- by Roberto Vitillo
- reading: done
- copying: 145 > http caching
- a group of nodes that cooperate by exchanging messages over communication links to achieve some task
- the emergence of an application requiring high availability and resilience against single node failures
- law of leaky abstractions
- cubic TCP algorithm
- grpc
- building distirbuted locks with dynamodb
- paxos whitepaper by microsoft PDF
- raft consensus algorithm
- finite state machines
- consensus algorithms
- CAP thereom white paper PDF
- throughput: number of requests processed per second
- response time: the time elapsed in seconds between sending a request and receiving a response
- capacity: the maximum load a service can handle
- availability: the percentage of time a service is available for use, generally expressed in Nines
- one nine: 90%; 2.4 hours
- 2 nines: 99%; 14.40 minutes
- 3 nines: 99.9%; 1.44 minutes
- 4 nines; 8.64 seconds
- 5 nines: 864 milliseconds
- fault-tolerant data stores
- linearizable: aka stong consistency: the strongest consistency guarantee a system can provide for single object requests
- compare-and-swap operation: atomically updates the value of a key if and only if the process attempting to update the value correctly identifies the current value
- write-once register: WOR; a thread-safe and linearizable register that can onlyh be written once but can be read many times
- read-modify-write: aka optimistic concurrency control; application-level design pattern;
- updating an item but ONLY if it hasnt changed since you last read it
- requires that all processes knows to increment the version number for specific items
- read: an application retrieves the item and store its version number in memory
- modify: prepare the update and increment the version number (this will be the new version you'll check against in the future write)
- write: execute the update with a conditional expression that fails if the version number has changed since you last read it
- indicates some other process has changed the data your interested in
- updating an item but ONLY if it hasnt changed since you last read it
- scatter gather technique: funny name for a regular-ole thread-safe data chunking algorithm
- the base thread determines the number of chunks primary key for each chunk
- threads are created to read/write chunks to/from dynamodb
- communication
- how are requests & responses represented on the wire
- what happens in the event of temproary network outages
- how to guard `against snooping
- coordination
- especially in the presence of failures
- and failures are unavoidable
- is always expensive to implement
- especially in the presence of failures
- scalability
- in terms of efficiently handling load, i.e. the consumption of system resources
- an increase in load sholuld not degrade a service's performance
- resiliency
- system able to work in the face of failures
- maintainability
- easy to modify, extend and operate
- IPC: inter-process communication
- internet protocol suite
- TCP: reliability and stability at the price of lower bandwidth and higher latencies
- connection lifecycle: opening > established > closing
- flow control: backoff mechanisms implemented to private the sender from overwhelming the receiver; similar to rate-limiting
- congestion window: the total number of outstanding segments that can be sent without an acknowledgement from the other side
- a way to guard against flooding the undelrying network
- UDP: connectionless transport layer protocol for higher bandwith utilization by not providing any reliability, flow control, or congestion control
- securing messages with TLS
- servers authenticated with digital certificates provided by some root certificate authority
- maintaining message integrity by calculating message digests
- service discovery
- DNS: the phonebook of the internet lol ;)
- setting the right TTL for optimial DNS caching
- too long: clients wont see DNS changes
- too short: increase the load on name servers as cache entries expire requiring clients to fully resolve hostnames
- setting the right TTL for optimial DNS caching
- DNS: the phonebook of the internet lol ;)
- APIs
- direct: all processes are up and running for the communication to succeed
- request-response pattern
- indirect: e.g. messaging patterns where processes communicate via a broker and not directly to each other
- synchronous: sender waits for a response by blocking the current thread
- asynchronous: senders doesnt wait, or provides a callback
- effective API evolution strategies
- endpoint level: changeing /x to /x2
- message level: changing the schema of expected request/response messages
- direct: all processes are up and running for the communication to succeed
- fair-loss: assumes that messages may be lost and duplicated; but if the sender keeps resending a message, eventually it will be delivered to the destination
- reliable link: assumes that a message is deliverd exactly once, without loss or duplication
- a reliable link can be implmeneted on top of a fair loss one by de-duplicating messages at the receiving end
- authenticated reliable link: makes the same assumptions as reliable link but additionally assumes that the receiver can authenticate the sender
