dhbenelux.sty -- A small style file for submissions to the DH Benelux 2016
(c) 2016
Version: 0.3
Maintainer: Martin Sievers
Email: [email protected]
License: Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
See: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
This is an adoption of the MS Word template made available by the organizers
of the DH Benelux 2016 in Luxembourg.
To use this LaTeX style file, please copy "dhbenelux.sty" and
"abstract-template.tex" to a directory. Edit "abstract-template.tex" and call
"xelatex" on that file (either via the shell or via your editor). Then call
biber (which is a modern substitute for BibTeX) and "xelatex" again (maybe