you bolus through SMS Commands, you must enter carbs separately (second SMS, AAPSClient, Nightscout...)!** If you fail to do so, the IOB would be correct with too low COB, potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as **AAPS** assumes that you have too much active insulin. + +For the sensitive commands, an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety. + +If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “[Reset Authenticators](#sms-commands-authenticator-setup)” in **AAPS** or send the SMS command “[SMS stop](#SMSCommands-other)”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. ## Настройка SMS-команд -![SMS Commands Setup](../images/SMSCommandsSetup.png) +```{contents} The overall process is as follows +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -- Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following AAPS etc. can be done on [AAPSClient app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. -- Болюсы не могут подаваться через Nightscout, но можно использовать SMS-команды. -- Если у вас для слежения iPhone и, следовательно, нет возможности использовать AAPSclient, доступны дополнительные SMS-команды. -- В настройках телефона перейдите в приложения > AndroidAPS > Разрешения и включите SMS +### Настройка аутентификации -(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= -### Авторизованные номера телефонов +Для повышения безопасности используется двухфакторная аутентификация. + +On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install an Authenticator app. Популярные бесплатные приложения: + - [Приложение Authy](https://authy.com/download/) + - Google Authenticator - [Android ](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2)/[iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) + - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) + - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) + +These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. -- В AAPS перейдите в **Настройки > SMS Коммуникатор**и введите номер(а) телефона(ов), с которых хотите отправлять SMS команды (разделенные точками с запятыми - напр +6412345678;+6412345679) +### Check phone settings -- Обратите внимание, что «+» перед номером может быть обязательным или не потребуется в зависимости от вашего местоположения. Для определения этого отправьте образец текста, который будет отображать полученный формат на вкладке SMS Communicator. +On your phone, go to **Apps > AAPS > Permissions**. Make sure **SMS** and **Phone** are allowed. -- * Включите «Разрешить удаленные команды при помощи SMS». +![изображение](../images/remote-control-08.png) -- Если вы хотите использовать более одного номера: +### Date and time synching - - Введите только один номер. +Время на обоих телефонах должно быть синхронизировано. Оптимальный вариант - установить на автоматическую настройку из сети. Различия во времени могут привести к проблемам аутентификации. - - Убедитесь, что этот телефон работает с алгоритмом путем отправки и подтверждения команды SMS. +On both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific device, you may need to try out different settings. - - Введите дополнительные номера, разделенные точкой с запятой, без пробела. +Example (for Samsung S23): **Settings > General management > Date and time**: make sure that **Automatic date and time** is checked. - ![SMS Commands Setup multiple numbers](../images/SMSCommandsSetupSpace2.png) +Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterward if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). -### Минуты между командами на болюс +### AAPS settings + +Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the [Config Builder](../SettingUpAaps/ConfigBuilder.md) to enable the **SMS Communicator** module. + +Go to the Preferences for SMS Communicator. + +Enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: + +![изображение](../images/remote-control-11.png) + +(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= +#### Allowed phone numbers + +Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: +* UK phone number: +447976304596 +* US phone number: +11234567890 +* FR phone number: +33612344567 +* _etc._ + +Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. + +If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with **NO space between numbers** (this is critical!). Select “OK”: + +![изображение](../images/remote-control-12.png) + +#### Минуты между командами на болюс - Можно определить минимальную задержку между двумя болюсами, поданными при помощи SMS. - Из соображений безопасности следует добавить хотя бы два авторизованных номера телефона для изменения этого значения. -### Дополнительно обязательный пин-код в конце маркера +#### Additional mandatory PIN at token end -- По соображениям безопасности за кодом ответа должен следовать PIN. +For safety reasons, the reply code must be followed by a PIN. Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. -- Правила установки PIN: +PIN requirements are: - - от 3 до 6 цифр - - все цифры различные (например, не 1111) - - не подряд (например, не 1234) +* от 3 до 6 цифр +* not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) +* not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) -### Настройка аутентификации +![изображение](../images/remote-control-13.png) -- Для повышения безопасности используется двухфакторная аутентификация. +(sms-commands-authenticator-setup)= +#### Настройка аутентификации -- Можно использовать любое приложение Authenticator, которое поддерживает маркеры TOTP RFC 6238. Популярные бесплатные приложения: +* Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. +* Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_, set up a new connection and +* Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. +* Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - - [Приложение Authy](https://authy.com/download/) - - Google Authenticator - [Android ](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2)/[iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) - - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) - - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) +Пример: +* The token from the authenticator app is 457051 +* Your mandatory PIN is 2401 +* Code to check: 4570512401 + +If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. **There is no button you can press!** The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: + +![изображение](../images/remote-control-14.png) -- Установите на телефоне-фолловере выбранное вами приложение идентификации и просканируйте QR-код, показанный в AAPS. +You should now be set up with SMS commands. -- Протестируйте одноразовый пароль, введя маркер, показанный в приложении идентификации, и ПИН, который вы только что настроили в AAPS. Пример: +Use button "Authenticator setup > Reset Authenticators" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (При сбросе аутентификации вы делаете ВСЕ уже предоставленные аутентификаторы недействительными. You will need to set them up again.) - - Ваш обязательный PIN-код 2020 - - Маркер TOTP из приложения идентификации-457051 - - Введите 4570512020 +## SMS commands usage -- Красный текст "НЕПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ПИН" изменится **автоматически** на зеленый "OK", если запись правильная. **Кнопки для нажатия нет!** +### First steps using SMS commands -- Время на обоих телефонах должно быть синхронизировано. Оптимальный вариант - установить на автоматическую настройку из сети. Различия во времени могут привести к проблемам аутентификации. +1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the **AAPS** phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: -- Используйте кнопку "RESET AUTHENTICATORS"" (СБРОСИТЬ ИДЕНТИФИКАТОРЫ), если хотите их удалить. (При сбросе аутентификации вы делаете ВСЕ уже предоставленные аутентификаторы недействительными. Вам придется их снова настроить) +![изображение](../images/remote-control-15.png) -## Отправка SMS-Команд +If you don't receive any response, check the [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) section below. -- Send a SMS to the phone with AAPS running from your approved phone number(s) using any of the [commands](#commands) below. +2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator, _e.g._ “target hypo”. The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by the additional secret **PIN** known only by caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). -- Телефон с AAPS ответит чтобы подтвердить успешное выполнение команды или запрашиваемого статуса. +When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the **AAPS** phone, to see how it works: -- Подтвердите команду, при необходимости отправив код. Пример: +![изображение](../images/remote-control-16.png) - - Ваш обязательный PIN-код 2020 - - Маркер TOTP из приложения идентификации-457051 - - Введите 4570512020 +The caregiver’s phone will receive an SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. + +If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. See [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) below for common errors. ***Подсказка**: Если отправляется много SMS, полезно иметь тарифный план с неограниченным количеством SMS (на обоих телефонах). +### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands + +Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: + +1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. + +To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. + +**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or **AAPSClient** with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions subsection below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. + (SMSCommands-commands)= ## Команды -Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). +```{contents} List of command groups +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) +Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). The commands are not case-sensitive, you can use lower or upper case. -### Замкнутый цикл +![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) -- LOOP STOP/DISABLE \* Ответ: Цикл отключен +The **SMS Commands Tables** below show all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the **AAPS** app itself. -- LOOP START/ENABLE \* Ответ: Цикл включен +(authentication-or-not)= +### Authentication or not? -- LOOP STATUS +Some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require strong **authentication** through the Authenticator app. A simple enquiry like “**BG**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn't need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - - Ответ зависит от фактического состояния +![изображение](../images/remote-control-06.png) - - зцикл не работает - - зцикл работает - - Остановлен (на 10 мин) +Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: -- LOOP SUSPEND 20 \* Ответ: Цикл приостановлен на 20 минут +![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) -- LOOP RESUME \* Ответ: Цикл возобновлен +The *Auth* column in the tables below, indicates whether such a strong authentication is required for each command. -- ЦИКЛ ЗАМКНУТ \* Ответ: Текущий режим: Закрытый цикл +### Данные мониторинга -- ПРИОСТАНОВКА НА НИЗКИХ \* Ответ: Текущий режим: Закрытый цикл +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BG | No | Returns: last BG, delta, IOB (bolus and basal), COB
*Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U)* | +| CAL 5.6/90 | Yes | Will calibrate the CGM with a value of 5.6/90
(use the value appropriate to your glucose units)
Works only if properly set-up in **AAPS**.
*Calibration sent* | -### Данные мониторинга +### Pump -- BG \* Ответ: Новая ГК: 5.6 4мин назад, Дельта: -0,2 ммоль, Активный инсулин IOB: 0.20 ед. (Болюс: 0.10 ед. Базал: 0.10 ед.) -- CAL 5.6 \* Ответ: Чтобы отправить калибровку 5.6 ответьте с кодом из приложения Authenticator для пользователя, затем PIN \* Ответ после получения верного кода: Калибровка отправлена (**Если установлен xDrip. Разрешение на прием калибровок должно быть включено в xDrip+**) +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| ПОМПА | No | Last conn: 1 min ago
Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min
IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 | +| PUMP DISCONNECT *30* | Yes | To disconnect pump for *30* minutes | +| PUMP CONNECT | Yes | Pump reconnected | ### Базал -- BASAL STOP/CANCEL \* Ответ: Для остановки временного базала ответьте кодом из приложения Authenticator для Пользователя и подтвердите своим PIN-кодом -- BASAL 0.3 \* Ответ: Для постановки базала на 0.3 ед/ч ответьте кодом из приложения Authenticator для Пользователя и подтвердите своим PIN-кодом -- BASAL 0.3 20 \* Ответ: Для постановки базала 0.3 ед/ч на 20 мин ответьте кодом из приложения Authenticator для Пользователя и подтвердите своим PIN-кодом -- BASAL 30% \* Ответ: Для постановки базала 30% ед/ч на 30 мин. ответьте кодом из приложения Authenticator для Пользователя и подтвердите своим PIN-кодом -- BASAL 30% 50 \* Ответ: Для постановки базала 30% ед/ч на 50 мин. ответьте кодом из приложения Authenticator для Пользователя и подтвердите своим PIN-кодом +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | -------------------------------- | +| BASAL 0.3 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min | +| BASAL 0.3 20 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min | +| BASAL 30% | Yes | To start basal 30% for 30 min | +| BASAL 30% 50 | Yes | To start basal 30% for 50 min | +| BASAL STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop temp basal | + + +### Замкнутый цикл + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| LOOP STATUS | No | Response depends on actual status:
- *Loop is disabled* if the loop is disabled or LGS
- *Loop is enabled* if the loop is closed or open
- *Suspended (10 min)* if the loop is disconnected or suspended | +| LOOP STOP/DISABLE | Yes | The pump will revert to the pre-programmed basal rate.
*Loop has been disabled* | +| LOOP START/ENABLE | Yes | *Loop has been enabled* | +| LOOP SUSPEND 20 | Yes | *Loop suspended for 20 minutes* | +| LOOP RESUME | Yes | *Loop resumed* | +| LOOP CLOSED | Yes | *Current loop mode: Closed Loop* | +| LOOP LGS | Yes | *Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend* | ### Болюс -Удаленный болюс разрешается только через 15 минут после предыдущей команды болюс или других удаленных команд (значение редактируется если для передачи команд добавлено 2 номера телефона)! * Поэтому ответ зависит от времени последнего болюса. +Удаленный болюс разрешается только через 15 минут после предыдущей команды болюс или других удаленных команд (значение редактируется если для передачи команд добавлено 2 номера телефона)! In this case, the response would be *Remote bolus not available. Try again later.* This response is also sent when the pump is currently delivering a bolus. -- BOLUS 1.2 \* Ответ A: Для подачи болюса 1.2ед ответьте кодом из приложения Authenticator для Пользователя и подтвердите своим PIN-кодом \* Ответ B: Удаленный болюс недоступен. Повторите позже. -- BOLUS 0.60 MEAL \*Если указать необязательный параметр MEAL, запускается временная цель MEAL (значения по умолчанию: 90 мг/дл, 5.0 ммоль/л на 45 мин). \* Ответ A: Для подачи болюса 0.60 ед. ответьте кодом из приложения Authenticator для Пользователя и подтвердите своим PIN-кодом \* Ответ B: Удаленный болюс недоступен. -- CARBS 5 \* Ответ: Чтобы ввести 5г в 12:45 ответьте кодом из приложения Authenticator для Пользователя и подтвердите своим PIN-кодом -- CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM \* Ответ: Чтобы ввести 5г в 17:35 ответьте кодом из приложения Authenticator для Пользователя и подтвердите своим PIN-кодом -- EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL \* Ответ: Для остановки пролонгированного болюса ответьте кодом из приложения Authenticator для Пользователя и подтвердите своим PIN-кодом -- EXTENDED 2 120 * Ответ: Чтоб начать пролонгированный болюс 2ед на 120 минут ответьте кодом из приложения Authenticator для Пользователя и подтвердите своим PIN-кодом +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BOLUS 1.2 | Yes | | +| BOLUS 0.60 MEAL | Yes | Delivers the specified 0.60U bolus
**and** sets the [Eating Soon TempTarget](#TempTargets-eating-soon-temp-target) | +| CARBS 5 | Yes | To enter 5g, without a bolus | +| CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM | Yes | To enter 5g at 17:35.
The acceptable time format depends
on the time setting (12h/24h) on the phone. | +| EXTENDED 2 120 | Yes | To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min.
Only for [compatible pumps](#screens-action-tab). | +| EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop extended bolus | ### Profile -- PROFILE STATUS \* Ответ: Profile1 -- PROFILE LIST \* Ответ: 1.\`Profile1\` 2.\`Profile2\` -- PROFILE 1 \* Ответ: Для переключения профиля на Profile1 100% ответьте кодом из приложения Authenticator для Пользователя и подтвердите своим PIN-кодом -- PROFILE 2 30 \* Ответ: Для переключения профиля на Profile2 30% ответьте кодом из приложения Authenticator для Пользователя и подтвердите своим PIN-кодом +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| PROFILE STATUS | No | Current profile and percentage | +| PROFILE LIST | No | The current list of profiles in **AAPS**, e.g.:
1. Profile1
2. Profile2 | +| PROFILE 1 | Yes | To switch profile to profile 1 in the list.
Use the numbers as returned by the **PROFILE LIST**,
not the profile names as you saved them | +| PROFILE 2 30 | Yes | To switch profile to Profile2 30% | + +### Temporary Targets + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------- | +| TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | Yes | To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | +| TARGET STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To cancel Temp Target | + (SMSCommands-other)= ### Другое -- TREATMENTS REFRESH \* Ответ: Обновление терапии из NS -- NSCLIENT RESTART \* Ответ: NSCLIENT RESTART команда отправлена -- PUMP \* Ответ: Последнее соед: 1 мин. назад -- Врем базал: 0.00ед/ч @11:38 5/30мин IOB: 0.5ед Резервуар: 34ед Бат: 100 -- PUMP CONNECT \* Ответ: Помпа переподключена -- PUMP DISCONNECT *30* \* Ответ: Чтобы разъединить связь с помпой на *30* минут ответьте кодом из приложения Authenticator для Пользователя и подтвердите своим PIN-кодом -- SMS DISABLE/STOP \* Ответ: Для отключения удаленного сервиса SMS ответьте любым кодом. Имейте в виду, что после этого его можно повторно активировать только непосредственно с основного смартфона AAPS. -- TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO \* Response: To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- TARGET STOP/CANCEL \* Ответ: Для остановки временной цели ответьте кодом из приложения Authenticator для Пользователя и подтвердите своим PIN-кодом -- HELP \* Ответ: BG, LOOP, TREATMENTS, ..... (ГК, ЦИКЛ, ТЕРАПИЯ...)..... -- HELP BOLUS \* Ответ: BOLUS 1.2 BOLUS 1.2 MEAL (БОЛЮС 1.2 БОЛЮС 1.2 НА ЕДУ) +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------ | ---- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| TREATMENTS REFRESH | No | Refresh treatments from NS | +| NSCLIENT RESTART | No | Useful if you notice a communication problem
with Nightscout or **AAPSClient** | +| SMS DISABLE/STOP | No | To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any.
Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly
from the **AAPS** master smartphone only. | +| HELP | No | Returns all functions available for interrogation:
Send further ***HELP ***FUNCTION****** command to list
all options available in this section. | +| HELP BOLUS | | *BOLUS 1.2
BOLUS 1.2 MEAL* | (SMSCommands-troubleshooting)= -## Troubleshooting +## Troubleshooting and FAQ -### Несколько SMS +```{contents} List of questions and issues +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -Если вы многократно получаете одно и то же сообщение (напр. переключатель профиля), то, возможно, возникла закольцованность с другими приложениями. Например, с xDrip+. Если это так, убедитесь, что xDrip+ (или любое другое приложение) не загружает данные терапии в NS. +### What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? -Если на других телефонах есть еще это приложение, отключите выгрузку данных на всех этих телефонах. +1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting "profile exercise" for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. + +2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the **AAPS** phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation, and you cancel it (on the **AAPS** phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. -### Команды SMS не работают на телефонах Samsung +**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. -Была жалоба на остановку работы SMS команд после обновления на телефоне Galaxy S10. Решается путем отключения опции "отправлять SMS как сообщения чата". +**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. + +### What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? + +**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. + +### Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? + +It could be for one of these reasons: + +1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The **AAPS** phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the **AAPS** phone). + +### No response whatsoever for SMS commands + +On the caregiver phone and/or **AAPS** phone, try disabling the following options : +* **Send as chat message** ![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) +* If using Android Messages App or Google Messages App, disable RCS messaging: + - откройте конкретный SMS-диалог в приложении Messages + - Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner + - выберите "Подробности" + - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" ![Disable RCS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableRCS.png) + +### Errors carrying out commands + +There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: + +* SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct +* You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) +* You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) +* The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led **AAPS** to calculate that the authenticator code had expired +* The **AAPS** phone is out of range/contact with the pump +* The system is already busy delivering a bolus + +Common errors are shown in the examples below: + +![изображение](../images/remote-control-17.png) + +### How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? + +You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. + +For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. + +### Несколько SMS + +If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. Например, с xDrip+. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. + +Если на других телефонах есть еще это приложение, отключите выгрузку данных на всех этих телефонах. -![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) -### Приложение Messages для Android +### I am getting far too many text messages from SMS Commands. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? -Если у вас возникают проблемы с отправкой или получением SMS-команд в приложении Android Messages, отключите сквозное шифрование как на телефоне опекуне, так и на детском телефоне. - - откройте конкретный SMS-диалог в приложении Messages - - Выберите параметры в правом верхнем углу - - выберите "Подробности" - - Активируйте опцию "Отправлять только SMS и MMS" +Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the **AAPS** phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your **AAPS** phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/KidsMonitoring.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/KidsMonitoring.png index da04a0647dd1..a3628b5c4f85 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/KidsMonitoring.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/KidsMonitoring.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/SMSdisableRCS.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/SMSdisableRCS.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..86ce50229c39 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/SMSdisableRCS.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/remote-control-07.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/remote-control-07.png index f39574e5ad4b..f0174d83b06b 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/remote-control-07.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/remote-control-07.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/remote-control-08.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/remote-control-08.png index e96c345b2698..a26373899bba 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/remote-control-08.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/remote-control-08.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 84dc3e95dcf0..527124818fd2 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,10 +9,17 @@ Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not ```{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md) :class: warning -**Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. +**Average Smoothing or Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ``` -## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) +## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) + +- Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) +- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). + +- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) + +## 2. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) **Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** @@ -36,13 +43,6 @@ A patched Dexcom G7 app (DiaKEM) gives access to the Dexcom G7 data. This is not - If AAPS does not receive any values, switch to another BG source and then back to 'BYODA' to invoke the query for approving data exchange between AAPS and BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - -- Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) -- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - -- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) - ## 3. xDrip+ (companion mode) - Download and install xDrip+: [xDrip](https://github.com/NightscoutFoundation/xDrip) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md index c3df691fe1bc..5fe41332bcb0 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md @@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ Use this option only if your CGM data is being properly smoothed by your collect ## Suggestions to use smoothing -| | Exponential | Average | None | -| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:--------:|:-----------:| -| G5 and G6 | | If noisy | Recommended | -| G7 | Recommended | | | -| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | -| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | +| | Exponential | Average | None | +| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:---------:|:-----------:| +| G5 and G6 | If noisy | | Recommended | +| G7 | If noisy | If stable | | +| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | +| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | ### Dexcom sensors diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Getting-Started/Phones.md b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Getting-Started/Phones.md index b501e621221f..b5460cc8acae 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Getting-Started/Phones.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Getting-Started/Phones.md @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # Phones -The current version of **AAPS** requires an Android smartphone with Google Android 9.0 or above. So if you are thinking about a new phone, Android 9 is recommended at a minimum but optimally choose Android 13 or 14. - -For older Android versions, older **AAPS** versions are available see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. +As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject. +Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). - [List of tested phones](../CompatiblePhones/ListOfTestedPhones.md) - [Jelly Pro Settings](../CompatiblePhones/Jelly.md) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md index 3c607028cc27..d0b486caa57f 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md @@ -209,7 +209,8 @@ This documentation aims to reduce the technical expertise required to an absolut ### Smartphones #### AAPS and Android Versions -The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons, however for users unable to use a device with Android 9.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions like [Android 8](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/ and [Android 7](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/2.6.2), remain available from previous releases (check the release notes for legacy versions). + +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred.
As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject.
Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). #### Smartphone model choice The exact model you buy depends on the desired function(s). You can find on the [Phones page](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) recommendations and user feedback about working setups. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md index b78d79f0dca9..9c949e62fb4a 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md @@ -17,272 +17,9 @@ The first three are mostly appropriate for carers/parents, but smartwatches are 5. Examples for school care plans for children of different ages can be found in the [“files section”](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/files/) of the **AAPS** Facebook page. 6. What is your emergency plan for when remote control does not work (_i.e._ network problems or lost bluetooth connection)? Always consider what will happen with **AAPS** if you suddenly can’t send a new command. **AAPS** overwrites the pump basal, ISF and ICR with the current profile values. Only use temporary profile switches (_i.e._ with a set time duration) if switching to a stronger insulin profile, in case your remote connection is disrupted. Then the pump will revert to the original profile when the time expires. -(RemoteControl-sms-commands)= ## 1) SMS Commands -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note - -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md). - -``` - -You can control **AAPS** remotely via text (SMS) message through a feature known as **SMS Commands**. SMS commands can be sent to **AAPS** by _any_ type of phone (iPhone/Android). - -**SMS commands are really useful:** -1. For routine remote control - -2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin - -3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). - -4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working - -### SMS command safety -If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to change **AAPS** settings) . A second phone number must be enabled for SMS commands to work, even if you only have one primary caregiver/follower. You can then use the second number to temporarily disable SMS communicator (with the command **“SMS stop”**) if your main caregiver/parent phone is compromised. Versions of **AAPS** 2.7 and newer also use an [Authenticator app](#authentication-or-not)). - -### Different types of SMS commands -The **SMS Commands Table** below shows all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the AAPS app itself. The commands below have been listed by how commonly used they are likely to be, the first two tables should have most of the SMS commands you need with full looping. - -### SMS commands tables - -![SMS_command_table_1](../images/remote-control-02.png) - -![SMS_command_table_2](../images/remote-control-03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_3](../images/remote_control_and_following/SMS_command_table_3_Loop_03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_4](../images/remote-control-05.png) - -(authentication-or-not)= -### Authentication or not? - -You may notice from the table above that some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require **authenticating** with a security code from an additional app and a PIN (see below (link for more detail). A simple enquiry like “**bg**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn’t need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - -![image](../images/remote-control-06.png) - -Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: - -![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) - -### How to set up SMS commands - -The overall process is as follows: - -**1) Download an authenticator (caregiver phone)** - -**2) Check phone settings (AAPS phone)** - -**3) Date and time synching (caregiver and AAPS phone)** - -**4) AAPS settings (APPS phone)** - -**5) Testing SMS commands works (caregiver and AAPS phone)** - -### Let's get started! - -1) **Download an authenticator**: On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install one authenticator of your choice from the list below: - -[**Authy**](https://authy.com/download/) - -[**Google Authenticator - Android / iOS**](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2&pli=1) - -[**LastPass Authenticator**](https://www.lastpass.com/solutions/authentication) - -[**FreeOTP Authenticator**](https://freeotp.github.io/) - -These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. - -2) **Check phone settings:** In the **AAPS** phone settings go to Apps > AndroidAPS > Permissions > SMS > Allow SMS - -![image](../images/remote-control-08.png) - -3) **Date and time synching:** In both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific handsets, you may need to try out different settings. - -Example (for Samsung S23 handset): Settings – general management – date and time- automatic date and time - -Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterwards if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). - -4) **AAPS settings:** - -i) Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the left hand hamburger menu to navigate to Config Builder: - -![image](../images/remote-control-09.png) - -ii) Enable “SMS communicator” by checking the boxes, then click the “cog” to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen: - -![image](../images/remote-control-10.png) - -_Note - as an alternative route to Config Builder, you can also use the new “SMS Communicator tab” at the top of the AAPS screen, then right click on the custom right hand hamburger menu for that page, to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen._ - -iii) On the preferences screen enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: - -![image](../images/remote-control-11.png) - -iv) Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: - -UK phone number: +447976304596 - -US phone number: +11234567890 - -FR phone number: +33612344567 - -_etc._ - -Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. - -If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with NO space between numbers (this is critical!). Select “OK”: - - -![image](../images/remote-control-12.png) - -v) Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. - -PIN requirements are: - -•3 to 6 digits - -•not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) - -•not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) - -![image](../images/remote-control-13.png) - -vi) On the preferences screen select “Authenticator setup” - -● Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. - -● Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_ set up a new connection and - -● Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. - -● Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - -Example: - -The token from the authenticator app is 457051 - -Your mandatory PIN is 2401 - -Code to check: 4570512401 - -If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: - - -![image](../images/remote-control-14.png) - -You should now be set up with SMS commands. - -### First steps using SMS commands - -1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the AAPS phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: - -![image](../images/remote-control-15.png) - -2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator. To do this, send a text from the caregiver’s phone with the required command to the**AAPS** phone (_e.g._ “target hypo”). The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by an additional secret **PIN** known only to caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). - -This example is shown below, with the SMS command “target hypo” to set a hypo temp target: - -● In this example, your PIN is 1289 - -● Code from your authenticator app is 274127 - -● When prompted, text 2741271289 - -Commands must be sent in English. The response should be in your local language. When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the AAPS phone, to see how it works: - -![image](../images/remote-control-16.png) - -The caregiver’s phone will receive a SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: - -● SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct - -● You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) - -● You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) - -● The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led AAPS to calculate that the authenticator code had expired - -● The AAPS phone is out of range/contact with the pump - -● The system is already busy delivering a bolus - -If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. - -Common errors are shown in the examples below: - -![image](../images/remote-control-17.png) - -### Additional safety notes on SMS commands - -The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” - -If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “RESET AUTHENTICATORS” in AAPS (see preferences screenshot above, link) or send the SMS command “SMS stop”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. - -### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands - -Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: - -1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. - -To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. - -**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or AAPSClient with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions sub section below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. - -### SMS commands troubleshooting and FAQ - -#### Q: What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? - -1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting “profile exercise“ for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. - -2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the AAPS phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation and you cancel it (on the AAPS phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. - -**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. - -**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. - -#### Q: What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? - -**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. - -#### Q: Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? - -It could be for one of these reasons: - -1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The AAPS phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the AAPS phone). - -#### Q: How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? - -You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. - -For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. - -#### Q. Why am I getting multiple SMS texts of the same message? - -If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. - -#### Q. I’ve just set up SMS commands and I am now getting far too many text messages. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? - -Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the AAPS phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your AAPS phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. - -#### Q. Why are SMS commands not working on my Samsung phone? - -There was a report of SMS commands stopping after an update on a Samsung Galaxy S10 phone. This was solved by disabling ‘send as chat message’. - - -![image](../images/remote-control-18.png) - -#### Q. How can I fix issues with the Android Messages App? - -If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app, disable end-to-end encryption on both caregiver and dependent’s phones: - -● Open the specific SMS conversation in Messages - -● Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner - -● select “Details” - -● Activate “Only send SMS and MMS messages” +See the dedicated [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md) page. (aapsclient)= ## 2) AAPSClient @@ -696,11 +433,11 @@ Click side "plug-in" socket in the app, in order to upload Wear OS.apk onto the The final step is to configure **AAPS** on the phone to interact with **AAPS** Wear” on the watch. To do this, enable the Wear plugin in Config Builder: -● Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone +* Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone -● Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab +* Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab -● Tick for Wear selection under General +* Tick for Wear selection under General ![image](../images/ae6d75a1-1829-4d2e-b0dc-153e31e4a466.png) @@ -728,27 +465,27 @@ Once you have setup **AAPS** on your watch, extensive details about the smartwat As a brief overview, the following functions can be triggered from the smartwatch: -● set a temporary target +* set a temporary target -● use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) +* use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) -● administer eCarbs +* administer eCarbs -● administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) +* administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) -● watch settings +* watch settings -● status +* status -● check pump status +* check pump status -● check loop status +* check loop status -● check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) +* check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) -● show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) +* show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) -● Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) +* Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) #### Communication from caregivers to the watch using other apps (like Whatsapp) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md index 6f14c34f281f..5f8aff9def14 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md @@ -1,194 +1,337 @@ # SMS Commands -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note +```{contents} Table of contents +:depth: 2 +``` -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](#RemoteControl-sms-commands)). +Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following **AAPS** etc. can be done on [**AAPSClient** app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. Boluses, however, can't be given through **AAPSClient**, but you can use SMS commands. If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use **AAPSClient** app, there are additional SMS commands available. -``` +**SMS commands are really useful:** +1. For routine remote control + +2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin + +3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). + +4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working ## Safety First -. -- AAPS allows you to control a child's phone remotely via text message. If you enable this SMS Communicator, always remember that the phone set up to give remote commands could be stolen. So always protect it at least by a PIN code. A strong password or biometrics are recommended. -- Additionally it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. So you can use second number to [temporary disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets lost or stolen. -- AAPS will also inform you by text message if your remote commands, such as a bolus or a profile change, have been carried out. It is advisable to set this up so that confirmation texts are sent to at least two different phone numbers in case one of the receiving phones is stolen. -- **If you bolus through SMS Commands you must enter carbs through Nightscout (AAPSClient, Website...)!** If you fail to do so IOB would be correct with too low COB potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as AAPS assumes that you have too much active insulin. -- As of AAPS version 2.7 an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety when using SMS commands. + +If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to export **AAPS** settings). + +Additionally, it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. This way, you can use the second number to [disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets compromised. + +The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” + +AAPS will also inform you by text message if your remote commands, such as a bolus or a profile change, have been carried out. It is advisable to set this up so that confirmation texts are sent to at least two different phone numbers in case one of the receiving phones is stolen. + +**If you bolus through SMS Commands, you must enter carbs separately (second SMS, AAPSClient, Nightscout...)!** If you fail to do so, the IOB would be correct with too low COB, potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as **AAPS** assumes that you have too much active insulin. + +For the sensitive commands, an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety. + +If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “[Reset Authenticators](#sms-commands-authenticator-setup)” in **AAPS** or send the SMS command “[SMS stop](#SMSCommands-other)”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. ## Setup SMS commands -![SMS Commands Setup](../images/SMSCommandsSetup.png) +```{contents} The overall process is as follows +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -- Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following AAPS etc. can be done on [AAPSClient app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. -- Boluses can't be given through Nightscout, but you can use SMS commands. -- If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use AAPSClient app, there are additional SMS commands available. -- In your android phone setting go to Applications > AndroidAPS > Permissions and enable SMS +### Authenticator setup -(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= -### Authorized phone numbers +Two-factor authentication is used to improve safety. + +On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install an Authenticator app. Popular free apps are: + - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) + - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) + - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) + - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) + +These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. -- In AAPS go to **Preferences > SMS Communicator** and enter the phone number(s) that you will allow SMS commands to come from (separated by semicolons - i.e. +6412345678;+6412345679) +### Check phone settings -- Note that the "+" in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. +On your phone, go to **Apps > AAPS > Permissions**. Make sure **SMS** and **Phone** are allowed. -- Enable 'Allow remote commands via SMS'. +![image](../images/remote-control-08.png) -- If you want to use more than one number: +### Date and time synching - - Enter just one number. +The time on both phones must be synchronized. Best practice is set automatically from network. Time differences might lead to authentication problems. - - Make that single number work by sending and confirming a SMS command. +On both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific device, you may need to try out different settings. - - Enter additional number(s) separated by semicolon, no space. +Example (for Samsung S23): **Settings > General management > Date and time**: make sure that **Automatic date and time** is checked. - ![SMS Commands Setup multiple numbers](../images/SMSCommandsSetupSpace2.png) +Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterward if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). -### Minutes between bolus commands +### AAPS settings + +Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the [Config Builder](../SettingUpAaps/ConfigBuilder.md) to enable the **SMS Communicator** module. + +Go to the Preferences for SMS Communicator. + +Enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: + +![image](../images/remote-control-11.png) + +(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= +#### Allowed phone numbers + +Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: +* UK phone number: +447976304596 +* US phone number: +11234567890 +* FR phone number: +33612344567 +* _etc._ + +Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. + +If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with **NO space between numbers** (this is critical!). Select “OK”: + +![image](../images/remote-control-12.png) + +#### Minutes between bolus commands - You can define the minimum delay between two boluses issued via SMS. - For safety reasons you have to add at least two authorized phone numbers to edit this value. -### Additionally mandatory PIN at token end +#### Additional mandatory PIN at token end -- For safety reasons the reply code must be followed by a PIN. +For safety reasons, the reply code must be followed by a PIN. Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. -- PIN rules: +PIN requirements are: - - 3 to 6 digits - - not same digits (i.e. 1111) - - not in a row (i.e. 1234) +* 3 to 6 digits +* not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) +* not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) -### Authenticator setup +![image](../images/remote-control-13.png) -- Two-factor authentication is used to improve safety. +(sms-commands-authenticator-setup)= +#### Authenticator setup -- You can use any Authenticator app that supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. Popular free apps are: +* Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. +* Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_, set up a new connection and +* Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. +* Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) - - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) - - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) - - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) +Example: +* The token from the authenticator app is 457051 +* Your mandatory PIN is 2401 +* Code to check: 4570512401 + +If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. **There is no button you can press!** The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: + +![image](../images/remote-control-14.png) -- Install the authenticator app of your choice on your follower phone and scan the QR code shown in AAPS. +You should now be set up with SMS commands. -- Test the one-time password by entering the token shown in your authenticator app and the PIN you just setup in AAPS. Example: +Use button "Authenticator setup > Reset Authenticators" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (By resetting authenticator you make ALL already provisioned authenticators invalid. You will need to set them up again.) - - Your mandatory PIN is 2020 - - TOTP token from the authenticator app is 457051 - - Enter 4570512020 +## SMS commands usage -- The red text "WRONG PIN" will change **automatically** to a green "OK" if the entry is correct. **There is no button you can press!** +### First steps using SMS commands -- The time on both phones must be synchronized. Best practice is set automatically from network. Time differences might lead to authentication problems. +1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the **AAPS** phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: -- Use button "RESET AUTHENTICATORS" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (By resetting authenticator you make ALL already provisioned authenticators invalid. You will need to set them up again) +![image](../images/remote-control-15.png) -## Use SMS commands +If you don't receive any response, check the [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) section below. -- Send a SMS to the phone with AAPS running from your approved phone number(s) using any of the [commands](#commands) below. +2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator, _e.g._ “target hypo”. The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by the additional secret **PIN** known only by caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). -- The AAPS phone will respond to confirm success of command or status requested. +When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the **AAPS** phone, to see how it works: -- Confirm command by sending the code where necessary. Example: +![image](../images/remote-control-16.png) - - Your mandatory PIN is 2020 - - TOTP token from the authenticator app is 457051 - - Enter 4570512020 +The caregiver’s phone will receive an SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. + +If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. See [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) below for common errors. **Hint**: It can be useful to have unlimited SMS on your phone plan (for each phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent. +### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands + +Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: + +1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. + +To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. + +**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or **AAPSClient** with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions subsection below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. + (SMSCommands-commands)= ## Commands -Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). +```{contents} List of command groups +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) +Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). The commands are not case-sensitive, you can use lower or upper case. -### Loop +![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) -- LOOP STOP/DISABLE \* Response: Loop has been disabled +The **SMS Commands Tables** below show all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the **AAPS** app itself. -- LOOP START/ENABLE \* Response: Loop has been enabled +(authentication-or-not)= +### Authentication or not? -- LOOP STATUS +Some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require strong **authentication** through the Authenticator app. A simple enquiry like “**BG**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn't need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - - Response depends on actual status +![image](../images/remote-control-06.png) - - Loop is disabled - - Loop is enabled - - Suspended (10 min) +Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: -- LOOP SUSPEND 20 \* Response: Loop suspended for 20 minutes +![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) -- LOOP RESUME \* Response: Loop resumed +The *Auth* column in the tables below, indicates whether such a strong authentication is required for each command. -- LOOP CLOSED \* Response: Current loop mode: Closed Loop +### CGM data -- LOOP LGS \* Response: Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BG | No | Returns: last BG, delta, IOB (bolus and basal), COB
*Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U)* | +| CAL 5.6/90 | Yes | Will calibrate the CGM with a value of 5.6/90
(use the value appropriate to your glucose units)
Works only if properly set-up in **AAPS**.
*Calibration sent* | -### CGM data +### Pump -- BG \* Response: Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U) -- CAL 5.6 \* Response: To send calibration 5.6 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response after correct code was received: Calibration sent (**If xDrip is installed. Accepting calibrations must be enabled in xDrip+**) +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| PUMP | No | Last conn: 1 min ago
Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min
IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 | +| PUMP DISCONNECT *30* | Yes | To disconnect pump for *30* minutes | +| PUMP CONNECT | Yes | Pump reconnected | ### Basal -- BASAL STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To stop temp basal reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 0.3 \* Response: To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 0.3 20 \* Response: To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 30% \* Response: To start basal 30% for 30 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 30% 50 \* Response: To start basal 30% for 50 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | -------------------------------- | +| BASAL 0.3 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min | +| BASAL 0.3 20 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min | +| BASAL 30% | Yes | To start basal 30% for 30 min | +| BASAL 30% 50 | Yes | To start basal 30% for 50 min | +| BASAL STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop temp basal | + + +### Loop + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| LOOP STATUS | No | Response depends on actual status:
- *Loop is disabled* if the loop is disabled or LGS
- *Loop is enabled* if the loop is closed or open
- *Suspended (10 min)* if the loop is disconnected or suspended | +| LOOP STOP/DISABLE | Yes | The pump will revert to the pre-programmed basal rate.
*Loop has been disabled* | +| LOOP START/ENABLE | Yes | *Loop has been enabled* | +| LOOP SUSPEND 20 | Yes | *Loop suspended for 20 minutes* | +| LOOP RESUME | Yes | *Loop resumed* | +| LOOP CLOSED | Yes | *Current loop mode: Closed Loop* | +| LOOP LGS | Yes | *Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend* | ### Bolus -Remote bolus is not allowed within 15 min (this value is editable only if 2 phone numbers added) after last bolus command or remote commands! Therefore the response depends on the time that the last bolus was given. +Remote bolus is not allowed within 15 min (this value is editable only if 2 phone numbers added) after last bolus command or remote commands! In this case, the response would be *Remote bolus not available. Try again later.* This response is also sent when the pump is currently delivering a bolus. -- BOLUS 1.2 \* Response A: To deliver bolus 1.2U reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response B: Remote bolus not available. Try again later. -- BOLUS 0.60 MEAL \* If you specify the optional parameter MEAL, this sets the Temp Target MEAL (default values are: 90 mg/dL, 5.0 mmol/l for 45 mins). \* Response A: To deliver meal bolus 0.60U reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response B: Remote bolus not available. -- CARBS 5 \* Response: To enter 5g at 12:45 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM \* Response: To enter 5g at 17:35 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To stop extended bolus reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- EXTENDED 2 120 \* Response: To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BOLUS 1.2 | Yes | | +| BOLUS 0.60 MEAL | Yes | Delivers the specified 0.60U bolus
**and** sets the [Eating Soon TempTarget](#TempTargets-eating-soon-temp-target) | +| CARBS 5 | Yes | To enter 5g, without a bolus | +| CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM | Yes | To enter 5g at 17:35.
The acceptable time format depends
on the time setting (12h/24h) on the phone. | +| EXTENDED 2 120 | Yes | To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min.
Only for [compatible pumps](#screens-action-tab). | +| EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop extended bolus | ### Profile -- PROFILE STATUS \* Response: Profile1 -- PROFILE LIST \* Response: 1.\`Profile1\` 2.\`Profile2\` -- PROFILE 1 \* Response: To switch profile to Profile1 100% reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- PROFILE 2 30 \* Response: To switch profile to Profile2 30% reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| PROFILE STATUS | No | Current profile and percentage | +| PROFILE LIST | No | The current list of profiles in **AAPS**, e.g.:
1. Profile1
2. Profile2 | +| PROFILE 1 | Yes | To switch profile to profile 1 in the list.
Use the numbers as returned by the **PROFILE LIST**,
not the profile names as you saved them | +| PROFILE 2 30 | Yes | To switch profile to Profile2 30% | + +### Temporary Targets + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------- | +| TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | Yes | To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | +| TARGET STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To cancel Temp Target | + (SMSCommands-other)= ### Other -- TREATMENTS REFRESH \* Response: Refresh treatments from NS -- NSClient RESTART \* Response: NSCLIENT RESTART SENT -- PUMP \* Response: Last conn: 1 min ago Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 -- PUMP CONNECT \* Response: Pump reconnected -- PUMP DISCONNECT *30* \* Response: To disconnect pump for *30* minutes reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- SMS DISABLE/STOP \* Response: To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any. Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly from the AAPS master smartphone only. -- TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO \* Response: To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- TARGET STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To cancel Temp Target reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- HELP \* Response: BG, LOOP, TREATMENTS, ..... -- HELP BOLUS \* Response: BOLUS 1.2 BOLUS 1.2 MEAL +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------ | ---- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| TREATMENTS REFRESH | No | Refresh treatments from NS | +| NSCLIENT RESTART | No | Useful if you notice a communication problem
with Nightscout or **AAPSClient** | +| SMS DISABLE/STOP | No | To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any.
Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly
from the **AAPS** master smartphone only. | +| HELP | No | Returns all functions available for interrogation:
Send further ***HELP ***FUNCTION****** command to list
all options available in this section. | +| HELP BOLUS | | *BOLUS 1.2
BOLUS 1.2 MEAL* | (SMSCommands-troubleshooting)= -## Troubleshooting +## Troubleshooting and FAQ -### Multiple SMS +```{contents} List of questions and issues +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -If you receive the same message over and over again (i.e. profile switch) you will probably have set up a circle with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please make sure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NS. +### What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? -If the other app is installed on multiple phones make sure to deactivate upload on all of them. +1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting "profile exercise" for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. + +2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the **AAPS** phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation, and you cancel it (on the **AAPS** phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. -### SMS commands not working on Samsung phones +**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. -There was a report on SMS commands stopping after an update on Galaxy S10 phone. Could be solved by disabling 'send as chat message'. +**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. + +### What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? + +**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. + +### Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? + +It could be for one of these reasons: + +1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The **AAPS** phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the **AAPS** phone). + +### No response whatsoever for SMS commands + +On the caregiver phone and/or **AAPS** phone, try disabling the following options : +* **Send as chat message** ![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) +* If using Android Messages App or Google Messages App, disable RCS messaging: + - open the specific SMS conversation in Messages + - Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner + - select "Details" + - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" ![Disable RCS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableRCS.png) + +### Errors carrying out commands + +There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: + +* SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct +* You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) +* You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) +* The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led **AAPS** to calculate that the authenticator code had expired +* The **AAPS** phone is out of range/contact with the pump +* The system is already busy delivering a bolus + +Common errors are shown in the examples below: + +![image](../images/remote-control-17.png) + +### How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? + +You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. + +For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. + +### Multiple SMS + +If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. + +If the other app is installed on multiple phones make sure to deactivate upload on all of them. -![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) -### Android Messages App +### I am getting far too many text messages from SMS Commands. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? -If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app disable end-to-end ecryption on both caregiver and child's phones. - - open the specific SMS conversation in Messages - - Select the options ellipisis in the top right corner - - select "Details" - - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" +Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the **AAPS** phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your **AAPS** phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/KidsMonitoring.png b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/KidsMonitoring.png index da04a0647dd1..a3628b5c4f85 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/KidsMonitoring.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/KidsMonitoring.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/SMSdisableRCS.png b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/SMSdisableRCS.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..86ce50229c39 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/SMSdisableRCS.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/remote-control-07.png b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/remote-control-07.png index f39574e5ad4b..f0174d83b06b 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/remote-control-07.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/remote-control-07.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/remote-control-08.png b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/remote-control-08.png index e96c345b2698..a26373899bba 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/remote-control-08.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/remote-control-08.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 2a8e375aebe4..0bb97850de3c 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,10 +9,17 @@ Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not ```{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md) :class: warning -**Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. +**Average Smoothing or Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ``` -## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) +## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) + +- Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) +- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). + +- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) + +## 2. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) **Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** @@ -36,13 +43,6 @@ A patched Dexcom G7 app (DiaKEM) gives access to the Dexcom G7 data. This is not - If AAPS does not receive any values, switch to another BG source and then back to 'BYODA' to invoke the query for approving data exchange between AAPS and BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - -- Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) -- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - -- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) - ## 3. xDrip+ (companion mode) - Download and install xDrip+: [xDrip](https://github.com/NightscoutFoundation/xDrip) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md index f29664f1a0eb..cd7d8653e9ac 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md @@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ Use this option only if your CGM data is being properly smoothed by your collect ## Suggestions to use smoothing -| | Exponential | Average | None | -| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:--------:|:-----------:| -| G5 and G6 | | If noisy | Recommended | -| G7 | Recommended | | | -| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | -| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | +| | Exponential | Average | None | +| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:---------:|:-----------:| +| G5 and G6 | If noisy | | Recommended | +| G7 | If noisy | If stable | | +| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | +| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | ### Dexcom sensors diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Getting-Started/Phones.md b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Getting-Started/Phones.md index ef722bef09ee..b9ba49d6cb5f 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Getting-Started/Phones.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Getting-Started/Phones.md @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # Telefonlar -The current version of **AAPS** requires an Android smartphone with Google Android 9.0 or above. So if you are thinking about a new phone, Android 9 is recommended at a minimum but optimally choose Android 13 or 14. - -For older Android versions, older **AAPS** versions are available see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. +As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject. +Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). - [Test edilen telefonların listesi](../CompatiblePhones/ListOfTestedPhones.md) - [Jelly Pro Ayarları](../CompatiblePhones/Jelly.md) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md index d4414b86faf1..ced2c30d25d4 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md @@ -209,7 +209,8 @@ This documentation aims to reduce the technical expertise required to an absolut ### Smartphones #### AAPS and Android Versions -The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons, however for users unable to use a device with Android 9.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions like [Android 8](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/ and [Android 7](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/2.6.2), remain available from previous releases (check the release notes for legacy versions). + +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred.
As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject.
Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). #### Smartphone model choice The exact model you buy depends on the desired function(s). You can find on the [Phones page](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) recommendations and user feedback about working setups. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md index c0949ddf366d..82c3b42e9253 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md @@ -17,272 +17,9 @@ The first three are mostly appropriate for carers/parents, but smartwatches are 5. Examples for school care plans for children of different ages can be found in the [“files section”](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/files/) of the **AAPS** Facebook page. 6. What is your emergency plan for when remote control does not work (_i.e._ network problems or lost bluetooth connection)? Always consider what will happen with **AAPS** if you suddenly can’t send a new command. **AAPS** overwrites the pump basal, ISF and ICR with the current profile values. Only use temporary profile switches (_i.e._ with a set time duration) if switching to a stronger insulin profile, in case your remote connection is disrupted. Then the pump will revert to the original profile when the time expires. -(RemoteControl-sms-commands)= ## 1) SMS Commands -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note - -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md). - -``` - -You can control **AAPS** remotely via text (SMS) message through a feature known as **SMS Commands**. SMS commands can be sent to **AAPS** by _any_ type of phone (iPhone/Android). - -**SMS commands are really useful:** -1. For routine remote control - -2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin - -3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). - -4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working - -### SMS command safety -If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to change **AAPS** settings) . A second phone number must be enabled for SMS commands to work, even if you only have one primary caregiver/follower. You can then use the second number to temporarily disable SMS communicator (with the command **“SMS stop”**) if your main caregiver/parent phone is compromised. Versions of **AAPS** 2.7 and newer also use an [Authenticator app](#authentication-or-not)). - -### Different types of SMS commands -The **SMS Commands Table** below shows all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the AAPS app itself. The commands below have been listed by how commonly used they are likely to be, the first two tables should have most of the SMS commands you need with full looping. - -### SMS commands tables - -![SMS_command_table_1](../images/remote-control-02.png) - -![SMS_command_table_2](../images/remote-control-03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_3](../images/remote_control_and_following/SMS_command_table_3_Loop_03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_4](../images/remote-control-05.png) - -(authentication-or-not)= -### Authentication or not? - -You may notice from the table above that some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require **authenticating** with a security code from an additional app and a PIN (see below (link for more detail). A simple enquiry like “**bg**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn’t need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - -![image](../images/remote-control-06.png) - -Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: - -![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) - -### How to set up SMS commands - -The overall process is as follows: - -**1) Download an authenticator (caregiver phone)** - -**2) Check phone settings (AAPS phone)** - -**3) Date and time synching (caregiver and AAPS phone)** - -**4) AAPS settings (APPS phone)** - -**5) Testing SMS commands works (caregiver and AAPS phone)** - -### Let's get started! - -1) **Download an authenticator**: On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install one authenticator of your choice from the list below: - -[**Authy**](https://authy.com/download/) - -[**Google Authenticator - Android / iOS**](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2&pli=1) - -[**LastPass Authenticator**](https://www.lastpass.com/solutions/authentication) - -[**FreeOTP Authenticator**](https://freeotp.github.io/) - -These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. - -2) **Check phone settings:** In the **AAPS** phone settings go to Apps > AndroidAPS > Permissions > SMS > Allow SMS - -![image](../images/remote-control-08.png) - -3) **Date and time synching:** In both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific handsets, you may need to try out different settings. - -Example (for Samsung S23 handset): Settings – general management – date and time- automatic date and time - -Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterwards if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). - -4) **AAPS settings:** - -i) Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the left hand hamburger menu to navigate to Config Builder: - -![image](../images/remote-control-09.png) - -ii) Enable “SMS communicator” by checking the boxes, then click the “cog” to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen: - -![image](../images/remote-control-10.png) - -_Note - as an alternative route to Config Builder, you can also use the new “SMS Communicator tab” at the top of the AAPS screen, then right click on the custom right hand hamburger menu for that page, to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen._ - -iii) On the preferences screen enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: - -![image](../images/remote-control-11.png) - -iv) Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: - -UK phone number: +447976304596 - -US phone number: +11234567890 - -FR phone number: +33612344567 - -_etc._ - -Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. - -If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with NO space between numbers (this is critical!). Select “OK”: - - -![image](../images/remote-control-12.png) - -v) Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. - -PIN requirements are: - -•3 to 6 digits - -•not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) - -•not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) - -![image](../images/remote-control-13.png) - -vi) On the preferences screen select “Authenticator setup” - -● Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. - -● Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_ set up a new connection and - -● Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. - -● Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - -Örnek kullanım: - -The token from the authenticator app is 457051 - -Your mandatory PIN is 2401 - -Code to check: 4570512401 - -If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: - - -![image](../images/remote-control-14.png) - -You should now be set up with SMS commands. - -### First steps using SMS commands - -1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the AAPS phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: - -![image](../images/remote-control-15.png) - -2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator. To do this, send a text from the caregiver’s phone with the required command to the**AAPS** phone (_e.g._ “target hypo”). The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by an additional secret **PIN** known only to caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). - -This example is shown below, with the SMS command “target hypo” to set a hypo temp target: - -● In this example, your PIN is 1289 - -● Code from your authenticator app is 274127 - -● When prompted, text 2741271289 - -Commands must be sent in English. The response should be in your local language. When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the AAPS phone, to see how it works: - -![image](../images/remote-control-16.png) - -The caregiver’s phone will receive a SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: - -● SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct - -● You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) - -● You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) - -● The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led AAPS to calculate that the authenticator code had expired - -● The AAPS phone is out of range/contact with the pump - -● The system is already busy delivering a bolus - -If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. - -Common errors are shown in the examples below: - -![image](../images/remote-control-17.png) - -### Additional safety notes on SMS commands - -The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” - -If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “RESET AUTHENTICATORS” in AAPS (see preferences screenshot above, link) or send the SMS command “SMS stop”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. - -### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands - -Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: - -1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. - -To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. - -**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or AAPSClient with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions sub section below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. - -### SMS commands troubleshooting and FAQ - -#### Q: What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? - -1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting “profile exercise“ for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. - -2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the AAPS phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation and you cancel it (on the AAPS phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. - -**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. - -**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. - -#### Q: What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? - -**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. - -#### Q: Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? - -It could be for one of these reasons: - -1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The AAPS phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the AAPS phone). - -#### Q: How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? - -You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. - -For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. - -#### Q. Why am I getting multiple SMS texts of the same message? - -If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. Örneğin bu program xDrip+ olabilir. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. - -#### Q. I’ve just set up SMS commands and I am now getting far too many text messages. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? - -Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the AAPS phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your AAPS phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. - -#### Q. Why are SMS commands not working on my Samsung phone? - -There was a report of SMS commands stopping after an update on a Samsung Galaxy S10 phone. This was solved by disabling ‘send as chat message’. - - -![image](../images/remote-control-18.png) - -#### Q. How can I fix issues with the Android Messages App? - -If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app, disable end-to-end encryption on both caregiver and dependent’s phones: - -● Open the specific SMS conversation in Messages - -● Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner - -● select “Details” - -● Activate “Only send SMS and MMS messages” +See the dedicated [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md) page. (aapsclient)= ## 2) AAPSClient @@ -696,11 +433,11 @@ Click side "plug-in" socket in the app, in order to upload Wear OS.apk onto the The final step is to configure **AAPS** on the phone to interact with **AAPS** Wear” on the watch. To do this, enable the Wear plugin in Config Builder: -● Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone +* Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone -● Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab +* Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab -● Tick for Wear selection under General +* Tick for Wear selection under General ![image](../images/ae6d75a1-1829-4d2e-b0dc-153e31e4a466.png) @@ -728,27 +465,27 @@ Once you have setup **AAPS** on your watch, extensive details about the smartwat As a brief overview, the following functions can be triggered from the smartwatch: -● set a temporary target +* set a temporary target -● use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) +* use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) -● administer eCarbs +* administer eCarbs -● administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) +* administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) -● watch settings +* watch settings -● status +* status -● check pump status +* check pump status -● check loop status +* check loop status -● check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) +* check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) -● show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) +* show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) -● Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) +* Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) #### Communication from caregivers to the watch using other apps (like Whatsapp) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md index 2b793c302dde..5fddef0cd020 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md @@ -1,194 +1,337 @@ # SMS Komutları -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note +```{contents} Table of contents +:depth: 2 +``` -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](#RemoteControl-sms-commands)). +Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following **AAPS** etc. can be done on [**AAPSClient** app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. Boluses, however, can't be given through **AAPSClient**, but you can use SMS commands. If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use **AAPSClient** app, there are additional SMS commands available. -``` +**SMS commands are really useful:** +1. For routine remote control + +2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin + +3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). + +4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working ## Önce Güvenlik -. -- AAPS, çocuğunuzun telefonunu kısa mesaj yoluyla uzaktan kontrol etmenizi sağlar. Bu SMS kominikatörü etkinleştirirseniz, uzak komutlar verecek şekilde ayarlanmış telefonun çalınabileceğini unutmayın. Bu yüzden her zaman en azından bir PIN kodu ile telefonu koruyun. Güçlü bir parola veya biyometrik doğrulama önerilir. -- Additionally it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. So you can use second number to [temporary disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets lost or stolen. -- AAPS ayrıca bolus veya profil değişikliği gibi uzak komutlarınızın gerçekleşip gerçekleşmediğini kısa mesajla size bildirecektir. Alıcı telefonlardan birinin çalınması durumuna karşı en az iki farklı telefon numarasına onay metinleri gönderilecek şekilde ayarlamanız önerilir. -- **If you bolus through SMS Commands you must enter carbs through Nightscout (AAPSClient, Website...)!** If you fail to do so IOB would be correct with too low COB potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as AAPS assumes that you have too much active insulin. -- AAPS sürüm 2.7'den itibaren, SMS komutlarını kullanırken güvenliği artırmak için zamana dayalı tek seferlik parolaya sahip bir kimlik doğrulama uygulaması (google authenticator) kullanılmaktadır. + +If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to export **AAPS** settings). + +Additionally, it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. This way, you can use the second number to [disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets compromised. + +The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” + +AAPS ayrıca bolus veya profil değişikliği gibi uzak komutlarınızın gerçekleşip gerçekleşmediğini kısa mesajla size bildirecektir. Alıcı telefonlardan birinin çalınması durumuna karşı en az iki farklı telefon numarasına onay metinleri gönderilecek şekilde ayarlamanız önerilir. + +**If you bolus through SMS Commands, you must enter carbs separately (second SMS, AAPSClient, Nightscout...)!** If you fail to do so, the IOB would be correct with too low COB, potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as **AAPS** assumes that you have too much active insulin. + +For the sensitive commands, an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety. + +If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “[Reset Authenticators](#sms-commands-authenticator-setup)” in **AAPS** or send the SMS command “[SMS stop](#SMSCommands-other)”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. ## SMS Komutları kurulumu -![SMS Commands Setup](../images/SMSCommandsSetup.png) +```{contents} The overall process is as follows +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -- Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following AAPS etc. can be done on [AAPSClient app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. -- Boluslar Nightscout üzerinden verilemez, ancak SMS komutlarını kullanabilirsiniz. -- If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use AAPSClient app, there are additional SMS commands available. -- Android telefon ayarınızda Uygulamalar > AndroidAPS > İzinler'e gidin ve SMS'i etkinleştirin +### Authenticator kurulumu -(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= -### Yetkili telefon numaraları +Güvenliği artırmak için iki faktörlü kimlik doğrulama kullanılır. + +On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install an Authenticator app. Popüler ücretsiz uygulamalar şunlardır: + - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) + - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) + - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) + - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) + +These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. -- AAPS'de **Tercihler > SMS Kominikatör**'e gidin ve SMS komutlarının gelmesine izin vereceğiniz telefon numaralarını girin (noktalı virgülle ayrılmış - örn. +6412345678;+6412345679) +### Check phone settings -- Note that the "+" in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. +On your phone, go to **Apps > AAPS > Permissions**. Make sure **SMS** and **Phone** are allowed. -- 'SMS ile uzaktan komutlara izin ver' seçeneğini etkinleştirin. +![image](../images/remote-control-08.png) -- Birden fazla numara kullanmak istiyorsanız: +### Date and time synching - - Bir telefon numarası girin. +Her iki telefondaki saat senkronize olmalıdır. En iyisi, ağdan otomatik olarak ayarlamaktır. Zaman farklılıkları kimlik doğrulama sorunlarına yol açabilir. - - Bir SMS komutu gönderip onaylayarak bu numaranın çalışmasını sağlayın. +On both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific device, you may need to try out different settings. - - Ek numaraları noktalı virgülle ayırarak, boşluk bırakmadan girin. +Example (for Samsung S23): **Settings > General management > Date and time**: make sure that **Automatic date and time** is checked. - ![SMS Commands Setup multiple numbers](../images/SMSCommandsSetupSpace2.png) +Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterward if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). -### Bolus komutları arasındaki süre +### AAPS settings + +Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the [Config Builder](../SettingUpAaps/ConfigBuilder.md) to enable the **SMS Communicator** module. + +Go to the Preferences for SMS Communicator. + +Enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: + +![image](../images/remote-control-11.png) + +(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= +#### Allowed phone numbers + +Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: +* UK phone number: +447976304596 +* US phone number: +11234567890 +* FR phone number: +33612344567 +* _etc._ + +Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. + +If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with **NO space between numbers** (this is critical!). Select “OK”: + +![image](../images/remote-control-12.png) + +#### Bolus komutları arasındaki süre - SMS ile verilen iki bolus arasındaki minimum gecikmeyi tanımlayabilirsiniz. - Güvenlik nedeniyle bu değeri düzenlemek için en az iki yetkili telefon numarası eklemelisiniz. -### Tek seferlik parola sonuna ilave zorunlu PIN +#### Additional mandatory PIN at token end -- Güvenlik nedeniyle, tek seferlik parolanın ardından bir PIN gelmelidir. +For safety reasons, the reply code must be followed by a PIN. Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. -- PIN kuralları: +PIN requirements are: - - 3 to 6 rakam olmalı - - aynı rakamlar olmamalı (ör. 1111) - - art arda olmamalı (ör. 1234) +* 3 to 6 rakam olmalı +* not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) +* not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) -### Authenticator kurulumu +![image](../images/remote-control-13.png) -- Güvenliği artırmak için iki faktörlü kimlik doğrulama kullanılır. +(sms-commands-authenticator-setup)= +#### Authenticator kurulumu -- RFC 6238 TOTP belirteçlerini destekleyen herhangi bir Kimlik Doğrulayıcı uygulamasını kullanabilirsiniz. Popüler ücretsiz uygulamalar şunlardır: +* Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. +* Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_, set up a new connection and +* Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. +* Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) - - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) - - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) - - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) +Örnek kullanım: +* The token from the authenticator app is 457051 +* Your mandatory PIN is 2401 +* Code to check: 4570512401 + +If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. **There is no button you can press!** The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: + +![image](../images/remote-control-14.png) -- Seçtiğiniz kimlik doğrulama uygulamasını takipçi telefonunuza yükleyin ve AAPS'de gösterilen QR kodunu tarayın. +You should now be set up with SMS commands. -- Kimlik doğrulama uygulamanızda gösterilen kodu ve AAPS'de az önce kurduğunuz PIN'i girerek tek kullanımlık şifreyi test edin. Örnek kullanım: +Use button "Authenticator setup > Reset Authenticators" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (Kimlik doğrulayıcıyı sıfırlayarak, önceden tanımlanmış TÜM doğrulayıcıları kaldırırsınız. You will need to set them up again.) - - Zorunlu PIN'iniz 2020 - - Kimlik doğrulama uygulamasındaki TOTP kodu 457051 - - Cevap olarak 4570512020 girilecektir +## SMS commands usage -- Giriş doğruysa kırmızı "YANLIŞ PIN" metni **otomatik olarak** yeşil bir "TAMAM" olarak değişecektir. ** Basabileceğiniz bir buton yok! ** +### First steps using SMS commands -- Her iki telefondaki saat senkronize olmalıdır. En iyisi, ağdan otomatik olarak ayarlamaktır. Zaman farklılıkları kimlik doğrulama sorunlarına yol açabilir. +1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the **AAPS** phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: -- Kimlik doğrulayıcıları kaldırmak istiyorsanız "KİMLİK DOĞRULAYICILARI (OTP) SIFIRLA" düğmesini kullanın. (Kimlik doğrulayıcıyı sıfırlayarak, önceden tanımlanmış TÜM doğrulayıcıları kaldırırsınız. Onları tekrar tanımlamanız gerekir) +![image](../images/remote-control-15.png) -## SMS komutlarını kullanmak +If you don't receive any response, check the [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) section below. -- Send a SMS to the phone with AAPS running from your approved phone number(s) using any of the [commands](#commands) below. +2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator, _e.g._ “target hypo”. The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by the additional secret **PIN** known only by caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). -- AAPS ana telefonu, istenen komutun veya durumun başarısını onaylamak için yanıt verecektir. +When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the **AAPS** phone, to see how it works: -- Kodu göndererek komutu onaylayın. Örnek kullanım: +![image](../images/remote-control-16.png) - - Zorunlu PIN'iniz 2020 - - Kimlik doğrulama uygulamasındaki TOTP kodu 457051 - - Cevap olarak 4570512020 girilecektir +The caregiver’s phone will receive an SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. + +If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. See [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) below for common errors. **İpucu**: Çok fazla SMS gönderilecekse, telefon tarifenizde (kullanılan her telefon için) sınırsız SMS olması yararlı olabilir. +### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands + +Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: + +1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. + +To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. + +**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or **AAPSClient** with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions subsection below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. + (SMSCommands-commands)= ## Komutlar -Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). +```{contents} List of command groups +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) +Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). The commands are not case-sensitive, you can use lower or upper case. -### Döngü +![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) -- LOOP STOP/DISABLE \* Yanıt: Döngü devre dışı bırakıldı +The **SMS Commands Tables** below show all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the **AAPS** app itself. -- LOOP START/ENABLE \* Yanıt: Döngü etkinleştirildi +(authentication-or-not)= +### Authentication or not? -- LOOP STATUS +Some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require strong **authentication** through the Authenticator app. A simple enquiry like “**BG**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn't need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - - Yanıt, döngünün durumuna bağlıdır +![image](../images/remote-control-06.png) - - Döngü devre dışı - - Döngü etkin - - Askıya alındı (10 dk) +Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: -- LOOP SUSPEND 20 \* Yanıt: Döngü 20 dakika askıya alındı +![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) -- LOOP RESUME \* Yanıt: Döngü devam ettirildi +The *Auth* column in the tables below, indicates whether such a strong authentication is required for each command. -- LOOP CLOSED \* Response: Current loop mode: Closed Loop +### CGM (Sürekli glikoz ölçüm) verileri -- LOOP LGS \* Response: Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BG | No | Returns: last BG, delta, IOB (bolus and basal), COB
*Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U)* | +| CAL 5.6/90 | Yes | Will calibrate the CGM with a value of 5.6/90
(use the value appropriate to your glucose units)
Works only if properly set-up in **AAPS**.
