## Time-stamp: [2013-09-04 Wed 18:35] ian ## This file is best viewed with GNU Emacs Org-mode: http://orgmode.org/
Experimental. Please report any problems you find to [email protected]
Before obtaining a Twitter Key you will need to install Twython:
pip install twython
Go over to https://dev.twitter.com/apps and register your application. Note for this application you don’t need to specify a Callback Url. Make a note of the Consumer Key (APP_KEY) and Consumer Secret (APP_SECRET). Now you need to authorize your app in the Second Step.
We are going to use OAuth1 authentication. This is a rather convoluted process, but at the end you should have a set of tokens that enable you read and write to your Twitter account.
You need to obtain an Authorization Url. Create and run the following program:
This will get your Secret Token and a PIN number from Twitter (click on the link to get your PIN). An example set of results is shown below.
{u'oauth_token_secret': u'SecretToken', 'auth_url': 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authenticate?oauth_token=some_very_long_token ', u'oauth_token': u'SecretToken', u'oauth_callback_confirmed': u'true'} PIN 1234567
Now that you have this data, proceed to the third step, where you will obtain your Final Tokens.
Finally enter the data you got from running the program twitter_get_auth.py into the program below to get your final tokens.
This will print your Final Tokens. Make sure that you save all this information as you will require it to authenticate with Twitter.
{u'oauth_token_secret': u'Your final secret token', u'user_id': u'1234567', u'oauth_token': u'Final OAuth token', u'screen_name': u'your screen name'}
Now you can use the final OAuth tokens, together with APP_KEY and APP_SECRET that you obtained when you registered your app with Twitter to connect to Twitter with Twython:
twitter = Twython( APP_KEY, APP_SECRET, OAUTH_TOKEN, # Your final OAuth token OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET # Your final secret token )
# Post a status update. twitter.statuses.update(status="Hello, world!")
This program will get the specified number (up to 200) of tweets from your Twitter home time line.
- sample config path and filename
- Content:
[memacs-imap] host = imap.gmail.com port = 993 user = [email protected] password = bar
/path/to/Memacs/bin/memacs_twitter.py -c ~/.memacs-twitter -o ./twitter.org
* Memacs for Twitter :Memacs:mytag:
** <2013-09-04 Wed 14:27> #LakeDistrict bosses hit back at George #Monbiot's 'sheepwrecked' claims http://t.co/Bi8cygyIje #TheGuardian :PROPERTIES: :ENTITIES: {u'symbols': [], u'user_mentions': [], u'hashtags': [{u'indices': [0, 13], u'text': u'LakeDistrict'}, {u'indices': [40, 48], u'text': u'Monbiot'}, {u'indices': [96, 108], u'text': u'TheGuardian'}], u'urls': [{u'url': u'http://t.co/Bi8cygyIje', u'indices': [73, 95], u'expanded_url': u'http://bit.ly/1dGyboH', u'display_url': u'bit.ly/1dGyboH'}]} :NAME: grough.co.uk :CONTRIBUTORS: None :TRUNCATED: False :RETWEETED: False :TWITTER_ID: 375263760425840640 :COORDINATES: None :SOURCE: web :IN_REPLY_TO_STATUS_ID: None :FAVORITE_COUNT: 1 :ID: 52d5502cbf6ab20ab59029029e4a357050f10b04 :END:
** <2013-09-04 Wed 13:34> RT @RISCOScode: HDMI cable for £1 at poundland. Why pay more ? http://t.co/7RUAQpEqum :PROPERTIES: :ENTITIES: {u'symbols': [], u'user_mentions': [{u'id': 290214935, u'indices': [3, 14], u'id_str': u'290214935', u'screen_name': u'RISCOScode', u'name': u'Martin Hansen'}], u'hashtags': [], u'urls': [{u'url': u'http://t.co/7RUAQpEqum', u'indices': [63, 85], u'expanded_url': u'http://www.poundland.co.uk/signalex-hdmi-cable-1m', u'display_url': u'poundland.co.uk/signalex-hdmi-\u2026'}]} :NAME: Raspberry Pi :CONTRIBUTORS: None :TRUNCATED: False :RETWEETED: False :TWITTER_ID: 375250488435814400 :COORDINATES: None :SOURCE: <a href="http://www.tweetdeck.com" rel="nofollow">TweetDeck</a> :IN_REPLY_TO_STATUS_ID: None :FAVORITE_COUNT: 0 :ID: 471379d63365722c5ba87956f2cbef3e851ee031 :END: