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Example configurations for creating ssh opened Windows Server on AWS EC2 using Packer.
There are also Terraform configurations to create an actual instance from the AMI that is made by Packer and helper commands with Makefile.
This instance will consist of

  • having Administrator account and normal user account(by default name "user_a"), see here
  • SSH server running, but SSH password authentication will be disabled. see here

It checked to run the instance by specified below AMI name filter.

  • Windows_Server-2019-English-Full-Base-*
  • Windows_Server-2022-English-Full-Base-*


To make AMI through Packer. "SUBNET_ID" and "ADMIN_PASSWORD" must be specified based on your environment.

cd packer;\
packer init .;\
export PACKER_CACHE_DIR=".";\
export SUBNET_ID="****";\
export ADMIN_PASSWORD="****";\
packer build .

There is also another helper command as Make targets, see here


Terraform (if run helper commands)
make (if run helper commands)

Packer Information

The main contents to state this repo.


Name Version
packer >= 1.7.3


Name Version
amazon >= 1.0.0
sshkey >= 1.0.1

Input Variables

Name Description Type Default Required
vpc_subnet_id AWS VPC Subnet ID to run source instance string "env("SUBNET_ID")" yes
admin_password Account password for "Administrator" string "env("ADMIN_PASSWORD")" yes
region AMI will be made in the region string "ap-northeast-1" no
ami_name_prefix AMI name prefix, this prefix will combine timestamp string then set as a AMI name and tag:Name(example: "packer-windows-ssh-20220801010203") string "packer-windows-ssh" no
instance_type source instance launch on this instance type string "t2.micro" no
userdata_template_path This file will use as a userdata for setting up the instance, see here string "./userdata.tpl" no
ssh_timeout ssh timeout seconds string "10m" no
source_ami_name_prefix This string used as a name filter prefix for finding source AMI image(example :"Windows_Server-2019-English-Full-Base-*") string "Windows_Server-2019-English-Full-Base-" no
admin_user_account Administrator user account name the instance has string "Administrator" no
normal_user_account Nomal user account, it will make through userdata,see here string "user_a" no

About Userdata

By default, userdata.tpl file will be used to create userdata for setting up the source instance.
In the userdata,

Some key information(Normal user name, admin public key, user public key) wiil be replaced by Packer builtin function (templatefile)[]

user_data = templatefile(var.userdata_template_path,
        admin_key = data.sshkey.admin_key.public_key,
        user_name = var.normal_user_account,
        user_key  = data.sshkey.normal_user_key.public_key

Terraform information

Optional contents.
Terraform configuration will be used to make an actual instance for debugging and confirming.
This configuration is combined with Makefile targets.


Name Version
terraform >= 0.13.1


Name Version
aws >= 4.20.0


Name Version
module.ec2_instance ~> 3.0


Name Description
data.tls_public_key extracted public key from Input variable file ssh_private_key_path
data.aws_ami Source AMI instance to create ec2 instance


Name Description
aws_security_group.windows_ssh the security group will attach to the instance, open SSH(22) inbound traffic from and no outbound traffic limitations
aws_key_pair.instance_key will be registered as an instance's SSH key pair see Input Variables also
null_resource.check_ssh_connectivity_admin to check SSH connectivity for Administrator, triggered by changing instance_id, if "var.with_ssh_check" is false then it'll be ignored.
null_resource.check_ssh_connectivity_normal to check SSH connectivity for Normal user, triggered by changing instance_id, if "var.with_ssh_check" is false then it'll be ignored.

Input Variables

Name Description Type Default Required
aws_vpc_id AWS VPC ID to run instance string "" yes
vpc_subnet_id AWS VPC Subnet ID to run instance string "" yes
ssh_private_key_path The Key will be used to extract its public key, and set as an instance key name of "key-${var.instance_name}" string "" yes
instance_type EC2 Instance run on the instance type string "t2.micro" no
instance_name EC2 Instance Name, It will set as an instance name and tag:Name string "windows-ssh" no
instance_availability_zone AZ to run the instance string "ap-northeast-1a" no
security_group_name It will be set as an "aws_security_group.windows_ssh" name, the security group will attach to the instance, open SSH(22) inbound traffic from and no outbound traffic limitations string "ssh_windows" no
ami_name_prefix AMI filter rule name prefix to find the AMI Image that was built by Packer. The filter rule is name:"${ami_name_prefix}*" string "packer-windows-ssh" no
with_ssh_check If true, ssh connectivity check will run bool true no
admin_user_account Administrator user account name the instance has string "Administrator" no
normal_user_account Normal user account, it will make through userdata through Packer, see here string "user_a" no
ssh_private_key_path_admin SSH private key file path for Administrator user account string "../packer/ssh_private_key_win_admin_rsa.pem" no
ssh_private_key_path_normal_user SSH private key file path for Normal user account string "../packer/ssh_private_key_win_normal_rsa.pem" no


Name Description
public_ip The instance public ip

Helper Makefile

The Makefile provides helper commands for creating AMI through Packer, running the instance to use Terraform, etc.


Before running make targets, edit the .env file for specifying your VPC_ID and SUBNET_ID.

make ami

Make AMI Image in the packer directory.

By default

  • SUBNET_ID that is specified in .env will pass as a variable "subnet_id" on "packer build" command.
  • requires input "admin_password" that will set as a User "Administrator"'s password.
  • ssh keys that are made by Packer "sshkey" plugin will be put in the same directory(./packer), the path specified as "PACKER_CACHE_DIR", see here.

make ec2

make AWS EC2 instance in the terraform directory.

By default

  • variable "aws_vpc_id" and "vpc_subnet_id" will pass based on the .env file.
  • variable "ssh_private_key_path" will pass based on ADMIN_KEY variable in Makefile.

make clean

run "terraform destroy"

make all

run targets "ami" "ec2" "clean".