This book, "Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming", was first published in 1992. The rights reverted to the author, Peter Norvig, who decided to share it under the MIT license; it's open source, but not public domain.
There's a collaborative effort to dust it off, fix it up, and bring it online. We're working on this in public, together, at our Github repo, . Look for updates and newer versions there. You can send in corrections and issues there, or email them to [email protected] with "attn: PAIP correction" in the subject line.
This is a scanned copy of the 4th printing, 1998. It's shared for reading, and for improving the Markdown copy in our Github repo.
@pronoiac had the spine / binding removed and fed the pages through a scanner. Steps and software used:
- scanner gave 600dpi grayscale, as 3.6 gigabytes of png files
- I used Scantailor Advanced (in Docker) to deskew the pages and render the pages as 300dpi black and white (1-bit) tiffs - 30 megabytes
- tiff2pdf and pdfunite: turn those many tiffs into one pdf
- OCRmyPDF: OCR with Tesseract, add title and author to the pdf, apply lossless JBIG2 compression - 24 megabytes