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Nathan Robinson edited this page Jun 25, 2016 · 18 revisions

Particle Offline Utility

Particle Offline Utility, more commonly known as po-util, is a tool written by community member, Nathan Robinson, that simplifies the installation and use of the Particle Toolchain so that new users can easily develop locally on Mac OSX and Ubuntu-based Linux Distributions.


Po-util features commands for:

  • Installing the ARM toolchain, dfu-util, nodejs, particle-cli and the Particle firmware
  • Building firmware and saving as a binary
  • Building firmware and Flashing over USB using dfu-util
  • Initializing a directory into a project folder
  • Upgrade the System firmware on your device
  • Uploading firmware with particle-cli
  • Monitoring the serial output of your device
  • Putting your device into DFU mode and getting your device out of DFU mode
  • Quickly flashing pre-compiled code with dfu-util


Build firmware

po DEVICE build

Build firmware and flash using dfu-util

po DEVICE flash

Upgrade system firmware

po DEVICE upgrade

Open serial monitor

po serial

Upload firmware Over the Air



Nathan Robinson can be contacted on the Particle Forums.

He can also be contacted on his personal Slack.

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