CoastalApp-testsuite contains comprehensive tests for the different modeling components implemented in CoastalApp. The test suite is used to run automated tests for the model and data components after an update in CoastalApp. There are two set of tests: (a) small scale tests that require very limited compute resources (e.g., the Shinnecock inlet cases) and (b) large scale tests that require extensive compute resources that can be run on a Cluster/HPC environment (e.g., the HSOFS cases). In any case, to run any of these tests the user is responsible to download and compile CoastalApp first.
Component name abbreviations used in the testsuite:
atm ATMESH data component pam PAHM model component adc ADCIRC model component sch SCHISM model component fvc FVCOM model component ww3 WaveWatch III model component ww3data WW3DATA data component
CoastalApp-testsuite is hosted in NOAA's Office of Coast Survey github modeling repository: along with other applications and models. The source code of CoastalApp is publicly available from the GitHub repository:
This application can be downloaded using one of the following methods:
(1) Clone CoastalApp-testsuite from GitHub using the command:
git clone
The source will be downloaded into the target directory CoastalApp-testsuite.
(2) Download the CoastalApp-testsuite archive using the command:
and extract the sources in the CoastalApp-testsuite directory by issuing the following commands:
unzip -o (the data will be extracted into the CoastalApp-testsuite-main directory)
mv CoastalApp-testsuite-main CoastalApp-testsuite (move the extracted files to the CoastalApp-testsuite directory)
NOTE: It is assumed that all subsequent operations take place inside the CoastalApp-testsuite directory (cd CoastalApp-testsuite
If the application is not already downloaded and/or compiled, you may refer to CoastalApp's file for detailed instructions on how to download and compile CoastalApp. While, the location of the CoastalApp is a user's preference, it is suggested to download the application into the CoastalApp-testsuite directory where the top level "run" script can find CoastalApp.
To run the large scale tests (e.g., "hsofs" cases) or model cases that require large input data (e.g., FVCOM cases) download the required data to run the tests (all shinnecock test cases are self contained) using the commands:
cd CoastalApp-testsuite
and extract the data into the "comm" directory by issuing the command:
tar -zxvf hsofs-data-v3.tgz
This command will extract the data into the CoastalApp-testsuite/comm directory.
The run infrastracture in CoastalApp-testsuite utilizes environment module systems like Lmod (installed in most HPC clusters) or Environment Modules. The library requirements to run the test cases are the same as those of CoastalApp (please refer to the CoastalApp's file for a detailed explanation on system requirements).
To run particular test case(s), CoastalApp-testsuite provides the script which, accepts many options to allow the user to customize the run environment of the testsuite. Running the script as: --help
will bring up a help screen as shown in Table 1 that explains the use of all available options to the script:
- Change directory into CoastalApp-testsuite
- Edit the file regtest_list.dat and uncomment the test cases you want to run
- Edit (or create) an "environment file" (a sample can be found in templates/env_tests) that contains values for the different options used by the run script. The location of this file by setting the environment variable TESTS_ENV_FILE to point to the location of the newly created file (if env_tests is in the same location as
there is no need to set the TESTS_ENV_FILE variable). If most of the option values remain the same between run sequences, it is convenient to have this file in place and only supply a few options to the script OPTIONAL STEP - Run the
script to initiate the run sequence for the requested tests
Next are given some examples of how to run the
script (assuming that CoastalApp has been compiled):
Example 1 Running on NOAA's RDHPCS HPC systems (the default values are designed for hera): --mod CoastalApp/modulefiles/envmodules_intel.hera
This example assumes that CostalApp is contained within CoastalApp-testsuite. In this case, the script will first load the modulefiles/envmodules_intel.hera file and then will present to the user a list of the configured parameters, waiting for a yes/no answer to continue.
Example 2 CoastalApp is located outside the CoastalApp-testsuite (hera): --mod PATH_TO_CoastalApp/modulefiles/envmodules_intel.hera --bin_dir PATH_TO_CoastalApp/ALLBIN_INSTALL
Example 3 Running on TACC HPC systems (CoastalApp inside CoastalApp-testsuite): --mod CoastalApp/modulefiles/envmodules_intel.tacc --accnt nosofs --queue normal --runexe ibrun
Example 4 Running on TACC HPC systems (CoastalApp inside CoastalApp-testsuite): --mod CoastalApp/modulefiles/envmodules_intel.tacc --accnt nosofs --queue normal --runexe ibrun
Example 5 Using the PBS batch system (CoastalApp inside CoastalApp-testsuite): --mod CoastalApp/modulefiles/envmodules_intel.plat --batch pbs --accnt my_accnt --queue my_queue --runexe mpirun
Example 6 Using the environment file only (CoastalApp inside CoastalApp-testsuite):
In this case all options to
are included in the ENV_FILE. If only specific options are to be included in the command line, the script can be run as:TESTS_ENV_FILE=PATH_TO_ENV_FILE --runexe mpirun