Basic set of functionality to use OAuth for securing APIs
This can be used to retrieve a list of public keys from an authorization server. These public keys can be used to validate the issuer of OAuth Token when receiving requests.
Enable by setting the following properties:
defines the time in milliseconds between retrievals of public keys)
The retrieved Data has to be in the following format:
publicKey: "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- publicKeyData -----END PUBLIC KEY----- ",
publicKeyFingerprint: "fingerprintOfThePublicKey",
validFrom: "ZonedDateTime formatted Date",
validUntil: "ZonedDateTime formatted Date OR null"
A key is valid if one of the following conditions is true:
validFrom < now < validUntil
valid from < now && validUntil == null
All valid keys are kept and can be validated against.
An OAuth2 Security Filter is added and can be used to verify users based on their scope inside
their Authorization
The configuration of the OAuthSecurity Beans is done automatically when adding the module edison-oauth
Configure it by setting the following properties:
defaults to /oauth/**
Afterwards, you can use an annotation at the controller method that checks the request
for a certain scope
inside the JWT Data:
@RequestMapping(method = GET, value = "/secured/path", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
public List<Object> getObjects() {
If the user is not authorized, he'll retrieve a HttpStatus of 401
. See the Spring documentation on
OAuth for more details: