- Fixed typo in gruntfile.js
- Integrated Changes from natronite-bitbucket_dev
- Added support for Bitbucket
- Fixed Chaching and PHP Error
- Updated Documentation
- Made repositories configurable
- Renamed properties
- Ignoring config.project.json for your own settings
- Added host protection and protocol improvements
- Fixed path error
- Fixed deploy php script not being executed
- Fixed JS error
- Removing of old cache-files
- Added: caching to prevent double execution
- Added: Possibility for sub-gits in repositories for versioned configs
- Fixed Issue #2: Secret check for subdirectory installs
- Fixed github and gitlab identification
- Added enabled flag to config
- Checks if mails are configured
- Mails are now arrays with Names and E-Mails
- Updated Log Information
- Checks config file
- Fixed some log infos
- Moved code to subfolder
- Checks if .htaccess and mod_rewrite is working
- Fix mails with double recipient
- Added Logo & improved design
- Feature: Sending html mail
- Improved admin interface
- Feature: Sending notification mails
- Added Tag
- Added Grunt, use npm install
- Creating jobs
- Opening existing jobs
- Testrun jobs
- Deployments working for gitlab & github
- Static test script
- Example jobs