diff --git a/imap-core/lib/commands/rename.js b/imap-core/lib/commands/rename.js
index f51b9978..3a385eb3 100644
--- a/imap-core/lib/commands/rename.js
+++ b/imap-core/lib/commands/rename.js
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ module.exports = {
                 return callback(null, {
                     response: 'NO',
-                    code: 'TEMPFAIL'
+                    code: err.code || 'TEMPFAIL'
diff --git a/imap-core/test/protocol-test.js b/imap-core/test/protocol-test.js
index aaba0330..7a351707 100644
--- a/imap-core/test/protocol-test.js
+++ b/imap-core/test/protocol-test.js
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ let chunks = require('./fixtures/chunks');
 let expect = chai.expect;
 chai.config.includeStack = true;
+const { MAX_SUB_MAILBOXES, MAX_MAILBOX_NAME_LENGTH } = require('../../lib/consts.js');
 describe('IMAP Protocol integration tests', function () {
     this.timeout(100000); // eslint-disable-line no-invalid-this
     let port = 9993;
@@ -472,6 +474,66 @@ describe('IMAP Protocol integration tests', function () {
+        it(`cannot create a mailbox with subpath length bigger than ${MAX_MAILBOX_NAME_LENGTH} chars`, function (done) {
+            let cmds = [
+                'T1 LOGIN testuser pass',
+                `T2 CREATE parent/child/${'a'.repeat(MAX_MAILBOX_NAME_LENGTH + 1)}`,
+                'T3 CREATE parent/child',
+                'T4 CREATE testfolder',
+                'T5 LIST "" "*"',
+                'T6 LOGOUT'
+            ];
+            testClient(
+                {
+                    commands: cmds,
+                    secure: true,
+                    port
+                },
+                function (resp) {
+                    resp = resp.toString();
+                    expect(/^T2 NO \[CANNOT\]/m.test(resp)).to.be.true;
+                    expect(/^T3 OK/m.test(resp)).to.be.true;
+                    expect(/^T4 OK/m.test(resp)).to.be.true;
+                    expect(resp.indexOf('\r\n* LIST (\\HasNoChildren) "/" "testfolder"\r\n') >= 0).to.be.true;
+                    expect(resp.indexOf('\r\n* LIST (\\Noselect \\HasChildren) "/" "parent"\r\n') >= 0).to.be.true;
+                    expect(resp.indexOf('\r\n* LIST (\\HasNoChildren) "/" "parent/child"\r\n') >= 0).to.be.true;
+                    done();
+                }
+            );
+        });
+        it(`cannot create a mailbox with more than ${MAX_SUB_MAILBOXES} subpaths`, function (done) {
+            let cmds = ['T1 LOGIN testuser pass', `T2 CREATE tobechanged`, 'T3 CREATE parent/child', 'T4 CREATE testfolder', 'T5 LIST "" "*"', 'T6 LOGOUT'];
+            let path = '';
+            for (let i = 0; i < MAX_SUB_MAILBOXES + 1; i++) {
+                path += `subpath${i}/`;
+            }
+            path = path.substring(0, path.length - 1);
+            cmds[1] = `T2 CREATE ${path}`;
+            testClient(
+                {
+                    commands: cmds,
+                    secure: true,
+                    port
+                },
+                function (resp) {
+                    resp = resp.toString();
+                    expect(/^T2 NO \[CANNOT\]/m.test(resp)).to.be.true;
+                    expect(/^T3 OK/m.test(resp)).to.be.true;
+                    expect(/^T4 OK/m.test(resp)).to.be.true;
+                    expect(resp.indexOf('\r\n* LIST (\\HasNoChildren) "/" "testfolder"\r\n') >= 0).to.be.true;
+                    expect(resp.indexOf('\r\n* LIST (\\Noselect \\HasChildren) "/" "parent"\r\n') >= 0).to.be.true;
+                    expect(resp.indexOf('\r\n* LIST (\\HasNoChildren) "/" "parent/child"\r\n') >= 0).to.be.true;
+                    done();
+                }
+            );
+        });
     describe('RENAME', function () {
@@ -502,6 +564,57 @@ describe('IMAP Protocol integration tests', function () {
