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Lab 2: Flight Delay Analysis

In this lab, you will analyze a real-world dataset -- information about US flight delays in January 2016, courtesy of the United States Department of Transportation. You can download additional datasets later. Here's another example you might find interesting -- US border crossing/entry data per port of entry.

Task 1: Inspecting the Data

This dataset ships with two files (in the /home/vagrant/data directory, if you are using the instructor-provided VirtualBox appliance). First, the airline-format.html file contains a brief description of the dataset, and the various data fields. For example, the ArrDelay field is the flight's arrival delay, in minutes. Second, the airline-delays.csv file is a comma-separated collection of flight records, one record per line.

Inspect the fields described in the airline-format.html file. Make a note of fields that describe the flight, its origin and destination airports, and any delays encountered on departure and arrival.

Let's start by counting the number of records in our dataset. Run the following command in a terminal window:

wc -l airline-delays.csv

This dataset has hundreds of thousands of records. To sample 10 records from the dataset picked at probability 0.005%, run the following command (for convenience, its output is also quoted here):

$ cat airline-delays.csv | cut -d',' -f1-20 | awk '{ if (rand() <= 0.00005 || FNR==1) { print $0; if (++count > 11) exit; } }'
2016,1,1,20,3,2016-01-20,"AA",19805,"AA","N3AFAA","242",14771,1477102,32457,"SFO","San Francisco, CA","CA","06","California"
2016,1,1,9,6,2016-01-09,"AA",19805,"AA","N859AA","284",12173,1217302,32134,"HNL","Honolulu, HI","HI","15","Hawaii"
2016,1,1,9,6,2016-01-09,"AA",19805,"AA","N3GRAA","1227",11278,1127803,30852,"DCA","Washington, DC","VA","51","Virginia"
2016,1,1,4,1,2016-01-04,"AA",19805,"AA","N3BGAA","1450",11298,1129804,30194,"DFW","Dallas/Fort Worth, TX","TX","48","Texas"
2016,1,1,5,2,2016-01-05,"AA",19805,"AA","N3AMAA","1616",11298,1129804,30194,"DFW","Dallas/Fort Worth, TX","TX","48","Texas"
2016,1,1,20,3,2016-01-20,"AA",19805,"AA","N916US","1783",11057,1105703,31057,"CLT","Charlotte, NC","NC","37","North Carolina"
2016,1,1,2,6,2016-01-02,"AS",19930,"AS","N517AS","879",14747,1474703,30559,"SEA","Seattle, WA","WA","53","Washington"
2016,1,1,20,3,2016-01-20,"AS",19930,"AS","N769AS","568",14057,1405702,34057,"PDX","Portland, OR","OR","41","Oregon"
2016,1,1,24,7,2016-01-24,"UA",19977,"UA","","706",14843,1484304,34819,"SJU","San Juan, PR","PR","72","Puerto Rico"
2016,1,1,15,5,2016-01-15,"UA",19977,"UA","N34460","1077",12266,1226603,31453,"IAH","Houston, TX","TX","48","Texas"
2016,1,1,12,2,2016-01-12,"UA",19977,"UA","N423UA","1253",13303,1330303,32467,"MIA","Miami, FL","FL","12","Florida"

This displays the first 20 fields of the 10 sampled records from the file. The first line is a header line, so we printed it unconditionally. This is a typical example of structured data that we would have to parse first before analyzing it with Spark.

We could examine the full dataset using shell commands, because it is not exceptionally big. For larger datasets that couldn't conceivably be processed or even stored on a single machine, we could have used Spark itself to perform the sampling. If you're interested, examine the takeSample method that Spark RDDs provide.

Task 2: Parsing CSV Data

Next, you have to parse the CSV data. The header line provides the column names, and then each subsequent line can be parsed taking these into account. In Spark there is no built-in functionality that can parse CSV files. But there is a library(com.databricks.spark.csv) that you can use to parse CSV lines.

