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Frontmatter: add support for @short_title
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panglesd authored and jonludlam committed Nov 18, 2024
1 parent 5a5bef3 commit 0c70800
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Showing 17 changed files with 239 additions and 67 deletions.
52 changes: 41 additions & 11 deletions src/model/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,21 +1,41 @@
type child = Page of string | Dir of string

type line = Children_order of child Location_.with_location list
type short_title = Comment.link_content

type line =
| Children_order of child Location_.with_location list
| Short_title of short_title

type children_order = child Location_.with_location list Location_.with_location

type t = { children_order : children_order option }
type t = {
children_order : children_order option;
short_title : short_title option;

let empty = { children_order = None; short_title = None }

let empty = { children_order = None }
let update ~tag_name ~loc v new_v =
match v with
| None -> Some new_v
| Some _ ->
Error.raise_warning (Error.make "Duplicated @%s entry" tag_name loc);

let apply fm line =
match (line.Location_.value, fm) with
| Children_order children_order, { children_order = None } ->
{ children_order = Some (Location_.same line children_order) }
| Children_order _, { children_order = Some _ } ->
(Error.make "Duplicated @children_order entry" line.location);
match line.Location_.value with
| Short_title t ->
let short_title =
update ~tag_name:"short_title" ~loc:line.location fm.short_title t
{ fm with short_title }
| Children_order children_order ->
let children_order = Location_.same line children_order in
let children_order =
update ~tag_name:"children_order" ~loc:line.location fm.children_order
{ fm with children_order }

let parse_child c =
if Astring.String.is_suffix ~affix:"/" c then
Expand All @@ -29,7 +49,7 @@ let parse_children_order loc co =
| [] -> Result.Ok ( loc (Children_order (List.rev acc)))
| ({ Location_.value = `Word word; _ } as w) :: tl ->
parse_words ({ w with value = parse_child word } :: acc) tl
| { Location_.value = `Space _; _ } :: tl -> parse_words acc tl
| { Location_.value = `Space; _ } :: tl -> parse_words acc tl
| { location; _ } :: _ ->
(Error.make "Only words are accepted when specifying children order"
Expand All @@ -41,5 +61,15 @@ let parse_children_order loc co =
(Error.make "Only words are accepted when specifying children order" loc)

let parse_short_title loc t =
match t with
| [ { Location_.value = `Paragraph words; _ } ] ->
let short_title = Comment.link_content_of_inline_elements words in
Result.Ok ( loc (Short_title short_title))
| _ ->
"Short titles cannot contain other block than a single paragraph" loc)

let of_lines lines =
Error.catch_warnings @@ fun () -> List.fold_left apply empty lines
14 changes: 12 additions & 2 deletions src/model/frontmatter.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,16 +1,26 @@
type child = Page of string | Dir of string

type short_title = Comment.link_content

type line

type children_order = child Location_.with_location list Location_.with_location

type t = { children_order : children_order option }
type t = {
children_order : children_order option;
short_title : short_title option;

val empty : t

val parse_children_order :
Location_.span ->
Odoc_parser.Ast.nestable_block_element Location_.with_location list ->
Comment.nestable_block_element Location_.with_location list ->
(line Location_.with_location, Error.t) Result.result

val parse_short_title :
Location_.span ->
Comment.nestable_block_element Location_.with_location list ->
(line Location_.with_location, Error.t) Result.result

val of_lines : line Location_.with_location list -> t Error.with_warnings
110 changes: 64 additions & 46 deletions src/model/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ let describe_internal_tag = function
| `Closed -> "@closed"
| `Hidden -> "@hidden"
| `Children_order _ -> "@children_order"
| `Short_title _ -> "@short_title"

let warn_unexpected_tag { Location.value; location } =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,48 +55,6 @@ let rec find_tags acc ~filter = function
warn_unexpected_tag hd;
find_tags acc ~filter tl)