+        it('cannot rename a mailbox to a mailbox path where subpath length is bigger than max allowed', function (done) {
+            let cmds = [
+                'T1 LOGIN testuser pass',
+                'T2 CREATE testfolder',
+                `T3 RENAME testfolder parent/child/${'a'.repeat(MAX_MAILBOX_NAME_LENGTH + 1)}`,
+                'T5 LIST "" "*"',
+                'T6 LOGOUT'
+            ];
+            testClient(
+                {
+                    commands: cmds,
+                    secure: true,
+                    port
+                },
+                function (resp) {
+                    resp = resp.toString();
+                    expect(/^T3 NO \[CANNOT\]/m.test(resp)).to.be.true;
+                    expect(resp.indexOf('\r\n* LIST (\\HasNoChildren) "/" "testfolder"\r\n') >= 0).to.be.true;
+                    done();
+                }
+            );
+        });
+        it('cannot rename a mailbox to a mailbox path where there are more than max subpath count', function (done) {
+            let cmds = ['T1 LOGIN testuser pass', 'T2 CREATE testfolder', `T3 RENAME testfolder parent/child`, 'T5 LIST "" "*"', 'T6 LOGOUT'];
+            let path = '';
+            for (let i = 0; i < MAX_SUB_MAILBOXES + 1; i++) {
+                path += `subpath${i}/`;
+            }
+            path = path.substring(0, path.length - 1);
+            cmds[2] = `T3 RENAME testfolder ${path}`;
+            testClient(
+                {
+                    commands: cmds,
+                    secure: true,
+                    port
+                },
+                function (resp) {
+                    resp = resp.toString();
+                    expect(/^T3 NO \[CANNOT\]/m.test(resp)).to.be.true;
+                    expect(resp.indexOf('\r\n* LIST (\\HasNoChildren) "/" "testfolder"\r\n') >= 0).to.be.true;
+                    done();
+                }
+            );
+        });
     describe('DELETE', function () {
diff --git a/lib/api/mailboxes.js b/lib/api/mailboxes.js
index 7593614a..327c37c5 100644
--- a/lib/api/mailboxes.js
+++ b/lib/api/mailboxes.js
@@ -6,10 +6,11 @@ const imapTools = require('../../imap-core/lib/imap-tools');
 const tools = require('../tools');
 const roles = require('../roles');
 const util = require('util');
-const { sessSchema, sessIPSchema, booleanSchema } = require('../schemas');
+const { sessSchema, sessIPSchema, booleanSchema, mailboxPathValidator } = require('../schemas');
 const { userId, mailboxId } = require('../schemas/request/general-schemas');
 const { successRes } = require('../schemas/response/general-schemas');
 const { GetMailboxesResult } = require('../schemas/response/mailboxes-schemas');
+const { MAX_MAILBOX_NAME_LENGTH, MAX_SUB_MAILBOXES } = require('../consts');
 module.exports = (db, server, mailboxHandler) => {
     const getMailboxCounter = util.promisify(tools.getMailboxCounter);
@@ -281,6 +282,8 @@ module.exports = (db, server, mailboxHandler) => {
                 requestBody: {
                     path: Joi.string()
                         .regex(/\/{2,}|\/$/, { invert: true })
+                        .max(MAX_MAILBOX_NAME_LENGTH * MAX_SUB_MAILBOXES + 127)
+                        .custom(mailboxPathValidator, 'Mailbox path validation')
                         .description('Full path of the mailbox, folders are separated by slashes, ends with the mailbox name (unicode string)'),
                     hidden: booleanSchema.default(false).description('Is the folder hidden or not. Hidden folders can not be opened in IMAP.'),
@@ -539,6 +542,8 @@ module.exports = (db, server, mailboxHandler) => {
                 requestBody: {
                     path: Joi.string()
                         .regex(/\/{2,}|\/$/, { invert: true })
+                        .max(MAX_MAILBOX_NAME_LENGTH * MAX_SUB_MAILBOXES + 127)
