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+ "words": [
+ "Cryptdoku"
+ ]
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+title: Oracles
+description: This guide provides an in-depth understanding of how Oracles work in Noir programming. Learn how to use outside calculations in your programs, constrain oracles, and understand their uses and limitations.
+ - Noir Programming
+ - Oracles
+ - Foreign Call Handlers
+ - Constrained Functions
+ - Blockchain Programming
+sidebar_position: 1
+If you've seen "The Matrix" you may recall "The Oracle" as Gloria Foster smoking cigarettes and baking cookies. While she appears to "know things", she is actually providing a calculation of a pre-determined future. Noir Oracles are similar, in a way. They don't calculate the future (yet), but they allow you to use outside calculations in your programs.
+![matrix oracle prediction](@site/static/img/memes/matrix_oracle.jpeg)
+A Noir program is usually self-contained. You can pass certain inputs to it, and it will generate a deterministic output for those inputs. But what if you wanted to defer some calculation to an outside process or source?
+Oracles are functions that provide this feature.
+## Use cases
+An example usage for Oracles is proving something on-chain. For example, proving that the ETH-USDC quote was below a certain target at a certain block time. Or even making more complex proofs like proving the ownership of an NFT as an anonymous login method.
+Another interesting use case is to defer expensive calculations to be made outside of the Noir program, and then constraining the result; similar to the use of [unconstrained functions](../noir/concepts//unconstrained.md).
+In short, anything that can be constrained in a Noir program but needs to be fetched from an external source is a great candidate to be used in oracles.
+## Constraining oracles
+Just like in The Matrix, Oracles are powerful. But with great power, comes great responsibility. Just because you're using them in a Noir program doesn't mean they're true. Noir has no superpowers. If you want to prove that Portugal won the Euro Cup 2016, you're still relying on potentially untrusted information.
+To give a concrete example, Alice wants to login to the [NounsDAO](https://nouns.wtf/) forum with her username "noir_nouner" by proving she owns a noun without revealing her ethereum address. Her Noir program could have an oracle call like this:
+unconstrained fn get_noun(address: Field) -> Field
+This oracle could naively resolve with the number of Nouns she possesses. However, it is useless as a trusted source, as the oracle could resolve to anything Alice wants. In order to make this oracle call actually useful, Alice would need to constrain the response from the oracle, by proving her address and the noun count belongs to the state tree of the contract.
+In short, **Oracles don't prove anything. Your Noir program does.**
+If you don't constrain the return of your oracle, you could be clearly opening an attack vector on your Noir program. Make double-triple sure that the return of an oracle call is constrained!
+## How to use Oracles
+On CLI, Nargo resolves oracles by making JSON RPC calls, which means it would require an RPC node to be running.
+In JavaScript, NoirJS accepts and resolves arbitrary call handlers (that is, not limited to JSON) as long as they match the expected types the developer defines. Refer to [Foreign Call Handler](../reference/NoirJS/noir_js/type-aliases/ForeignCallHandler.md) to learn more about NoirJS's call handling.
+If you want to build using oracles, follow through to the [oracle guide](../how_to/how-to-oracles.md) for a simple example on how to do that.
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/explainers/explainer-recursion.md b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/explainers/explainer-recursion.md
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+title: Recursive proofs
+description: Explore the concept of recursive proofs in Zero-Knowledge programming. Understand how recursion works in Noir, a language for writing smart contracts on the EVM blockchain. Learn through practical examples like Alice and Bob's guessing game, Charlie's recursive merkle tree, and Daniel's reusable components. Discover how to use recursive proofs to optimize computational resources and improve efficiency.
+ [
+ "Recursive Proofs",
+ "Zero-Knowledge Programming",
+ "Noir",
+ "EVM Blockchain",
+ "Smart Contracts",
+ "Recursion in Noir",
+ "Alice and Bob Guessing Game",
+ "Recursive Merkle Tree",
+ "Reusable Components",
+ "Optimizing Computational Resources",
+ "Improving Efficiency",
+ "Verification Key",
+ "Aggregation",
+ "Recursive zkSNARK schemes",
+ "PLONK",
+ "Proving and Verification Keys"
+ ]
+sidebar_position: 1
+pagination_next: how_to/how-to-recursion
+In programming, we tend to think of recursion as something calling itself. A classic example would be the calculation of the factorial of a number:
+function factorial(n) {
+ if (n === 0 || n === 1) {
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return n * factorial(n - 1);
+ }
+In this case, while `n` is not `1`, this function will keep calling itself until it hits the base case, bubbling up the result on the call stack:
+ Is `n` 1? <---------
+ /\ /
+ / \ n = n -1
+ / \ /
+ Yes No --------
+In Zero-Knowledge, recursion has some similarities.
+It is not a Noir function calling itself, but a proof being used as an input to another circuit. In short, you verify one proof *inside* another proof, returning the proof that both proofs are valid.
+This means that, given enough computational resources, you can prove the correctness of any arbitrary number of proofs in a single proof. This could be useful to design state channels (for which a common example would be [Bitcoin's Lightning Network](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightning_Network)), to save on gas costs by settling one proof on-chain, or simply to make business logic less dependent on a consensus mechanism.
+## Examples
+Let us look at some of these examples
+### Alice and Bob - Guessing game
+Alice and Bob are friends, and they like guessing games. They want to play a guessing game online, but for that, they need a trusted third-party that knows both of their secrets and finishes the game once someone wins.
+So, they use zero-knowledge proofs. Alice tries to guess Bob's number, and Bob will generate a ZK proof stating whether she succeeded or failed.
+This ZK proof can go on a smart contract, revealing the winner and even giving prizes. However, this means every turn needs to be verified on-chain. This incurs some cost and waiting time that may simply make the game too expensive or time-consuming to be worth it.
+As a solution, Alice proposes the following: "what if Bob generates his proof, and instead of sending it on-chain, I verify it *within* my own proof before playing my own turn?".
+She can then generate a proof that she verified his proof, and so on.
+ Did you fail? <--------------------------
+ / \ /
+ / \ n = n -1
+ / \ /
+ Yes No /
+ | | /
+ | | /
+ | You win /
+ | /
+ | /
+Generate proof of that /
+ + /
+ my own guess ----------------
+### Charlie - Recursive merkle tree
+Charlie is a concerned citizen, and wants to be sure his vote in an election is accounted for. He votes with a ZK proof, but he has no way of knowing that his ZK proof was included in the total vote count!
+If the vote collector puts all of the votes into a [Merkle tree](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merkle_tree), everyone can prove the verification of two proofs within one proof, as such:
+ abcd
+ __________|______________
+ | |
+ ab cd
+ _____|_____ ______|______
+ | | | |
+ alice bob charlie daniel
+Doing this recursively allows us to arrive on a final proof `abcd` which if true, verifies the correctness of all the votes.
+### Daniel - Reusable components
+Daniel has a big circuit and a big headache. A part of his circuit is a setup phase that finishes with some assertions that need to be made. But that section alone takes most of the proving time, and is largely independent of the rest of the circuit.
+He might find it more efficient to generate a proof for that setup phase separately, and verify that proof recursively in the actual business logic section of his circuit. This will allow for parallelization of both proofs, which results in a considerable speedup.
+## What params do I need
+As you can see in the [recursion reference](noir/standard_library/recursion.mdx), a simple recursive proof requires:
+- The proof to verify
+- The Verification Key of the circuit that generated the proof
+- A hash of this verification key, as it's needed for some backends
+- The public inputs for the proof
+Recursive zkSNARK schemes do not necessarily "verify a proof" in the sense that you expect a true or false to be spit out by the verifier. Rather an aggregation object is built over the public inputs.
+So, taking the example of Alice and Bob and their guessing game:
+- Alice makes her guess. Her proof is *not* recursive: it doesn't verify any proof within it! It's just a standard `assert(x != y)` circuit
+- Bob verifies Alice's proof and makes his own guess. In this circuit, he doesn't exactly *prove* the verification of Alice's proof. Instead, he *aggregates* his proof to Alice's proof. The actual verification is done when the full proof is verified, for example when using `nargo verify` or through the verifier smart contract.
+We can imagine recursive proofs a [relay race](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relay_race). The first runner doesn't have to receive the baton from anyone else, as he/she already starts with it. But when his/her turn is over, the next runner needs to receive it, run a bit more, and pass it along. Even though every runner could theoretically verify the baton mid-run (why not? ππ), only at the end of the race does the referee verify that the whole race is valid.
+## Some architecture
+As with everything in computer science, there's no one-size-fits all. But there are some patterns that could help understanding and implementing them. To give three examples:
+### Adding some logic to a proof verification
+This would be an approach for something like our guessing game, where proofs are sent back and forth and are verified by each opponent. This circuit would be divided in two sections:
+- A `recursive verification` section, which would be just the call to `std::verify_proof`, and that would be skipped on the first move (since there's no proof to verify)
+- A `guessing` section, which is basically the logic part where the actual guessing happens
+In such a situation, and assuming Alice is first, she would skip the first part and try to guess Bob's number. Bob would then verify her proof on the first section of his run, and try to guess Alice's number on the second part, and so on.
+### Aggregating proofs
+In some one-way interaction situations, recursion would allow for aggregation of simple proofs that don't need to be immediately verified on-chain or elsewhere.
+To give a practical example, a barman wouldn't need to verify a "proof-of-age" on-chain every time he serves alcohol to a customer. Instead, the architecture would comprise two circuits:
+- A `main`, non-recursive circuit with some logic
+- A `recursive` circuit meant to verify two proofs in one proof
+The customer's proofs would be intermediate, and made on their phones, and the barman could just verify them locally. He would then aggregate them into a final proof sent on-chain (or elsewhere) at the end of the day.
+### Recursively verifying different circuits
+Nothing prevents you from verifying different circuits in a recursive proof, for example:
+- A `circuit1` circuit
+- A `circuit2` circuit
+- A `recursive` circuit
+In this example, a regulator could verify that taxes were paid for a specific purchase by aggregating both a `payer` circuit (proving that a purchase was made and taxes were paid), and a `receipt` circuit (proving that the payment was received)
+## How fast is it
+At the time of writing, verifying recursive proofs is surprisingly fast. This is because most of the time is spent on generating the verification key that will be used to generate the next proof. So you are able to cache the verification key and reuse it later.
+Currently, Noir JS packages don't expose the functionality of loading proving and verification keys, but that feature exists in the underlying `bb.js` package.
+## How can I try it
+Learn more about using recursion in Nargo and NoirJS in the [how-to guide](../how_to/how-to-recursion.md) and see a full example in [noir-examples](https://github.com/noir-lang/noir-examples).
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/explainers/explainer-writing-noir.md b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/explainers/explainer-writing-noir.md
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+title: Thinking in Circuits
+description: Considerations when writing Noir programs
+keywords: [Noir, programming, rust]
+tags: [Optimization]
+sidebar_position: 0
+This article intends to set you up with key concepts essential for writing more viable applications that use zero knowledge proofs, namely around efficient circuits.
+## Context - 'Efficient' is subjective
+When writing a web application for a performant computer with high-speed internet connection, writing efficient code sometimes is seen as an afterthought only if needed. Large multiplications running at the innermost of nested loops may not even be on a dev's radar.
+When writing firmware for a battery-powered microcontroller, you think of cpu cycles as rations to keep within a product's power budget.
+> Code is written to create applications that perform specific tasks within specific constraints
+And these constraints differ depending on where the compiled code is execute.
+### The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)
+In scenarios where extremely low gas costs are required for an Ethereum application to be viable/competitive, Ethereum smart contract developers get into what is colloquially known as: "*gas golfing*". Finding the lowest execution cost of their compiled code (EVM bytecode) to achieve a specific task.
+The equivalent optimization task when writing zk circuits is affectionately referred to as "*gate golfing*", finding the lowest gate representation of the compiled Noir code.
+### Coding for circuits - a paradigm shift
+In zero knowledge cryptography, code is compiled to "circuits" consisting of arithmetic gates, and gate count is the significant cost. Depending on the proving system this is linearly proportionate to proving time, and so from a product point this should be kept as low as possible.
+Whilst writing efficient code for web apps and Solidity has a few key differences, writing efficient circuits have a different set of considerations. It is a bit of a paradigm shift, like writing code for GPUs for the first time...
+For example, drawing a circle at (0, 0) of radius `r`:
+- For a single CPU thread,
+for theta in 0..2*pi {
+ let x = r * cos(theta);
+ let y = r * sin(theta);
+ draw(x, y);
+} // note: would do 0 - pi/2 and draw +ve/-ve x and y.
+- For GPUs (simultaneous parallel calls with x, y across image),
+if (x^2 + y^2 = r^2) {
+ draw(x, y);
+Whilst this CPU -> GPU does not translate to circuits exactly, it is intended to exemplify the difference in intuition when coding for different machine capabilities/constraints.
+### Context Takeaway
+For those coming from a primarily web app background, this article will explain what you need to consider when writing circuits. Furthermore, for those experienced writing efficient machine code, prepare to shift what you think is efficient π¬
+## Translating from Rust
+For some applications using Noir, existing code might be a convenient starting point to then proceed to optimize the gate count of.
+Many valuable functions and algorithms have been written in more established languages (C/C++), and converted to modern ones (like Rust).
+Fortunately for Noir developers, when needing a particular function a Rust implementation can be readily compiled into Noir with some key changes. While the compiler does a decent amount of optimizations, it won't be able to change code that has been optimized for clock-cycles into code optimized for arithmetic gates.
+A few things to do when converting Rust code to Noir:
+- `println!` is not a macro, use `println` function (same for `assert_eq`)
+- No early `return` in function. Use constrain via assertion instead
+- No passing by reference. Remove `&` operator to pass by value (copy)
+- No boolean operators (`&&`, `||`). Use bitwise operators (`&`, `|`) with boolean values
+- No type `usize`. Use types `u8`, `u32`, `u64`, ...
+- `main` return must be public, `pub`
+- No `const`, use `global`
+- Noir's LSP is your friend, so error message should be informative enough to resolve syntax issues.
+## Writing efficient Noir for performant products
+The following points help refine our understanding over time.
+A Noir program makes a statement that can be verified.
+It compiles to a structure that represents the calculation, and can assert results within the calculation at any stage (via the `constrain` keyword).
+A Noir program compiles to an Abstract Circuit Intermediate Representation which is:
+ - Conceptually a tree structure
+ - Leaves (inputs) are the `Field` type
+ - Nodes contain arithmetic operations to combine them (gates)
+ - The root is the final result (return value)
+The command `nargo info` shows the programs circuit size, and is useful to compare the value of changes made.
+You can dig deeper and use the `--print-acir` param to take a closer look at individual ACIR opcodes, and the proving backend to see its gate count (eg for barretenberg, `bb gates -b ./target/program.json`).
+### Use the `Field` type
+Since the native type of values in circuits are `Field`s, using them for variables in Noir means less gates converting them under the hood.
+Some things to be mindful of when using a Field type for a regular integer value:
+- A variable of type `Field` can be cast `as` an integer type (eg `u8`, `u64`)
+ - Note: this retains only the bits of the integer type. Eg a Field value of 260 as a `u8` becomes 4
+- For Field types arithmetic operations meaningfully overflow/underflow, yet for integer types they are checked according to their size
+- Comparisons and bitwise operations do not exist for `Field`s, cast to an appropriately sized integer type when you need to
+Where possible, use `Field` type for values. Using smaller value types, and bit-packing strategies, will result in MORE gates
+### Use Arithmetic over non-arithmetic operations
+Since circuits are made of arithmetic gates, the cost of arithmetic operations tends to be one gate. Whereas for procedural code, they represent several clock cycles.
+Inversely, non-arithmetic operators are achieved with multiple gates, vs 1 clock cycle for procedural code.
+| (cost\op) | arithmetic (`*`, `+`) | bit-wise ops (eg `<`, `\|`, `>>`) |
+| - | - | - |
+| **cycles** | 10+ | 1 |
+| **gates** | 1 | 10+ |
+Bit-wise operations (e.g. bit shifts `<<` and `>>`), albeit commonly used in general programming and especially for clock cycle optimizations, are on the contrary expensive in gates when performed within circuits.
+Translate away from bit shifts when writing constrained functions for the best performance.
+On the flip side, feel free to use bit shifts in unconstrained functions and tests if necessary, as they are executed outside of circuits and does not induce performance hits.
+### Use static over dynamic values
+Another general theme that manifests in different ways is that static reads are represented with less gates than dynamic ones.
+Reading from read-only memory (ROM) adds less gates than random-access memory (RAM), 2 vs ~3.25 due to the additional bounds checks. Arrays of fixed length (albeit used at a lower capacity), will generate less gates than dynamic storage.
+Related to this, if an index used to access an array is not known at compile time (ie unknown until run time), then ROM will be converted to RAM, expanding the gate count.
+Use arrays and indices that are known at compile time where possible.
+Using `assert_constant(i);` before an index, `i`, is used in an array will give a compile error if `i` is NOT known at compile time.
+### Leverage unconstrained execution
+Constrained verification can leverage unconstrained execution, this is especially useful for operations that are represented by many gates.
+Use an [unconstrained function](../noir/concepts/unconstrained.md) to perform gate-heavy calculations, then verify and constrain the result.
+Eg division generates more gates than multiplication, so calculating the quotient in an unconstrained function then constraining the product for the quotient and divisor (+ any remainder) equals the dividend will be more efficient.
+Use ` if is_unconstrained() { /`, to conditionally execute code if being called in an unconstrained vs constrained way.
+## Advanced
+Unless you're well into the depth of gate optimization, this advanced section can be ignored.
+### Combine arithmetic operations
+A Noir program can be honed further by combining arithmetic operators in a way that makes the most of each constraint of the backend proving system. This is in scenarios where the backend might not be doing this perfectly.
+Eg Barretenberg backend (current default for Noir) is a width-4 PLONKish constraint system
+$ w_1*w_2*q_m + w_1*q_1 + w_2*q_2 + w_3*q_3 + w_4*q_4 + q_c = 0 $
+Here we see there is one occurrence of witness 1 and 2 ($w_1$, $w_2$) being multiplied together, with addition to witnesses 1-4 ($w_1$ .. $w_4$) multiplied by 4 corresponding circuit constants ($q_1$ .. $q_4$) (plus a final circuit constant, $q_c$).
+Use `nargo info --print-acir`, to inspect the ACIR opcodes (and the proving system for gates), and it may present opportunities to amend the order of operations and reduce the number of constraints.
+#### Variable as witness vs expression
+If you've come this far and really know what you're doing at the equation level, a temporary lever (that will become unnecessary/useless over time) is: `std::as_witness`. This informs the compiler to save a variable as a witness not an expression.
+The compiler will mostly be correct and optimal, but this may help some near term edge cases that are yet to optimize.
+Note: When used incorrectly it will create **less** efficient circuits (higher gate count).
+## References
+- Guillaume's ["`Cryptdoku`" talk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrQyzuogxgg) (Jun'23)
+- Tips from Tom, Jake and Zac.
+- [Idiomatic Noir](https://www.vlayer.xyz/blog/idiomatic-noir-part-1-collections) blog post
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/getting_started/noir_installation.md b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/getting_started/noir_installation.md
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+title: Standalone Noir Installation
+description: There are different ways to install Nargo, the one-stop shop and command-line tool for developing Noir programs. This guide explains how to specify which version to install when using noirup, and using WSL for windows.
+keywords: [
+ Installation
+ Nargo
+ Noirup
+ Binaries
+ Compiling from Source
+ WSL for Windows
+ macOS
+ Linux
+ Nix
+ Direnv
+ Uninstalling Nargo
+ ]
+sidebar_position: 2
+Noirup is the endorsed method for installing Nargo, streamlining the process of fetching binaries or compiling from source. It supports a range of options to cater to your specific needs, from nightly builds and specific versions to compiling from various sources.
+### Installing Noirup
+First, ensure you have `noirup` installed:
+curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/noir-lang/noirup/main/install | bash
+### Fetching Binaries
+With `noirup`, you can easily switch between different Nargo versions, including nightly builds:
+- **Nightly Version**: Install the latest nightly build.
+ ```sh
+ noirup --version nightly
+ ```
+- **Specific Version**: Install a specific version of Nargo.
+ ```sh
+ noirup --version
+ ```
+### Compiling from Source
+`noirup` also enables compiling Nargo from various sources:
+- **From a Specific Branch**: Install from the latest commit on a branch.
+ ```sh
+ noirup --branch
+ ```
+- **From a Fork**: Install from the main branch of a fork.
+ ```sh
+ noirup --repo
+ ```
+- **From a Specific Branch in a Fork**: Install from a specific branch in a fork.
+ ```sh
+ noirup --repo --branch
+ ```
+- **From a Specific Pull Request**: Install from a specific PR.
+ ```sh
+ noirup --pr
+ ```
+- **From a Specific Commit**: Install from a specific commit.
+ ```sh
+ noirup -C
+ ```
+- **From Local Source**: Compile and install from a local directory.
+ ```sh
+ noirup --path ./path/to/local/source
+ ```
+## Installation on Windows
+The default backend for Noir (Barretenberg) doesn't provide Windows binaries at this time. For that reason, Noir cannot be installed natively. However, it is available by using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).
+Step 1: Follow the instructions [here](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install) to install and run WSL.
+step 2: Follow the [Noirup instructions](#installing-noirup).
+## Setting up shell completions
+Once `nargo` is installed, you can [set up shell completions for it](setting_up_shell_completions).
+## Uninstalling Nargo
+If you installed Nargo with `noirup`, you can uninstall Nargo by removing the files in `~/.nargo`, `~/nargo`, and `~/noir_cache`. This ensures that all installed binaries, configurations, and cache related to Nargo are fully removed from your system.
+rm -r ~/.nargo
+rm -r ~/nargo
+rm -r ~/noir_cache
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+title: Project Breakdown
+ Learn about the anatomy of a Nargo project, including the purpose of the Prover TOML
+ file, and how to prove and verify your program.
+ [Nargo, Nargo project, Prover.toml, proof verification, private asset transfer]
+sidebar_position: 1
+This section breaks down our hello world program from the previous section.
+## Anatomy of a Nargo Project
+Upon creating a new project with `nargo new` and building the in/output files with `nargo check`
+commands, you would get a minimal Nargo project of the following structure:
+ - src
+ - Prover.toml
+ - Nargo.toml
+The source directory _src_ holds the source code for your Noir program. By default only a _main.nr_
+file will be generated within it.
+### Prover.toml
+_Prover.toml_ is used for specifying the input values for executing and proving the program. You can specify `toml` files with different names by using the `--prover-name` or `-p` flags, see the [Prover](#provertoml) section below. Optionally you may specify expected output values for prove-time checking as well.
+### Nargo.toml
+_Nargo.toml_ contains the environmental options of your project. It contains a "package" section and a "dependencies" section.
+Example Nargo.toml:
+name = "noir_starter"
+type = "bin"
+authors = ["Alice"]
+compiler_version = "0.9.0"
+description = "Getting started with Noir"
+entry = "circuit/main.nr"
+license = "MIT"
+ecrecover = {tag = "v0.9.0", git = "https://github.com/colinnielsen/ecrecover-noir.git"}
+Nargo.toml for a [workspace](../noir/modules_packages_crates/workspaces.md) will look a bit different. For example:
+members = ["crates/a", "crates/b"]
+default-member = "crates/a"
+#### Package section
+The package section defines a number of fields including:
+- `name` (**required**) - the name of the package
+- `type` (**required**) - can be "bin", "lib", or "contract" to specify whether its a binary, library or Aztec contract
+- `authors` (optional) - authors of the project
+- `compiler_version` - specifies the version of the compiler to use. This is enforced by the compiler and follow's [Rust's versioning](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html#the-version-field), so a `compiler_version = 0.18.0` will enforce Nargo version 0.18.0, `compiler_version = ^0.18.0` will enforce anything above 0.18.0 but below 0.19.0, etc. For more information, see how [Rust handles these operators](https://docs.rs/semver/latest/semver/enum.Op.html)
+- `description` (optional)
+- `entry` (optional) - a relative filepath to use as the entry point into your package (overrides the default of `src/lib.nr` or `src/main.nr`)
+- `backend` (optional)
+- `license` (optional)
+- `expression_width` (optional) - Sets the default backend expression width. This field will override the default backend expression width specified by the Noir compiler (currently set to width 4).
+#### Dependencies section
+This is where you will specify any dependencies for your project. See the [Dependencies page](../noir/modules_packages_crates/dependencies.md) for more info.
+`./proofs/` and `./contract/` directories will not be immediately visible until you create a proof or
+verifier contract respectively.
+### main.nr
+The _main.nr_ file contains a `main` method, this method is the entry point into your Noir program.
+In our sample program, _main.nr_ looks like this:
+fn main(x : Field, y : Field) {
+ assert(x != y);
+The parameters `x` and `y` can be seen as the API for the program and must be supplied by the prover. Since neither `x` nor `y` is marked as public, the verifier does not supply any inputs, when verifying the proof.
+The prover supplies the values for `x` and `y` in the _Prover.toml_ file.
+As for the program body, `assert` ensures that the condition to be satisfied (e.g. `x != y`) is constrained by the proof of the execution of said program (i.e. if the condition was not met, the verifier would reject the proof as an invalid proof).
+### Prover.toml
+The _Prover.toml_ file is a file which the prover uses to supply the inputs to the Noir program (both private and public).
+In our hello world program the _Prover.toml_ file looks like this:
+x = "1"
+y = "2"
+When the command `nargo execute` is executed, nargo will execute the Noir program using the inputs specified in `Prover.toml`, aborting if it finds that these do not satisfy the constraints defined by `main`. In this example, `x` and `y` must satisfy the inequality constraint `assert(x != y)`.
+If an output name is specified such as `nargo execute foo`, the witness generated by this execution will be written to `./target/foo.gz`. This can then be used to generate a proof of the execution.
+#### Arrays of Structs
+The following code shows how to pass an array of structs to a Noir program to generate a proof.
+// main.nr
+struct Foo {
+ bar: Field,
+ baz: Field,
+fn main(foos: [Foo; 3]) -> pub Field {
+ foos[2].bar + foos[2].baz
+[[foos]] # foos[0]
+bar = 0
+baz = 0
+[[foos]] # foos[1]
+bar = 0
+baz = 0
+[[foos]] # foos[2]
+bar = 1
+baz = 2
+#### Custom toml files
+You can specify a `toml` file with a different name to use for execution by using the `--prover-name` or `-p` flags.
+This command looks for proof inputs in the default **Prover.toml** and generates the witness and saves it at `./target/foo.gz`:
+nargo execute foo
+This command looks for proof inputs in the custom **OtherProver.toml** and generates the witness and saves it at `./target/bar.gz`:
+nargo execute -p OtherProver bar
+Now that you understand the concepts, you'll probably want some editor feedback while you are writing more complex code.
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+title: Quick Start
+tags: []
+sidebar_position: 0
+## Installation
+### Noir
+The easiest way to develop with Noir is using Nargo the CLI tool. It provides you the ability to start new projects, compile, execute and test Noir programs from the terminal.
+You can use `noirup` the installation script to quickly install and update Nargo:
+curl -L noirup.dev | bash
+Once installed, you can [set up shell completions for the `nargo` command](setting_up_shell_completions).
+### Proving backend
+After installing Noir, we install a proving backend to work with our Noir programs.
+Proving backends provide you the abilities to generate proofs, verify proofs, generate smart contracts and more for your Noir programs.
+Different proving backends provide different tools for working with Noir programs, here we will use the [Barretenberg proving backend](https://github.com/AztecProtocol/aztec-packages/tree/master/barretenberg) developed by Aztec Labs as an example.
+You can use the `bbup` installation script to quickly install and update BB, Barretenberg's CLI tool:
+You can find the full list of proving backends compatible with Noir in Awesome Noir.
+curl -L bbup.dev | bash
+For the full list of proving backends compatible with Noir, visit [Awesome Noir](https://github.com/noir-lang/awesome-noir/?tab=readme-ov-file#proving-backends).
+## Nargo
+Nargo provides the ability to initiate and execute Noir projects. Let's initialize the traditional `hello_world`:
+nargo new hello_world
+Two files will be created.
+- `src/main.nr` contains a simple boilerplate circuit
+- `Nargo.toml` contains environmental options, such as name, author, dependencies, and others.
+Glancing at _main.nr_ , we can see that inputs in Noir are private by default, but can be labeled public using the keyword `pub`. This means that we will _assert_ that we know a value `x` which is different from `y` without revealing `x`:
+fn main(x : Field, y : pub Field) {
+ assert(x != y);
+To learn more about private and public values, check the [Data Types](../noir/concepts/data_types/index.md) section.
+### Compiling and executing
+We can now use `nargo` to generate a _Prover.toml_ file, where our input values will be specified:
+cd hello_world
+nargo check
+Let's feed some valid values into this file:
+x = "1"
+y = "2"
+We're now ready to compile and execute our Noir program. By default the `nargo execute` command will do both, and generate the `witness` that we need to feed to our proving backend:
+nargo execute
+The witness corresponding to this execution will then be written to the file _./target/witness-name.gz_.
+The command also automatically compiles your Noir program if it was not already / was edited, which you may notice the compiled artifacts being written to the file _./target/hello_world.json_.
+With circuit compiled and witness generated, we're ready to prove.
+## Proving backend
+Different proving backends may provide different tools and commands to work with Noir programs. Here Barretenberg's `bb` CLI tool is used as an example:
+bb prove -b ./target/hello_world.json -w ./target/hello_world.gz -o ./target/proof
+Naming can be confusing, specially as you pass them to the `bb` commands. If unsure, it won't hurt to delete the target folder and start anew to make sure you're using the most recent versions of the compiled circuit and witness.
+The proof is now generated in the `target` folder. To verify it we first need to compute the verification key from the compiled circuit, and use it to verify:
+bb write_vk -b ./target/hello_world.json -o ./target/vk
+bb verify -k ./target/vk -p ./target/proof
+Notice that in order to verify a proof, the verifier knows nothing but the circuit, which is compiled and used to generate the verification key. This is obviously quite important: private inputs remain private.
+As for the public inputs, you may have noticed they haven't been specified. This behavior varies with each particular backend, but barretenberg typically attaches them to the proof. You can see them by parsing and splitting it. For example for if your public inputs are 32 bytes:
+head -c 32 ./target/proof | od -An -v -t x1 | tr -d $' \n'
+Congratulations, you have now created and verified a proof for your very first Noir program!
+In the [next section](./project_breakdown.md), we will go into more detail on each step performed.
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+title: Setting up shell completions
+tags: []
+sidebar_position: 3
+The `nargo` binary provides a command to generate shell completions:
+nargo generate-completion-script [shell]
+where `shell` must be one of `bash`, `elvish`, `fish`, `powershell`, and `zsh`.
+Below we explain how to install them in some popular shells.
+## Installing Zsh Completions
+If you have `oh-my-zsh` installed, you might already have a directory of automatically loading completion scripts β `.oh-my-zsh/completions`.
+If not, first create it:
+mkdir -p ~/.oh-my-zsh/completions`
+Then copy the completion script to that directory:
+nargo generate-completion-script zsh > ~/.oh-my-zsh/completions/_nargo
+Without `oh-my-zsh`, youβll need to add a path for completion scripts to your function path, and turn on completion script auto-loading.
+First, add these lines to `~/.zshrc`:
+fpath=(~/.zsh/completions $fpath)
+autoload -U compinit
+Next, create a directory at `~/.zsh/completions`:
+mkdir -p ~/.zsh/completions
+Then copy the completion script to that directory:
+nargo generate-completion-script zsh > ~/.zsh/completions/_nargo
+## Installing Bash Completions
+If you have [bash-completion](https://github.com/scop/bash-completion) installed, you can just copy the completion script to the `/usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d` directory:
+nargo generate-completion-script bash > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/nargo
+Without `bash-completion`, youβll need to source the completion script directly.
