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108 lines (71 loc) · 3.73 KB

File metadata and controls

108 lines (71 loc) · 3.73 KB


'scot.jsonld' from

  1. 2023-Nov

convert Retool export mapping-*.csv, which is the database of mappings of ScOT to Curriculum Content Descriptions

into SCOT.txt, mapping of content descriptions to SCoT URL

Input 2023-Nov/mapping-*.csv

Output data/mapping-*.csv

  1. /node2/node2_test.go (if there are existing node-meta.json & code-url.txt & id-url.txt, can ignore this step)

input files specified in node2_test.go:




code-url.txt is commented out

cd node2; go test; files output to data/

data/code-url.txt : Statement Notation => URL prefix, e.g.

data/id-url.txt : GUID => URL prefix, e.g.

data/node-meta.json : map GUID to node struct, based on Sofia-API-Node-Data-*.json,

interleave into it data from Sofia-API-Node-Meta-*.json

seems to be just prefix on GUIDs,

not even with the child subdirectories

  1. /asn-json/tool/ac_scot_test.go [in TestGetAsnConceptTerm] (if there is existing id-preflabel.txt, can ignore this step)

input files:



data/id-preflabel.txt: Content Description Code => ScOT URIs and labels

code to generate had been disabled (!)

cd asn-json/tool; go test; files output to data/

  1. /tree/tree_test.go (then copy gc-.json & ccp-.json, from /data-out/ into /data-out/restructure/ before next step)

cd tree; go test

outputs data-out/* and data-out/restructure/*

data-out/ld* appears to be updated to data-out/restructure/ld*

cp data-out/ccp* data-out/restructure

cp data-out/gc* data-out/restructure

  1. /asn-json (rewriting... /asn-json-v2)

cd asn-json; go test; generates data-out/asn-json

these are the files with the keys we expect. But ignores Languages. Seems to be obsolete code.

cd asn-json-v2; go test; generates ./asn-json-v2

these are the files with the keys we expect.

was dumping files locally, moving to ../data-out/asn-json

  1. /task-force-array-2023-06-21

forces asn_hasLevel to be array. Should be redundant, already done in asn-json-v2

... but isn't: modifies data-out/asn-json/* in situ.

remove "asn_conceptTerm" with value ["[]", "SCIENCE_TEACHER_BACKGROUND_INFORMATION"]

  1. /asn-json-ld

reads data-out/asn-json, generates data-out/asn-json-ld

Both directories still contain ScOT

  1. /task-remove-fields-2023-06-23

processes JSON-LD: strips dc:text, adds @language @value to dc:description

updates asn-json-ld in situ

  1. /task-split-ccp (outdir for ccp here)

breaks up data-out/asn-json-ld/ccp-Cross-curriculum Priorities.json

into task-split-ccp-2022-11-12/asn-json-ccp/.json, task-split-ccp-2022-11-12/asn-json-ld-ccp/.json

  1. /task-structure-improvement (indir only for ccp here)

tidy of ccp only (?): date-time, skos:prefLabel on curriculum statemnents,

language literal position to @language @value @asn:listID

make hasLevel be array

input task-split-ccp-2022-11-12/asn-json-ld-ccp/*

output task-structure-improvement-2023-03-23/asn-json-ld-ccp/*

  1. mkdir ./release && cp -rf ./data-out/asn-json ./release cp -rf ./data-out/asn-json-ld ./release cp -rf ./split-ccp/asn-json-ccp ./release * cp -rf ./structure-improvement/asn-json-ld-ccp ./release *

  2. /task-add-dctitle-2023-10-10 (only for json-ld) (/release must exist)

processes release/asn-json-ld/* in situ

copies dc:title to dc:description (not for asn-json-ld-ccp !!)