*Calibration sent* | -### CGM (Sürekli glikoz ölçüm) verileri +### Pump -- BG \* Yanıt: Son KŞ: 5,6 4 dakika önce, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0,20U (Bolus: 0,10U Bazal: 0,10U) -- CAL 5.6 \* Yanıt: Kalibrasyon 5.6'yı göndermek için, Kullanıcı için Kimlik Doğrulayıcı uygulamasından gelen kod ve ardından PIN ile yanıt verin \* Doğru kod alındıktan sonra yanıt: Kalibrasyon gönderildi (**xDrip yüklüyse** **Kalibrasyonların kabul edilmesi xDrip+'ta etkinleştirilmelidir**) +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| PUMP | No | Last conn: 1 min ago
Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min
IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 | +| PUMP DISCONNECT *30* | Yes | To disconnect pump for *30* minutes | +| PUMP CONNECT | Yes | Pump reconnected | ### Bazal -- BASAL STOP/CANCEL \* Yanıt: Geçici bazal yanıtı durdurmak için Kullanıcı için Kimlik Doğrulayıcı uygulamasından gelen kod ve ardından PIN ile cevaplayın -- BASAL 0.3 \* Yanıt: 30 dakika boyunca 0,3U/h bazal başlatmak için Authenticator uygulamasından gelen kod ve ardından PIN ile yanıtlayın -- BASAL 0.3 20 \* Yanıt: Bazalı 20dk. 0.3Ü/sa başlatmak için Authenticator uygulamasından gelen kod ve ardından PIN ile cevaplayın -- BASAL 30% \* Yanıt: Bazalı 30dk. %30 başlatmak için Authenticator uygulamasından gelen kod ve ardından PIN ile cevaplayın -- BASAL 30% 50 \* Yanıt: Bazalı 50dk. %30 başlatmak için Authenticator uygulamasından gelen kod ve ardından PIN ile cevaplayın +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | -------------------------------- | +| BASAL 0.3 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min | +| BASAL 0.3 20 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min | +| BASAL 30% | Yes | To start basal 30% for 30 min | +| BASAL 30% 50 | Yes | To start basal 30% for 50 min | +| BASAL STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop temp basal | + + +### Döngü + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| LOOP STATUS | No | Response depends on actual status:
- *Loop is disabled* if the loop is disabled or LGS
- *Loop is enabled* if the loop is closed or open
- *Suspended (10 min)* if the loop is disconnected or suspended | +| LOOP STOP/DISABLE | Yes | The pump will revert to the pre-programmed basal rate.
*Loop has been disabled* | +| LOOP START/ENABLE | Yes | *Loop has been enabled* | +| LOOP SUSPEND 20 | Yes | *Loop suspended for 20 minutes* | +| LOOP RESUME | Yes | *Loop resumed* | +| LOOP CLOSED | Yes | *Current loop mode: Closed Loop* | +| LOOP LGS | Yes | *Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend* | ### Bolus -Son gerçekleşen bolus komutundan sonra 15 dakika için uzaktan bolusa izin verilmez! (bu değer yalnızca 2 telefon numarası eklendiğinde düzenlenebilir) Bu nedenle yanıt, son bolusun verildiği zamana bağlıdır. +Son gerçekleşen bolus komutundan sonra 15 dakika için uzaktan bolusa izin verilmez! (bu değer yalnızca 2 telefon numarası eklendiğinde düzenlenebilir) In this case, the response would be *Remote bolus not available. Try again later.* This response is also sent when the pump is currently delivering a bolus. -- BOLUS 1.2 \* Yanıt A: Bolus 1,2U iletmek için, Kullanıcı için Kimlik Doğrulayıcı uygulamasından gelen kodu ve ardından PIN'i girin \* Yanıt B: Uzak bolus mevcut değil. Daha sonra tekrar deneyin. -- BOLUS 0.60 MEAL \* İsteğe bağlı ÖĞÜN parametresi belirtirseniz, bu sms ÖĞÜN Geçici hedefini ayarlar (varsayılan değerler: 45 dakika için 90 mg/dL, 5.0 mmol/l). \* Yanıt A: 0,60U bolus iletmek için Authenticator uygulamasından gelen kodu ve ardından PIN ile cevaplayın \* Yanıt B: Uzak bolus mevcut değil. -- CARBS 5 \* Yanıt: 12:45 te 5g karbonhidrat girmek için Authenticator uygulamasından gelen kod ve ardından PIN ile cevaplayın -- CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM \* Yanıt: 17:35 te 5g karbonhidrat girmek için Authenticator uygulamasından gelen kod ve ardından PIN ile cevaplayın -- EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL \* Yanıt: Yayma bolusu durdurmak için Authenticator uygulamasından gelen kod ve ardından PIN ile cevaplayın -- EXTENDED 2 120 \* Yanıt: 2Ü 120 dk. yayma bolusu başlatmak için Authenticator uygulamasından gelen kod ve ardından PIN ile cevaplayın +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BOLUS 1.2 | Yes | | +| BOLUS 0.60 MEAL | Yes | Delivers the specified 0.60U bolus
**and** sets the [Eating Soon TempTarget](#TempTargets-eating-soon-temp-target) | +| CARBS 5 | Yes | To enter 5g, without a bolus | +| CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM | Yes | To enter 5g at 17:35.
The acceptable time format depends
on the time setting (12h/24h) on the phone. | +| EXTENDED 2 120 | Yes | To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min.
Only for [compatible pumps](#screens-action-tab). | +| EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop extended bolus | ### Profile -- PROFILE STATUS \* Yanıt: Profil1 -- PROFILE LIST \* Yanıt: 1.\`Profil1\` 2.\`Profil2\` -- PROFILE 1 \* Yanıt: %100 Profil1 değişimini için Authenticator uygulamasından gelen kod ve ardından PIN ile cevaplayın -- PROFILE 2 30 \* Yanıt: %30 Profil2 değişimini için Authenticator uygulamasından gelen kod ve ardından PIN ile cevaplayın +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| PROFILE STATUS | No | Current profile and percentage | +| PROFILE LIST | No | The current list of profiles in **AAPS**, e.g.:
1. Profile1
2. Profile2 | +| PROFILE 1 | Yes | To switch profile to profile 1 in the list.
Use the numbers as returned by the **PROFILE LIST**,
not the profile names as you saved them | +| PROFILE 2 30 | Yes | To switch profile to Profile2 30% | + +### Temporary Targets + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------- | +| TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | Yes | To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | +| TARGET STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To cancel Temp Target | + (SMSCommands-other)= ### Diğer -- TREATMENTS REFRESH \* Yanıt: Tedavileri NS'den yenile -- NSClient RESTART \* Response: NSCLIENT RESTART SENT -- PUMP \* Yanıt: Son Bağlantı: 1dk önce Geçici: 0.00Ü/sa @11:38 5/30dk. AİNS: 0.5U Rezerv: 34Ü Pil: 100 -- PUMP CONNECT \* Yanıt: Pompa yeniden bağlandı -- PUMP DISCONNECT *30* \* Yanıt: *30* dakika boyunca pompanın bağlantısını kesmek için Kullanıcı için Authenticator uygulamasından gelen kodu ve ardından PIN kodunu girerek yanıt verin -- SMS DISABLE/STOP \* Yanıt: Herhangi ikisiyle SMS Uzak Hizmeti yanıtını devre dışı bırakın. Yalnızca AAPS ana akıllı telefondan üzerinden yeniden etkinleştirebileceğinizi unutmayın. -- TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO \* Yanıt: Geçici Hedefi ÖĞÜN/AKTİVİTE/HİPO ayarlamak için Authenticator uygulamasından gelen kod ve ardından PIN ile cevaplayın -- TARGET STOP/CANCEL \* Yanıt: Geçici Hedefi iptal etmek için Authenticator uygulamasından gelen kod ve ardından PIN ile cevaplayın -- HELP \* Yanıt: KŞ, DÖNGÜ, TEDAVİLER, ..... -- HELP BOLUS \* Yanıt: BOLUS 1.2 BOLUS 1.2 YEMEK +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------ | ---- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| TREATMENTS REFRESH | No | Refresh treatments from NS | +| NSCLIENT RESTART | No | Useful if you notice a communication problem
with Nightscout or **AAPSClient** | +| SMS DISABLE/STOP | No | To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any.
Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly
from the **AAPS** master smartphone only. | +| HELP | No | Returns all functions available for interrogation:
Send further ***HELP ***FUNCTION****** command to list
all options available in this section. | +| HELP BOLUS | | *BOLUS 1.2
BOLUS 1.2 MEAL* | (SMSCommands-troubleshooting)= -## Troubleshooting +## Troubleshooting and FAQ -### Çoklu SMS +```{contents} List of questions and issues +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -Aynı mesajı tekrar tekrar alırsanız (ör. profil değiştirme), muhtemelen diğer uygulamalarla bir döngü oluşturmuştur. Örneğin bu program xDrip+ olabilir. Öyleyse, lütfen xDrip+'ın (veya başka bir uygulamanın) tedavileri NS'ye yüklemediğinden emin olun. +### What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? -Diğer uygulama birden fazla telefona yüklenmişse, hepsinde yüklemeyi devre dışı bıraktığınızdan emin olun. +1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting "profile exercise" for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. + +2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the **AAPS** phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation, and you cancel it (on the **AAPS** phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. -### Samsung telefonlarda çalışmayan SMS komutları +**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. -Galaxy S10 telefonundaki bir güncellemeden sonra SMS komutlarının çalışmadığına dair bir rapor mevcuttur. Telefon ayarlarından 'send as chat message' devre dışı bırakılarak çözülebilir. +**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. + +### What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? + +**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. + +### Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? + +It could be for one of these reasons: + +1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The **AAPS** phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the **AAPS** phone). + +### No response whatsoever for SMS commands + +On the caregiver phone and/or **AAPS** phone, try disabling the following options : +* **Send as chat message** ![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) +* If using Android Messages App or Google Messages App, disable RCS messaging: + - Herhangi bir SMS mesajını açın + - Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner + - "Detaylar"ı seçin + - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" ![Disable RCS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableRCS.png) + +### Errors carrying out commands + +There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: + +* SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct +* You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) +* You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) +* The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led **AAPS** to calculate that the authenticator code had expired +* The **AAPS** phone is out of range/contact with the pump +* The system is already busy delivering a bolus + +Common errors are shown in the examples below: + +![image](../images/remote-control-17.png) + +### How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? + +You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. + +For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. + +### Çoklu SMS + +If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. Örneğin bu program xDrip+ olabilir. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. + +Diğer uygulama birden fazla telefona yüklenmişse, hepsinde yüklemeyi devre dışı bıraktığınızdan emin olun. -![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) -### Android Mesajları Uygulaması +### I am getting far too many text messages from SMS Commands. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? -Android Mesaj uygulamasıyla SMS komutları gönderip alırken sorun yaşıyorsanız, hem ebeveyn hem de çocuğun telefonlarında uçtan uca şifrelemeyi devre dışı bırakın. - - Herhangi bir SMS mesajını açın - - Sağ üst köşedeki üç noktayı seçin - - "Detaylar"ı seçin - - "Yalnızca SMS ve MMS mesajları gönder" seçeneğini etkinleştirin +Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the **AAPS** phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your **AAPS** phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/SMSdisableRCS.png b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/SMSdisableRCS.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..86ce50229c39 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/SMSdisableRCS.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/remote-control-07.png b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/remote-control-07.png index f39574e5ad4b..f0174d83b06b 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/remote-control-07.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/remote-control-07.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/remote-control-08.png b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/remote-control-08.png index e96c345b2698..a26373899bba 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/remote-control-08.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/remote-control-08.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 84dc3e95dcf0..527124818fd2 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,10 +9,17 @@ Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not ```{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md) :class: warning -**Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. +**Average Smoothing or Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ``` -## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) +## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) + +- Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) +- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). + +- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) + +## 2. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiaKEM) **Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** @@ -36,13 +43,6 @@ A patched Dexcom G7 app (DiaKEM) gives access to the Dexcom G7 data. This is not - If AAPS does not receive any values, switch to another BG source and then back to 'BYODA' to invoke the query for approving data exchange between AAPS and BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - -- Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) -- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - -- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) - ## 3. xDrip+ (companion mode) - Download and install xDrip+: [xDrip](https://github.com/NightscoutFoundation/xDrip) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md index c3df691fe1bc..5fe41332bcb0 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md @@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ Use this option only if your CGM data is being properly smoothed by your collect ## Suggestions to use smoothing -| | Exponential | Average | None | -| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:--------:|:-----------:| -| G5 and G6 | | If noisy | Recommended | -| G7 | Recommended | | | -| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | -| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | +| | Exponential | Average | None | +| ------------------------- |:-----------:|:---------:|:-----------:| +| G5 and G6 | If noisy | | Recommended | +| G7 | If noisy | If stable | | +| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | +| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | ### Dexcom sensors diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/Getting-Started/Phones.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/Getting-Started/Phones.md index b501e621221f..b5460cc8acae 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/Getting-Started/Phones.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/Getting-Started/Phones.md @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # Phones -The current version of **AAPS** requires an Android smartphone with Google Android 9.0 or above. So if you are thinking about a new phone, Android 9 is recommended at a minimum but optimally choose Android 13 or 14. - -For older Android versions, older **AAPS** versions are available see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. +As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject. +Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). - [List of tested phones](../CompatiblePhones/ListOfTestedPhones.md) - [Jelly Pro Settings](../CompatiblePhones/Jelly.md) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md index 3c607028cc27..d0b486caa57f 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md @@ -209,7 +209,8 @@ This documentation aims to reduce the technical expertise required to an absolut ### Smartphones #### AAPS and Android Versions -The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons, however for users unable to use a device with Android 9.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions like [Android 8](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/ and [Android 7](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/2.6.2), remain available from previous releases (check the release notes for legacy versions). + +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. The next **AAPS** version (3.3) will require **Android 11.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred.
As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check [Facebook or Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) for latest updates on this subject.
Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: [Release notes](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version). #### Smartphone model choice The exact model you buy depends on the desired function(s). You can find on the [Phones page](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) recommendations and user feedback about working setups. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md index b78d79f0dca9..9c949e62fb4a 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md @@ -17,272 +17,9 @@ The first three are mostly appropriate for carers/parents, but smartwatches are 5. Examples for school care plans for children of different ages can be found in the [“files section”](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/files/) of the **AAPS** Facebook page. 6. What is your emergency plan for when remote control does not work (_i.e._ network problems or lost bluetooth connection)? Always consider what will happen with **AAPS** if you suddenly can’t send a new command. **AAPS** overwrites the pump basal, ISF and ICR with the current profile values. Only use temporary profile switches (_i.e._ with a set time duration) if switching to a stronger insulin profile, in case your remote connection is disrupted. Then the pump will revert to the original profile when the time expires. -(RemoteControl-sms-commands)= ## 1) SMS Commands -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note - -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md). - -``` - -You can control **AAPS** remotely via text (SMS) message through a feature known as **SMS Commands**. SMS commands can be sent to **AAPS** by _any_ type of phone (iPhone/Android). - -**SMS commands are really useful:** -1. For routine remote control - -2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin - -3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). - -4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working - -### SMS command safety -If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to change **AAPS** settings) . A second phone number must be enabled for SMS commands to work, even if you only have one primary caregiver/follower. You can then use the second number to temporarily disable SMS communicator (with the command **“SMS stop”**) if your main caregiver/parent phone is compromised. Versions of **AAPS** 2.7 and newer also use an [Authenticator app](#authentication-or-not)). - -### Different types of SMS commands -The **SMS Commands Table** below shows all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the AAPS app itself. The commands below have been listed by how commonly used they are likely to be, the first two tables should have most of the SMS commands you need with full looping. - -### SMS commands tables - -![SMS_command_table_1](../images/remote-control-02.png) - -![SMS_command_table_2](../images/remote-control-03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_3](../images/remote_control_and_following/SMS_command_table_3_Loop_03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_4](../images/remote-control-05.png) - -(authentication-or-not)= -### Authentication or not? - -You may notice from the table above that some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require **authenticating** with a security code from an additional app and a PIN (see below (link for more detail). A simple enquiry like “**bg**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn’t need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - -![image](../images/remote-control-06.png) - -Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: - -![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) - -### How to set up SMS commands - -The overall process is as follows: - -**1) Download an authenticator (caregiver phone)** - -**2) Check phone settings (AAPS phone)** - -**3) Date and time synching (caregiver and AAPS phone)** - -**4) AAPS settings (APPS phone)** - -**5) Testing SMS commands works (caregiver and AAPS phone)** - -### Let's get started! - -1) **Download an authenticator**: On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install one authenticator of your choice from the list below: - -[**Authy**](https://authy.com/download/) - -[**Google Authenticator - Android / iOS**](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2&pli=1) - -[**LastPass Authenticator**](https://www.lastpass.com/solutions/authentication) - -[**FreeOTP Authenticator**](https://freeotp.github.io/) - -These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. - -2) **Check phone settings:** In the **AAPS** phone settings go to Apps > AndroidAPS > Permissions > SMS > Allow SMS - -![image](../images/remote-control-08.png) - -3) **Date and time synching:** In both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific handsets, you may need to try out different settings. - -Example (for Samsung S23 handset): Settings – general management – date and time- automatic date and time - -Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterwards if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). - -4) **AAPS settings:** - -i) Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the left hand hamburger menu to navigate to Config Builder: - -![image](../images/remote-control-09.png) - -ii) Enable “SMS communicator” by checking the boxes, then click the “cog” to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen: - -![image](../images/remote-control-10.png) - -_Note - as an alternative route to Config Builder, you can also use the new “SMS Communicator tab” at the top of the AAPS screen, then right click on the custom right hand hamburger menu for that page, to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen._ - -iii) On the preferences screen enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: - -![image](../images/remote-control-11.png) - -iv) Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: - -UK phone number: +447976304596 - -US phone number: +11234567890 - -FR phone number: +33612344567 - -_etc._ - -Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. - -If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with NO space between numbers (this is critical!). Select “OK”: - - -![image](../images/remote-control-12.png) - -v) Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. - -PIN requirements are: - -•3 to 6 digits - -•not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) - -•not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) - -![image](../images/remote-control-13.png) - -vi) On the preferences screen select “Authenticator setup” - -● Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. - -● Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_ set up a new connection and - -● Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. - -● Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - -Example: - -The token from the authenticator app is 457051 - -Your mandatory PIN is 2401 - -Code to check: 4570512401 - -If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: - - -![image](../images/remote-control-14.png) - -You should now be set up with SMS commands. - -### First steps using SMS commands - -1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the AAPS phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: - -![image](../images/remote-control-15.png) - -2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator. To do this, send a text from the caregiver’s phone with the required command to the**AAPS** phone (_e.g._ “target hypo”). The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by an additional secret **PIN** known only to caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). - -This example is shown below, with the SMS command “target hypo” to set a hypo temp target: - -● In this example, your PIN is 1289 - -● Code from your authenticator app is 274127 - -● When prompted, text 2741271289 - -Commands must be sent in English. The response should be in your local language. When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the AAPS phone, to see how it works: - -![image](../images/remote-control-16.png) - -The caregiver’s phone will receive a SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: - -● SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct - -● You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) - -● You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) - -● The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led AAPS to calculate that the authenticator code had expired - -● The AAPS phone is out of range/contact with the pump - -● The system is already busy delivering a bolus - -If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. - -Common errors are shown in the examples below: - -![image](../images/remote-control-17.png) - -### Additional safety notes on SMS commands - -The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” - -If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “RESET AUTHENTICATORS” in AAPS (see preferences screenshot above, link) or send the SMS command “SMS stop”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. - -### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands - -Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: - -1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. - -To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. - -**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or AAPSClient with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions sub section below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. - -### SMS commands troubleshooting and FAQ - -#### Q: What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? - -1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting “profile exercise“ for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. - -2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the AAPS phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation and you cancel it (on the AAPS phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. - -**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. - -**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. - -#### Q: What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? - -**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. - -#### Q: Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? - -It could be for one of these reasons: - -1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The AAPS phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the AAPS phone). - -#### Q: How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? - -You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. - -For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. - -#### Q. Why am I getting multiple SMS texts of the same message? - -If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. - -#### Q. I’ve just set up SMS commands and I am now getting far too many text messages. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? - -Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the AAPS phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your AAPS phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. - -#### Q. Why are SMS commands not working on my Samsung phone? - -There was a report of SMS commands stopping after an update on a Samsung Galaxy S10 phone. This was solved by disabling ‘send as chat message’. - - -![image](../images/remote-control-18.png) - -#### Q. How can I fix issues with the Android Messages App? - -If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app, disable end-to-end encryption on both caregiver and dependent’s phones: - -● Open the specific SMS conversation in Messages - -● Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner - -● select “Details” - -● Activate “Only send SMS and MMS messages” +See the dedicated [SMS Commands](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md) page. (aapsclient)= ## 2) AAPSClient @@ -696,11 +433,11 @@ Click side "plug-in" socket in the app, in order to upload Wear OS.apk onto the The final step is to configure **AAPS** on the phone to interact with **AAPS** Wear” on the watch. To do this, enable the Wear plugin in Config Builder: -● Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone +* Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone -● Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab +* Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab -● Tick for Wear selection under General +* Tick for Wear selection under General ![image](../images/ae6d75a1-1829-4d2e-b0dc-153e31e4a466.png) @@ -728,27 +465,27 @@ Once you have setup **AAPS** on your watch, extensive details about the smartwat As a brief overview, the following functions can be triggered from the smartwatch: -● set a temporary target +* set a temporary target -● use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) +* use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) -● administer eCarbs +* administer eCarbs -● administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) +* administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) -● watch settings +* watch settings -● status +* status -● check pump status +* check pump status -● check loop status +* check loop status -● check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) +* check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) -● show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) +* show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) -● Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) +* Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) #### Communication from caregivers to the watch using other apps (like Whatsapp) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md index 761828f68032..2102fd6f59ec 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md @@ -1,194 +1,337 @@ # SMS Commands -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note +```{contents} Table of contents +:depth: 2 +``` -This section may contain outdated content. Please also see the page [SMS Commands](#RemoteControl-sms-commands)). +Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following **AAPS** etc. can be done on [**AAPSClient** app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. Boluses, however, can't be given through **AAPSClient**, but you can use SMS commands. If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use **AAPSClient** app, there are additional SMS commands available. -``` +**SMS commands are really useful:** +1. For routine remote control + +2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin + +3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). + +4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working ## Safety First -. -- AAPS allows you to control a child's phone remotely via text message. If you enable this SMS Communicator, always remember that the phone set up to give remote commands could be stolen. So always protect it at least by a PIN code. A strong password or biometrics are recommended. -- Additionally it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. So you can use second number to [temporary disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets lost or stolen. -- AAPS will also inform you by text message if your remote commands, such as a bolus or a profile change, have been carried out. It is advisable to set this up so that confirmation texts are sent to at least two different phone numbers in case one of the receiving phones is stolen. -- **If you bolus through SMS Commands you must enter carbs through Nightscout (AAPSClient, Website...)!** If you fail to do so IOB would be correct with too low COB potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as AAPS assumes that you have too much active insulin. -- As of AAPS version 2.7 an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety when using SMS commands. + +If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to export **AAPS** settings). + +Additionally, it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. This way, you can use the second number to [disable](#SMSCommands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets compromised. + +The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” + +AAPS will also inform you by text message if your remote commands, such as a bolus or a profile change, have been carried out. It is advisable to set this up so that confirmation texts are sent to at least two different phone numbers in case one of the receiving phones is stolen. + +**If you bolus through SMS Commands, you must enter carbs separately (second SMS, AAPSClient, Nightscout...)!** If you fail to do so, the IOB would be correct with too low COB, potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as **AAPS** assumes that you have too much active insulin. + +For the sensitive commands, an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety. + +If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “[Reset Authenticators](#sms-commands-authenticator-setup)” in **AAPS** or send the SMS command “[SMS stop](#SMSCommands-other)”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. ## Setup SMS commands -![SMS Commands Setup](../images/SMSCommandsSetup.png) +```{contents} The overall process is as follows +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -- Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following AAPS etc. can be done on [AAPSClient app](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) on an Android phone with an internet connection. -- Boluses can't be given through Nightscout, but you can use SMS commands. -- If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use AAPSClient app, there are additional SMS commands available. -- In your android phone setting go to Applications > AndroidAPS > Permissions and enable SMS +### Authenticator setup -(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= -### Authorized phone numbers +Two-factor authentication is used to improve safety. + +On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install an Authenticator app. Popular free apps are: + - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) + - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) + - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) + - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) + +These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. -- In AAPS go to **Preferences > SMS Communicator** and enter the phone number(s) that you will allow SMS commands to come from (separated by semicolons - i.e. +6412345678;+6412345679) +### Check phone settings -- Note that the "+" in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. +On your phone, go to **Apps > AAPS > Permissions**. Make sure **SMS** and **Phone** are allowed. -- Enable 'Allow remote commands via SMS'. +![image](../images/remote-control-08.png) -- If you want to use more than one number: +### Date and time synching - - Enter just one number. +The time on both phones must be synchronized. Best practice is set automatically from network. Time differences might lead to authentication problems. - - Make that single number work by sending and confirming a SMS command. +On both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific device, you may need to try out different settings. - - Enter additional number(s) separated by semicolon, no space. +Example (for Samsung S23): **Settings > General management > Date and time**: make sure that **Automatic date and time** is checked. - ![SMS Commands Setup multiple numbers](../images/SMSCommandsSetupSpace2.png) +Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterward if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). -### Minutes between bolus commands +### AAPS settings + +Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the [Config Builder](../SettingUpAaps/ConfigBuilder.md) to enable the **SMS Communicator** module. + +Go to the Preferences for SMS Communicator. + +Enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: + +![image](../images/remote-control-11.png) + +(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= +#### Allowed phone numbers + +Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: +* UK phone number: +447976304596 +* US phone number: +11234567890 +* FR phone number: +33612344567 +* _etc._ + +Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. + +If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with **NO space between numbers** (this is critical!). Select “OK”: + +![image](../images/remote-control-12.png) + +#### Minutes between bolus commands - You can define the minimum delay between two boluses issued via SMS. - For safety reasons you have to add at least two authorized phone numbers to edit this value. -### Additionally mandatory PIN at token end +#### Additional mandatory PIN at token end -- For safety reasons the reply code must be followed by a PIN. +For safety reasons, the reply code must be followed by a PIN. Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. -- PIN rules: +PIN requirements are: - - 3 to 6 digits - - not same digits (i.e. 1111) - - not in a row (i.e. 1234) +* 3 to 6 digits +* not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) +* not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) -### Authenticator setup +![image](../images/remote-control-13.png) -- Two-factor authentication is used to improve safety. +(sms-commands-authenticator-setup)= +#### Authenticator setup -- You can use any Authenticator app that supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. Popular free apps are: +* Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. +* Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_, set up a new connection and +* Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. +* Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: - - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) - - Google Authenticator - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) - - [LastPass Authenticator](https://lastpass.com/auth/) - - [FreeOTP Authenticator](https://freeotp.github.io/) +Example: +* The token from the authenticator app is 457051 +* Your mandatory PIN is 2401 +* Code to check: 4570512401 + +If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. **There is no button you can press!** The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: + +![image](../images/remote-control-14.png) -- Install the authenticator app of your choice on your follower phone and scan the QR code shown in AAPS. +You should now be set up with SMS commands. -- Test the one-time password by entering the token shown in your authenticator app and the PIN you just setup in AAPS. Example: +Use button "Authenticator setup > Reset Authenticators" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (By resetting authenticator you make ALL already provisioned authenticators invalid. You will need to set them up again.) - - Your mandatory PIN is 2020 - - TOTP token from the authenticator app is 457051 - - Enter 4570512020 +## SMS commands usage -- The red text "WRONG PIN" will change **automatically** to a green "OK" if the entry is correct. **There is no button you can press!** +### First steps using SMS commands -- The time on both phones must be synchronized. Best practice is set automatically from network. Time differences might lead to authentication problems. +1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the **AAPS** phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: -- Use button "RESET AUTHENTICATORS" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (By resetting authenticator you make ALL already provisioned authenticators invalid. You will need to set them up again) +![image](../images/remote-control-15.png) -## Use SMS commands +If you don't receive any response, check the [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) section below. -- Send a SMS to the phone with AAPS running from your approved phone number(s) using any of the [commands](#commands) below. +2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator, _e.g._ “target hypo”. The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by the additional secret **PIN** known only by caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). -- The AAPS phone will respond to confirm success of command or status requested. +When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the **AAPS** phone, to see how it works: -- Confirm command by sending the code where necessary. Example: +![image](../images/remote-control-16.png) - - Your mandatory PIN is 2020 - - TOTP token from the authenticator app is 457051 - - Enter 4570512020 +The caregiver’s phone will receive an SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. + +If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. See [Troubleshooting](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) below for common errors. **Hint**: It can be useful to have unlimited SMS on your phone plan (for each phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent. +### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands + +Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: + +1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. + +To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. + +**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or **AAPSClient** with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions subsection below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. + (SMSCommands-commands)= ## Commands -Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). +```{contents} List of command groups +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) +Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). The commands are not case-sensitive, you can use lower or upper case. -### Loop +![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) -- LOOP STOP/DISABLE \* Response: Loop has been disabled +The **SMS Commands Tables** below show all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the **AAPS** app itself. -- LOOP START/ENABLE \* Response: Loop has been enabled +(authentication-or-not)= +### Authentication or not? -- LOOP STATUS +Some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require strong **authentication** through the Authenticator app. A simple enquiry like “**BG**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn't need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: - - Response depends on actual status +![image](../images/remote-control-06.png) - - 闭环被禁用 - - 闭环被启用 - - Suspended (10 min) +Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: -- LOOP SUSPEND 20 \* Response: Loop suspended for 20 minutes +![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](../images/remote-control-07.png) -- LOOP RESUME \* Response: Loop resumed +The *Auth* column in the tables below, indicates whether such a strong authentication is required for each command. -- LOOP CLOSED \* Response: Current loop mode: Closed Loop +### CGM data -- LOOP LGS \* Response: Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BG | No | Returns: last BG, delta, IOB (bolus and basal), COB
*Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U)* | +| CAL 5.6/90 | Yes | Will calibrate the CGM with a value of 5.6/90
(use the value appropriate to your glucose units)
Works only if properly set-up in **AAPS**.
*Calibration sent* | -### CGM data +### Pump -- BG \* Response: Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U) -- CAL 5.6 \* Response: To send calibration 5.6 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response after correct code was received: Calibration sent (**If xDrip is installed. Accepting calibrations must be enabled in xDrip+**) +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| PUMP | No | Last conn: 1 min ago
Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min
IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 | +| PUMP DISCONNECT *30* | Yes | To disconnect pump for *30* minutes | +| PUMP CONNECT | Yes | Pump reconnected | ### 基础率 -- BASAL STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To stop temp basal reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 0.3 \* Response: To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 0.3 20 \* Response: To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 30% \* Response: To start basal 30% for 30 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 30% 50 \* Response: To start basal 30% for 50 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | -------------------------------- | +| BASAL 0.3 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min | +| BASAL 0.3 20 | Yes | To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min | +| BASAL 30% | Yes | To start basal 30% for 30 min | +| BASAL 30% 50 | Yes | To start basal 30% for 50 min | +| BASAL STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop temp basal | + + +### Loop + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ----------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| LOOP STATUS | No | Response depends on actual status:
- *Loop is disabled* if the loop is disabled or LGS
- *Loop is enabled* if the loop is closed or open
- *Suspended (10 min)* if the loop is disconnected or suspended | +| LOOP STOP/DISABLE | Yes | The pump will revert to the pre-programmed basal rate.
*Loop has been disabled* | +| LOOP START/ENABLE | Yes | *Loop has been enabled* | +| LOOP SUSPEND 20 | Yes | *Loop suspended for 20 minutes* | +| LOOP RESUME | Yes | *Loop resumed* | +| LOOP CLOSED | Yes | *Current loop mode: Closed Loop* | +| LOOP LGS | Yes | *Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend* | ### 大剂量 -Remote bolus is not allowed within 15 min (this value is editable only if 2 phone numbers added) after last bolus command or remote commands! Therefore the response depends on the time that the last bolus was given. +Remote bolus is not allowed within 15 min (this value is editable only if 2 phone numbers added) after last bolus command or remote commands! In this case, the response would be *Remote bolus not available. Try again later.* This response is also sent when the pump is currently delivering a bolus. -- BOLUS 1.2 \* Response A: To deliver bolus 1.2U reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response B: Remote bolus not available. Try again later. -- BOLUS 0.60 MEAL \* If you specify the optional parameter MEAL, this sets the Temp Target MEAL (default values are: 90 mg/dL, 5.0 mmol/l for 45 mins). \* Response A: To deliver meal bolus 0.60U reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response B: Remote bolus not available. -- CARBS 5 \* Response: To enter 5g at 12:45 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM \* Response: To enter 5g at 17:35 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To stop extended bolus reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- EXTENDED 2 120 \* Response: To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BOLUS 1.2 | Yes | | +| BOLUS 0.60 MEAL | Yes | Delivers the specified 0.60U bolus
**and** sets the [Eating Soon TempTarget](#TempTargets-eating-soon-temp-target) | +| CARBS 5 | Yes | To enter 5g, without a bolus | +| CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM | Yes | To enter 5g at 17:35.
The acceptable time format depends
on the time setting (12h/24h) on the phone. | +| EXTENDED 2 120 | Yes | To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min.
Only for [compatible pumps](#screens-action-tab). | +| EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To stop extended bolus | ### Profile -- PROFILE STATUS \* Response: Profile1 -- PROFILE LIST \* Response: 1.\`Profile1\` 2.\`Profile2\` -- PROFILE 1 \* Response: To switch profile to Profile1 100% reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- PROFILE 2 30 \* Response: To switch profile to Profile2 30% reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| -------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| PROFILE STATUS | No | Current profile and percentage | +| PROFILE LIST | No | The current list of profiles in **AAPS**, e.g.:
1. Profile1
2. Profile2 | +| PROFILE 1 | Yes | To switch profile to profile 1 in the list.
Use the numbers as returned by the **PROFILE LIST**,
not the profile names as you saved them | +| PROFILE 2 30 | Yes | To switch profile to Profile2 30% | + +### Temporary Targets + +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------- | +| TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | Yes | To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | +| TARGET STOP/CANCEL | Yes | To cancel Temp Target | + (SMSCommands-other)= ### 其他 -- TREATMENTS REFRESH \* Response: Refresh treatments from NS -- NSClient RESTART \* Response: NSCLIENT RESTART SENT -- PUMP \* Response: Last conn: 1 min ago Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 -- PUMP CONNECT \* Response: Pump reconnected -- PUMP DISCONNECT *30* \* Response: To disconnect pump for *30* minutes reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- SMS DISABLE/STOP \* Response: To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any. Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly from the AAPS master smartphone only. -- TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO \* Response: To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- TARGET STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To cancel Temp Target reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- HELP \* Response: BG, LOOP, TREATMENTS, ..... -- HELP BOLUS \* Response: BOLUS 1.2 BOLUS 1.2 MEAL +| Command | Auth | Function & *Response* | +| ------------------ | ---- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| TREATMENTS REFRESH | No | Refresh treatments from NS | +| NSCLIENT RESTART | No | Useful if you notice a communication problem
with Nightscout or **AAPSClient** | +| SMS DISABLE/STOP | No | To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any.
Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly
from the **AAPS** master smartphone only. | +| HELP | No | Returns all functions available for interrogation:
Send further ***HELP ***FUNCTION****** command to list
all options available in this section. | +| HELP BOLUS | | *BOLUS 1.2
BOLUS 1.2 MEAL* | (SMSCommands-troubleshooting)= -## Troubleshooting +## Troubleshooting and FAQ -### Multiple SMS +```{contents} List of questions and issues +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -If you receive the same message over and over again (i.e. profile switch) you will probably have set up a circle with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please make sure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NS. +### What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? -If the other app is installed on multiple phones make sure to deactivate upload on all of them. +1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting "profile exercise" for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. + +2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the **AAPS** phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation, and you cancel it (on the **AAPS** phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. -### SMS commands not working on Samsung phones +**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. -There was a report on SMS commands stopping after an update on Galaxy S10 phone. Could be solved by disabling 'send as chat message'. +**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. + +### What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? + +**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. + +### Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? + +It could be for one of these reasons: + +1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The **AAPS** phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the **AAPS** phone). + +### No response whatsoever for SMS commands + +On the caregiver phone and/or **AAPS** phone, try disabling the following options : +* **Send as chat message** ![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) +* If using Android Messages App or Google Messages App, disable RCS messaging: + - open the specific SMS conversation in Messages + - Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner + - select "Details" + - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" ![Disable RCS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableRCS.png) + +### Errors carrying out commands + +There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: + +* SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct +* You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) +* You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) +* The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led **AAPS** to calculate that the authenticator code had expired +* The **AAPS** phone is out of range/contact with the pump +* The system is already busy delivering a bolus + +Common errors are shown in the examples below: + +![image](../images/remote-control-17.png) + +### How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? + +You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. + +For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. + +### Multiple SMS + +If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. + +If the other app is installed on multiple phones make sure to deactivate upload on all of them. -![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) -### Android Messages App +### I am getting far too many text messages from SMS Commands. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? -If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app disable end-to-end ecryption on both caregiver and child's phones. - - open the specific SMS conversation in Messages - - Select the options ellipisis in the top right corner - - select "Details" - - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" +Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the **AAPS** phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your **AAPS** phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/images/KidsMonitoring.png b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/images/KidsMonitoring.png index da04a0647dd1..a3628b5c4f85 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/images/KidsMonitoring.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/images/KidsMonitoring.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/images/SMSdisableRCS.png b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/images/SMSdisableRCS.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..86ce50229c39 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/images/SMSdisableRCS.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/images/remote-control-07.png b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/images/remote-control-07.png index f39574e5ad4b..f0174d83b06b 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/images/remote-control-07.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/images/remote-control-07.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/images/remote-control-08.png b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/images/remote-control-08.png index e96c345b2698..a26373899bba 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/images/remote-control-08.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/images/remote-control-08.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 5e3a6a06020e..15b88593d353 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,10 +9,17 @@ ```{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md) :class: warning -**指數平滑** **必須** 啟用,以便有效使用 G7 / ONE+ 值。 +**平均平滑或指數平滑** **必須** 開啟,才能有效使用 G7 / ONE+ 的數值。 ``` -## 1. 修補版 Dexcom G7 應用程式 (DiaKEM) +## 1. xDrip+(直接連接至 G7 或 ONE+) + +- 請參閱這裡的說明:[Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) +- 在 [組態建置工具 的血糖來源](#Config-Builder-bg-source) 中選擇 xDrip+。 + +- 根據 xDrip+ 設定頁面上的解釋來調整 xDrip+ 設定 [xDrip+ 設定](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) + +## 2. 修補版 Dexcom G7 應用程式 (DiaKEM) **注意:需要 AAPS 或更高版本! 不適用於 ONE+。** @@ -32,21 +39,14 @@ ### 在 AAPS 中進行配置 -- 在 [ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](#Config-Builder-bg-source) 中選擇 'BYODA' - 即便這不是 BYODA 應用程式! +- 在 [組態建置工具 的血糖來源](#Config-Builder-bg-source) 中選擇 'BYODA' - 即便這不是 BYODA 應用程式! - 如果 AAPS 無法接收任何資料,請切換到其他血糖來源,然後再切回 'BYODA' 以調用查詢以批准 AAPS 和 BYODA 之間的資料交換。 -## 2. xDrip+(直接連接至 G7 或 ONE+) - -- 請參閱這裡的說明:[Xdrip+ G7](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Dexcom/G7.html) -- 在 [ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](#Config-Builder-bg-source) 中選擇 xDrip+。 - -- 根據 xDrip+ 設定頁面上的解釋來調整 xDrip+ 設定 [xDrip+ 設定](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) - -## 3. xDrip+(伴侶模式) +## 3. xDrip+(companion - 夥伴模式) - 下載並安裝 xDrip+:[xDrip](https://github.com/NightscoutFoundation/xDrip) -- 在 xDrip+ 中必須選擇「伴侶應用程式」作為資料來源,並在進階設定 > 藍牙設定 > 啟用「伴侶藍牙」。 -- 在 [ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](#Config-Builder-bg-source) 中選擇 xDrip+。 +- 在 xDrip+ 中必須選擇「夥伴應用程式」作為資料來源,並在進階設定 > 藍牙設定 > 啟用「夥伴藍牙」。 +- 在 [組態建置工具的血糖來源](#Config-Builder-bg-source) 中選擇 xDrip+。 - 根據 xDrip+ 設定頁面上的解釋來調整 xDrip+ 設定 [xDrip+ 設定](../CompatibleCgms/xDrip.md) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md index 2b8ab726c0a8..dc4ac163c895 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ 如果 **血糖** 資料不穩定/干擾,**AAPS** 可能會錯誤地注射胰島素,導致血糖過高或過低。 如果你發現你的連續血糖監測(CGM)資料出錯,應在問題解決前暫停循環。 根據你的 CGM,這些問題可能是由於 **AAPS** 中的 CGM 韌體設定問題(如下文進一步說明);或是 CGM 傳感器位置問題(這可能需要更換 CGM 傳感器)。 -某些 CGM 系統內部有演算法可以檢測讀數中的噪聲水平,**AAPS** 可以利用這些資訊來避免在 BG 資料過於不可靠時發出 SMB。 然而,部分 CGM 不會傳送此資料,對於這些血糖來源,「始終啟用 SMB」和「碳水化合物後啟用 SMB」會為了安全起見被停用。 +某些 CGM 系統內部有演算法可以檢測讀取中的干擾等級,**AAPS** 可以利用這些資訊來避免在血糖資料不準確時發出 SMB。 然而,部分 CGM 不會傳送此資料,對於這些血糖來源,「始終啟用 SMB」和「碳水化合物後啟用 SMB」會為了安全起見被停用。 ## 在 AAPS 中平滑資料 @@ -24,20 +24,20 @@ ## 平滑處理建議 -| | 指數平滑 | 平均平滑 | 無平滑處理 | -| --------------------- |:----:|:-----:|:-----:| -| G5 和 G6 | | 如果有干擾 | 建議使用 | -| G7 | 建議使用 | | | -| Libre 1 或 Juggluco | 建議使用 | | | -| Libre 2 和 3 使用 xDrip+ | | | 建議使用 | +| | 指數平滑 | 平均平滑 | 無平滑處理 | +| --------------------- |:-----:|:------:|:-----:| +| G5 和 G6 | 如果有干擾 | | 建議使用 | +| G7 | 如果有干擾 | 如果穩定的話 | | +| Libre 1 或 Juggluco | 建議使用 | | | +| Libre 2 和 3 使用 xDrip+ | | | 建議使用 | ### Dexcom 傳感器 #### 自己動手打造您的 Dexcom 應用程式 -當使用 [BYODA](#DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) 時,你的 BG 資料是平滑且一致的。 此外,您可以利用 Dexcom 的回彈平滑功能。 使用 SMBs 並沒有任何限制,因為噪音級別資料會與 AAPS 共享。 +當使用 [BYODA](#DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) 時,你的血糖資料是平滑且一致的。 此外,您可以利用 Dexcom 的回彈平滑功能。 使用 SMBs 並沒有任何限制,因為噪音級別資料會與 AAPS 共享。 #### xDrip+ 與 Dexcom G6 或 Dexcom ONE 配合使用 -噪聲水平資料和平滑的 BG 讀數僅在你使用 xDrip+ 的 [原生模式](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Native-Algorithm) 時與 AAPS 分享。 使用原生模式時,使用 SMBs 並沒有任何限制。 +干擾資料和平滑的血糖讀取僅在你使用 xDrip+ 的 [原生模式](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Native-Algorithm) 時與 AAPS 分享。 使用原生模式時,使用 SMBs 並沒有任何限制。 #### Dexcom G6 或 Dexcom ONE 與 xDrip+ 陪伴模式 使用此方法時,噪音級別資料不會與 AAPS 共享。 因此,「始終啟用 SMB」和「在碳水化合物後啟用 SMB」是停用的。 diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/Getting-Started/Phones.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/Getting-Started/Phones.md index 603ac8402889..f098148ad004 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/Getting-Started/Phones.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/Getting-Started/Phones.md @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # 手機 -當前版本的 **AAPS** 需要具備 Google Android 9.0 或以上的 Android 智慧型手機。 因此,如果您考慮購買新手機,建議至少選擇 Android 9,但最佳選擇是 Android 13 或 14。 - -對於較舊的 Android 版本,可以使用舊版本的 **AAPS**,詳細資訊請見: [版本說明](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version)。 +目前版本的 **AAPS**(3.2)需要使用 Google **Android 9.0 或更高版本** 的 Android 智慧型手機。 下一個 **AAPS** 版本(3.3) 將需要 **Android 11.0 或更高版本**。 如果你考慮購買新手機 (截至2024年7月),建議選擇 Android 13。 +截至2024年11月,幾位用戶反映 Android 15 的藍牙連線存在問題。 如果你使用 Omnipod Dash 或 Dexcom G7,你可能希望延遲更新至 Android 15。 請查閱 [Facebook 或 Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) 以獲取此主題的最新更新。 +強烈建議用戶為安全原因保持 **AAPS** 的版本最新。 然而,對於無法使用 Android 11.0 或更新設備的用戶,仍可使用兼容舊版 Android 的早期 **AAPS** 版本,請參見:[發行說明](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version)。 - [已測試的手機清單](../CompatiblePhones/ListOfTestedPhones.md) - [Jelly Pro 設定](../CompatiblePhones/Jelly.md) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md index 076271291dca..4efd881fde44 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/Getting-Started/PreparingForAaps.md @@ -209,7 +209,8 @@ SGLT-2 抑制劑,也稱為 gliflozins,抑制腎臟對葡萄糖的再吸收 ### 智慧型手機 #### AAPS 與 Android 版本 -目前版本的 **AAPS**(3.2)需要使用 Google **Android 9.0 或更高版本** 的 Android 智慧型手機。 如果你打算購買一部新手機,截至 2024 年 7 月,建議選擇 Android 13。 用戶強烈建議出於安全原因保持 **AAPS** 的最新版本,不過對於無法使用 Android 9.0 或更新設備的用戶,較早版本的 **AAPS** 仍然可用於舊版 Android,例如 [Android 8](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/ 和 [Android 7](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/releases/tag/2.6.2),可以從過去的版本中找到(查看舊版本的發行說明)。 + +目前版本的 **AAPS**(3.2)需要使用 Google **Android 9.0 或更高版本** 的 Android 智慧型手機。 下一個 **AAPS** 版本(3.3)將需要 **Android 11.0 或更高版本**。 如果你考慮購買新手機 (截至2024年7月),建議選擇 Android 13。
截至2024年11月,幾位用戶反映 Android 15 的藍牙連線存在問題。 如果你使用 Omnipod Dash 或 Dexcom G7,你可能希望延遲更新至 Android 15。 請查看 [Facebook 或 Discord](../GettingHelp/WhereCanIGetHelp.md) 以獲取此主題的最新更新。