- JSON: human readable; self-describing
- protobuff: binary
- HTTP: generally used for public APIs
- openApi (swagger)
- using the correct Http methods
- safe methods: cachable requests that dont have any visible side effects
- idempotent methods: can be executed multiple times and the end result will be the same as if it was executed just a single time
- POST is neither safe nor idempotent
- but can be made idempotent by adding a some ID to each request
- the server can store this UID and validate if its a duplicate or not
- if the IDs are stored in the same DB as api resources then you can guarantee atomicity with ACID transactions
- safe methods: cachable requests that dont have any visible side effects
- responding with the correct http status codes
- gRPC: open source universal RPC framework
- generally used for internal APIs
- multicast: enables delivery of messages to groups of processes
- unlike TCP which is point-to-point, or unicast
- guarantees the message is delivered to all non fault processes in a group
- best-effort broadcast: only if the sender doesnt crash
- reliable broadcast: even if the sender crashes before the message has been fully delivered
- eager reliable broadcast: reliable broadcast + each process retransmits the message to the rest of the gorup the first time its delivered
- gossip broadtcast protcol: eager reliable broadcast + only a subset of processes retransmit the message
- total order broadcast: reliable broadcast + guarantees that messages are delivered in the same order to all processes
- a group of processes that gives its users the illusion they are interacting with one coherent node
- when a client sends a request to a server - how does it know if its successful?
- how long to wait for a response?
- how long to wait before triggering a timeout?
- ping: a periodic request that a process sends to another to check whether its available
- the sender expects a response within a specific timeframe
- heartbeat: a message that a process periodically sends to another
- if the destination doesnt receive a heartbeat within a specific time frame, ikt triggers a timeout and considers the process unavailable
- arbitrary fault: assumes that a process can deviate from its algorithm in arbitrary ways, leading to crashes or unexpewcted behaviors caued by bugs/malicious activity
- aka byzantine model
- used to model safety-critical systems like airplange engines, nuclear power plants, cryptocurrencies
- crash recovery: assumes that a process doesnt deviate fromm its algorithm but can crash and restart at any time, losing its in memory state
- crash stop: assumes that a process doesnt deviate from its algorithm but doesnt come back online if it crashes
- generally used to model unrecoverable hardware faults
- synchronous: assumes that sending a message or executing an operation never takes more than a certain amount of time
- asynchronous: assumes that sending a mesage or executing an operation on a process can take an unbounded amount of time
- partial asynchronous: assumes that the system behaviors synchronously most of the time
- generally representative enough of real world systems
- there is no shared global clock that all processes agree on that can be used to order operations
- it all boils down to knowing if one operation happened before another across nodes
- every process has access toa physical wall-time clock
- generally based on a vibrating quartz crystal; measurements are affected by manufacturing differences and external temperature
- quartz clocks periodically synchronize their time with atomic clocks
- clock drift: the rate at which a clock runs faster/slower
- clock skew: the difference between two clocks at a specific point in time
- atomic clocks measure time based on quantum mechanical properties of atoms
- monotonic clocks: measures the number of secondes elapsed since an arbitary point in time and can only move forward
- useful for measuring elapsed time between two timestamps on the same node
- measures the passing of time in terms of logical opeartions, not wall-clock time
- counter: incremented before an opeartion is executed
- logical timestamp: if two operations execute on the same process, then one must come before the other
- synchronization point: when one process sends a message to another
- the operations executed by the sender before the message was sent
- the operations that the recediver executed after receiving it
- the operations executed by the sender before the message was sent
- lamport clock: a logical clock based on the idea of synchronization points
- each process in the system must have a local counter that follows specific rules
- that i wont capture here, google it
- assumes a crash-stop model
- each process in the system must have a local counter that follows specific rules
- a logical clock that guarantees that if a logical timestamp is less than another, then the former must have happened-before the latter
- implemneted with an array/dictionary of counters, one for each process in the system, and each process has a local copy of all counters
- a specific process with special powers relative to others
- accessing shared resources
- assigning work to others
