This is selenese script interpreter implemented by Java.
It supports test-case and test-suite which are Selenium IDE's native format.
- Run test-case and test-suite generated by Selenium IDE from command line.
- Support commands of Selenium IDE: Flow Control.
- Log URL/title/Cookies at all commands.
- Take screenshots at all commands. (optional)
- Override base URL.
- Override directory of screenshot path.
java -jar selenese-runner.jar <option> ... <test-case|test-suite> ...
-d,--driver <driver> firefox (default) | chrome | ie | safari | htmlunit | FQCN-of-WebDriverFactory
-p,--profile <name> profile name (Firefox only)
-P,--profile-dir <dir> profile directory (Firefox only)
--proxy <proxy> proxy host and port (HOST:PORT) (excepting IE)
--proxy-user <user> proxy username (HtmlUnit only *)
--proxy-password <password> proxy password (HtmlUnit only *)
--no-proxy <no-proxy> no-proxy hosts
-s,--screenshot-dir <dir> override captureEntirePageScreenshot directory.
-S,--screenshot-all <dir> take screenshot at all commands to specified directory.
-b,--baseurl <baseURL> override base URL set in selenese.
--chromedriver <path> path to 'chromedriver' binary. (implies '--driver chrome')
--xml-result <dir> output XML JUnit results to specified directory.
-h,--help show this message.
- Java 6 or later.
- Apache Maven 2.x or later.
- Install Apache Maven.
- clone this repository
- run build script
mvn -P package
That will create the selenese-runner.jar file within the 'target' directory.
The Apache License, Version 2.0.
see "LICENSE" file.