+                        .custom(mailboxPathValidator, 'Mailbox path validation')
                         .description('Full path of the mailbox, use this to rename an existing Mailbox'),
                     retention: Joi.number()
diff --git a/lib/consts.js b/lib/consts.js
index 12806460..0d180f9a 100644
--- a/lib/consts.js
+++ b/lib/consts.js
@@ -137,5 +137,11 @@ module.exports = {
     MAX_FILTERS: 400,
     // maximum amount of mailboxes per user
-    MAX_MAILBOXES: 1500
+    MAX_MAILBOXES: 1500,
+    // Max length of a mailbox subpath element
+    // Number of mailbox subpaths in a single mailbox path
diff --git a/lib/mailbox-handler.js b/lib/mailbox-handler.js
index aa8be17d..5658fb28 100644
--- a/lib/mailbox-handler.js
+++ b/lib/mailbox-handler.js
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ const ObjectId = require('mongodb').ObjectId;
 const ImapNotifier = require('./imap-notifier');
 const { publish, MAILBOX_CREATED, MAILBOX_RENAMED, MAILBOX_DELETED } = require('./events');
 const { SettingsHandler } = require('./settings-handler');
+const { MAX_MAILBOX_NAME_LENGTH, MAX_SUB_MAILBOXES } = require('./consts');
 class MailboxHandler {
     constructor(options) {
@@ -40,6 +41,26 @@ class MailboxHandler {
             throw err;
+        const splittedPathArr = path.split('/');
+        if (splittedPathArr.length > MAX_SUB_MAILBOXES) {
+            // too many subpaths
+            const err = new Error(`The mailbox path cannot be more than ${MAX_SUB_MAILBOXES} levels deep`);
+            err.code = 'CANNOT';
+            err.responseCode = 400;
+            throw err;
+        }
+        for (const pathPart of splittedPathArr) {
+            if (pathPart.length > MAX_MAILBOX_NAME_LENGTH) {
+                // individual path part longer than specified max
+                const err = new Error(`Any part of the mailbox path cannot be longer than ${MAX_MAILBOX_NAME_LENGTH} chars`);
+                err.code = 'CANNOT';
+                err.responseCode = 400;
+                throw err;
+            }
+        }
         let mailboxData = await this.database.collection('mailboxes').findOne({ user, path });
         if (mailboxData) {
@@ -118,6 +139,27 @@ class MailboxHandler {
                 if (err) {
                     return callback(err);
+                const splittedPathArr = newname.split('/');
+                if (splittedPathArr.length > MAX_SUB_MAILBOXES) {
+                    // too many subpaths
+                    const err = new Error(`The mailbox path cannot be more than ${MAX_SUB_MAILBOXES} levels deep`);
+                    err.code = 'CANNOT';
+                    err.responseCode = 400;
+                    return callback(err, 'CANNOT');
+                }
+                for (const pathPart of splittedPathArr) {
+                    if (pathPart.length > MAX_MAILBOX_NAME_LENGTH) {
+                        // individual path part longer than specified max
+                        const err = new Error(`Any part of the mailbox path cannot be longer than ${MAX_MAILBOX_NAME_LENGTH} chars`);
+                        err.code = 'CANNOT';
+                        err.responseCode = 400;
+                        return callback(err, 'CANNOT');
+                    }
+                }
                 if (!mailboxData) {
                     const err = new Error('Mailbox update failed with code NoSuchMailbox');
                     err.code = 'NONEXISTENT';
diff --git a/lib/schemas.js b/lib/schemas.js
index 9da57058..41c0e80a 100644
--- a/lib/schemas.js
+++ b/lib/schemas.js
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 const EJSON = require('mongodb-extended-json');
 const Joi = require('joi');
+const { MAX_SUB_MAILBOXES, MAX_MAILBOX_NAME_LENGTH } = require('./consts');
 const sessSchema = Joi.string().max(255).label('Session identifier').description('Session identifier for the logs');