- algorithm requirements
- safety: only one leader at any given time
- liveness: an election eventually completes even in the presence of failures
- best practices
- minimize the amount of work the leader performs
- account for failed elections or instances when more than one leader exists
- the data store that tracks leases must be fault-tolerant
- positives
- having a leader can simplify the design of a system as it eleminates concurrency
- negatives
- scalability bottleneck if the number of operations performed by the leader increases tot he point where it can longer keep up
- the leader is a single point of failure with a large blast radius
- if the election process/leader node fails it can bring down the entire system
- general consensus: a group of processes has to decide a value so that
- every non-faulty process eventually agrees on a value
- the final decision of every non-faulty process is the same everywhere
- the value that has been agreed on has been proposed by a process
- uniform consensus: when all processes have to a agree on a value, even fault ones
- e.g. when atomically commiting a distributed transaction
- increases availability, scalability and performance by redundantly storing data and operating services across multiple nodes
- chain vs leader-based replication
- chain: simpler and more performant:
- reads: higher througputs and lower response times
- can be served immediately without contacting othe replicas
- can be distributed across replicas while still guaranteeing linearizability
- writes: higher potential latency but cant be pipelined to improve throughput
- updates need to go through all processes in the chain before it can be considered committed
- a single slow replica can slow down all writes or take down the entire chain
- reads: higher througputs and lower response times
- leader-based
- writes: more resilient to transient degredations
- the leader only has to wait for a quorom before a write is considered commited
- if any particular process fails, it doesnt matter as long as a majority are still up
- writes: more resilient to transient degredations
- chain: simpler and more performant:
- the main idea is that a single process (the leader) broadcasts operations that changes it's state to other processes (the followers)
- if each follower executes the same sequence of operations as the leader, then each follower will end up in the same state as the leader
- a large part of state machine replication is didicated to fault-tolerance
- any process can fail at any time
- broadcast messages can be lost due to network failures
- all operations must be deterministic so that all followers end up in the same state
- a deterministic way to solve the problem of consensus
- main components
- broadcast protocol: guarantees every replica receives the same updates in the same order even in the presence of faults
- i.e. fault-tolerant total order broadcast (equivelent to consensus)
- update function: a deterministic function that handles updates on each replica
- broadcast protocol: guarantees every replica receives the same updates in the same order even in the presence of faults
- deals with the coordination tax paid in leader-based replication by moving coordination operations off of the systems data plane into a separate control plane
- control plane: can tolerate up to C/2 failures, where C = number of replicas in the control plane
- data plane: can tolerate up to N-1 failures, where N = number of processes
- the systems critical path responsible for responding to client requests
- doesnt require a state machine (i.e. a leader) because its not responsible for fault tolerance
- its sole focus is throughput and effiency
- processes are arranged in a chain
- head: the leftest/first process
- handles all writes, updates its local state and forwards the update to the next process until it reaches the tail
- the tail updates its local state and responds back up the chain
- whe the head receives the acknowledgment it responds to the client the write succeeded
- tail: the rightest/last process
- handles all reads
- responsible for acknowledging writes received by the head and replicated down the chain
- head: the leftest/first process
- consistency: strong
- all writes and reads ar eproceeded one at a time by the tail
- failure modes
- the head can fail
- the control plan removes it and promotes a successer process to be the new head and notifies clients
- the tail can fail
- the control plan removes it and makes a predecessor the new tail
- an intermediate process can fail
- the control plan removes it and updates the link to between the failed nodes predecessor and the fail nodes successor
- i.e. if A - B - C and B fails, the new link becomes A - C
- the control plan removes it and updates the link to between the failed nodes predecessor and the fail nodes successor
- the head can fail
- the configuration manager responsible for
- the data planes health
- fault tolerance in the system (replacing faulty processes)
- ensures theres a single view of the chain's topology and that every process agrees with it
- the control plane itself needs to be fault tolerant
- requires some state machine replication like Raft