+First create a directory such as `~/.bash_completions/`:
+mkdir ~/.bash_completions/
+Copy the completion script to that directory:
+nargo generate-completion-script bash > ~/.bash_completions/nargo.bash
+Then add the following line to `~/.bash_profile` or `~/.bashrc`:
+source ~/.bash_completions/nargo.bash
+## Installing Fish Completions
+Copy the completion script to any path listed in the environment variable `$fish_completion_path`. For example, a typical location is `~/.config/fish/completions/nargo.fish`:
+nargo generate-completion-script fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/nargo.fish
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+ "position": 1,
+ "collapsible": true,
+ "collapsed": true
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+ "label": "Debugging",
+ "position": 5,
+ "collapsible": true,
+ "collapsed": true
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+title: Using the REPL Debugger
+ Step by step guide on how to debug your Noir circuits with the REPL Debugger.
+ [
+ Nargo,
+ Noir CLI,
+ Noir Debugger,
+ ]
+sidebar_position: 1
+#### Pre-requisites
+In order to use the REPL debugger, first you need to install recent enough versions of Nargo and vscode-noir.
+## Debugging a simple circuit
+Let's debug a simple circuit:
+fn main(x : Field, y : pub Field) {
+ assert(x != y);
+To start the REPL debugger, using a terminal, go to a Noir circuit's home directory. Then:
+`$ nargo debug`
+You should be seeing this in your terminal:
+[main] Starting debugger
+At ~/noir-examples/recursion/circuits/main/src/main.nr:1:9
+ 1 -> fn main(x : Field, y : pub Field) {
+ 2 assert(x != y);
+ 3 }
+The debugger displays the current Noir code location, and it is now waiting for us to drive it.
+Let's first take a look at the available commands. For that we'll use the `help` command.
+> help
+Available commands:
+ opcodes display ACIR opcodes
+ into step into to the next opcode
+ next step until a new source location is reached
+ out step until a new source location is reached
+ and the current stack frame is finished
+ break LOCATION:OpcodeLocation add a breakpoint at an opcode location
+ over step until a new source location is reached
+ without diving into function calls
+ restart restart the debugging session
+ delete LOCATION:OpcodeLocation delete breakpoint at an opcode location
+ witness show witness map
+ witness index:u32 display a single witness from the witness map
+ witness index:u32 value:String update a witness with the given value
+ memset index:usize value:String update a memory cell with the given
+ value
+ continue continue execution until the end of the
+ program
+ vars show variable values available at this point
+ in execution
+ stacktrace display the current stack trace
+ memory show memory (valid when executing unconstrained code)
+ step step to the next ACIR opcode
+Other commands:
+ help Show this help message
+ quit Quit repl
+Some commands operate only for unconstrained functions, such as `memory` and `memset`. If you try to use them while execution is paused at an ACIR opcode, the debugger will simply inform you that you are not executing unconstrained code:
+> memory
+Unconstrained VM memory not available
+Before continuing, we can take a look at the initial witness map:
+> witness
+_0 = 1
+_1 = 2
+Cool, since `x==1`, `y==2`, and we want to check that `x != y`, our circuit should succeed. At this point we could intervene and use the witness setter command to change one of the witnesses. Let's set `y=3`, then back to 2, so we don't affect the expected result:
+> witness
+_0 = 1
+_1 = 2
+> witness 1 3
+_1 = 3
+> witness
+_0 = 1
+_1 = 3
+> witness 1 2
+_1 = 2
+> witness
+_0 = 1
+_1 = 2
+Now we can inspect the current state of local variables. For that we use the `vars` command.
+> vars
+We currently have no vars in context, since we are at the entry point of the program. Let's use `next` to execute until the next point in the program.
+> vars
+> next
+At ~/noir-examples/recursion/circuits/main/src/main.nr:1:20
+ 1 -> fn main(x : Field, y : pub Field) {
+ 2 assert(x != y);
+ 3 }
+> vars
+x:Field = 0x01
+As a result of stepping, the variable `x`, whose initial value comes from the witness map, is now in context and returned by `vars`.
+> next
+ 1 fn main(x : Field, y : pub Field) {
+ 2 -> assert(x != y);
+ 3 }
+> vars
+y:Field = 0x02
+x:Field = 0x01
+Stepping again we can finally see both variables and their values. And now we can see that the next assertion should succeed.
+Let's continue to the end:
+> continue
+(Continuing execution...)
+Finished execution
+> q
+[main] Circuit witness successfully solved
+Upon quitting the debugger after a solved circuit, the resulting circuit witness gets saved, equivalent to what would happen if we had run the same circuit with `nargo execute`.
+We just went through the basics of debugging using Noir REPL debugger. For a comprehensive reference, check out [the reference page](../../reference/debugger/debugger_repl.md).
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+title: Using the VS Code Debugger
+ Step by step guide on how to debug your Noir circuits with the VS Code Debugger configuration and features.
+ [
+ Nargo,
+ Noir CLI,
+ Noir Debugger,
+ VS Code,
+ IDE,
+ ]
+sidebar_position: 0
+This guide will show you how to use VS Code with the vscode-noir extension to debug a Noir project.
+#### Pre-requisites
+- Nargo
+- vscode-noir
+- A Noir project with a `Nargo.toml`, `Prover.toml` and at least one Noir (`.nr`) containing an entry point function (typically `main`).
+## Running the debugger
+The easiest way to start debugging is to open the file you want to debug, and press `F5`. This will cause the debugger to launch, using your `Prover.toml` file as input.
+You should see something like this:
+![Debugger launched](@site/static/img/debugger/1-started.png)
+Let's inspect the state of the program. For that, we open VS Code's _Debug pane_. Look for this icon:
+![Debug pane icon](@site/static/img/debugger/2-icon.png)
+You will now see two categories of variables: Locals and Witness Map.
+![Debug pane expanded](@site/static/img/debugger/3-debug-pane.png)
+1. **Locals**: variables of your program. At this point in execution this section is empty, but as we step through the code it will get populated by `x`, `result`, `digest`, etc.
+2. **Witness map**: these are initially populated from your project's `Prover.toml` file. In this example, they will be used to populate `x` and `result` at the beginning of the `main` function.
+Most of the time you will probably be focusing mostly on locals, as they represent the high level state of your program.
+You might be interested in inspecting the witness map in case you are trying to solve a really low level issue in the compiler or runtime itself, so this concerns mostly advanced or niche users.
+Let's step through the program, by using the debugger buttons or their corresponding keyboard shortcuts.
+![Debugger buttons](@site/static/img/debugger/4-debugger-buttons.png)
+Now we can see in the variables pane that there's values for `digest`, `result` and `x`.
+![Inspecting locals](@site/static/img/debugger/5-assert.png)
+We can also inspect the values of variables by directly hovering on them on the code.
+![Hover locals](@site/static/img/debugger/6-hover.png)
+Let's set a break point at the `keccak256` function, so we can continue execution up to the point when it's first invoked without having to go one step at a time.
+We just need to click the to the right of the line number 18. Once the breakpoint appears, we can click the `continue` button or use its corresponding keyboard shortcut (`F5` by default).
+Now we are debugging the `keccak256` function, notice the _Call Stack pane_ at the lower right. This lets us inspect the current call stack of our process.
+That covers most of the current debugger functionalities. Check out [the reference](../../reference/debugger/debugger_vscode.md) for more details on how to configure the debugger.
\ No newline at end of file
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+title: How to use Oracles
+description: Learn how to use oracles in your Noir program with examples in both Nargo and NoirJS. This guide also covers writing a JSON RPC server and providing custom foreign call handlers for NoirJS.
+ - Noir Programming
+ - Oracles
+ - Nargo
+ - NoirJS
+ - JSON RPC Server
+ - Foreign Call Handlers
+sidebar_position: 1
+This guide shows you how to use oracles in your Noir program. For the sake of clarity, it assumes that:
+- You have read the [explainer on Oracles](../explainers/explainer-oracle.md) and are comfortable with the concept.
+- You have a Noir program to add oracles to. You can create one using the [vite-hardhat starter](https://github.com/noir-lang/noir-starter/tree/main/vite-hardhat) as a boilerplate.
+- You understand the concept of a JSON-RPC server. Visit the [JSON-RPC website](https://www.jsonrpc.org/) if you need a refresher.
+- You are comfortable with server-side JavaScript (e.g. Node.js, managing packages, etc.).
+## Rundown
+This guide has 3 major steps:
+1. How to modify our Noir program to make use of oracle calls as unconstrained functions
+2. How to write a JSON RPC Server to resolve these oracle calls with Nargo
+3. How to use them in Nargo and how to provide a custom resolver in NoirJS
+## Step 1 - Modify your Noir program
+An oracle is defined in a Noir program by defining two methods:
+- An unconstrained method - This tells the compiler that it is executing an [unconstrained functions](../noir/concepts//unconstrained.md).
+- A decorated oracle method - This tells the compiler that this method is an RPC call.
+An example of an oracle that returns a `Field` would be:
+unconstrained fn sqrt(number: Field) -> Field { }
+unconstrained fn get_sqrt(number: Field) -> Field {
+ sqrt(number)
+In this example, we're wrapping our oracle function in an unconstrained method, and decorating it with `oracle(getSqrt)`. We can then call the unconstrained function as we would call any other function:
+fn main(input: Field) {
+ let sqrt = get_sqrt(input);
+In the next section, we will make this `getSqrt` (defined on the `sqrt` decorator) be a method of the RPC server Noir will use.
+As explained in the [Oracle Explainer](../explainers/explainer-oracle.md), this `main` function is unsafe unless you constrain its return value. For example:
+fn main(input: Field) {
+ let sqrt = get_sqrt(input);
+ assert(sqrt.pow_32(2) as u64 == input as u64); // <---- constrain the return of an oracle!
+Currently, oracles only work with single params or array params. For example:
+unconstrained fn sqrt([Field; 2]) -> [Field; 2] { }
+## Step 2 - Write an RPC server
+Brillig will call *one* RPC server. Most likely you will have to write your own, and you can do it in whatever language you prefer. In this guide, we will do it in Javascript.
+Let's use the above example of an oracle that consumes an array with two `Field` and returns their square roots:
+unconstrained fn sqrt(input: [Field; 2]) -> [Field; 2] { }
+unconstrained fn get_sqrt(input: [Field; 2]) -> [Field; 2] {
+ sqrt(input)
+fn main(input: [Field; 2]) {
+ let sqrt = get_sqrt(input);
+ assert(sqrt[0].pow_32(2) as u64 == input[0] as u64);
+ assert(sqrt[1].pow_32(2) as u64 == input[1] as u64);
+fn test() {
+ let input = [4, 16];
+ main(input);
+Why square root?
+In general, computing square roots is computationally more expensive than multiplications, which takes a toll when speaking about ZK applications. In this case, instead of calculating the square root in Noir, we are using our oracle to offload that computation to be made in plain. In our circuit we can simply multiply the two values.
+Now, we should write the correspondent RPC server, starting with the [default JSON-RPC 2.0 boilerplate](https://www.npmjs.com/package/json-rpc-2.0#example):
+import { JSONRPCServer } from "json-rpc-2.0";
+import express from "express";
+import bodyParser from "body-parser";
+const app = express();
+const server = new JSONRPCServer();
+app.post("/", (req, res) => {
+ const jsonRPCRequest = req.body;
+ server.receive(jsonRPCRequest).then((jsonRPCResponse) => {
+ if (jsonRPCResponse) {
+ res.json(jsonRPCResponse);
+ } else {
+ res.sendStatus(204);
+ }
+ });
+Now, we will add our `getSqrt` method, as expected by the `#[oracle(getSqrt)]` decorator in our Noir code. It maps through the params array and returns their square roots:
+server.addMethod("resolve_foreign_call", async (params) => {
+ if (params[0].function !== "getSqrt") {
+ throw Error("Unexpected foreign call")
+ };
+ const values = params[0].inputs[0].map((field) => {
+ return `${Math.sqrt(parseInt(field, 16))}`;
+ });
+ return { values: [values] };
+If you're using Typescript, the following types may be helpful in understanding the expected return value and making sure they're easy to follow:
+export type ForeignCallSingle = string;
+export type ForeignCallArray = string[];
+export type ForeignCallResult = {
+ values: (ForeignCallSingle | ForeignCallArray)[];
+:::info Multidimensional Arrays
+If the Oracle function is returning an array containing other arrays, such as `[['1','2],['3','4']]`, you need to provide the values in JSON as flattened values. In the previous example, it would be `['1', '2', '3', '4']`. In the Noir program, the Oracle signature can use a nested type, the flattened values will be automatically converted to the nested type.
+## Step 3 - Usage with Nargo
+Using the [`nargo` CLI tool](../reference/nargo_commands.md), you can use oracles in the `nargo test` and `nargo execute` commands by passing a value to `--oracle-resolver`. For example:
+nargo test --oracle-resolver http://localhost:5555
+This tells `nargo` to use your RPC Server URL whenever it finds an oracle decorator.
+## Step 4 - Usage with NoirJS
+In a JS environment, an RPC server is not strictly necessary, as you may want to resolve your oracles without needing any JSON call at all. NoirJS simply expects that you pass a callback function when you generate proofs, and that callback function can be anything.
+For example, if your Noir program expects the host machine to provide CPU pseudo-randomness, you could simply pass it as the `foreignCallHandler`. You don't strictly need to create an RPC server to serve pseudo-randomness, as you may as well get it directly in your app:
+const foreignCallHandler = (name, inputs) => crypto.randomBytes(16) // etc
+await noir.execute(inputs, foreignCallHandler)
+As one can see, in NoirJS, the [`foreignCallHandler`](../reference/NoirJS/noir_js/type-aliases/ForeignCallHandler.md) function simply means "a callback function that returns a value of type [`ForeignCallOutput`](../reference/NoirJS/noir_js/type-aliases/ForeignCallOutput.md). It doesn't have to be an RPC call like in the case for Nargo.
+Does this mean you don't have to write an RPC server like in [Step #2](#step-2---write-an-rpc-server)?
+You don't technically have to, but then how would you run `nargo test`? To use both `Nargo` and `NoirJS` in your development flow, you will have to write a JSON RPC server.
+In this case, let's make `foreignCallHandler` call the JSON RPC Server we created in [Step #2](#step-2---write-an-rpc-server), by making it a JSON RPC Client.
+For example, using the same `getSqrt` program in [Step #1](#step-1---modify-your-noir-program) (comments in the code):
+import { JSONRPCClient } from "json-rpc-2.0";
+// declaring the JSONRPCClient
+const client = new JSONRPCClient((jsonRPCRequest) => {
+// hitting the same JSON RPC Server we coded above
+ return fetch("http://localhost:5555", {
+ method: "POST",
+ headers: {
+ "content-type": "application/json",
+ },
+ body: JSON.stringify(jsonRPCRequest),
+ }).then((response) => {
+ if (response.status === 200) {
+ return response
+ .json()
+ .then((jsonRPCResponse) => client.receive(jsonRPCResponse));
+ } else if (jsonRPCRequest.id !== undefined) {
+ return Promise.reject(new Error(response.statusText));
+ }
+ });
+// declaring a function that takes the name of the foreign call (getSqrt) and the inputs
+const foreignCallHandler = async (name, input) => {
+ const inputs = input[0].map((i) => i.toString("hex"))
+ // notice that the "inputs" parameter contains *all* the inputs
+ // in this case we to make the RPC request with the first parameter "numbers", which would be input[0]
+ const oracleReturn = await client.request("resolve_foreign_call", [
+ {
+ function: name,
+ inputs: [inputs]
+ },
+ ]);
+ return [oracleReturn.values[0]];
+// the rest of your NoirJS code
+const input = { input: [4, 16] };
+const { witness } = await noir.execute(input, foreignCallHandler);
+If you're in a NoirJS environment running your RPC server together with a frontend app, you'll probably hit a familiar problem in full-stack development: requests being blocked by [CORS](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS) policy. For development only, you can simply install and use the [`cors` npm package](https://www.npmjs.com/package/cors) to get around the problem:
+yarn add cors
+and use it as a middleware:
+import cors from "cors";
+const app = express();
+## Conclusion
+Hopefully by the end of this guide, you should be able to:
+- Write your own logic around Oracles and how to write a JSON RPC server to make them work with your Nargo commands.
+- Provide custom foreign call handlers for NoirJS.
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/how_to/how-to-recursion.md b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/how_to/how-to-recursion.md
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+title: How to use recursion on NoirJS
+description: Learn how to implement recursion with NoirJS, a powerful tool for creating smart contracts on the EVM blockchain. This guide assumes familiarity with NoirJS, solidity verifiers, and the Barretenberg proving backend. Discover how to generate both final and intermediate proofs using `noir_js` and `bb.js`.
+ [
+ "NoirJS",
+ "EVM blockchain",
+ "smart contracts",
+ "recursion",
+ "solidity verifiers",
+ "Barretenberg backend",
+ "noir_js",
+ "intermediate proofs",
+ "final proofs",
+ "nargo compile",
+ "json import",
+ "recursive circuit",
+ "recursive app"
+ ]
+sidebar_position: 1
+This guide shows you how to use recursive proofs in your NoirJS app. For the sake of clarity, it is assumed that:
+- You already have a NoirJS app. If you don't, please visit the [NoirJS tutorial](../tutorials/noirjs_app.md) and the [reference](../reference/NoirJS/noir_js/index.md).
+- You are familiar with what are recursive proofs and you have read the [recursion explainer](../explainers/explainer-recursion.md)
+- You already built a recursive circuit following [the reference](../noir/standard_library/recursion.mdx), and understand how it works.
+It is also assumed that you're not using `noir_wasm` for compilation, and instead you've used [`nargo compile`](../reference/nargo_commands.md) to generate the `json` you're now importing into your project. However, the guide should work just the same if you're using `noir_wasm`.
+As you've read in the [explainer](../explainers/explainer-recursion.md), a recursive proof is an intermediate proof. This means that it doesn't necessarily generate the final step that makes it verifiable in a smart contract. However, it is easy to verify within another circuit.
+In a standard recursive app, you're also dealing with at least two circuits. For the purpose of this guide, we will assume the following:
+- `main`: a circuit of type `assert(x != y)`, which we want to embed in another circuit recursively. For example when proving with the `bb` tool, we can use the `--recursive` CLI option to tell the backend that it should generate proofs that are friendly for verification within another circuit.
+- `recursive`: a circuit that verifies `main`
+For a full example of how recursive proofs work, please refer to the [noir-examples](https://github.com/noir-lang/noir-examples) repository. We will *not* be using it as a reference for this guide.
+## Step 1: Setup
+In a common NoirJS app, you need to instantiate a backend with something like `const backend = new Backend(circuit)`. Then you feed it to the `noir_js` interface.
+For recursion, this doesn't happen, and the only need for `noir_js` is only to `execute` a circuit and get its witness and return value. Everything else is not interfaced, so it needs to happen on the `backend` object.
+It is also recommended that you instantiate the backend with as many threads as possible, to allow for maximum concurrency:
+const backend = new UltraPlonkBackend(circuit, { threads: 8 }, { recursive: true })
+You can use the [`os.cpus()`](https://nodejs.org/api/os.html#oscpus) object in `nodejs` or [`navigator.hardwareConcurrency`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/hardwareConcurrency) on the browser to make the most out of those glorious cpu cores
+## Step 2: Generating the witness and the proof for `main`
+After instantiating the backend, you should also instantiate `noir_js`. We will use it to execute the circuit and get the witness.
+const noir = new Noir(circuit)
+const { witness } = noir.execute(input)
+With this witness, you are now able to generate the intermediate proof for the main circuit:
+const { proof, publicInputs } = await backend.generateProof(witness)
+Always keep in mind what is actually happening on your development process, otherwise you'll quickly become confused about what circuit we are actually running and why!
+In this case, you can imagine that Alice (running the `main` circuit) is proving something to Bob (running the `recursive` circuit), and Bob is verifying her proof within his proof.
+With this in mind, it becomes clear that our intermediate proof is the one *meant to be verified within another circuit*, so it must be Alice's. Actually, the only final proof in this theoretical scenario would be the last one, sent on-chain.
+## Step 3 - Verification and proof artifacts
+Optionally, you are able to verify the intermediate proof:
+const verified = await backend.verifyProof({ proof, publicInputs })
+This can be useful to make sure our intermediate proof was correctly generated. But the real goal is to do it within another circuit. For that, we need to generate recursive proof artifacts that will be passed to the circuit that is verifying the proof we just generated. Instead of passing the proof and verification key as a byte array, we pass them as fields which makes it cheaper to verify in a circuit:
+const { proofAsFields, vkAsFields, vkHash } = await backend.generateRecursiveProofArtifacts( { publicInputs, proof }, publicInputsCount)
+This call takes the public inputs and the proof, but also the public inputs count. While this is easily retrievable by simply counting the `publicInputs` length, the backend interface doesn't currently abstract it away.
+The `proofAsFields` has a constant size `[Field; 93]` and verification keys in Barretenberg are always `[Field; 114]`.
+One common mistake is to forget *who* makes this call.
+In a situation where Alice is generating the `main` proof, if she generates the proof artifacts and sends them to Bob, which gladly takes them as true, this would mean Alice could prove anything!
+Instead, Bob needs to make sure *he* extracts the proof artifacts, using his own instance of the `main` circuit backend. This way, Alice has to provide a valid proof for the correct `main` circuit.
+## Step 4 - Recursive proof generation
+With the artifacts, generating a recursive proof is no different from a normal proof. You simply use the `backend` (with the recursive circuit) to generate it:
+const recursiveInputs = {
+ verification_key: vkAsFields, // array of length 114
+ proof: proofAsFields, // array of length 93 + size of public inputs
+ publicInputs: [mainInput.y], // using the example above, where `y` is the only public input
+ key_hash: vkHash,
+const { witness, returnValue } = noir.execute(recursiveInputs) // we're executing the recursive circuit now!
+const { proof, publicInputs } = backend.generateProof(witness)
+const verified = backend.verifyProof({ proof, publicInputs })
+You can obviously chain this proof into another proof. In fact, if you're using recursive proofs, you're probably interested of using them this way!
+Managing circuits and "who does what" can be confusing. To make sure your naming is consistent, you can keep them in an object. For example:
+const circuits = {
+ main: mainJSON,
+ recursive: recursiveJSON
+const backends = {
+ main: new BarretenbergBackend(circuits.main),
+ recursive: new BarretenbergBackend(circuits.recursive)
+const noir_programs = {
+ main: new Noir(circuits.main),
+ recursive: new Noir(circuits.recursive)
+This allows you to neatly call exactly the method you want without conflicting names:
+// Alice runs this π
+const { witness: mainWitness } = await noir_programs.main.execute(input)
+const proof = await backends.main.generateProof(mainWitness)
+// Bob runs this π
+const verified = await backends.main.verifyProof(proof)
+const { proofAsFields, vkAsFields, vkHash } = await backends.main.generateRecursiveProofArtifacts(
+ proof,
+ numPublicInputs,
+const { witness: recursiveWitness } = await noir_programs.recursive.execute(recursiveInputs)
+const recursiveProof = await backends.recursive.generateProof(recursiveWitness);
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+title: Generate a Solidity Verifier
+ Learn how to run the verifier as a smart contract on the blockchain. Compile a Solidity verifier
+ contract for your Noir program and deploy it on any EVM blockchain acting as a verifier smart
+ contract. Read more to find out
+ [
+ solidity verifier,
+ smart contract,
+ blockchain,
+ compiler,
+ plonk_vk.sol,
+ EVM blockchain,
+ verifying Noir programs,
+ proving backend,
+ Barretenberg,
+ ]
+sidebar_position: 0
+pagination_next: tutorials/noirjs_app
+Noir has the ability to generate a verifier contract in Solidity, which can be deployed in many EVM-compatible blockchains such as Ethereum.
+This allows for a powerful feature set, as one can make use of the conciseness and the privacy provided by Noir in an immutable ledger. Applications can range from simple P2P guessing games, to complex private DeFi interactions.
+This guide shows you how to generate a Solidity Verifier and deploy it on the [Remix IDE](https://remix.ethereum.org/). It is assumed that:
+- You are comfortable with the Solidity programming language and understand how contracts are deployed on the Ethereum network
+- You have Noir installed and you have a Noir program. If you don't, [get started](../getting_started/quick_start.md) with Nargo and the example Hello Noir circuit
+- You are comfortable navigating RemixIDE. If you aren't or you need a refresher, you can find some video tutorials [here](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjTUPyFEr2xDGN6Cg8nKDaA) that could help you.
+## Rundown
+Generating a Solidity Verifier contract is actually a one-command process. However, compiling it and deploying it can have some caveats. Here's the rundown of this guide:
+1. How to generate a solidity smart contract
+2. How to compile the smart contract in the RemixIDE
+3. How to deploy it to a testnet
+## Step 1 - Generate a contract
+This is by far the most straightforward step. Just run:
+nargo compile
+This will compile your source code into a Noir build artifact to be stored in the `./target` directory, you can then generate the smart contract using the commands:
+# Here we pass the path to the newly generated Noir artifact.
+bb write_vk -b ./target/.json
+bb contract
+replacing `` with the name of your Noir project. A new `contract` folder would then be generated in your project directory, containing the Solidity
+file `contract.sol`. It can be deployed to any EVM blockchain acting as a verifier smart contract.
+You can find more information about `bb` and the default Noir proving backend on [this page](../getting_started/quick_start.md#proving-backend).
+It is possible to generate verifier contracts of Noir programs for other smart contract platforms as long as the proving backend supplies an implementation.
+Barretenberg, the default proving backend for Nargo, supports generation of verifier contracts, for the time being these are only in Solidity.
+## Step 2 - Compiling
+We will mostly skip the details of RemixIDE, as the UI can change from version to version. For now, we can just open
+Remix and create a blank workspace.
+![Create Workspace](@site/static/img/how-tos/solidity_verifier_1.png)
+We will create a new file to contain the contract Nargo generated, and copy-paste its content.
+You'll likely see a warning advising you to not trust pasted code. While it is an important warning, it is irrelevant in the context of this guide and can be ignored. We will not be deploying anywhere near a mainnet.
+To compile our the verifier, we can navigate to the compilation tab:
+![Compilation Tab](@site/static/img/how-tos/solidity_verifier_2.png)
+Remix should automatically match a suitable compiler version. However, hitting the "Compile" button will most likely generate a "Stack too deep" error:
+![Stack too deep](@site/static/img/how-tos/solidity_verifier_3.png)
+This is due to the verify function needing to put many variables on the stack, but enabling the optimizer resolves the issue. To do this, let's open the "Advanced Configurations" tab and enable optimization. The default 200 runs will suffice.
+This time we will see a warning about an unused function parameter. This is expected, as the `verify` function doesn't use the `_proof` parameter inside a solidity block, it is loaded from calldata and used in assembly.
+![Compilation success](@site/static/img/how-tos/solidity_verifier_4.png)
+## Step 3 - Deploying
+At this point we should have a compiled contract ready to deploy. If we navigate to the deploy section in Remix, we will see many different environments we can deploy to. The steps to deploy on each environment would be out-of-scope for this guide, so we will just use the default Remix VM.
+Looking closely, we will notice that our "Solidity Verifier" is actually three contracts working together:
+- An `UltraVerificationKey` library which simply stores the verification key for our circuit.
+- An abstract contract `BaseUltraVerifier` containing most of the verifying logic.
+- A main `UltraVerifier` contract that inherits from the Base and uses the Key contract.
+Remix will take care of the dependencies for us so we can simply deploy the UltraVerifier contract by selecting it and hitting "deploy":
+![Deploying UltraVerifier](@site/static/img/how-tos/solidity_verifier_5.png)
+A contract will show up in the "Deployed Contracts" section, where we can retrieve the Verification Key Hash. This is particularly useful for double-checking that the deployer contract is the correct one.
+Why "UltraVerifier"?
+To be precise, the Noir compiler (`nargo`) doesn't generate the verifier contract directly. It compiles the Noir code into an intermediate language (ACIR), which is then executed by the backend. So it is the backend that returns the verifier smart contract, not Noir.
+In this case, the Barretenberg Backend uses the UltraPlonk proving system, hence the "UltraVerifier" name.
+## Step 4 - Verifying
+To verify a proof using the Solidity verifier contract, we call the `verify` function in this extended contract:
+function verify(bytes calldata _proof, bytes32[] calldata _publicInputs) external view returns (bool)
+When using the default example in the [Hello Noir](../getting_started/quick_start.md) guide, the easiest way to confirm that the verifier contract is doing its job is by calling the `verify` function via remix with the required parameters. Note that the public inputs must be passed in separately to the rest of the proof so we must split the proof as returned from `bb`.
+First generate a proof with `bb` at the location `./proof` using the steps in [get started](../getting_started/quick_start.md), this proof is in a binary format but we want to convert it into a hex string to pass into Remix, this can be done with the
+# This value must be changed to match the number of public inputs (including return values!) in your program.
+HEX_PUBLIC_INPUTS=$(head -c $PUBLIC_INPUT_BYTES ./proof | od -An -v -t x1 | tr -d $' \n')
+HEX_PROOF=$(tail -c +$(($PUBLIC_INPUT_BYTES + 1)) ./proof | od -An -v -t x1 | tr -d $' \n')
+echo "Public inputs:"
+echo "Proof:"
+echo "0x$HEX_PROOF"
+Remix expects that the public inputs will be split into an array of `bytes32` values so `HEX_PUBLIC_INPUTS` needs to be split up into 32 byte chunks which are prefixed with `0x` accordingly.
+A programmatic example of how the `verify` function is called can be seen in the example zk voting application [here](https://github.com/noir-lang/noir-examples/blob/33e598c257e2402ea3a6b68dd4c5ad492bce1b0a/foundry-voting/src/zkVote.sol#L35):
+function castVote(bytes calldata proof, uint proposalId, uint vote, bytes32 nullifierHash) public returns (bool) {
+ // ...
+ bytes32[] memory publicInputs = new bytes32[](4);
+ publicInputs[0] = merkleRoot;
+ publicInputs[1] = bytes32(proposalId);
+ publicInputs[2] = bytes32(vote);
+ publicInputs[3] = nullifierHash;
+ require(verifier.verify(proof, publicInputs), "Invalid proof");
+:::info[Return Values]
+A circuit doesn't have the concept of a return value. Return values are just syntactic sugar in Noir.
+Under the hood, the return value is passed as an input to the circuit and is checked at the end of the circuit program.
+For example, if you have Noir program like this:
+fn main(
+ // Public inputs
+ pubkey_x: pub Field,
+ pubkey_y: pub Field,
+ // Private inputs
+ priv_key: Field,
+) -> pub Field
+the `verify` function will expect the public inputs array (second function parameter) to be of length 3, the two inputs and the return value.
+Passing only two inputs will result in an error such as `PUBLIC_INPUT_COUNT_INVALID(3, 2)`.
+In this case, the inputs parameter to `verify` would be an array ordered as `[pubkey_x, pubkey_y, return`.
+You can pass structs to the verifier contract. They will be flattened so that the array of inputs is 1-dimensional array.
+For example, consider the following program:
+struct Type1 {
+ val1: Field,
+ val2: Field,
+struct Nested {
+ t1: Type1,
+ is_true: bool,
+fn main(x: pub Field, nested: pub Nested, y: pub Field) {
+ //...
+The order of these inputs would be flattened to: `[x, nested.t1.val1, nested.t1.val2, nested.is_true, y]`
+The other function you can call is our entrypoint `verify` function, as defined above.
+It's worth noticing that the `verify` function is actually a `view` function. A `view` function does not alter the blockchain state, so it doesn't need to be distributed (i.e. it will run only on the executing node), and therefore doesn't cost any gas.
+This can be particularly useful in some situations. If Alice generated a proof and wants Bob to verify its correctness, Bob doesn't need to run Nargo, NoirJS, or any Noir specific infrastructure. He can simply make a call to the blockchain with the proof and verify it is correct without paying any gas.
+It would be incorrect to say that a Noir proof verification costs any gas at all. However, most of the time the result of `verify` is used to modify state (for example, to update a balance, a game state, etc). In that case the whole network needs to execute it, which does incur gas costs (calldata and execution, but not storage).
+## A Note on EVM chains
+Noir proof verification requires the ecMul, ecAdd and ecPairing precompiles. Not all EVM chains support EC Pairings, notably some of the ZK-EVMs. This means that you won't be able to use the verifier contract in all of them. You can find an incomplete list of which EVM chains support these precompiles [here](https://www.evmdiff.com/features?feature=precompiles).
+For example, chains like `zkSync ERA` and `Polygon zkEVM` do not currently support these precompiles, so proof verification via Solidity verifier contracts won't work. Here's a quick list of EVM chains that have been tested and are known to work:
+- Optimism
+- Arbitrum
+- Polygon PoS
+- Scroll
+- Celo
+- BSC
+- Blast L2
+- Avalanche C-Chain
+- Mode
+- Linea
+- Moonbeam
+If you test any other chains, please open a PR on this page to update the list. See [this doc](https://github.com/noir-lang/noir-starter/tree/main/with-foundry#testing-on-chain) for more info about testing verifier contracts on different EVM chains.
+## What's next
+Now that you know how to call a Noir Solidity Verifier on a smart contract using Remix, you should be comfortable with using it with some programmatic frameworks, such as [hardhat](https://github.com/noir-lang/noir-starter/tree/main/vite-hardhat) and [foundry](https://github.com/noir-lang/noir-starter/tree/main/with-foundry).
+You can find other tools, examples, boilerplates and libraries in the [awesome-noir](https://github.com/noir-lang/awesome-noir) repository.
+You should also be ready to write and deploy your first NoirJS app and start generating proofs on websites, phones, and NodeJS environments! Head on to the [NoirJS tutorial](../tutorials/noirjs_app.md) to learn how to do that.
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+title: Prove Merkle Tree Membership
+ Learn how to use merkle membership proof in Noir to prove that a given leaf is a member of a
+ merkle tree with a specified root, at a given index.
+ [merkle proof, merkle membership proof, Noir, rust, hash function, Pedersen, sha256, merkle tree]
+sidebar_position: 4
+Let's walk through an example of a merkle membership proof in Noir that proves that a given leaf is
+in a merkle tree.
+fn main(message : [Field; 62], index : Field, hashpath : [Field; 40], root : Field) {
+ let leaf = std::hash::hash_to_field(message.as_slice());
+ let merkle_root = std::merkle::compute_merkle_root(leaf, index, hashpath);
+ assert(merkle_root == root);
+The message is hashed using `hash_to_field`. The specific hash function that is being used is chosen
+by the backend. The only requirement is that this hash function can heuristically be used as a
+random oracle. If only collision resistance is needed, then one can call `std::hash::pedersen_hash`
+let leaf = std::hash::hash_to_field(message.as_slice());
+The leaf is then passed to a compute_merkle_root function with the root, index and hashpath. The returned root can then be asserted to be the same as the provided root.
+let merkle_root = std::merkle::compute_merkle_root(leaf, index, hashpath);
+assert (merkle_root == root);
+> **Note:** It is possible to re-implement the merkle tree implementation without standard library.
+> However, for most usecases, it is enough. In general, the standard library will always opt to be
+> as conservative as possible, while striking a balance with efficiency.
+An example, the merkle membership proof, only requires a hash function that has collision
+resistance, hence a hash function like Pedersen is allowed, which in most cases is more efficient
+than the even more conservative sha256.
+[View an example on the starter repo](https://github.com/noir-lang/noir-examples/blob/3ea09545cabfa464124ec2f3ea8e60c608abe6df/stealthdrop/circuits/src/main.nr#L20)
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/how_to/using-devcontainers.mdx b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/how_to/using-devcontainers.mdx
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+title: Developer Containers and Codespaces
+description: "Learn how to set up a devcontainer in your GitHub repository for a seamless coding experience with Codespaces. Follow our easy 8-step guide to create your own Noir environment without installing Nargo locally."
+keywords: ["Devcontainer", "Codespaces", "GitHub", "Noir Environment", "Docker Image", "Development Environment", "Remote Coding", "GitHub Codespaces", "Noir Programming", "Nargo", "VSCode Extensions", "Noirup"]
+sidebar_position: 1
+Adding a developer container configuration file to your Noir project is one of the easiest way to unlock coding in browser.
+## What's a devcontainer after all?
+A [Developer Container](https://containers.dev/) (devcontainer for short) is a Docker image that comes preloaded with tools, extensions, and other tools you need to quickly get started or continue a project, without having to install Nargo locally. Think of it as a development environment in a box.
+There are many advantages to this:
+- It's platform and architecture agnostic
+- You don't need to have an IDE installed, or Nargo, or use a terminal at all
+- It's safer for using on a public machine or public network
+One of the best ways of using devcontainers is... not using your machine at all, for maximum control, performance, and ease of use.
+Enter Codespaces.
+## Codespaces
+If a devcontainer is just a Docker image, then what stops you from provisioning a `p3dn.24xlarge` AWS EC2 instance with 92 vCPUs and 768 GiB RAM and using it to prove your 10-gate SNARK proof?
+Nothing! Except perhaps the 30-40$ per hour it will cost you.
+The problem is that provisioning takes time, and I bet you don't want to see the AWS console every time you want to code something real quick.
+Fortunately, there's an easy and free way to get a decent remote machine ready and loaded in less than 2 minutes: Codespaces. [Codespaces is a Github feature](https://github.com/features/codespaces) that allows you to code in a remote machine by using devcontainers, and it's pretty cool:
+- You can start coding Noir in less than a minute
+- It uses the resources of a remote machine, so you can code on your grandma's phone if needed be
+- It makes it easy to share work with your frens
+- It's fully reusable, you can stop and restart whenever you need to
+Don't take out your wallet just yet. Free GitHub accounts get about [15-60 hours of coding](https://github.com/features/codespaces) for free per month, depending on the size of your provisioned machine.
+## Tell me it's _actually_ easy
+It is!
+Github comes with a default codespace and you can use it to code your own devcontainer. That's exactly what we will be doing in this guide.
+8 simple steps:
+#### 1. Create a new repository on GitHub.
+#### 2. Click "Start coding with Codespaces". This will use the default image.
+#### 3. Create a folder called `.devcontainer` in the root of your repository.
+#### 4. Create a Dockerfile in that folder, and paste the following code:
+FROM --platform=linux/amd64 node:lts-bookworm-slim
+SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
+RUN apt update && apt install -y curl bash git tar gzip libc++-dev
+RUN curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/noir-lang/noirup/main/install | bash
+ENV PATH="/root/.nargo/bin:$PATH"
+RUN noirup
+ENTRYPOINT ["nargo"]
+#### 5. Create a file called `devcontainer.json` in the same folder, and paste the following code:
+ "name": "Noir on Codespaces",
+ "build": {
+ "context": ".",
+ "dockerfile": "Dockerfile"
+ },
+ "customizations": {
+ "vscode": {
+ "extensions": ["noir-lang.vscode-noir"]
+ }
+ }
+#### 6. Commit and push your changes
+This will pull the new image and build it, so it could take a minute or so
+#### 8. Done!
+Just wait for the build to finish, and there's your easy Noir environment.
+Refer to [noir-starter](https://github.com/noir-lang/noir-starter/) as an example of how devcontainers can be used together with codespaces.
+## How do I use it?
+Using the codespace is obviously much easier than setting it up.
+Just navigate to your repository and click "Code" -> "Open with Codespaces". It should take a few seconds to load, and you're ready to go.
+If you really like the experience, you can add a badge to your readme, links to existing codespaces, and more.
+Check out the [official docs](https://docs.github.com/en/codespaces/setting-up-your-project-for-codespaces/setting-up-your-repository/facilitating-quick-creation-and-resumption-of-codespaces) for more info.
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/index.mdx b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/index.mdx
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+title: Noir Lang
+hide_title: true
+ Learn about the public alpha release of Noir, a domain specific language heavily influenced by Rust that compiles to
+ an intermediate language which can be compiled to an arithmetic circuit or a rank-1 constraint system.
+ [Noir,
+ Domain Specific Language,
+ Rust,
+ Intermediate Language,
+ Arithmetic Circuit,
+ Rank-1 Constraint System,
+ Ethereum Developers,
+ Protocol Developers,
+ Blockchain Developers,
+ Proving System,
+ Smart Contract Language]
+sidebar_position: 0
+import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
+import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
+Noir is an open-source Domain-Specific Language for safe and seamless construction of privacy-preserving Zero-Knowledge programs, requiring no previous knowledge on the underlying mathematics or cryptography.
+ZK programs are programs that can generate short proofs of statements without revealing all inputs to the statements. You can read more about Zero-Knowledge Proofs [here](https://dev.to/spalladino/a-beginners-intro-to-coding-zero-knowledge-proofs-c56).
+## What's new about Noir?
+Noir works differently from most ZK languages by taking a two-pronged path. First, it compiles the program to an adaptable intermediate language known as ACIR. From there, depending on a given project's needs, ACIR can be further compiled into an arithmetic circuit for integration with the proving backend.
+Noir is backend agnostic, which means it makes no assumptions on which proving backend powers the ZK proof. Being the language that powers [Aztec Contracts](https://docs.aztec.network/developers/contracts/main), it defaults to Aztec's Barretenberg proving backend.
+However, the ACIR output can be transformed to be compatible with other PLONK-based backends, or into a [rank-1 constraint system](https://www.rareskills.io/post/rank-1-constraint-system) suitable for backends such as Arkwork's Marlin.
+## Who is Noir for?
+Noir can be used both in complex cloud-based backends and in user's smartphones, requiring no knowledge on the underlying math or cryptography. From authorization systems that keep a password in the user's device, to complex on-chain verification of recursive proofs, Noir is designed to abstract away complexity without any significant overhead. Here are some examples of situations where Noir can be used:
+ Aztec Contracts leverage Noir to allow for the storage and execution of private information. Writing an Aztec Contract is as easy as writing Noir, and Aztec developers can easily interact with the network storage and execution through the [Aztec.nr](https://docs.aztec.network/developers/contracts/main) library.
+ Noir can auto-generate Solidity verifier contracts that verify Noir proofs. This allows for non-interactive verification of proofs containing private information in an immutable system. This feature powers a multitude of use-case scenarios, from P2P chess tournaments, to [Aztec Layer-2 Blockchain](https://docs.aztec.network/)
+ Aztec Labs developed NoirJS, an easy interface to generate and verify Noir proofs in a Javascript environment. This allows for Noir to be used in webpages, mobile apps, games, and any other environment supporting JS execution in a standalone manner.
+## Libraries
+Noir is meant to be easy to extend by simply importing Noir libraries just like in Rust.
+The [awesome-noir repo](https://github.com/noir-lang/awesome-noir#libraries) is a collection of libraries developed by the Noir community.
+Writing a new library is easy and makes code be composable and easy to reuse. See the section on [dependencies](noir/modules_packages_crates/dependencies.md) for more information.
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/migration_notes.md b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/migration_notes.md
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+title: Migration notes
+description: Read about migration notes from previous versions, which could solve problems while updating
+keywords: [Noir, notes, migration, updating, upgrading]
+Noir is in full-speed development. Things break fast, wild, and often. This page attempts to leave some notes on errors you might encounter when upgrading and how to resolve them until proper patches are built.
+### `backend encountered an error: libc++.so.1`
+Depending on your OS, you may encounter the following error when running `nargo prove` for the first time:
+The backend encountered an error: "/home/codespace/.nargo/backends/acvm-backend-barretenberg/backend_binary: error while loading shared libraries: libc++.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory\n"
+Install the `libc++-dev` library with:
+sudo apt install libc++-dev
+## β₯0.19
+### Enforcing `compiler_version`
+From this version on, the compiler will check for the `compiler_version` field in `Nargo.toml`, and will error if it doesn't match the current Nargo version in use.
+To update, please make sure this field in `Nargo.toml` matches the output of `nargo --version`.
+## β₯0.14
+The index of the [for loops](noir/concepts/control_flow.md#loops) is now of type `u64` instead of `Field`. An example refactor would be:
+for i in 0..10 {
+ let i = i as Field;
+## β₯v0.11.0 and Nargo backend
+From this version onwards, Nargo starts managing backends through the `nargo backend` command. Upgrading to the versions per usual steps might lead to:
+### `backend encountered an error`
+This is likely due to the existing locally installed version of proving backend (e.g. barretenberg) is incompatible with the version of Nargo in use.
+To fix the issue:
+1. Uninstall the existing backend
+nargo backend uninstall acvm-backend-barretenberg
+You may replace _acvm-backend-barretenberg_ with the name of your backend listed in `nargo backend ls` or in ~/.nargo/backends.
+2. Reinstall a compatible version of the proving backend.
+If you are using the default barretenberg backend, simply run:
+nargo prove
+with your Noir program.
+This will trigger the download and installation of the latest version of barretenberg compatible with your Nargo in use.
+### `backend encountered an error: illegal instruction`
+On certain Intel-based systems, an `illegal instruction` error may arise due to incompatibility of barretenberg with certain CPU instructions.
+To fix the issue:
+1. Uninstall the existing backend
+nargo backend uninstall acvm-backend-barretenberg
+You may replace _acvm-backend-barretenberg_ with the name of your backend listed in `nargo backend ls` or in ~/.nargo/backends.
+2. Reinstall a compatible version of the proving backend.
+If you are using the default barretenberg backend, simply run:
+nargo backend install acvm-backend-barretenberg https://github.com/noir-lang/barretenberg-js-binary/raw/master/run-bb.tar.gz
+This downloads and installs a specific bb.js based version of barretenberg binary from GitHub.
+The gzipped file is running [this bash script](https://github.com/noir-lang/barretenberg-js-binary/blob/master/run-bb-js.sh), where we need to gzip it as the Nargo currently expect the backend to be zipped up.
+Then run:
+DESIRED_BINARY_VERSION=0.8.1 nargo info
+This overrides the bb native binary with a bb.js node application instead, which should be compatible with most if not all hardware. This does come with the drawback of being generally slower than native binary.
+0.8.1 indicates bb.js version 0.8.1, so if you change that it will update to a different version or the default version in the script if none was supplied.
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/_category_.json b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/_category_.json
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "label": "Concepts",
+ "position": 0,
+ "collapsible": true,
+ "collapsed": true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/assert.md b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/assert.md
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+++ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/assert.md
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+title: Assert Function
+ Learn about the `assert` and `static_assert` functions in Noir, which can be used to explicitly
+ constrain the predicate or comparison expression that follows to be true, and what happens if
+ the expression is false at runtime or compile-time, respectively.
+keywords: [Noir programming language, assert statement, predicate expression, comparison expression]
+sidebar_position: 4
+Noir includes a special `assert` function which will explicitly constrain the predicate/comparison
+expression that follows to be true. If this expression is false at runtime, the program will fail to
+be proven. Example:
+fn main(x : Field, y : Field) {
+ assert(x == y);
+> Assertions only work for predicate operations, such as `==`. If there's any ambiguity on the operation, the program will fail to compile. For example, it is unclear if `assert(x + y)` would check for `x + y == 0` or simply would return `true`.
+You can optionally provide a message to be logged when the assertion fails:
+assert(x == y, "x and y are not equal");
+Aside string literals, the optional message can be a format string or any other type supported as input for Noir's [print](../standard_library/logging.md) functions. This feature lets you incorporate runtime variables into your failed assertion logs:
+assert(x == y, f"Expected x == y, but got {x} == {y}");
+Using a variable as an assertion message directly:
+struct myStruct {
+ myField: Field
+let s = myStruct { myField: y };
+assert(s.myField == x, s);
+There is also a special `static_assert` function that behaves like `assert`,
+but that runs at compile-time.
+fn main(xs: [Field; 3]) {
+ let x = 2 + 2;
+ let y = 4;
+ static_assert(x == y, "expected 2 + 2 to equal 4");
+ // This passes since the length of `xs` is known at compile-time
+ static_assert(xs.len() == 3, "expected the input to have 3 elements");
+This function fails when passed a dynamic (run-time) argument:
+fn main(x : Field, y : Field) {
+ // this fails because `x` is not known at compile-time
+ static_assert(x == 2, "expected x to be known at compile-time and equal to 2");
+ let mut example_slice = &[];
+ if y == 4 {
+ example_slice = example_slice.push_back(0);
+ }
+ // This fails because the length of `example_slice` is not known at
+ // compile-time
+ let error_message = "expected an empty slice, known at compile-time";
+ static_assert(example_slice.len() == 0, error_message);
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/comments.md b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/comments.md
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index 00000000000..b51a85f5c94
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+++ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/comments.md
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+title: Comments
+ Learn how to write comments in Noir programming language. A comment is a line of code that is
+ ignored by the compiler, but it can be read by programmers. Single-line and multi-line comments
+ are supported in Noir.
+keywords: [Noir programming language, comments, single-line comments, multi-line comments]
+sidebar_position: 10
+A comment is a line in your codebase which the compiler ignores, however it can be read by
+Here is a single line comment:
+// This is a comment and is ignored
+`//` is used to tell the compiler to ignore the rest of the line.
+Noir also supports multi-line block comments. Start a block comment with `/*` and end the block with `*/`.
+Noir does not natively support doc comments. You may be able to use [Rust doc comments](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/comments.html) in your code to leverage some Rust documentation build tools with Noir code.
+ This is a block comment describing a complex function.
+fn main(x : Field, y : pub Field) {
+ assert(x != y);
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/comptime.md b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/comptime.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+title: Compile-time Code & Metaprogramming
+description: Learn how to use metaprogramming in Noir to create macros or derive your own traits
+keywords: [Noir, comptime, compile-time, metaprogramming, macros, quote, unquote]
+sidebar_position: 15
+## Overview
+Metaprogramming in Noir is comprised of three parts:
+1. `comptime` code
+2. Quoting and unquoting
+3. The metaprogramming API in `std::meta`
+Each of these are explained in more detail in the next sections but the wide picture is that
+`comptime` allows us to write code which runs at compile-time. In this `comptime` code we
+can quote and unquote snippets of the program, manipulate them, and insert them in other
+parts of the program. Comptime functions which do this are said to be macros. Additionally,
+there's a compile-time API of built-in types and functions provided by the compiler which allows
+for greater analysis and modification of programs.
+## Comptime
+`comptime` is a new keyword in Noir which marks an item as executing or existing at compile-time. It can be used in several ways:
+- `comptime fn` to define functions which execute exclusively during compile-time.
+- `comptime global` to define a global variable which is evaluated at compile-time.
+ - Unlike runtime globals, `comptime global`s can be mutable.
+- `comptime { ... }` to execute a block of statements during compile-time.
+- `comptime let` to define a variable whose value is evaluated at compile-time.
+- `comptime for` to run a for loop at compile-time. Syntax sugar for `comptime { for .. }`.
+### Scoping
+Note that while in a `comptime` context, any runtime variables _local to the current function_ are never visible.
+### Evaluating
+Evaluation rules of `comptime` follows the normal unconstrained evaluation rules for other Noir code. There are a few things to note though:
+- Certain built-in functions may not be available, although more may be added over time.
+- Evaluation order of global items is currently unspecified. For example, given the following two functions we can't guarantee
+which `println` will execute first. The ordering of the two printouts will be arbitrary, but should be stable across multiple compilations with the same `nargo` version as long as the program is also unchanged.
+fn one() {
+ comptime { println("one"); }
+fn two() {
+ comptime { println("two"); }
+- Since evaluation order is unspecified, care should be taken when using mutable globals so that they do not rely on a particular ordering.
+For example, using globals to generate unique ids should be fine but relying on certain ids always being produced (especially after edits to the program) should be avoided.
+- Although most ordering of globals is unspecified, two are:
+ - Dependencies of a crate will always be evaluated before the dependent crate.
+ - Any annotations on a function will be run before the function itself is resolved. This is to allow the annotation to modify the function if necessary. Note that if the
+ function itself was called at compile-time previously, it will already be resolved and cannot be modified. To prevent accidentally calling functions you wish to modify
+ at compile-time, it may be helpful to sort your `comptime` annotation functions into a different crate along with any dependencies they require.
+### Lowering
+When a `comptime` value is used in runtime code it must be lowered into a runtime value. This means replacing the expression with the literal that it evaluated to. For example, the code:
+struct Foo { array: [Field; 2], len: u32 }
+fn main() {
+ println(comptime {
+ let mut foo = std::mem::zeroed::();
+ foo.array[0] = 4;
+ foo.len = 1;
+ foo
+ });
+will be converted to the following after `comptime` expressions are evaluated:
+struct Foo { array: [Field; 2], len: u32 }
+fn main() {
+ println(Foo { array: [4, 0], len: 1 });
+Not all types of values can be lowered. For example, `Type`s and `TypeDefinition`s (among other types) cannot be lowered at all.
+fn main() {
+ // There's nothing we could inline here to create a Type value at runtime
+ // let _ = get_type!();
+comptime fn get_type() -> Type { ... }
+## (Quasi) Quote
+Macros in Noir are `comptime` functions which return code as a value which is inserted into the call site when it is lowered there.
+A code value in this case is of type `Quoted` and can be created by a `quote { ... }` expression.
+More specifically, the code value `quote` creates is a token stream - a representation of source code as a series of words, numbers, string literals, or operators.
+For example, the expression `quote { Hi "there reader"! }` would quote three tokens: the word "hi", the string "there reader", and an exclamation mark.
+You'll note that snippets that would otherwise be invalid syntax can still be quoted.
+When a `Quoted` value is used in runtime code, it is lowered into a `quote { ... }` expression. Since this expression is only valid
+in compile-time code however, we'd get an error if we tried this. Instead, we can use macro insertion to insert each token into the
+program at that point, and parse it as an expression. To do this, we have to add a `!` after the function name returning the `Quoted` value.
+If the value was created locally and there is no function returning it, `std::meta::unquote!(_)` can be used instead.
+Calling such a function at compile-time without `!` will just return the `Quoted` value to be further manipulated. For example:
+```rust title="quote-example" showLineNumbers
+comptime fn quote_one() -> Quoted {
+ quote { 1 }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn returning_versus_macro_insertion() {
+ comptime {
+ // let _a: Quoted = quote { 1 };
+ let _a: Quoted = quote_one();
+ // let _b: Field = 1;
+ let _b: Field = quote_one!();
+ // Since integers default to fields, if we
+ // want a different type we have to explicitly cast
+ // let _c: i32 = 1 as i32;
+ let _c: i32 = quote_one!() as i32;
+ }
+ }
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/mod.nr#L120-L140
+For those familiar with quoting from other languages (primarily lisps), Noir's `quote` is actually a _quasiquote_.
+This means we can escape the quoting by using the unquote operator to splice values in the middle of quoted code.
+## Unquote
+The unquote operator `$` is usable within a `quote` expression.
+It takes a variable as an argument, evaluates the variable, and splices the resulting value into the quoted token stream at that point. For example,
+comptime {
+ let x = 1 + 2;
+ let y = quote { $x + 4 };
+The value of `y` above will be the token stream containing `3`, `+`, and `4`. We can also use this to combine `Quoted` values into larger token streams:
+comptime {
+ let x = quote { 1 + 2 };
+ let y = quote { $x + 4 };
+The value of `y` above is now the token stream containing five tokens: `1 + 2 + 4`.
+Note that to unquote something, a variable name _must_ follow the `$` operator in a token stream.
+If it is an expression (even a parenthesized one), it will do nothing. Most likely a parse error will be given when the macro is later unquoted.
+Unquoting can also be avoided by escaping the `$` with a backslash:
+comptime {
+ let x = quote { 1 + 2 };
+ // y contains the four tokens: `$x + 4`
+ let y = quote { \$x + 4 };
+## Annotations
+Annotations provide a way to run a `comptime` function on an item in the program.
+When you use an annotation, the function with the same name will be called with that item as an argument:
+struct Foo {}
+comptime fn my_struct_annotation(s: StructDefinition) {
+ println("Called my_struct_annotation!");
+fn foo() {}
+comptime fn my_function_annotation(f: FunctionDefinition) {
+ println("Called my_function_annotation!");
+Anything returned from one of these functions will be inserted at top-level along with the original item.
+Note that expressions are not valid at top-level so you'll get an error trying to return `3` or similar just as if you tried to write a program containing `3; struct Foo {}`.
+You can insert other top-level items such as trait impls, structs, or functions this way though.
+For example, this is the mechanism used to insert additional trait implementations into the program when deriving a trait impl from a struct:
+```rust title="derive-field-count-example" showLineNumbers
+trait FieldCount {
+ fn field_count() -> u32;
+ }
+ #[derive_field_count]
+ struct Bar {
+ x: Field,
+ y: [Field; 2],
+ }
+ comptime fn derive_field_count(s: StructDefinition) -> Quoted {
+ let typ = s.as_type();
+ let field_count = s.fields().len();
+ quote {
+ impl FieldCount for $typ {
+ fn field_count() -> u32 {
+ $field_count
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/mod.nr#L142-L164
+### Calling annotations with additional arguments
+Arguments may optionally be given to annotations.
+When this is done, these additional arguments are passed to the annotation function after the item argument.
+```rust title="annotation-arguments-example" showLineNumbers
+#[assert_field_is_type(quote { i32 }.as_type())]
+ struct MyStruct {
+ my_field: i32,
+ }
+ comptime fn assert_field_is_type(s: StructDefinition, typ: Type) {
+ // Assert the first field in `s` has type `typ`
+ let fields = s.fields();
+ assert_eq(fields[0].1, typ);
+ }
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/mod.nr#L166-L177
+We can also take any number of arguments by adding the `varargs` annotation:
+```rust title="annotation-varargs-example" showLineNumbers
+#[assert_three_args(1, 2, 3)]
+ struct MyOtherStruct {
+ my_other_field: u32,
+ }
+ #[varargs]
+ comptime fn assert_three_args(_s: StructDefinition, args: [Field]) {
+ assert_eq(args.len(), 3);
+ }
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/mod.nr#L179-L189
+## Comptime API
+Although `comptime`, `quote`, and unquoting provide a flexible base for writing macros,
+Noir's true metaprogramming ability comes from being able to interact with the compiler through a compile-time API.
+This API can be accessed through built-in functions in `std::meta` as well as on methods of several `comptime` types.
+The following is an incomplete list of some `comptime` types along with some useful methods on them. You can see more in the standard library [Metaprogramming section](../standard_library/meta).
+- `Quoted`: A token stream
+- `Type`: The type of a Noir type
+ - `fn implements(self, constraint: TraitConstraint) -> bool`
+ - Returns true if `self` implements the given trait constraint
+- `Expr`: A syntactically valid expression. Can be used to recur on a program's parse tree to inspect how it is structured.
+ - Methods:
+ - `fn as_function_call(self) -> Option<(Expr, [Expr])>`
+ - If this is a function call expression, return `(function, arguments)`
+ - `fn as_block(self) -> Option<[Expr]>`
+ - If this is a block, return each statement in the block
+- `FunctionDefinition`: A function definition
+ - Methods:
+ - `fn parameters(self) -> [(Quoted, Type)]`
+ - Returns a slice of `(name, type)` pairs for each parameter
+- `StructDefinition`: A struct definition
+ - Methods:
+ - `fn as_type(self) -> Type`
+ - Returns this `StructDefinition` as a `Type`. Any generics are kept as-is
+ - `fn generics(self) -> [Quoted]`
+ - Return the name of each generic on this struct
+ - `fn fields(self) -> [(Quoted, Type)]`
+ - Return the name and type of each field
+- `TraitConstraint`: A trait constraint such as `From`
+- `TypedExpr`: A type-checked expression.
+- `UnresolvedType`: A syntactic notation that refers to a Noir type that hasn't been resolved yet
+There are many more functions available by exploring the `std::meta` module and its submodules.
+Using these methods is the key to writing powerful metaprogramming libraries.
+### `#[use_callers_scope]`
+Since certain functions such as `Quoted::as_type`, `Expression::as_type`, or `Quoted::as_trait_constraint` will attempt
+to resolve their contents in a particular scope - it can be useful to change the scope they resolve in. By default
+these functions will resolve in the current function's scope which is usually the attribute function they are called in.
+If you're working on a library however, this may be a completely different module or crate to the item you're trying to
+use the attribute on. If you want to be able to use `Quoted::as_type` to refer to types local to the caller's scope for
+example, you can annotate your attribute function with `#[use_callers_scope]`. This will ensure your attribute, and any
+closures it uses, can refer to anything in the caller's scope. `#[use_callers_scope]` also works recursively. So if both
+your attribute function and a helper function it calls use it, then they can both refer to the same original caller.
+## Example: Derive
+Using all of the above, we can write a `derive` macro that behaves similarly to Rust's but is not built into the language.
+From the user's perspective it will look like this:
+// Example usage
+#[derive(Default, Eq, Ord)]
+struct MyStruct { my_field: u32 }
+To implement `derive` we'll have to create a `comptime` function that accepts
+a variable amount of traits.
+```rust title="derive_example" showLineNumbers
+// These are needed for the unconstrained hashmap we're using to store derive functions
+use crate::collections::umap::UHashMap;
+use crate::hash::BuildHasherDefault;
+use crate::hash::poseidon2::Poseidon2Hasher;
+// A derive function is one that given a struct definition can
+// create us a quoted trait impl from it.
+pub type DeriveFunction = fn(StructDefinition) -> Quoted;
+// We'll keep a global HANDLERS map to keep track of the derive handler for each trait
+comptime mut global HANDLERS: UHashMap> =
+ UHashMap::default();
+// Given a struct and a slice of traits to derive, create trait impls for each.
+// This function is as simple as iterating over the slice, checking if we have a trait
+// handler registered for the given trait, calling it, and appending the result.
+pub comptime fn derive(s: StructDefinition, traits: [TraitDefinition]) -> Quoted {
+ let mut result = quote {};
+ for trait_to_derive in traits {
+ let handler = unsafe { HANDLERS.get(trait_to_derive) };
+ assert(handler.is_some(), f"No derive function registered for `{trait_to_derive}`");
+ let trait_impl = handler.unwrap()(s);
+ result = quote { $result $trait_impl };
+ }
+ result
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/mod.nr#L31-L64
+Registering a derive function could be done as follows:
+```rust title="derive_via" showLineNumbers
+// To register a handler for a trait, just add it to our handlers map
+pub comptime fn derive_via(t: TraitDefinition, f: DeriveFunction) {
+ HANDLERS.insert(t, f);
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/mod.nr#L66-L73
+```rust title="big-derive-usage-example" showLineNumbers
+// Finally, to register a handler we call the above function as an annotation
+ // with our handler function.
+ #[derive_via(derive_do_nothing)]
+ trait DoNothing {
+ fn do_nothing(self);
+ }
+ comptime fn derive_do_nothing(s: StructDefinition) -> Quoted {
+ // This is simplified since we don't handle generics or where clauses!
+ // In a real example we'd likely also need to introduce each of
+ // `s.generics()` as well as a trait constraint for each generic
+ // to ensure they also implement the trait.
+ let typ = s.as_type();
+ quote {
+ impl DoNothing for $typ {
+ fn do_nothing(self) {
+ // Traits can't tell us what to do
+ println("something");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Since `DoNothing` is a simple trait which:
+ // 1. Only has one method
+ // 2. Does not have any generics on the trait itself
+ // We can use `std::meta::make_trait_impl` to help us out.
+ // This helper function will generate our impl for us along with any
+ // necessary where clauses and still provides a flexible interface
+ // for us to work on each field on the struct.
+ comptime fn derive_do_nothing_alt(s: StructDefinition) -> Quoted {
+ let trait_name = quote { DoNothing };
+ let method_signature = quote { fn do_nothing(self) };
+ // Call `do_nothing` recursively on each field in the struct
+ let for_each_field = |field_name| quote { self.$field_name.do_nothing(); };
+ // Some traits like Eq want to join each field expression with something like `&`.
+ // We don't need that here
+ let join_fields_with = quote {};
+ // The body function is a spot to insert any extra setup/teardown needed.
+ // We'll insert our println here. Since we recur on each field, we should see
+ // one println for the struct itself, followed by a println for every field (recursively).
+ let body = |body| quote {
+ println("something");
+ $body
+ };
+ crate::meta::make_trait_impl(
+ s,
+ trait_name,
+ method_signature,
+ for_each_field,
+ join_fields_with,
+ body,
+ )
+ }
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/mod.nr#L191-L249
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/control_flow.md b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/control_flow.md
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+title: Control Flow
+ Learn how to use loops and if expressions in the Noir programming language. Discover the syntax
+ and examples for for loops and if-else statements.
+keywords: [Noir programming language, loops, for loop, if-else statements, Rust syntax]
+sidebar_position: 2
+## If Expressions
+Noir supports `if-else` statements. The syntax is most similar to Rust's where it is not required
+for the statement's conditional to be surrounded by parentheses.
+let a = 0;
+let mut x: u32 = 0;
+if a == 0 {
+ if a != 0 {
+ x = 6;
+ } else {
+ x = 2;
+ }
+} else {
+ x = 5;
+ assert(x == 5);
+assert(x == 2);
+## Loops
+Noir has one kind of loop: the `for` loop. `for` loops allow you to repeat a block of code multiple
+The following block of code between the braces is run 10 times.
+for i in 0..10 {
+ // do something
+Alternatively, `start..=end` can be used for a range that is inclusive on both ends.
+The index for loops is of type `u64`.
+### Break and Continue
+In unconstrained code, `break` and `continue` are also allowed in `for` loops. These are only allowed
+in unconstrained code since normal constrained code requires that Noir knows exactly how many iterations
+a loop may have. `break` and `continue` can be used like so:
+for i in 0 .. 10 {
+ println("Iteration start")
+ if i == 2 {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if i == 5 {
+ break;
+ }
+ println(i);
+println("Loop end")
+When used, `break` will end the current loop early and jump to the statement after the for loop. In the example
+above, the `break` will stop the loop and jump to the `println("Loop end")`.
+`continue` will stop the current iteration of the loop, and jump to the start of the next iteration. In the example
+above, `continue` will jump to `println("Iteration start")` when used. Note that the loop continues as normal after this.
+The iteration variable `i` is still increased by one as normal when `continue` is used.
+`break` and `continue` cannot currently be used to jump out of more than a single loop at a time.
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/data_bus.mdx b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/data_bus.mdx
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+title: Data Bus
+sidebar_position: 13
+import Experimental from '@site/src/components/Notes/_experimental.mdx';
+The data bus is an optimization that the backend can use to make recursion more efficient.
+In order to use it, you must define some inputs of the program entry points (usually the `main()`
+function) with the `call_data` modifier, and the return values with the `return_data` modifier.
+These modifiers are incompatible with `pub` and `mut` modifiers.
+## Example
+fn main(mut x: u32, y: call_data u32, z: call_data [u32;4] ) -> return_data u32 {
+ let a = z[x];
+ a+y
+As a result, both call_data and return_data will be treated as private inputs and encapsulated into a read-only array each, for the backend to process.
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/data_types/_category_.json b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/data_types/_category_.json
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+ "position": 0,
+ "collapsible": true,
+ "collapsed": true
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/data_types/arrays.md b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/data_types/arrays.md
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+title: Arrays
+ Dive into the Array data type in Noir. Grasp its methods, practical examples, and best practices for efficiently using Arrays in your Noir code.
+ [
+ noir,
+ array type,
+ methods,
+ examples,
+ indexing,
+ ]
+sidebar_position: 4
+An array is one way of grouping together values into one compound type. Array types can be inferred
+or explicitly specified via the syntax `[; ]`:
+fn main(x : Field, y : Field) {
+ let my_arr = [x, y];
+ let your_arr: [Field; 2] = [x, y];
+Here, both `my_arr` and `your_arr` are instantiated as an array containing two `Field` elements.
+Array elements can be accessed using indexing:
+fn main() {
+ let a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
+ let first = a[0];
+ let second = a[1];
+All elements in an array must be of the same type (i.e. homogeneous). That is, an array cannot group
+a `Field` value and a `u8` value together for example.
+You can write mutable arrays, like:
+fn main() {
+ let mut arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
+ assert(arr[0] == 1);
+ arr[0] = 42;
+ assert(arr[0] == 42);
+You can instantiate a new array of a fixed size with the same value repeated for each element. The following example instantiates an array of length 32 where each element is of type Field and has the value 0.
+let array: [Field; 32] = [0; 32];
+Like in Rust, arrays in Noir are a fixed size. However, if you wish to convert an array to a [slice](./slices.mdx), you can just call `as_slice` on your array:
+let array: [Field; 32] = [0; 32];
+let sl = array.as_slice()
+You can define multidimensional arrays:
+let array : [[Field; 2]; 2];
+let element = array[0][0];
+However, multidimensional slices are not supported. For example, the following code will error at compile time:
+let slice : [[Field]] = &[];
+## Types
+You can create arrays of primitive types or structs. There is not yet support for nested arrays
+(arrays of arrays) or arrays of structs that contain arrays.
+## Methods
+For convenience, the STD provides some ready-to-use, common methods for arrays.
+Each of these functions are located within the generic impl `impl [T; N] {`.
+So anywhere `self` appears, it refers to the variable `self: [T; N]`.
+### len
+Returns the length of an array
+fn len(self) -> Field
+fn main() {
+ let array = [42, 42];
+ assert(array.len() == 2);
+### sort
+Returns a new sorted array. The original array remains untouched. Notice that this function will
+only work for arrays of fields or integers, not for any arbitrary type. This is because the sorting
+logic it uses internally is optimized specifically for these values. If you need a sort function to
+sort any type, you should use the function `sort_via` described below.
+fn sort(self) -> [T; N]
+fn main() {
+ let arr = [42, 32];
+ let sorted = arr.sort();
+ assert(sorted == [32, 42]);
+### sort_via
+Sorts the array with a custom comparison function. The ordering function must return true if the first argument should be sorted to be before the second argument or is equal to the second argument.
+Using this method with an operator like `<` that does not return `true` for equal values will result in an assertion failure for arrays with equal elements.
+fn sort_via(self, ordering: fn(T, T) -> bool) -> [T; N]
+fn main() {
+ let arr = [42, 32]
+ let sorted_ascending = arr.sort_via(|a, b| a <= b);
+ assert(sorted_ascending == [32, 42]); // verifies
+ let sorted_descending = arr.sort_via(|a, b| a >= b);
+ assert(sorted_descending == [32, 42]); // does not verify
+### map
+Applies a function to each element of the array, returning a new array containing the mapped elements.
+fn map(self, f: fn(T) -> U) -> [U; N]
+let a = [1, 2, 3];
+let b = a.map(|a| a * 2); // b is now [2, 4, 6]
+### fold
+Applies a function to each element of the array, returning the final accumulated value. The first
+parameter is the initial value.
+fn fold(self, mut accumulator: U, f: fn(U, T) -> U) -> U
+This is a left fold, so the given function will be applied to the accumulator and first element of
+the array, then the second, and so on. For a given call the expected result would be equivalent to:
+let a1 = [1];
+let a2 = [1, 2];
+let a3 = [1, 2, 3];
+let f = |a, b| a - b;
+a1.fold(10, f) //=> f(10, 1)
+a2.fold(10, f) //=> f(f(10, 1), 2)
+a3.fold(10, f) //=> f(f(f(10, 1), 2), 3)
+fn main() {
+ let arr = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2];
+ let folded = arr.fold(0, |a, b| a + b);
+ assert(folded == 10);
+### reduce
+Same as fold, but uses the first element as the starting element.
+Requires `self` to be non-empty.
+fn reduce(self, f: fn(T, T) -> T) -> T
+fn main() {
+ let arr = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2];
+ let reduced = arr.reduce(|a, b| a + b);
+ assert(reduced == 10);
+### all
+Returns true if all the elements satisfy the given predicate
+fn all(self, predicate: fn(T) -> bool) -> bool
+fn main() {
+ let arr = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2];
+ let all = arr.all(|a| a == 2);
+ assert(all);
+### any
+Returns true if any of the elements satisfy the given predicate
+fn any(self, predicate: fn(T) -> bool) -> bool
+fn main() {
+ let arr = [2, 2, 2, 2, 5];
+ let any = arr.any(|a| a == 5);
+ assert(any);
+### as_str_unchecked
+Converts a byte array of type `[u8; N]` to a string. Note that this performs no UTF-8 validation -
+the given array is interpreted as-is as a string.
+impl [u8; N] {
+ pub fn as_str_unchecked(self) -> str
+fn main() {
+ let hi = [104, 105].as_str_unchecked();
+ assert_eq(hi, "hi");
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/data_types/booleans.md b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/data_types/booleans.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+title: Booleans
+ Delve into the Boolean data type in Noir. Understand its methods, practical examples, and best practices for using Booleans in your Noir programs.
+ [
+ noir,
+ boolean type,
+ methods,
+ examples,
+ logical operations,
+ ]
+sidebar_position: 2
+The `bool` type in Noir has two possible values: `true` and `false`:
+fn main() {
+ let t = true;
+ let f: bool = false;
+The boolean type is most commonly used in conditionals like `if` expressions and `assert`
+statements. More about conditionals is covered in the [Control Flow](../control_flow.md) and
+[Assert Function](../assert.md) sections.
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/data_types/fields.md b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/data_types/fields.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+title: Fields
+ Dive deep into the Field data type in Noir. Understand its methods, practical examples, and best practices to effectively use Fields in your Noir programs.
+ [
+ noir,
+ field type,
+ methods,
+ examples,
+ best practices,
+ ]
+sidebar_position: 0
+The field type corresponds to the native field type of the proving backend.
+The size of a Noir field depends on the elliptic curve's finite field for the proving backend
+adopted. For example, a field would be a 254-bit integer when paired with the default backend that
+spans the Grumpkin curve.
+Fields support integer arithmetic and are often used as the default numeric type in Noir:
+fn main(x : Field, y : Field) {
+ let z = x + y;
+`x`, `y` and `z` are all private fields in this example. Using the `let` keyword we defined a new
+private value `z` constrained to be equal to `x + y`.
+If proving efficiency is of priority, fields should be used as a default for solving problems.
+Smaller integer types (e.g. `u64`) incur extra range constraints.
+## Methods
+After declaring a Field, you can use these common methods on it:
+### to_le_bits
+Transforms the field into an array of bits, Little Endian.
+```rust title="to_le_bits" showLineNumbers
+pub fn to_le_bits(self: Self) -> [u1; N] {}
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/field/mod.nr#L32-L34
+```rust title="to_le_bits_example" showLineNumbers
+fn test_to_le_bits() {
+ let field = 2;
+ let bits: [u1; 8] = field.to_le_bits();
+ assert_eq(bits, [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
+ }
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/field/mod.nr#L276-L282
+### to_be_bits
+Transforms the field into an array of bits, Big Endian.
+```rust title="to_be_bits" showLineNumbers
+pub fn to_be_bits(self: Self) -> [u1; N] {}
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/field/mod.nr#L48-L50
+```rust title="to_be_bits_example" showLineNumbers
+fn test_to_be_bits() {
+ let field = 2;
+ let bits: [u1; 8] = field.to_be_bits();
+ assert_eq(bits, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]);
+ }
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/field/mod.nr#L267-L273
+### to_le_bytes
+Transforms into an array of bytes, Little Endian
+```rust title="to_le_bytes" showLineNumbers
+pub fn to_le_bytes(self: Self) -> [u8; N] {
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/field/mod.nr#L61-L63
+```rust title="to_le_bytes_example" showLineNumbers
+fn test_to_le_bytes() {
+ let field = 2;
+ let bytes: [u8; 8] = field.to_le_bytes();
+ assert_eq(bytes, [2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
+ assert_eq(Field::from_le_bytes::<8>(bytes), field);
+ }
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/field/mod.nr#L295-L302
+### to_be_bytes
+Transforms into an array of bytes, Big Endian
+```rust title="to_be_bytes" showLineNumbers
+pub fn to_be_bytes(self: Self) -> [u8; N] {
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/field/mod.nr#L94-L96
+```rust title="to_be_bytes_example" showLineNumbers
+fn test_to_be_bytes() {
+ let field = 2;
+ let bytes: [u8; 8] = field.to_be_bytes();
+ assert_eq(bytes, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2]);
+ assert_eq(Field::from_be_bytes::<8>(bytes), field);
+ }
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/field/mod.nr#L285-L292
+### to_le_radix
+Decomposes into an array over the specified base, Little Endian
+```rust title="to_le_radix" showLineNumbers
+pub fn to_le_radix(self: Self, radix: u32) -> [u8; N] {
+ // Brillig does not need an immediate radix
+ if !crate::runtime::is_unconstrained() {
+ crate::assert_constant(radix);
+ }
+ self.__to_le_radix(radix)
+ }
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/field/mod.nr#L118-L126
+```rust title="to_le_radix_example" showLineNumbers
+fn test_to_le_radix() {
+ let field = 2;
+ let bytes: [u8; 8] = field.to_le_radix(256);
+ assert_eq(bytes, [2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
+ assert_eq(Field::from_le_bytes::<8>(bytes), field);
+ }
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/field/mod.nr#L315-L322
+### to_be_radix
+Decomposes into an array over the specified base, Big Endian
+```rust title="to_be_radix" showLineNumbers
+pub fn to_be_radix(self: Self, radix: u32) -> [u8; N] {
+ // Brillig does not need an immediate radix
+ if !crate::runtime::is_unconstrained() {
+ crate::assert_constant(radix);
+ }
+ self.__to_be_radix(radix)
+ }
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/field/mod.nr#L128-L136
+```rust title="to_be_radix_example" showLineNumbers
+fn test_to_be_radix() {
+ let field = 2;
+ let bytes: [u8; 8] = field.to_be_radix(256);
+ assert_eq(bytes, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2]);
+ assert_eq(Field::from_be_bytes::<8>(bytes), field);
+ }
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/field/mod.nr#L305-L312
+### pow_32
+Returns the value to the power of the specified exponent
+fn pow_32(self, exponent: Field) -> Field
+fn main() {
+ let field = 2
+ let pow = field.pow_32(4);
+ assert(pow == 16);
+### assert_max_bit_size
+Adds a constraint to specify that the field can be represented with `bit_size` number of bits
+```rust title="assert_max_bit_size" showLineNumbers
+pub fn assert_max_bit_size(self) {
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/field/mod.nr#L10-L12
+fn main() {
+ let field = 2
+ field.assert_max_bit_size(32);
+### sgn0
+Parity of (prime) Field element, i.e. sgn0(x mod p) = 0 if x β \{0, ..., p-1\} is even, otherwise sgn0(x mod p) = 1.
+fn sgn0(self) -> u1
+### lt
+Returns true if the field is less than the other field
+pub fn lt(self, another: Field) -> bool
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/data_types/function_types.md b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/data_types/function_types.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+title: Function types
+sidebar_position: 10
+Noir supports higher-order functions. The syntax for a function type is as follows:
+fn(arg1_type, arg2_type, ...) -> return_type
+fn assert_returns_100(f: fn() -> Field) { // f takes no args and returns a Field
+ assert(f() == 100);
+fn main() {
+ assert_returns_100(|| 100); // ok
+ assert_returns_100(|| 150); // fails
+A function type also has an optional capture environment - this is necessary to support closures.
+See [Lambdas](../lambdas.md) for more details.
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/data_types/index.md b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/data_types/index.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+title: Data Types
+ Get a clear understanding of the two categories of Noir data types - primitive types and compound
+ types. Learn about their characteristics, differences, and how to use them in your Noir
+ programming.
+ [
+ noir,
+ data types,
+ primitive types,
+ compound types,
+ private types,
+ public types,
+ ]
+Every value in Noir has a type, which determines which operations are valid for it.
+All values in Noir are fundamentally composed of `Field` elements. For a more approachable
+developing experience, abstractions are added on top to introduce different data types in Noir.
+Noir has two category of data types: primitive types (e.g. `Field`, integers, `bool`) and compound
+types that group primitive types (e.g. arrays, tuples, structs). Each value can either be private or
+## Private & Public Types
+A **private value** is known only to the Prover, while a **public value** is known by both the
+Prover and Verifier. Mark values as `private` when the value should only be known to the prover. All
+primitive types (including individual fields of compound types) in Noir are private by default, and
+can be marked public when certain values are intended to be revealed to the Verifier.
+> **Note:** For public values defined in Noir programs paired with smart contract verifiers, once
+> the proofs are verified on-chain the values can be considered known to everyone that has access to
+> that blockchain.
+Public data types are treated no differently to private types apart from the fact that their values
+will be revealed in proofs generated. Simply changing the value of a public type will not change the
+circuit (where the same goes for changing values of private types as well).
+_Private values_ are also referred to as _witnesses_ sometimes.
+> **Note:** The terms private and public when applied to a type (e.g. `pub Field`) have a different
+> meaning than when applied to a function (e.g. `pub fn foo() {}`).
+> The former is a visibility modifier for the Prover to interpret if a value should be made known to
+> the Verifier, while the latter is a visibility modifier for the compiler to interpret if a
+> function should be made accessible to external Noir programs like in other languages.
+### pub Modifier
+All data types in Noir are private by default. Types are explicitly declared as public using the
+`pub` modifier:
+fn main(x : Field, y : pub Field) -> pub Field {
+ x + y
+In this example, `x` is **private** while `y` and `x + y` (the return value) are **public**. Note
+that visibility is handled **per variable**, so it is perfectly valid to have one input that is
+private and another that is public.
+> **Note:** Public types can only be declared through parameters on `main`.
+## Type Aliases
+A type alias is a new name for an existing type. Type aliases are declared with the keyword `type`:
+type Id = u8;
+fn main() {
+ let id: Id = 1;
+ let zero: u8 = 0;
+ assert(zero + 1 == id);
+Type aliases can also be used with [generics](../generics.md):
+type Id = Size;
+fn main() {
+ let id: Id = 1;
+ let zero: u32 = 0;
+ assert(zero + 1 == id);
+Type aliases can even refer to other aliases. An error will be issued if they form a cycle:
+// Ok!
+type A = B;
+type B = Field;
+type Bad1 = Bad2;
+// error: Dependency cycle found
+type Bad2 = Bad1;
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^ 'Bad2' recursively depends on itself: Bad2 -> Bad1 -> Bad2
+By default, like functions, type aliases are private to the module they exist in. You can use `pub`
+to make the type alias public or `pub(crate)` to make it public to just its crate:
+// This type alias is now public
+pub type Id = u8;
+## Wildcard Type
+Noir can usually infer the type of the variable from the context, so specifying the type of a variable is only required when it cannot be inferred. However, specifying a complex type can be tedious, especially when it has multiple generic arguments. Often some of the generic types can be inferred from the context, and Noir only needs a hint to properly infer the other types. We can partially specify a variable's type by using `_` as a marker, indicating where we still want the compiler to infer the type.
+let a: [_; 4] = foo(b);
+### BigInt
+You can achieve BigInt functionality using the [Noir BigInt](https://github.com/shuklaayush/noir-bigint) library.
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/data_types/integers.md b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/data_types/integers.md
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+title: Integers
+description: Explore the Integer data type in Noir. Learn about its methods, see real-world examples, and grasp how to efficiently use Integers in your Noir code.
+keywords: [noir, integer types, methods, examples, arithmetic]
+sidebar_position: 1
+An integer type is a range constrained field type.
+The Noir frontend supports both unsigned and signed integer types.
+The allowed sizes are 1, 8, 16, 32 and 64 bits.
+When an integer is defined in Noir without a specific type, it will default to `Field`.
+The one exception is for loop indices which default to `u64` since comparisons on `Field`s are not possible.
+## Unsigned Integers
+An unsigned integer type is specified first with the letter `u` (indicating its unsigned nature) followed by its bit size (e.g. `8`):
+fn main() {
+ let x: u8 = 1;
+ let y: u8 = 1;
+ let z = x + y;
+ assert (z == 2);
+The bit size determines the maximum value the integer type can store. For example, a `u8` variable can store a value in the range of 0 to 255 (i.e. $\\2^{8}-1\\$).
+## Signed Integers
+A signed integer type is specified first with the letter `i` (which stands for integer) followed by its bit size (e.g. `8`):
+fn main() {
+ let x: i8 = -1;
+ let y: i8 = -1;
+ let z = x + y;
+ assert (z == -2);
+The bit size determines the maximum and minimum range of value the integer type can store. For example, an `i8` variable can store a value in the range of -128 to 127 (i.e. $\\-2^{7}\\$ to $\\2^{7}-1\\$).
+## 128 bits Unsigned Integers
+The built-in structure `U128` allows you to use 128-bit unsigned integers almost like a native integer type. However, there are some differences to keep in mind:
+- You cannot cast between a native integer and `U128`
+- There is a higher performance cost when using `U128`, compared to a native type.
+Conversion between unsigned integer types and U128 are done through the use of `from_integer` and `to_integer` functions. `from_integer` also accepts the `Field` type as input.
+fn main() {
+ let x = U128::from_integer(23);
+ let y = U128::from_hex("0x7");
+ let z = x + y;
+ assert(z.to_integer() == 30);
+`U128` is implemented with two 64 bits limbs, representing the low and high bits, which explains the performance cost. You should expect `U128` to be twice more costly for addition and four times more costly for multiplication.
+You can construct a U128 from its limbs:
+fn main(x: u64, y: u64) {
+ let x = U128::from_u64s_be(x,y);
+ assert(z.hi == x as Field);
+ assert(z.lo == y as Field);
+Note that the limbs are stored as Field elements in order to avoid unnecessary conversions.
+Apart from this, most operations will work as usual:
+fn main(x: U128, y: U128) {
+ // multiplication
+ let c = x * y;
+ // addition and subtraction
+ let c = c - x + y;
+ // division
+ let c = x / y;
+ // bit operation;
+ let c = x & y | y;
+ // bit shift
+ let c = x << y;
+ // comparisons;
+ let c = x < y;
+ let c = x == y;
+## Overflows
+Computations that exceed the type boundaries will result in overflow errors. This happens with both signed and unsigned integers. For example, attempting to prove:
+fn main(x: u8, y: u8) {
+ let z = x + y;
+x = "255"
+y = "1"
+Would result in:
+$ nargo execute
+error: Assertion failed: 'attempt to add with overflow'
+ββ ~/src/main.nr:9:13
+β let z = x + y;
+β -----
+= Call stack:
+ ...
+A similar error would happen with signed integers:
+fn main() {
+ let x: i8 = -118;
+ let y: i8 = -11;
+ let z = x + y;
+### Wrapping methods
+Although integer overflow is expected to error, some use-cases rely on wrapping. For these use-cases, the standard library provides `wrapping` variants of certain common operations:
+fn wrapping_add(x: T, y: T) -> T;
+fn wrapping_sub(x: T, y: T) -> T;
+fn wrapping_mul(x: T, y: T) -> T;
+Example of how it is used:
+fn main(x: u8, y: u8) -> pub u8 {
+ std::wrapping_add(x, y)
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+title: References
+sidebar_position: 9
+Noir supports first-class references. References are a bit like pointers: they point to a specific address that can be followed to access the data stored at that address. You can use Rust-like syntax to use pointers in Noir: the `&` operator references the variable, the `*` operator dereferences it.
+fn main() {
+ let mut x = 2;
+ // you can reference x as &mut and pass it to multiplyBy2
+ multiplyBy2(&mut x);
+// you can access &mut here
+fn multiplyBy2(x: &mut Field) {
+ // and dereference it with *
+ *x = *x * 2;
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/data_types/slices.mdx b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/data_types/slices.mdx
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+++ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/data_types/slices.mdx
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+title: Slices
+description: Explore the Slice data type in Noir. Understand its methods, see real-world examples, and learn how to effectively use Slices in your Noir programs.
+keywords: [noir, slice type, methods, examples, subarrays]
+sidebar_position: 5
+import Experimental from '@site/src/components/Notes/_experimental.mdx';
+A slice is a dynamically-sized view into a sequence of elements. They can be resized at runtime, but because they don't own the data, they cannot be returned from a circuit. You can treat slices as arrays without a constrained size.
+fn main() -> pub u32 {
+ let mut slice: [Field] = &[0; 2];
+ let mut new_slice = slice.push_back(6);
+ new_slice.len()
+To write a slice literal, use a preceding ampersand as in: `&[0; 2]` or
+`&[1, 2, 3]`.
+It is important to note that slices are not references to arrays. In Noir,
+`&[..]` is more similar to an immutable, growable vector.
+View the corresponding test file [here][test-file].
+[test-file]: https://github.com/noir-lang/noir/blob/f387ec1475129732f72ba294877efdf6857135ac/crates/nargo_cli/tests/test_data_ssa_refactor/slices/src/main.nr
+## Methods
+For convenience, the STD provides some ready-to-use, common methods for slices:
+### push_back
+Pushes a new element to the end of the slice, returning a new slice with a length one greater than the original unmodified slice.
+fn push_back(_self: [T], _elem: T) -> [T]
+fn main() -> pub Field {
+ let mut slice: [Field] = &[0; 2];
+ let mut new_slice = slice.push_back(6);
+ new_slice.len()
+View the corresponding test file [here][test-file].
+### push_front
+Returns a new array with the specified element inserted at index 0. The existing elements indexes are incremented by 1.
+fn push_front(_self: Self, _elem: T) -> Self
+let mut new_slice: [Field] = &[];
+new_slice = new_slice.push_front(20);
+assert(new_slice[0] == 20); // returns true
+View the corresponding test file [here][test-file].
+### pop_front
+Returns a tuple of two items, the first element of the array and the rest of the array.
+fn pop_front(_self: Self) -> (T, Self)
+let (first_elem, rest_of_slice) = slice.pop_front();
+View the corresponding test file [here][test-file].
+### pop_back
+Returns a tuple of two items, the beginning of the array with the last element omitted and the last element.
+fn pop_back(_self: Self) -> (Self, T)
+let (popped_slice, last_elem) = slice.pop_back();
+View the corresponding test file [here][test-file].
+### append
+Loops over a slice and adds it to the end of another.
+fn append(mut self, other: Self) -> Self
+let append = &[1, 2].append(&[3, 4, 5]);
+### insert
+Inserts an element at a specified index and shifts all following elements by 1.
+fn insert(_self: Self, _index: Field, _elem: T) -> Self
+new_slice = rest_of_slice.insert(2, 100);
+assert(new_slice[2] == 100);
+View the corresponding test file [here][test-file].
+### remove
+Remove an element at a specified index, shifting all elements after it to the left, returning the altered slice and the removed element.
+fn remove(_self: Self, _index: Field) -> (Self, T)
+let (remove_slice, removed_elem) = slice.remove(3);
+### len
+Returns the length of a slice
+fn len(self) -> Field
+fn main() {
+ let slice = &[42, 42];
+ assert(slice.len() == 2);
+### as_array
+Converts this slice into an array.
+Make sure to specify the size of the resulting array.
+Panics if the resulting array length is different than the slice's length.
+fn as_array(self) -> [T; N]
+fn main() {
+ let slice = &[5, 6];
+ // Always specify the length of the resulting array!
+ let array: [Field; 2] = slice.as_array();
+ assert(array[0] == slice[0]);
+ assert(array[1] == slice[1]);
+### map
+Applies a function to each element of the slice, returning a new slice containing the mapped elements.
+fn map(self, f: fn[Env](T) -> U) -> [U]
+let a = &[1, 2, 3];
+let b = a.map(|a| a * 2); // b is now &[2, 4, 6]
+### fold
+Applies a function to each element of the slice, returning the final accumulated value. The first
+parameter is the initial value.
+fn fold(self, mut accumulator: U, f: fn[Env](U, T) -> U) -> U
+This is a left fold, so the given function will be applied to the accumulator and first element of
+the slice, then the second, and so on. For a given call the expected result would be equivalent to:
+let a1 = &[1];
+let a2 = &[1, 2];
+let a3 = &[1, 2, 3];
+let f = |a, b| a - b;
+a1.fold(10, f) //=> f(10, 1)
+a2.fold(10, f) //=> f(f(10, 1), 2)
+a3.fold(10, f) //=> f(f(f(10, 1), 2), 3)
+fn main() {
+ let slice = &[2, 2, 2, 2, 2];
+ let folded = slice.fold(0, |a, b| a + b);
+ assert(folded == 10);
+### reduce
+Same as fold, but uses the first element as the starting element.
+fn reduce(self, f: fn[Env](T, T) -> T) -> T
+fn main() {
+ let slice = &[2, 2, 2, 2, 2];
+ let reduced = slice.reduce(|a, b| a + b);
+ assert(reduced == 10);
+### filter
+Returns a new slice containing only elements for which the given predicate returns true.
+fn filter(self, f: fn[Env](T) -> bool) -> Self
+fn main() {
+ let slice = &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
+ let odds = slice.filter(|x| x % 2 == 1);
+ assert_eq(odds, &[1, 3, 5]);
+### join
+Flatten each element in the slice into one value, separated by `separator`.
+Note that although slices implement `Append`, `join` cannot be used on slice
+elements since nested slices are prohibited.
+fn join(self, separator: T) -> T where T: Append
+struct Accumulator {
+ total: Field,
+// "Append" two accumulators by adding them
+impl Append for Accumulator {
+ fn empty() -> Self {
+ Self { total: 0 }
+ }
+ fn append(self, other: Self) -> Self {
+ Self { total: self.total + other.total }
+ }
+fn main() {
+ let slice = &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(|total| Accumulator { total });
+ let result = slice.join(Accumulator::empty());
+ assert_eq(result, Accumulator { total: 15 });
+ // We can use a non-empty separator to insert additional elements to sum:
+ let separator = Accumulator { total: 10 };
+ let result = slice.join(separator);
+ assert_eq(result, Accumulator { total: 55 });
+### all
+Returns true if all the elements satisfy the given predicate
+fn all(self, predicate: fn[Env](T) -> bool) -> bool
+fn main() {
+ let slice = &[2, 2, 2, 2, 2];
+ let all = slice.all(|a| a == 2);
+ assert(all);
+### any
+Returns true if any of the elements satisfy the given predicate
+fn any(self, predicate: fn[Env](T) -> bool) -> bool
+fn main() {
+ let slice = &[2, 2, 2, 2, 5];
+ let any = slice.any(|a| a == 5);
+ assert(any);
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/data_types/strings.md b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/data_types/strings.md
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+++ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/data_types/strings.md
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+title: Strings
+ Discover the String data type in Noir. Learn about its methods, see real-world examples, and understand how to effectively manipulate and use Strings in Noir.
+ [
+ noir,
+ string type,
+ methods,
+ examples,
+ concatenation,
+ ]
+sidebar_position: 3
+The string type is a fixed length value defined with `str`.
+You can use strings in `assert()` functions or print them with
+`println()`. See more about [Logging](../../standard_library/logging.md).
+fn main(message : pub str<11>, hex_as_string : str<4>) {
+ println(message);
+ assert(message == "hello world");
+ assert(hex_as_string == "0x41");
+You can convert a `str` to a byte array by calling `as_bytes()`
+or a vector by calling `as_bytes_vec()`.
+fn main() {
+ let message = "hello world";
+ let message_bytes = message.as_bytes();
+ let mut message_vec = message.as_bytes_vec();
+ assert(message_bytes.len() == 11);
+ assert(message_bytes[0] == 104);
+ assert(message_bytes[0] == message_vec.get(0));
+## Escape characters
+You can use escape characters for your strings:
+| Escape Sequence | Description |
+| `\r` | Carriage Return |
+| `\n` | Newline |
+| `\t` | Tab |
+| `\0` | Null Character |
+| `\"` | Double Quote |
+| `\\` | Backslash |
+let s = "Hello \"world" // prints "Hello "world"
+let s = "hey \tyou"; // prints "hey you"
+## Raw strings
+A raw string begins with the letter `r` and is optionally delimited by a number of hashes `#`.
+Escape characters are *not* processed within raw strings. All contents are interpreted literally.
