Fast neural networks implementation in C++
Uncomment required files for the build
Boost C++
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
sudo apt-get install g++
NeuralNetwork nn = NeuralNetwork();
nn.add_layer(new ReluLayer(28 * 28, 128, LEARNING_RATE, LAMBDA));
nn.add_layer(new ReluLayer(128, 32, LEARNING_RATE, LAMBDA));
nn.add_layer(new SoftmaxLayer(32, 10, LEARNING_RATE, LAMBDA));
nn.add_loss_function(new SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss());
Test the implementation with an interactive jupyter notebook
file: deep-learning/matrix/matrix.h
Supports all basic matrix operations and the ability to do fast matrix dot products.
All Inputs must be fed into the network using this class.
All internal calculations work on top of theseMatrix
Matrix(int n, int m, char rand_init)
Initialize a
n x m
matrix with suitable random values.
rand_init = 'u'
for uniform distribution between 0 and 1
rand_init = 'n'
for normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1
defaultrand_init = 0
for zero initialization. -
file: deep-learning/layer/layer.h
The Layer class does what its name says. It represents the layers of the neural
network. This is an abstract class and implements the key forward propagation,
backward propagation and optimization steps. Other layers must extend this class
with its own activation function by overriding theMatrix activation(Matrix Z);
Matrix backward_activation(Matrix Z);
Layer(int l_, int l, float learning_rate, float lambda, float beta1, float beta2)
Initialize the layer with the given parameters.
: number of units in previous layer
: number of units for the layer
: step size for optimization algorithm
: regularization hyperparameter
: first order term for 'adam' optimizer
: second order term for 'adam' optimizerThe following activations are already implemented:
class SigmoidLayer: public Layer
class ReluLayer: public Layer
class SoftmaxLayer: public Layer
Mathematical details of the forward and backward propagation steps are described later.
file: deep-learning/loss/loss.h
This is an abstract base class for all loss functions that can be implemented. Other loss
functions must implement thefloat cost(Matrix A, Matrix Y);
Matrix derivative(Matrix A, Matrix Y);
methods.The following loss functions are already implemented:
class BinaryCrossEntropyLoss: public LossFunction
class SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss: public LossFunction
NOTE: SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss derivative calculates the derivative of cross entropy loss multiplied with softmax activation layer.
Mathematical details of the forward and backward propagation steps are described later.
file: deep-learning/neuralnetwork/neuralnetwork.h
void add_layer(Layer * L);
Adds a fully connected layer to the network. -
void add_loss_function(LossFunction * J);
Adds target loss function to the network. -
float train_batch(Matrix X, Matrix Y, int num_iterations);
Trains weights for num_interations for given input and labels.
returns cost -
Matrix predict(Matrix X);
void save(string filename);
Saves the network and its state to file. -
void load(string filename);
Loads a pre-trained network from file.
NeuralNetwork nn = NeuralNetwork();
nn.add_layer(new SigmoidLayer(NUM_INPUTS, 1, LEARNING_RATE, LAMBDA));
nn.add_loss_function(new BinaryCrossEntropyLoss());
nn.train_batch(X_train, Y_train, 1000);
Matrix Y_pred = nn.predict(X_test);