[Status: Approved at 2017-06-14 Board Meeting]
A board meeting of the OEMR, was held virtually, on May 10, 2017. The meeting convened at 21:07 Eastern Daylight Time, Sena Palanisami, presiding, and Robert Down, Secretary. A quorum of members was present to conduct business.
- Chawla, Jit, present
- Down, Robert, present
- Galterio, Lou, present
Hameed, Shameem C, absent- Miller, Brady, present
- Palanisami, Sena, present
- Vasquez, Roberto, present
- Waite, Stephen, present
Wakefield, Scott, absent- Vita, Matthew, present
- Robin, guest
- Sherwin Gaddis, guest (confirmed as Board Member)
- Approval of March 2017 minutes motioned by Brady Miller, seconded by Jit Chawla, carried
- Postings from forums page https://community.open-emr.org/t/oemr-board-meeting-wednesday-may-10th-2017/8475/5
- Creating initial analysis
Revocation status. See link in [Financial Report]
MOTION allocate between $1,000 and $2,000 for attorney fees to investigate revocation status brought by Brady Miller, seconded by Stephen Waite, carried.
Confirm board member (Scott Wakefield).
MOTION brought by, Brady Miller, seconded by Sena Palanisami, to confirm Scott Wakefield as a board member, carried with the following roll call:
- Chawla, Jit, yay
- Down, Robert, yay
- Galterio, Lou, yay
- Hameed, Shameem C, not present
- Miller, Brady, yay
- Palanisami, Sena, yay
- Vasquez, Roberto, yay
- Waite, Stephen, yay
- Wakefield, Scott, not present
- Github popularity continues to grow
- Success stories
Conference outreach.
- Continue to investigate varied conferences to attend
Raising funds.
- Continue to investigate varied revenue streams
Conflict of interest policy.
- Most have signed, will follow up on
- In the process of preparing application
-Join OSI. - In process of applying for an affiliate
- MOTION brought by, Robert Down, seconded by Brady Miller, to confirm Sherwin Gaddis as a board member, carried with the following roll call:
- Chawla, Jit, yay
- Down, Robert, yay
- Galterio, Lou, yay
- Hameed, Shameem C, not present
- Miller, Brady, yay
- Palanisami, Sena, yay
- Vasquez, Roberto, yay
- Vita, Matthew, yay
- Waite, Stephen, yay
- Wakefield, Scott, not present
-Coast Guard RFI - Opportunity for community, OEMR not invested in this project
The meeting was adjourned at 22:58 Eastern Daylight Time.