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328 lines (271 loc) · 10.6 KB


File metadata and controls

328 lines (271 loc) · 10.6 KB

This app just puts counters on the page, each with buttons to increment and decrement the number.

Building the example

You'll notice that there are two directories there: bin/, where the main.bc.js file that you're building lives, and lib/, which houses the important application code. As in the "hello world" example, the "app" consists of an index.html page that includes the JS file for the app; the app is attached to the "app" div on that page.

To run:

$ cd lib/bonsai/examples/counters/bin; python3 -m http.server

Then navigate to http://localhost:8000

Your first components

In Bonsai, you'll hear a lot about "components." What is a component?

A component is an encapsulated bit of UI logic. It has input -- immutable data that comes from "outside" that component, say from another component or from an RPC. It has a model, which is the mutable internal state of that component. And it has a result, which can be of any type, but eventually, for the top-level component of your app, will include a Vdom.Node.t.

The clearest API for building a component is via Bonsai.of_module. Inspecting its type, you can see that it takes a module requiring these three parts: an input, a model, and a result:

# Bonsai.of_module0
- : ?sexp_of_model:('m -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t) ->
    ?equal:('m -> 'm -> bool) ->
    (unit, 'm, 'a, 'r) Bonsai__Import.component_s ->
    default_model:'m -> 'r Bonsai.Computation.t
= <fun>

As examples, in the Counters app, the "Add Another Counter" button is a component, and each counter--a number, plus two buttons to increment and decrement it--is another component.


$ sed -n -e '/\[CODE_EXCERPT_BEGIN 1\]/,/\[CODE_EXCERPT_END 1\]/p' ../../../examples/counters/lib/ | tail -n +2 | head -n -2

module Action = struct
  type t =
    | Increment
    | Decrement
  [@@deriving sexp_of]

let single_counter =
  let%sub counter_state =
      ~sexp_of_model:[%sexp_of: Int.t]
      ~equal:[%equal: Int.t]
      ~sexp_of_action:[%sexp_of: Action.t]
      ~apply_action:(fun (_ : _ Bonsai.Apply_action_context.t) model -> function
        | Action.Increment -> model + 1
        | Action.Decrement -> model - 1)
  let%arr state, inject = counter_state in
  let button label action =
      ~attrs:[ Vdom.Attr.on_click (fun _ -> inject action) ]
      [ Vdom.Node.text label ]
    [ button "-1" Action.Decrement
    ; Vdom.Node.text (Int.to_string state)
    ; button "+1" Action.Increment

Its model -- the component's state machine -- is an int. That's the number we increment and decrement. Finally, its result is a Vdom.Node.t, the little bit of DOM that renders that individual counter:


All of the interesting code here has to do with actions, which you can think of as defining the state machine's transitions: here, just Increment and Decrement.

The compute function

The compute function is the heart of the component. Its signature is:

val compute
  :  inject:(Action.t -> unit Ui_effect.t)
  -> unit
  -> int
  -> Vdom.Node.t

The unit and int are the component's 'input and 'model types, respectively, and the Vdom.Node.t is the component's 'result type.

In other words, this is the function that takes the component's data and renders its view. But what about ~inject?

The inject function

compute's inject function is just a callback that converts actions into DOM events. These events are how Bonsai communicates to the browser to actually do something when, say, a user clicks a button. Here, we hook up the "on_click' attribute of the "+1" and "-1" buttons to the corresponding DOM events:

let button label action =
  let on_click = Vdom.Attr.on_click (fun _ -> inject action) in
  Vdom.Node.button [ on_click ] [ Vdom.Node.text label ]

The apply_action function

When an action is raised by a component via a unit Ui_effect.t, Bonsai will eventually pass that action back to the component's apply_action function. This function is responsible for looking at the model and the incoming action and producing a new model.

val apply_action
  :  inject:(Action.t -> unit Ui_effect.t)
  -> schedule_event:(unit Ui_effect.t -> unit)
  -> Input.t
  -> Model.t
  -> Action.t
  -> Model.t

During the transformation, the component can also emit more actions via schedule_event or use Async to arrange for schedule_event to be called later. (For this it will use the same inject callback as before.) This enables quite a bit of UI dynamism. Here, we don't emit any further actions; we just increment or decrement the model:

let apply_action ~inject:_ ~schedule_event:_ () model = function
  | Action.Increment -> model + 1
  | Action.Decrement -> model - 1

The name function

This is just for debugging.


