diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1f13174..29cd748 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -6,11 +6,37 @@ Your user-friendly SAX wrapper to transform XML files easily, with memory consum
Saxeed, a SAX wrapper, stream process XML input performing modifications to its outputs based on predefined transformation(s).
-It accepts the constraints of "streaming" (or "eventing") approach — elements are visited one-by-one with no option to look ahead in the stream.
-This is a tradeoff we accept in return for predictable memory footprint.
+It accepts the constraints of "streaming" (or "eventing") approach — elements are visited one-by-one with no option to move around the stream.
+This is a tradeoff we accept in return for predictable memory footprint.
+The very nature of stream-based processing restricts the data that are available in every moment, and modifications that are permitted.
+To accommodate that, developer needs to accept a paradigm shift compared to, say, dom4j.
+Saxeed strives to add as much convenience on top of plain old SAX, while adding as little of an overhead.
+### Capabilities
+Each tag visitor have access to / can modify the following:
+| | Tag Start | Tag End |
+| Access Tag attributes | ☑ | ☑ |
+| Access Parent(s) Tag attributes | ☑ | ☑ |
+| Add Child Tags | ☑ | ☑ (before closing tag) |
+| Add Sibling Tags (NOT IMPLEMENTED) | ☑ (before and after) | ☑ (only after) |
+| Add Parent Tag (`wrapWith()`) | ☑ | ☐ |
+| Change Attributes | ☑ | ☐ |
+| Delete Tag (`unwrap()`) | ☑ | ☐ |
+| Delete Tag Recursively (`skip()`) | ☑ | ☐ |
+| Delete Child Tags (`empty()`) | ☑ | ☐ |
+More complex changes can be implemented by subscribing visitors to multiple tags, and retaining information between their visits.
## Usage
+[Basic Concepts](./docs/BASICS.md)
+[Implementing Visitors](./docs/VISITORS.md)
### Dependency
To consume the library in maven:
diff --git a/docs/BASICS.md b/docs/BASICS.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/BASICS.md
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Saxeed essential concepts
+Saxeed passes through an input xml — in form of stream, or a file — and passes is through one or more *transformations*.
+Each transformation prescribes what changes to perform to an XML document through a series of *visitors* that are *subscribed* to certain tag sets.
+Also, it specifies a *target* location where the resulting XML document is written.
+tb = new TransformationBuilder().add(Subscribed.to("entry"), entryVisitor);
+new Saxeed()
+ .setInput(srcFile)
+ .addTransformation(tb, targetPath)
+ .transform();
+In this example, we stream through `srcFile` and have its content processed by a single transformation.
+That transformation responds to all `` tags in that document invoking `entryVisitor` we provided.
+The resulting XML document is then written to `targetPath`.
+## Targets
+Targets specifies where the resulting XML stream should be written.
+It can be a `File` or `Path` instance to write it to a file system, or an `OutputStream` or `XMLStreamWriter` if more control is needed.
+Saxeed always closes the targets that it had opened (files), and never closes targets opened by the client (streams or writers).
+## Visitors
+Visitor is a client-provided implementation of `UpdatingVisitor` that handles XML tag events.
+The visitor methods are invoked when corresponding even is encountered in the input XML document, like `startTag(Tag)` or `endDocument()`.
+Depending on a particular method invoked, the visitor can perform modifications on visited tags — the modified version will be sent to target.
+## Transformations
+Transformation is a composition of visitors *subscribed* to certain tag sets.
+A transformation with no visitors simply writes the input XML document to its target.
+It will also be empty if the visitors perform no modifications (or additions or removals) to subscribed tags.
+Client can register any number of transformations, provided they output to a different targets.
+Parallel transformations are executed independently on one another, but still during a single pass through the input XML document.
+Each transformation can contain one or more visitors.
+Each visitor can either be subscribed to all the tags in the document (`Subscribed.toAll()`), or just a set of selected ones.
+## Subscriptions
+Same as single visitor can be subscribed to multiple tag names, multiple visitors are subscribed for the same tag name.
+Then, they are executed in the order of their addition for "opening events" and in reversed addition order for "closing events".
+So for example on `` all the visitors subscribed to "entry" (or all the tags) have their `startTag(Tag)` method called.
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/VISITORS.md
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+# Creating custom visitors
+Visitors respond to all events related to the tags they have been subscribed to.
+## Data access
+Each visitor method receives information about the input XML document position through its arguments.
+Namely, `Tag` implementations.
+It provides access to the tag name, but more importantly tag attributes.
+Also, the chain of parents is also available.
+They are too implementations of `Tag` interface, so they can be looked up, and decisions can be made based on their state.
+Note the tag ancestors (parent and its ancestors) can only access data, but not modify it, because they have been written already.
+## Modifications
+Currently visited tag can perform modification as described in the [Capabilities](../README.md#capabilities) section.
+What modifications are possible differs between `startTag()` and `endTag()`, simply because by the time the closing tag is encountered, the opening tag have already been written.
+So attribute modifications and tag deletion are reserved to tag start event.
+Children addition, however, can be done it both `startTag()` and `endTag()`.
+In the latter case, they will be added before the closing tag.
+## Tag deletion
+Tag can be deleted.
+Or put differently, Saxeed let visitors decide that some tags will not be writen to the target.
+By default, all tags are written as they are.
+In `startTag()` (only), visitor can choose to delete the tag.
+When the tag is deleted, its opening and closing tag will not be writen, and neither will be its text content.
+Handling children deletion is configured as follows:
+| | `skip()` | `unwrap()` | `empty()` | keep (the default) |
+| Delete this tag | ☑ | ☑ | ☐ | ☐ |
+| Delete children | ☑ | ☐ | ☑ | ☐ |
+When the currently visited tag is deleted, all remaining visitors have their `startTag()` method called.
+The `Tag#isOmitted()` will return `true` for them signaling the tag will not be part of the output.
+The `endTag()` methods will not be called for a deleted tags at all.
+When tag is deleted as a result of an ancestor calling `skip()` or `empty()`, no listener methods are called.
+## `Tag` interfaces
+In saxeed, current tag is represented by `Tag` interface.
+It is the most restricted form, that only permit data access.
+`Tag.End` specialization passed to `endTag()`, and `Tag.Start` passed to `startTag()` adds respective methods for extended capabilities present in given time of the input document traversal.
+This is to provide compile-type guarantee, that operations used are permitted in any given time.
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/github/olivergondza/saxeed/Tag.java b/src/main/java/com/github/olivergondza/saxeed/Tag.java
index 12c0710..a393ab4 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/github/olivergondza/saxeed/Tag.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/github/olivergondza/saxeed/Tag.java
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ public interface Tag {
boolean isNamed(String name);
- boolean isGenerated();
Tag getParent();
String getName();
@@ -25,6 +23,8 @@ public interface Tag {
Map getAttributes();
+ boolean isGenerated();
boolean isOmitted();
interface Start extends Tag {