## This file is best viewed with GNU Emacs Org-mode: http://orgmode.org/
Get recent tracks (scrobbles) from your last.fm account.
Create an api key first or start using libre.fm
[memacs-lastfm] api_secret = api_key = password = username = network = [lastfm or librefm]
format string to use for the output, use{title}
as placeholder
memacs_lastfm.py -c ~/.config/memacs/memacs-lastfm.ini
* Memacs for lastfm :Memacs:lastfm: ** <2017-02-25 Sat 23:31> Breath of Life :PROPERTIES: :ALBUM: Snow White & The Huntsman :ARTIST: Florence + the Machine :ID: 68eaffc2186f8a3d999bec7c96fe1c2547b08736 :END: ** <2016-02-25 Sat 23:27> Serenata Immortale :PROPERTIES: :ALBUM: Trailerhead :ARTIST: Immediate Music :ID: 9a258992ab94c6f0ece0da491db0deb3c209517b :END: ...