let handle_internal_tags (type a) tags : a handle_internal_tags -> a = function
| Expect_status -> (
| (`Inline | `Open | `Closed) as t -> Some t | _ -> None)
| Some (status, _) -> status
| None -> `Default)
| Expect_canonical -> (
find_tag ~filter:(function `Canonical p -> Some p | _ -> None) tags
| Some (`Root _, location) ->
warn_root_canonical location;
| Some ((`Dot _ as p), _) -> Some p
| None -> None)
| Expect_page_tags ->
let unparsed_lines =
find_tags []
~filter:(function `Children_order _ as p -> Some p | _ -> None)
let lines =
| `Children_order co, loc -> (
match Frontmatter.parse_children_order loc co with
| Ok co -> Some co
| Error e ->
Error.raise_warning e;
Frontmatter.of_lines lines |> Error.raise_warnings
| Expect_none ->
(* Will raise warnings. *)
ignore (find_tag ~filter:(fun _ -> None) tags);

(* Errors *)
let invalid_raw_markup_target : string -> Location.span -> Error.t =
Error.make ~suggestion:"try '{%html:...%}'."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -138,6 +97,7 @@ let describe_element = function
| `Link (_, _) -> "'{{:...} ...}' (external link)"
| `Heading (level, _, _) ->
Printf.sprintf "'{%i ...}' (section heading)" level
| `Specific s -> s

(* End of errors *)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,7 +148,8 @@ type surrounding =
| `Reference of
[ `Simple | `With_text ]
* string Location_.with_location
* Odoc_parser.Ast.inline_element Location_.with_location list ]
* Odoc_parser.Ast.inline_element Location_.with_location list
| `Specific of string ]

let rec non_link_inline_element :
surrounding:surrounding ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -524,12 +485,13 @@ let strip_internal_tags ast : internal_tags_removed with_location list * _ =
match tag with
| (`Inline | `Open | `Closed | `Hidden) as tag -> next tag
| `Children_order co ->
| (`Children_order _ | `Short_title _) as tag ->
let tag_name = describe_internal_tag tag in
if not start then
(Error.make "@children_order tag has to be before any content"
(Error.make "%s tag has to be before any content" tag_name
next (`Children_order co)
next tag
| `Canonical { Location.value = s; location = r_location } -> (
Error.raise_warnings (Reference.read_path_longident r_location s)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -568,6 +530,54 @@ let append_alerts_to_comment alerts
comment @ (alerts : alerts :>

let handle_internal_tags (type a) tags : a handle_internal_tags -> a = function
| Expect_status -> (
| (`Inline | `Open | `Closed) as t -> Some t | _ -> None)
| Some (status, _) -> status
| None -> `Default)
| Expect_canonical -> (
find_tag ~filter:(function `Canonical p -> Some p | _ -> None) tags
| Some (`Root _, location) ->
warn_root_canonical location;
| Some ((`Dot _ as p), _) -> Some p
| None -> None)
| Expect_page_tags ->
let unparsed_lines =
find_tags []
| (`Children_order _ | `Short_title _) as p -> Some p | _ -> None)
let lines =
let do_ parse loc els =
let els = nestable_block_elements els in
match parse loc els with
| Ok res -> Some res
| Error e ->
Error.raise_warning e;
| `Children_order co, loc ->
do_ Frontmatter.parse_children_order loc co
| `Short_title t, loc -> do_ Frontmatter.parse_short_title loc t)
Frontmatter.of_lines lines |> Error.raise_warnings
| Expect_none ->
(* Will raise warnings. *)
ignore (find_tag ~filter:(fun _ -> None) tags);

let ast_to_comment ~internal_tags ~tags_allowed ~parent_of_sections
(ast : Ast.t) alerts =
Error.catch_warnings (fun () ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -598,3 +608,11 @@ let parse_reference text =
Reference.parse location text

let non_link_inline_element :
context:string ->
Odoc_parser.Ast.inline_element with_location list ->
Comment.non_link_inline_element with_location list =
fun ~context elements ->
let surrounding = `Specific context in
non_link_inline_elements ~surrounding elements
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/model/semantics.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ val ast_to_comment :
alerts ->
( * 'tags) Error.with_warnings

val non_link_inline_element :
context:string ->
Odoc_parser.Ast.inline_element Location_.with_location list ->
Comment.non_link_inline_element Location_.with_location list

val parse_comment :
internal_tags:'tags handle_internal_tags ->
tags_allowed:bool ->
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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/model_desc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -187,3 +187,11 @@ let docs = Indirect ((fun n -> ((n :> docs) :> general_docs)), docs)

let docs_or_stop : docs_or_stop t =
Variant (function `Docs x -> C ("`Docs", x, docs) | `Stop -> C0 "`Stop")

let inline_element : inline_element Location_.with_location list Type_desc.t =
( (fun x ->
let x :> general_inline_element Location_.with_location = x in
ignore_loc x),
inline_element ))
9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions src/model_desc/comment_desc.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
val docs : Type_desc.t
open Odoc_model
open Odoc_model.Comment

val docs_or_stop : Odoc_model.Comment.docs_or_stop Type_desc.t
val docs : docs Type_desc.t

val inline_element : inline_element Location_.with_location list Type_desc.t

val docs_or_stop : docs_or_stop Type_desc.t
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/model_desc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -712,6 +712,12 @@ and frontmatter =
( "children",
(fun t -> ignore_loc t.children_order),
Option (List child) );
( "short_title",
(fun t ->
:> Comment.inline_element Location_.with_location list option)),
Option Comment_desc.inline_element );

and child =
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/odoc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ let is_index_page = function
| { iv = `LeafPage (_, p); _ } ->
String.equal (Names.PageName.to_string p) "index"

let has_children_order { Frontmatter.children_order } =
let has_children_order { Frontmatter.children_order; _ } =
Option.is_some children_order

let mld ~parent_id ~parents_children ~output ~children ~warnings_options input =
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/parser/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,7 +77,9 @@ type internal_tag =
| `Open
| `Closed
| `Hidden
| `Children_order of nestable_block_element with_location list ]
| `Children_order of nestable_block_element with_location list
| `Short_title of nestable_block_element with_location list ]

(** Internal tags are used to exercise fine control over the output of odoc. They
are never rendered in the output *)

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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/parser/lexer.mll
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -543,6 +543,9 @@ and token input = parse
| ("@children_order")
{ emit input (`Tag `Children_order) }

| ("@short_title")
{ emit input (`Tag `Short_title) }

| "@see" horizontal_space* '<' ([^ '>']* as url) '>'
{ emit input (`Tag (`See (`Url, url))) }

Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/parser/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -618,6 +618,7 @@ let tag_to_words = function
| `Since s -> [ `Word "@since"; `Space " "; `Word s ]
| `Version s -> [ `Word "@version"; `Space " "; `Word s ]
| `Children_order -> [ `Word "@children_order" ]
| `Short_title -> [ `Word "@short_title" ]

(* {3 Block element lists} *)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -818,7 +819,7 @@ let rec block_element_list :

let tag = location (`Tag tag) in
consume_block_elements `After_text (tag :: acc)
| (`Deprecated | `Return | `Children_order) as tag ->
| (`Deprecated | `Return | `Children_order | `Short_title) as tag ->
let content, _stream_head, where_in_line =
block_element_list (In_implicitly_ended `Tag)
~parent_markup:token input
Expand All @@ -828,6 +829,7 @@ let rec block_element_list :
| `Deprecated -> `Deprecated content
| `Return -> `Return content
| `Children_order -> `Children_order content
| `Short_title -> `Short_title content
let location =
location :: Loc.location content |> Loc.span
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/parser/test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -147,6 +147,10 @@ module Ast_to_sexp = struct
(Atom "@children_order"
:: ( (nestable_block_element at)) es)
| `Short_title es ->
(Atom "@short_title"
:: ( (nestable_block_element at)) es)
| `See (kind, s, es) ->
let kind =
match kind with
Expand Down

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