強烈建議使用者為了安全原因,保持 **AAPS** 的版本為最新。 然而,對於無法使用 Android 11.0 或更新版本的使用者,早期版本的 **AAPS** 仍然可與舊版 Android 相容,詳情請見: [版本說明](#maintenance-android-version-aaps-version)。 #### 智慧型手機型號選擇 你選購的具體型號取決於所需的功能。 你可以在 [手機頁面](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) 上找到推薦與用戶對於可用設置的反饋。 diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md index fc058920500c..1e2c7e755e6e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/RemoteFeatures/RemoteControl.md @@ -17,272 +17,9 @@ 5. 不同年齡兒童學校護理計畫的示例可以在 **AAPS** Facebook 頁面的["文件區"](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/files/)找到。 6. 當遠端控制無法工作時,你的應急計劃是什麼(_例如_網絡問題或藍牙連線丟失)? 始終考慮當你突然無法發送新指令時,**AAPS** 會發生什麼情況。 **AAPS** 會使用目前設定覆蓋幫浦的基礎率、ISF 和 ICR。 如果切換到更強的胰島素設定,請只使用臨時設定切換(_例如_設置特定的持續時間),以防止遠端連線中斷。 當時間到期時,幫浦將恢復到原始設定。 -(RemoteControl-sms-commands)= ## 1) SMS 指令 -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note - -此部分可能包含過時的內容。 請參見 [簡訊指令](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md) 頁面。 - -``` - -你可以透過一項稱為 **SMS 指令** 的功能,使用文字訊息(SMS)遠端控制 **AAPS**。 _任何_ 類型的手機(iPhone/Android)都可以傳送 SMS 指令到 **AAPS**。 - -**SMS 指令非常有用於:** -1. 日常遠端控制 - -2. 如果你想遠端注射胰島素 - -3. 在網路訊號不佳的地區,文字訊息能夠傳送,而資料/網路訊號有限。 這在前往偏遠地區(例如露營、滑雪)時非常有用。 - -4. 如果你的其他遠端控制方法(Nightscout/AAPSClient)暫時無法使用 - -### SMS 指令的安全性 -如果你啟用 **SMS 通訊** 功能,請考慮設定為傳送遠端指令的手機可能會被竊取,或者被他人使用。 請務必用至少 PIN 碼鎖定你的手機。 強密碼和/或生物辨識鎖定是非常推薦的,並且確保這個密碼與 APK 主密碼(修改 **AAPS** 設定所需的密碼)不同。 必須啟用第二個手機號碼才能使 SMS 指令生效,即使你只有一位主要的照護者/追蹤者。 如果主要照護者/父母的手機遭到侵入,你可以使用第二個號碼暫時停用 SMS 通訊(使用指令**“SMS stop”**)。 版本**AAPS** 2.7 及更新版本也使用[身份驗證應用](#authentication-or-not)。 - -### 不同類型的 SMS 指令 -下表列出了所有可能的 **SMS 指令**。 給出了一些_範例值_來幫助暸解。 這些指令的值範圍與 AAPS 應用程式中允許的值相同(目標、百分比設定等)。 下表根據可能的使用頻率列出了指令,前兩個表格應該包含了你在完整循環中需要的大部分 SMS 指令。 - -### SMS 指令表 - -![SMS_command_table_1](../images/remote-control-02.png) - -![SMS_command_table_2](../images/remote-control-03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_3](../images/remote_control_and_following/SMS_command_table_3_Loop_03.png) - -![SMS_command_table_4](../images/remote-control-05.png) - -(authentication-or-not)= -### 是否需要驗證? - -你可能注意到,上述表格中的某些 SMS 指令會立即回應,而某些 SMS 指令則需要透過額外應用程式的安全碼和 PIN 進行 **驗證**(請參閱以下鏈接以獲取更多詳細資訊)。 簡單查詢如「**bg**」(請求目前血糖更新)打字快速,不需要驗證,並且返回以下所示的 **AAPS** 狀態資訊: - -![圖像](../images/remote-control-06.png) - -某些需要更高安全性的指令需要輸入安全碼,例如: - -![SMS 經驗證的小型指令](../images/remote-control-07.png) - -### 如何設定 SMS 指令 - -整個流程如下: - -**1) 下載驗證器(照護者的手機)** - -**2) 檢查手機設置(AAPS 手機)** - -**3) 日期和時間同步(照護者和 AAPS 手機)** - -**4) AAPS 設定(AAPS 手機)** - -**5) 測試 SMS 指令是否正常工作(照護者和 AAPS 手機)** - -### 讓我們開始吧! - -1) **下載驗證器:** 在照護者的手機上,從 App Store 或 Google Play 下載並安裝以下驗證器之一: - -[**Authy**](https://authy.com/download/) - -[**Google 驗證器 - Android / iOS**](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2&pli=1) - -[**LastPass 身份驗證器**](https://www.lastpass.com/solutions/authentication) - -[**FreeOTP 身份驗證器**](https://freeotp.github.io/) - -這些驗證器應用程式會生成一個時間限制的、一次性 6 位數密碼,類似於行動銀行或購物。 你也可以使用其他支援 RFC 6238 TOTP 權杖的驗證器應用程式。 Microsoft 驗證器無法使用。 - -2) **檢查手機設定:** 在 **AAPS** 手機設定中,前往應用程式 > AndroidAPS > 權限 > SMS > 允許 SMS - -![圖像](../images/remote-control-08.png) - -3) **日期和時間同步:** 檢查 **AAPS** 手機和照護者手機的日期和時間是否同步。 具體操作取決於你的手機型號,你可能需要嘗試不同的設定。 - -範例(以 Samsung S23 手機為例):設置 > 通用管理 > 日期和時間 > 自動日期和時間 - -某些選項可能會被灰階化,這是因為手機設置為兒童帳戶,並需要透過家庭帳戶管理員啟用。 在照護者/父母的 iPhone 上,這個日期和時間設置稱為「自動設置」。 如果你不確定手機是否同步,別擔心,你可以先設置 SMS 指令,然後如果發現問題再進行問題排除(如果需要,可以請求幫助)。 - -4) **AAPS 設定:** - -i) 現在已經檢查了手機設定,在 **AAPS** 應用程式中,使用左側的漢堡選單導航到組態建置工具: - -![圖像](../images/remote-control-09.png) - -ii) 勾選選項啟用「SMS 通訊」,然後點擊「齒輪」圖示進入 SMS 通訊的偏好設置頁面: - -![圖像](../images/remote-control-10.png) - -_注意 - 作為進入組態建置工具的替代路徑,你還可以使用 AAPS 螢幕頂部的「SMS 通訊」標籤,然後右擊該頁面的自定義右側漢堡選單,進入 SMS 通訊偏好設定頁面。_ - -iii) 在偏好設定頁面上,啟用「允許透過 SMS 遠端指令」: - -![圖像](../images/remote-control-11.png) - -iv) 輸入照護者的電話號碼。 包含國際區號,並且排除電話號碼的第一個「0」,如以下範例所示: - -英國電話號碼:+447976304596 - -美國電話號碼:+11234567890 - -法國電話號碼:+33612344567 - -_等。_ - -請注意,依據你所在的位置,電話號碼前的「+」號可能需要或不需要。 為了確定這一點,你可以傳送範例簡訊,以顯示在 SMS 通訊標籤中的接收格式。 - -如果需要輸入多個電話號碼,請使用分號分隔,且號碼之間**不能有空格**(這一點至關重要!)。 選擇「確定」: - - -![圖像](../images/remote-control-12.png) - -v) 選擇一個 PIN 碼,你(及任何其他照護者)將會在傳送 SMS 指令時,於驗證碼結尾使用此 PIN 碼。 - -PIN 碼要求如下: - -• 3 到 6 位數字 - -• 不能全部為相同的數字(例如:1111 或 1224) - -• 不能是連續數字(例如:1234) - -![圖像](../images/remote-control-13.png) - -vi) 在偏好設定頁面中,選擇「驗證器設置」 - -● 按照螢幕上的逐步說明操作。 - -● 在照護者的手機上打開已安裝的驗證器應用程式,設定一個新的連線,並 - -● 當提示時,使用照護者的手機掃描 **AAPS** 提供的 QR 碼。 - -● 測試從照護者手機的驗證器應用程式生成的一次性密碼,並在後面加上你的 PIN 碼: - -範例: - -驗證器應用程式生成的驗證碼為 457051 - -你的必須 PIN 碼為 2401 - -驗證碼:4570512401 - -如果輸入正確,紅色字體「WRONG PIN」將自動變為綠色「OK」。 此過程已完成,輸入驗證碼後無需按「OK」按鈕: - - -![圖像](../images/remote-control-14.png) - -你現在已成功設定 SMS 指令。 - -### SMS 指令的初步操作 - -1) 為了確認你已經正確設定,從照護者的手機傳送一則包含「bg」的簡訊到 AAPS 手機進行連線測試。 你應該會收到如下的回應: - -![圖像](../images/remote-control-15.png) - -2) 現在嘗試傳送一個需要驗證器的 SMS 指令。 要這麼做,從照護者的手機傳送所需指令到 **AAPS** 手機 (_例如_「target hypo」)。 照護者的手機將收到一則簡訊,提示你輸入來自驗證器應用程式的 **六位數驗證碼**,隨後是只有照護者/追蹤者知道的額外秘密 **PIN 碼**(假設 PIN 碼為 4 位數,共計 10 位數字)。 - -下方範例展示了傳送「target hypo」指令以設定低血糖臨時目標的過程: - -● 在此範例中,你的 PIN 碼為 1289 - -● 你的驗證器應用程式生成的驗證碼為 274127 - -● 當提示時,傳送簡訊 2741271289 - -指令必須以英文傳送。 回應則會顯示為你的本地語系。 當你首次嘗試傳送 SMS 指令時,最好在 AAPS 手機附近,以觀察運作情況: - -![圖像](../images/remote-control-16.png) - -照護者的手機將收到來自 **AAPS** 的簡訊,確認遠端 SMS 指令是否成功執行。 指令可能無法成功的幾個原因如下: - -● SMS 指令設置不完整或不正確 - -● 你傳送了格式不正確的指令(例如:「disconnect pump 45」應為「pump disconnect 45」) - -● 你使用了不正確或過期的驗證碼(目前驗證碼即將過期時,等待幾秒產生新的驗證碼通常是個好主意) - -● 驗證碼和 PIN 碼正確,但 SMS 傳送或接收的延遲,導致 AAPS 判定驗證碼已過期 - -● AAPS 手機超出與幫浦的連線範圍/聯繫 - -● 系統正忙於執行注射操作 - -如果你的指令成功,你將收到一則確認回覆。 如果出現問題,你將收到錯誤訊息。 - -常見錯誤的範例如下所示: - -![圖像](../images/remote-control-17.png) - -### SMS 指令的額外安全注意事項 - -預設的兩次注射指令之間的最短延遲時間為 15 分鐘。 為了安全起見,你必須添加至少兩個授權電話號碼才能將此延遲時間縮短。 如果你嘗試在前一次注射後 15 分鐘內再次遠端注射,你將收到「無法遠端注射。請稍後再試」的回覆。 嘗試稍後再試 - -如果你想移除照護者手機發送 SMS 指令的能力,請使用 AAPS 中的緊急按鈕「重置驗證器」(參見上方偏好設定截圖的連結)或發送 SMS 指令「SMS stop」。 重置驗證器將使所有照護者的手機無效。 你需要重新設定他們。 - -### 透過 SMS 指令進行餐時注射 - -遠端注射胰島素 _只能_ 透過 **SMS 指令** 完成,無法透過 NightScout 或 AAPSClient 執行。 然而,碳水化合物可以透過這三種方法中的任何一種報告。 無法在一條 SMS 訊息中同時發送碳水化合物和胰島素指令。 這些指令必須分開發送,具體如下: - -1) 發送胰島素注射指令(_例如_ 「bolus 2」將指令注射 2 單位的胰島素),透過 SMS 指令相當於在 **AAPS** 中使用「注射」圖示。 2) 發送碳水化合物指令(_例如_「carbs 20」將報告 20 克的碳水化合物)。 這相當於在 **AAPS** 中使用「碳水化合物」標籤。 - -為了避免低血糖,最好保守起見,注射 **少於** 按照你的碳水比率所需的胰島素,因為你沒有考慮目前的血糖數值或血糖趨勢。 - -**發送這些指令的順序很重要**。 如果你透過任何方式報告大量碳水化合物,並啟用了 SMB(超小注射),**AAPS** 可能會立即透過部分胰島素注射作出回應。 因此,如果你在報告碳水化合物後嘗試發送胰島素注射指令,你可能會遇到延遲並顯示「注射進行中」的訊息,你需要檢查已經執行的 SMB 注射。 或者,如果你沒有意識到正在進行 SMB 注射,並且你後續的注射也成功,則可能會為這頓飯過多注射胰島素。 因此,如果遠端控制餐時注射,請務必在報告碳水化合物 _之前_ 發送胰島素注射指令。 如果你願意,你可以結合使用 Nightscout 或 AAPSClient 與 SMS 指令。 碳水化合物可以透過 Nightscout 報告,且不需要驗證(請參閱下方的說明部分),因此速度比 SMS 指令更快。 - -### SMS 指令的問題排除與常見問題解答 - -#### Q: SMS 指令有哪些限制? - -1) **你無法設置_臨時_的個人檔案切換**(例如,設置「運動檔案」60 分鐘),但你可以永久切換至「運動檔案」。 臨時檔案切換可以透過 Nightscout 或 AAPSClient 進行設置。 - -2) **你無法取消自動化或設置自定義目標**,但可以使用替代方案:假設你的常規檔案目標為 5.5。 你在 AAPS 中設置了自動化,每天下午 2:30 至 3:30 間將目標設為 7.0,以便學校的運動課程使用,並且自動化條件是「不存在臨時目標」。 本週,你臨時得知運動課被取消,取而代之的是披薩聚會,但你的孩子已經帶著 AAPS 手機在學校。 如果自動化設置了 7.0 的高臨時目標並且你取消了他(在 AAPS 手機上或遠端),自動化條件仍然成立,**AAPS** 將在一分鐘後再次設置高目標。 - -**如果你可以查看 AAPS 手機**,你可以取消或修改自動化,或者,如果你不想這樣做,你可以在動作標籤中設置一個新的 5.6 的臨時目標 60 分鐘,或按下目標標籤來設置。 這樣可以防止自動化設置 7.0 的高目標。 - -**如果你無法查看 AAPS 手機**,可以使用 SMS 指令作為大致解決方案:例如,使用指令「target meal」設置 45 分鐘的 5.0 目標(其他預設目標為 8.0 用於運動或低血糖,見表)。 然而,使用 SMS 指令無法指定 _特定_ 的目標值(例如 60 分鐘的 5.6),這需要使用 **AAPSClient** 或 Nightscout。 - -#### Q: 如果我改變了剛發送的指令怎麼辦? - -**AAPS** 只會執行最近發送的指令。 因此,如果你輸入「bolus 1.5」,然後未經驗證就發送了新指令「bolus 1」,他將忽略先前的 1.5 指令。 **AAPS** 會始終向照護者手機發送回覆,確認 SMS 指令內容,然後提示你輸入驗證碼,並在執行後發送回覆。 - -#### Q: 為什麼我沒有收到 SMS 指令的回覆? - -可能是以下原因之一: - -1) 訊息未到達手機(網絡問題)。 2) **AAPS** 還在處理請求(_例如_ 注射,根據注射速率,可能需要一些時間來執行)。 3) 當收到指令時,AAPS 手機與幫浦之間的藍牙連線不良,導致指令失敗(這通常會在 AAPS 手機上觸發警報)。 - -#### Q: 我該如何停止已經通過驗證的指令? - -不可以。 但是,你可以透過在 **AAPS** 手機的注射彈出窗口中快速取消來停止 SMS 發送的注射。 除了注射和碳水化合物報告外,許多 SMS 指令可以輕鬆撤銷,或透過某些操作來減輕錯誤的影響。 - -例如,對於注射和碳水化合物報告中的錯誤,你仍然可以採取行動。 例如,如果你宣佈了 20g 的碳水化合物,但你的孩子只吃了 10g,而你(或在場的照護者)無法直接在 **AAPS** 手機中刪除這個治療,你可以設置一個較高的臨時目標,或設置一個較低的設定檔,讓 **AAPS** 減少其侵略性。 - -#### 問。 為什麼我收到同一條訊息的多封 SMS 簡訊? - -如果你重複收到相同的訊息(例如設定檔切換),你可能無意間與其他應用程式建立了循環狀態。 例如可能是 xDrip+。 如果是這樣,請確保 xDrip+(或任何其他應用程式)沒有將治療資料上傳到 NightScout。 - -#### 問。 我剛設置了 SMS 指令,現在收到太多的簡訊。 我可以減少頻率或停止這些簡訊嗎? - -使用 SMS 指令可能會讓 AAPS 手機自動發送許多訊息到照護者的手機。 例如,如果你在 **AAPS** 中設置了自動化,你也會收到“幫浦中的基礎率設定已更新”這類訊息。 如果預計要發送大量簡訊,你最好在 AAPS 手機計畫中(以及每位照護者手機中)使用不限量的簡訊配額,並停用所有手機上的簡訊通知、警報或振動功能。 使用 SMS 指令時,無法避免接收到這些更新。 因此,你可能需要另一種與孩子直接溝通的方式(如果他們年齡夠大),而不是使用 SMS。 常見的 **AAPS** 照護者會使用的替代通訊應用程式包括 Whatsapp、Lime、Telegram 和 Facebook Messenger。 - -#### 問。 為什麼我的 Samsung 手機上的 SMS 指令無法運作? - -曾經有報告指出,Samsung Galaxy S10 手機在更新後,SMS 指令停止運作。 這個問題可以透過停用“以聊天訊息發送”來解決。 - - -![圖像](../images/remote-control-18.png) - -#### 問。 如何解決 Android 訊息應用程式的問題? - -如果你在使用 Android 訊息應用程式發送或接收 SMS 指令時遇到問題,請停用照護者和被照護者手機上的端到端加密功能: - -● 開啟訊息應用程式中的特定 SMS 對話 - -● 選擇右上角的選項省略號 - -● 選擇“詳細資料” - -● 啟用“只發送 SMS 和 MMS 訊息” +請參見專門的 [SMS 命令](../RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md) 頁面。 (aapsclient)= ## 2) AAPSClient @@ -695,11 +432,11 @@ Wear Installer 2 由 [Malcolm Bryant](https://www.youtube.com/@Freepoc) 開發 最後一步是配置手機上的 **AAPS** 與智慧型手錶上的 **AAPS** Wear 互動。 為此,在 組態建置工具 中啟用 Wear 外掛: -● 打開手機上的 **AAPS** 應用程式 +* 前往手機上的 **AAPS** 應用程式 -● 選擇 > 左側漢堡選單中的 組態建置工具 +* 在左側漢堡按鈕中選擇 > 組態建置工具 -● 在常規部分勾選 Wear 選項 +* 在一般設定下勾選手錶選項 ![圖像](../images/ae6d75a1-1829-4d2e-b0dc-153e31e4a466.png) @@ -727,27 +464,27 @@ Wear Installer 2 由 [Malcolm Bryant](https://www.youtube.com/@Freepoc) 開發 簡要概述,以下功能可以從智慧型手錶觸發: -● 設置臨時目標 +* 設置一個臨時目標 -● 使用注射計算機(計算變數可以在手機設置中定義) +* 使用注射計算器(計算變數可在手機設定中定義) -● 管理 eCarbs +* 管理 eCarbs -● 管理一次注射(胰島素 + 碳水化合物) +* 進行注射(胰島素 + 碳水化合物) -● 手錶設置 +* 檢查手錶設定 -● 狀態 +* 狀態 -● 檢查幫浦狀態 +* 檢查幫浦狀態 -● 檢查循環狀態 +* 檢查循環狀態 -● 檢查和更改設定檔檔,CPP(日夜節律百分比設定檔檔 = 時間偏移 + 百分比) +* 檢查並更改個人設定、CPP(生理時鐘百分比設定 = 時間變動 + 百分比) -● 顯示 TDD(每日總劑量 = 每日注射 + 基礎) +* 顯示 TDD(每日總劑量 = 每日注射 + 基礎劑量) -● 當照護者和 1 型糖尿病(T1D)孩子處於不同位置時進行遠端注射(這適用於 **AAPS** 手錶和 **AAPS** 手機,只要兩台設備均連線到 Wi-Fi 網絡) +* 遠端注射,看護者和 T1D 兒童在不同位置(這對於 **AAPS** 手錶和 **AAPS** 手機是可能的,前提是這兩個設備連接到 WiFi 網路) #### 照護者使用其他應用程式(如 Whatsapp)與手錶通訊 diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md index c8a9af83b15b..7daad6cdfce5 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/RemoteFeatures/SMSCommands.md @@ -1,194 +1,337 @@ # SMS(簡訊) 指令 -```{admonition} Documentation -:class: note +```{contents} Table of contents +:depth: 2 +``` -此部分可能包含過時的內容。 請參閱頁面 [SMS 命令](#RemoteControl-sms-commands)。 +大部分臨時目標的調整,可透過具備網路連線的 Android 手機上的 [**AAPSClient** 應用程式](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) 來完成。 然而,透過 **AAPSClient** 無法進行注射,但你可以使用 SMS 指令。 如果你使用 iPhone 作為追蹤設備,因此無法使用 **AAPSClient** 應用程式,還有額外的 SMS 指令可用。 -``` +**SMS 指令非常有用於:** +1. 日常遠端控制 + +2. 如果你想遠端注射胰島素 + +3. 在網路訊號不佳的地區,文字訊息能夠傳送,而資料/網路訊號有限。 這在前往偏遠地區(例如露營、滑雪)時非常有用。 + +4. 如果你的其他遠端控制方法(Nightscout/AAPSClient)暫時無法使用 ## 安全第一 -. -- AAPS 允許你透過簡訊遠端控制孩子的手機。 如果你啟用此 SMS 通訊功能,請務必記住,設置為傳送遠端指令的手機可能會被盜。 因此,務必至少使用 PIN 碼來保護手機。 建議使用強度較高的密碼或生物識別技術。 -- 此外,建議允許為簡訊指令設置[第二個電話號碼](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)。 這樣,當你的主遠端手機丟失或被盜時,可以使用第二個號碼 [臨時停用](#SMSCommands-other) SMS 通訊功能。 -- 如果你傳送的遠端指令(如注射或更改設定檔)已執行,AAPS 也會透過簡訊通知你。 建議將其設置為至少傳送到兩個不同的手機號碼,以防其中一部接收手機被盜。 -- **如果你透過 SMS 指令進行注射,則必須透過 Nightscout(AAPSClient、網站等)輸入碳水化合物!** 如果你未這樣做,活性胰島素(IOB)數值會正確,但活性碳水化合物化合物(COB)可能過低,導致 **AAPS** 假設你有過多的活性胰島素,從而未執行糾正注射。 -- 從 AAPS 2.7 版本起,當使用 SMS 指令時,必須使用帶有時間一次性密碼的身份驗證器應用程式來提高安全性。 + +如果你啟用 **SMS 通訊** 功能,請考慮設定為傳送遠端指令的手機可能會被竊取,或者被他人使用。 請務必用至少 PIN 碼鎖定你的手機。 強烈建議使用強密碼和/或生物識別鎖,並確保這與你的 APK 主密碼不同(即匯出 **AAPS** 設定所需的密碼)。 + +此外,建議允許使用 [第二個手機號碼](#SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers) 來發送 SMS 指令。 這樣,你可以使用第二個號碼來 [停用](#SMSCommands-other) SMS 通訊功能,以防主要遠端手機遭到入侵。 + +預設的兩次注射指令之間的最短延遲時間為 15 分鐘。 為了安全起見,你必須添加至少兩個授權電話號碼才能將此延遲時間縮短。 如果你嘗試在前一次注射後 15 分鐘內再次遠端注射,你將收到「無法遠端注射。請稍後再試」的回覆。 嘗試稍後再試 + +如果你傳送的遠端指令(如注射或更改設定檔)已執行,AAPS 也會透過簡訊通知你。 建議將其設置為至少傳送到兩個不同的手機號碼,以防其中一部接收手機被盜。 + +**如果你透過 SMS 指令進行注射,必須單獨輸入碳水化合物 (第二條 SMS, AAPSClient, Nightscout...)!** 如果不這樣做,IOB 將顯示正確但 COB 過低,可能導致未進行修正注射,因為 **AAPS** 假設你有過多的活性胰島素。 + +對於敏感指令,必須使用帶有基於時間的一次性密碼的身份驗證器應用程式來增加安全性。 + +如果你希望移除照護者手機發送 SMS 指令的能力,請在 **AAPS** 中使用緊急按鈕“[重置身份驗證器](#sms-commands-authenticator-setup)”,或發送 SMS 指令“[SMS 停止](#SMSCommands-other)”。 重置驗證器將使所有照護者的手機無效。 你需要重新設定他們。 ## 設定 SMS 指令 -![SMS 指令設定](../images/SMSCommandsSetup.png) +```{contents} The overall process is as follows +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -- 大多數臨時目標的調整、追蹤 AAPS 等操作可以在連線網路的 Android 手機上的 [AAPSClient 應用程式](../RemoteFeatures/RemoteMonitoring.md) 中完成。 -- 無法透過 Nightscout 進行注射,但可以使用 SMS 指令。 -- 如果你使用 iPhone 作為追蹤者,無法使用 AAPSClient 應用程式,則有其他 SMS 指令可用。 -- 在 Android 手機設定中,前往應用程式 > AndroidAPS > 權限並啟用 SMS。 +### 身份驗證器設置 -(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= -### 授權手機號碼 +使用雙因素身份驗證來提高安全性。 + +在照護者手機上,下載(從 App Store 或 Google Play)並安裝一個身份驗證器應用程式。 常見的免費應用程式有: + - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) + - Google 身份驗證器 - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) + - [LastPass 身份驗證器](https://lastpass.com/auth/) + - [FreeOTP 身份驗證器](https://freeotp.github.io/) + +這些驗證器應用程式會生成一個時間限制的、一次性 6 位數密碼,類似於行動銀行或購物。 你也可以使用其他支援 RFC 6238 TOTP 權杖的驗證器應用程式。 Microsoft 驗證器無法使用。 -- 在 AAPS 中,前往 **偏好設定 > SMS 通訊功能** 並輸入允許發送 SMS 指令的手機號碼(使用分號分隔 - 例如 +6412345678;+6412345679)。 +### 檢查手機設定 -- 請注意,根據你所在的位置,號碼前的「+」可能是必需的,也可能不是必需的。 為了確定這一點,請發送一條測試簡訊,這將顯示在 SMS 通訊功能標籤中接收到的格式。 +在你的手機上,前往**應用程式 > AAPS > 權限**。 確保**簡訊** 和 **電話**已被允許。 -- 啟用「允許透過 SMS 傳送遠端指令」。 +![圖像](../images/remote-control-08.png) -- 如果你想使用多個號碼: +### 日期與時間同步 - - 只輸入一個號碼。 +兩部手機上的時間必須同步。 最佳做法是從網路自動設置。 時間差可能會導致身份驗證問題。 - - 透過發送並確認一條 SMS 指令使該號碼運作。 +在 **AAPS** 手機和照護者手機上,檢查日期和時間是否已同步。 具體的操作方法取決於你的裝置,你可能需要嘗試不同的設定。 - - 輸入其他號碼,使用分號分隔,無需空格。 +範例(針對 Samsung S23): **設定 > 一般管理 > 日期和時間**:確保勾選了 **自動日期和時間**。 - ![SMS 指令設置多個號碼](../images/SMSCommandsSetupSpace2.png) +某些選項可能會被灰階化,這是因為手機設置為兒童帳戶,並需要透過家庭帳戶管理員啟用。 在照護者/父母的 iPhone 上,這個日期和時間設置稱為「自動設置」。 如果你不確定手機是否已同步,請不要擔心,你可以先設置簡訊指令,若發現問題可以再進行問題排除(如有需要請尋求幫助)。 -### 注射指令間的分鐘數 +### AAPS 設置 + +確認手機設定無誤後,在 **AAPS** 應用程式內,使用 [組態建置工具](../SettingUpAaps/ConfigBuilder.md) 啟用 **簡訊通訊模組**。 + +前往簡訊通訊的偏好設定。 + +啟用「允許透過 SMS 遠端指令」: + +![圖像](../images/remote-control-11.png) + +(SMSCommands-authorized-phone-numbers)= +#### 允許的電話號碼 + +輸入照護者的手機號碼。 包含國際區號,並且排除電話號碼的第一個「0」,如以下範例所示: +* 英國電話號碼:+447976304596 +* 美國電話號碼:+11234567890 +* 法國電話號碼:+33612344567 +* _等。_ + +請注意,依據你所在的位置,電話號碼前的「+」號可能需要或不需要。 為了確定這一點,你可以傳送範例簡訊,以顯示在 SMS 通訊標籤中的接收格式。 + +如果你有多個手機號碼需要添加,請用分號分隔,並且**號碼之間不得有空格**(這點非常重要!)。 選擇「確定」: + +![圖像](../images/remote-control-12.png) + +#### 注射指令間的分鐘數 - 你可以定義透過 SMS 發送的兩次注射之間的最小間隔時間。 - 出於安全考慮,你必須添加至少兩個授權手機號碼來編輯此數值。 -### 另外,必須在訊息末端添加 PIN 碼。 +#### 令牌末尾的額外必需PIN碼 -- 為了安全起見,回覆碼後面必須加上 PIN 碼。 +基於安全理由,回覆代碼必須接著一組 PIN。 選擇一組只有你(以及其他照護者)會在簡訊指令發送時使用的 PIN,作為驗證碼結尾。 -- PIN 碼規則: +PIN 碼要求如下: - - 3到6位數字 - - 不允許相同數字(例如 1111) - - 不允許連續數字(例如 1234) +* 3到6位數字 +* 不得與相同的數字組合(_例如_ 1111 或 1224)相同 +* 不得為連續數字(_例如_ 1234) -### 身份驗證器設置 +![圖像](../images/remote-control-13.png) -- 使用雙因素身份驗證來提高安全性。 +(sms-commands-authenticator-setup)= +#### 身份驗證器設置 -- 你可以使用任何支援 RFC 6238 TOTP 令牌的身份驗證應用程式。 常見的免費應用程式有: +* 遵循螢幕上的逐步說明。 +* 在 _照護者的手機_ 上打開你安裝的驗證器應用程式,建立新的連線,並且 +* 使用照護者手機掃描 **AAPS** 提供的 QR Code,當被要求時。 +* 測試來自照護者手機的驗證器應用程式的一次性密碼,然後輸入你的 PIN: - - [Authy](https://authy.com/download/) - - Google 身份驗證器 - [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) / [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/google-authenticator/id388497605) - - [LastPass 身份驗證器](https://lastpass.com/auth/) - - [FreeOTP 身份驗證器](https://freeotp.github.io/) +範例: +* 驗證器應用程式生成的驗證碼為 457051 +* 你的必須 PIN 碼為 2401 +* 驗證碼:4570512401 + +如果輸入正確,紅色字體「WRONG PIN」將自動變為綠色「OK」。 **你無法按下任何按鈕!