- breaks
- drinking
- vending machines for pops and coffee
- Flipchart
- before 2003: studied Telematics at Graz University of Technology
- 2003-2008: automotive industry (vif)
- 2009-2012: PIM researcher (http://tagstore.org)
- organizing files and folders
- an alternative to strict hierarchies of folders
- tagging
- my editor(s) history
- … I am no Emacs-guru!
- started with Emacs in the 90s
- never learned (E)LISP
- although tried it several times
- just copy & paste stuff which worked or not
- switched to (g)vim approx. 2004
- Emacs not available on AIX I had to use
- speed
- wanted to learn “the other one”
- found vim shortcuts more logical
- still using gvim for writing emails (mutt), usenet postings (slrn), config files, …
- Book: vim 7.3 GE-PACKT (mitp Ge-packt) ~20€
- returned to GNU/Emacs23 just because of an eye-opening
Org-mode-demo on linux days Graz in 2011
- learned about GNU/Emacs basic concepts and found a more logic structure than expected :-)
- Book: Learning GNU Emacs ~28€
- since 2011: Org-mode is my central collection of information for just about everything
- presentation of each attendee
- background
- expectations
- Course material is online at org-mode-workshop on github
- text as the lowest common denominator
- portable
- future-proof
- process it with grep, python, …
- VCS like git, Subversion, …
- easy synchronization
- advanced search & replace everywhere
- …
- outliner (~5 minutes)
- todo-management (~10 minutes)
- GTD implementation (~15 minutes)
- more and more advanced topics
- one by one
- depending on personal requirements
- performance
- learn/use only those parts you need
- personal knowledge-base
- internal and external links
- very open to external files, APIs, …
- define as much as you need
- you’ve got all possibilities
- Motivation
- show, how I am using Org-mode
- many things here are highly personal according to my requirements
- just a thought-provoking impulse
- feedback/suggestions/thoughts welcome!
- what is of interest for the attendees
- show, how I am using Org-mode
- My Agenda
- Sync with Google Calendar
- Capture stuff
- Reproducible Research
- from one Org-file to a ready-to-submit ACM paper in one step
- orgmode-ACM-template on github
- My current Org-mode file management (under constant change!)
- Projects
- IST.org
- job in general
- tagstore.org
- my PhD project (students, content, …)
- phd.org
- the PhD document, final exam, organization
- postdoc.org
- organizing and hopefully doing a Post-Doc abroad
- IST.org
- references.org
- books, papers, …
- links to PDF, notes, summaries, BibTeX, …
- extract_pdf_annotations_to_orgmode on github
- misc.org
- mostly private projects, events, …
- everything which does not fit into other Org-mode files
- contacts.org
- contact management
- hardware.org
- stuff I own
- stuff I want to own (errands, wishlist)
- borrowed stuff
- coupons with their expiration date
- inventory
- prices
- warranty cases
- manuals
- everything which happened to stuff I own
- foodandbeverages.org
- recipes
- cocktails
- movies.org
- movies I saw or want to see
- notes.org
- more or less information I migrated from my before-Org-mode-area
- PalmOS/JPilot
- should be moved to other Org-mode files
- yeah, this will be an open TODO forever :-)
- Projects
- Main headings of project-Org + misc
- shorts
- independent TODOs
- projects
- projects that are divided into several TODOs
- ideas
- collect things for future reference
- events
- one-time events and recurring events
- shorts
- ‘DND’ in heading puts Android in silent mode
- sync Agenda with Google Calendar
- Tasker-rule
- if calendar event contains ‘DND’ -> silent mode
- Memacs
- example [2008-09-15]
- Memacs on github
- org-mode-teaser.org (local copy)
- this document: https://github.com/novoid/org-mode-workshop
- project: http://orgmode.org
- great community, active mailinglist (gmane)
- documentation: http://orgmode.org/org.html
- also accessible directly within Emacs:
C-h i
- also accessible directly within Emacs:
- My userpage on Worg
- even more documentation
- example with many preferences Organize Your Life In Plain Text
- Support for various things: http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/