- the type of guarantee a distributed system provides to readers of distributed data that a read request matches the most recent write request
- modeled on a spectrum
- strong consistency (linearizability)
- sequential consistency
- eventual consistency
- the issue being
- a write request takes time to process and replicate to all other nodes
- a read request can be received by the node after a request request is sent, but before its committed and replicated to all other nodes
- while a write request will only go to the leader in a distributed system, a read request can go to:
- the leader
- any follower
- a combination of leader and follower nodes
- since a read request can be handled by any node
- observers of the system can have different views of the systems state causing inconsistent system behavior
- when picking a consistency type you must decide between
- how consistent the observers views of the system are
- the systems performance and availability
- the only model providing real-time guarantees
- even tho it doesnt happen in real time
- writes and reads appear to take place atomically at any specific point in time as if there was a single copy of data
- e.g. if clients sends writes & reads exclusively to the leader node
- the side-effects of an operation are visible to all observers once its completes
- before a request can be resolved, the service must confirm that its copy of the data is up to date with a quorom of nodes
- this confirmation step considerable increases the time required to serve a request
- might be another term for Sequential consistency
- is stronger than eventual consistency but weaker than strong consistency
- strong consistency imposes a GLOBAL order that all processes must agree with
- solves the happened-before order problem of eventual consistency
- benefits
- for many applications: causal consistnecy is
consistent enough
and easier to work with than eventual consistency - is provably the strongest consistency model that enables building systems that are also available and partition tolerant
- CAP boomshakalaka
- for many applications: causal consistnecy is
- algorithm imposes a partial order on operations
- requires that processes agree on the order of causally related operations
- processes can disagree on on the order of unreleated operations
- ensures operations occur in the same order for all observers but doesnt provide any real-time gurantees about when an operations side effects becomes visible
- the lack of real-time guarantees is what differentiates this from strong consistency
- all reads must go to followers and not leaders, and clients are pinned to specific followers
- considerably increases read throughput compared to strong consistency
- by pinning clients to specific followers, reduces availability in the event a follower goes down, then their clients lose access to the data store
- examples
- pub/sub systems synchronized with a queue
- a producer writes items to the queue, which a consumer reads
- the producer and consumer see the items in the same order, but the consumer lags behind the producer
- pub/sub systems synchronized with a queue
- allows clients to read from any follower to increase availability but sacrifices consistency
- the happened before problem
- a client can send two reads that are resolved by different followers each having different views of the state
- the happened before problem
- the only guarantee this provides is that all followers will eventual converge on the same state
- requirments
- eventual delivery: guarantee that every update applied at a replica is eventually applied to all replicas
- convergence: guarantee that replicas that have applied the same updates eventually reach the same state
- particularly important as replicas may receive writes in totally different orders
- stronger guarantees relative to plain eventual consistency
- eventual deivery: the same guarantee as in eventual consistency
- strong convergence: guarantee that replicas that have executed the same updates have the same state
- uses various kinds of algorithms that provide a detreminstic outcome for any potential write conflict without requiring consensus between nodes
- enables building systems that are highly availble, strongly eventual consistent, and also partial tolerant
- i.e. almost all 3 of the CAP theoreom
- a system can guarantee TWO of THREE
- C: strong Consistency
- A: Availability
- P: network Partition tolerenace
- the idea that in the event of a network partition, whereby parts of a system become disconnected from each other, two choices are available
- remain available by allowing clients to query followers that are reachable but not consistent with each other
- guarantee strong consistency by failing reads that cant reach consistent nodes
- FYI on the Availability in CAP
- requires that every request eventually receives a response
- this is impossible in the real world
- in fact, extgremely slow responses are entirely worthless
- FYI on the P in CAP
- network partitions can happen, but are rare in data centers
- its better to think about this in terms of Latency/performance relative to strong consistency
- the more strongly consistent a system is, the more latency will be inherint
- an extension to CAP
- in general
- in case of networking partioning (P)
- the system must choose between availability (A) and consistency (C)
- else (E) even in the absense of partitions
- the system must choose between latency (L) and consistency (C)
- in case of networking partioning (P)
- each represent consistency, availability and partitions as binary choices, but really its a spectrum
- its really a choice between the amount of consistency and performance required by a system, relative to the required availability
- states that a program has a consistent, coordination-free distribution implemnetation if an only if it is monotonic
- when new inputs further refine the output and cant tae back any prior output
- e.g. a program that computes the union of a set
- once an element (input) is added to the set (output) it cant be rmeoved
- CRDTs are monotonic
- monotonic programs TRUMP the CAP thereom by being all three a the same time
- consistent: lol not the same C in CAP (lineariability)
- consistency in CALM focuses on the programs output (application level)
- a consistent program is one that produces the same output:
- no matter in which order the imputs are processed
- despite any conflicts
- a consistent program is one that produces the same output:
- consistency in CAP focuses on reads and writes (storage level)
- consistency in CALM focuses on the programs output (application level)
- available
- partition tolerant
- consistent: lol not the same C in CAP (lineariability)
- when a new input can retract a prior output
- e.g. variable assignment is a non-monotonic operation since it overwrites the variables prior value
- Conflict-free replicated data type: CRDT; a data type with specific requirements for when
- a client sends an update or query operation to any replica
- it keeps a localy copy of the request
- it broadcasts the request to others
- it merges broadcast requests it receives
- how each replica converges to the same state
- its local state is a semilattice (partially ordered)
- its merge operation produces a state that is idempotent, commutative and associative
- guarantees a lower form of consistency but doesnt have to pay the cost of expensive coordination
- a client sends an update or query operation to any replica
- examples
- registers
- counters
- sets
- dictionaries
- graphs
- last writer wins: LWW; associates a timestamp with every update to make them totally ordewrable
- issues:
- conflicting updates resolve to the update with the greatest timestamp which may not logically make sense from a business perspective
- issues:
- multi value: MV; tracks all concurrent updates and returns conflicts to the client application for resolution
- issues:
- the client application must contain logic to resolve any conflicts
- issues:
- provide the illusion that either all the operations within a group complete successfully or none of them do
- i.e. as if the group of operations were atomic
- transactions are straight forward within a single DB, but complicated with distributed DBs
- guarantees that partial failures arent possible
- either all operations in the transactions succeed or none do
- partial failures require guaranteeing that the successes are rolled back
- a log thats persisted to disk before changing state in the actual data store
- each log entry records the:
- identifier of the transaction making the change
- identifier of the object being modified
- both the old and new values of the object
- if a transaction is aborted/system crashes, the WAL contains enough info to redo changes
- ensures atomicity and durability within a single data store
- the WAL isnt shared across processes
- ensures atomicity and durability within a single data store
- synchronous protocol used to implement atomic transaction commits across multiple processes
- often combined with a blocking concurrency control protocol like 2PL to provide isolation
- i.e. participants are holding locks while waiting for the coordinator, blocking other transactions acessing the same objects from making progress
- often combined with a blocking concurrency control protocol like 2PL to provide isolation
- it requires
- cooridnator process: orchestrates the actions of other processes
- when the coordinator wants to commit a transaction it sends a
request to the participants - if all processes are prepared, it then sends a
request ordering them to do so - if any process is unprepared/doesnt reply, it sends a abort request
- when the coordinator wants to commit a transaction it sends a
- participants: the other processes
- cooridnator process: orchestrates the actions of other processes
- assumptions
- the coordinator and the participants are always available
- the duration of any transaction is short-lived
- issues with 2PC
- requires multiple round trips for a transaction to complete
- if the coordinator/any participant fails, transactions are blocked
- guarantees that application level invariants must always be trust
- i.e. transactions can only transition a DB from one correct state to another correct state
- this shiz is funny because this isnt a DB-level requirement, but a developer-level requirement
- Joe Hellerstein said he through the C in to make the acronym work!
