This is distributed scoreboard application that keeps track of scores posted by players as well as their online status. The application uses a zookeeper service. The online status is maintained using the ephemeral Znodes and scores are maintained in regular nodes. Player program can be used to insert/post scores to zookeeper. Watchers display the scoreboards by implementing watches on player Znodes. One of the scoreboards displays most recent scores that is implemented suing channels. The other scoreboard is highscore list that is implemented using sorted array. Each player is individually watched by the watcher by using go routines.
The program expects a zookeeper service running on some IP and port that will be passed to the binaries as parameters in the form IP:PORT or just IP if the defualt 2181 port is used.
- Manual Mode - input scores manually
go run player.go <IP:PORT> <PlayerName>
- Automated Mode - post scores automatically using Meanscore with some random standard deviations at an random interval with mean of MeanDelay. This will repeat for ScoreCount times.
go run player.go <IP:PORT> <PlayerName> <ScoreCount> <MeanDelay> <MeanScore>
go run watcher.go <IP:PORT> <ScoreBoardSize>
The scoreboard shows two lists. One is the the recent scores and other is the highest score. Double asterisks signify that the player is online.
Most recent scores
Hulk 248 **
IronMan 134 **
Hulk 155 **
IronMan 79 **
Hulk 107 **
IronMan 104 **
Hulk 61 **
Hulk 180 **
IronMan 207 **
Hulk 76 **
Highest scores
THOR 326
THOR 299
THOR 297
THOR 270
Hulk 251 **
Hulk 248 **
THOR 246
IronMan 225 **
THOR 209
IronMan 207 **