This folder consists of 2 smaller reports: the first report contain some simulations on some theoretical distributions
In the reports, I used the ToothGrowth data in R and proposed 3 hypotheses:
- Hypothesis 1: The length of odotoblasts in pigs that were given vitamin C via orange juice is longer than that in pigs given via ascorbic acid.
- Hypothesis 2: Pigs on 0.5mg of vitamin C per day have shorter odotoblasts than those on 1mg/day.
- Hypothesis 3: Pigs on 1mg of vitamin C per day have shorter odotoblasts length than those on 2mg/day.
I discussed a bit about the hypotheses and their results, as well as played around with a non-parametric test (Permutation test). Please see the detailed reports in the PDF files and the reproducible codes that generated those reports in the Rmd files.