You must run the following code before running any Spark code. Otherwise you restrart Zeppilin Spark Interpreter: Interpreter -> spark box(first one) -> restart button Now go back to your note and run:


Next, create an DataFrame based on the airline-delays.csv file by using this library. Note that you have access to a pre-initialized SQLContext object named sqlContext.

val flightsDF =
    .option("header", "true")      // Use first line of all files as header
    .option("inferSchema", "true") // Automatically infer data types

You can check the schema by printing it:


Task 3: Converting dataframe to rdd

In this lab we want to practice RDD operations. Later in this workshop we will use dataframes to manipulate data. First we need to create case class Flight(use only several fields that you will use in this lab) with fields: Carrier, OriginCityName, ArrDelay, DestCityName, Distance

And then create FlightsRdd from flightsDF


case class Flight(Carrier: String, OriginCityName: String, ArrDelay: Double, DestCityName: String, Distance: Double)
val flightRdd = => Flight(row.getAs("Carrier"), row.getAs("OriginCityName"), row.getAs("ArrDelay"), row.getAs("DestCityName"), row.getAs("Distance")))

Task 4: Querying Flights and Delays

Now that you have the flight objects, it's time to perform a few queries and gather some useful information. Suppose you're in Boston, MA. Which airline has the most flights departing from Boston?


val carriersFromBoston = flightRdd.filter(f => f.OriginCityName == "Boston, MA").map(f => (f.Carrier, 1))
val carrierWithMostFlights = carriersFromBoston.reduceByKey(_ + _).sortBy(_._2, false).take(1)

Overall, which airline has the worst average delay? How bad was that delay?

HINT: Use combineByKey.


val avgDelay = flightRdd.filter(f => f.ArrDelay > 0)
.map(f => (f.Carrier, f.ArrDelay))
.combineByKey(d => (d, 1),
             (s:(Double, Int), d: Double) => (s._1 + d, s._2 + 1),
             (s1:(Double, Int) , s2: (Double, Int)) => (s1._1 + s2._1, s1._2 + s2._2)

val worstAirline ={ case (car, (av, cnt)) => ((car, av/cnt)) }

Living in Chicago, IL, what are the farthest 10 destinations that you could fly to? (Note that our dataset contains only US domestic flights.)


val chicagoFarthest = flightRdd.filter(f => f.OriginCityName == "Chicago, IL")
.map(f => (f.DestCityName, f.Distance))
.sortBy(_._2, false)

Suppose you're in New York, NY and are contemplating direct flights to San Francisco, CA. In terms of arrival delay, which airline has the best record on that route?


val nyToSF = flightRdd.filter(f => (f.OriginCityName == "New York, NY") && (f.DestCityName == "San Francisco, CA") && (f.ArrDelay > 0))
.map(f => (f.Carrier, f.ArrDelay))
.reduceByKey(_ + _)

Suppose you live in San Jose, CA, and there don't seem to be many direct flights taking you to Boston, MA. Of all the 1-stop flights, which would be the best option in terms of average arrival delay? (It's OK to assume that every pair of flights from San Jose to X and from X to Boston is an option that you could use.)

NOTE: To answer this question, you will probably need a cartesian product of the dataset with itself. Beside the fact that it's a fairly expensive operation, we haven't learned about multi-RDD operations yet. Still, you can explore the join RDD method, which applies to pair (key-value) RDDs, discussed later in our workshop.


val flightsByDst = flightRdd.filter(f => f.OriginCityName == "San Jose, CA")
.map(f => (f.DestCityName, f))

val flightsByOrg = flightRdd.filter(f => f.DestCityName == "Boston, MA")
.map(f  => (f.OriginCityName, f))

def addDelays(f1:Flight, f2:Flight) = {
    var total = 0.0
    total += f1.ArrDelay
    total += f2.ArrDelay
            .map{ case (city, (f1, f2)) => (city, addDelays(f1, f2)) }
            .combineByKey(d => (d, 1),
                          (s: (Double, Int), d: Double) => (s._1 + d, s._2 + 1),
                          (s1:  (Double, Int), s2:  (Double, Int)) => (s1._1 + s2._1, s1._2 + s2._2))
            .map { case (city, s) => (city, s._1/s._2) }


Suppose you had to calculate multiple aggregated values from the flights RDD -- e.g., the average arrival delay, the average departure delay, and the average flight duration for flights from Boston. How would you express it using SQL, if flights was a table in a relational database? How would you express it using transformations and actions on RDDs? Which is easier to develop and maintain?