Small Spigot plugin coded up in a day to add nicknames and AFK status for Minecraft 1.18.
Download on DevBukkit:
- Show nicknames above player heads, in tab list, in chat, and in player join/leave messages
- Nicknames support spaces.
- Show AFK status in tab list, and optionally above player heads (see caveat below)
- Broadcast message when player goes AFK.
- AFK status automatically removed when player moves their mouse (camera) or types in chat.
- Players auto AFK after configurable amount of time (can be disabled).
- AFK players auto-kicked after configurable amount of time (can be disabled).
- Administrator commands to nick/unnick other players.
- Nicknames are limited to 16 characters as this is the maximum allowed above player heads
- Yes this can be upped to 48 with scoreboards but I chose not to add this for better plugin compatibility.
- If showing AFK status above player head is enabled and a player's username/nickname is longer than 10 characters, their nicknames will be truncated to 9 characters due to limitation above.
- Player will flicker for ~2 ticks when their AFK status or nickname changes.
- This plugin doesn't touch scoreboards, so any plugins using that should work fine.
- Probably not compatible with other mods which inject data into Play.Server.PLAYER_INFO packets or depend on those packets not being sent randomly.
- /nick [nickname]: Set your own nickname.
- /nonick: Remove your own nickname.
- /nicklist: List users and their nicknames.
- /afk: Toggle your AFK status.
- /setothernick [player] [nickname]: Set the nickname of another player. Needs OP (or permission node).
- /delothernick [player]: Remove the nickname of another player. Needs OP (or permission node).
- /nickafkreload: Reload plugin configuration file. Needs OP (or permission node).
- @dmulloy2 and contributors for ProtocolLib.
- @Zeelia for adding death message support.