** 此過程已完成,輸入代碼後不需要再按「好」按鈕: + +![圖像](../images/remote-control-14.png) -- 在追蹤者的手機上安裝你選擇的身份驗證應用程式,並掃描 AAPS 中顯示的 QR Code。 +你現在已成功設定 SMS 指令。 -- 透過輸入你身份驗證應用程式中顯示的令牌和你剛剛在 AAPS 中設置的 PIN 來測試一次性密碼。 範例: +如果你想刪除已配置的驗證器,請使用按钮“驗證器設置 > 重設驗證器”。 (透過重置身份驗證器,你將使所有已註冊的身份驗證器無效。 你需要重新配置它們。) - - 你的強制 PIN 碼是 2020 - - TOTP 令牌來自身份驗證應用程式是 457051 - - 輸入 4570512020 +## 簡訊指令使用 -- 如果輸入正確,紅色文字「PIN 錯誤」將**自動**變為綠色的「OK」。 **這裡沒有按鈕可以按!** +### SMS 指令的初步操作 -- 兩部手機上的時間必須同步。 最佳做法是從網路自動設置。 時間差可能會導致身份驗證問題。 +1) 要檢查你是否正確設置了一切,請從照護者手機以 SMS 簡訊輸入 “bg” 測試連線到 **AAPS** 手機。 你應該會收到如下的回應: -- 如果你想移除已註冊的身份驗證器,請使用「重置身份驗證器」按鈕。 (透過重置身份驗證器,你將使所有已註冊的身份驗證器無效。 你將需要重新設置他們。) +![圖像](../images/remote-control-15.png) -## 使用 SMS 指令 +如果你沒有收到任何回應,請檢查下方的 [問題排除](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting) 區段。 -- 從你的授權手機號碼向運作 AAPS 的手機發送 SMS,使用以下任何[指令](#commands)。 +2) 現在試試需要驗證器的簡訊指令,例如 “target hypo”。 照護者的手機會收到一條回覆簡訊,提示你輸入來自驗證器應用程式的**六位數驗證碼**,接著輸入 **只有照護者/跟隨者所知的額外秘碼 PIN**(總共十個數字的字串,假設你的 PIN 只有 4 位數)。 -- AAPS 手機將回覆以確認指令是否成功執行或請求的狀態。 +當你第一次嘗試發送 SMS 指令時,建議你在 **AAPS** 手機的面前進行,以查看其運作方式: -- 如果需要,請透過發送代碼確認指令。 範例: +![圖像](../images/remote-control-16.png) - - 你的強制 PIN 碼是 2020 - - TOTP 令牌來自身份驗證應用程式是 457051 - - 輸入 4570512020 +照護者的手機將收到來自 **AAPS** 的簡訊,以確認遠端簡訊指令是否已成功執行。 + +如果你的指令成功,你將收到一則確認回覆。 如果出現問題,你將收到錯誤訊息。 請參見下方的[問題排除](#SMSCommands-troubleshooting)以獲得常見錯誤。 **提示**:如果你將發送大量 SMS,則建議你手機方案中具有無限簡訊功能(對於每個使用的手機)。 +### 透過 SMS 指令進行餐時注射 + +遠端注射胰島素 _只能_ 透過 **SMS 指令** 完成,無法透過 NightScout 或 AAPSClient 執行。 然而,碳水化合物可以透過這三種方法中的任何一種報告。 無法在一條 SMS 訊息中同時發送碳水化合物和胰島素指令。 這些指令必須分開發送,具體如下: + +1) 發送胰島素注射指令(_例如_ 「bolus 2」將指令注射 2 單位的胰島素),透過 SMS 指令相當於在 **AAPS** 中使用「注射」圖示。 2) 發送碳水化合物指令(_例如_「carbs 20」將報告 20 克的碳水化合物)。 這相當於在 **AAPS** 中使用「碳水化合物」標籤。 + +為了避免低血糖,最好保守起見,注射 **少於** 按照你的碳水比率所需的胰島素,因為你沒有考慮目前的血糖數值或血糖趨勢。 + +**發送這些指令的順序很重要**。 如果你透過任何方式報告大量碳水化合物,並啟用了 SMB(超小注射),**AAPS** 可能會立即透過部分胰島素注射作出回應。 因此,如果你在報告碳水化合物後嘗試發送胰島素注射指令,你可能會遇到延遲並顯示「注射進行中」的訊息,你需要檢查已經執行的 SMB 注射。 或者,如果你沒有意識到正在進行 SMB 注射,並且你後續的注射也成功,則可能會為這頓飯過多注射胰島素。 因此,如果遠端控制餐時注射,請務必在報告碳水化合物 _之前_ 發送胰島素注射指令。 如果你願意,你可以將 Nightscout 與**AAPSClient**結合使用簡訊指令。 碳水化合物可從 Nightscout 傳送而無需任何驗證(請參見下方指示小節),因此比簡訊指令更迅速。 + (SMSCommands-commands)= ## 指令 -指令必須以英文發送,回覆將使用你當地的語系,如果該回覆字符串已經[翻譯](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app)。 +```{contents} List of command groups +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -![SMS 指令範例](../images/SMSCommands.png) +指令必須以英文發送,回覆將使用你當地的語系,如果該回覆字符串已經[翻譯](#translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app)。 指令不區分大小寫,可以使用小寫或大寫字母。 -### 循環 +![SMS 指令範例](../images/SMSCommands.png) -- LOOP STOP/DISABLE (循環停止/停用) \* 回覆:循環已停用 +下方的**簡訊指令表**顯示所有可能的簡訊指令。 給出了一些_範例值_來幫助暸解。 這些指令具有取自**AAPS**應用程式本身的相同可用值範圍(目標、百分比設定等)。 -- LOOP START/ENABLE (循環啟動/啟用) \* 回覆:循環已啟用 +(authentication-or-not)= +### 是否需要驗證? -- LOOP STATUS (循環狀態) +某些簡訊指令會立即回應,而某些指令則需要透過驗證器應用進行強驗證。 類似 “**BG**” 的簡單查詢(請求獲取當前血糖更新)非常快速,只需輸入,不需要驗證,並返回下方顯示的**AAPS**狀態信息: - - 回覆取決於實際狀態 +![圖像](../images/remote-control-06.png) - - Loop is disabled \* 回覆:循環已停用 - - Loop is enabled \*回覆:循環已啟用 - - Suspended (10 min) \*回覆:暫停(10 分鐘) +某些需要更高安全性的指令需要輸入安全碼,例如: -- LOOP SUSPEND 20 (循環暫停 20) \* 回覆:循環已暫停 20 分鐘 +![SMS 經驗證的小型指令](../images/remote-control-07.png) -- LOOP RESUME (循環恢復) \* 回覆:循環已恢復 +下方表格中的*Auth*欄位指示每個命令是否需要此類強驗證。 -- LOOP CLOSED (循環關閉) \* 回覆:目前循環模式:循環關閉 +### CGM 資料 -- LOOP LGS (循環低血糖暫停) \* 回覆:目前循環模式:低血糖暫停 +| 指令 | 驗證 | 功能 & *回應* | +| ---------- | -- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BG | 否 | 返回:最後血糖、變化、IOB(注射和基礎)、COB
*最後血糖:5.6 4分前,變化:-0.2 mmol,IOB:0.20U(注射:0.10U 基礎:0.10U)* | +| CAL 5.6/90 | 是 | 將 CGM 確認值設為 5.6/90
*已發送標定* | -### CGM 資料 +### 幫浦 -- BG (血糖) \* 回覆:最後血糖值:5.6 4 分鐘前,變化:-0.2 mmol,活性胰島素:0.20U(注射:0.10U 基礎:0.10U) -- CAL 5.6 (校正 5.6) \* 回覆:要發送校正 5.6,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN \* 正確代碼收到後的回覆:校正已發送(**如果安裝了 xDrip。 啟用 xDrip+ 的校正接受功能**) +| 指令 | 驗證 | 功能 & *回應* | +| -------------------- | -- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| 幫浦 | 否 | 最後連線:1 分鐘前
暫時:0.00U/h @11:38 5/30分鐘
IOB:0.5U 遺留:34U 電池:100 | +| PUMP DISCONNECT *30* | 是 | 在 *30* 分鐘內中斷幫浦 | +| PUMP CONNECT | 是 | 幫浦已重新連線 | ### 基礎率 -- BASAL STOP/CANCEL (基礎停止/取消) \* 回覆:要停止臨時基礎率,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN -- BASAL 0.3 (基礎 0.3) \* 回覆:要開始 0.3U/h 的基礎率持續 30 分鐘,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN -- BASAL 0.3 20 (基礎 0.3 20) \* 回覆:要開始 0.3U/h 的基礎率持續 20 分鐘,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN -- BASAL 30% (基礎30%) \* 回覆:要開始 30% 的基礎率持續 30 分鐘,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN -- BASAL 30% 50 (基礎30% 50 \* 回覆:要開始 30% 的基礎率持續 50 分鐘,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN +| 指令 | 驗證 | 功能 & *回應* | +| ----------------- | -- | ---------------------- | +| BASAL 0.3 | 是 | 開始基礎注射 0.3U/h 持續 30 分鐘 | +| BASAL 0.3 20 | 是 | 開始基礎注射 0.3U/h 持續 20 分鐘 | +| BASAL 30% | 是 | 開始基礎注射 30% 持續 30 分鐘 | +| BASAL 30% 50 | 是 | 開始基礎注射 30% 持續 50 分鐘 | +| BASAL STOP/CANCEL | 是 | 停止臨時基礎注射 | + + +### 循環 + +| 指令 | 驗證 | 功能 & *回應* | +| ----------------- | -- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| LOOP STATUS | 否 | 反應依賴於實際狀態:
- *當循環關閉時,循環已停用*或 LGS
- *當循環開啟或閉合時,循環已啟用*
- *暫停 (10 分鐘)*當循環被中斷或暫停 | +| LOOP STOP/DISABLE | 是 | 幫浦將恢復到預設的基礎注射速率。
*循環已被停用* | +| LOOP START/ENABLE | 是 | *循環已啟用* | +| LOOP SUSPEND 20 | 是 | *循環暫停 20 分鐘* | +| LOOP RESUME | 是 | *循環已恢復* | +| LOOP CLOSED | 是 | *當前循環模式:閉合循環* | +| LOOP LGS | 是 | *當前循環模式:低血糖暫停* | ### 注射 -在最後一次注射指令或遠端指令後 15 分鐘內(此值僅在添加兩個手機號碼時可編輯)不允許進行遠端注射! 因此回覆取決於最後一次注射的時間。 +在最後一次注射指令或遠端指令後 15 分鐘內(此值僅在添加兩個手機號碼時可編輯)不允許進行遠端注射! 在此情況下,回應為 *遠端注射無法使用。 稍後再試。* 此回應也會在幫浦當前正在進行注射時發送。 -- BOLUS 1.2 (注射 1.2) \* 回覆 A:要注射 1.2U,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN \* 回覆 B:遠端注射不可用。 稍後再試。 -- BOLUS 0.60 MEAL (注射 0.60 餐前) \* 如果你指定了可選參數「餐前」,則會設定臨時目標「餐前」(預設值為:90 mg/dL,5.0 mmol/l 持續 45 分鐘)。 \* 回覆 A:要注射餐前注射 0.60U,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN \* 回覆 B:遠端注射不可用。 -- CARBS 5 (碳水化合物 5) \* 回覆:要在 12:45 輸入 5 克,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN -- CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM (碳水化合物 5 17:35/5:35PM) \* 回覆:要在 17:35 輸入 5 克,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN -- EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL (擴展停止/取消) \* 回覆:要停止擴展注射,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN -- EXTENDED 2 120 (擴展 2 120) \* 回覆:要開始擴展注射 2U 持續 120 分鐘,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN +| 指令 | 驗證 | 功能 & *回應* | +| -------------------- | -- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| BOLUS 1.2 | 是 | | +| BOLUS 0.60 MEAL | 是 | 輸送指定的 0.60U 注射
**並** 設定 [即將用餐臨時目標](#TempTargets-eating-soon-temp-target) | +| CARBS 5 | 是 | 輸入 5g,無需注射 | +| CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM | 是 | 在 17:35 輸入 5g。
手機上的時間設定 (12 小時/24 小時)。 | +| EXTENDED 2 120 | 是 | 開始延長注射 2U,持續 120 分鐘。
僅限於 [相容的幫浦](#screens-action-tab)。 | +| EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL | 是 | 停止延長注射 | ### 設定檔 -- PROFILE STATUS (設定檔狀態) \* 回覆:設定檔 1 -- PROFILE LIST (設定檔清單) \* 回覆:1.\`設定檔 1\` 2.\`設定檔 2\` -- PROFILE 1 (設定檔 1) \* 回覆:要切換至設定檔 1 100%,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN -- PROFILE 2 30 (設定檔 2 30) \* 回覆:要切換至設定檔 2 30%,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN +| 指令 | 驗證 | 功能 & *回應* | +| -------------- | -- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| PROFILE STATUS | 否 | 當前個人設定與百分比 | +| PROFILE LIST | 否 | 當前 **AAPS** 中的個人設定列表,例如:
1. 個人設定1
2. 個人設定2 | +| PROFILE 1 | 是 | 切換到列表中的個人設定 1。
使用由 **個人設定列表** 返回的數字,
而不是你儲存的個人設定名稱。 | +| PROFILE 2 30 | 是 | 切換到個人設定2 30% | + +### Temporary Targets + +| 指令 | 驗證 | 功能 & *回應* | +| ------------------------- | -- | ---------------- | +| TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO | 是 | 設置臨時目標 餐點/活動/低血糖 | +| TARGET STOP/CANCEL | 是 | 取消臨時目標 | + (SMSCommands-other)= ### 其他 -- TREATMENTS REFRESH (治療重新整理) \* 回覆:從 NS 重新整理治療 -- NSClient RESTART (NSClient 重新啟動) \* 回覆:NSCLIENT 重新啟動已發送 -- PUMP (幫浦) \* 回覆:上次連線:1 分鐘前,臨時基礎率:0.00U/h @11:38 5/30分鐘,活性胰島素:0.5U,儲量:34U,電池:100 -- PUMP CONNECT (幫浦連線) \* 回覆:幫浦已重新連線 -- PUMP DISCONNECT *30* (幫浦斷線 *30*) \* 回覆:要中斷幫浦 <0>30 分鐘,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN -- SMS DISABLE/STOP (SMS 停用/停止) \* 回覆:要停用 SMS 遠端服務,請回覆任意代碼。 請記住,你只能直接從 AAPS 主手機重新啟用此功能。 -- TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO (目標 餐前/活動/低血糖) \* 回覆:要設定臨時目標餐前/活動/低血糖,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN -- TARGET STOP/CANCEL (目標停止/取消) \* 回覆:要取消臨時目標,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN -- HELP (幫助) \* 回覆:BG, LOOP, TREATMENTS,...... (回覆各項可用指令) -- HELP BOLUS (幫助 注射) \* 回覆:BOLUS 1.2 BOLUS 1.2 餐前 +| 指令 | 驗證 | 功能 & *回應* | +| ------------------ | -- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| TREATMENTS REFRESH | 否 | 從 NS 重新整理治療 | +| NSCLIENT RESTART | 否 | 如果你注意到與 Nightscout 或 **AAPSClient** 的通訊問題,這將很有幫助。 | +| SMS DISABLE/STOP | 否 | 要停用 SMS 遠端服務,請回覆代碼 Any。
請注意,你可以直接從 **AAPS** 主智慧型手機重新啟用該服務。 | +| HELP | 否 | 返回所有可查詢的功能:
發送進一步的 ***協助 ***功能****** 命令以列出
此區域內所有可用選項。 | +| HELP BOLUS | | *注射 1.2
注射 1.2 餐前* | (SMSCommands-troubleshooting)= -## 問題排除 +## 疑難排解與常見問題 -### 多條簡訊 +```{contents} List of questions and issues +:depth: 1 +:local: true +``` -如果你反覆收到相同的訊息(例如設定檔切換),你可能與其他應用程式形成了循環。 例如可能是 xDrip+。 如果是這樣,請確保 xDrip+(或任何其他應用程式)沒有將治療資料上傳到 NS。 +### 我們 _不能_ 使用 SMS 命令做什麼? -如果其他應用程式安裝在多部手機上,請確保在所有手機上停用上傳功能。 +1) **你無法設置 _臨時_ 個人設定開關**(例如,設置「運動個人設定」持續 60 分鐘),雖然你可以永久切換至「運動個人設定」。 臨時檔案切換可以透過 Nightscout 或 AAPSClient 進行設置。 + +2) **你無法取消自動化** 或 **設置用戶自定義目標**,但有些近似解決方案: 比如,假設正常的個人設定目標是 5.5。 你在 AAPS 中設置了自動化,每天下午 2:30 至 3:30 間將目標設為 7.0,以便學校的運動課程使用,並且自動化條件是「不存在臨時目標」。 這周,你收到通知說運動課程取消,改為比薩餅聚餐,但你的孩子已經在學校,身上帶著 **AAPS** 手機。 如果自動化開始的高臨時目標為 7.0,而你取消它(在 **AAPS** 手機或遠端),則自動化的條件依然滿足,而 **AAPS** 將立即在一分鐘後重新設置高目標。 -### SMS 指令在三星手機上無法正常運作 +**如果你可以查看 AAPS 手機**,你可以取消或修改自動化,或者,如果你不想這樣做,你可以在動作標籤中設置一個新的 5.6 的臨時目標 60 分鐘,或按下目標標籤來設置。 這樣可以防止自動化設置 7.0 的高目標。 -有報告指出,Galaxy S10 手機更新後,SMS 指令停止運作。 透過停用「以聊天訊息發送」可以解決此問題。 +**如果你無法查看 AAPS 手機**,可以使用 SMS 指令作為大致解決方案:例如,使用指令「target meal」設置 45 分鐘的 5.0 目標(其他預設目標為 8.0 用於運動或低血糖,見表)。 然而,使用 SMS 指令無法指定 _特定_ 的目標值(例如 60 分鐘的 5.6),這需要使用 **AAPSClient** 或 Nightscout。 + +### 如果我改變對我剛發送的命令的想法,會發生什麼? + +**AAPS** 只會執行最近發送的指令。 因此,如果你輸入「bolus 1.5」,然後未經驗證就發送了新指令「bolus 1」,他將忽略先前的 1.5 指令。 **AAPS** 會始終向照護者手機發送回覆,確認 SMS 指令內容,然後提示你輸入驗證碼,並在執行後發送回覆。 + +### 為什麼我沒有收到 SMS 命令的回覆? + +可能是以下原因之一: + +1) 訊息未到達手機(網絡問題)。 2) **AAPS** 還在處理請求(_例如_ 注射,根據注射速率,可能需要一些時間來執行)。 3) 當命令接收時, **AAPS** 手機與幫浦的藍牙連接不佳,命令執行失敗(這通常會在 **AAPS** 手機上產生警報)。 + +### 短信命令完全沒有回覆 + +在看護者手機和/或 **AAPS** 手機上,請嘗試停用以下選項: +* **作為聊天訊息發送** ![停用 SMS 作為聊天訊息](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) +* 如果使用 Android 訊息應用程序或 Google 訊息應用程序,請停用 RCS 訊息: + - 打開 Messages 中的特定 SMS 對話 + - 選擇右上角的選項省略號 + - 選擇「詳細訊息」 + - 啟用「僅發送 SMS 和 MMS 訊息」 ![停用 RCS 作為聊天訊息](../images/SMSdisableRCS.png) + +### 執行命令時出錯 + +指令可能無法成功的幾個原因如下: + +* SMS 指令設置不完整或不正確 +* 你發送了一個格式不正確的命令(例如“中斷連線幫浦 45”而不是“幫浦中斷連線 45”) +* 你使用了不正確或過期的驗證碼(通常建議等幾秒鐘以獲取新碼,如果當前碼即將過期) +* 代碼+PIN 是正確的,但 SMS 發送/接收的延遲導致 **AAPS** 計算出驗證碼已過期 +* **AAPS** 手機與幫浦超出範圍/無法聯繫 +* 系統正忙於執行注射操作 + +常見錯誤的範例如下所示: + +![圖像](../images/remote-control-17.png) + +### 一旦命令經過驗證,我該如何停止該命令? + +不可以。 但是,你可以透過在 **AAPS** 手機的注射彈出窗口中快速取消來停止 SMS 發送的注射。 除了注射和碳水化合物報告外,許多 SMS 指令可以輕鬆撤銷,或透過某些操作來減輕錯誤的影響。 + +例如,對於注射和碳水化合物報告中的錯誤,你仍然可以採取行動。 例如,如果你宣佈了 20g 的碳水化合物,但你的孩子只吃了 10g,而你(或在場的照護者)無法直接在 **AAPS** 手機中刪除這個治療,你可以設置一個較高的臨時目標,或設置一個較低的設定檔,讓 **AAPS** 減少其侵略性。 + +### 多條簡訊 + +如果你重複收到相同的訊息(例如設定檔切換),你可能無意間與其他應用程式建立了循環狀態。 例如可能是 xDrip+。 如果是這樣,請確保 xDrip+(或任何其他應用程式)沒有將治療資料上傳到 NightScout。 + +如果其他應用程式安裝在多部手機上,請確保在所有手機上停用上傳功能。 -![停用 SMS 作為聊天訊息](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) -### Android Messages 應用程式 +### 我收到的 SMS 命令過多。 我可以減少頻率或停止這些簡訊嗎? -如果你在使用 Android Messages 應用程式發送或接收 SMS 指令時遇到問題,請在照護者和孩子的手機上停用端到端加密。 - - 打開 Messages 中的特定 SMS 對話 - - 選擇右上角的選項按鈕 - - 選擇「詳細訊息」 - - 啟用「僅發送 SMS 和 MMS 訊息」 +使用 SMS 命令可能會產生大量來自 **AAPS** 手機發送到看護者手機的自動訊息。 例如,如果你在 **AAPS** 中設置了自動化,你也會收到“幫浦中的基礎率設定已更新”這類訊息。 如果要發送大量 SMS,擁有不限次數的 SMS 配額可能會很有用,並且對所有手機停用 SMS 通知、警報或震動。 使用 SMS 指令時,無法避免接收到這些更新。 因此,你可能需要另一種與孩子直接溝通的方式(如果他們年齡夠大),而不是使用 SMS。 常見的 **AAPS** 照護者會使用的替代通訊應用程式包括 Whatsapp、Lime、Telegram 和 Facebook Messenger。 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/images/KidsMonitoring.png b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/images/KidsMonitoring.png index da04a0647dd1..a3628b5c4f85 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/images/KidsMonitoring.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/images/KidsMonitoring.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/images/SMSdisableRCS.png b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/images/SMSdisableRCS.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..86ce50229c39 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/images/SMSdisableRCS.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/images/remote-control-07.png b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/images/remote-control-07.png index f39574e5ad4b..f0174d83b06b 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/images/remote-control-07.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/images/remote-control-07.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/images/remote-control-08.png b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/images/remote-control-08.png index e96c345b2698..a26373899bba 100644 Binary files a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/images/remote-control-08.png and b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/images/remote-control-08.png differ