- everybody has different requirements
- Org-mode as a Lego toolbox to build customized solutions
- these are my personal solutions
- auto-commit changes in files: https://github.com/n3v1k/gitwatch
for expanding TAB within Org-mode search for:
defun yas/org-very-safe-expand
- mkdir a_letter
- cd a_letter
- create letter.org
- open letter.org in Emacs
- execute yasnippet command “tbrief”
- enter information
- execute babel-block
- edit TeX file generated
- make pdf
- optionally: delete letter.org
- letter ready to send :-)
- http://julien.danjou.info/projects/emacs-packages#org-contacts
- contacts forming a hierarchy which reflects their relations
- meta-persons like “parents” or “Simpsons Family”
- person-specific tasks, events, … done right
- mixture of things related to person
- sparse trees and column mode
;; ######################################################
;; contact management with org-contacts
;; http://julien.danjou.info/org-contacts.html
(require 'org-contacts)
(custom-set-variables '(org-contacts-files "~/share/all/org-mode/contacts.org"))
(setq org-link-abbrev-alist
("contact" . "~/share/all/org-mode/contacts.org::/\*.*%s/")
- My Reference-Management (local copy)
- adding a reference (from bibtex file)
- tagging
- link to PDF
- integrated annotated PDF files
- http://orgmode.org/manual/Link-abbreviations.html
;; ######################################################
;; http://tincman.wordpress.com/2011/01/04/research-paper-management-with-emacs-org-mode-and-reftex/
;; org-mode and paper references
(defadvice reftex-format-citation (before eval-citation-format)
(setq format (eval format)))
(defun org-mode-reftex-setup ()
(load-library "reftex")
(and (buffer-file-name) (file-exists-p (buffer-file-name))
;enable auto-revert-mode to update reftex when bibtex file changes on disk
(global-auto-revert-mode t)
;add a custom reftex cite format to insert links
'((?b . "[[bib:%l][%l.bib]]")
(?r . "[[ref:%l][%l]]")
(?p . "[[pdf:%l][%l.pdf]]")
(?a . "[[notes:%l][%l-notes.pdf]]")
(?s . "[[pdf:%l-self][%l-self.pdf]]")
(?t . "%t")
(?h . (concat "** %l - %t\n:PROPERTIES:\n:CREATED: "
"<" (substring (format-time-string (org-time-stamp-format t t)) 1 -1) ">"
"\n:ID: %l\n:END:\n[[bib:%l][%l.bib]]\n[[pdf:%l][%l.pdf]]\n\n*** Abstract\n\n#+BEGIN_QUOTE\n#+END_QUOTE\n\n"))
(?n . (concat "*** PDF Annotations: [[notes:%l][%l-notes.pdf]]\n:PROPERTIES:\n:CREATED: "
"<" (substring (format-time-string (org-time-stamp-format t t)) 1 -1) ">"
"\n:ID: %l-notes\n:END:\n\n"
"\#+begin_src sh :results output\n"
"${HOME}/bin/vkextract_annotations_to_orgmode_snippet.sh %l\n"
(define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-c )") 'reftex-citation)
(define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-c (") 'org-mode-reftex-search))
;(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'org-mode-reftex-setup)
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(if (member "CHECK_NEEDED" org-todo-keywords-1)
(defun org-mode-reftex-search ()
;;jump to the notes for the paper pointed to at from reftex search
(org-open-link-from-string (format "[[ref:%s]]" (reftex-citation t))))
(setq org-link-abbrev-alist
("bib" . "~/archive/library/%s.bib")
("ref" . "file:~/share/all/org-mode/references.org::/%s/")
("pdf" . "~/archive/library/%s.pdf")
("notes" . "~/archive/library/%s-notes.pdf")
- yasnippet as flexible template system
- example: gdipruef at id:teaser-tests
- What happened on [2008-09-15 Mon]?
- Documentation and Source: https://github.com/novoid/Memacs
- ISO datestamps in filenames
- git commits
- Subversion commits
- iCal
- mbox
- maildir
- Android Phonecalls
- Android Text Messages (SMS)
- EXIF (photographs)
- https://github.com/novoid/orgmode-iKNOW2012
- https://github.com/novoid/orgmode-ACM-template
- http://orgmode.org/worg/org-papers.html
- http://orgmode.org/orgcard.txt
- cheatsheet
- https://github.com/vxc/org-mode-ws
- http://pascal.iiit.ac.in/~itws2/
- http://dto.github.com/notebook/orgtutorial.html
- Writing Beamer presentations in org-mode
- http://www.suenkler.info/emacs-orgmode.html
- http://home.fnal.gov/~neilsen/notebook/orgExamples/org-examples.html
- misc real-world examples