 const sessIPSchema = Joi.string()
@@ -82,6 +83,24 @@ const metaDataValidator = () => (value, helpers) => {
     return strValue;
+const mailboxPathValidator = (value, helpers) => {
+    const splittedPathArr = value.split('/');
+    if (splittedPathArr.length > MAX_SUB_MAILBOXES) {
+        // too many paths
+        return helpers.message(`The mailbox path cannot be more than ${MAX_SUB_MAILBOXES} levels deep`);
+    }
+    for (const pathPart of splittedPathArr) {
+        if (pathPart.length > MAX_MAILBOX_NAME_LENGTH) {
+            // part too long error
+            return helpers.message(`Any part of the mailbox path cannot be longer than ${MAX_MAILBOX_NAME_LENGTH} chars long`);
+        }
+    }
+    return value;
 const mongoCursorSchema = Joi.string().trim().empty('').custom(mongoCursorValidator({}), 'Cursor validation').max(1024);
 const pageLimitSchema = Joi.number().default(20).min(1).max(250).label('Page size');
 const pageNrSchema = Joi.number().default(1).label('Page number').description('Current page number. Informational only, page numbers start from 1');
@@ -111,5 +130,6 @@ module.exports = {
-    usernameSchema
+    usernameSchema,
+    mailboxPathValidator
diff --git a/test/api/mailboxes-test.js b/test/api/mailboxes-test.js
index 87da78c1..3dea99b6 100644
--- a/test/api/mailboxes-test.js
+++ b/test/api/mailboxes-test.js
@@ -11,12 +11,15 @@ const expect = chai.expect;
 chai.config.includeStack = true;
 const config = require('wild-config');
+const { MAX_MAILBOX_NAME_LENGTH, MAX_SUB_MAILBOXES } = require('../../lib/consts');
 const server = supertest.agent(`${config.api.port}`);
 describe('Mailboxes tests', function () {
     this.timeout(10000); // eslint-disable-line no-invalid-this
     let user;
+    let mailboxForPut;
     before(async () => {
         // ensure that we have an existing user account
@@ -33,6 +36,9 @@ describe('Mailboxes tests', function () {
         user = response.body.id;
+        const responseMailboxPutCreate = await server.post(`/users/${user}/mailboxes`).send({ path: '/path/for/put', hidden: false, retention: 0 }).expect(200);
+        mailboxForPut = responseMailboxPutCreate.body.id;
     after(async () => {
@@ -142,7 +148,7 @@ describe('Mailboxes tests', function () {
-        expect(response.body.results.length).to.be.equal(8);
+        expect(response.body.results.length).to.be.equal(9);
     it('should GET /users/{user}/mailboxes expect success / all params', async () => {
@@ -158,7 +164,7 @@ describe('Mailboxes tests', function () {
-        expect(response.body.results.length).to.be.equal(8);
+        expect(response.body.results.length).to.be.equal(9);
     it('should GET /users/{user}/mailboxes expect failure / params incorrect type', async () => {
@@ -434,4 +440,115 @@ describe('Mailboxes tests', function () {
         expect(response.body.error).to.be.equal('Mailbox deletion failed with code DisallowedMailboxMethod');
+    it('should POST /users/{user}/mailboxes expect failure / too many subpaths in mailbox path', async () => {
+        let path = '';
+        for (let i = 0; i < MAX_SUB_MAILBOXES + 1; i++) {
+            path += `subpath${i}/`;
+        }
+        path = path.substring(0, path.length - 1);
+        const response = await server.post(`/users/${user}/mailboxes`).send({ path, hidden: false }).expect(400);
+        expect(response.body.code).to.eq('InputValidationError');
+        expect(response.body.error).to.eq(`The mailbox path cannot be more than ${MAX_SUB_MAILBOXES} levels deep`);
+    });
+    it('should POST /users/{user}/mailboxes expect failure / subpath too long', async () => {
+        let path = '';
+        for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+            if (i % 5 === 0) {
+                // every fifth
+                path += `${'a'.repeat(MAX_MAILBOX_NAME_LENGTH + 1)}/`;
+            } else {
+                path += `subpath${i}/`;
+            }
+        }
+        path = path.substring(0, path.length - 1);
+        const response = await server.post(`/users/${user}/mailboxes`).send({ path, hidden: false }).expect(400);
+        expect(response.body.code).to.eq('InputValidationError');
+        expect(response.body.error).to.eq(`Any part of the mailbox path cannot be longer than ${MAX_MAILBOX_NAME_LENGTH} chars long`);
+    });
+    it('should POST /users/{user}/mailboxes expect success / edge case for subpath length and subpath count', async () => {
+        let path = '';
+        for (let i = 0; i < MAX_SUB_MAILBOXES; i++) {
+            path += `${'a'.repeat(MAX_MAILBOX_NAME_LENGTH)}/`;
+        }
+        path = path.substring(0, path.length - 1);
+        const response = await server.post(`/users/${user}/mailboxes`).send({ path, hidden: false }).expect(200);
+        expect(response.body.success).to.be.true;
+        expect(response.body.id).to.not.be.empty;
+    });
+    it('should PUT /users/{user}/mailboxes/{mailbox} expect failure / too many subpaths in mailbox path', async () => {
+        let path = '';
+        for (let i = 0; i < MAX_SUB_MAILBOXES + 1; i++) {
+            path += `subpath${i}/`;
+        }
+        path = path.substring(0, path.length - 1);
+        const response = await server.put(`/users/${user}/mailboxes/${mailboxForPut}`).send({ path, hidden: false }).expect(400);
+        expect(response.body.code).to.eq('InputValidationError');
+        expect(response.body.error).to.eq(`The mailbox path cannot be more than ${MAX_SUB_MAILBOXES} levels deep`);
+    });
+    it('should PUT /users/{user}/mailboxes/{mailbox} expect failure / subpath too long', async () => {
+        let path = '';
+        for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+            if (i % 5 === 0) {
+                // every fifth
+                path += `${'a'.repeat(MAX_MAILBOX_NAME_LENGTH + 1)}/`;
+            } else {
+                path += `subpath${i}/`;
+            }
+        }
+        path = path.substring(0, path.length - 1);
+        const response = await server.put(`/users/${user}/mailboxes/${mailboxForPut}`).send({ path, hidden: false }).expect(400);
+        expect(response.body.code).to.eq('InputValidationError');
+        expect(response.body.error).to.eq(`Any part of the mailbox path cannot be longer than ${MAX_MAILBOX_NAME_LENGTH} chars long`);
+    });
+    it('should PUT /users/{user}/mailboxes/{mailbox} expect success / edge case for subpath length and subpath count', async () => {
+        let path = '';
+        for (let i = 0; i < MAX_SUB_MAILBOXES; i++) {
+            path += `${`${i % 10}`.repeat(MAX_MAILBOX_NAME_LENGTH)}/`;
+        }
+        path = path.substring(0, path.length - 1);
+        const response = await server.put(`/users/${user}/mailboxes/${mailboxForPut}`).send({ path, hidden: false }).expect(200);
+        expect(response.body.success).to.be.true;
+    });
+    it('should POST /users/{user}/mailboxes expect failure / trailing slash', async () => {
+        let path = 'somepath/abc/';
+        const response = await server.post(`/users/${user}/mailboxes`).send({ path, hidden: false }).expect(400);
+        expect(response.body.code).to.eq('InputValidationError');
+        expect(response.body.error).to.eq('"path" with value "somepath/abc/" matches the inverted pattern: /\\/{2,}|\\/$/');
+    });
+    it('should PUT /users/{user}/mailboxes/{mailbox} expect failure / trailing slash', async () => {
+        let path = 'somepath/abc/';
+        const response = await server.put(`/users/${user}/mailboxes/${mailboxForPut}`).send({ path, hidden: false }).expect(400);
+        expect(response.body.code).to.eq('InputValidationError');
+        expect(response.body.error).to.eq('"path" with value "somepath/abc/" matches the inverted pattern: /\\/{2,}|\\/$/');
+    });