+let s = r"Hello world";
+let s = r#"Simon says "hello world""#;
+// Any number of hashes may be used (>= 1) as long as the string also terminates with the same number of hashes
+let s = r#####"One "#, Two "##, Three "###, Four "####, Five will end the string."#####;
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/data_types/structs.md b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/data_types/structs.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+title: Structs
+ Explore the Struct data type in Noir. Learn about its methods, see real-world examples, and grasp how to effectively define and use Structs in your Noir programs.
+ [
+ noir,
+ struct type,
+ methods,
+ examples,
+ data structures,
+ ]
+sidebar_position: 8
+A struct also allows for grouping multiple values of different types. Unlike tuples, we can also
+name each field.
+> **Note:** The usage of _field_ here refers to each element of the struct and is unrelated to the
+> field type of Noir.
+Defining a struct requires giving it a name and listing each field within as `: ` pairs:
+struct Animal {
+ hands: Field,
+ legs: Field,
+ eyes: u8,
+An instance of a struct can then be created with actual values in `: ` pairs in any
+order. Struct fields are accessible using their given names:
+fn main() {
+ let legs = 4;
+ let dog = Animal {
+ eyes: 2,
+ hands: 0,
+ legs,
+ };
+ let zero = dog.hands;
+Structs can also be destructured in a pattern, binding each field to a new variable:
+fn main() {
+ let Animal { hands, legs: feet, eyes } = get_octopus();
+ let ten = hands + feet + eyes as u8;
+fn get_octopus() -> Animal {
+ let octopus = Animal {
+ hands: 0,
+ legs: 8,
+ eyes: 2,
+ };
+ octopus
+The new variables can be bound with names different from the original struct field names, as
+showcased in the `legs --> feet` binding in the example above.
+### Visibility
+By default, like functions, structs are private to the module they exist in. You can use `pub`
+to make the struct public or `pub(crate)` to make it public to just its crate:
+// This struct is now public
+pub struct Animal {
+ hands: Field,
+ legs: Field,
+ eyes: u8,
+The same applies to struct fields: by default they are private to the module they exist in,
+but they can be made `pub` or `pub(crate)`:
+// This struct is now public
+pub struct Animal {
+ hands: Field, // private to its module
+ pub(crate) legs: Field, // accessible from the entire crate
+ pub eyes: u8, // accessible from anywhere
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@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+title: Tuples
+ Dive into the Tuple data type in Noir. Understand its methods, practical examples, and best practices for efficiently using Tuples in your Noir code.
+ [
+ noir,
+ tuple type,
+ methods,
+ examples,
+ multi-value containers,
+ ]
+sidebar_position: 7
+A tuple collects multiple values like an array, but with the added ability to collect values of
+different types:
+fn main() {
+ let tup: (u8, u64, Field) = (255, 500, 1000);
+One way to access tuple elements is via destructuring using pattern matching:
+fn main() {
+ let tup = (1, 2);
+ let (one, two) = tup;
+ let three = one + two;
+Another way to access tuple elements is via direct member access, using a period (`.`) followed by
+the index of the element we want to access. Index `0` corresponds to the first tuple element, `1` to
+the second and so on:
+fn main() {
+ let tup = (5, 6, 7, 8);
+ let five = tup.0;
+ let eight = tup.3;
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/functions.md b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/functions.md
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+title: Functions
+ Learn how to declare functions and methods in Noir, a programming language with Rust semantics.
+ This guide covers parameter declaration, return types, call expressions, and more.
+keywords: [Noir, Rust, functions, methods, parameter declaration, return types, call expressions]
+sidebar_position: 1
+Functions in Noir follow the same semantics of Rust, though Noir does not support early returns.
+To declare a function the `fn` keyword is used.
+fn foo() {}
+By default, functions are visible only within the package they are defined. To make them visible outside of that package (for example, as part of a [library](../modules_packages_crates/crates_and_packages.md#libraries)), you should mark them as `pub`:
+pub fn foo() {}
+You can also restrict the visibility of the function to only the crate it was defined in, by specifying `pub(crate)`:
+pub(crate) fn foo() {} //foo can only be called within its crate
+All parameters in a function must have a type and all types are known at compile time. The parameter
+is pre-pended with a colon and the parameter type. Multiple parameters are separated using a comma.
+fn foo(x : Field, y : Field){}
+The return type of a function can be stated by using the `->` arrow notation. The function below
+states that the foo function must return a `Field`. If the function returns no value, then the arrow
+is omitted.
+fn foo(x : Field, y : Field) -> Field {
+ x + y
+Note that a `return` keyword is unneeded in this case - the last expression in a function's body is
+## Main function
+If you're writing a binary, the `main` function is the starting point of your program. You can pass all types of expressions to it, as long as they have a fixed size at compile time:
+fn main(x : Field) // this is fine: passing a Field
+fn main(x : [Field; 2]) // this is also fine: passing a Field with known size at compile-time
+fn main(x : (Field, bool)) // π: passing a (Field, bool) tuple means size 2
+fn main(x : str<5>) // this is fine, as long as you pass a string of size 5
+fn main(x : Vec) // can't compile, has variable size
+fn main(x : [Field]) // can't compile, has variable size
+fn main(....// i think you got it by now
+Keep in mind [tests](../../tooling/testing.md) don't differentiate between `main` and any other function. The following snippet passes tests, but won't compile or prove:
+fn main(x : [Field]) {
+ assert(x[0] == 1);
+fn test_one() {
+ main(&[1, 2]);
+$ nargo test
+[testing] Running 1 test functions
+[testing] Testing test_one... ok
+[testing] All tests passed
+$ nargo check
+The application panicked (crashed).
+Message: Cannot have variable sized arrays as a parameter to main
+## Call Expressions
+Calling a function in Noir is executed by using the function name and passing in the necessary
+Below we show how to call the `foo` function from the `main` function using a call expression:
+fn main(x : Field, y : Field) {
+ let z = foo(x);
+fn foo(x : Field) -> Field {
+ x + x
+## Methods
+You can define methods in Noir on any struct type in scope.
+struct MyStruct {
+ foo: Field,
+ bar: Field,
+impl MyStruct {
+ fn new(foo: Field) -> MyStruct {
+ MyStruct {
+ foo,
+ bar: 2,
+ }
+ }
+ fn sum(self) -> Field {
+ self.foo + self.bar
+ }
+fn main() {
+ let s = MyStruct::new(40);
+ assert(s.sum() == 42);
+Methods are just syntactic sugar for functions, so if we wanted to we could also call `sum` as
+assert(MyStruct::sum(s) == 42);
+It is also possible to specialize which method is chosen depending on the [generic](./generics.md) type that is used. In this example, the `foo` function returns different values depending on its type:
+struct Foo {}
+impl Foo {
+ fn foo(self) -> Field { 1 }
+impl Foo {
+ fn foo(self) -> Field { 2 }
+fn main() {
+ let f1: Foo = Foo{};
+ let f2: Foo = Foo{};
+ assert(f1.foo() + f2.foo() == 3);
+Also note that impls with the same method name defined in them cannot overlap. For example, if we already have `foo` defined for `Foo` and `Foo` like we do above, we cannot also define `foo` in an `impl Foo` since it would be ambiguous which version of `foo` to choose.
+// Including this impl in the same project as the above snippet would
+// cause an overlapping impls error
+impl Foo {
+ fn foo(self) -> Field { 3 }
+## Lambdas
+Lambdas are anonymous functions. They follow the syntax of Rust - `|arg1, arg2, ..., argN| return_expression`.
+let add_50 = |val| val + 50;
+assert(add_50(100) == 150);
+See [Lambdas](./lambdas.md) for more details.
+## Attributes
+Attributes are metadata that can be applied to a function, using the following syntax: `#[attribute(value)]`.
+Supported attributes include:
+- **builtin**: the function is implemented by the compiler, for efficiency purposes.
+- **deprecated**: mark the function as _deprecated_. Calling the function will generate a warning: `warning: use of deprecated function`
+- **field**: Used to enable conditional compilation of code depending on the field size. See below for more details
+- **oracle**: mark the function as _oracle_; meaning it is an external unconstrained function, implemented in noir_js. See [Unconstrained](./unconstrained.md) and [NoirJS](../../reference/NoirJS/noir_js/index.md) for more details.
+- **test**: mark the function as unit tests. See [Tests](../../tooling/testing.md) for more details
+### Field Attribute
+The field attribute defines which field the function is compatible for. The function is conditionally compiled, under the condition that the field attribute matches the Noir native field.
+The field can be defined implicitly, by using the name of the elliptic curve usually associated to it - for instance bn254, bls12_381 - or explicitly by using the field (prime) order, in decimal or hexadecimal form.
+As a result, it is possible to define multiple versions of a function with each version specialized for a different field attribute. This can be useful when a function requires different parameters depending on the underlying elliptic curve.
+Example: we define the function `foo()` three times below. Once for the default Noir bn254 curve, once for the field $\mathbb F_{23}$, which will normally never be used by Noir, and once again for the bls12_381 curve.
+fn foo() -> u32 {
+ 1
+fn foo() -> u32 {
+ 2
+// This commented code would not compile as foo would be defined twice because it is the same field as bn254
+// #[field(21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617)]
+// fn foo() -> u32 {
+// 2
+// }
+fn foo() -> u32 {
+ 3
+If the field name is not known to Noir, it will discard the function. Field names are case insensitive.
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+title: Generics
+description: Learn how to use Generics in Noir
+keywords: [Noir, Rust, generics, functions, structs]
+sidebar_position: 7
+Generics allow you to use the same functions with multiple different concrete data types. You can
+read more about the concept of generics in the Rust documentation
+Here is a trivial example showing the identity function that supports any type. In Rust, it is
+common to refer to the most general type as `T`. We follow the same convention in Noir.
+fn id(x: T) -> T {
+ x
+## Numeric Generics
+If we want to be generic over array lengths (which are type-level integers), we can use numeric
+generics. Using these looks similar to using regular generics, but introducing them into scope
+requires declaring them with `let MyGenericName: IntegerType`. This can be done anywhere a normal
+generic is declared. Instead of types, these generics resolve to integers at compile-time.
+Here's an example of a struct that is generic over the size of the array it contains internally:
+struct BigInt {
+ limbs: [u32; N],
+impl BigInt {
+ // `N` is in scope of all methods in the impl
+ fn first(first: BigInt, second: BigInt) -> Self {
+ assert(first.limbs != second.limbs);
+ first
+ fn second(first: BigInt, second: Self) -> Self {
+ assert(first.limbs != second.limbs);
+ second
+ }
+## In Structs
+Generics are useful for specifying types in structs. For example, we can specify that a field in a
+struct will be of a certain generic type. In this case `value` is of type `T`.
+struct RepeatedValue {
+ value: T,
+ count: Field,
+impl RepeatedValue {
+ fn print(self) {
+ for _i in 0 .. self.count {
+ println(self.value);
+ }
+ }
+fn main() {
+ let repeated = RepeatedValue { value: "Hello!", count: 2 };
+ repeated.print();
+The `print` function will print `Hello!` an arbitrary number of times, twice in this case.
+## Calling functions on generic parameters
+Since a generic type `T` can represent any type, how can we call functions on the underlying type?
+In other words, how can we go from "any type `T`" to "any type `T` that has certain methods available?"
+This is what [traits](../concepts/traits.md) are for in Noir. Here's an example of a function generic over
+any type `T` that implements the `Eq` trait for equality:
+fn first_element_is_equal(array1: [T; N], array2: [T; N]) -> bool
+ where T: Eq
+ if (array1.len() == 0) | (array2.len() == 0) {
+ true
+ } else {
+ array1[0] == array2[0]
+ }
+fn main() {
+ assert(first_element_is_equal([1, 2, 3], [1, 5, 6]));
+ // We can use first_element_is_equal for arrays of any type
+ // as long as we have an Eq impl for the types we pass in
+ let array = [MyStruct::new(), MyStruct::new()];
+ assert(array_eq(array, array, MyStruct::eq));
+impl Eq for MyStruct {
+ fn eq(self, other: MyStruct) -> bool {
+ self.foo == other.foo
+ }
+You can find more details on traits and trait implementations on the [traits page](../concepts/traits.md).
+## Manually Specifying Generics with the Turbofish Operator
+There are times when the compiler cannot reasonably infer what type should be used for a generic, or when the developer themselves may want to manually distinguish generic type parameters. This is where the `::<>` turbofish operator comes into play.
+The `::<>` operator can follow a variable or path and can be used to manually specify generic arguments within the angle brackets.
+The name "turbofish" comes from that `::<>` looks like a little fish.
+fn main() {
+ let mut slice = [];
+ slice = slice.push_back(1);
+ slice = slice.push_back(2);
+ // Without turbofish a type annotation would be needed on the left hand side
+ let array = slice.as_array::<2>();
+trait MyTrait {
+ fn ten() -> Self;
+impl MyTrait for Field {
+ fn ten() -> Self { 10 }
+struct Foo {
+ inner: T
+impl Foo {
+ fn generic_method(_self: Self) -> U where U: MyTrait {
+ U::ten()
+ }
+fn example() {
+ let foo: Foo = Foo { inner: 1 };
+ // Using a type other than `Field` here (e.g. u32) would fail as
+ // there is no matching impl for `u32: MyTrait`.
+ //
+ // Substituting the `10` on the left hand side of this assert
+ // with `10 as u32` would also fail with a type mismatch as we
+ // are expecting a `Field` from the right hand side.
+ assert(10 as u32 == foo.generic_method::());
+## Arithmetic Generics
+In addition to numeric generics, Noir also allows a limited form of arithmetic on generics.
+When you have a numeric generic such as `N`, you can use the following operators on it in a
+type position: `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, and `%`.
+Note that type checking arithmetic generics is a best effort guess from the compiler and there
+are many cases of types that are equal that the compiler may not see as such. For example,
+we know that `T * (N + M)` should be equal to `T*N + T*M` but the compiler does not currently
+apply the distributive law and thus sees these as different types.
+Even with this limitation though, the compiler can handle common cases decently well:
+trait Serialize {
+ fn serialize(self) -> [Field; N];
+impl Serialize<1> for Field {
+ fn serialize(self) -> [Field; 1] {
+ [self]
+ }
+impl Serialize for [T; N]
+ where T: Serialize { .. }
+impl Serialize for (T, U)
+ where T: Serialize, U: Serialize { .. }
+fn main() {
+ let data = (1, [2, 3, 4]);
+ assert_eq(data.serialize().len(), 4);
+Note that if there is any over or underflow the types will fail to unify:
+```rust title="underflow-example" showLineNumbers
+fn pop(array: [Field; N]) -> [Field; N - 1] {
+ let mut result: [Field; N - 1] = std::mem::zeroed();
+ for i in 0..N - 1 {
+ result[i] = array[i];
+ }
+ result
+fn main() {
+ // error: Could not determine array length `(0 - 1)`
+ pop([]);
+> Source code: test_programs/compile_failure/arithmetic_generics_underflow/src/main.nr#L1-L14
+This also applies if there is underflow in an intermediate calculation:
+```rust title="intermediate-underflow-example" showLineNumbers
+fn main() {
+ // From main it looks like there's nothing sketchy going on
+ seems_fine([]);
+// Since `seems_fine` says it can receive and return any length N
+fn seems_fine(array: [Field; N]) -> [Field; N] {
+ // But inside `seems_fine` we pop from the array which
+ // requires the length to be greater than zero.
+ // error: Could not determine array length `(0 - 1)`
+ push_zero(pop(array))
+fn pop(array: [Field; N]) -> [Field; N - 1] {
+ let mut result: [Field; N - 1] = std::mem::zeroed();
+ for i in 0..N - 1 {
+ result[i] = array[i];
+ }
+ result
+fn push_zero(array: [Field; N]) -> [Field; N + 1] {
+ let mut result: [Field; N + 1] = std::mem::zeroed();
+ for i in 0..N {
+ result[i] = array[i];
+ }
+ // index N is already zeroed
+ result
+> Source code: test_programs/compile_failure/arithmetic_generics_intermediate_underflow/src/main.nr#L1-L32
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+title: Global Variables
+ Learn about global variables in Noir. Discover how
+ to declare, modify, and use them in your programs.
+keywords: [noir programming language, globals, global variables, constants]
+sidebar_position: 8
+## Globals
+Noir supports global variables. The global's type can be inferred by the compiler entirely:
+global N = 5; // Same as `global N: Field = 5`
+global TUPLE = (3, 2);
+fn main() {
+ assert(N == 5);
+ assert(N == TUPLE.0 + TUPLE.1);
+Globals can be defined as any expression, so long as they don't depend on themselves - otherwise there would be a dependency cycle! For example:
+global T = foo(T); // dependency error
+If they are initialized to a literal integer, globals can be used to specify an array's length:
+global N: u32 = 2;
+fn main(y : [Field; N]) {
+ assert(y[0] == y[1])
+A global from another module can be imported or referenced externally like any other name:
+global N = 20;
+fn main() {
+ assert(my_submodule::N != N);
+mod my_submodule {
+ global N: Field = 10;
+When a global is used, Noir replaces the name with its definition on each occurrence.
+This means globals defined using function calls will repeat the call each time they're used:
+global RESULT = foo();
+fn foo() -> [Field; 100] { ... }
+This is usually fine since Noir will generally optimize any function call that does not
+refer to a program input into a constant. It should be kept in mind however, if the called
+function performs side-effects like `println`, as these will still occur on each use.
+### Visibility
+By default, like functions, globals are private to the module they exist in. You can use `pub`
+to make the global public or `pub(crate)` to make it public to just its crate:
+// This global is now public
+pub global N = 5;
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+++ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/lambdas.md
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+title: Lambdas
+description: Learn how to use anonymous functions in Noir programming language.
+keywords: [Noir programming language, lambda, closure, function, anonymous function]
+sidebar_position: 9
+## Introduction
+Lambdas are anonymous functions. The syntax is `|arg1, arg2, ..., argN| return_expression`.
+let add_50 = |val| val + 50;
+assert(add_50(100) == 150);
+A block can be used as the body of a lambda, allowing you to declare local variables inside it:
+let cool = || {
+ let x = 100;
+ let y = 100;
+ x + y
+assert(cool() == 200);
+## Closures
+Inside the body of a lambda, you can use variables defined in the enclosing function. Such lambdas are called **closures**. In this example `x` is defined inside `main` and is accessed from within the lambda:
+fn main() {
+ let x = 100;
+ let closure = || x + 150;
+ assert(closure() == 250);
+## Passing closures to higher-order functions
+It may catch you by surprise that the following code fails to compile:
+fn foo(f: fn () -> Field) -> Field {
+ f()
+fn main() {
+ let (x, y) = (50, 50);
+ assert(foo(|| x + y) == 100); // error :(
+The reason is that the closure's capture environment affects its type - we have a closure that captures two Fields and `foo`
+expects a regular function as an argument - those are incompatible.
+Variables contained within the `||` are the closure's parameters, and the expression that follows it is the closure's body. The capture environment is comprised of any variables used in the closure's body that are not parameters.
+E.g. in |x| x + y, y would be a captured variable, but x would not be, since it is a parameter of the closure.
+The syntax for the type of a closure is `fn[env](args) -> ret_type`, where `env` is the capture environment of the closure -
+in this example that's `(Field, Field)`.
+The best solution in our case is to make `foo` generic over the environment type of its parameter, so that it can be called
+with closures with any environment, as well as with regular functions:
+fn foo(f: fn[Env]() -> Field) -> Field {
+ f()
+fn main() {
+ let (x, y) = (50, 50);
+ assert(foo(|| x + y) == 100); // compiles fine
+ assert(foo(|| 60) == 60); // compiles fine
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/mutability.md b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/mutability.md
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+title: Mutability
+ Learn about mutable variables in Noir. Discover how
+ to declare, modify, and use them in your programs.
+keywords: [noir programming language, mutability in noir, mutable variables]
+sidebar_position: 8
+Variables in noir can be declared mutable via the `mut` keyword. Mutable variables can be reassigned
+to via an assignment expression.
+let x = 2;
+x = 3; // error: x must be mutable to be assigned to
+let mut y = 3;
+let y = 4; // OK
+The `mut` modifier can also apply to patterns:
+let (a, mut b) = (1, 2);
+a = 11; // error: a must be mutable to be assigned to
+b = 12; // OK
+let mut (c, d) = (3, 4);
+c = 13; // OK
+d = 14; // OK
+// etc.
+let MyStruct { x: mut y } = MyStruct { x: a };
+// y is now in scope
+Note that mutability in noir is local and everything is passed by value, so if a called function
+mutates its parameters then the parent function will keep the old value of the parameters.
+fn main() -> pub Field {
+ let x = 3;
+ helper(x);
+ x // x is still 3
+fn helper(mut x: i32) {
+ x = 4;
+## Non-local mutability
+Non-local mutability can be achieved through the mutable reference type `&mut T`:
+fn set_to_zero(x: &mut Field) {
+ *x = 0;
+fn main() {
+ let mut y = 42;
+ set_to_zero(&mut y);
+ assert(*y == 0);
+When creating a mutable reference, the original variable being referred to (`y` in this
+example) must also be mutable. Since mutable references are a reference type, they must
+be explicitly dereferenced via `*` to retrieve the underlying value. Note that this yields
+a copy of the value, so mutating this copy will not change the original value behind the
+fn main() {
+ let mut x = 1;
+ let x_ref = &mut x;
+ let mut y = *x_ref;
+ let y_ref = &mut y;
+ x = 2;
+ *x_ref = 3;
+ y = 4;
+ *y_ref = 5;
+ assert(x == 3);
+ assert(*x_ref == 3);
+ assert(y == 5);
+ assert(*y_ref == 5);
+Note that types in Noir are actually deeply immutable so the copy that occurs when
+dereferencing is only a conceptual copy - no additional constraints will occur.
+Mutable references can also be stored within structs. Note that there is also
+no lifetime parameter on these unlike rust. This is because the allocated memory
+always lasts the entire program - as if it were an array of one element.
+struct Foo {
+ x: &mut Field
+impl Foo {
+ fn incr(mut self) {
+ *self.x += 1;
+ }
+fn main() {
+ let foo = Foo { x: &mut 0 };
+ foo.incr();
+ assert(*foo.x == 1);
+In general, you should avoid non-local & shared mutability unless it is needed. Sticking
+to only local mutability will improve readability and potentially improve compiler optimizations as well.
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/ops.md b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/ops.md
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+title: Logical Operations
+ Learn about the supported arithmetic and logical operations in the Noir programming language.
+ Discover how to perform operations on private input types, integers, and booleans.
+ [
+ Noir programming language,
+ supported operations,
+ arithmetic operations,
+ logical operations,
+ predicate operators,
+ bitwise operations,
+ short-circuiting,
+ backend,
+ ]
+sidebar_position: 3
+# Operations
+## Table of Supported Operations
+| Operation | Description | Requirements |
+| :-------- | :------------------------------------------------------------: | -------------------------------------: |
+| + | Adds two private input types together | Types must be private input |
+| - | Subtracts two private input types together | Types must be private input |
+| \* | Multiplies two private input types together | Types must be private input |
+| / | Divides two private input types together | Types must be private input |
+| ^ | XOR two private input types together | Types must be integer |
+| & | AND two private input types together | Types must be integer |
+| \| | OR two private input types together | Types must be integer |
+| \<\< | Left shift an integer by another integer amount | Types must be integer, shift must be u8 |
+| >> | Right shift an integer by another integer amount | Types must be integer, shift must be u8 |
+| ! | Bitwise not of a value | Type must be integer or boolean |
+| \< | returns a bool if one value is less than the other | Upper bound must have a known bit size |
+| \<= | returns a bool if one value is less than or equal to the other | Upper bound must have a known bit size |
+| > | returns a bool if one value is more than the other | Upper bound must have a known bit size |
+| >= | returns a bool if one value is more than or equal to the other | Upper bound must have a known bit size |
+| == | returns a bool if one value is equal to the other | Both types must not be constants |
+| != | returns a bool if one value is not equal to the other | Both types must not be constants |
+### Predicate Operators
+`<,<=, !=, == , >, >=` are known as predicate/comparison operations because they compare two values.
+This differs from the operations such as `+` where the operands are used in _computation_.
+### Bitwise Operations Example
+fn main(x : Field) {
+ let y = x as u32;
+ let z = y & y;
+`z` is implicitly constrained to be the result of `y & y`. The `&` operand is used to denote bitwise
+> `x & x` would not compile as `x` is a `Field` and not an integer type.
+### Logical Operators
+Noir has no support for the logical operators `||` and `&&`. This is because encoding the
+short-circuiting that these operators require can be inefficient for Noir's backend. Instead you can
+use the bitwise operators `|` and `&` which operate identically for booleans, just without the
+let my_val = 5;
+let mut flag = 1;
+if (my_val > 6) | (my_val == 0) {
+ flag = 0;
+assert(flag == 1);
+if (my_val != 10) & (my_val < 50) {
+ flag = 0;
+assert(flag == 0);
+### Shorthand operators
+Noir shorthand operators for most of the above operators, namely `+=, -=, *=, /=, %=, &=, |=, ^=, <<=`, and `>>=`. These allow for more concise syntax. For example:
+let mut i = 0;
+i = i + 1;
+could be written as:
+let mut i = 0;
+i += 1;
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+title: Oracles
+description: Dive into how Noir supports Oracles via RPC calls, and learn how to declare an Oracle in Noir with our comprehensive guide.
+ - Noir
+ - Oracles
+ - RPC Calls
+ - Unconstrained Functions
+ - Programming
+ - Blockchain
+sidebar_position: 6
+import Experimental from '@site/src/components/Notes/_experimental.mdx';
+Noir has support for Oracles via RPC calls. This means Noir will make an RPC call and use the return value for proof generation.
+Since Oracles are not resolved by Noir, they are [`unconstrained` functions](./unconstrained.md)
+You can declare an Oracle through the `#[oracle()]` flag. Example:
+unconstrained fn get_number_sequence(_size: Field) -> [Field] {}
+The timeout for when using an external RPC oracle resolver can be set with the `NARGO_FOREIGN_CALL_TIMEOUT` environment variable. This timeout is in units of milliseconds.
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+title: Shadowing
+sidebar_position: 12
+Noir allows for inheriting variables' values and re-declaring them with the same name similar to Rust, known as shadowing.
+For example, the following function is valid in Noir:
+fn main() {
+ let x = 5;
+ {
+ let x = x * 2;
+ assert (x == 10);
+ }
+ assert (x == 5);
+In this example, a variable x is first defined with the value 5.
+The local scope that follows shadows the original x, i.e. creates a local mutable x based on the value of the original x. It is given a value of 2 times the original x.
+When we return to the main scope, x once again refers to just the original x, which stays at the value of 5.
+## Temporal mutability
+One way that shadowing is useful, in addition to ergonomics across scopes, is for temporarily mutating variables.
+fn main() {
+ let age = 30;
+ // age = age + 5; // Would error as `age` is immutable by default.
+ let mut age = age + 5; // Temporarily mutates `age` with a new value.
+ let age = age; // Locks `age`'s mutability again.
+ assert (age == 35);
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/traits.md b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/concepts/traits.md
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+title: Traits
+ Traits in Noir can be used to abstract out a common interface for functions across
+ several data types.
+keywords: [noir programming language, traits, interfaces, generic, protocol]
+sidebar_position: 14
+## Overview
+Traits in Noir are a useful abstraction similar to interfaces or protocols in other languages. Each trait defines
+the interface of several methods contained within the trait. Types can then implement this trait by providing
+implementations for these methods. For example in the program:
+struct Rectangle {
+ width: Field,
+ height: Field,
+impl Rectangle {
+ fn area(self) -> Field {
+ self.width * self.height
+ }
+fn log_area(r: Rectangle) {
+ println(r.area());
+We have a function `log_area` to log the area of a `Rectangle`. Now how should we change the program if we want this
+function to work on `Triangle`s as well?:
+struct Triangle {
+ width: Field,
+ height: Field,
+impl Triangle {
+ fn area(self) -> Field {
+ self.width * self.height / 2
+ }
+Making `log_area` generic over all types `T` would be invalid since not all types have an `area` method. Instead, we can
+introduce a new `Area` trait and make `log_area` generic over all types `T` that implement `Area`:
+trait Area {
+ fn area(self) -> Field;
+fn log_area(shape: T) where T: Area {
+ println(shape.area());
+We also need to explicitly implement `Area` for `Rectangle` and `Triangle`. We can do that by changing their existing
+impls slightly. Note that the parameter types and return type of each of our `area` methods must match those defined
+by the `Area` trait.
+impl Area for Rectangle {
+ fn area(self) -> Field {
+ self.width * self.height
+ }
+impl Area for Triangle {
+ fn area(self) -> Field {
+ self.width * self.height / 2
+ }
+Now we have a working program that is generic over any type of Shape that is used! Others can even use this program
+as a library with their own types - such as `Circle` - as long as they also implement `Area` for these types.
+## Where Clauses
+As seen in `log_area` above, when we want to create a function or method that is generic over any type that implements
+a trait, we can add a where clause to the generic function.
+fn log_area(shape: T) where T: Area {
+ println(shape.area());
+It is also possible to apply multiple trait constraints on the same variable at once by combining traits with the `+`
+operator. Similarly, we can have multiple trait constraints by separating each with a comma:
+fn foo(elements: [T], thing: U) where
+ T: Default + Add + Eq,
+ U: Bar,
+ let mut sum = T::default();
+ for element in elements {
+ sum += element;
+ }
+ if sum == T::default() {
+ thing.bar();
+ }
+## Generic Implementations
+You can add generics to a trait implementation by adding the generic list after the `impl` keyword:
+trait Second {
+ fn second(self) -> Field;
+impl Second for (T, Field) {
+ fn second(self) -> Field {
+ self.1
+ }
+You can also implement a trait for every type this way:
+trait Debug {
+ fn debug(self);
+impl Debug for T {
+ fn debug(self) {
+ println(self);
+ }
+fn main() {
+ 1.debug();
+### Generic Trait Implementations With Where Clauses
+Where clauses can be placed on trait implementations themselves to restrict generics in a similar way.
+For example, while `impl Foo for T` implements the trait `Foo` for every type, `impl Foo for T where T: Bar`
+will implement `Foo` only for types that also implement `Bar`. This is often used for implementing generic types.
+For example, here is the implementation for array equality:
+impl Eq for [T; let N: u32] where T: Eq {
+ // Test if two arrays have the same elements.
+ // Because both arrays must have length N, we know their lengths already match.
+ fn eq(self, other: Self) -> bool {
+ let mut result = true;
+ for i in 0 .. self.len() {
+ // The T: Eq constraint is needed to call == on the array elements here
+ result &= self[i] == other[i];
+ }
+ result
+ }
+Where clauses can also be placed on struct implementations.
+For example, here is a method utilizing a generic type that implements the equality trait.
+struct Foo {
+ a: u32,
+ b: T,
+impl Foo where T: Eq {
+ fn eq(self, other: Self) -> bool {
+ (self.a == other.a) & self.b.eq(other.b)
+ }
+## Generic Traits
+Traits themselves can also be generic by placing the generic arguments after the trait name. These generics are in
+scope of every item within the trait.
+trait Into {
+ // Convert `self` to type `T`
+ fn into(self) -> T;
+When implementing generic traits the generic arguments of the trait must be specified. This is also true anytime
+when referencing a generic trait (e.g. in a `where` clause).
+struct MyStruct {
+ array: [Field; 2],
+impl Into<[Field; 2]> for MyStruct {
+ fn into(self) -> [Field; 2] {
+ self.array
+ }
+fn as_array(x: T) -> [Field; 2]
+ where T: Into<[Field; 2]>
+ x.into()
+fn main() {
+ let array = [1, 2];
+ let my_struct = MyStruct { array };
+ assert_eq(as_array(my_struct), array);
+### Associated Types and Constants
+Traits also support associated types and constraints which can be thought of as additional generics that are referred to by name.
+Here's an example of a trait with an associated type `Foo` and a constant `Bar`:
+trait MyTrait {
+ type Foo;
+ let Bar: u32;
+Now when we're implementing `MyTrait` we also have to provide values for `Foo` and `Bar`:
+impl MyTrait for Field {
+ type Foo = i32;
+ let Bar: u32 = 11;
+Since associated constants can also be used in a type position, its values are limited to only other
+expression kinds allowed in numeric generics.