- has nothing to do with the C (consistency) in other acronyms in this file
- guarantees that a transaction appears to run in isolation as if no othe transactions are executing
- i.e. like a synchronous operation that isnt susceptible to race conditions
- easiest way to guarantee isolation is to execute transactions serially one after the other using a global lock
- dirty write: when a transaction overwrites the value written by another transaction that hasnt comitted
- dirty read: when a transaction observes a write from a transaction that hasnt completed yet
- fuzzy read: when a transaction reads an objects value twice but sees a different value in each read
- because another transaction updated the value between the two reads
- aka Non-repeatable reads
- phantom read: when a transaction reads a group of objects matching a specific condition while another transaction concurrently adds/updates/deletes objects matching the same condition
- protects against one/more types of race conditions
- there are more isolation levels that the ones listed below
- serializable: forbids phantom reads and everything below it
- the only isolation level that protects against al possible race conditions
- strict serializability: adds a real-time requirement on the order of transactions
- combines serializable guarnatees with lineraizability guarantees
- when a transaction completes, its side effects become immediately visible to all future transaction
- repeatable read: forbids fuzzy read
- read comitted: forbids dirty reads
- e.g. postgres' default isolation level
- read uncommitted: forbid dirty writes
- Serializability: i.e. the best isolation level (see above somewhere)
- the challenge becomes maximizing concurrency while still preserving the appearance of serial execution
- pessimistic concurrency control protocol
- uses locks to block other transactions from accessing an object
- 2PL: two-phase locking: has two types of LOGICAL locks
- READ locks: can be shared by multiple transactions that acess the object in read only mode
- WRITE locks: can be held by a single transactions only
- issues with 2PL
- deadlocks: when two transactions are waiting for a lock the other transaction holds
- read only transactions might wait for a long time to acquire a shared lock
- optimistic concurrency control protocol
- executes a transaction without blocking based on the assumption that conflicts are rare and transactions are short lived
- OCC: Optimistic Concurrency Control: lol a protocol that uses the type of protocol as the name for the protocol
- a transaction writes to a local workspace without modifying the actual data store
- when the transaction wants to commit
- the data store compares the transctions workspace to see whether any conflicts exist with its state
- if no conflicts exist (some serializability algorithm) the local workspace is committed to the datastores workspace
- if conflicts do exist: the transaction is thrown away
- issues
- when conflicts exist transactions are wasted
- ready only transactions may be aborted because the value that was rad has been overwritten
- uses physical locks: i.e. locks that exist at the storage level and not the DB-program level
- this might not be the best summarization of the book
- optimistic vs pessimistic protocols
- optimistic: better for read-heavy workloads
- avoid the overhead pessimistic protocols: i.e. no need to acquire or manage logical locks
- pessimistic: more efficient for conflict-heavy workloads since they avoid wasting work
- optimistic: better for read-heavy workloads
- multi version concurrency control: MVCC; maintains an older version of the data store to overcome the issues with 2PL and OCC
- optimizes for read-only transactions by ensuring it always reads an immutable and consistent snapshot of the data store without blocking or aborting due to a conflict with a write transaction
- can never block because of awaiting a lock
- conflict because the previous value was overwritten by a concurrent write
- for write tranactions it falls back to either 2PL or OCC
- optimizes for read-only transactions by ensuring it always reads an immutable and consistent snapshot of the data store without blocking or aborting due to a conflict with a write transaction
- snapshot isolation: uses MVCC
- a read-only query logically operates on a consistent snapshot of the database taken when query evaluation begins
- guards against
- Dirty reads
- Non-repeatable read
- Phantom reads
- guarantees that once the DB commits the transaction, the changes are persisted on durable storage s othat db doesnt lose the cnages if it subsequently crashes
- whenever you need to update apply transactions across multiple data stores
- outbox pattern:
- the first data store sends its sucessfully committed local transactions to some temporary store
- the temporary store is monitored by some relay service and replays those transactions in the other data stores
- conceptually similar to state machine replication
- Saga pattern:
- each saga is a distributed transaction composed of a set of local transactions
- each local transaction is paired with an
transaction - if all transactions in a saga succeed, then continue, else call the undo transactions to rollback
- its generally a good idea for a saga to be implemented with
- an orchestrator: manages the execution of the local transactions across the processes involved