$ sed -n -e '/\[CODE_EXCERPT_BEGIN 2\]/,/\[CODE_EXCERPT_END 2\]/p' ../../../examples/counters/lib/ | tail -n +2 | head -n -2
module Model = struct
  type t = unit Int.Map.t [@@deriving sexp, equal]

let add_counter_component =
  let%sub add_counter_state =
      ~sexp_of_model:[%sexp_of: Model.t]
      ~equal:[%equal: Model.t]
      ~sexp_of_action:[%sexp_of: Unit.t]
      ~apply_action:(fun (_ : _ Bonsai.Apply_action_context.t) model () ->
        let key = Map.length model in
        Map.add_exn model ~key ~data:())
  let%arr state, inject = add_counter_state in
  let view =
      ~attrs:[ Vdom.Attr.on_click (fun _ -> inject ()) ]
      [ Vdom.Node.text "Add Another Counter" ]
  state, view

The interesting part of this component is its use of the top-level component's Model for its own. (Notice the module inclusion via module Model = Model.) Why would we do that? And what is the "top-level component" anyway?

In Bonsai, "everything is a component," including the app itself. That is, the app that we'll attach to this example's index.html page is a component made of other components. In that component, the model is a map from ints to units. The keys are just indexes: 0, 1, 2, etc. And each value in the map is a placeholder for one of the little gizmos defined by the Counter_component and added one at a time by pressing the button defined by the Add_counter_component.

Notice that in the apply_action function immediately above, we just initialize a new counter's model to () and set its index to the current length of the map (a trick for getting auto-incrementing indexes).

Using assoc_model to make a single component out of a map

Turning a map of individual counters into a single component that governs all of them is easy in Bonsai. Indeed, this is where you start seeing Bonsai's comparative advantage over Incr_dom, our previous web framework. Bonsai was designed precisely with this sort of "projection" in mind.

All it takes is this bit of code:

let%sub counters =
  Bonsai.assoc (module Int) map ~f:(fun _key _data -> single_counter)

let%sub is a ppx for variable substitution, very similar to the standard monadic bind, but with this signature:

# Bonsai.Let_syntax.Let_syntax.sub
- : ?here:Lexing.position ->
    'a Bonsai.Computation.t ->
    f:('a Bonsai.Value.t -> 'b Bonsai.Computation.t) ->
    'b Bonsai.Computation.t
= <fun>

Then the assoc function is used to "project" the int map over the counter component to yield a map of counter components. Its signature is:

# Bonsai.assoc
- : ('key, 'cmp) Bonsai.comparator ->
    ('key, 'data, 'cmp) Core.Map.t Bonsai.Value.t ->
    f:('key Bonsai.Value.t ->
       'data Bonsai.Value.t -> 'result Bonsai.Computation.t) ->
    ('key, 'result, 'cmp) Core.Map.t Bonsai.Computation.t
= <fun>

You can think of it as taking a single inner component and "projecting" it into the map—i.e., returning a map-ish supercomponent. The supercomponent can be used to easily add new copies of the inner component (here, the individual counters), remove them, count over them, etc.

Here, all we do with counters is take its list of Vdom.Node.t's--and plunk them in a div:

Vdom.Node.div [] [ add_button; Vdom.Node.div [] ( counters) ]

Composing components using Bonsai.map2, sub, and the Let_syntax

It all comes together in the last few lines of the program, which produce our toplevel component:

$ sed -n -e '/\[CODE_EXCERPT_BEGIN 3\]/,/\[CODE_EXCERPT_END 3\]/p' ../../../examples/counters/lib/ | tail -n +2 | head -n -2
let application =
  let open Bonsai.Let_syntax in
  let%sub map, add_button = add_counter_component in
  let%sub counters =
    Bonsai.assoc (module Int) map ~f:(fun _key _data -> single_counter)
  let%arr add_button = add_button
  and counters = counters in
  Vdom.Node.div [ add_button; Vdom.Node.div ( counters) ]

The application component is what we ultimately plug into the "app" div of our index.html file. It's a Vdom.Node.t Computation.t, i.e., its result is the DOM for the whole app.

You can get a better sense of how Bonsai's composition works by looking at a de-sugared version of the application function:

let application_sugar_free =
  let open Bonsai.Let_syntax in
    (Bonsai.of_module0 (module Add_counter_component) ~default_model:Model.default)
    ~f:(fun add_counter ->
      let map = add_counter ~f:(fun (map, _) -> map) in
      let add_button = add_counter ~f:(fun (_, add_button) -> add_button)
        (Bonsai.assoc (module Int) map ~f:(fun _key _data -> single_counter))
        ~f:(fun counters ->
            (Value.map2 add_button counters ~f:(fun add_button counters ->
               Vdom.Node.div [] [ add_button; Vdom.Node.div [] ( counters) ]))))

The is used twice on the add_counter to destructure its parts--the add button itself, and the map of counters. The Bonsai.assoc projects the single_counter component over this map. And finally, the Value.map2 allows us to combine components.