+Note that currently all associated types and constants must be explicitly specified in a trait constraint.
+If we leave out any, we'll get an error that we're missing one:
+// Error! Constraint is missing associated constant for `Bar`
+fn foo(x: T) where T: MyTrait {
+ ...
+Because all associated types and constants must be explicitly specified, they are essentially named generics,
+although this is set to change in the future. Future versions of Noir will allow users to elide associated types
+in trait constraints similar to Rust. When this is done, you may still refer to their value with the `::AssociatedType`
+// Only valid in future versions of Noir:
+fn foo(x: T) where T: MyTrait {
+ let _: ::Foo = ...;
+The type as trait syntax is possible in Noir today but is less useful when each type must be explicitly specified anyway:
+fn foo(x: T) where T: MyTrait {
+ // Works, but could just use F directly
+ let _: >::Foo = ...;
+ let _: F = ...;
+## Trait Methods With No `self`
+A trait can contain any number of methods, each of which have access to the `Self` type which represents each type
+that eventually implements the trait. Similarly, the `self` variable is available as well but is not required to be used.
+For example, we can define a trait to create a default value for a type. This trait will need to return the `Self` type
+but doesn't need to take any parameters:
+trait Default {
+ fn default() -> Self;
+Implementing this trait can be done similarly to any other trait:
+impl Default for Field {
+ fn default() -> Field {
+ 0
+ }
+struct MyType {}
+impl Default for MyType {
+ fn default() -> Field {
+ MyType {}
+ }
+However, since there is no `self` parameter, we cannot call it via the method call syntax `object.method()`.
+Instead, we'll need to refer to the function directly. This can be done either by referring to the
+specific impl `MyType::default()` or referring to the trait itself `Default::default()`. In the later
+case, type inference determines the impl that is selected.
+let my_struct = MyStruct::default();
+let x: Field = Default::default();
+let result = x + Default::default();
+let _ = Default::default();
+If type inference cannot select which impl to use because of an ambiguous `Self` type, an impl will be
+arbitrarily selected. This occurs most often when the result of a trait function call with no parameters
+is unused. To avoid this, when calling a trait function with no `self` or `Self` parameters or return type,
+always refer to it via the implementation type's namespace - e.g. `MyType::default()`.
+This is set to change to an error in future Noir versions.
+## Default Method Implementations
+A trait can also have default implementations of its methods by giving a body to the desired functions.
+Note that this body must be valid for all types that may implement the trait. As a result, the only
+valid operations on `self` will be operations valid for any type or other operations on the trait itself.
+trait Numeric {
+ fn add(self, other: Self) -> Self;
+ // Default implementation of double is (self + self)
+ fn double(self) -> Self {
+ self.add(self)
+ }
+When implementing a trait with default functions, a type may choose to implement only the required functions:
+impl Numeric for Field {
+ fn add(self, other: Field) -> Field {
+ self + other
+ }
+Or it may implement the optional methods as well:
+impl Numeric for u32 {
+ fn add(self, other: u32) -> u32 {
+ self + other
+ }
+ fn double(self) -> u32 {
+ self * 2
+ }
+## Impl Specialization
+When implementing traits for a generic type it is possible to implement the trait for only a certain combination
+of generics. This can be either as an optimization or because those specific generics are required to implement the trait.
+trait Sub {
+ fn sub(self, other: Self) -> Self;
+struct NonZero {
+ value: T,
+impl Sub for NonZero {
+ fn sub(self, other: Self) -> Self {
+ let value = self.value - other.value;
+ assert(value != 0);
+ NonZero { value }
+ }
+## Overlapping Implementations
+Overlapping implementations are disallowed by Noir to ensure Noir's decision on which impl to select is never ambiguous.
+This means if a trait `Foo` is already implemented
+by a type `Bar` for all `T`, then we cannot also have a separate impl for `Bar` (or any other
+type argument). Similarly, if there is an impl for all `T` such as `impl Debug for T`, we cannot create
+any more impls to `Debug` for other types since it would be ambiguous which impl to choose for any given
+method call.
+trait Trait {}
+// Previous impl defined here
+impl Trait for (A, B) {}
+// error: Impl for type `(Field, Field)` overlaps with existing impl
+impl Trait for (Field, Field) {}
+## Trait Coherence
+Another restriction on trait implementations is coherence. This restriction ensures other crates cannot create
+impls that may overlap with other impls, even if several unrelated crates are used as dependencies in the same
+The coherence restriction is: to implement a trait, either the trait itself or the object type must be declared
+in the crate the impl is in.
+In practice this often comes up when using types provided by libraries. If a library provides a type `Foo` that does
+not implement a trait in the standard library such as `Default`, you may not `impl Default for Foo` in your own crate.
+While restrictive, this prevents later issues or silent changes in the program if the `Foo` library later added its
+own impl for `Default`. If you are a user of the `Foo` library in this scenario and need a trait not implemented by the
+library your choices are to either submit a patch to the library or use the newtype pattern.
+### The Newtype Pattern
+The newtype pattern gets around the coherence restriction by creating a new wrapper type around the library type
+that we cannot create `impl`s for. Since the new wrapper type is defined in our current crate, we can create
+impls for any trait we need on it.
+struct Wrapper {
+ foo: some_library::Foo,
+impl Default for Wrapper {
+ fn default() -> Wrapper {
+ Wrapper {
+ foo: some_library::Foo::new(),
+ }
+ }
+Since we have an impl for our own type, the behavior of this code will not change even if `some_library` is updated
+to provide its own `impl Default for Foo`. The downside of this pattern is that it requires extra wrapping and
+unwrapping of values when converting to and from the `Wrapper` and `Foo` types.
+### Trait Inheritance
+Sometimes, you might need one trait to use another traitβs functionality (like "inheritance" in some other languages). In this case, you can specify this relationship by listing any child traits after the parent trait's name and a colon. Now, whenever the parent trait is implemented it will require the child traits to be implemented as well. A parent trait is also called a "super trait."
+trait Person {
+ fn name(self) -> String;
+// Person is a supertrait of Student.
+// Implementing Student requires you to also impl Person.
+trait Student: Person {
+ fn university(self) -> String;
+trait Programmer {
+ fn fav_language(self) -> String;
+// CompSciStudent (computer science student) is a subtrait of both Programmer
+// and Student. Implementing CompSciStudent requires you to impl both supertraits.
+trait CompSciStudent: Programmer + Student {
+ fn git_username(self) -> String;
+### Trait Aliases
+Similar to the proposed Rust feature for [trait aliases](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/4d215e2426d52ca8d1af166d5f6b5e172afbff67/src/doc/unstable-book/src/language-features/trait-alias.md),
+Noir supports aliasing one or more traits and using those aliases wherever
+traits would normally be used.
+trait Foo {
+ fn foo(self) -> Self;
+trait Bar {
+ fn bar(self) -> Self;
+// Equivalent to:
+// trait Baz: Foo + Bar {}
+// impl Baz for T where T: Foo + Bar {}
+trait Baz = Foo + Bar;
+// We can use `Baz` to refer to `Foo + Bar`
+fn baz(x: T) -> T where T: Baz {
+ x.foo().bar()
+#### Generic Trait Aliases
+Trait aliases can also be generic by placing the generic arguments after the
+trait name. These generics are in scope of every item within the trait alias.
+trait Foo {
+ fn foo(self) -> Self;
+trait Bar {
+ fn bar(self) -> T;
+// Equivalent to:
+// trait Baz: Foo + Bar {}
+// impl Baz for U where U: Foo + Bar {}
+trait Baz = Foo + Bar;
+#### Trait Alias Where Clauses
+Trait aliases support where clauses to add trait constraints to any of their
+generic arguments, e.g. ensuring `T: Baz` for a trait alias `Qux`.
+trait Foo {
+ fn foo(self) -> Self;
+trait Bar {
+ fn bar(self) -> T;
+trait Baz {
+ fn baz(self) -> bool;
+// Equivalent to:
+// trait Qux: Foo + Bar where T: Baz {}
+// impl Qux for U where
+// U: Foo + Bar,
+// T: Baz,
+// {}
+trait Qux = Foo + Bar where T: Baz;
+Note that while trait aliases support where clauses,
+the equivalent traits can fail due to [#6467](https://github.com/noir-lang/noir/issues/6467)
+### Visibility
+By default, like functions, traits and trait aliases are private to the module
+they exist in. You can use `pub` to make the trait public or `pub(crate)` to make
+it public to just its crate:
+// This trait is now public
+pub trait Trait {}
+// This trait alias is now public
+pub trait Baz = Foo + Bar;
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+title: Unconstrained Functions
+description: "Learn about what unconstrained functions in Noir are, how to use them and when you'd want to."
+keywords: [Noir programming language, unconstrained, open]
+sidebar_position: 5
+Unconstrained functions are functions which do not constrain any of the included computation and allow for non-deterministic computation.
+## Why?
+Zero-knowledge (ZK) domain-specific languages (DSL) enable developers to generate ZK proofs from their programs by compiling code down to the constraints of an NP complete language (such as R1CS or PLONKish languages). However, the hard bounds of a constraint system can be very limiting to the functionality of a ZK DSL.
+Enabling a circuit language to perform unconstrained execution is a powerful tool. Said another way, unconstrained execution lets developers generate witnesses from code that does not generate any constraints. Being able to execute logic outside of a circuit is critical for both circuit performance and constructing proofs on information that is external to a circuit.
+Fetching information from somewhere external to a circuit can also be used to enable developers to improve circuit efficiency.
+A ZK DSL does not just prove computation, but proves that some computation was handled correctly. Thus, it is necessary that when we switch from performing some operation directly inside of a circuit to inside of an unconstrained environment that the appropriate constraints are still laid down elsewhere in the circuit.
+## Example
+An in depth example might help drive the point home. This example comes from the excellent [post](https://discord.com/channels/1113924620781883405/1124022445054111926/1128747641853972590) by Tom in the Noir Discord.
+Let's look at how we can optimize a function to turn a `u72` into an array of `u8`s.
+fn main(num: u72) -> pub [u8; 8] {
+ let mut out: [u8; 8] = [0; 8];
+ for i in 0..8 {
+ out[i] = (num >> (56 - (i * 8)) as u72 & 0xff) as u8;
+ }
+ out
+Total ACIR opcodes generated for language PLONKCSat { width: 3 }: 91
+Backend circuit size: 3619
+A lot of the operations in this function are optimized away by the compiler (all the bit-shifts turn into divisions by constants). However we can save a bunch of gates by casting to u8 a bit earlier. This automatically truncates the bit-shifted value to fit in a u8 which allows us to remove the AND against 0xff. This saves us ~480 gates in total.
+fn main(num: u72) -> pub [u8; 8] {
+ let mut out: [u8; 8] = [0; 8];
+ for i in 0..8 {
+ out[i] = (num >> (56 - (i * 8)) as u8;
+ }
+ out
+Total ACIR opcodes generated for language PLONKCSat { width: 3 }: 75
+Backend circuit size: 3143
+Those are some nice savings already but we can do better. This code is all constrained so we're proving every step of calculating out using num, but we don't actually care about how we calculate this, just that it's correct. This is where brillig comes in.
+It turns out that truncating a u72 into a u8 is hard to do inside a snark, each time we do as u8 we lay down 4 ACIR opcodes which get converted into multiple gates. It's actually much easier to calculate num from out than the other way around. All we need to do is multiply each element of out by a constant and add them all together, both relatively easy operations inside a snark.
+We can then run `u72_to_u8` as unconstrained brillig code in order to calculate out, then use that result in our constrained function and assert that if we were to do the reverse calculation we'd get back num. This looks a little like the below:
+fn main(num: u72) -> pub [u8; 8] {
+ let out = unsafe {
+ u72_to_u8(num)
+ };
+ let mut reconstructed_num: u72 = 0;
+ for i in 0..8 {
+ reconstructed_num += (out[i] as u72 << (56 - (8 * i)));
+ }
+ assert(num == reconstructed_num);
+ out
+unconstrained fn u72_to_u8(num: u72) -> [u8; 8] {
+ let mut out: [u8; 8] = [0; 8];
+ for i in 0..8 {
+ out[i] = (num >> (56 - (i * 8))) as u8;
+ }
+ out
+Total ACIR opcodes generated for language PLONKCSat { width: 3 }: 78
+Backend circuit size: 2902
+This ends up taking off another ~250 gates from our circuit! We've ended up with more ACIR opcodes than before but they're easier for the backend to prove (resulting in fewer gates).
+Note that in order to invoke unconstrained functions we need to wrap them in an `unsafe` block,
+to make it clear that the call is unconstrained.
+Generally we want to use brillig whenever there's something that's easy to verify but hard to compute within the circuit. For example, if you wanted to calculate a square root of a number it'll be a much better idea to calculate this in brillig and then assert that if you square the result you get back your number.
+## Break and Continue
+In addition to loops over runtime bounds, `break` and `continue` are also available in unconstrained code. See [break and continue](../concepts/control_flow.md#break-and-continue)
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+ "label": "Modules, Packages and Crates",
+ "position": 2,
+ "collapsible": true,
+ "collapsed": true
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@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+title: Crates and Packages
+description: Learn how to use Crates and Packages in your Noir project
+keywords: [Nargo, dependencies, package management, crates, package]
+sidebar_position: 0
+## Crates
+A crate is the smallest amount of code that the Noir compiler considers at a time.
+Crates can contain modules, and the modules may be defined in other files that get compiled with the crate, as weβll see in the coming sections.
+### Crate Types
+A Noir crate can come in several forms: binaries, libraries or contracts.
+#### Binaries
+_Binary crates_ are programs which you can compile to an ACIR circuit which you can then create proofs against. Each must have a function called `main` that defines the ACIR circuit which is to be proved.
+#### Libraries
+_Library crates_ don't have a `main` function and they don't compile down to ACIR. Instead they define functionality intended to be shared with multiple projects, and eventually included in a binary crate.
+#### Contracts
+Contract crates are similar to binary crates in that they compile to ACIR which you can create proofs against. They are different in that they do not have a single `main` function, but are a collection of functions to be deployed to the [Aztec network](https://aztec.network). You can learn more about the technical details of Aztec in the [monorepo](https://github.com/AztecProtocol/aztec-packages) or contract [examples](https://github.com/AztecProtocol/aztec-packages/tree/master/noir-projects/noir-contracts/contracts).
+### Crate Root
+Every crate has a root, which is the source file that the compiler starts, this is also known as the root module. The Noir compiler does not enforce any conditions on the name of the file which is the crate root, however if you are compiling via Nargo the crate root must be called `lib.nr` or `main.nr` for library or binary crates respectively.
+## Packages
+A Nargo _package_ is a collection of one of more crates that provides a set of functionality. A package must include a Nargo.toml file.
+A package _must_ contain either a library or a binary crate, but not both.
+### Differences from Cargo Packages
+One notable difference between Rust's Cargo and Noir's Nargo is that while Cargo allows a package to contain an unlimited number of binary crates and a single library crate, Nargo currently only allows a package to contain a single crate.
+In future this restriction may be lifted to allow a Nargo package to contain both a binary and library crate or multiple binary crates.
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+++ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/modules_packages_crates/dependencies.md
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+title: Dependencies
+ Learn how to specify and manage dependencies in Nargo, allowing you to upload packages to GitHub
+ and use them easily in your project.
+keywords: [Nargo, dependencies, GitHub, package management, versioning]
+sidebar_position: 1
+Nargo allows you to upload packages to GitHub and use them as dependencies.
+## Specifying a dependency
+Specifying a dependency requires a tag to a specific commit and the git url to the url containing
+the package.
+Currently, there are no requirements on the tag contents. If requirements are added, it would follow
+semver 2.0 guidelines.
+> Note: Without a `tag` , there would be no versioning and dependencies would change each time you
+> compile your project.
+For example, to add the [ecrecover-noir library](https://github.com/colinnielsen/ecrecover-noir) to your project, add it to `Nargo.toml`:
+# Nargo.toml
+ecrecover = {tag = "v0.8.0", git = "https://github.com/colinnielsen/ecrecover-noir"}
+If the module is in a subdirectory, you can define a subdirectory in your git repository, for example:
+# Nargo.toml
+easy_private_token_contract = {tag ="v0.1.0-alpha62", git = "https://github.com/AztecProtocol/aztec-packages", directory = "noir-contracts/contracts/easy_private_token_contract"}
+## Specifying a local dependency
+You can also specify dependencies that are local to your machine.
+For example, this file structure has a library and binary crate
+βββ binary_crate
+βΒ Β βββ Nargo.toml
+βΒ Β βββ src
+βΒ Β βββ main.nr
+βββ lib_a
+ βββ Nargo.toml
+ βββ src
+ βββ lib.nr
+Inside of the binary crate, you can specify:
+# Nargo.toml
+lib_a = { path = "../lib_a" }
+## Importing dependencies
+You can import a dependency to a Noir file using the following syntax. For example, to import the
+ecrecover-noir library and local lib_a referenced above:
+use ecrecover;
+use lib_a;
+You can also import only the specific parts of dependency that you want to use, like so:
+use std::hash::sha256;
+use std::scalar_mul::fixed_base_embedded_curve;
+Lastly, as demonstrated in the
+[elliptic curve example](../standard_library/cryptographic_primitives/ec_primitives.md#examples), you
+can import multiple items in the same line by enclosing them in curly braces:
+use std::ec::tecurve::affine::{Curve, Point};
+We don't have a way to consume libraries from inside a [workspace](./workspaces.md) as external dependencies right now.
+Inside a workspace, these are consumed as `{ path = "../to_lib" }` dependencies in Nargo.toml.
+## Dependencies of Dependencies
+Note that when you import a dependency, you also get access to all of the dependencies of that package.
+For example, the [phy_vector](https://github.com/resurgencelabs/phy_vector) library imports an [fraction](https://github.com/resurgencelabs/fraction) library. If you're importing the phy_vector library, then you can access the functions in fractions library like so:
+use phy_vector;
+fn main(x : Field, y : pub Field) {
+ //...
+ let f = phy_vector::fraction::toFraction(true, 2, 1);
+ //...
+## Available Libraries
+Noir does not currently have an official package manager. You can find a list of available Noir libraries in the [awesome-noir repo here](https://github.com/noir-lang/awesome-noir#libraries).
+Some libraries that are available today include:
+- [Standard Library](https://github.com/noir-lang/noir/tree/master/noir_stdlib) - the Noir Standard Library
+- [Ethereum Storage Proof Verification](https://github.com/aragonzkresearch/noir-trie-proofs) - a library that contains the primitives necessary for RLP decoding (in the form of look-up table construction) and Ethereum state and storage proof verification (or verification of any trie proof involving 32-byte long keys)
+- [BigInt](https://github.com/shuklaayush/noir-bigint) - a library that provides a custom BigUint56 data type, allowing for computations on large unsigned integers
+- [ECrecover](https://github.com/colinnielsen/ecrecover-noir/tree/main) - a library to verify an ECDSA signature and return the source Ethereum address
+- [Sparse Merkle Tree Verifier](https://github.com/vocdoni/smtverifier-noir/tree/main) - a library for verification of sparse Merkle trees
+- [Signed Int](https://github.com/resurgencelabs/signed_int) - a library for accessing a custom Signed Integer data type, allowing access to negative numbers on Noir
+- [Fraction](https://github.com/resurgencelabs/fraction) - a library for accessing fractional number data type in Noir, allowing results that aren't whole numbers
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/modules_packages_crates/modules.md b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/modules_packages_crates/modules.md
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+title: Modules
+ Learn how to organize your files using modules in Noir, following the same convention as Rust's
+ module system. Examples included.
+keywords: [Noir, Rust, modules, organizing files, sub-modules]
+sidebar_position: 2
+Noir's module system follows the same convention as the _newer_ version of Rust's module system.
+## Purpose of Modules
+Modules are used to organize files. Without modules all of your code would need to live in a single
+file. In Noir, the compiler does not automatically scan all of your files to detect modules. This
+must be done explicitly by the developer.
+## Examples
+### Importing a module in the crate root
+Filename : `src/main.nr`
+mod foo;
+fn main() {
+ foo::hello_world();
+Filename : `src/foo.nr`
+fn from_foo() {}
+In the above snippet, the crate root is the `src/main.nr` file. The compiler sees the module
+declaration `mod foo` which prompts it to look for a foo.nr file.
+Visually this module hierarchy looks like the following :
+ βββ main
+ β
+ βββ foo
+ βββ from_foo
+The module filename may also be the name of the module as a directory with the contents in a
+file named `mod.nr` within that directory. The above example can alternatively be expressed like this:
+Filename : `src/main.nr`
+mod foo;
+fn main() {
+ foo::hello_world();
+Filename : `src/foo/mod.nr`
+fn from_foo() {}
+Note that it's an error to have both files `src/foo.nr` and `src/foo/mod.nr` in the filesystem.
+### Importing a module throughout the tree
+All modules are accessible from the `crate::` namespace.
+ βββ bar
+ βββ foo
+ βββ main
+In the above snippet, if `bar` would like to use functions in `foo`, it can do so by `use crate::foo::function_name`.
+### Sub-modules
+Filename : `src/main.nr`
+mod foo;
+fn main() {
+ foo::from_foo();
+Filename : `src/foo.nr`
+mod bar;
+fn from_foo() {}
+Filename : `src/foo/bar.nr`
+fn from_bar() {}
+In the above snippet, we have added an extra module to the module tree; `bar`. `bar` is a submodule
+of `foo` hence we declare bar in `foo.nr` with `mod bar`. Since `foo` is not the crate root, the
+compiler looks for the file associated with the `bar` module in `src/foo/bar.nr`
+Visually the module hierarchy looks as follows:
+ βββ main
+ β
+ βββ foo
+ βββ from_foo
+ βββ bar
+ βββ from_bar
+Similar to importing a module in the crate root, modules can be placed in a `mod.nr` file, like this:
+Filename : `src/main.nr`
+mod foo;
+fn main() {
+ foo::from_foo();
+Filename : `src/foo/mod.nr`
+mod bar;
+fn from_foo() {}
+Filename : `src/foo/bar/mod.nr`
+fn from_bar() {}
+### Referencing a parent module
+Given a submodule, you can refer to its parent module using the `super` keyword.
+Filename : `src/main.nr`
+mod foo;
+fn main() {
+ foo::from_foo();
+Filename : `src/foo.nr`
+mod bar;
+fn from_foo() {}
+Filename : `src/foo/bar.nr`
+// Same as bar::from_foo
+use super::from_foo;
+fn from_bar() {
+ from_foo(); // invokes super::from_foo(), which is bar::from_foo()
+ super::from_foo(); // also invokes bar::from_foo()
+### `use` visibility
+`use` declarations are private to the containing module, by default. However, like functions,
+they can be marked as `pub` or `pub(crate)`. Such a use declaration serves to _re-export_ a name.
+A public `use` declaration can therefore redirect some public name to a different target definition:
+even a definition with a private canonical path, inside a different module.
+An example of re-exporting:
+mod some_module {
+ pub use foo::{bar, baz};
+ mod foo {
+ pub fn bar() {}
+ pub fn baz() {}
+ }
+fn main() {
+ some_module::bar();
+ some_module::baz();
+In this example, the module `some_module` re-exports two public names defined in `foo`.
+### Visibility
+By default, like functions, modules are private to the module (or crate) they exist in. You can use `pub`
+to make the module public or `pub(crate)` to make it public to just its crate:
+// This module is now public and can be seen by other crates.
+pub mod foo;
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+++ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/modules_packages_crates/workspaces.md
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+title: Workspaces
+sidebar_position: 3
+Workspaces are a feature of nargo that allow you to manage multiple related Noir packages in a single repository. A workspace is essentially a group of related projects that share common build output directories and configurations.
+Each Noir project (with it's own Nargo.toml file) can be thought of as a package. Each package is expected to contain exactly one "named circuit", being the "name" defined in Nargo.toml with the program logic defined in `./src/main.nr`.
+For a project with the following structure:
+βββ crates
+β βββ a
+β β βββ Nargo.toml
+β β βββ Prover.toml
+β β βββ src
+β β βββ main.nr
+β βββ b
+β βββ Nargo.toml
+β βββ Prover.toml
+β βββ src
+β βββ main.nr
+βββ Nargo.toml
+You can define a workspace in Nargo.toml like so:
+members = ["crates/a", "crates/b"]
+default-member = "crates/a"
+`members` indicates which packages are included in the workspace. As such, all member packages of a workspace will be processed when the `--workspace` flag is used with various commands or if a `default-member` is not specified.
+`default-member` indicates which package various commands process by default.
+Libraries can be defined in a workspace. Inside a workspace, these are consumed as `{ path = "../to_lib" }` dependencies in Nargo.toml.
+Inside a workspace, these are consumed as `{ path = "../to_lib" }` dependencies in Nargo.toml.
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/_category_.json b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/_category_.json
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "label": "Standard Library",
+ "position": 1,
+ "collapsible": true,
+ "collapsed": true
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/bigint.md b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/bigint.md
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+title: Big Integers
+description: How to use big integers from Noir standard library
+ [
+ Big Integer,
+ Noir programming language,
+ Noir libraries,
+ ]
+The BigInt module in the standard library exposes some class of integers which do not fit (well) into a Noir native field. It implements modulo arithmetic, modulo a 'big' prime number.
+The module can currently be considered as `Field`s with fixed modulo sizes used by a set of elliptic curves, in addition to just the native curve. [More work](https://github.com/noir-lang/noir/issues/510) is needed to achieve arbitrarily sized big integers.
+`nargo` can be built with `--profile release-pedantic` to enable extra overflow checks which may affect `BigInt` results in some cases.
+Consider the [`noir-bignum`](https://github.com/noir-lang/noir-bignum) library for an optimized alternative approach.
+Currently 6 classes of integers (i.e 'big' prime numbers) are available in the module, namely:
+- BN254 Fq: Bn254Fq
+- BN254 Fr: Bn254Fr
+- Secp256k1 Fq: Secpk1Fq
+- Secp256k1 Fr: Secpk1Fr
+- Secp256r1 Fr: Secpr1Fr
+- Secp256r1 Fq: Secpr1Fq
+Where XXX Fq and XXX Fr denote respectively the order of the base and scalar field of the (usual) elliptic curve XXX.
+For instance the big integer 'Secpk1Fq' in the standard library refers to integers modulo $2^{256}-2^{32}-977$.
+Feel free to explore the source code for the other primes:
+```rust title="big_int_definition" showLineNumbers
+pub struct BigInt {
+ pointer: u32,
+ modulus: u32,
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/bigint.nr#L28-L33
+## Example usage
+A common use-case is when constructing a big integer from its bytes representation, and performing arithmetic operations on it:
+```rust title="big_int_example" showLineNumbers
+fn big_int_example(x: u8, y: u8) {
+ let a = Secpk1Fq::from_le_bytes(&[x, y, 0, 45, 2]);
+ let b = Secpk1Fq::from_le_bytes(&[y, x, 9]);
+ let c = (a + b) * b / a;
+ let d = c.to_le_bytes();
+ println(d[0]);
+> Source code: test_programs/execution_success/bigint/src/main.nr#L74-L82
+## Methods
+The available operations for each big integer are:
+### from_le_bytes
+Construct a big integer from its little-endian bytes representation. Example:
+ // Construct a big integer from a slice of bytes
+ let a = Secpk1Fq::from_le_bytes(&[x, y, 0, 45, 2]);
+ // Construct a big integer from an array of 32 bytes
+ let a = Secpk1Fq::from_le_bytes_32([1;32]);
+ ```
+Sure, here's the formatted version of the remaining methods:
+### to_le_bytes
+Return the little-endian bytes representation of a big integer. Example:
+let bytes = a.to_le_bytes();
+### add
+Add two big integers. Example:
+let sum = a + b;
+### sub
+Subtract two big integers. Example:
+let difference = a - b;
+### mul
+Multiply two big integers. Example:
+let product = a * b;
+### div
+Divide two big integers. Note that division is field division and not euclidean division. Example:
+let quotient = a / b;
+### eq
+Compare two big integers. Example:
+let are_equal = a == b;
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/black_box_fns.md b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/black_box_fns.md
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+++ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/black_box_fns.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+title: Black Box Functions
+description: Black box functions are functions in Noir that rely on backends implementing support for specialized constraints.
+keywords: [noir, black box functions]
+Black box functions are functions in Noir that rely on backends implementing support for specialized constraints. This makes certain zk-snark unfriendly computations cheaper than if they were implemented in Noir.
+The ACVM spec defines a set of blackbox functions which backends will be expected to implement. This allows backends to use optimized implementations of these constraints if they have them, however they may also fallback to less efficient naive implementations if not.
+## Function list
+Here is a list of the current black box functions:
+- [AES128](./cryptographic_primitives/ciphers.mdx#aes128)
+- [SHA256](./cryptographic_primitives/hashes.mdx#sha256)
+- [Schnorr signature verification](./cryptographic_primitives/schnorr.mdx)
+- [Blake2s](./cryptographic_primitives/hashes.mdx#blake2s)
+- [Blake3](./cryptographic_primitives/hashes.mdx#blake3)
+- [Pedersen Hash](./cryptographic_primitives/hashes.mdx#pedersen_hash)
+- [Pedersen Commitment](./cryptographic_primitives/hashes.mdx#pedersen_commitment)
+- [ECDSA signature verification](./cryptographic_primitives/ecdsa_sig_verification.mdx)
+- [Embedded curve operations (MSM, addition, ...)](./cryptographic_primitives/embedded_curve_ops.mdx)
+- AND
+- XOR
+- [Keccak256](./cryptographic_primitives/hashes.mdx#keccak256)
+- [Recursive proof verification](./recursion.mdx)
+Most black box functions are included as part of the Noir standard library, however `AND`, `XOR` and `RANGE` are used as part of the Noir language syntax. For instance, using the bitwise operator `&` will invoke the `AND` black box function.
+You can view the black box functions defined in the ACVM code [here](https://github.com/noir-lang/noir/blob/master/acvm-repo/acir/src/circuit/black_box_functions.rs).
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/bn254.md b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/bn254.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+title: Bn254 Field Library
+Noir provides a module in standard library with some optimized functions for bn254 Fr in `std::field::bn254`.
+## decompose
+fn decompose(x: Field) -> (Field, Field) {}
+Decomposes a single field into two fields, low and high. The low field contains the lower 16 bytes of the input field and the high field contains the upper 16 bytes of the input field. Both field results are range checked to 128 bits.
+## assert_gt
+fn assert_gt(a: Field, b: Field) {}
+Asserts that a > b. This will generate less constraints than using `assert(gt(a, b))`.
+## assert_lt
+fn assert_lt(a: Field, b: Field) {}
+Asserts that a < b. This will generate less constraints than using `assert(lt(a, b))`.
+## gt
+fn gt(a: Field, b: Field) -> bool {}
+Returns true if a > b.
+## lt
+fn lt(a: Field, b: Field) -> bool {}
+Returns true if a < b.
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+title: Bounded Vectors
+keywords: [noir, vector, bounded vector, slice]
+sidebar_position: 1
+A `BoundedVec` is a growable storage similar to a `Vec` except that it
+is bounded with a maximum possible length. Unlike `Vec`, `BoundedVec` is not implemented
+via slices and thus is not subject to the same restrictions slices are (notably, nested
+slices - and thus nested vectors as well - are disallowed).
+Since a BoundedVec is backed by a normal array under the hood, growing the BoundedVec by
+pushing an additional element is also more efficient - the length only needs to be increased
+by one.
+For these reasons `BoundedVec` should generally be preferred over `Vec` when there
+is a reasonable maximum bound that can be placed on the vector.
+let mut vector: BoundedVec = BoundedVec::new();
+for i in 0..5 {
+ vector.push(i);
+assert(vector.len() == 5);
+assert(vector.max_len() == 10);
+## Methods
+### new
+pub fn new() -> Self
+Creates a new, empty vector of length zero.