- semantic locks: any data the saga modifies is marked with a dirty flag, which is only cleared at the end of the transaction
- the ability for a system to perform its purpose without performance degradations as load increases
- vertical scaling: scaling up: making a system use its resources more efficiently, or providing more resources to be consumed
- key strategies for scalability
- functional decomposition
- partitioning
- replication
- breaking a system into distinct components with well defined boundaries and responsibilities
- then each component can be scaled individually
- splitting data into partitions and distributing them among nodes
- then no single node takes the full force of load
- replicating functionality or data across nodes, i.e. horizontal scaling
- the only long-term solution to increase a systems capacity
- of various things discussed in this file
- state machine replication protocol
- leader-based replication
- implemented as a state machine in which any process is in one of three states
- follower: the process recognizes another one as the leader
- candidate: the process starts a new election proposing itself as a leader
- leader: the process is the leader
- time: is divided into election terms of arbitrary length that are numbered in consecutive integers (i.e. logical timestamps)
- a term begins with a new election, during which one/more candidates attempt to become the leader
- leader election process
- when the system starts up, all processes are in the follower state
- if a follower does not receive a heartbeat from the leader the process presumes the leader is dead
- the follower starts a new election by incrementing the current term and transitioning to the candidate state
- it votes for itself and sends a request to all processes in the system to vote for it, stamping the request with the current term election
- the process remains in the candidate state until
- the candidate wins the election
- another process wins the eletion
- a period of time goes by with no winner
- i.e. a split vote: the candidate state will eventually time out and start a new election and repeat until a process wins
- the idea is that each competing process tries to acquire a lease by creating a new key with compare-and-swap
- the first process to succeed becomes the leader and remains such until it stops renewing the lease
- replication process
- when the system starts up, a leader is elected using Rafts leader election algorithm
- the leader is the only process that can change the replicated state
- it does so by storing the sequence of operations that alter the state into a local log, which it replicaes to the followers
- when the leader wants to change state
- it first appends a new entry for the operation to its log and NOT to the state
- it broadcasts the same AppendEntry operation to all followers who also appends it to their local log (and NOT to their local state)
- once the leader receives an acknowledgement response from a majority of followers it considers the AppendEntry log to be committed and executes the entry against its local state
- once the leaders local state is updated it sends another broadcast message to followers to update their state
- impact on leader election
- a follower cant vote for a leader if the candidates log is less up-to-date than its own log
- this way only the most up to date candidate can become the leader
- a follower cant vote for a leader if the candidates log is less up-to-date than its own log
- in the author's opinion: the best known design of an eventually consistent and highly available key-value store
- many other key-value stores have been inspired by it: e.g. cassandra and Riak Kv
- novelty
- every replica can accept write and read requests
- write quorum: when a clients sents a write entry to the data store:
- it sends the request to N replicas in parallel
- waits for an acknowledgment from only W replicas
- read quorum: when a client wants to read an entry from the data store:
- it sends the request to all replicas
- waits for just R replies
- returns the most recent entry
- to resolve conflicts
- entries behave like LWW or MV registers depending on the implementatoin behavior
- when W + R > N: the write quorum and the read quorum must intersect with each other
- i.e. at least one read will return the latest version
- read heavy workloads: benefit form a smaller R;
- i.e. less read-replicas need to agree on what the most recent entry is
- when W + R < N: for maximum performance at the expense of consistency
- read repair: a mechanism that clients implement to help bring replicas back in sync whenever they perform a read
- basically a client that sends a read request, but fails to get a read quorom
- it resends its latest write request to bring out-of-sync replicas back in sync
- replica synchronization: continous backgorund mechanism that runs on every replica and periodically communicates with others to identify and repair inconsisistencies
- arguable one of the most sucessful NewSQL data stores
- breaks key-value pairs into partitions in order to scale
- each partition is replicated across a group of nodes in different data centers using the Paxos protocol
- uses 2PC to support transactions that span multiple partitions
- uses MVCC combined with 2PL to guarantee isolation between transactions