+Since this container is backed by an array internally, it still needs an initial value
+to give each element. To resolve this, each element is zeroed internally. This value
+is guaranteed to be inaccessible unless `get_unchecked` is used.
+let empty_vector: BoundedVec = BoundedVec::new();
+assert(empty_vector.len() == 0);
+Note that whenever calling `new` the maximum length of the vector should always be specified
+via a type signature:
+```rust title="new_example" showLineNumbers
+fn good() -> BoundedVec {
+ // Ok! MaxLen is specified with a type annotation
+ let v1: BoundedVec = BoundedVec::new();
+ let v2 = BoundedVec::new();
+ // Ok! MaxLen is known from the type of `good`'s return value
+ v2
+fn bad() {
+ // Error: Type annotation needed
+ // The compiler can't infer `MaxLen` from this code.
+ let mut v3 = BoundedVec::new();
+ v3.push(5);
+> Source code: test_programs/noir_test_success/bounded_vec/src/main.nr#L11-L27
+This defaulting of `MaxLen` (and numeric generics in general) to zero may change in future noir versions
+but for now make sure to use type annotations when using bounded vectors. Otherwise, you will receive a constraint failure at runtime when the vec is pushed to.
+### get
+pub fn get(self, index: u64) -> T {
+Retrieves an element from the vector at the given index, starting from zero.
+If the given index is equal to or greater than the length of the vector, this
+will issue a constraint failure.
+fn foo(v: BoundedVec) {
+ let first = v.get(0);
+ let last = v.get(v.len() - 1);
+ assert(first != last);
+### get_unchecked
+pub fn get_unchecked(self, index: u64) -> T {
+Retrieves an element from the vector at the given index, starting from zero, without
+performing a bounds check.
+Since this function does not perform a bounds check on length before accessing the element,
+it is unsafe! Use at your own risk!
+```rust title="get_unchecked_example" showLineNumbers
+fn sum_of_first_three(v: BoundedVec) -> u32 {
+ // Always ensure the length is larger than the largest
+ // index passed to get_unchecked
+ assert(v.len() > 2);
+ let first = v.get_unchecked(0);
+ let second = v.get_unchecked(1);
+ let third = v.get_unchecked(2);
+ first + second + third
+> Source code: test_programs/noir_test_success/bounded_vec/src/main.nr#L54-L64
+### set
+pub fn set(&mut self: Self, index: u64, value: T) {
+Writes an element to the vector at the given index, starting from zero.
+If the given index is equal to or greater than the length of the vector, this will issue a constraint failure.
+fn foo(v: BoundedVec) {
+ let first = v.get(0);
+ assert(first != 42);
+ v.set(0, 42);
+ let new_first = v.get(0);
+ assert(new_first == 42);
+### set_unchecked
+pub fn set_unchecked(&mut self: Self, index: u64, value: T) -> T {
+Writes an element to the vector at the given index, starting from zero, without performing a bounds check.
+Since this function does not perform a bounds check on length before accessing the element, it is unsafe! Use at your own risk!
+```rust title="set_unchecked_example" showLineNumbers
+fn set_unchecked_example() {
+ let mut vec: BoundedVec = BoundedVec::new();
+ vec.extend_from_array([1, 2]);
+ // Here we're safely writing within the valid range of `vec`
+ // `vec` now has the value [42, 2]
+ vec.set_unchecked(0, 42);
+ // We can then safely read this value back out of `vec`.
+ // Notice that we use the checked version of `get` which would prevent reading unsafe values.
+ assert_eq(vec.get(0), 42);
+ // We've now written past the end of `vec`.
+ // As this index is still within the maximum potential length of `v`,
+ // it won't cause a constraint failure.
+ vec.set_unchecked(2, 42);
+ println(vec);
+ // This will write past the end of the maximum potential length of `vec`,
+ // it will then trigger a constraint failure.
+ vec.set_unchecked(5, 42);
+ println(vec);
+> Source code: test_programs/noir_test_success/bounded_vec/src/main.nr#L67-L91
+### push
+pub fn push(&mut self, elem: T) {
+Pushes an element to the end of the vector. This increases the length
+of the vector by one.
+Panics if the new length of the vector will be greater than the max length.
+```rust title="bounded-vec-push-example" showLineNumbers
+let mut v: BoundedVec = BoundedVec::new();
+ v.push(1);
+ v.push(2);
+ // Panics with failed assertion "push out of bounds"
+ v.push(3);
+> Source code: test_programs/noir_test_success/bounded_vec/src/main.nr#L95-L103
+### pop
+pub fn pop(&mut self) -> T
+Pops the element at the end of the vector. This will decrease the length
+of the vector by one.
+Panics if the vector is empty.
+```rust title="bounded-vec-pop-example" showLineNumbers
+let mut v: BoundedVec = BoundedVec::new();
+ v.push(1);
+ v.push(2);
+ let two = v.pop();
+ let one = v.pop();
+ assert(two == 2);
+ assert(one == 1);
+ // error: cannot pop from an empty vector
+ // let _ = v.pop();
+> Source code: test_programs/noir_test_success/bounded_vec/src/main.nr#L108-L120
+### len
+pub fn len(self) -> u64 {
+Returns the current length of this vector
+```rust title="bounded-vec-len-example" showLineNumbers
+let mut v: BoundedVec = BoundedVec::new();
+ assert(v.len() == 0);
+ v.push(100);
+ assert(v.len() == 1);
+ v.push(200);
+ v.push(300);
+ v.push(400);
+ assert(v.len() == 4);
+ let _ = v.pop();
+ let _ = v.pop();
+ assert(v.len() == 2);
+> Source code: test_programs/noir_test_success/bounded_vec/src/main.nr#L125-L140
+### max_len
+pub fn max_len(_self: BoundedVec) -> u64 {
+Returns the maximum length of this vector. This is always
+equal to the `MaxLen` parameter this vector was initialized with.
+```rust title="bounded-vec-max-len-example" showLineNumbers
+let mut v: BoundedVec = BoundedVec::new();
+ assert(v.max_len() == 5);
+ v.push(10);
+ assert(v.max_len() == 5);
+> Source code: test_programs/noir_test_success/bounded_vec/src/main.nr#L145-L151
+### storage
+pub fn storage(self) -> [T; MaxLen] {
+Returns the internal array within this vector.
+Since arrays in Noir are immutable, mutating the returned storage array will not mutate
+the storage held internally by this vector.
+Note that uninitialized elements may be zeroed out!
+```rust title="bounded-vec-storage-example" showLineNumbers
+let mut v: BoundedVec = BoundedVec::new();
+ assert(v.storage() == [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
+ v.push(57);
+ assert(v.storage() == [57, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
+> Source code: test_programs/noir_test_success/bounded_vec/src/main.nr#L156-L163
+### extend_from_array
+pub fn extend_from_array(&mut self, array: [T; Len])
+Pushes each element from the given array to this vector.
+Panics if pushing each element would cause the length of this vector
+to exceed the maximum length.
+```rust title="bounded-vec-extend-from-array-example" showLineNumbers
+let mut vec: BoundedVec = BoundedVec::new();
+ vec.extend_from_array([2, 4]);
+ assert(vec.len == 2);
+ assert(vec.get(0) == 2);
+ assert(vec.get(1) == 4);
+> Source code: test_programs/noir_test_success/bounded_vec/src/main.nr#L168-L175
+### extend_from_bounded_vec
+pub fn extend_from_bounded_vec(&mut self, vec: BoundedVec)
+Pushes each element from the other vector to this vector. The length of
+the other vector is left unchanged.
+Panics if pushing each element would cause the length of this vector
+to exceed the maximum length.
+```rust title="bounded-vec-extend-from-bounded-vec-example" showLineNumbers
+let mut v1: BoundedVec = BoundedVec::new();
+ let mut v2: BoundedVec = BoundedVec::new();
+ v2.extend_from_array([1, 2, 3]);
+ v1.extend_from_bounded_vec(v2);
+ assert(v1.storage() == [1, 2, 3, 0, 0]);
+ assert(v2.storage() == [1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
+> Source code: test_programs/noir_test_success/bounded_vec/src/main.nr#L180-L189
+### from_array
+pub fn from_array(array: [T; Len]) -> Self
+Creates a new vector, populating it with values derived from an array input.
+The maximum length of the vector is determined based on the type signature.
+let bounded_vec: BoundedVec = BoundedVec::from_array([1, 2, 3])
+### map
+pub fn map(self, f: fn[Env](T) -> U) -> BoundedVec
+Creates a new vector of equal size by calling a closure on each element in this vector.
+```rust title="bounded-vec-map-example" showLineNumbers
+let vec: BoundedVec = BoundedVec::from_array([1, 2, 3, 4]);
+ let result = vec.map(|value| value * 2);
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/collections/bounded_vec.nr#L495-L498
+### any
+pub fn any(self, predicate: fn[Env](T) -> bool) -> bool
+Returns true if the given predicate returns true for any element
+in this vector.
+```rust title="bounded-vec-any-example" showLineNumbers
+let mut v: BoundedVec = BoundedVec::new();
+ v.extend_from_array([2, 4, 6]);
+ let all_even = !v.any(|elem: u32| elem % 2 != 0);
+ assert(all_even);
+> Source code: test_programs/noir_test_success/bounded_vec/src/main.nr#L256-L262
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/containers/hashmap.md b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/containers/hashmap.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..395cc312705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/containers/hashmap.md
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+title: HashMap
+keywords: [noir, map, hash, hashmap]
+sidebar_position: 1
+`HashMap` is used to efficiently store and look up key-value pairs.
+`HashMap` is a bounded type which can store anywhere from zero to `MaxLen` total elements.
+Note that due to hash collisions, the actual maximum number of elements stored by any particular
+hashmap is likely lower than `MaxLen`. This is true even with cryptographic hash functions since
+every hash value will be performed modulo `MaxLen`.
+// Create a mapping from Fields to u32s with a maximum length of 12
+// using a poseidon2 hasher
+use std::hash::poseidon2::Poseidon2Hasher;
+let mut map: HashMap> = HashMap::default();
+map.insert(1, 2);
+map.insert(3, 4);
+let two = map.get(1).unwrap();
+## Methods
+### default
+```rust title="default" showLineNumbers
+impl Default for HashMap
+ B: BuildHasher + Default,
+ H: Hasher + Default,
+ /// Constructs an empty HashMap.
+ ///
+ /// Example:
+ ///
+ /// ```noir
+ /// let hashmap: HashMap> = HashMap::default();
+ /// assert(hashmap.is_empty());
+ /// ```
+ fn default() -> Self {
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/collections/map.nr#L681-L696
+Creates a fresh, empty HashMap.
+When using this function, always make sure to specify the maximum size of the hash map.
+This is the same `default` from the `Default` implementation given further below. It is
+repeated here for convenience since it is the recommended way to create a hashmap.
+```rust title="default_example" showLineNumbers
+let hashmap: HashMap> = HashMap::default();
+ assert(hashmap.is_empty());
+> Source code: test_programs/execution_success/hashmap/src/main.nr#L207-L210
+Because `HashMap` has so many generic arguments that are likely to be the same throughout
+your program, it may be helpful to create a type alias:
+```rust title="type_alias" showLineNumbers
+type MyMap = HashMap>;
+> Source code: test_programs/execution_success/hashmap/src/main.nr#L201-L203
+### with_hasher
+```rust title="with_hasher" showLineNumbers
+pub fn with_hasher(_build_hasher: B) -> Self
+ where
+ B: BuildHasher,
+ {
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/collections/map.nr#L103-L108
+Creates a hashmap with an existing `BuildHasher`. This can be used to ensure multiple
+hashmaps are created with the same hasher instance.
+```rust title="with_hasher_example" showLineNumbers
+let my_hasher: BuildHasherDefault = Default::default();
+ let hashmap: HashMap> =
+ HashMap::with_hasher(my_hasher);
+ assert(hashmap.is_empty());
+> Source code: test_programs/execution_success/hashmap/src/main.nr#L211-L216
+### get
+```rust title="get" showLineNumbers
+pub fn get(self, key: K) -> Option
+ where
+ K: Eq + Hash,
+ B: BuildHasher,
+ H: Hasher,
+ {
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/collections/map.nr#L465-L472
+Retrieves a value from the hashmap, returning `Option::none()` if it was not found.
+```rust title="get_example" showLineNumbers
+fn get_example(map: HashMap>) {
+ let x = map.get(12);
+ if x.is_some() {
+ assert(x.unwrap() == 42);
+ }
+> Source code: test_programs/execution_success/hashmap/src/main.nr#L296-L304
+### insert
+```rust title="insert" showLineNumbers
+pub fn insert(&mut self, key: K, value: V)
+ where
+ K: Eq + Hash,
+ B: BuildHasher,
+ H: Hasher,
+ {
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/collections/map.nr#L507-L514
+Inserts a new key-value pair into the map. If the key was already in the map, its
+previous value will be overridden with the newly provided one.
+```rust title="insert_example" showLineNumbers
+let mut map: HashMap> = HashMap::default();
+ map.insert(12, 42);
+ assert(map.len() == 1);
+> Source code: test_programs/execution_success/hashmap/src/main.nr#L217-L221
+### remove
+```rust title="remove" showLineNumbers
+pub fn remove(&mut self, key: K)
+ where
+ K: Eq + Hash,
+ B: BuildHasher,
+ H: Hasher,
+ {
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/collections/map.nr#L563-L570
+Removes the given key-value pair from the map. If the key was not already present
+in the map, this does nothing.
+```rust title="remove_example" showLineNumbers
+ assert(map.is_empty());
+ // If a key was not present in the map, remove does nothing
+ map.remove(12);
+ assert(map.is_empty());
+> Source code: test_programs/execution_success/hashmap/src/main.nr#L224-L231
+### is_empty
+```rust title="is_empty" showLineNumbers
+pub fn is_empty(self) -> bool {
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/collections/map.nr#L167-L169
+True if the length of the hash map is empty.
+```rust title="is_empty_example" showLineNumbers
+ map.insert(1, 2);
+ assert(!map.is_empty());
+ map.remove(1);
+ assert(map.is_empty());
+> Source code: test_programs/execution_success/hashmap/src/main.nr#L232-L240
+### len
+```rust title="len" showLineNumbers
+pub fn len(self) -> u32 {
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/collections/map.nr#L424-L426
+Returns the current length of this hash map.
+```rust title="len_example" showLineNumbers
+// This is equivalent to checking map.is_empty()
+ assert(map.len() == 0);
+ map.insert(1, 2);
+ map.insert(3, 4);
+ map.insert(5, 6);
+ assert(map.len() == 3);
+ // 3 was already present as a key in the hash map, so the length is unchanged
+ map.insert(3, 7);
+ assert(map.len() == 3);
+ map.remove(1);
+ assert(map.len() == 2);
+> Source code: test_programs/execution_success/hashmap/src/main.nr#L241-L256
+### capacity
+```rust title="capacity" showLineNumbers
+pub fn capacity(_self: Self) -> u32 {
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/collections/map.nr#L446-L448
+Returns the maximum capacity of this hashmap. This is always equal to the capacity
+specified in the hashmap's type.
+Unlike hashmaps in general purpose programming languages, hashmaps in Noir have a
+static capacity that does not increase as the map grows larger. Thus, this capacity
+is also the maximum possible element count that can be inserted into the hashmap.
+Due to hash collisions (modulo the hashmap length), it is likely the actual maximum
+element count will be lower than the full capacity.
+```rust title="capacity_example" showLineNumbers
+let empty_map: HashMap> =
+ HashMap::default();
+ assert(empty_map.len() == 0);
+ assert(empty_map.capacity() == 42);
+> Source code: test_programs/execution_success/hashmap/src/main.nr#L257-L262
+### clear
+```rust title="clear" showLineNumbers
+pub fn clear(&mut self) {
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/collections/map.nr#L123-L125
+Clears the hashmap, removing all key-value pairs from it.
+```rust title="clear_example" showLineNumbers
+ map.clear();
+ assert(map.is_empty());
+> Source code: test_programs/execution_success/hashmap/src/main.nr#L263-L267
+### contains_key
+```rust title="contains_key" showLineNumbers
+pub fn contains_key(self, key: K) -> bool
+ where
+ K: Hash + Eq,
+ B: BuildHasher,
+ H: Hasher,
+ {
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/collections/map.nr#L143-L150
+True if the hashmap contains the given key. Unlike `get`, this will not also return
+the value associated with the key.
+```rust title="contains_key_example" showLineNumbers
+if map.contains_key(7) {
+ let value = map.get(7);
+ assert(value.is_some());
+ } else {
+ println("No value for key 7!");
+ }
+> Source code: test_programs/execution_success/hashmap/src/main.nr#L268-L275
+### entries
+```rust title="entries" showLineNumbers
+pub fn entries(self) -> BoundedVec<(K, V), N> {
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/collections/map.nr#L191-L193
+Returns a vector of each key-value pair present in the hashmap.
+The length of the returned vector is always equal to the length of the hashmap.
+```rust title="entries_example" showLineNumbers
+let entries = map.entries();
+ // The length of a hashmap may not be compile-time known, so we
+ // need to loop over its capacity instead
+ for i in 0..map.capacity() {
+ if i < entries.len() {
+ let (key, value) = entries.get(i);
+ println(f"{key} -> {value}");
+ }
+ }
+> Source code: test_programs/execution_success/hashmap/src/main.nr#L307-L318
+### keys
+```rust title="keys" showLineNumbers
+pub fn keys(self) -> BoundedVec {
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/collections/map.nr#L227-L229
+Returns a vector of each key present in the hashmap.
+The length of the returned vector is always equal to the length of the hashmap.
+```rust title="keys_example" showLineNumbers
+let keys = map.keys();
+ for i in 0..keys.max_len() {
+ if i < keys.len() {
+ let key = keys.get_unchecked(i);
+ let value = map.get(key).unwrap_unchecked();
+ println(f"{key} -> {value}");
+ }
+ }
+> Source code: test_programs/execution_success/hashmap/src/main.nr#L319-L329
+### values
+```rust title="values" showLineNumbers
+pub fn values(self) -> BoundedVec {
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/collections/map.nr#L262-L264
+Returns a vector of each value present in the hashmap.
+The length of the returned vector is always equal to the length of the hashmap.
+```rust title="values_example" showLineNumbers
+let values = map.values();
+ for i in 0..values.max_len() {
+ if i < values.len() {
+ let value = values.get_unchecked(i);
+ println(f"Found value {value}");
+ }
+ }
+> Source code: test_programs/execution_success/hashmap/src/main.nr#L330-L339
+### iter_mut
+```rust title="iter_mut" showLineNumbers
+pub fn iter_mut(&mut self, f: fn(K, V) -> (K, V))
+ where
+ K: Eq + Hash,
+ B: BuildHasher,
+ H: Hasher,
+ {
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/collections/map.nr#L297-L304
+Iterates through each key-value pair of the HashMap, setting each key-value pair to the
+result returned from the given function.
+Note that since keys can be mutated, the HashMap needs to be rebuilt as it is iterated
+through. If this is not desired, use `iter_values_mut` if only values need to be mutated,
+or `entries` if neither keys nor values need to be mutated.
+The iteration order is left unspecified. As a result, if two keys are mutated to become
+equal, which of the two values that will be present for the key in the resulting map is also unspecified.
+```rust title="iter_mut_example" showLineNumbers
+// Add 1 to each key in the map, and double the value associated with that key.
+ map.iter_mut(|k, v| (k + 1, v * 2));
+> Source code: test_programs/execution_success/hashmap/src/main.nr#L343-L346
+### iter_keys_mut
+```rust title="iter_keys_mut" showLineNumbers
+pub fn iter_keys_mut(&mut self, f: fn(K) -> K)
+ where
+ K: Eq + Hash,
+ B: BuildHasher,
+ H: Hasher,
+ {
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/collections/map.nr#L335-L342
+Iterates through the HashMap, mutating each key to the result returned from
+the given function.
+Note that since keys can be mutated, the HashMap needs to be rebuilt as it is iterated
+through. If only iteration is desired and the keys are not intended to be mutated,
+prefer using `entries` instead.
+The iteration order is left unspecified. As a result, if two keys are mutated to become
+equal, which of the two values that will be present for the key in the resulting map is also unspecified.
+```rust title="iter_keys_mut_example" showLineNumbers
+// Double each key, leaving the value associated with that key untouched
+ map.iter_keys_mut(|k| k * 2);
+> Source code: test_programs/execution_success/hashmap/src/main.nr#L347-L350
+### iter_values_mut
+```rust title="iter_values_mut" showLineNumbers
+pub fn iter_values_mut(&mut self, f: fn(V) -> V) {
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/collections/map.nr#L367-L369
+Iterates through the HashMap, applying the given function to each value and mutating the
+value to equal the result. This function is more efficient than `iter_mut` and `iter_keys_mut`
+because the keys are untouched and the underlying hashmap thus does not need to be reordered.
+```rust title="iter_values_mut_example" showLineNumbers
+// Halve each value
+ map.iter_values_mut(|v| v / 2);
+> Source code: test_programs/execution_success/hashmap/src/main.nr#L351-L354
+### retain
+```rust title="retain" showLineNumbers
+pub fn retain(&mut self, f: fn(K, V) -> bool) {
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/collections/map.nr#L388-L390
+Retains only the key-value pairs for which the given function returns true.
+Any key-value pairs for which the function returns false will be removed from the map.
+```rust title="retain_example" showLineNumbers
+map.retain(|k, v| (k != 0) & (v != 0));
+> Source code: test_programs/execution_success/hashmap/src/main.nr#L279-L281
+## Trait Implementations
+### default
+```rust title="default" showLineNumbers
+impl Default for HashMap
+ B: BuildHasher + Default,
+ H: Hasher + Default,
+ /// Constructs an empty HashMap.
+ ///
+ /// Example:
+ ///
+ /// ```noir
+ /// let hashmap: HashMap> = HashMap::default();
+ /// assert(hashmap.is_empty());
+ /// ```
+ fn default() -> Self {
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/collections/map.nr#L681-L696
+Constructs an empty HashMap.
+```rust title="default_example" showLineNumbers
+let hashmap: HashMap> = HashMap::default();
+ assert(hashmap.is_empty());
+> Source code: test_programs/execution_success/hashmap/src/main.nr#L207-L210
+### eq
+```rust title="eq" showLineNumbers
+impl Eq for HashMap
+ K: Eq + Hash,
+ V: Eq,
+ B: BuildHasher,
+ H: Hasher,
+ /// Checks if two HashMaps are equal.
+ ///
+ /// Example:
+ ///
+ /// ```noir
+ /// let mut map1: HashMap> = HashMap::default();
+ /// let mut map2: HashMap> = HashMap::default();
+ ///
+ /// map1.insert(1, 2);
+ /// map1.insert(3, 4);
+ ///
+ /// map2.insert(3, 4);
+ /// map2.insert(1, 2);
+ ///
+ /// assert(map1 == map2);
+ /// ```
+ fn eq(self, other: HashMap) -> bool {
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/collections/map.nr#L629-L654
+Checks if two HashMaps are equal.
+```rust title="eq_example" showLineNumbers
+let mut map1: HashMap> = HashMap::default();
+ let mut map2: HashMap> = HashMap::default();
+ map1.insert(1, 2);
+ map1.insert(3, 4);
+ map2.insert(3, 4);
+ map2.insert(1, 2);
+ assert(map1 == map2);
+> Source code: test_programs/execution_success/hashmap/src/main.nr#L282-L293
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/containers/index.md b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/containers/index.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+title: Containers
+description: Container types provided by Noir's standard library for storing and retrieving data
+keywords: [containers, data types, vec, hashmap]
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/containers/vec.mdx b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/containers/vec.mdx
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+++ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/containers/vec.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+title: Vectors
+description: Delve into the Vec data type in Noir. Learn about its methods, practical examples, and best practices for using Vectors in your Noir code.
+keywords: [noir, vector type, methods, examples, dynamic arrays]
+sidebar_position: 6
+import Experimental from '@site/src/components/Notes/_experimental.mdx';
+A vector is a collection type similar to Rust's `Vec` type. In Noir, it is a convenient way to use slices as mutable arrays.
+let mut vector: Vec = Vec::new();
+for i in 0..5 {
+ vector.push(i);
+assert(vector.len() == 5);
+## Methods
+### new
+Creates a new, empty vector.
+pub fn new() -> Self
+let empty_vector: Vec = Vec::new();
+assert(empty_vector.len() == 0);
+### from_slice
+Creates a vector containing each element from a given slice. Mutations to the resulting vector will not affect the original slice.
+pub fn from_slice(slice: [T]) -> Self
+let slice: [Field] = &[1, 2, 3];
+let vector_from_slice = Vec::from_slice(slice);
+assert(vector_from_slice.len() == 3);
+### len
+Returns the number of elements in the vector.
+pub fn len(self) -> Field
+let empty_vector: Vec = Vec::new();
+assert(empty_vector.len() == 0);
+### get
+Retrieves an element from the vector at a given index. Panics if the index points beyond the vector's end.
+pub fn get(self, index: Field) -> T
+let vector: Vec = Vec::from_slice(&[10, 20, 30]);
+assert(vector.get(1) == 20);
+### set
+pub fn set(&mut self: Self, index: u64, value: T) {
+Writes an element to the vector at the given index, starting from zero.
+Panics if the index points beyond the vector's end.
+let vector: Vec = Vec::from_slice(&[10, 20, 30]);
+assert(vector.get(1) == 20);
+vector.set(1, 42);
+assert(vector.get(1) == 42);
+### push
+Adds a new element to the vector's end, returning a new vector with a length one greater than the original unmodified vector.
+pub fn push(&mut self, elem: T)
+let mut vector: Vec = Vec::new();
+assert(vector.len() == 1);
+### pop
+Removes an element from the vector's end, returning a new vector with a length one less than the original vector, along with the removed element. Panics if the vector's length is zero.
+pub fn pop(&mut self) -> T
+let mut vector = Vec::from_slice(&[10, 20]);
+let popped_elem = vector.pop();
+assert(popped_elem == 20);
+assert(vector.len() == 1);
+### insert
+Inserts an element at a specified index, shifting subsequent elements to the right.
+pub fn insert(&mut self, index: Field, elem: T)
+let mut vector = Vec::from_slice(&[10, 30]);
+vector.insert(1, 20);
+assert(vector.get(1) == 20);
+### remove
+Removes an element at a specified index, shifting subsequent elements to the left, and returns the removed element.
+pub fn remove(&mut self, index: Field) -> T
+let mut vector = Vec::from_slice(&[10, 20, 30]);
+let removed_elem = vector.remove(1);
+assert(removed_elem == 20);
+assert(vector.len() == 2);
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/cryptographic_primitives/_category_.json b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/cryptographic_primitives/_category_.json
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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "position": 0,
+ "collapsible": true,
+ "collapsed": true
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/cryptographic_primitives/ciphers.mdx b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/cryptographic_primitives/ciphers.mdx
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@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+title: Ciphers
+ Learn about the implemented ciphers ready to use for any Noir project
+ [ciphers, Noir project, aes128, encrypt]
+sidebar_position: 0
+import BlackBoxInfo from '@site/src/components/Notes/_blackbox';
+## aes128
+Given a plaintext as an array of bytes, returns the corresponding aes128 ciphertext (CBC mode). Input padding is automatically performed using PKCS#7, so that the output length is `input.len() + (16 - input.len() % 16)`.
+```rust title="aes128" showLineNumbers
+pub fn aes128_encrypt(input: [u8; N], iv: [u8; 16], key: [u8; 16]) -> [u8] {}
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/aes128.nr#L2-L4
+fn main() {
+ let input: [u8; 4] = [0, 12, 3, 15] // Random bytes, will be padded to 16 bytes.
+ let iv: [u8; 16] = [0; 16]; // Initialisation vector
+ let key: [u8; 16] = [0; 16] // AES key
+ let ciphertext = std::aes128::aes128_encrypt(inputs.as_bytes(), iv.as_bytes(), key.as_bytes()); // In this case, the output length will be 16 bytes.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/cryptographic_primitives/ec_primitives.md b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/cryptographic_primitives/ec_primitives.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+title: Elliptic Curve Primitives
+keywords: [cryptographic primitives, Noir project]
+sidebar_position: 4
+Data structures and methods on them that allow you to carry out computations involving elliptic
+curves over the (mathematical) field corresponding to `Field`. For the field currently at our
+disposal, applications would involve a curve embedded in BN254, e.g. the
+[Baby Jubjub curve](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2494).
+## Data structures
+### Elliptic curve configurations
+(`std::ec::{tecurve,montcurve,swcurve}::{affine,curvegroup}::Curve`), i.e. the specific elliptic
+curve you want to use, which would be specified using any one of the methods
+`std::ec::{tecurve,montcurve,swcurve}::{affine,curvegroup}::new` which take the coefficients in the
+defining equation together with a generator point as parameters. You can find more detail in the
+comments in
+[`noir_stdlib/src/ec/mod.nr`](https://github.com/noir-lang/noir/blob/master/noir_stdlib/src/ec/mod.nr), but
+the gist of it is that the elliptic curves of interest are usually expressed in one of the standard
+forms implemented here (Twisted Edwards, Montgomery and Short WeierstraΓ), and in addition to that,
+you could choose to use `affine` coordinates (Cartesian coordinates - the usual (x,y) - possibly
+together with a point at infinity) or `curvegroup` coordinates (some form of projective coordinates
+requiring more coordinates but allowing for more efficient implementations of elliptic curve
+operations). Conversions between all of these forms are provided, and under the hood these
+conversions are done whenever an operation is more efficient in a different representation (or a
+mixed coordinate representation is employed).
+### Points
+(`std::ec::{tecurve,montcurve,swcurve}::{affine,curvegroup}::Point`), i.e. points lying on the
+elliptic curve. For a curve configuration `c` and a point `p`, it may be checked that `p`
+does indeed lie on `c` by calling `c.contains(p1)`.
+## Methods
+(given a choice of curve representation, e.g. use `std::ec::tecurve::affine::Curve` and use
+- The **zero element** is given by `Point::zero()`, and we can verify whether a point `p: Point` is
+ zero by calling `p.is_zero()`.
+- **Equality**: Points `p1: Point` and `p2: Point` may be checked for equality by calling
+ `p1.eq(p2)`.
+- **Addition**: For `c: Curve` and points `p1: Point` and `p2: Point` on the curve, adding these two
+ points is accomplished by calling `c.add(p1,p2)`.
+- **Negation**: For a point `p: Point`, `p.negate()` is its negation.
+- **Subtraction**: For `c` and `p1`, `p2` as above, subtracting `p2` from `p1` is accomplished by
+ calling `c.subtract(p1,p2)`.
+- **Scalar multiplication**: For `c` as above, `p: Point` a point on the curve and `n: Field`,
+ scalar multiplication is given by `c.mul(n,p)`. If instead `n :: [u1; N]`, i.e. `n` is a bit
+ array, the `bit_mul` method may be used instead: `c.bit_mul(n,p)`
+- **Multi-scalar multiplication**: For `c` as above and arrays `n: [Field; N]` and `p: [Point; N]`,
+ multi-scalar multiplication is given by `c.msm(n,p)`.
+- **Coordinate representation conversions**: The `into_group` method converts a point or curve
+ configuration in the affine representation to one in the CurveGroup representation, and
+ `into_affine` goes in the other direction.
+- **Curve representation conversions**: `tecurve` and `montcurve` curves and points are equivalent
+ and may be converted between one another by calling `into_montcurve` or `into_tecurve` on their
+ configurations or points. `swcurve` is more general and a curve c of one of the other two types
+ may be converted to this representation by calling `c.into_swcurve()`, whereas a point `p` lying
+ on the curve given by `c` may be mapped to its corresponding `swcurve` point by calling
+ `c.map_into_swcurve(p)`.
+- **Map-to-curve methods**: The Elligator 2 method of mapping a field element `n: Field` into a
+ `tecurve` or `montcurve` with configuration `c` may be called as `c.elligator2_map(n)`. For all of
+ the curve configurations, the SWU map-to-curve method may be called as `c.swu_map(z,n)`, where
+ `z: Field` depends on `Field` and `c` and must be chosen by the user (the conditions it needs to
+ satisfy are specified in the comments
+ [here](https://github.com/noir-lang/noir/blob/master/noir_stdlib/src/ec/mod.nr)).
+## Examples
+[ec_baby_jubjub test](https://github.com/noir-lang/noir/blob/master/test_programs/compile_success_empty/ec_baby_jubjub/src/main.nr)
+illustrates all of the above primitives on various forms of the Baby Jubjub curve. A couple of more
+interesting examples in Noir would be:
+Public-key cryptography: Given an elliptic curve and a 'base point' on it, determine the public key
+from the private key. This is a matter of using scalar multiplication. In the case of Baby Jubjub,
+for example, this code would do:
+use std::ec::tecurve::affine::{Curve, Point};
+fn bjj_pub_key(priv_key: Field) -> Point
+ let bjj = Curve::new(168700, 168696, G::new(995203441582195749578291179787384436505546430278305826713579947235728471134,5472060717959818805561601436314318772137091100104008585924551046643952123905));
+ let base_pt = Point::new(5299619240641551281634865583518297030282874472190772894086521144482721001553, 16950150798460657717958625567821834550301663161624707787222815936182638968203);
+ bjj.mul(priv_key,base_pt)
+This would come in handy in a Merkle proof.
+- EdDSA signature verification: This is a matter of combining these primitives with a suitable hash
+ function. See
+ [feat(stdlib): EdDSA sig verification noir#1136](https://github.com/noir-lang/noir/pull/1136) for
+ the case of Baby Jubjub and the Poseidon hash function.
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/cryptographic_primitives/ecdsa_sig_verification.mdx b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/cryptographic_primitives/ecdsa_sig_verification.mdx
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+title: ECDSA Signature Verification
+description: Learn about the cryptographic primitives regarding ECDSA over the secp256k1 and secp256r1 curves
+keywords: [cryptographic primitives, Noir project, ecdsa, secp256k1, secp256r1, signatures]
+sidebar_position: 3
+import BlackBoxInfo from '@site/src/components/Notes/_blackbox';
+Noir supports ECDSA signatures verification over the secp256k1 and secp256r1 curves.
+## ecdsa_secp256k1::verify_signature
+Verifier for ECDSA Secp256k1 signatures.
+See ecdsa_secp256k1::verify_signature_slice for a version that accepts slices directly.
+```rust title="ecdsa_secp256k1" showLineNumbers
+pub fn verify_signature(
+ public_key_x: [u8; 32],
+ public_key_y: [u8; 32],
+ signature: [u8; 64],
+ message_hash: [u8; N],
+) -> bool
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/ecdsa_secp256k1.nr#L2-L9
+fn main(hashed_message : [u8;32], pub_key_x : [u8;32], pub_key_y : [u8;32], signature : [u8;64]) {
+ let valid_signature = std::ecdsa_secp256k1::verify_signature(pub_key_x, pub_key_y, signature, hashed_message);
+ assert(valid_signature);
+## ecdsa_secp256k1::verify_signature_slice
+Verifier for ECDSA Secp256k1 signatures where the message is a slice.
+```rust title="ecdsa_secp256k1_slice" showLineNumbers
+pub fn verify_signature_slice(
+ public_key_x: [u8; 32],
+ public_key_y: [u8; 32],
+ signature: [u8; 64],
+ message_hash: [u8],
+) -> bool
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/ecdsa_secp256k1.nr#L13-L20
+## ecdsa_secp256r1::verify_signature
+Verifier for ECDSA Secp256r1 signatures.
+See ecdsa_secp256r1::verify_signature_slice for a version that accepts slices directly.
+```rust title="ecdsa_secp256r1" showLineNumbers
+pub fn verify_signature(
+ public_key_x: [u8; 32],
+ public_key_y: [u8; 32],
+ signature: [u8; 64],
+ message_hash: [u8; N],
+) -> bool
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/ecdsa_secp256r1.nr#L2-L9
+fn main(hashed_message : [u8;32], pub_key_x : [u8;32], pub_key_y : [u8;32], signature : [u8;64]) {
+ let valid_signature = std::ecdsa_secp256r1::verify_signature(pub_key_x, pub_key_y, signature, hashed_message);
+ assert(valid_signature);
+## ecdsa_secp256r1::verify_signature
+Verifier for ECDSA Secp256r1 signatures where the message is a slice.
+```rust title="ecdsa_secp256r1_slice" showLineNumbers
+pub fn verify_signature_slice(
+ public_key_x: [u8; 32],
+ public_key_y: [u8; 32],
+ signature: [u8; 64],
+ message_hash: [u8],
+) -> bool
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/ecdsa_secp256r1.nr#L13-L20
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/cryptographic_primitives/eddsa.mdx b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/cryptographic_primitives/eddsa.mdx
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@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+title: EdDSA Verification
+description: Learn about the cryptographic primitives regarding EdDSA
+keywords: [cryptographic primitives, Noir project, eddsa, signatures]
+sidebar_position: 5
+import BlackBoxInfo from '@site/src/components/Notes/_blackbox';
+## eddsa::eddsa_poseidon_verify
+Verifier for EdDSA signatures
+fn eddsa_poseidon_verify(public_key_x : Field, public_key_y : Field, signature_s: Field, signature_r8_x: Field, signature_r8_y: Field, message: Field) -> bool
+It is also possible to specify the hash algorithm used for the signature by using the `eddsa_verify` function by passing a type implementing the Hasher trait with the turbofish operator.
+For instance, if you want to use Poseidon2 instead, you can do the following:
+use std::hash::poseidon2::Poseidon2Hasher;
+eddsa_verify::(pub_key_a.x, pub_key_a.y, s_a, r8_a.x, r8_a.y, msg);
+## eddsa::eddsa_to_pub
+Private to public key conversion.
+Returns `(pub_key_x, pub_key_y)`
+fn eddsa_to_pub(secret : Field) -> (Field, Field)
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/cryptographic_primitives/embedded_curve_ops.mdx b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/cryptographic_primitives/embedded_curve_ops.mdx
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+title: Scalar multiplication
+description: See how you can perform scalar multiplication in Noir
+keywords: [cryptographic primitives, Noir project, scalar multiplication]
+sidebar_position: 1
+import BlackBoxInfo from '@site/src/components/Notes/_blackbox';
+The following functions perform operations over the embedded curve whose coordinates are defined by the configured noir field.
+For the BN254 scalar field, this is BabyJubJub or Grumpkin.
+Suffixes `_low` and `_high` denote low and high limbs of a scalar.
+## embedded_curve_ops::multi_scalar_mul
+Performs multi scalar multiplication over the embedded curve.
+The function accepts arbitrary amount of point-scalar pairs on the input, it multiplies the individual pairs over
+the curve and returns a sum of the resulting points.
+Points represented as x and y coordinates [x1, y1, x2, y2, ...], scalars as low and high limbs [low1, high1, low2, high2, ...].
+```rust title="multi_scalar_mul" showLineNumbers
+pub fn multi_scalar_mul(
+ points: [EmbeddedCurvePoint; N],
+ scalars: [EmbeddedCurveScalar; N],
+) -> EmbeddedCurvePoint
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/embedded_curve_ops.nr#L103-L108
+fn main(point_x: Field, point_y: Field, scalar_low: Field, scalar_high: Field) {
+ let point = std::embedded_curve_ops::multi_scalar_mul([point_x, point_y], [scalar_low, scalar_high]);
+ println(point);
+## embedded_curve_ops::fixed_base_scalar_mul
+Performs fixed base scalar multiplication over the embedded curve (multiplies input scalar with a generator point).
+The function accepts a single scalar on the input represented as 2 fields.
+```rust title="fixed_base_scalar_mul" showLineNumbers
+pub fn fixed_base_scalar_mul(scalar: EmbeddedCurveScalar) -> EmbeddedCurvePoint
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/embedded_curve_ops.nr#L120-L122
+fn main(scalar_low: Field, scalar_high: Field) {
+ let point = std::embedded_curve_ops::fixed_base_scalar_mul(scalar_low, scalar_high);
+ println(point);
+## embedded_curve_ops::embedded_curve_add
+Adds two points on the embedded curve.
+This function takes two `EmbeddedCurvePoint` structures as parameters, representing points on the curve, and returns a new `EmbeddedCurvePoint` structure that represents their sum.
+### Parameters:
+- `point1` (`EmbeddedCurvePoint`): The first point to add.
+- `point2` (`EmbeddedCurvePoint`): The second point to add.
+### Returns:
+- `EmbeddedCurvePoint`: The resulting point after the addition of `point1` and `point2`.
+```rust title="embedded_curve_add" showLineNumbers
+pub fn embedded_curve_add(
+ point1: EmbeddedCurvePoint,
+ point2: EmbeddedCurvePoint,
+) -> EmbeddedCurvePoint {
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/embedded_curve_ops.nr#L136-L141
+fn main() {
+ let point1 = EmbeddedCurvePoint { x: 1, y: 2 };
+ let point2 = EmbeddedCurvePoint { x: 3, y: 4 };
+ let result = std::embedded_curve_ops::embedded_curve_add(point1, point2);
+ println!("Resulting Point: ({}, {})", result.x, result.y);
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/cryptographic_primitives/hashes.mdx b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/cryptographic_primitives/hashes.mdx
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+title: Hash methods
+ Learn about the cryptographic primitives ready to use for any Noir project, including sha256,
+ blake2s and pedersen
+ [cryptographic primitives, Noir project, sha256, blake2s, pedersen, hash]
+sidebar_position: 0
+import BlackBoxInfo from '@site/src/components/Notes/_blackbox';
+## sha256
+Given an array of bytes, returns the resulting sha256 hash.
+Specify a message_size to hash only the first `message_size` bytes of the input.
+```rust title="sha256" showLineNumbers
+pub fn sha256(input: [u8; N]) -> HASH
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/hash/sha256.nr#L47-L49
+```rust title="sha256_var" showLineNumbers
+let digest = std::hash::sha256_var([x as u8], 1);
+> Source code: test_programs/execution_success/sha256/src/main.nr#L15-L17
+fn main() {
+ let x = [163, 117, 178, 149]; // some random bytes
+ let hash = std::sha256::sha256_var(x, 4);
+## blake2s
+Given an array of bytes, returns an array with the Blake2 hash
+```rust title="blake2s" showLineNumbers
+pub fn blake2s(input: [u8; N]) -> [u8; 32]
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/hash/mod.nr#L18-L20
+fn main() {
+ let x = [163, 117, 178, 149]; // some random bytes
+ let hash = std::hash::blake2s(x);
+## blake3
+Given an array of bytes, returns an array with the Blake3 hash
+```rust title="blake3" showLineNumbers
+pub fn blake3(input: [u8; N]) -> [u8; 32]
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/hash/mod.nr#L24-L26
+fn main() {
+ let x = [163, 117, 178, 149]; // some random bytes
+ let hash = std::hash::blake3(x);
+## pedersen_hash
+Given an array of Fields, returns the Pedersen hash.
+```rust title="pedersen_hash" showLineNumbers
+pub fn pedersen_hash(input: [Field; N]) -> Field
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/hash/mod.nr#L49-L51
+```rust title="pedersen-hash" showLineNumbers
+fn main(x: Field, y: Field, expected_hash: Field) {
+ let hash = std::hash::pedersen_hash([x, y]);
+ assert_eq(hash, expected_hash);
+> Source code: test_programs/execution_success/pedersen_hash/src/main.nr#L1-L6
+## pedersen_commitment
+Given an array of Fields, returns the Pedersen commitment.
+```rust title="pedersen_commitment" showLineNumbers
+pub fn pedersen_commitment(input: [Field; N]) -> EmbeddedCurvePoint {
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/hash/mod.nr#L29-L31
+```rust title="pedersen-commitment" showLineNumbers
+fn main(x: Field, y: Field, expected_commitment: std::embedded_curve_ops::EmbeddedCurvePoint) {
+ let commitment = std::hash::pedersen_commitment([x, y]);
+ assert_eq(commitment.x, expected_commitment.x);
+ assert_eq(commitment.y, expected_commitment.y);
+> Source code: test_programs/execution_success/pedersen_commitment/src/main.nr#L1-L7
+## keccak256
+Given an array of bytes (`u8`), returns the resulting keccak hash as an array of
+32 bytes (`[u8; 32]`). Specify a message_size to hash only the first
+`message_size` bytes of the input.
+```rust title="keccak256" showLineNumbers
+pub fn keccak256(input: [u8; N], message_size: u32) -> [u8; 32]
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/hash/mod.nr#L116-L118
+```rust title="keccak256" showLineNumbers
+fn main(x: Field, result: [u8; 32]) {
+ // We use the `as` keyword here to denote the fact that we want to take just the first byte from the x Field
+ // The padding is taken care of by the program
+ let digest = std::hash::keccak256([x as u8], 1);
+ assert(digest == result);
+ //#1399: variable message size
+ let message_size = 4;
+ let hash_a = std::hash::keccak256([1, 2, 3, 4], message_size);
+ let hash_b = std::hash::keccak256([1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0], message_size);
+ assert(hash_a == hash_b);
+ let message_size_big = 8;
+ let hash_c = std::hash::keccak256([1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0], message_size_big);
+ assert(hash_a != hash_c);
+> Source code: test_programs/execution_success/keccak256/src/main.nr#L1-L20
+## poseidon
+Given an array of Fields, returns a new Field with the Poseidon Hash. Mind that you need to specify
+how many inputs are there to your Poseidon function.
+// example for hash_1, hash_2 accepts an array of length 2, etc
+fn hash_1(input: [Field; 1]) -> Field
+```rust title="poseidon" showLineNumbers
+use std::hash::poseidon;
+fn main(x1: [Field; 2], y1: pub Field, x2: [Field; 4], y2: pub Field) {
+ let hash1 = poseidon::bn254::hash_2(x1);
+ assert(hash1 == y1);
+ let hash2 = poseidon::bn254::hash_4(x2);
+ assert(hash2 == y2);
+> Source code: test_programs/execution_success/poseidon_bn254_hash/src/main.nr#L1-L11
+## poseidon 2
+Given an array of Fields, returns a new Field with the Poseidon2 Hash. Contrary to the Poseidon
+function, there is only one hash and you can specify a message_size to hash only the first
+`message_size` bytes of the input,
+// example for hashing the first three elements of the input
+Poseidon2::hash(input, 3);
+```rust title="poseidon2" showLineNumbers
+use std::hash::poseidon2;
+fn main(inputs: [Field; 4], expected_hash: Field) {
+ let hash = poseidon2::Poseidon2::hash(inputs, inputs.len());
+ assert_eq(hash, expected_hash);
+> Source code: test_programs/execution_success/poseidon2/src/main.nr#L1-L8
+## hash_to_field
+fn hash_to_field(_input : [Field]) -> Field {}
+Calculates the `blake2s` hash of the inputs and returns the hash modulo the field modulus to return
+a value which can be represented as a `Field`.
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+title: Cryptographic Primitives
+ Learn about the cryptographic primitives ready to use for any Noir project
+ [
+ cryptographic primitives,
+ Noir project,
+ ]
+The Noir team is progressively adding new cryptographic primitives to the standard library. Reach out for news or if you would be interested in adding more of these calculations in Noir.
+Some methods are available thanks to the Aztec backend, not being performed using Noir. When using other backends, these methods may or may not be supplied.
diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/cryptographic_primitives/schnorr.mdx b/docs/versioned_docs/version-v1.0.0-beta.0/noir/standard_library/cryptographic_primitives/schnorr.mdx
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+title: Schnorr Signatures
+description: Learn how you can verify Schnorr signatures using Noir
+keywords: [cryptographic primitives, Noir project, schnorr, signatures]
+sidebar_position: 2
+import BlackBoxInfo from '@site/src/components/Notes/_blackbox';
+## schnorr::verify_signature
+Verifier for Schnorr signatures over the embedded curve (for BN254 it is Grumpkin).
+See schnorr::verify_signature_slice for a version that works directly on slices.
+```rust title="schnorr_verify" showLineNumbers
+pub fn verify_signature(
+ public_key_x: Field,
+ public_key_y: Field,
+ signature: [u8; 64],
+ message: [u8; N],
+) -> bool
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/schnorr.nr#L4-L11
+where `_signature` can be generated like so using the npm package
+const { BarretenbergWasm } = require('@noir-lang/barretenberg/dest/wasm');
+const { Schnorr } = require('@noir-lang/barretenberg/dest/crypto/schnorr');
+const barretenberg = await BarretenbergWasm.new();
+const schnorr = new Schnorr(barretenberg);
+const pubKey = schnorr.computePublicKey(privateKey);
+const message = ...
+const signature = Array.from(
+ schnorr.constructSignature(hash, privateKey).toBuffer()
+## schnorr::verify_signature_slice
+Verifier for Schnorr signatures over the embedded curve (for BN254 it is Grumpkin)
+where the message is a slice.
+```rust title="schnorr_verify_slice" showLineNumbers
+pub fn verify_signature_slice(
+ public_key_x: Field,
+ public_key_y: Field,
+ signature: [u8; 64],
+ message: [u8],
+) -> bool
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/schnorr.nr#L15-L22
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+title: fmtstr
+`fmtstr` is the type resulting from using format string (`f"..."`).
+## Methods
+### quoted_contents
+```rust title="quoted_contents" showLineNumbers
+pub comptime fn quoted_contents(self) -> Quoted {}
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/format_string.nr#L3-L5
+Returns the format string contents (that is, without the leading and trailing double quotes) as a `Quoted` value.
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+title: Is Unconstrained Function
+ The is_unconstrained function returns wether the context at that point of the program is unconstrained or not.
+ [
+ unconstrained
+ ]
+It's very common for functions in circuits to take unconstrained hints of an expensive computation and then verify it. This is done by running the hint in an unconstrained context and then verifying the result in a constrained context.
+When a function is marked as unconstrained, any subsequent functions that it calls will also be run in an unconstrained context. However, if we are implementing a library function, other users might call it within an unconstrained context or a constrained one. Generally, in an unconstrained context we prefer just computing the result instead of taking a hint of it and verifying it, since that'd mean doing the same computation twice:
+fn my_expensive_computation(){
+ ...
+unconstrained fn my_expensive_computation_hint(){
+ my_expensive_computation()
+pub fn external_interface(){
+ my_expensive_computation_hint();
+ // verify my_expensive_computation: If external_interface is called from unconstrained, this is redundant
+ ...
+In order to improve the performance in an unconstrained context you can use the function at `std::runtime::is_unconstrained() -> bool`:
+use dep::std::runtime::is_unconstrained;
+fn my_expensive_computation(){
+ ...
+unconstrained fn my_expensive_computation_hint(){
+ my_expensive_computation()
+pub fn external_interface(){
+ if is_unconstrained() {
+ my_expensive_computation();
+ } else {
+ my_expensive_computation_hint();
+ // verify my_expensive_computation
+ ...
+ }
+The is_unconstrained result is resolved at compile time, so in unconstrained contexts the compiler removes the else branch, and in constrained contexts the compiler removes the if branch, reducing the amount of compute necessary to run external_interface.
+Note that using `is_unconstrained` in a `comptime` context will also return `true`:
+fn main() {
+ comptime {
+ assert(is_unconstrained());
+ }
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+title: Logging
+ Learn how to use the println statement for debugging in Noir with this tutorial. Understand the
+ basics of logging in Noir and how to implement it in your code.
+ [
+ noir logging,
+ println statement,
+ print statement,
+ debugging in noir,
+ noir std library,
+ logging tutorial,
+ basic logging in noir,
+ noir logging implementation,
+ noir debugging techniques,
+ rust,
+ ]
+The standard library provides two familiar statements you can use: `println` and `print`. Despite being a limited implementation of rust's `println!` and `print!` macros, these constructs can be useful for debugging.
+You can print the output of both statements in your Noir code by using the `nargo execute` command or the `--show-output` flag when using `nargo test` (provided there are print statements in your tests).
+It is recommended to use `nargo execute` if you want to debug failing constraints with `println` or `print` statements. This is due to every input in a test being a constant rather than a witness, so we issue an error during compilation while we only print during execution (which comes after compilation). Neither `println`, nor `print` are callable for failed constraints caught at compile time.
+Both `print` and `println` are generic functions which can work on integers, fields, strings, and even structs or expressions. Note however, that slices are currently unsupported. For example:
+struct Person {
+ age: Field,
+ height: Field,
+fn main(age: Field, height: Field) {
+ let person = Person {
+ age: age,
+ height: height,
+ };
+ println(person);
+ println(age + height);
+ println("Hello world!");
+You can print different types in the same statement (including strings) with a type called `fmtstr`. It can be specified in the same way as a normal string, just prepended with an "f" character:
+ let fmt_str = f"i: {i}, j: {j}";
+ println(fmt_str);
+ let s = myStruct { y: x, x: y };
+ println(s);
+ println(f"i: {i}, s: {s}");
+ println(x);
+ println([x, y]);
+ let foo = fooStruct { my_struct: s, foo: 15 };
+ println(f"s: {s}, foo: {foo}");
+ println(15); // prints 0x0f, implicit Field
+ println(-1 as u8); // prints 255
+ println(-1 as i8); // prints -1
+Examples shown above are interchangeable between the two `print` statements:
+let person = Person { age : age, height : height };
+println("Hello world!"); // Prints with a newline at the end of the input
+print("Hello world!"); // Prints the input and keeps cursor on the same line
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+title: Memory Module
+ This module contains functions which manipulate memory in a low-level way
+ [
+ mem, memory, zeroed, transmute, checked_transmute
+ ]
+# `std::mem::zeroed`
+fn zeroed() -> T
+Returns a zeroed value of any type.
+This function is generally unsafe to use as the zeroed bit pattern is not guaranteed to be valid for all types.
+It can however, be useful in cases when the value is guaranteed not to be used such as in a BoundedVec library implementing a growable vector, up to a certain length, backed by an array.
+The array can be initialized with zeroed values which are guaranteed to be inaccessible until the vector is pushed to.
+Similarly, enumerations in noir can be implemented using this method by providing zeroed values for the unused variants.
+This function currently supports the following types:
+- Field
+- Bool
+- Uint
+- Array
+- Slice
+- String
+- Tuple
+- Functions
+Using it on other types could result in unexpected behavior.
+# `std::mem::checked_transmute`
+fn checked_transmute(value: T) -> U
+Transmutes a value of one type into the same value but with a new type `U`.
+This function is safe to use since both types are asserted to be equal later during compilation after the concrete values for generic types become known.
+This function is useful for cases where the compiler may fails a type check that is expected to pass where
+a user knows the two types to be equal. For example, when using arithmetic generics there are cases the compiler
+does not see as equal, such as `[Field; N*(A + B)]` and `[Field; N*A + N*B]`, which users may know to be equal.
+In these cases, `checked_transmute` can be used to cast the value to the desired type while also preserving safety
+by checking this equality once `N`, `A`, `B` are fully resolved.
+Note that since this safety check is performed after type checking rather than during, no error is issued if the function
+containing `checked_transmute` is never called.
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+title: Merkle Trees
+description: Learn about Merkle Trees in Noir with this tutorial. Explore the basics of computing a merkle root using a proof, with examples.
+ [
+ Merkle trees in Noir,
+ Noir programming language,
+ check membership,
+ computing root from leaf,
+ Noir Merkle tree implementation,
+ Merkle tree tutorial,
+ Merkle tree code examples,
+ Noir libraries,
+ pedersen hash.,
+ ]
+## compute_merkle_root
+Returns the root of the tree from the provided leaf and its hash path, using a [Pedersen hash](./cryptographic_primitives/hashes.mdx#pedersen_hash).
+fn compute_merkle_root(leaf : Field, index : Field, hash_path: [Field]) -> Field
+ // these values are for this example only
+ index = "0"
+ priv_key = "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000616c696365"
+ secret = "0x1929ea3ab8d9106a899386883d9428f8256cfedb3c4f6b66bf4aa4d28a79988f"
+ note_hash_path = [
+ "0x1e61bdae0f027b1b2159e1f9d3f8d00fa668a952dddd822fda80dc745d6f65cc",
+ "0x0e4223f3925f98934393c74975142bd73079ab0621f4ee133cee050a3c194f1a",
+ "0x2fd7bb412155bf8693a3bd2a3e7581a679c95c68a052f835dddca85fa1569a40"
+ ]
+ */
+fn main(index: Field, priv_key: Field, secret: Field, note_hash_path: [Field; 3]) {
+ let pubkey = std::scalar_mul::fixed_base_embedded_curve(priv_key);
+ let pubkey_x = pubkey[0];
+ let pubkey_y = pubkey[1];
+ let note_commitment = std::hash::pedersen(&[pubkey_x, pubkey_y, secret]);
+ let root = std::merkle::compute_merkle_root(note_commitment[0], index, note_hash_path.as_slice());
+ println(root);
+To check merkle tree membership:
+1. Include a merkle root as a program input.
+2. Compute the merkle root of a given leaf, index and hash path.
+3. Assert the merkle roots are equal.
+For more info about merkle trees, see the Wikipedia [page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merkle_tree).
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+title: CtString
+`std::meta::ctstring` contains methods on the built-in `CtString` type which is
+a compile-time, dynamically-sized string type. Compared to `str` and `fmtstr`,
+`CtString` is useful because its size does not need to be specified in its type. This
+can be used for formatting items at compile-time or general string handling in `comptime`
+Since `fmtstr`s can be converted into `CtString`s, you can make use of their formatting
+abilities in CtStrings by formatting in `fmtstr`s then converting the result to a CtString
+## Traits
+### AsCtString
+```rust title="as-ctstring" showLineNumbers
+pub trait AsCtString {
+ comptime fn as_ctstring(self) -> CtString;
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/ctstring.nr#L43-L47
+Converts an object into a compile-time string.
+impl AsCtString for str { ... }
+impl AsCtString for fmtstr { ... }
+## Methods
+### new
+```rust title="new" showLineNumbers
+pub comptime fn new() -> Self {
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/ctstring.nr#L4-L6
+Creates an empty `CtString`.
+### append_str
+```rust title="append_str" showLineNumbers
+pub comptime fn append_str(self, s: str) -> Self {
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/ctstring.nr#L11-L13
+Returns a new CtString with the given str appended onto the end.
+### append_fmtstr
+```rust title="append_fmtstr" showLineNumbers
+pub comptime fn append_fmtstr(self, s: fmtstr) -> Self {
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/ctstring.nr#L17-L19
+Returns a new CtString with the given fmtstr appended onto the end.
+### as_quoted_str
+```rust title="as_quoted_str" showLineNumbers
+pub comptime fn as_quoted_str(self) -> Quoted {
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/ctstring.nr#L26-L28
+Returns a quoted string literal from this string's contents.
+There is no direct conversion from a `CtString` to a `str` since
+the size would not be known. To get around this, this function can
+be used in combination with macro insertion (`!`) to insert this string
+literal at this function's call site.
+```rust title="as_quoted_str_example" showLineNumbers
+let my_ctstring = "foo bar".as_ctstring();
+ let my_str = my_ctstring.as_quoted_str!();
+ assert_eq(crate::meta::type_of(my_str), quote { str<7> }.as_type());
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/ctstring.nr#L92-L97
+## Trait Implementations
+impl Eq for CtString
+impl Hash for CtString
+impl Append for CtString
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+title: Expr
+`std::meta::expr` contains methods on the built-in `Expr` type for quoted, syntactically valid expressions.
+## Methods
+### as_array
+```rust title="as_array" showLineNumbers
+pub comptime fn as_array(self) -> Option<[Expr]> {}
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/expr.nr#L10-L12
+If this expression is an array, this returns a slice of each element in the array.
+### as_assert
+```rust title="as_assert" showLineNumbers
+pub comptime fn as_assert(self) -> Option<(Expr, Option)> {}
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/expr.nr#L16-L18
+If this expression is an assert, this returns the assert expression and the optional message.
+### as_assert_eq
+```rust title="as_assert_eq" showLineNumbers
+pub comptime fn as_assert_eq(self) -> Option<(Expr, Expr, Option)> {}
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/expr.nr#L23-L25
+If this expression is an assert_eq, this returns the left-hand-side and right-hand-side
+expressions, together with the optional message.
+### as_assign
+```rust title="as_assign" showLineNumbers
+pub comptime fn as_assign(self) -> Option<(Expr, Expr)> {}
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/expr.nr#L30-L32
+If this expression is an assignment, this returns a tuple with the left hand side
+and right hand side in order.
+### as_binary_op
+```rust title="as_binary_op" showLineNumbers
+pub comptime fn as_binary_op(self) -> Option<(Expr, BinaryOp, Expr)> {}
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/expr.nr#L37-L39
+If this expression is a binary operator operation ``,
+return the left-hand side, operator, and the right-hand side of the operation.
+### as_block
+```rust title="as_block" showLineNumbers
+pub comptime fn as_block(self) -> Option<[Expr]> {}
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/expr.nr#L44-L46
+If this expression is a block `{ stmt1; stmt2; ...; stmtN }`, return
+a slice containing each statement.
+### as_bool
+```rust title="as_bool" showLineNumbers
+pub comptime fn as_bool(self) -> Option {}
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/expr.nr#L50-L52
+If this expression is a boolean literal, return that literal.
+### as_cast
+```rust title="as_cast" showLineNumbers
+ pub comptime fn as_cast(self) -> Option<(Expr, UnresolvedType)> {}
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/expr.nr#L56-L59
+If this expression is a cast expression (`expr as type`), returns the casted
+expression and the type to cast to.
+### as_comptime
+```rust title="as_comptime" showLineNumbers
+pub comptime fn as_comptime(self) -> Option<[Expr]> {}
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/expr.nr#L64-L66
+If this expression is a `comptime { stmt1; stmt2; ...; stmtN }` block,
+return each statement in the block.
+### as_constructor
+```rust title="as_constructor" showLineNumbers
+pub comptime fn as_constructor(self) -> Option<(UnresolvedType, [(Quoted, Expr)])> {}
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/expr.nr#L71-L73
+If this expression is a constructor `Type { field1: expr1, ..., fieldN: exprN }`,
+return the type and the fields.
+### as_for
+```rust title="as_for" showLineNumbers
+pub comptime fn as_for(self) -> Option<(Quoted, Expr, Expr)> {}
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/expr.nr#L78-L80
+If this expression is a for statement over a single expression, return the identifier,
+the expression and the for loop body.
+### as_for_range
+```rust title="as_for" showLineNumbers
+pub comptime fn as_for(self) -> Option<(Quoted, Expr, Expr)> {}
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/expr.nr#L78-L80
+If this expression is a for statement over a range, return the identifier,
+the range start, the range end and the for loop body.
+### as_function_call
+```rust title="as_function_call" showLineNumbers
+pub comptime fn as_function_call(self) -> Option<(Expr, [Expr])> {}
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/expr.nr#L92-L94
+If this expression is a function call `foo(arg1, ..., argN)`, return
+the function and a slice of each argument.
+### as_if
+```rust title="as_if" showLineNumbers
+pub comptime fn as_if(self) -> Option<(Expr, Expr, Option)> {}
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/expr.nr#L100-L102
+If this expression is an `if condition { then_branch } else { else_branch }`,
+return the condition, then branch, and else branch. If there is no else branch,
+`None` is returned for that branch instead.
+### as_index
+```rust title="as_index" showLineNumbers
+pub comptime fn as_index(self) -> Option<(Expr, Expr)> {}
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/expr.nr#L107-L109
+If this expression is an index into an array `array[index]`, return the
+array and the index.
+### as_integer
+```rust title="as_integer" showLineNumbers
+pub comptime fn as_integer(self) -> Option<(Field, bool)> {}
+> Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/expr.nr#L114-L116
+If this expression is an integer literal, return the integer as a field
+as well as whether the integer is negative (true) or not (false).
+### as_lambda
+```rust title="as_lambda" showLineNumbers
+pub comptime fn as_lambda(
+ self,
+ ) -> Option<([(Expr, Option)], Option, Expr)> {}